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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectMy departure
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=57167
57167, My departure
Posted by Kholav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well it has happened, I told myself next time I fell in SERVICE to my cabal I would decide to go away. This character was a total surprise for me, I never thought that I would be leading a cabal of any kind. I tried to make Kholav, order embodied with a little bit of compassion and understanding while dispensing Justice. I think I was able to do this, but my view tends to be very subjective 

Now for the individual good byes,


Maethron, man I really enjoyed our interactions and your devotion to the letter of the law. A trapper thief must be extremely frustrating to play in a cabal where you cannot really use the traps within the cities to hunt criminals since they cannot target specific individuals. You are doing well and I hope that the goal we spoke of for your character becomes a reality.

Linolaques, I hoped to be your first follower but I understand that playing the game instead of running the game is a lot more fun. I enjoyed the induction interview and or few interactions when you become an immortal.

Paskat, I learned a lot of my administrative skills regarding the Spire from you when you died I was extremely worried IC for the future of the Spire.

Nuloh, damn you are deathful. Your knowledge of the game became quickly apparent recently and I believe if you stick around great things are in store.

Lucury, damn your old! If you would show up more often the Spire would be a great force.

Vessit, I cannot count the amount of times you have sacrificed yourself and slayed in the defense of the Spire. Keep on trucking, the Spire needs a Lich/Mummy/(insert undead thingy).


Hunsobo, man what can I say….damn scary. It was great that we used each other a little to complete our personal and political goals. I enjoyed our travels immensely and will miss them.


Tumarellen and Zesam, I liked that you respected the position of the Spire and enjoyed our brief alliance against the Villager Horde of Doom ™


Man waging the war was one of the hardest things that Kholav had to do, he knew that his Magistrates would suffer the majority of the casualties in the spit spat but it had to be done. In the end I believe that the ground rules that were set up helped both organizations conduct business.

Vhloughvang, While rude as hell, Kholav had a deep respect that you stuck to your convictions but lost a wee bit of that respect when you linked up to with those two orcs  But hey we all make choices.


Thank you for an awesome game, I have been addicted since the maple.can.net days and it amazes me that I never get bored of this damnable thing!
To the person who decided to empower me, a damn shame you never revealed yourself to your most devout follower, but oh well.

Trabryn, Thank for that interaction on the fly, it was so simple yet it made Kholav believe that he was doing what was expected of him.

Marmaanth, dude where are you? We need the scary Lich around some more to put a little bit of fire in the Law!

Lyristeon, acorns and rotten eggs? That was great!

If I forgot someone I am sorry, just reply to this thread and I will gladly respond.


57194, Hunsobo greet Kholavguy
Posted by Hunsobo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, it's too bad to see you go, definitely one of Hunsobo's best allies, but to be honest it sorta felt like you deleted about a month ago when you had that long absence. Once you came back, you seemed less patient and slightly more distant, but I attributed that to the pain-in-the-ass of being Head Inductor for Tribs than anything regarding me.

I was definitely more "nice" to you than any non-Imperial, but in the end I really think Hunsobo got the better end of the bargain.

It was great having you around when I was pretty much alone against 4-5 Fort heroes for that long stretch (pre-Waserax, especially). Without you around I definitely would have died a lot more often.

Hunsobo will definitely miss having you around, even if we didn't hang recently.

Too bad our recent excursions to Hell didn't go as well as we'd have liked. Not exactly the way a person wants to spend an hour on a Friday evening, sitting around waiting for a repop. Ug. Ah well!

From what I could tell, Kholav's RP was perfect for the calm, collected, orderly healer.

All around, well played, good luck with the next one!
57193, RE: My departure
Posted by Bawgor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed our induction interview. You focused primarily on the RP behind my character rather than the typical "find X in Galadon" and "what is the meaning of law Y?" I thought that was really cool. Although my interaction with you was a bit short, you also seemed like a well respected leader within and outside the Spire.

Good luck with the next character. I will miss not being the only healer in the Spire.
57192, RE: My departure
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was the one that empowered you. You didn't pray much, and I will admit I didn't watch much more than to make sure you were doing your thang the right way. I'm sorry if you felt neglected! I actually assumed you'd made up the getting empowered by a 'Power' thing instead of following a true god because you didn't want imms meddling in your healerness. Sorry about that! Next time, if you want more love, throw up some IC prays! I'm always down for some good RP, but I'm not going to force it on people if they don't seem interested.

Good luck on your next!
57190, RE: My departure
Posted by Vessit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This sucks. Evil is such a minority in the spire and Kholav was very encouraging to the small group of evils there. You were definately a strength in tribunal and I'm sure its going to feel like a hit with you gone.

