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Topic subject(DEL) Enbuergo the Hand of the Unseen, Galadon Kingpin
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=5645
5645, (DEL) Enbuergo the Hand of the Unseen, Galadon Kingpin
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Apr 8 19:44:36 2002

11 o''clock AM, Day of the Bull, 8th of the Month of the Great Evil on the Theran calendar Enbuergo perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:91% (closer to 100% is better)

5646, NNNNnnnnnoooooooooo!!!
Posted by Claustren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dammit man, you're going to be missed here, honestly, I miss you helping me out so much and letting me run around with you, I believe this note is overdue, but computer problems denied me the ability.. I really wish I could have been around to say goodbyes IC.... This is just really upsetting, I know you were'nt around much before, but I didnt know that when you came back, it was only for a limited time. Nothing good can stay forever I suppose. Anyway, Enbuergo was played Very Well, and I hope you play the next just as well, be well dude, later...
~Claustren (The Thief Who Finally Ranked.... Thrice) ;)
5647, Remember Amakiir?
Posted by Curious_Gnome on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, nearly got you with amakiir that one time outside the inn, when i convinced you to let the felar go, then promptly ran out on east darien hoping you would be distracted....turns out you never saw me coming or at least werent expecting me. Missed a ground control (as usual) and you fled at gushing. I was kicking myself after i had strangled you outside the inn and then forgot about the guards and dusted and well the rest is history....

I remember you telling me that you'd post your own rules upon the inn, and well turned out you kicked the crap out of amakiir whenever we fought (cept for the fight above).

Decided to then play a thief, Liadon. Heh, ranking with you, shrahz and two other thieves in the past, that was sick. Saw you were competent as hell with Liadon, and saw you pull out some crazy ##### I've never seen before.

*Tips his hat*
The Gnome.
5648, RE: Remember Amakiir?
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heheheh...Amakiir, eh? I remember you now. That stuff with ME posting my own inn rules was hilarious. Glad I could help you out with Liadon, and I'm glad you don't hold anything against me.
5649, My my...
Posted by Llohuir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and Ajoul were a pain in my ass! Best for you next! Will still post the log we had converse earlier on after it's my turn to die.


5650, RE: My my...
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You and Ajoul were a pain in my ass! Best for you next! Will still post the log we had converse earlier on after it's my turn to die.

Thanks why I thought you were a non-English speaker =P.

You seemed relatively skilled after our initial enounter, and I was hoping to meet up with you more often. Ah well.

ps I never understood why people couldn't wrap their heads around Targaryen and myself being pals.
5651, Confessions of an Uncatchable Cheater...
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I didn't really cheat, but it got you this far, right? =P


I reached a point where I decided I had done everything I wanted to do with Enbuergo, so why overstay my welcome? Damn did I love this thief, more than Petriec I think (anyone remember Petriec? Damn...). I had a blast for 305 hours...how can you beat that for free? I never lost the set I acquired early on...lost a part here or there, but never my trusty shadow dagger *sigh* or anything important. In that respect Enbuergo and Petriec were almost twins. Enbuergo was meant to be a midlevel pker, but after I killed my entire range twice or so at 30, decided to move on. And now I'll move on to the goodbyes...


Vahlen: Of course I never knew you as Enbuergo. I actually rolled Enb. to be a Nexan with a mind of reliving the good ol' days with Petriec. Then I remembered how much the powers suck and decided I would rather be solo than handicap myself by depending on a "bond" with players less skilled than myself (sorry if this sounds arrogant, but my memories of the bond with Petriec are of my mage partner getting tooled by ragers, wording, and leaving me with no powers to fend for myself, which was why Petriec sold out the mages, but I'll get into that in a bit...). Anyway, always kicked myself for deleting a week before you immed...was 99% sure I was going to be the next leader. Ah well...it was a blast running with you as a mort.


