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Topic subject(DEL) Kaelth the Avenger of the Righteous
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=5748
5748, (DEL) Kaelth the Avenger of the Righteous
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Apr 14 16:24:06 2002

4 o''clock PM, Day of the Bull, 8th of the Month of the Frost Giant on the Theran calendar Kaelth perished, never to return.

Cabal:MARAN, the Holy Brigade of the Phoenix
PK Ratio:60% (closer to 100% is better)

5749, Its a shame.
Posted by Kerikorlian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go, g'luck with the next.
5750, A question
Posted by AnImEfAhN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now that you're dead and gone, can you explain to me why you were as aggressive toward Seklir as you were toward evils, even if you could see that he was neutral? I just wanted to hear your view, I already know the actions are going to give other people a view of your soul and whatnot, but from what I saw, you typically if I were closer hunt me over evils. When you could get the first strike that is... assassins can handle a paladin fairly easily if they're careful, and neutral is always a plus (was, until you remembered flamestrike, ouch.) As for when I took a guess (didn't know for sure that you were a maran yet, only trying for one) and found you near the fortress, was it just smart thinking on your part to word when it looked like I was stalking you, but had stepped out when I stumbled into the watcher? Or was there another reason you up and left? Starting with you, every paladin I tangled with wanted me dead, but were very careful not to let me assassinate them or anything. I think you did extremely well at our ranks considering what few options you typically had when we dropped in on one another.

In my experience on both sides, paladins shouldn't tangle with too many assassins in general... unless they have and remember other options during a fight, but I'd still like to hear your opinion on that statement.
5751, RE: A question
Posted by Kaelth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its quite simple really as to why I hunted you and kept doing such. My first encounter with you was inside the white tower. You were traveling with an orc and another evil player. I told you that those who aid the darkness in destroying those of the light, were no better and would be seen as such. And then told you to leave and I would not touch you. You retorted that you would destroy me if I even dared. Well I got the jump on you and got you down kind of fast, and you got away. From there, you started running your mouth from a safe distance, and well that sort of irrated me ooc, but ah well part of the game.
Later I then saw you take down a storm paladin, and to me thats just another act of evil, and you were always with Amanthra when I saw you and you were always traveling with evil. For all intensive purposes I saw you as evil, and told you at one point.
5752, RE: A question
Posted by AnImEfAhN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seklir had gotten to know Amanthara and was a close friend of hers, so being with her to kill and rank ran a bit deeper than necro=maladict assassin=lag. Maybe she'll reveal more if she deletes.

I didn't blame you for hunting me, I blamed you when OTHER paladins starting hunting me because of you. ;) I just wanted to know which was more important IC, my actions in the past, or what detect evil would reveal. Seklir was careful to keep his good and evil friends separate from one another.

All in all you were a good paladin, better than me anyway what with the Eryn tattoo before I even first met you and all... ;)
5753, hey there
Posted by Tylinn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sorry to see you go man, we're going to need everyone we can use soon enough. It has been a lot of fun with all these paladins running around to back us up. I learn a little more with each char, and you are definitely one that helped me learn some. I thought you were a good maran, and one that would stick things out when they got tough. cya in the fields, and stick with team goodie!
5754, Raping bastard
Posted by Llohuir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Raped me while naked, something about unghosting right after I left a previous fight dead and then you came into camelot and slayed me outright, with me having a sword and shield and jester's pants and vest.

IC, you were the bastard I wish to kill over and over again. OOC, well, that's what a Maran is for! No mercy for those who walk the dark.

I kicked my chair hard after you slayed me and was tempted to delete. But looks like I stuck it out.

Why O why did you delete? Where can I fuel my Anger now that you are gone! :P
5755, RE: Raping bastard
Posted by Kaelth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad you didn't delete since that would have been just down right silly. As for what gear you have and such, its really hard because as a maran, you hunt evil. You dont walk in(especialy a shaman) look at them and then decide if you will hunt them or not. You see someone and you make up your mind and go all out to bring them down, and that just happened to be the case with you. I went into the fight not knowing if you were decked or just scraps, but I went for it none the less. You always had a way of just vanishing and then reappearing a moment later when I was chasing you, was fustrating.

Well, to me as a player I deleted over something I thought was very lame. Everyone has their limit and I guess I just reached mine.

