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Topic subject(DEL) Rithlan the Assassin Hero
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=5616
5616, (DEL) Rithlan the Assassin Hero
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Apr 8 17:57:21 2002

9 o''clock PM, Day of the Sun, 34th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness on the Theran calendar Rithlan perished, never to return.

Cabal:SYLVAN, the Sylvan Warders
PK Ratio:12% (closer to 100% is better)

5617, Role, some small text, too.
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, here's the role. I don't have the placeholder Nepenthe got to read early on, but this is what followed. (The first part was just a couple paragraphs about my chars philosphy of society/civilization). This part was more pertinent to the characters history and his attitudes, etc. Be forewarned the first half is rather anticlimatic, which is why the second was put in. I tried for some effect, but I'm no Thror when it comes to writing, so I had to make certain adaptations. Hope this gives some of you a bit more perspective into the char.

The wind groaned in benevolent protest, whistling ominously though the rafters as Rithlan sits brooding, his movements and appearance decidedly pensive. His eyes gaze about with a look of quiet discontent, as he ponders the events that have brought him to this desolate Inn. Aptly named, an unfortunate product or poor circumstance and even worse coincidence, the “Weary Wanderer;” it is located within the veiled ruins just outside the thriving city of his kin.
“#####.” he offers to no one in particular, a sign of his growing irritation. “Years of training and this is all I have to show for myself; a half-full purse and an inanimate bar mocking me.” With a disgruntled snort, he downs the rest of his wine in a single gulp, throws a few copper upon the table, and lightly treads his way to the door.
“Damned if I’ll sleep another night within the confines of these wretched walls,” he utters quietly, once again denouncing the mocking coincidence doled out by the dredges of civilization. Ruminating on this as he makes his way south, heading towards the mountains, a slight chuckle escapes from him as he offer out-loud, “Do I openly denounce myself, or society?” With a cynical snicker, he adds, “Surely, if suicide is my goal…my death the culmination of yet another foolish decision.”
Shrugging indifferently, he lifts his face into the winds, his steps fast losing their dexterity as the fires of drink begin to envelop his body. Rain begins to fall delicately upon the stretch of road about him, a refreshing dampness that quickly grows into a rending gale. Pulling his hood over his head, half-blinded by stinging sheets of rain, Rithlan darts into a grove of trees just off the now slickly mudded road. Covered and protected from the wild rains by the thick canopy overhead, he sits down, huddled beside an ancient oak tree, shivering as the biting winds penetrate his soaked garments.
Removing his cloak and quickly setting it up above his head, tied between two stout boughs, he quickly makes a small camp and lays down, preparing to wait out the storm. After just a few short moments, unable to find comfort upon the soggy ground, he rolls to his feet as pangs of hunger begin to set in. “When was it that I last had a solid meal,” he wonders to himself. He quickly steps out from beneath his cloak, looking about himself furtively.
“It is uncommon for travelers to opt for the safety found here, when any of your kin surely know of the abandoned church not far down the road,” a solemn voices offers from behind a startled Rithlan. Turning about, startled and off-guard, Rithlan assumes a defensive posture, looking about tentitavely as he is unable to locate the source of the words spoken to him. An amused chuckle emanates from behind him, causing him to stumble as he once again spins about in a vain attempt to pinpoint his verbal assailant.
“Who are you,” Rithlan asks, trying to choke down the fear building within him. His words are echoed back to him, a mix of mockery and amusement evident in the tone used in the mimicked retort. The ensuing silence, to Rithlan, is indicative of both curiosity and a desire for peaceable parlay, at least for the moment.
Finally breaking the silence with a soft whisper, a smirk appearing upon his visage, Rithlan answers, “I am a weary wanderer, burdened by the monotony of predictability and expectation. I rest out the storm here because it suits me fine, and will find as much comfort here as I would anywhere else.”
“Ahh…he speaks. Well met then, weary wanderer. Your ambiguously vague answer tells me what I wish to hear, but not what I wish to know. Well spoken.” With a quiet rush of wings, an aged avian drops down from the boughs above, alighting softly and deftly at Rithlan’s feet. He bows low, extending his hand; further indiciation of his desire for a peaceful encounter.
Startled and off-guard once more, perturbed that his acute senses were unable to pinpoint the location of this aged kin, Rithlan reaches out his hand, offering a curt nod of acknowledgement to the pleasantries offered before him.