Tilaen: Loved your character. Was upset to say the least when you left. I enjoyed our little scheming etc etc against suckers in other cabals. Good job man.

Zodrimauk: Wrecking ball. Always up for a bloodbath. My kind of guy!

Dullameh: You could have made my life a living hell but you didn't. Um...thanks.

Viornasa: You, more than any other reason, made me seek a truce with Scion. I friggin hate owls =P

Igoseh: Wish I would have known you better. I had no idea about any of that stuff that happened in your goodbye note. Our few encounters were fun, though.


Rithlan: I really, really forgot that we had a truce. I had so many complex truces/schemes going, I forgot about some of them. Sorry about tooling you at the guildguard, and thanks for your help with Dugruain.

Targaryen: Damn you're a bloodthirsty gnome. You give my greed a run for the money =P. Running and gunning with you was the #####, however. Keep it up, man.


Didn't really know any of you. Sorry...


Ditto. Killed a few of you in hopes of spicing up Enbuergo's life. Nothing ever came of it. Weird.


Daurwyn: Ended my life never knowing if you were an idiot or just extremely skilled at avoiding common areas. Perhaps you can tell me? You seemed a bit pompous, but all our barbs were traded ooc, which was strange. But...looking back...I bear neither your nor Daurwyn any ill will.

***My favorite cabal for obvious reasons =P***

Qwestallix: Quite enjoyed our little intricate relationship. I think neither of us could trust the other, and it led to some fun interaction. Sorry about waxing you, but killing arbiters in town is one of the hardest and most challenging thing a thief can do.

Gegreigar: My god you were annoying, which I guess meant you were doing your job better than any other trib. Believe it or not you came closer to killing me before you were in my pk range by spamming "close s" than you ever did while you were in my range. I really thought I was done for =P. Again, our relationship was weird. I was going to try to be your friend after I offed you, but my mischievous side kept getting in the way *cough*.

Abrawisnik: Heh...sorry for the heart attack at the altar. But it's nothing worse than what you guys tried to do to me.

Dugruain: You pompous ass =P. Again, I hated your char, but that just meant you knew what you were doing (although I guarentee you no one will ever kill a character of mine by summoning into a locked room or to the Enforcer). I can only assume you were doing something else than copying Thror's dialect, as your immship (gratz sucker!), but I didn't see it. I did see you leave friends to die to my (and my companion's) hands, protecting your gear (which is what I would have done), and neither acting lawful nor good at times. But again, I admit I didn't observe your character 24/7 for obvious reasons...you would have kilt me =P.

***My second favorite cabal***


I think you must be a relative newbie, because at times you certainly seemed to have a head full of rocks.
Thyka yells 'I'm certainly getting tired of that Enbuergo guy...but he won't find me here'
knife thyka
Your knifing ***DEMOLISHES*** Thyka!
Thyka's severed head plops on the ground.
On the whole, I enjoyed our later interactions. I hope I taught you a thing or two in a good way.


Again, another character I never understood. Just when I thought I was starting to, you would fog me or do something stupid and I would kill you again. Because as a player I liked you, I didn't like doing what you forced Enbuergo as a character to do. Enbuergo was about being the alpha male and showing off...and you made it hard at times =P (oh...congratulations)

Krogum: See my goodbye note for it all. You were great man. You'll be missed.


Nydeikon, Lorak: I liked all you guys a lot. Lorak, sorry for splatting you in your guild that one time, but I misinterpreted your words as a threat, and I made it my business to kill everyone(but Dullameh) who threatened me. Nydeikon, damn I tried to have some talks with you, but you never would meet me, you sissy. Why?


Fristapholin: You were probably my most loved companion later in life. I always liked you, and liked your rp. Thanks for all the good times, and I hope I showed you something in return for all you showed me.

And finally...to the THIEVES GUILD!
I can only say I'm grateful to you all. Thanks for your support, and I hope I set a good example as a kingpin...well, by good, I mean how deadly a cunning thief could be.

