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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Aldran Eliai'riai the Planewalker
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=56198
56198, (CON LOSS) [None] Aldran Eliai'riai the Planewalker
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Mar 13 11:49:58 2007

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 18th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Aldran perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
56588, Fun Fights!
Posted by Sensel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Out of curosity, who do you think I am?
56593, RE: Fun Fights!
Posted by Aldran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You want me to admit that with the possibility of being wrong? I'd rather just wait till your character dies off, see who you are, and -then- admit whether I was wrong or not. If I am wrong, I will admit it (though not give a name). To be fair, though, I think you're someone with whom Tiatan interacted on multiple occasions. What did you think of the character despite my PK suckage?
56623, You don't know who I aaaaaam!
Posted by Sensel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I think you don't know who I am, but for the sake of revelation, I'm "Stunna" on here and Sensel has been my only character for years.

I thought your RP was pretty good, but got overshadowed by the tough talk vs. actual PK results. If this is your second character you are well on your way to being a great CFer. I wish you luck with the future chars, and more success in real life!
56631, RE: You don't know who I aaaaaam!
Posted by Aldran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're right. I did guess wrong. I thought your RP was solid, though, and yes, I wish my PK ability had been better, as it would have made this character much more viable.

56359, Wait that was your second char? Damned good job. nt
Posted by Hrudgie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
56369, Yes. This was my second character, Tiatan being my first. nt
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
56373, And you'll forever be my hero...
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For the way Tiatan died :)

A bit of style, a bit of irony but mostly just black comedy.

56375, RE: And you'll forever be my hero...
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would've thought the whole Crotch Rot thing to be more memorable, myself. That was such an awesome title. And, you know, Tsyda and Tiatan's epic love story was kind of awesome, too. Still, the death was rather fitting and perfect, even if unexpected and I didn't want to stop playing him, yet.
56204, And so ends the reign of my second character.
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aldran died a long time ago, this but made it official. Even so, it still saddens me a bit to lose him. I can't make a character without giving it a soul, so when one's gone, I have no choice but to mourn it for a while. Still, it was a good run, except for the last thirty hours or so, and I enjoyed most of the time I spent with Aldran.

I made Aldran for three reasons, two of which I'd call a success. One was to introduce myself to PK, which I believe I did, though I was pretty horrible with it. Another was to try out Conjurers, because they looked quite nifty, and are, though they have some annoying drawbacks. The final was to test out this whole fighting evil but not dark thing. Ultimately, I was hoping to see if I could get away with killing a few Lightwalkers and remaining Light, but that never happened. The one's he deemed to do evil were either Outlanders or had a necessary place in the world, which made it very difficult to attack them. Ah well. It was a nice idea. Hopefully some people got some enjoyment out of it.


Corrlaan: We spoke once, and I never heard from you again, but despite that, you had a lot of influence on this character. I was hoping to get into your religion, but such is life. I hope your schedule works itself out, but if not, I hope your life is going well.

Baerinika: We didn't interact much. I had a feeling that all Aldran was doing was disappointing you, so I really had no desire to be around you. He was incredibly insulted when he heard you'd said he was selfish, and he never forgot that. In a way, it made him do everything he could to prove that he wasn't, and many agreed with him after that, but in another, it made him resent you. I was sad we couldn't interact more, but you never seemed to be around when I was. I would've loved to have played that out.

Eshval: You're evil. I love it. That time you tried to destroy Aldran was beautiful. It only took a short chat with Siladhiele for him to get over it, but still. You seemed to forget all about it, afterwards, though. It would've been interesting if you'd followed up on it.

Whoever did the death echoes: The owl feather falling from the rafters was great. It brought about the only real smile Aldran ever had. It's too bad he had to die for that to happen, but he was never meant to be a happy character. Boy did he get into a fight with Mendecirith over that, though.

Whoever gave me those free edges: That had a huge impact on his life. From that day forward, he went with the belief that the Lords of Heaven approved of his actions (shining soul and shield of virtue, who can think otherwise?). I was hoping I would get a title out of that, too, but I was quite happy, regardless.

All other Imms: I can't really think of anyone else with whom I interacted, but I think you're all great. I love most of the recent changes, and I love the world that's been created. Keep up the good work.


