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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [NEXUS] Tokonwa the Champion of Battlefields
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=55483
55483, (DELETED) [NEXUS] Tokonwa the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Feb 23 13:50:21 2007

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 7th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Tokonwa perished, never to return.
Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
55485, RE: (DELETED) [NEXUS] Tokonwa the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Tokonwa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a lot of fun with this character. I initially rolled it as I have all of my other ones with one flaw, I wrote an EXTREMELY ####ty role. I didn't expect it to last long as it was my first hand spec (and first spear spec) so I figured I would just try it out, not like it and delete. Well, as you may have noticed that was not the case. I loved the combo though I think I would like to have someone else with spear that gives you more incentive to use them more often. I'd Impale and drop the spear to pummel/vital/crushingblow and rarely used anything but impale with my spear.
I figured I'd try Nexus to see what it was like and immediately noticed the problem with ganks, so... I was on a mission. Attempt to solo every single villager in sight. This was to prove that you can use the bond power and not have to super gank everyone in sight. I hate ganks and I hate people that full loot. So, I tried to set an example to show that ganking and looting isn't the answer. Leave people with their stuff and they come back for more... and more is fun!
I died probably more than all of the Nexus combined, but I'd venture to say I had more kills than all of the Nexus combined. If you were a villager and saw me logged on you knew we would fight. Most of the times you whooped my ass but I sealed a few sweet kills through my time.
I thought that throughout the huge ordeal that seemed to come of this character I would have gained at least SOME immteraction, maybe even a title for dying so much but nada. :shrugs: It's okay. I really just wanted to give another view for the Nexus to let it be known that #### can happen without ganking.

(Noting, I am a horrid PK'er and someone else in my shoes could have done A LOT better. Any comments coming about your tactic or battling are useless and you can disregard at will)

Every last villager respected me. I have zero doubts about that. Throughout the many times that I died not one item was missing from my corpse (Except the magical stuff, and sometimes not even that). For that, I hold a great respect for the majority of villagers. Granted, you had zero reason to loot me because I made it a point to never have anything worth taking.

Vhlou - You are a mean SOB and you get angry when you get beat. It's okay. I did enjoy our fights. I was not satisfied without having killed you at least once.

Drakgrak - We fought once, this morning and I gave you a run for your money.

Eled - You are possibly the weakest villager I've ever fought. While 90% of the time I fought any villager I had nothing more than stone skin up, I could, without a doubt kill you at any time. I don't know if it's the combo you picked or what but you were the weakest link.

Golnath - You are second weakest. The second I hit 42 I busted ass to the giant just to kill you and laugh about it. :Shrugs: You are too willing to jump out of the forest and not really use any tactic but stand there and let me beat on you. I think if you worked on that a bit you'd do A LOT better.

Thrak - God did I love you Thrak. You brought the house with you. Your legacy choice is quite obvious because of the shere amount of damage you put out. Never once did you back down from me and I held (hold) a great deal of respect for you. I hope you don't con die or delete soon.

Eulinda - I fought you twice. Once I was semi-AFK in Galadon. You ran in and busted ass to get me dead. You knew damn well I wasn't there and you kept at it. For that, I have a severe dislike for you. The second time I sat in Galadon awaiting you to come to lure you into a trap, but you pansied out and ran. Not much good I can say about you.

Taelina - Wow. That's the first thing that came out of my mouth after fighting you. I even took a damn edge just for you (Which didn't help). Wow. That's all that needs to be said.

The bad: I received more ganks from the village than everyone combined. I won't name any names because all of said characters are still active, but WOW. Are you THAT quick to try to gank me down? Not that it bothered me because nine times out of ten I'd still kill you but it was a pathetic attempt at best. Always the same one person as well.

Shooloo - The most influential character I've ever played with. Fantastic job by all means. You will do well as Rhyme and do Daevryn proud.

Nanorab - I know you really disliked me. You wanted more to gank than anyone (as the logs and other people have noted) and it directly contradicted you. I told you I was not voting for you and I believe this angered you even more. I dunno.

Tsyda - My old lady friend! You are the exact opposite of me and I think it worked well. You knew exactly my intentions and gave me a lot of lee-way. Don't die too soon.

Verakh - Uhm, What can I say? You called me out on CB when Nanorab was completely joking and you were serious. I tried not to let it bother me IC (It didn't OOC) but it obviously did. Have fun with your walrus.

Vettal - Always quick to hop into battles when called. You'll do well man, just keep trucking.