Fathurk: Loved your coin trick, but I never one, you slick bastard you!

Kolbein: I'll miss you man. You and Fathurk were my eyes and ears in galadon. Since kingpins get fuckall for powers, I'm glad I had some competant thieves to spy for me. Thanks for the help, and enjoy the gear...you earned it.

Sinde: Another I wish I got to know better, but you just arrived around the time I decided to delete. You have heart, pointy-ears =P. Keep it up, and thanks for choking me up while I was trying to delete.

Aiakalymn: You're going to go places, boss. Thanks for the note, and I hope the imms are vigilant enough to catch what you're trying to rp.

Kuhekeeh: Damn did we have some good times, you crazy son of a bitch. Do you think Thyka knows how many times we spared her life after jacking her because we got into arguments about who got to stab her "I get to" "No you don't, I do" "I get to" "No you don't, I do" until she woke up, unbound herself, and walked away? =P. By the way, ONE of us was certainly the other's bitch. Not it.

Shrahz: You cunning bitch =P...in a good way. I was upset to say the least when you deleted. Damn I loved your character...I could see the wheels spinnin upstairs in a way I hadn't seen in a thief for a while. I promised you my spot when I left...too bad thieves (especially duergar) are a tad underpowered at hero. Thanks for the good times.

Claustren: Some good times. How many times did we kill Krieger? =P

Sphinf: Keep your clothes on damn you! I must have dumped about 15 sets of hero gear into the guild in my day...about 10 of which you promptly lost. =P. I'll miss your quirky style, buddy. Keep it up.

And finally...

To Ajoul: My Kingpin mentor. The Politico of the guild. Shadowy hand behind the scenes. You were the perfect ying to my yang man. You wheeled and dealed while I beat down and let the brute force of the guild. For our interaction, I truly thank you. You were a great rp'er from what I could see, and in return you gave me a reason to rp a counterpart to you as well. So what that we took ourselves seriously? We were kingpins man, and that means something. All the best.

And one last Petriec shoutout to RIO:

Perhaps you remember me, perhaps not. Perhaps you read this, and perhaps not. But I always regretted not telling you with Petriec how much fun our shady deal making in Dagdan where I sold out mages were. I think you were the most underrated leader out there, and I hope I earned your respect when I beat off you and killed the village Paladin (can't remember his name) and the assassin...you probably don't remember. Damn mages always left me in the lurch.

And to all I forget (goddammit...Tylinn! I just remembered you! Great character...nice to see a competant lightwalker for a change!), my apologies. It's late, and this has run to long.

*Enbuergo grins has he slips out of the guild, the lockbox safely tucked inside his cloak, heading for warmer climes involving yachts, peeled grapes, and women (for peeling of course)...*
5664, Well what can i say, you were great!
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I met you, i didnt really know what to think of you. I am glad i made the decission to ask Glinar to make you Kingpin. I saw you were competent and knew your stuff. I needed someone to take part of the resposibility and help me out a bit with the guild. Thats for the stuff you showed me *wink*...it will help a lot. Went out whacking people with you a couple of times. Sorry our times did not coincide all that much. School is taking up most of my time these days. With finals coming up and projects/papers/tests, its not looking too pretty. I liked the way Enbuergo went out and whacked pretty much anyone he didnt like or had a problem with. A perfect complement to Ajoul, who can and will kill if need be, but never really aquired Enbuergo's taste for it. I will miss Enbuergo's company. See you around and very well done.