Obviously, I'll miss a lot of people, but then, a lot of people missed me, so I suppose it's only fair. The Fortress in general was great. I suppose this wasn't the best character for it, but I enjoyed my time there. The beginning of the end of this character is when he left, even though it was perfectly in character. I just couldn't get into him after that, and I'd burned through way too much con, by that time, so there was little point. Hopefully, I'll have another in the future. Time will tell.

Mendecirith: Hmm, I interacted with you a lot, but it's hard to think of what to say. I enjoyed this character. Aldran was fond of her, too. I think she is the only person who could've saved his life, but I'm so glad she didn't get the chance. I would've hated to have drug his life out another hundred hours.

Enarn: I said prettymuch what I wanted in your death thread. I thought this was a quality character, though. It makes me want to try a Transmuter.

Hrudgir: Again, I said prettymuch what I wanted to say already. If you want to say anything, though, feel free, and I'll respond if I find anything to respond to.

Zephon: All I really remember from my interactions with you, besides the couple of times we fought together, was the advice I tried giving you about Mendecirith. He gave a lot more than I wanted him to in his state of mind, but it's hard for me to play depressed characters.

Soayel: In a way, Aldran viewed you a lot like he did Mendecirith, but he was afraid to reach out to you. Still, you helped him through some rought times, and it was appreciated.

Xenillia: We made a great team. I tried interacting with you some after I left the Fortress, but it just didn't happen. Aldran both loved and hated you. I remember that argument he got into with you. I actually got some free edges out of that. He really started liking you there towards the end, though. It's too bad we couldn't interact more.

Marigue: You were Aldran's best friend for a while, but then you disappeared. He always thought of you with fondness, though. I was hoping to talk to you one last time before he died, but you left just before I went to do it. Oh well.

Others: You were all great. Reply, and I'll respond. It was a good community.


Obviously, Aldran loved the Heralds and did what he could for them. He didn't hang around the Inn much, though, as he thought there were more important things to do.

Siladhiele: I've talked to you many times. I think you have a good understanding of Aldran and his feelings for you. I never meant him to fall in love, but things just sort of happened. Don't worry, your rejection only turned him back towards where I was hoping to have him in the first place, though a lot more depressed than I'd intended. Thank you for the interactions.

Sokde: Our last conversation made Aldran despise you, but he didn't know what else to do, so he just went about his business and tried to forget about it.

Theroc: All I really remember with you was my helping you gain a rank. You seemed like a good Herald, but I never saw you about. That's the trouble with thieves and assassins.


I have mixed feelings about this Cabal. Best bet would be to try it out sometime in the future. I don't know when that will be, though.

Halistanis: I enjoyed our talks and our couple of fights. Aldran was very happy when you left.

Earane: Aldran was also very happy when you left and that his notes actually had some positive affects on the Outlanders.

Ghengir: I enjoyed my interactions with you, though after nearly killing you with only a winged angel because I wanted to log off and didn't want to have to worry about summoning timers, I figured the fights were kind of skewed in my favor, so I stopped trying for them. If you'd asked, though, I would've oblidged.

Hmm, I know there were others, but the only ones that stick out in my mind have nothing nice to be said to them. If you reply, though, I'll respond.


Waserax: Thanks for obliging me. Sorry it was such a lame fight. I did what I could, but my angel was about to leave, and I just wanted to die, so I let you kill me after I ran out of pills. Sorry about that. The few interactions we did have, besides the rot (I need to find that log where Hrudgir told me about rot gear), were nice, though.

Hunsobo and the Empress: You are both very, very scary. I tried hard to fight you on more even terms, but it just never seemed to happen. You always caught me unprepared or when you were in a group.

Everyone else. A lot of you were decent enemies, some of you not so, but I enjoyed fighting you.


Kanaev: After you proved to me how futile fighting you would be, I started avoiding you. Props on how well you're doing, though. It makes me want to try an evil Conjurer sometime.

Edimus: I loved talking to you. It's too bad you stopped, though. I wanted to fight you again, after I found out I could handle you with a luminous archon, but that didn't happen, either.

Sensel: I'm 99% sure of who this is, so I understand why you disappeared, but I enjoyed our fights and interactions. I only wish there had been more. You were Aldran's arch-nemesis for a while. Sorry I was so horrible with PK. I tried, though.


