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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Fhaen Drusan the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=57255
57255, (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Fhaen Drusan the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Apr 9 18:46:31 2007

At 1 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 35th of the Month of the Heat
on the Theran calendar Fhaen perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
57256, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Fhaen Drusan the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Fhaen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Where to begin... Fhaen was a throw away char who lasted quite longer than I expected. I lost interest towards the end. I must admit after being gone for 4 years, things have changed a lot. Hero range PK was kind of the dull side of Fhaen's existance, I much more enjoyed the lower ranks of pk. It was easier to find good fights, and good opponents at low ranks, at high ranks it was myself against the world it seemed. I had something more interesting cooking on a back burner though, and I am going to play that.

Anyways- goodbye's


Eulinda: I always liked your RP, it didn't grate my nerves as it did some.

Thrak: I love balls to the wall giants, going to play one myself someday

Vhlou: I thought you were a good leader, our interactions were limited, but nonetheless I thought you quite solid.

Pesh: you deleted too soon

Taelina: I liked you a lot, and not only because of your songs :P I enjoyed your RP a good bit.

Brinkmun: I think you are a good drillmaster. I realize that not everyone can play all the time they would like. When I started here, I was 16-17 yrs old and not a care in the world. I am now nearly 28, married, with an IT position. I can't log as much time as I'd like either.


Kanaev: Not much I could hope to do against you..Dagger/flail didn't work out as well as mace/sword some other high dmg output spec vs a conjurer. I always wonder though, how you like your char? Personally I have declined to play a conjurer due to the lack of interesting skills/spells..all you got to do was swing your net, and hope your servitors killed someone.

Zesam: Killed you a few times, I didn't mind you. And yes, I had some of the shooloo in me once or twice..yuck..

Tumarellen: Never did get the 1v1 to the end as I hoped ahh well.

Tihogrom: good fights, I liked you a good deal.

Jenno: Keep trucking, I felt bad for killing you but whenever you ganked me knowing I could totally mess you up alone made me smile.

Hmm forties...none of note, although I don't like the "new breed" of fort people.

Sokde: I liked how you got Theroc to give back my dagger. I was hellbent on killing him for that.

To anyone I missed. My appologies.

Fhaen Drusan
Selfren Vandergast the Stalwart Hunter of the Damned
Penz the Black-Clad Samurai of Battle.
Narin the dai sensei of the miyama riu
Panir Azzamen The holy of faith
and some others I don't remember.

57259, What?
Posted by Shooloo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't like a little bit of the Shooloo? I thought everyone did. I've calmed down on my have a little bit of the Shooloo. Too bad you deleted. So many villagers gone. I haven't had to retrieve in a while. At least empire is keeping the nexus busy :P I'm just going to have to say the Shooloo is putting a ban on anymore villagers or nexus deleting. Wouldn't it be better to just con die or something? I think so :P
57262, The Real Truth
Posted by Theroc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Real Truth:

Sokde wanted to make half the money from the price I offered you (50gold). She was the one who told me that she will do the transaction as you wanted to kill me. I never asked her to be my middle-man but she volunteered. I had a lowbie-thief in mind for that. Then the next day, Sokde became a chicken-s### and started her b####ing about you threating to kill all the Heralds...

As per you, you couldn't kill me even when you attacked. Not easy to kill a City-Slicker Hero cause you can't see him. And I would have loved seeing you trying to sick Pesh on me. You have no idea what is the meaning of Thief Guilds.

I only had 4 PK deaths...2 to Iia and 2 to Archibu

I am poor right now, thats why I haven't bought the PBF
57263, Not Kanaev.
Posted by Ilden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I think you'd find evil conjurers a bit more interesting than you give them credit.

It takes a certain amount of panache to survive servitors at times and its probably not as tacticless and simple as it would seem from an enemy's perspective.
57264, Hmph
Posted by Nuloh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked a lot, enjoyed fighting you (though I never really enjoy fighting berserkers, you just don't know where the fight is gonna go). That fight right before you deleted wasn't meant to be a gank, you attacked the captain then thirsted to run down eastern road. How could I not just follow you and let you keep attacking me. All our other fights rocked though, I need to dig out the one where I distended into hero range and you and Vhloug jumped on the chance to fight me and raided the spire.
Good Job
57265, RE: Hmph
Posted by Fhaen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Sorry I left you out! I got along with you quite well (given that you were a mage, and a tribunal). I only ever lied to you once (I was chaotic evil so it works out fine) I did kill jenno at the temple, I just did it quietly ;) (underhand/hamstring) muah.

57269, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Fhaen Drusan the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Brinkmun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
SON OF A ***** I liked you, and now you delete! Good char, and take it easy homes.

57270, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Fhaen Drusan the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Eulinda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mostly liked Fhaen, thought he was a good character, just took liberties with Eulinda too soon, and so she had to kill you. :P Sorry about that! But really, he was very promising growing up and when he got to hero range he delivered pretty well, and if Eulinda thinks so you should be proud, she had high standards. Keep it up.
57372, regarding a pbf comment
Posted by Chuntogian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
- Thu Feb 22 11:38:22 2007 by 'Ysaloerye' at level 23 (16 hrs):
He rattles of names of the old villagers, but no role and kinda minimal desc. Bleh. If he's going to come off like a vet then I'd expect more than 1 MPK from him!

