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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectSo long, and thanks for all the coffee
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=55669
55669, So long, and thanks for all the coffee
Posted by Hrudgir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've always wanted to play a dwarven Paladin. I like dwarves. I like Paladins. Ergo, I wanted to do both. I could never figure out how to mesh the proper RP of a dwarf and a Paladin though, so I've never rolled one. Hrudgir's role was the answer to that. He became a Paladin on a bet with his brother. Gave up booze at the same time. I think it worked, as far as that goes, but I don't think rping a Dwarven Paladin is as much fun as rping a straight up paladin, or a straight up dwarf.

I don't see myself doing a two hander again anytime soon. I can't see playing one without Temperance, which I did get, but it seems like such a crapshoot. If you look at the PBFs of all the bigtime Paladins, Lariya, Solasarath, Saroiya, you will notice one thing, they all have Temp. Without it, you are bashbait. This is doubly true now that APs are meanass even without a boatload of charges. ABS + Bash == ouch if you can't tank well. Fortitude is awesome, but limited. I think it should be looked at. At the point you need aristae/spirit of the blade, you are probably being lagged into the ground anyways. Beyond that, they are supps you CANNOT have fail when you need them, and since they are so situational (and Aris costs so much mana) your possibility of having them at a high % is low. I tried to use Spirit a few times, unsuccessfully. That said, those two supps let me beat a level ~ 53 IMM in single combat so what ever. In fairness she wasn't dual wielding ;)

Dwarf makes for a super fun paladin. A billion hp + Pwent == pwnage in the mid ranks. I killed something like 30 people at level 32 in about 7 days. Mucho fun.


Baerinika -- You are a jawdropping rper. Quiet, reserved, solid. Solid in the sense that your character oozes presence, seems a part of the land. I haven't had such a good IMM experience in quite a while. Thank you for the chats, I don't think I ever fully understood where you are going with the religion however. Thanks for all the time you spent with me, and your patience. Hell, thanks for empowering me considering my role. Anyways, thank you for awesomeness. Sorry for the rage delete the other day, but I probably should have stayed deleted. The fire went out of the character after the sex change.

Ysal -- I PWNED U!!!! Thanks for the duel, thanks for being a sport about it, thanks for kicking my ass with tankards. It was fitting! Every char I interact with you as, I am impressed. You do dwarf as dwarf is rarely done.

Twist -- Sorry I didn't do much with that time in Voralian. I was very tired and had *no* idea where you were going with that. Thanks for coming down, regardless.

Eshval -- Sigh. Eshval. You are awesome in your way, and I really am sorry about that role breach. I have *never* done that before. I meant what I said. You gave my character an opportunity and I squandered it. BTW, you need something new besides kinetic shield! I see kinetic shield and think YO ESH HOW DO?


Enarn -- Awesome sauce. Always good to have an ally who makes you feel like an utter newbie. Thanks for the lewt, and showing me some things. I finally learned a few areas that I have always wanted to know with you.

Mendecirith -- Darned good Cardinal, was fun running around with you for sure. The sheer amount of top end gear you went through rapidly astounded me.

Xenillia -- My first friend in the fortress. You annoys lots of people, but I think in your own way you have some great RP going. With you at my side I felt invincable, from 25 to hero. Very well played healer.

Pallidis -- Thank you so much for showing me that area. I have always wanted to learn it, and now I think I could go there with any character. Damned skilled, obviously.

Rozanel -- Thanks for the sword. I had it when I deleted today, and became very attached by the end.

Zephon/Miko -- Never really got a feel for either of your characters, but good job the other night against Kanaev/Algrahk.

Aldran -- Very well done character from what I saw. I liked you about a thousand times better after I booted you, and you in a way seemed to be enjoying the char more as well. I could be misreading that though.

Aithirmeis -- As time went on your character improved immensely. By the end, I felt like you were Maran to the T. Full of heart, fearless. Nice character.


Hunsobo -- One of my better friends :P Very very very cool character. You do what you do damned well, and I think you play with an awesome attitude. Always fun to fight you, and I think you can see the difference Temp made in our fights. About that one time when I Cried to Enarn during your duel. It really actually was an accident. We were grouped, he hadn't announced it, I saw his hp dropping so I cried. I totally called your plan in Ysigrath by the way ;) If I was a better pker I would have killed you there.

Kharglurhn -- Amazing character. Everyone I know has mad respect for you. I think you are the best AP on record. How many decent sized unholies have you lost? You just keep trucking. Tough as hell without any charges. I think you can see the respect people have for you in that recent Fort gank on you. Five dude killed you and I think you lost 3 pieces of gear? Awesome char.

Waserax -- Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch. You + bash == death. You do what you do well I think.

Thos -- Goddamned brick. I had 10 hp left that time recently at the Fortress.


Edimus -- You probably really disliked me. For whatever reason we never fought 1v1, and I think my other enemies can attest that I was willing to. You are obviously an impressively skilled bard. That time on Sumner's I was pretty wowed. 45 mins of fighting and then you nail the kill. Well done. Damn your girdle, I thought they were different grapes ;)

Kanaev -- OUCH. I think shaman dispel is probably overboard on your charmies. You are the nastiest char currently I think, well played.