For the most part, I just obeyed the law and ignored you. I helped a few of you, though, and even helped you retrieve, once, when Aldran was still a babe.

Maethron: You were a very close friend of Aldran's. He would've done almost anything for you. It always irritated me when you sent me a tell and I couldn't reply, though. Still, I enjoyed my interactions with you. I hope you enjoyed yours with me.


I love this cabal, though Aldran had mixed feelings about it. He was certainly more accepting of it than most of the Fortress, though.

Tsyda: What can I say that I haven't already?

Nanorab: I liked that talk we had. It made Aldran happy. Also, thanks for showing me where to find gear. It made my life a whole lot easier.

Zesam: Aldran hated you at first, but then he liked you after he started to realize that he could count on you. It made him start to like Nexus more.


You were all good enemies (except Eulinda), but I don't really have any specific goodbyes for you. Your Inner Guardian is really tough, though. I would've raided more if it hadn't been for that.


Lyug: Aldran loved you and would've done almost anything to help you. I enjoyed all of our interactions, especially when I took you to the cloud giant village. The water from your home phrase is what made me want to do your painting. That's where the scene of it took place.

Anyone I forgot, just leave a reply, I'll respond.

Well, it was fun, but it's time for a new character, one a bit more chipper. I hate playing depressed characters.

Your form dissolves and you find yourself in Heaven. That was such an appropriate exit line for him.

56211, No Prob
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I happened to be around at the time. I hadn't had any interaction with the char before, so I just kinda winged it (no pun intended!)

A small downy feather floats down from the rafters, a small reminder of an old friend, now gone.

Aldran smiles happily.

Aldran says 'Goodbye, Meliondil.'

Aldran says 'You were always my dearest friend.'

Aldran says 'I will miss you above all others.'

Aldran whispers 'Free at last.

His pain finally assuaged, Aldran's soul passes into the beyond.

56249, RE: No Prob
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you did quite well never having interacted with him before. I keep hearing good things about you, and this just makes me think more highly of you. Keep up the good work.
56213, RE: And so ends the reign of my second character.
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to admit, Baerinika was disappointed. In her view of purity, things are black and white. There isn't any gray area in Baerland, and it seemed like Aldran was trying to find one in the Fortress. I'm sure you'll buy your pbf, I made extensive comments in it on what I thought of your role and how it fit in with the Fortress. I was actually willing at first to give you a chance at being an Acolyte instead, but after you were kicked out and after the whole Siladhiele thing Aldran just spiraled into misery and I couldn't justify bringing you on as a scribe after that. Yes, Baerinika did call you selfish. Self absorbed as well, but wasn't Aldran?

Good luck on your next. I do admire you for trying to play outside the proverbial box and sticking to your guns on it when challenged.

56218, RE: And so ends the reign of my second character.
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He was, and he wasn't. His greatest care was the innocent, and he did all he could to try to help them. He wanted so bad to forget that incident never happened, but it was almost impossible. I thought he did fairly well with it, though, and I know he helped a lot of people despite it.

(edit to add) And he wasn't kicked out. He told Hrudgir to remove him. He could have stayed, but he didn't want to.
56245, Just to clarify this txt
Posted by Hrudgir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At the point I kicked you out, you were gone, period.

You flat out refused to admit that a 'non-innocent' goodie was better than an 'innocent' evil, and IC wise, I could not hanker to that for role reasons.

In retrospect, I should have booted you after the conversation over CB about Naarai, but I didn't. It was my second day as Captain, and you were hero, I was 45 IIRC. It was an important lesson for me I think. Regardless of rank, if you are given induct and *should* boot someone, do so.

Regardless, I have to give you props for sticking to your guns, even if they aren't the same guns you cabal wields.
56254, RE: Just to clarify this txt
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I really didn't think he was Maran material, and I was really surprised he made it as long as he did. I joined the Marans, though, because it was completely in character for him to do so and not join the Acolytes. It was a rather interesting experience, and I really enjoyed the Cabal, which kind of makes me wish he had joined as an Acolyte, but it wouldn't have made sense at the time.

