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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectTheroc is Dead...Goodbyes
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=56742
56742, Theroc is Dead...Goodbyes
Posted by Theroc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I created this character just for the hell of it. This character was not pre-planned. Never got a thief past 40 previously, thought I might just try it. Felt awesome in the beginning. Had an awesome time till I leveled hero range. Stealing from people became harder and harder, but I loved people raiding tribunals. At those times, I helped the Tribunals with stealing all weapons from the criminals or even tribunals at times. I took upon myself to update the Lyceum, not an easy task.

I am working to get Tier4/Tier5 in WoW on my hunter. So, I played CarrionFields from work. I had fun till the drama started. I played this game to escape from reality not to get stressed-out. And if English is your 3rd language, you are screwed. And that’s exactly what happened to me. I wanted to age die. I was almost at my old age, but it turn into more stress than fun.

Wanted to get at least the last name, but seems like you have to tell the IMMs that you like to get the last name with a character of more than 250 hours. Thank you forgiving sending improvements on my skills.

Eshval: I loved you more than you can imagine. I always imagined you as a Goth girl who loves blood, corpses, death and eating babies. I wish I followed your religion and I also wanted to see the court. I was thinking to make a paladin following you, but then I saw your forums.

Iunna: Thank you for taking a chance. I did not understand your RP with Heralds. You made me feel unwanted at times. Heralds are your kids; they need some IMM-loving even those who are not your followers. Tough love works, but not all the time. I hope all those updates show up on the Lyceum.

Zaphoedine: Thank you. I sent a collection of 30 jokes to the Lyceum

Siladhiele: At one point of time, I thought of you more than anything. I considered you my best friend.

Yikoti: Never thought a paladin can join the Heralds, but other than you know a lot. I always thought you were a super-genius.

Frajalar: You good, I am pretty sure everyone will agree to that. You still owe me from the sleeves.

Neikarin: I missed you so much, what happened?

Rashiid: Always wanted to adventure with you

Lyug: Thank you for everything

Vadante: You seen very competent

Sokde: Good cook

I am putting everybody else as Others:
Mendecirith: I always called you Mende, I do not remember ever calling you with full name. I still remember when you were a male. Remember the Patch incident in Arkham?

Hrudgir: I loved selling weapons for you. It was always fun to make quick gold from you

Maldovar: Thank you for push

Eoal: Thank you for the loan, I paid my loan off

Gringora: I hardly see you around. You must log in late at note or something

Kharghurln: I wanted to write your biography, but I was getting bogged down in search of knowledge. Loved calling you Empress

Waserax: It was fun, good thing you were my ally. I hated all who can see me hidden

Nanorab: It was fun to hang out with you

Zesam(Shooloo): Thank you for helping me with that Phylactery

Raviri & Iia: It was fun to steal weapons from you, especially the enchanted ones.

Paskat: You were an awesome thief, but hated you sometime when you didn’t allow me to steal while being a deputy.

Pesh: Get original; I have seen many thieves from Galadon Guild in the Village as scouts.

Sangstadt: Thank you for helping me learn few tricks and helping me almost master steal.

Imam: We had our good times.

Kanaev (Chancellor): I always thought I am going to get nightgaunt, but good thing it never happened.

Vettal: For the longest time we leveled together, it was always fun.

I am missing many people. Please mention it to me and I will respond. This time I did not make the list of all stolen things
57105, Hey there...good work..
Posted by Zaphoedine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure what drama you're talking about, Zaph was prolly already dead. I can see how you might have brought certain things to a head, but whatever, I thought you were mostly fine. Thanks for the jokes!
56810, Long time coming...
Posted by Sokde on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd heard one good thing about you IC with Sokde, and that's it. The rest was horrible, and I obviously wasn't disapointed when we started interacting.

Last character didn't like Theroc either.

All of the 'drama' in the Inn was roleplay. Sorry you didn't stick it out, but it'd been a long time coming.

I enjoyed out interactions, regardless of how absolutely annoying your rp was coupled with my extremely impatient arial who wanted nothing to do with an old deep gnome past getting free stuff. I started letting myself get too wrapped up into it character wise and when I stepped back, you pushed forward... hence what happened.

I think you deleted because you didn't want to lose a cabal title. My opinion, obviously, but you seemed perfectly happy with all the #### and drama until you got pegged for being a jerk.

Good luck with your next.
56813, I dont think you should be talking.
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Your char is #### from my (limited perhaps)perspective. My interaction with Theroc, while all thieves tend to be annoying, displayed a lot more than you ever would. Have a great day.

56817, Probably right, which is why we're all entitled to opinions. Thanks. n/t
Posted by Sokde on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
56819, Crappy char or not, I'm sticking it out. Heh. n/t
Posted by Sokde on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
56822, RE: Long time coming...
Posted by Theroc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you call trying to DELETE your RP, then you are doing an awesome job at it.