“Rithlan Cra’Shalan, son of Armerak, son of Relanin. Do not act so surprised that I know who you are, young one,” offers the aged Arial, a sparkle of humor evident in his eyes. “Even if I hadn’t guessed it when I began following you, the pendant about your neck tells me the truth.”
Still unsettled, Rithlan’s hand flashes quickly to the pendant about his neck, as he simultaneously asks the question burning in his mind. “Who are you that you know me when we have never met? Surely my ability as an assassin has no progressed to allow me such fame,” he offers with a snide smirk.
“An old friend of your fathers’, though I suspect you know little enough of him to understand the significance of this meeting,” he offers. “My name is Crenal, and I see from your lack of reaction that the name means nothing to you, and I expect it shouldn’t, yet. First, let me ask you….what do you know of your father? Do you know of his past?” Crenal gazes upon Rithlan with an inquiring look in his eyes.
Rithlan sits, allowing his gaze to return to the rustling canopy overhead. Quietly, he offers, “I know little, save that he left my mother and I when I was but a child, telling me only that he was answering and I would one day understand. All I understand is that he left us to fend for ourselves, and that his memory as a father is worth nothing to me because of it.”
A soft chuckle escapes from the lips of Crenal as he is no longer able to contain the mirth building within him. Regaining his composure, he states flatly, “So much like your father, I can already see. You carry about with you the arrogant indifference he was so well known for amongst us.”
“Us?” questions Rithlan curiously.
“Yes, us,” is the trite response. “Our family.” Looking gravely at Rithlan, Crenal asks, “What do you know of your namesake, young Cra’Shalan?”
“Yes, well, that is about to change. The pendant about your neck is more then just a family trinket. It is the identity of your bloodline. It is a symbol of the spirit, well suited for the line of Cra’Shalan, in itself meaning the son of the Spirit. However, knowing this will do little unless you too have come to answer, as your father once did.”
A wry smile appears upon Rithlan’s features as he asks dryly, “And I suppose I am supposed to know the question to which I will come to answer?”
“Oh, but you do young lad, but you do. Else you would not have come here, nor would I. So much like you father, you are. Skeptical and cynical, yet I sense within you the unyielding spirit I found within your father. Do you have faith, Rithlan? Is your mind open to accepting your calling, or have years of city life destroyed your ability to be free of mind and spirit?” Crenal asks with a hint of anger rising in his voice.
“What calling would that be, Crenal?” Rithlan asks, sarcastically, once again flashing his elder a cynical smile.
“That is a question you will answer on your own, is the cryptic reponse. “What is life Rithlan? Is it the cultivation of society? The spread of civilization?”
“I do not think so,” Rithlan answers tentitavely. “It is this, all about us,” he continues, spreading his arms out in a wide arc to encompass everything about him. “It is our ability to coexist with what is natural, without disrupting the cycle that has existed since before the time of understanding, and will continue to exist after.”
“Indeed, indeed,” Crenal responds, looking pleased. “Then why do you continue to dwell where this cycle is broken,” he asks. “Has such a life not left you empty? Lacking in purpose? Are you not discontent with your existence?”
Looking at his companion both thoughtfully and with not just a little bit of wonder, Rithlan offers, “I can find no purpose to my life. I live only because it is what I know, and have felt empty my entire life. How can you know this?”
Again, a small fit of laughter escapes from Crenal. “No, Rithlan. I am no mystic. Your father was once the same. Here I can give you and answer that will help you find yourself. You understand well that life is before you, yet you’ve lived fighting against it. It has pushed the call of your spirit from your mind, disabling you from hearing the call as we do. It has not been able to defeat the call that brought you here, however, a call akin to the spirit within you.” Tapping his chin thoughtfully, he peers at Rithlan and continues, “The citybound have no place here, as I am sure you have come to understand. Do you…”
Rithlan interrupts him, quietly stating, “Yes. I think I do understand now. More so, I feel that this is somehow right. Like the last piece of a puzzle I could not finish, though even complete I cannot yet see everything that has been pieced together before me.”
“Excellent young Rithlan. The whole picture you will surely see in time. For now, I welcome you to our family, though you still have much to learn. Fortunately, I may be able to be of some assistance, in that regard. You know now where you belong, and I will teach you how to accomplish what must be done, Cra’Shalan. The call is strong within you, though how much so you cannot fathom yet. You will serve as your father and your father’s father once did, and in turn, when the truth of their lives is realized within you, you will find the truth of your own purpose.”