5663, RE: Confessions of an Uncatchable Cheater...
Posted by kolbein on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well what can I say. It was a blast to know you. You helped me
a bunch of times to get things, the best is the vampier slayer you
gave me at rank...24 and I still have it.
good luck with the next.
5661, RE: Confessions of an Uncatchable Cheater...
Posted by Fristapholin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, you showed me something alright. When fighting
Drizzt, if he dispels, flee IMMEDIATELY! :P I must
say at first I wasn't sure what to make of you, and
was a little weary of you when you asked to talk of
the rift but I figured why not. Its a shame you never
tried for it. I think the two of us could have caused
some major damage with the bond :P (Bond takes both out
of a fight now to so no more worries of that. :)) Enbuergo
was probably my closest friend lately and I will surely
miss you. You were extremely competant and knowledgeable
about what was going on, and that is something I really
keep an eye out for! Seems whenever I find someone thats
competant, they delete on me! Damn you! And you still
owe me a pearl of power, Bracers and necklaces damnit! Sorry
about losing your amulet too. :( And that shadow dagger
wouldn't be the same one I gave you at rank 25 or so! If
it was, just got to say, DAMN! And you still owe me for
telling everyone that the Great Fristapholin slew the crooked
Enbuergo! I paid you for that damnit!

PS. I even remember your first thief cause I had an assassin
and later an invoker in the rift with you at the time. And I'll agree, the mages were morons back then especially with how Valhen saw the rift as in the Wheel of Time where the warriors gave their lives for the mages! Damn if I was going to do that!

5662, I hate to burt your bubble, but...
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was indeed the same dagger. I died to Drucyrus's other character, and he returned it. I died to Dakizar, and Abrawisnik returned it. Lost it when I died to Thyka, stole it back from a looting paladin when I unghosted. Kept that bastard my entire life...thanks!
5660, RE: Confessions of an Uncatchable Cheater...
Posted by Nydeikon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, what to say? Well, first off I really never trusted Enbuergo, for good reason. We talked a few times and I considered you a friend of mine, then one day you come and try to jack me. *shrugs* Such is life, but from this point I never really trusted you at all. Then one day (MUCH later on in your life) you say you want to look at me and talk to me and demand to know where I am, and when I tell you no, you run and attack the Sentinal, making me think even less of you (friendwise).

Anyway, as far as your character went, I thought you did a good job from what I saw. Well roleplayed and all, just not the type of person Nydeikon would "pal around with". Good job though.

That Whil guy.
5657, You bum!
Posted by Ulfin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You bum, you forgot me!
5658, Yes, I am a bum...
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I did forget you. It was late, and as always, I forgot someone. I hate it when I feel like I should get an honorable mention in someone's goodbye...I look for it and then...nothing.

In any case, Ulfin was quirky and always fun to hang around (although a bit of a sissy when it came to getting flagged I feel =p). He definitely brightened my days when we could hang out and cause a bit of trouble.

Thanks for the ruckus, and don't worry, I have a feeling that you and I will be interacting again very shortly. *blink*
5659, RE: Yes, I am a bum...
Posted by Ulfin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh you missesd me with rithlan fighting dugruain one day, imust have had and lost like 7-10 flags in one day, but it was fun as hell doing it.
5656, Farewell!!! I hate that word.
Posted by Phounye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the dagger back. I still owe ya that favor. *sigh* Now where can I find someone to steel the dagger back. *sigh*
5655, RE: Confessions of an Uncatchable Cheater...
Posted by Groktomulope on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So a leader retires. As it all evolves, one can't help but stop to think of time past. I stood from afar, watched a great one in some fine moments, learned the 'niques, watched some triumps. How things change. Once to twice, new to old. The beauty and awe of incredible motion in victory.

Conspiculate as you may, the world has lost a frugal box. Cromminoids won't lay down, we must move forward. A world without a prime player, a siginificant trollop, a major unit of retroniction.

Who will ever forget... "cabal, cabal, there's a shoe in battle action". Never have I smiled so solid. I sign this yearbook with blatant style.

Thanks for the remainders.

5654, I wish those good times hadnt ended...txt
Posted by Claustren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
.....but you had good reasons.

I would have to say I couldnt keep count, but it was fun all the way through, every second was a blast, I thank you for those great times and cant wait to see you again, have fun mate.... *wave*
5653, RE: Confessions of an Uncatchable Cheater...
Posted by Rio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Surprise, surprise!