I do everything I can to not break role with my characters, though I have to admit, the whole Naarai thing did just that. I'd prettymuch say that was OOC, and am rather upset with myself for that, but it was a bad death with vultures, and it made me angry. After that, though, I found I was really able to handle death well, even not sweating full loots/sacs anymore, as Mendecirith can testify to, so a lot of good came out of it.
56214, I'm positive I won't like the answer but I'll ask anyway.
Posted by Eulinda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why did you think Eulinda was a bad enemy?
56217, RE: I'm positive I won't like the answer but I'll ask anyway.
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you certainly weren't nearly as bad as some, but our fights were always so one sided, and it just seemed like you were finding glory in beating me repeatedly senseless. Sorry.
56220, RE: I'm positive I won't like the answer but I'll ask anyway.
Posted by Eulinda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe, so you are saying that because I killed you better than the others, I was a worse enemy? That's pretty funny. Even for a cf thread. :P Thank you for explaining!
56221, RE: I'm positive I won't like the answer but I'll ask anyway.
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
More like you killed me often and quickly and didn't really interact with me much about it except to hug me or when I prodded you. I'm sure I'll come up with something I could have done in those situations and kick myself over it, eventually, but yeah. Also, the losing of magic items till the next crash or reboot was rather annoying, and you have to keep in mind that I'm still really green to this world. At any rate, I liked you better as Aldran than I did Tiatan, but I really didn't want Tiatan to die.
56215, RE: And so ends the reign of my second character.
Posted by Siladhiele on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry! Just couldn't do it. I liked Aldran, but it just wouldn't have worked. I hope you have a blast with your next one!
56219, RE: And so ends the reign of my second character.
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad you didn't. That would have sucked. Thanks for the interactions, though.
56223, It disturbs me when people talk like
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They are revealing some insight into a living being.

>>Baerinika: We didn't interact much. I had a feeling that all Aldran was doing was disappointing you, so I really had no desire to be around you. He was incredibly insulted when he heard you'd said he was selfish, and he never forgot that. In a way, it made him do everything he could to prove that he wasn't, and many agreed with him after that, but in another, it made him resent you. I was sad we couldn't interact more, but you never seemed to be around when I was. I would've loved to have played that out.<<

You start out stating that the character was upset with Berry. But I can't help but notice you switch to refering to yourself in the end. Why not just say how you really felt? You were mad at the impact her statments had on your character.

Let's be honest, we all become the characters when we play them.
56250, RE: It disturbs me when people talk like
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have said before that all my characters take on lives of their own, however, I still have a bit of detachment when I play them. To do otherwise would be unhealthy for me, in my book. As for your accusations, I am having trouble understanding where they came from. Aldran was very, very upset with her. I was not. I wanted to interact with her more, but I never got the opportunity. In that, I'm disappointed, yes, but understand. I do not regret having played Aldran. It was a learning experience, and it was fun.
56224, later gator
Posted by zernhop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey was cool to see someone trying out a new conjie in the fort especially right after I had just deleted one. I did try to keep you in some nice gear and give you some pointers on how to get better conjurations and in the end you made a lot of good progress.

Fighting villagers as a goodie conjie can be hit or miss. With an archon you need to make sure you got sanc up and hope they are not bright enough to focus on your elemental. with an angel you need abs to compete with their damage output. Overall though you should find yourself in tons of draws as a conjie but you rolled well with it.

good luck with your next, its the enthusiasm you put into a character that generally reaps the most fun and you were always giving it your all kudos.
56251, RE: later gator
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, a lot of fights were draws for me, and I almost never landed a kill, even when I was winning. Still, I didn't expect to be any good at PK, only learn. I feel I did a lot of that, so I'm happy with it. I'm glad you enjoyed Aldran, and thanks for the advice. It will come in handy if I ever do another goodie Conjurer.
56226, RE: And so ends the reign of my second character.
Posted by Waserax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Waserax: Thanks for obliging me. Sorry it was such a lame
>fight. I did what I could, but my angel was about to leave,
>and I just wanted to die, so I let you kill me after I ran out
>of pills. Sorry about that. The few interactions we did
>have, besides the rot (I need to find that log where Hrudgir
>told me about rot gear), were nice, though.