A year later…

A constant throb beats in his ears, his racing heart seems to be trying to force its way out of his chest, an explosion imminent. The brisk winds whip at his face, quickly dispelling the frosty plumes of fetid breath escaping from his overexerted lungs. Each time a surge of fatigue settles into his body, he allows his thoughts to return to why he is about the task before him, and a newfound strength of pure hatred, adrenalin beyond the means of many mortals, forces him to carry onward.
He pauses for a brief moment, allowing his mind to return to the delicate nature of the task at hand, knowing instinctively in his brief moment of respite that blind rage will only hamper his efforts, and that some degree of planning and proper execution will be needed to be successful. Success is necessary, the alternative is death. Surveying the plains below him, glancing about for only a moment, he discerns the quickest route to his destination. Nodding slightly, as if you reassure himself, Rithlan allows a wild cry to escape from his throat, at the same time kicking his exhausted legs into gear, beginning his descent into the plains laying in the valley below.
As he crosses the plains, he uses his innate ability of flight only once, momentarily, allowing him to manipulate the brisk draft of the nearing storm to traverse a wide river that splits the plains asunder. Alighting softly upon the far bank, he wraps his cloak tightly about himself and speeds hastily into the nearby tree coverage. He pauses here once more to assure himself that he is prepared and to catch his breath. Slowly he begins to stalk towards his enemy.
A band of no less than ten Orcs sit about a poorly constructed fire, roasting autumn fattened pheasant and deer only crudely drawn and still living tree limbs. Nearby, a small cluster of Orcs sit betting recently crafted elf skins on a game made of a young hart, a broken arrow protruding from its blood slicked neck as it tries to escape from their torments, even in the throws of death. Checking his blades quickly, Rithlan prepares himself for the task at hand.
Quietly he maneuvers into position behind the lone Orc set out upon the fringe of the encampment to act as sentry. The poorly clad brute stares down towards the fire and unholy games longingly, fully neglecting his duties as watchmen for the raiding party. Thanking the Spirit for this convenience and simultaneously admonishing the Orc race for their stupidity, Rithlan deftly extends his arms about the neck of the sentry, plants his feet into the strong sapling behind him, and throws himself towards the ground, using his strength and weight as perfect complements of one another. His effort is rewarded with a resounding crack as the Orc’s neck snaps cleanly through. Briefly, Rithlan pauses to wonder if his mentor, Crenal, could match the speed and ease of such a kill. Surely not!
Abandoning stealth now, knowing he will only leave himself open and offguard, he allows the bloodthirsty rage of a cornered beast to wash over him. Howling with a fury unmatched by even the largest bear in the forest, Rithlan descends upon his enemy with his blades singing in harmony with the song of the winds sifting through the leaves overhead. He first targets the small cluster of Orcs playing their devilish game, deftly slapping away the wild swipe from the first Orc to his feet. Reversing his swing, he brings the blade across the gut of his opponent, not wasting time to watch his enemies bowels spill forth. Taking further advantage of the unorganized party, Rithlan quickly kicks out the legs of his nearest opponent, and continues on to the next when he hears the satisfying gurgle of an Orc scream muffled by gargled blood. Lying prostrate, he arches his back and swing his leg up towards the head of the nearest Orc, laughing affably as his taloned boots slices deeply into its neck. Tearing his foot from the savage beasts torn windpipe, he turns his attention to his last foe. Without time to react differently, Rithlan throws himself back upon a rocky outcropping behind him, plants his blade over his head, and waits. Unable to stop himself, the charging Orc barrels onto the blade with all of his weight, impaling himself through his thick chest. Even in his death throws, he proves to be a threat, as he stumbles away from the rock and falls, further impaling himself and snapping the blade in twine, leaving young Rithlan outnumbered and without a weapon.
Cursing his luck, Rithlan turns, empty handed, to face his remaining enemies. The encampment is bare, save for a quick shadow darting quickly into a thicket of bushes leading deeper into the wood. A disgusted groan escapes from his lips as the realization dawns upon him that this hunt will not before over as quickly as he had planned. There would be no rest until all of them were slain. Staring at the ground, his eyes stoney and blank, he kicks softly at the ground. Looking up to locate some viable weapon, his eyes begin to focus on the scene about him. The truth of his situation astonishes him. Nine more corpses lay strewn about the camp, hacked and sliced apart with deadly precision. Just as he begins to ponder the enigma behind this, the head of the tenth Orc lands nearby, rolling to a stop at his feet. A resounding chuckle, so familiar to his ears now, eminates from deep within the wood. A moment late, Crenal steps back out from the thicket he had disappeared into, wiping his soiled blade upon the thick grasses at his feet.
“Well done, Rithlan. Executed almost to perfection. You have learned the last lesson I can teach you, though I am sure there will be many more in the days ahead of you. Our calling is not for us to answer individually, but as a pack. In unison, we can complement each others actions to perfection, as we did today. Do not ever fail to find a pack that will strike down in their effort answer the calling. We will meet again, perhaps, someday, Rithlan.” Bowing low, his mentor and friend unfurls his wings and takes flight, one last cry sounding out before he disappears from Rithlan’s view. Slowly, Rithlan turns about and begins looking for a new blade, chucking softly to himself.