> And one last Petriec shoutout to RIO:
>Perhaps you remember me, perhaps not. Perhaps you read
>this, and perhaps not.

Well, I read the boards time to time, but do not respond often. And of course I do remember both Enbuergo and Petriec. A shame I didn't interact with Enbuergo much. A thief in hero range is always a point of interest to me. As for Petriec... In all Rio's 1.5 years I would call him the best one of our guild. The only ones I knew who come close enough were Ryzinom/Ethrysan and Goapa.

> But I always regretted not telling
>you with Petriec how much fun our shady deal making in
>Dagdan where I sold out mages were.

That deal was really thrilling, and I remember it as one of the brightest moments of my long life. There were several aspects which caused adrenaline rush, but I don't need to explain it to you. It's a pleasure for me to know that you had as much fun as I did.

> I think you were the
>most underrated leader out there, and I hope I earned your
>respect when I beat off you and killed the village Paladin
>(can't remember his name) and the assassin...you probably
>don't remember.

I remember this moment well, as I do remember most of my mistakes. In that case the mistake was staying together with Tahren in the Rift near the guardians doing nothing. You did pretty well, and I learned much about fighting thieves from that situation.

In fact, you earned my respect much earlier, with all the interactions we have had before.

> Damn mages always left me in the lurch.

You did well enough against them I think :)

I'd like to exchange e-mails with you, but only after Rio is gone. I still don't know when it's going to happen ;)

5652, RE: Confessions of an Uncatchable Cheater...
Posted by Dullameh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Dullameh: You could have made my life a living hell but you didn't.

You have no idea how tempting it was to do just that, especially after that time you stole a few of my hard-earned Lich quest items way back when. What stopped me really was your sudden, blatant and obviously selfish change of attitude toward me. It said a lot about your character and cracked me up both as a player and as the character. We didn't interact a whole lot, but it looked to me like you were filling your respective niche well, and having lots of fun.

5665, RE: (DEL) Enbuergo the Hand of the Unseen, Galadon Kingpin
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't get to spend a lot of time to interact with you, but we did spend some time. First with Kathma then with my current character. All in all you're one of the most skillful and well role-played characters I've come across. Definitely a standout. Clearly you're someone whose been at this a long time, and for one, I hope you don't leave any time soon.
5666, Well I'll be damned...
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
YOU were Kathma, eh? I wish you woulda stuck around, buddy...although I enjoyed practicing "the trick" with you. *blink* Although, if I recall correctly, you were not in the guild, which probably woulda caused a bit of tension. Thanks for the great low level times, and I hope that you enjoyed it as much as me.

Oh...and thanks for the compliments. My ego is soaring=P
5671, Enbuergo rememeber ficher, that was me
Posted by Kolbien. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
5667, RE: Well I'll be damned...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think Kathma was trying for Scarab. Can't remember. If so then I would have tried to role-play joining the guild after having entered the Temple. Might not have worked, true, but I'd have tried. Probably would have presented the guild as a tool to be used by the cult; a resource of information and a means of exerting influence over world events. Maybe in another life. :)
5668, Hrmmm....no!
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, that might have worked until i would have found out about it. :P
5669, RE: Hrmmm....no!
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Obviously I wouldn't have betrayed my true intentions to other guild members. The hard part would have been justifying *to Scarab* why I should bother to join a guild.
5670, RE: Hrmmm....no!
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think your motives as a Scarab thief would be something Enbuergo could have worked with you with. I had no problem with people that I knew were blatantly using the guild for their own gain, as long as the guild was profiting as well. I didn't see the thieves guild as a cabal as sorts, but rather as a loose confederacy of brigands that decided to band together for mutual gain. How you choose to manipulate the confederacy is up to you, as long as you realize that if I caught you taking out more than you put in, you were getting the boot *wink*.

Just my thoughts.