Balkaran - The worst character I have ever seen in CF, truly. Not only were you the complete opposite of anyone in the island, but you were proud of it. Looting MY corpses of #### and picking the pit clean whenever possible. The only time I saw you fight someone was when I was killing someone at the guardian. You were sure to hop in when you knew that the odds were in your favor. Then you bitched about it when I told someone to come fix the balance. Your complete disregard for the ideas of Nexus made me wonder why you even bothered to join. I'm beside myself, truly.

Marastron - You're a solid RP'er and you know when to stay and when to get the hell out. That'll prove worthy now that you don't have some crazy SOB killing every villager in sight. You were my second favorite of the island and you knew it.

Tumerallen - We interacted very little. Though the dragon tower adventure was fun and the few times we went out I'd say you were solid.

I was a bit angered when people wanted to jump in on my fights. I knew that more than half the time I would not walk away from these fights, but let me die with honor. I hated it when people jumped in.

Fortress as a whole - Wow. Complete douchebags. Mene says he can't handle the ganks, nearly deleted because of it and feels more than happy to dish them out. I know I made a name for myself quickly that I would go balls to the wall, completely wreckless and get what I needed to get done, done... but does that warrant a five on one gank? Knowing that you knew exactly who I was and that I would never bring anyone with me (except Shooloo to heal me when I knew I was going to get ganked and one time with Deedom to try to kill Taelina) I'm beside myself with the logic.

Empire - Hunsobo you're alright. Not as balls to the walls as I expected you to be, but you're alright. :D. Waserax is a bit too laid back for my tastes as well. Telling me that you couldn't defend the codex when I was going to go get it for you kind of set me off on you (even though we did eventually go and try to get it).

Outties - Declaring war on me, personally, posting on Dio's that I was your personal enemy because of passed events is a bit shady. Being that I had never once fought you and only struck the huntress once before this. This leads me to believe that said character is bringing some baggage from something else? I don't know but I didn't like it. Halistanis left a horrid taste in my mouth for the Outties and it seemed all too fitting when he got the boot.

Scion - Fought Kaenev once. He walked me like a ten legged dog. I shut my mouth and went the other way. Never interacted with any others that I'm aware of.

Overall I think the negative response that I (Well, the nexus) got as soon as I started my rampage was kind of childish. People posting on Dio's about the Nexus and whether it is effective or not and overall just stupid #### to mask the fact that they are angry about (I THINK?) me? I'm not a good player. I didn't do anything stellar with this character but a lot of the people I fought seemed to be angry that someone was bringing the game to them and without some BS gank. You knew I didn't use preps because 95% of the time I was fighting villagers. No amount of preps in the world could save me most of the time and they would have been sac'd the second I died so I didn't even bother to take the time to gather them. A few of my fights I was hasted, some I had sanc, some shields but the majority of the time it was just stone skin. I guess that makes people angry?

At any rate. I probably forgot someone so if I did... uhm post? I normally don't do goodbye posts.
55486, RE: (DELETED) [NEXUS] Tokonwa the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Verakh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All I said was you were a crazy bastard for rushing into every fight you could :P I already die a LOT, I don't need help ;) Going to miss ya man, good luck with your next character. Maybe roll up a nexus conjie to see what they do for a bond? :P
55487, Wow, this is disappointing to see.
Posted by Tsyda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is really unfortunate. I liked Tok a great deal you were extremely vivacious and I did try to give you leeway to pursue your hunting as you liked except for asking for solo fights during raid attempts, not going to happen. Why did you delete? Tired of the character? tired of the situation? Disliked Nexus? I don't really see a reason in your post. I understand boredom can set it but with how often you fought that really shouldn't have been an issue.

As for ganking, I do not consider bonded pairs hunting to be ganking. the Bond is the Nexus power. If it was three or more on one then that is something else and I am glad to see you chose not to approach your hunting in that way. I always try to give back as much equipment as I can but you also cannot fault other nexuns reclaiming items from the corpses of enemies who took it from the nexun in the first place.

Good luck with the next.


55488, RE: (DELETED) [NEXUS] Tokonwa the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Waserax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Waserax is a bit
>too laid back for my tastes as well. Telling me that you
>couldn't defend the codex when I was going to go get it for
>you kind of set me off on you (even though we did eventually
>go and try to get it).

Likewise, it annoys me when Nexus thinks they can dictate when we do or don't decide to retrieve. If I think it's unlikely we can defend the Codex, then hey- that's Empire's call, not Nexus. You guys may or may not have been able to get back to the Palace in time to help out when the eventual counter-raid came. If not, then it's me against many. It's relatively easy to run in with four guys (three of whom are Nexus) and retrieve the item before anyone shows up to defend. It's somewhat harder to actually *keep* it in the Palace when three of the four retrievers roll off to do other things.