5618, Just wondering...
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok...maybe my role isn't something worthy of the "elite" of carrion fields. I just question the value placed on roles and having them when spending time (and regardless of whether or not mine is any good, i did spend a fair amount of time on it) on them turns out to be pointless. I would have been willing to bet that maybe one Immortal had actually read my role, and even that is pushing it. It's four in the morning, I'm tired, my allergies are a bitch so I can't sleep, and maybe in the morning I'll kick myself for this rant. I just don't get it...I play chars without roles and ended up being told "you should have had a role, it would have put things into perspective" yet when I spend time developing a char and creating a decent role, I end up ignored anyway. One a side note, Ilraeth, I had been looking forward to the chat you promised me, and I'd come to you with a unique idea that appeared to be a promising chance for some Imm interaction (as I was just about craving it at that point). Oh well...at least you had the decency to tell me you didn't have the time. End rant. Begin with the bitch slaps ;P
5619, Personally
Posted by ArChaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is no criticsm of your choice held within this post
just my POV.

As a first reaction i couldn't be arsed reading through your role.
If i wanted to know your character motivations, having to read a long story and carefully select the lines that are actually relevant to me, would be murder (it also makes it harder to keep it in the mind when you're dealing with 2 or 3 people).

I don't know what imms think.

Story lines are nice, but tend to be imposing.

As a matter of interest, could you go back through your log and paste the lines you felt offered insight into your character?

Ok i copy pasted the stuff i saw as relevant to your character and not window dressing..would you be able to insert the same info into a more concise form? (doing this copy/paste means i've read through the whole role now and it makes for a nice story - dunno about role, but nice story)

“Years of training and this is all I have to show for myself; a half-full purse and an inanimate bar mocking me.”
Current state of affairs

“Damned if I’ll sleep another night within the confines of these wretched walls,” he utters quietly, once again denouncing the mocking coincidence doled out by the dredges of civilization.
Curious - what coincidence doled out? He's sleeping in a bad hotel and has little money?

“Do I openly denounce myself, or society?” With a cynical snicker, he adds, “Surely, if suicide is my goal…my death the culmination of yet another foolish decision.”
Uhm, what made him start saying this? He complained about having a crappy bed, what's that to do with society?