Good luck with your next.
57183, RE: My departure
Posted by Linolaques on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just had a feeling from the time that I first met you that you would be Provost eventually and do a swell job. Of course, the fact that I was in charge of making a lot of the decisions that lead to that helped fulfill my prophecy, but I don't think many people could complain about how your character went.

The most important characters for CF are the cookie-cutters done well, and they can be fairly difficult to enjoy playing for a long time. I think you did a great job breathing life into a fairly generic role without needing to invent some ridiculous hook to stand out.

I enjoyed every interaction I had with you, and I wish you great luck with your next!
57182, Still working on increasing my playtimes...
Posted by Lucury on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I have to say, it was great fun earlier this year when we would constantly raid/retrieve against Outlanders, back when school hadn't started and I still have time to regularly log on. It was nice getting an easygoing Provost with you and Paskat. Good luck with the next.
57181, Farewell and well done.
Posted by VhloughVang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry about the rude thing but I took offence to your spire "declaring" war on the village pretty much only when I was sleeping. For the most part I would log in to have people tell me how they just got the head back from the spire, then I would start killing tribunals and they would all cry saying they didnt want the war (but they had just taken the head?) Once everyone realized that there wasnt going to be a gray area I think it made things fun *shrug* Alot of the time you guys would roll up with nexus or empire or nexus and empire and it made for some crazy ass defences. Pluss 90% of the spire were gear lockers and just held on to tons of #### that they never used so I think it was good to get that stuff to villagers who die alot and spread cool #### around CF that way. I did however think it was pretty lame that when I dropped to like 6 of you in the spire raiding solo (yes it was a crazy idea) that all the items I got in the rites of war were destroyed or givin to your healer in exchange for a heal. Again though, that was not you.
The hardest part of the war for me was you not being around much when I was, I think if we had similar playing times the RP part of it would be more fun.

towards the end we got to work some things out and I think that it was cool that we both grudgeingly came to eachothers terms sort of.

Well done, much respect as a player for sticking to your guns about everything and being a good leader.

Vhloug didnt like you, but I did :)
57179, RE: My departure
Posted by Yver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've interacted with you with two chars, this one now and an enemy sometime before him, and you seemed solid with both of them -- which is pretty rare. Great char, great Provost, and one of the more thoughtful cabal interviews I've had. GLWTN
57176, Take care
Posted by Paskat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you a great deal as Paskat, and you seemed to do well as Provost when I keeled over. I was a little discouraged with my followup char Zel when you were rarely on, but I understand how it is difficult to stay active and interested after so long, particularly as a support class.

I was actually kinda hoping you might try your hand as an Imm, since you seemed like the type and the Spire really needed some extra eyes after Linolaques stepped down. Good luck with your next.
57174, Boo!
Posted by Nuloh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We never got to go to Trothon man, or to go get my shield like you promised, oh well. And a hell of a lot of other place. And sorry about that death though, I didn't see that coming, it is never like that! Oh well, you were an awsome leader and whenever you popped about I knew we were going to go get into some trouble with the refuge or the village. You will be missed.
57175, Oh yeah, and where is Marmaanth?!? ~
Posted by Nuloh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
57172, What is with the noobcakes...
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Who start good-bye threads, post in-game notes that they're leaving, but haven't actually deleted their characters? Huh? Noobsauce.
57173, RE: What is with the noobcakes...
Posted by Kholav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't hate yo.
57177, RE: What is with the noobcakes...
Posted by Uninvited on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can you disallow anyone but the DeathAngel from starting new posts? Let players/guests only reply and it would solve that.
57184, Would be a pain in the ass.
Posted by Esk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For whatever reason they implemented DCForum as their forum software. Its written in PHP. Would have to be edited.
57187, noobalicious part two...electric noobaloo
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really hard to publish a character sheet for an active character. You really need to delete or we will deny the character and you won't get a PBF published.
57169, The Provost I never met.
Posted by Tallanalas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought it was actually Kind of cool that you were around but nobody knew where.

Since the Provincials can induct it's not such a big deal, but what was neat about it was tht for somereason I allways felt like you were the big exec come down among the little people.

Pretty cool from what I saw.
57170, RE: The Provost I never met.
Posted by Kholav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gate made by job a lot easier and using all the pillars made me able to get to places damn quick.

57168, The departure of a good enemy.
Posted by Xin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you were awake, I could expect a raid against the Refuge that didn't mean 5 on 1 with an undead army. The Spire and the Empire will miss you a great deal as they move through the wilds.
57171, RE: The departure of a good enemy.
Posted by Kholav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Healers are damn useful to anyone, even more so than transmuters in my opinion. I am happy that you have stuck around as Sunwarden for a little while, it is a tough position to fill from what I can see.