Roles are great, but they still aren't mandatory. If an applicant or villager is rattling off the names of old villagers, why isn't this a positive thing? Incorporating stuff like that into roleplay is far more important than putting it in a role (though I would have done that as well). I'm also unsure as to the connection between sounding like you've done your research, and having only 1 MPK. I interacted a bit with Fhaen with a mort, and sort of got where he was coming from, as far as talking about old villagers. To me, it was neat.

Anyway, just my two cents.
57377, Isn't it obvious?
Posted by Otherside on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It showed he was a veteran, and very knowledgable in the villages setting and even more so in its history. So why the hell hasn't he put some roleplay effort in, or racked up some of the kills you expect a veteran to? Being able to list names isn't unimpressive, but its indicative that he's able to put far more effort into either pk or rp, yet didn't.
57378, Not really
Posted by Chuntogian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If it was obvious, I wouldn't have asked the question. A newbie could go to the Lyceum, research the villages history, and rattle off names and situations. In fact, it's often required of an applicant. But many never mention those names again. I always found Fhaen to be roleplaying, and that pbf comment didn't mention a lack of roleplaying. It mentioned a lack of role. Big difference. Lack of mage kills isn't something you want to see from an applicant or villager, but I don't see how it ties into knowing the villages history.

I see what you're trying to get at, but I really don't agree with it. And I'm not saying the pbf comment is horrendous, just that it's sort of nebulous to me. Which happens in pbf comments, they're often quick and spur of the moment.
57379, Just to point out as well
Posted by bored on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The comment was made when the character was level 23 with only 16 hours on the character. Looking at some recent PBF's of previous villagers/one time villagers you can find the following stats:

Fhaen 12 hours to level 20 with a 0 pk

Hielikekl 8 hours to level 20 with 0 pk
Kaasi 12 hours to level 20 with 0 pk (Class given detect invis)
Twilakon 14 hours to level 20 with 1 pk (Had inherent detect invis)
Thakazhaar 10 hours to level 20 with 1 pk

My point of this is that it does not look like many village applicants have a large number of pk's let alone mage kills early on. While I'm not defending the merits of Fhaen as I didn't interact with him I think the stats would indicate he was pretty much the norm when it comes to pk's at that leve/# of hours.
57381, RE: Not really
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I always found Fhaen to be roleplaying, and that pbf
>comment didn't mention a lack of roleplaying.

You definitely saw a different Fhaen than I did. I waffled on docking him a handful of XP a number of times for comments that seemed fairly OOC to me. Ultimately I decided not to, so whatever it was probably wasn't all that awful.

Just saying, it's not necessarily obvious from his RP or in-game interaction what he was trying to do there. I certainly saw hours of Fhaen and I couldn't even begin to take a guess. From what you're saying it sounds like there was something there, but that just makes this even more the textbook case where even a one-paragraph quickie role could have helped someone watching him understand what he was getting at SO much.
57383, Hours of Fhaen!! Answer to you all within.
Posted by Fhaen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You Fhaen lover you. Something must have kept you watching ;). I am going to answer you all (I hope with one swift blow). It has been 4 years since I've played. I had some decent chars Selfren/Panir probably being the most noteworthy. Fhaen was just me trying to get back-into a very fun past time. CF isn't just something I can easily go into, nor is roleplaying. To be honest, I have always had a hard time roleplaying. It often takes me days when I do write a roll- most of them have been pretty decent. I don't bother writing one/two paragraph roles because I don't think they do a character justice. As per the OOC comments, I can see where they would come from. Think of it this way, I came off like a Vet Because I was there for a lot of the village's history. Selfren was there for most of Intronan's Lead. I grouped with loborguz nearly constantly throughout his life until we both heroe'd. Eventually Selfren auto'd I roll up penz, get inducted by Intronan, to have Intronan hero IMM- Loborguz takes the lead, and I play with him as commander until he con-dies, then Nerylana takes up the lead. So yeah, I rolled with them/gre a lot of other "famous villagers" Then, I rolled up Narin- inducted by intronan same deal roll around with a bunch of names on the pillar. Then eventually I roll Panir who is a follower of intronan tatoo'd etc. So I can see how I come off as a 'vet'. Now take all of that and put it in with 4 years of not being pk'd in this game, 4 years of changes, 4 years of new areas/things I knew going away etc. And you get Fhaen basically my "whats this do" character or "where is this, what is this etc." So, I am sure I broke my RP time and time again. I am now rolling around with a new char with (what I think is) a decent role, but I am having a hard time with his RP.

57385, RE: Not really
Posted by Chuntogian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think we saw two different Fhaen's, and my gut tells me there were two different Fhaen's. The early incarnation (which was the one I mainly interacted with and the one the aforementioned pbf dealt with) had some roleplay in him. My guess from limited later interactions, and from what I read and saw, is that he became less attached to his earlier roleplay the further he progressed in levels. I don't know enough about Fhaen one way or another to give any definitive answer, nor do I wish to defend him in any way, but that early in his life, the pbf comment struck me as odd in a few ways. As for him writing a one paragraph quickie role... yeah, it would have been worth the time, I don't know why people are often intimidated by writing roles. It doesn't have to be a tome.
57393, RE: Not really
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>As for him writing a one paragraph quickie role... yeah, it
>would have been worth the time, I don't know why people are
>often intimidated by writing roles. It doesn't have to be a

Bingo. I mean, is your one paragraph role going to win a role contest? Depends on who's judging, but probably not. Does it help us out a lot in figuring out your RP and rewarding you for it as appropriate? Yup.