It was a lame fight only because I knew you were committed not to leaving. So I could just heal up, fight you a little, repeat. And you still almost kicked my butt. I ran out of gold to heal with, and I thought you were pretty wounded, so I put up aristaeia just for the healing. Then I realized you weren't that wounded after all. Luckily I was able to make you flee and the angel left the room with you, so I could retreat to the Throne room and heal some more.
56230, RE: And so ends the reign of my second character.
Posted by Maethron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It always irritated me
>when you sent me a tell and I couldn't reply, though.

>That's the trouble with thieves and assassins.

Couldn't resist just doing some C&Ping there. But yeah. Our interactions were enjoyable ever since we first met around level 30ish. Sorry about the tell stuff but the thing with the hiding classes is that we (or at least I do) always expect the other person to use keepreply if they know they're talkng to a hiding class. Most often I'd do it since I typically hide a split-second after I log on and stay hidden for as long as possible to hopefully catch criminals/raiders off-guard. Shame we couldn't spend more time together but since I am a Trib with a leader position. Well. Yeah. ICly there are only two people that Maethron would consider very close/best friends, you were one of them. Take that as you will and roll Trib while I'm still alive.
56253, RE: And so ends the reign of my second character.
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, gods, a Trib would require me to have to be Orderly. Oh, the horror of that. It sounds almost as bad as rolling a warrior <shudder>. Yes, I tried to keep reply with hiding classes, but there were a couple of times that someone else sent me a tell before I could, and then there was no way for me to get back to you. I'm glad he thought so highly of Aldran. He was one of Aldran's closest friends, too, though really, Aldran's closest friends were his only friends, because he was not a very trusting person. The way it worked out was he considered Meliondil his only friend for a very long time, and then, little by little, he started considering some of his long standing allies as friends, and then Lyug came along, and that was his last close friend, for a grand total of five, counting the Meliondil (his owl).
56260, That was... interesting
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I must say that from the first time we met, I realised that you are not typical Fortie conjurer #1234, and that was a pleasant surprise. You RP line was original, and I always have soft spot to those who RP something non-standard and hard to follow. Props for that.

For some reason, I thought you are very newbish, and that is why we had much less fights then we could. I saw you a lot, but was just ignoring your presence from PK perspective (like there are more important targets, I won't hunt this one). But, of course, when other Outlanders were calling me to help them against you, I couldn't just say "I like this guy, leave him alone. In addition, it is not much of accomplishment to spam-slay newbs".

Sorry for that kill when I just came to talk to you. But your angel kinda screwed the whole plan by attacking me (Since when angels are striking druids on sight anyways, eh? Or am I some kind of special?).

In general, well done. You might want to try Outlanders some day to understand what they are about. But mixed feelings are very natural about cabal that has all alignments and complete freedom of RP choice. You love them today, you hate them tomorrow, and love them again in some time. It means the cabal is working as intended.
56277, RE: That was... interesting
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll probably try them eventually. We'll see. Yes, I'm am rather green, and I'm sure that came across, but I'm improving. I did not mind fighting you, it was the ganging down that bothered me, though I'll learn how to handle that, eventually, I hope. I don't know why the angel attacked. It was a fresh angel, so you couldn't have hurt it in any way. And yes, I enjoy original RP as well, though not all of my characters will be like that, obviously. Sometimes it's good to do a cookie cutter role.
56263, Wow.
Posted by Lyug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, let me tell you! Aldran has had a HUGE impact on Lyug. It is too bad that you won't be able to hear about all that happened after I read your missive. In all honesty it caused Lyug to hurt pretty bad, and I think that apart of Aldran is left with him. We will see where that takes Lyug in the future.

The painting was awesome! I wasn't able to say too much about it because Lyug doesn't comprehend things of such detail, but damn, that #### was hawt!

All in all your char was amazing. I had a blast going to the alters and looking around and reading up on all that was there. Then the great RP that followed. That totally makes Aldran one of Lyugs greatest friends.

Oh, and I have done a few things in the name of Aldran for some innocents. *wink*
Your memory will live on.