5756, that was unexpected...
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You seemed to be doing pretty well, from what I saw...and caused your opponents to grumble loudly on more than one occasion. Other than seeming a little stand-offish....I thought you were a pretty strong member of the Brigade. Sad to see you go...but to each their own.

good luck on whatever is next
5757, RE: that was unexpected...
Posted by Eleke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Generally full looting and saccing makes people grumble. That's about the only thing about him that would cause one to grumble.
5760, RE: that was unexpected...
Posted by Kaelth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And generally I dont do it. BUT you were made the exception of, mainly because of the little tell you sent me afterwards. You were constantly bragging to others and mocking them, and when you were called out and killed you tried to make it look like you had no gear and tried to hide it.
5763, RE: that was unexpected...
Posted by Eleke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jumping an assassin wielding a small stick while tanking large guards for mid level characters and spamming wrath isn't exactly calling someone out. I'm quite glad Dullameh returned the favor to you, repeatedly. Maybe this time you have your roller set to storm paladin instead of human. Go you.
5765, Since when...
Posted by Boldereth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since when is that an unfair tactic? Honestly, he whipped you in front of your crew, you weren't paying enough attention, and he picked up upon it and used it to his advantage. That's kind of like saying that a druid using the hunt on someone while they are script-practicing is lame. Sure it doesn't take much skill, but it takes even less to avoid it, so he's already got a step up on you. Likewise it is rather sad that A) you chose to take it OOC and be happy that the lich had to multikill him to make you happy (and of course boost his phylacs, but still) and B) you're ragging on him for taking the more challenging of the two choices for a Paladin. Go you.
5766, RE: Since when...
Posted by Eleke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, it seems my reply to this was deleted. You should learn to read for understanding, seeing as I was refuting his claim to have 'called me out'. It would have saved you a lot of useless typing.
5764, My dad's bigger than your dad...
Posted by ArChaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'm quite glad Dullameh
>returned the favor to you, repeatedly.

go him

>Maybe this time you have your roller set to storm paladin instead of >human. Go you.

maybe next time you won't be dead
5761, To dispel some rumors.
Posted by Krivohan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The first time you died it had nothing to do with me and you died in that ungodly raid. Then you just sat around the Chasm until you unghosted and to be fair there was a big gang hutning Dullameh and I and decided to take you out quick. The third time you died was a we had just came back into Hamsah and there you sat, so we thought you were linkdead and didn't attack, but you had that super secret maran power up and we were running to the east side to meet that paladin/sylvan group and just happened to walk into you and you died in a round. As a char ##### off I'm glad you're gone one less paladin to deal with, but as a player I really liked you. I know all about rage deletions and sorry it got the best of you. You were one of the few Maran I actually thought did a decent job as a paladin and maran. Good luck and com eback as a Scion.
5762, RE: To dispel some rumors.
Posted by Kaelth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On the first kill, sure. I tip my hat and accept it since it was a good solo battle I had with Dullameh. Had him down a bit, sanc fell and I had no mana. And when I tried to flee I kept fleeing into the Inner guardian or Dullameh so I couldn't quaff a teleport. (The big group was still outside and a no show yet)
The second kill I was walking from Tar Valon to Hamsah (on the way to visit a paladin to see if I can get a sword and shield) and I was summoned away (This I bleh) Third kill I was lagged to hell and come back to see myself dead.
Death normaly doesn't bother me as I just grab some midnight, a sword or two and go plugging at it again. But some reason it really irked me this time as it wasn't the first time I was multi-killed after unghosting. Just seemed like Phylactery harvesting, but ah well.

You were perhaps my favorite Scion Krivohan, as you would truck along no matter the odds and actually play when there were no other Scions around. Had to find you sure, but you still were there. And I doubt I'll come back as a scion any time soon, with the current crowd and all.
5758, a wise man once said...
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

"Let ye without sin cast the first stone..."

or to paraphrase for my use here... 'if you make a habit of full looting your kills, don't be overly surprised when someone does it to you'.

I'm not making an accusation, even though it could be construed as such, I'm just saying that it's easy to grumble and complain when it's done to you....and not think twice about doing it to someone else. The golden rule is an important one to remember.

5759, I just heard the same this yesterday at church....n/t
Posted by Wow on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
5767, RE: (DEL) Kaelth the Avenger of the Righteous
Posted by Lorimar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn you! I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off and then I hear the Watcher say you leave. You were great to have around. When it cames to tougher battles you were one of the people I knew I could count on since I met you in the mid 30's or so. *sighs* Cant say I dont wish you had stuck it out but the lich multikilling you like that is enough to push anyone over the edge. Anyhow, thank for the fun and hope to see you again sometime.

Lor :+