Haratzi -- Obviously a super skilled voker. Fearless. I was impressed. Sorry I tried to shamelessly gank you so many times.


Jrhurg -- Heh, I don't care what anyone says, I like your character.

Raviri/Ghengir -- Wasn't particularly impressed with either of you. If the fight wasn't 100% in your favor neither of you seemed to do very well, and neither of you ever spoke with me despite me trying a few times with you both. I'm sure you are doing something I can't see right though to have leadership in your cabals.

Halistanis -- It is rare that a relationship between two characters grows like ours did. By the end, I considered you one of Hrudgir's better friends. Very well rped character.


Palmer -- Fun fighting you, can't believe I got away from you in Arkham. Also fun talking to you. You are chatty, and that is cool.

Gnashgaar -- Man did you own me in the midranks. Well played orc.


Siladhiele -- I had so much fun talking to you. The first elf bard high herald that hasn't annoyed me in who knows how long.

Anyways, the fire went out of this character. The sex change forced me to substantially alter my RP, and I didn't enjoy that. I started feeling like Fort Bot instead of a living breathing character, and it wasn't fun. I rage deleted right after I ate the grapes, and probably should have just stayed deleted then. I did everything in my power I think to figure out how to change back. Full explored Sirine, and went around Voralian for about 4 hours total saytoing, etc. No luck.


55769, RE: So long, and thanks for all the coffee
Posted by Yikoti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That sucks. Been around or interacted with you for a couple charcaters before Yikoti actually, and was just in awe of your dwarfness. Sadly we never had a chance to even share a cuppa... Anyway, props where they are due, and good luck with the next.
55750, RE: So long, and thanks for all the coffee
Posted by Aldran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmm, well, I don't really want to talk about Aldran's RP or my enjoyment of it or lack thereof in such a public place while he is still alive, so that will have to wait. The boot itself was definately a positive, as can be extrapolated in game, or to be more exact, fit his role. I, personally, was enjoying my time in the Fortress and the interactions within. It's a lot more difficult to find people to talk to as a non-cabaled without going to the Inn. Anyways, we really didn't interact much, but the little I did see impressed me. Good luck with your next.
55711, RE: So long, and thanks for all the coffee
Posted by Daelen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I was just getting used to the idea of a coffee drinking dwarf.
I liked everything I saw/heard of you by the way. Nice work all around.
55705, I wish I could put coffee in a Tankard
Posted by Theroc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I do not get a mention? I wanted to ask you so bad why you couldn't drink ale; but out of respect for the Captain, I refrained myself.

I always thought that the Dwarves should be able to drink ale instead of water when they are thirsty.
55701, RE: So long, and thanks for all the coffee
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know, you are right on all fronts (concerning me). Thanks for the tip. :P Character-wise, you were a lot of fun during all interactions and just enjable to watch. I enjoyed your overall approach to good v evil and note that you made a heck of an impression on me.
55697, RE: So long, and thanks for all the coffee
Posted by Siladhiele on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Siladhiele -- I had so much fun talking to you. The first elf bard high herald that hasn't annoyed me in who knows how long.

I liked Hrudgir a lot. Glad Sil didn't annoy you, trust me, if they had spent more time together, she would have. Sorry to see you go :(
55693, See ya
Posted by Ialob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, I could never type dwarven gibberish that fast. Good times man, sorry you got turned into a chick.

55692, Bye
Posted by Edimus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Edimus -- You probably really disliked me. For whatever reason
>we never fought 1v1, and I think my other enemies can attest
>that I was willing to.

I didn't dislike you at all. In fact I thought you were cool. Anything I said about fighting in gangs was just goading (shh, don't tell anyone). When you go attack an enemy cabal you expect anyone who can fight you to show up to defend, period. I'm sure it has seemed to some people that I fight in gangs despite trying not to, but when you're in a cabal you sometimes fight in a group and that's all there is to it.

>You are obviously an impressively
>skilled bard. That time on Sumner's I was pretty wowed. 45
>mins of fighting and then you nail the kill. Well done.

Heh, well thank you. You were actually very tough for me. I'm usually not nervous fighting paladins at the fort, but against you it always felt dangerous. You knew your moves, dished out damage and generally made a pain in the ass of yourself, kudos.

> Damn your girdle, I thought they were different grapes ;)

That's one of the reasons I carry them. As a little spite against anyone who takes my not-very-valuable girdle. Now that it's posted chances are people won't fall for it though. Oh well.

>Anyways, the fire went out of this character. The sex change
>forced me to substantially alter my RP, and I didn't enjoy
>that. ... I rage deleted right after I ate the grapes,
>and probably should have just stayed deleted then.