See you in the fields!
56278, RE: Wow.
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Funny thing is, I've never tried doing anything like the paintings before. I got the whole painting theme from Minya, as I was searching through the archives for some elvish last names and a history to go with them. He had prettymuch rejected painting, though, but then he fell in love with Siladhiele and that painting contest came about so I thought, what the heck, I'll give it a go. That I painted Lyug after all that should tell you how much Aldran liked and respected him (and I just envisioned the image in my head and thought that it'd be pretty cool to try). I meant to put it in my role but never got around to it. Hopefully one of the Heralds will share it with the world.

I'm glad you enjoyed our interactions. I know I did. It's too bad I couldn't keep up that RP, though. That Aldran had such an effect on you means that his ultimate goal was met, and it makes me glad to know such a thing.
56267, You get my vote for: Newer Player Most Likely To Succeed
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously. I traveled with this character a little bit, and you were cool. It's going to be a sad, happy, and soon day when I realize you are a better player in all aspects of CF than I am.
56279, RE: You get my vote for: Newer Player Most Likely To Succeed
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's a wonderful compliment. I hope I can live up to your expectations. My goal is to succeed in all aspects of CF. I'm nowhere near there, I believe, but I'm getting closer. I'm glad you enjoyed this character.
56268, Our interaction made me giggle, at least... txt
Posted by Sokde on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the reasons to despise Sokde were definately justified... if only you knew.

Grouping with two evil people, you kill them both, plus another that wasn't with us. I'd convinced you at first that the three were together, but as you'd come upon them fighting, I had to catch up a little there. I do business with one of them right infront of you, and you say nothing. So I robbed you. You say nothing. I rob you again. Nothing. Then we went back to killing goodie mobs.

"As long as you don't kill innocents, we won't have a problem."

Sokde's like.. Ok man, whatever you say. I was killing storm giants the whole time, as well as planning the downfall of a goodie warrior. I think I actually said something like "Don't worry, you'll never find out about it if I do".

Then, you said something like "I was planning to give my life, but it didn't work out that way." Hence why I pointed out that you ganked the hell out of them and you're like.. "Oh wells". They weren't prepared for you, all bleeding terribly from fighting each other, and my happy ass is still sitting in Galadon waiting for you crazy people without hide to get out of the woods.

Yet, you still offered to give me gold, for no reason. Was still killing giants with an imperial and a drow while you asked to transport to me. So when I ran quickly to the drop off point of the gold, and had told you to put in on a farmer... and you say "There weren't any" I left the city immediately and went to do something more important than getting a rather small amount of gold from a guy who couldn't even 'where farmer' to do what we'd agreed on.
56280, RE: Our interaction made me giggle, at least... txt
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aldran really didn't care about getting robbed, and he certainly wasn't going to kill someone over it, unless they were robbing the needy. Also, you have to understand that Aldran did not equate Light as innocent. Those Storm Giants knew what they were getting into, in his mind. The only time he ever cared about them was when he was in the Fortress, because it was expected of him. He would've helped them, if asked, but otherwise, he prettymuch ignored them.

I really was trying to get killed, but I wasn't going to just lie down and expose my throat. I had no idea they were killing each other. I just tesseracted in, attacked, he ran, came back, attacked me, and I killed him, then another walked in, my angel attacked him, he tried to fight back, and he died. The whole thing floored me, because I've never managed to land kills so quickly. It was enough that I certainly wasn't going to go after them again for a while, so I just started raiding the Empire.

I offered you the gold because no one else would take it, and giving it to a Herald was much better than letting it fall into the hands of the Empire, in his mind. Sure, he could've banked it, but why bother? As for why you couldn't find it, it's because you told me to leave it in Lower Cragstone, which I did, and there really are no farmers in Lower Cragstone. I've explored that place rather thoroughly.
56269, We had many interaction
Posted by Theroc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My first interaction with you was when Siladhiele just got to 51. Whenever you came to the Inn, she would go talk to you and leave me alone. Theroc hated you for that.

Next interaction was when you were hold couple of items that I wanted to appraise it. You wouldn't trust me enough, so I stole it, appraised it and planted it back. Later on you just handed one item to Theroc for free.

We had few other interactions and all of them were fun. When I saw your note, it made me very sad that you not around to have more fun.