“I am a weary wanderer, burdened by the monotony of predictability and expectation. I rest out the storm here because it suits me fine, and will find as much comfort here as I would anywhere else.”
Tells us why you'd rather sleep in a storm, than in a crappy bed

"Surely my ability as an assassin has no progressed to allow me such fame,” he offers with a snide smirk.
You'll freely admit to a stranger that your an assassin

“So much like your father, I can already see. You carry about with you the arrogant indifference he was so well known for amongst us.”
"Skeptical and cynical, yet I sense within you the unyielding spirit I found within your father. "
Personality info

“I can find no purpose to my life. I live only because it is what I know, and have felt empty my entire life. How can you know this?”
The crux of the Character

Rithlan interrupts him, quietly stating, “Yes. I think I do understand now. More so, I feel that this is somehow right. Like the last piece of a puzzle I could not finish, though even complete I cannot yet see everything that has been pieced together before me.”
Your character has suddenly discovered why he would want in sylvan

"a newfound strength of pure hatred"
He really really hates something

..a year later you go and kick the crap out of 9 orcs....(without reason)

As a matter of interest, it doesn't tell me why you'd kill a good aligned tribunal, your role told me why you cared little for society, not why you should go around killing folk who -are- part of society...

5620, RE: Personally
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the constructive criticism. I'm about to leave for work, so I'll keep this short and expand on it later. Your comments make sense, and it helps to have another's perspective of my writing, since it always sounds different reading it to myself. Thanks again.
5621, Hrmph!
Posted by Llohuir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No one remembers an uncaballed player.<sigh> We had a few conflicts with you, and the worst was when you, Siacla and a lion ganging on me in Galadon full of Tribunals. The lion raked me to death when my sanc fell.

I'll post the log when I'm done. Cya in the fields with another character.
5622, Re; Not forgotten
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember you very well...I just didn't feel like butchering your name. There was one time when I absolutely ate every word I'd spoken against you...when I was after Dugruain and you stepped in with a quick rot and some demonfire that left me kicking my computer sub-woofer across the room. You were one of the characters that inspired me to continue my hardass RP even if I knew I was outmatched by my opponent. Thankfully our fights usually ended up with a bit of running, some goodnatured badmouthing, and the typical "Next time" threats. Well played, and thanks for your contributions helping me form my character.
5623, Yuck
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Note to self: No more assassins.

That said, some goodbyes:


-Siacla: Ranked up together, had a lot of fun. You were a fun PK buddy to have around, even if we managed to lose most of our fights :P

-Boldereth: Thanks for a little faith.

-Alysrith: Well played, wish you'd been around more.

Others: One of you in particular annoyed me, as I saw you both IC and OOC as a gear hording bitch. I'm sure you know who you are.


-Dullameh: Well played. Thought I did pretty well a few times, but ended up dead more often then not, if I didn't haul ass to anywhere you weren't.


-Lasella: ??? Hope that's it. I thought your views were pretty well founded, and agreed with them for the most part. A pity some of the other warlocks couldn't see things the way you do.

-Kirakh: I think I said everything there was to say.


-Dugruain: Well played, and grats on Immorting. I'm sure you'll be productive as an Imm. A pity we couldn't continue our personal war, I enjoyed every confrontation we had. (Though plague was a bitch most of the time).

-Gegreigar: Maces=pain. I stayed away from you unless I could fight you with someone else who could handle the maces.

Well, off to roll up another char. Any interested in reading the role or anything, just ask and I'll post it. Maybe if the imms want to read it, they can feel free to ask too, since I'd put my money on them having not taken a look (that or they just decided to let my char go unnoticed for a reason I couldn't discern).
5643, Would everyone just quit deleting..
Posted by Siacla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh. It was fun, you played a better sylvan than most others did, and you were an assassin. I still remember giving you some gear when you were a lowbie, then going out leveling with you a few days later.

Let me see your role, by the way. You had an interesting character. A shame you deleted, you must have put alot of work into mastering stuff.

I still don't see why people do that.

As far as the hoarders.. I don't think anyone is actually hoarding, just alot of sylvans like a pretty suit. That's fine.. but when they are afraid to lose it.. that's where the problems begin.

5644, Anyone else notice the irony here%3F Anyone%3F Argh%21 n%2Ft.
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
5642, RE: Yuck
Posted by Lasella on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the Warder which I respect, IC wise. There are times where we actually indirectly worked together and I think thats pretty cool. Was actually hoping to see you around more but alas you deleted. Anyway you played a wonderful character. A well done to you and hope to interact with your new incarnations in the future.