That sucks thoguh, I'm sorry it had that effect on you.
55690, Bah! I should tie yer beard round yer ears!
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was laughing my ass off when you ate the grapes, I had a flood of wicked thoughts: sending you heraldic missives to the dwarfess ales and tales club, making pink beard braids, but when you deleted right after it I decided not to torture too much and was trying to think up a way to get your lads to grow back by having you drink lots of ale.

Ysal -- I PWNED U!!!! Thanks for the duel, thanks for being a sport about it, thanks for kicking my ass with tankards. It was fitting! Every char I interact with you as, I am impressed. You do dwarf as dwarf is rarely done.

Yeah big time. Serves me right. I was just planning on roughing you up because the last mort I fought, I waxed them horribly. So I wielded my avg 10 mace and held my barrel of ale. Then I realized I didn't need the kid gloves and should have put at least resistance up! Then you handed me a cup of coffee, so I thought the tankard smackdown was the way to go :)

BTW I was responsible for all the casks and bottles of ale that kept showing up in your inventory after that, I almost switched out your water filled mug of spiced wine with a real one, but decided it was going to be too mean =0p

Great job with Hrudgir as you might expect I have a soft spot for well played dwarves.
55689, My tattoo was finished last night.
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And it's really ####ing cool. And you were going to be the first person to get it. I guess that won't be happening now.

I'm pretty disappointed to see this. I was looking forward to seeing what you would do with Captain and with the religion in general. You're right, the religion is sort of open ended. I wanted people to take charge and find their own path with it. It's not a religion where I'm going to tell you what to do, though obviously I do set some fairly strict rules.

Side note, if it was a choice between telling you how to do the quest and you deleting...I'd have told you how to do the quest. You could have talked to me about it, I would have helped.

At any rate, good luck on your next, hope to see you again in the Ruin and in the Fortress.
55695, Damn thats as bad as "We were just putting together your lich quest".
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nothing against you, it's just funny how many people willd elete and then see stuff like this on the thread. Thats why I so seldom delete. :P
55696, Disagree txt
Posted by Hrudgir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm very flattered that Baerinika was going to give me her tat, but honestly I don't think I deserved it. I had all three spheres down, I thought, but I never put them together into something more. See my comment about "not really getting" the religion in my goodbyes.
55716, I trust her judgement on who is worthy and not.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean, it's her religion. I think she knows when someone is deserving. So shut up and stop being so humble. :P
55681, Yep, things seemed to change overnight...
Posted by Hunsobo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to admit that I don't think it was Temperance though...that helped a ton, yeah, but Bal'talon was kicking my ass. Nodisarm on a char that has bigtime DR and hits even 3/4 as hard as me will paste me pretty good.

You were a fearsome foe, though.

Yuh. Good smashin'.
55682, Heh, Bal'Talon
Posted by Hrudgir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wielding that thing against you made me really worried, but you never exploited it. Bal'Talon against empire is eventual death for a Paladin, imho.
55683, RE: Heh, Bal'Talon
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oooooh that's mean. Took me a minute to figure out what you meant.
55686, pwned!
Posted by vegalicous on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Took me about five secs!
55673, TT =*( ::sad::
Posted by Mendecirith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dammit. I really, really meant to go around Voralian again and try to figure it out, I thought about it as recently as today in class. I should have gotten on that sooner, and I'd still have my beefy dwarf buddy.

First of all, I'll echo Enarn and say that your ability to type in that dwarven brogue/accent is just astounding. Kudos. That just never failed to impress me.

Otherwise, you're an amazing rper. I thought you really had the heart and the attitude just right for a dwarf pally. The tension between the bawdiness and the holiness was par excellence, and your reverence and constant references to your faith and Baerinika really impressed me. I also really, really meant to ask about your nephew, but we were usually trying to get ready for the Empire when we were together. Blah.

Going through top-end gear? Yeah, that's me. The reason I've hung onto this set so long is that Hunsobo hasn't looted anything in quite a while. And I'm not running in alone like an idiot anymore. Well, most of the time...

What can I say? I'm really sorry that we couldn't figure out how to change you back and keep your rp and interest alive. This is another huge blow to the Fort. You were competent and inspiring to the Squires, a good Captain. You did a great job, and you'll be missed.

Always been impressed w/ your intelligence and knowledge on the forums. I'm really happy I got to play beside you. Good luck with the next.
55672, RE: So long, and thanks for all the coffee
Posted by Waserax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Waserax -- Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch. You + bash == death. You
>do what you do well I think.

I can "co dispel" like nobody's business!
55670, One little addendum -- Pesh
Posted by Hrudgir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think doing what you did with my character is pretty horrible RP. The tells and says are fine. Don't emote something that the other person would obviously want to attack you over out of PK. I could respond with something like, "emote rips Pesh's ####ing head off and ####s down his throat-hole." and that would be bad rp as well.
55677, The 'goose' social is overpowered. n/t
Posted by Pesh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
55678, Emoting fondling a hero paladins #### with no fear of reprisal is lame. nt
Posted by Hrudgir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
55679, Agreed and I wish Imms would to some smiting when it happens.
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
55685, I agree
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, by the way. Well done, Captain.
I'm sorry that you were unable to change back.