See you in the fields.
56282, RE: We had many interaction
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmm, I don't remember that. Oh well, I'm glad you enjoyed my character. If Aldran had been an Inn going character, we probably would've had more interactions that I would remember. I do have a fondness for Heralds, though, seeing as how I played Tiatan. It'll likely make it so I never have a character that fights in the Inn.
56291, RE: And so ends the reign of my second character.
Posted by Soayel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well.. Thanks for the words.

I kind of liked you, and had hoped for something. But after that long talk in the Temple, I realized that you probably didn't want to change your mind and you already had made your mind.

Was a little sad about that, I really would have seen you as Scribe. And also tried to cheer you up a little, to no avail.

Can't say I didn't try though!

Good luck with the next, and yes.. "Be more Funny"! Homer J. Simpsons.
56344, RE: And so ends the reign of my second character.
Posted by Marigue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Excellent character, as always (I had a feeling you played Tiatan). I loved our interactions, especially the counseling I gave you, and our philisophical debates which usually give away my characters.

Marigue saw Aldran as a kindred spirit, devoted entirely to doing what he thought was best, despite the various conflicts that arose because of this. He never told Aldran that he was wrong in his beliefs, but rather tried to show him an issue from a different perspective so that he might choose what he thinks is best after seeing things in a different light.

I'm sorry about dropping off the face of Thera for a bit, but I've been caught up with alot of stuff do to recently. I wish I had been there for you more in the later years, which were probably the worst ones for Aldran.

See you in the fields, mate.
56346, RE: And so ends the reign of my second character.
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What made you suspect I played Tiatan? Aldran was almost nothing like him. He talked about some past heroes, one of which was Tiatan, but not very often.

Aldran considered Marigue a friend because of how understanding and supportive he was, and he didn't have many of those. I think Marigue was one of the few people with whom Aldran could feel comfortable with being open and honest, though after he left the Fortress, he didn't care enough to try to hide his intentions, happenings, or personality anymore. I would've loved to have interacted with you more, especially after he left the Fortress, but I understand how real life can take ahold. I enjoyed all of the ones we did have, though.
56203, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Aldran Eliai'riai the Planewalker
Posted by Chesa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Chesa is really going to miss you, even if you did tell her that she needed to stay away so you dont get hurt again. It was really fun having the talks we did though, really pulled out my old character again, and I thank you for that. Hope your future plans all work out for you and good luck with your next.

See you in the fields.
56207, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Aldran Eliai'riai the Planewalker
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes I know. I'm glad you enjoyed our time together. Be sure to say nice things about him and inspire the innocent so his death won't be in vain.
56202, Dammit!
Posted by Mendecirith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aldran... I don't know what to say. I really wanted things to change for you, and some happiness to shine on in for you, but you didn't seem to want it, and I didn't know how to help except lecture and rage and talk.

I hope you had fun with this character, and hope you had fun with Mende. She was really pulling for you, but I guess it wasn't to be.

And, damn, you got some of the worst ganging and beatdowns from what I saw. And that full-sac? What a bunch of ####.

Make a happier character next time! It'll be fun, I promise!

~The Cardinal
56206, RE: Dammit!
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The day I decided it was time to end it (not the day I actually did) I tried to find Mendecirith. I knew that if anyone could give back my spark for him, it would be her. Sadly, you disappeared right around that time, and I just started logging in less and less, so today, I just said screw it and decided I wouldn't stop playing till he was dead. It was three deaths, and I knew it, so I just went for it. I did enjoy our interactions, though, as I said in my goodbyes, and no, I did not want him to be happy. He was never meant to be happy, nor was he ever meant to fall in love, but I can't control my characters, and yes, the next one will be much happier.
56200, Another one?
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was always fun interacting with you. You had that same depressed role the zephon had near the end (with good reason). It was fun interacting with you and the cardinal together.
I hope you had quite a bit of fun.
See you in the fields.
~Zephon Zereldest
56208, RE: Another one?
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I say? I just wasn't into the character anymore. I did have fun for the most part, but it was just time to pull the plug.
56199, Wow, you weren't kidding, huh?
Posted by Xhosrya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you said you were close to death I underestimated your definition of "close"
56205, RE: Wow, you weren't kidding, huh?
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah. Sorry about trying to kill you. You have to understand that I was of the mindset that I suck at PK, and I was ready for this character to die, so I was fighting all I could to try to make it happen.