*disclaimer, LV |= Louis Vuitton*
5640, RE: Yuck
Posted by Leaf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You sucked so bad. 12%...Just messing. I know the RP was hard at first, but you did a pretty good job. First time in 2(?) years there was an Assassin in Sylvan? I want to see the finished role as well, so post it. You are right though, stay away from Assassins. Stick to warriors or empowered classes.
5641, RE: Yuck
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the confidence booster you ass :P

When you get back into playing on a regular basis, you can be sure to see one of my chars barreling down on you, regardless of race or class *cackles*

5639, RE: Yucky ucky ucky
Posted by Diego on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice job getting into Sylvan. I've never met any assassin who'd gotten into Sylvan I think that the others were before my time. I'd think that being an assassin in Sylvan would allow you to be a real badass killing machine but I guess I was wrong. Only did a little bit of ranking with you so I never really got a chance to know you too well. Well anyway good luck on the next an all.

5637, a sylvan I liked....
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even if it was only a little! :P

For a bitter foe, I had immense respect for you. It got to the point there, that when you were wanted, and not fighting me in Galadon I felt shunned. *sniffs sadly* We had some great fights, especially when you could grab a healer. Good fun.

Thanks for the kind words and G'luck with the next.


"And until next time America, take care of each other.. and yourselves." J.S.
5638, RE: a tribby I kinda liked....
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd be interested in seeing any logs you might have had of us fighting. The majority of our fights were very impressive, tactically. It's not often that I sit and debate tactical maneuvers with an opponent before going in to fight him. One fight I found particularly amusing was when you had challenged me to come in to fight you saying you'd use no guards, and I went in without thinking twice or prepping. I nailed you just as sanc dropped, beat you a bit, you fled, and I left town cause some little tribby had manacled me and had guards after me. Next thing I know, I have about 50 mvs left, you've sanced and chased me out to the weald, I'm fogged...and I'm thinking, "Oh #####." Instead of acknowledging my loss/your victory or my cowardice, I sat and taunted you for fleeing, saying I'd won, then taunted you for getting the aid of the yuonger tribby. Meanwhile I'm sitting there with about 25 hp, 50 mvs, hoping the next tick comes through soon so I can vanish when you summon me. Anyway...logs, logs, and more logs would be nice to read, thanks.
5635, RE: Yuck
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Maybe if the imms want to read it, they can feel free to ask
>too, since I'd put my money on them having not taken a look

Gotcha! I actually did read your role, though I'll be damned if I can remember the details now. The reason I remember that is this:

I spotted you fighting a good-aligned Tribunal (I want to say it was Dugruain, but I can't swear to that) and you weren't wanted or anything. You weren't inducted into Sylvan yet at that point. I was thinking "What the hell, why is this assassin fighting this other good character? Maybe I need to watch this and hit someone with the neutral stick."

Then I read the role and could figure out what was going on. Your role definitely was used and helped an immortal make a judgement call about your character and realize something that at first blush looked uncool to me was actually cool.

5636, Re: Nepenthe
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Chances are, if you read that short bit I had in there as a place holder, it was to do exactly what it did. Unfortunately, that wasn't my role. I didn't finish my role until after I'd heroed (which is obviously going to make things difficult on both sides cause I'm living by a role you Imms can't see). The couple paragraphs that were there were written to make sure any curious Imms had a general idea of the direction of my char and ensure they didn't step in without having an idea of what was going on (and from my POV, would have provided them some prep for an RP situation). My role will be posted shortly, and I'd love to have your feedback on it, since the little bit I had there was sufficient to get my point across. I'd be interested in learning if you think my char, even from what you saw, lived up to the role I had written.
5632, RE: Yuck
Posted by Saldradien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly I wasn't all down on the idea of inducting an assassin, so I made it (and I'm sure you'd agree) tough for you. Overall I was pleased with this character and felt you would honestly contribute to the cabal and the game (which of course is why you wound up inducted). All that work to get inducted then to delete. Ah well, I hope you had fun with the char, and I hope I did my part to enhance your experience. I can't see roles, or you can bet I would have been looking. This was a solid character in my book. "Lord I don't think the golem has a heart." that statement led to having someone look through the area file to determine whether or not it actually did, and its likely it wont in the future. Well played, see ya around.
5633, Re: Saldradien
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Lord I don't think the golem has a heart." that statement led to having someone look through the area file to determine whether or not it actually did, and its likely it wont in the future.