First thing I got from Siladhiele and Lyug was that Sokde is gonna delete (suicide) and you have to do something. Then the second thing was Siladhiele threatening me to kick me out of Herald cause of you will be deleting. This was your third DRAMA and it was driving me nuts. Thats when I thought "You ain't worth it"
56836, What?
Posted by Sokde on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never threatened to delete. Sokde said that she was going to take a break away from the Inn for a while so that the whole thing could be avoided. I asked to be removed from the Heralds for a time, which I was told no, take a breather instead, and then the next day you deleted.

That wasn't at all the reason Sila was going to remove you from the Heralds, or at least from my understanding it wasn't, but if you say so. Obviously, I'm not Sila, so I hope we find out when she deletes/con/age dies.

And, the "You ain't worth it" additude is something that I wish more people would pick up on. It's just a game! I respect you for dropping the character when you stopped having fun, if that's the case. More power to you. Make a character that you love! :)

Like I said, I enjoyed our interactions, regarless of IC circumstances.

Good luck in the fields.
56801, Aww
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry whatever drama it was put you off. My fondest memories are of the Heralds (granted I'm on character number three, so I don't have a whole lot of memories), so there will always be a soft spot in my heart for them. You seemed cool, even if you were hidden all the time and thus nearly impossible to interact with, since I'm not going to have a mage hang around the Inn if I don't know if any Heralds are around. I'm glad you sent stuff to the Lyceum, though, as it always seemed in dire need of updates when I was still a Herald (your English seemed just fine to me, by the way, though again, I didn't interact with you too often), oh, and Iunna rocks, she's just busy. I hope the drama didn't scare you off for good.


P.S. Why are people associating The Rock with Theroc?
56802, Nevermind, I figured it out. (Doh!) nt
Posted by Aldran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
56796, RE: Theroc is Dead...Goodbyes
Posted by bugboy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea man, sorry about my disappearance and then later my request to leave the Heralds. I originally had Neikarin as a primary character but he fell backwards when Tulien started being unable to play, and I didn't want his a** getting to be old on her. Chances are you've seen half a dozen of my other charatcers, I KNOW of at least three. But as they're not dead, I'm not gonna mention them yet. I liked your character a lot really early on right up until Tulien and I got married, then the stealing my woman jokes of yours started to grate on me. I almost lost respect for you over that, and if you remember me chewing you out, that was when it was the worst.
56766, Yeah, din't think you ever did say my full name :P
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I sure do remember that little thing with the nun and Jack in Arkham. Was good fun, and I felt really slick that we could resolve it.

You were lots of fun! Good luck with the next.
56753, Hardly...
Posted by Yikoti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But playing a well-read elf is often just a trick of using my thesaurus widget and faking it :)

You interviewed me and that talk helped me a lot more than Yikoti could have expressed in words. Always thief-ish, always in the shadows (a completely different thing), always loyal (as far as I knew) to the Inn. And the jokes were fun too. Don't know if you realized it but I tried hard to play "the straight man" when guests were around. If no one else was laughing at their screen at least me and you were.

The drama was a real shame, nuff said.

Good luck in Azeroth, and see you in the fields. Jabrony.

56748, RE: Theroc is Dead...Goodbyes
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For not being a native English speaker, you did great, especially on the written works about me. I wanted to interact with you a more than I was able, but circumstances on my part hindered me. Once you got rolling with your rp, it was fun to watch. If you stick around, you are welcome to follow Eshval...as you say, a paladin would be a poor choice with zero chance of success. Good luck.
56745, Ok, I'll say it...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You may not get the joke if you aren't from the US, but several of us were really hoping you'd end up doing the cooking deal with the Heralds.

The Bar of the Eternal Star

Theroc is here.
A stout dwarf bouncer hefts his cudgel and looks for trouble.
A huge, fat man looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

Theroc hands you a sizzling steak covered with onions.
Theroc yells 'Can you smell what Theroc is cookin'?'
56746, RE: Ok, I'll say it...
Posted by Chiji on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You may not get the joke if you aren't from the US, but
>several of us were really hoping you'd end up doing the
>cooking deal with the Heralds.
>The Bar of the Eternal Star
>Theroc is here.
>A stout dwarf bouncer hefts his cudgel and looks for trouble.
>A huge, fat man looks distracted as he passes out drinks.
>Theroc hands you a sizzling steak covered with onions.
>Theroc yells 'Can you smell what Theroc is cookin'?'

LOVE IT! Do you like pie? Or do you like strudel?
56747, RE: Ok, I'll say it...
Posted by Theroc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I worked as a bartender for couple year. That was my only interest in the beginning, then I started to read and some how that suited me more. I think I read almost every book/article in the Lyceum, so I hardly thought about cooking. Should have gotten involved.
56749, I think you missed it
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's about..."The Rock." It's something of an American Sensation. Google it.
56754, I laughed and tea came out my nose. nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
56811, Picture us cfing when we are 80, and its poop comming out of our diapers. jk. nt
Posted by Krilcov Krieger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
56812, RE: I think you missed it
Posted by Triple HHH on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's something of an American Sensation

One of the many things we are proud of. American Idiol, John Kerry, and the Rock.
56763, Now I have his theme song in my head.
Posted by Drama on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If ya SMEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL....what the ROCK is cookin.