-- That was, at the time, fairly funny, even being the one asking it. I was so frustrated from killing the damn thing without any luck, and at the same time wondering if you'd blown me off on some trick quest where it didn't exist (I mean, a golem...no heart? I figured it shouldn't have one). I guess I lucked out, and thanks for a little faith when I was unable to bring it to you personally. If I'd had to get another one, I probably would have deleted on the spot. Too many exp holes and lost con trying to get that thing. Wish I'd seen you around a bit more, I kind of intended to push my chars RP in Sal's direction a bit.
5634, RE: Re: Saldradien
Posted by Niamh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I was so frustrated from killing the damn thing
>without any luck, and at the same time wondering if you'd
>blown me off on some trick quest where it didn't exist (I
>mean, a golem...no heart? I figured it shouldn't have one).

At least you can see hidden and the guardian you had to kill doesn't earthbind, slow and fumble. Brings back memories of me having to repeatedly kill the transmuter guard as a falcon (single form). Getting one MANGLE per round meant it took forever to kill, then I always got earthbound to boot (which, coupled with manacles and hostile thieves I, was a nasty combination).

Fun quest, though, isn't it?
5630, Does this mark the downward slope of warders again?
Posted by Danical on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate when everyone starts to leave at the same time. I'm glad to have known you though. Anyway, too bad you are leaving, we needed hero's.

5631, RE: Does this mark the downward slope of warders again?
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think it does, by any means. I'm sure I'll return to the sylvan cabal sometime soon, but not until I think I'm going to be able to get some Imm interaction there. I guess I was a bit dejected at spending time writing what I felt to be a passable role and seeing nothing out of it beyond my own feeling of accomplishment. That's the way the cookie crisp crumbles, though.
The heroes will come.
5628, RE: Yuck
Posted by Gegreigar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> -Gegreigar: Maces=pain. I stayed away from you unless I could fight you with someone else who could handle the maces.

Jesus you talked sooooooo much #####, even after I killed you.. eventually I just got tired of it because I knew no matter what I did you wouldnt stop talking #####, after killing you, you still talked #####

a well

if it makes you feel any better you were somewhat hard to catch

but not that bad :P
5629, Talking smack
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Part of the role, I assure you. I knew I weas outmatched by you the first time I fought you, and made a point of trying to irritate you into making a stupid mistake. Unfortunatley I only managed to kill you once, when I was with a group. As for your kills against me...I can't think of any that were particularly well fought. The only one that really stands out in my mind was you running in and cranialing me at about 1/3 of my health after forcing Dugruain to word. I wasn't epxecting you to show up as fast as you did. The other that sucked was me attacking the judge, fleeing, and getting tangled up in the guards in the west gate. You came in, cranialed away, I fled, and ended up tangled in the guards again. A risk I knew I was taking. No matter...I enjoyed the cat and mouse regardless, and respected you from both a char and personal perspective.
5626, RE: Yuck
Posted by Ulfin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had a Lot of Fun with you man, dont forget me! ***Sprays you with Grummy Stench!***
5627, RE: Yuck
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Agreed. You were a blast man. Sometimes I wondered if my constant requests for healing/stench was getting to you. Granted you chose to be a healer, and having played a couple, I know it's both fun and a pain in the ass to have to live up to others' demands all the time. Regardless, thank you for the aid you provided me, and for being a companion on so many trips.
5624, You were fun to fight
Posted by Rahktav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't talk much to you except maybe in curses back and
forth to one another, but you were gutsy and I liked our
5625, RE: You were fun to fight
Posted by Rithlan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wish I had logged some of them. I believe it was you I fought outside the necromancers guild during my quest...

That fight taught me the incredible strength an assassin has when he's got his opponent well beaten and throws in an Owaza. I see you covered and I'm thinking...#####, this is a dead even fight...wonder who will win. Next thing I know I'm running from the pit to get my things. I was amazed and impressed. If you have any logs, feel free to post them here or on dioxides page, as I tend to check it once in a while, as well.