One example of your balls-to-the-wall-ness was today when you tried to recruit me to help you retrieve from the village against Drakgrak. If I recall he's a whip spec. If I'm going to engage a whip spec in a norecall room then I'm going to make damn sure I bring enough bodies to overpower him. Maybe I'm overly pessimistic, but I don't think "Tonkawa and Waserax" fulfill that requirement.
55489, RE: (DELETED) [NEXUS] Tokonwa the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Aldran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hope you didn't group me with your Fortress hate, as I've always tried to fight with honor. I can't really think of times I ever 'ganked' with the Fortress except during raids, and well, those are raids (and I've been raiding alone a lot, lately) Well, only interaction I can ever recall with you was today, but the way you state you play your character gives me much respect for you. I am quite surprised to see you delete so quickly after that, but sometimes that's just how things work out. Good luck with your next.

55490, My reason for deleting
Posted by Tokonwa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't make it completely obvious but I tire of doing nothing but PK'ing. I'm not good at it. One day I would like to hero and being 5 ranks away and getting mob killed everytime I try to hero kind of sucks. I just got bored this afternoon and said "Screw it. I've made my point 100% clear and that's what I really wanted to achieve".
55492, RE: (DELETED) [NEXUS] Tokonwa the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Nano on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nanorab - I know you really disliked me. You wanted more to gank than anyone (as the logs and other people have noted) and it directly contradicted you. I told you I was not voting for you and I believe this angered you even more. I dunno.

I don't understand where either of those came from. I thought you were okay and was happy that you laughed at my jokes too. Some people get offended by it, I thought we were okay. I was happy not being voted for, for reason I told you. And for 'gank' I don't understand either. I have said nothing on it at all and don't understand what logs you mean. Most of my fight are alone if not because I want it that way (I would be happy to have bond power against villagers) but because that is the way an assassin works best. The only time I use bond best is raiding. Even Tsyda tells me I need a transmuter to hide and sneak with.
55495, Hrm.
Posted by Tokonwa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Then perhaps I got the complete wrong idea of you? I don't know.
55494, RE: (DELETED) [NEXUS] Tokonwa the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't bother thinking anyone posted anything questioning the worth of nexus because you thought you 'might' have been tough.
55496, Uhm, yeah.
Posted by Tokonwa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't ever say I "might" have been tough. If you are playing a villager, which obviously you are not, you knew my worth. Posting this just shows what a true douchebag you are.
55502, RE: Uhm, yeah.
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So you tore up some villagers by yourself, huh? I actually interacted with you around the 30th rank and was none to impressed with roleplay or your combo's fighting ability, so don't bother tooting your own horn is all I am saying.
55497, Well...
Posted by Khaliizishar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess we didn't travel too much nor bond too often. And even when we did, it was short lived if I remember correctly. In any case, sorry to see you go and wish I could have experienced more of your presence in the Hero range, but my playing time has been severely manacled due to work, rehearsals and a few other things.


Hope to see you back, assuming you enjoyed Nexus.
55499, Well, I agree with the second weakest villager
Posted by Golanth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I really wasn't just letting you beat me down. I was trying to use a wide assortment of skills, and it just seemed that most of them didn't land. And yes, I am just a meat punching bag anywhere outside the forest. But I like to think I am good at getting people ranks, along with a good support where the village could draw the fight to me in the wilds, where it is a little bit more even.

As for the looting, just weapons and magic I like to take. Also, if you come attacking the giant, be ready to have the whole village come down on you. It is our home, and we will defend it accordingly. Same goes for raiding for the key.

I liked this character, and respected you as you said. I would do a lot better in the forest, but who wants to fight a ranger in wilderness?

I got some logs, I'll post them when I get a chance.

55501, Heres one of them that I had handy
Posted by Golanth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Having the bard songs pretty much made the difference. Notice how many skills I miss, especally with the timed attack.

TLE] Vhloughvang: cant see any shields on toko.

<868hp 453m 824mv 10 AM civilized> You are affected by:
Song: 'canticle of the gods' modifies save vs mental by -5 for 72 hours.
Song: 'canticle of the gods' modifies save vs spell by -20 for 72 hours.
Song: 'canticle of the gods' modifies damage roll by 6 for 72 hours.
Song: 'canticle of the gods' modifies hit roll by 13 for 72 hours.
Skill: 'bark skin' modifies armor class by -76 for 33 hours.
Skill: 'acute vision' for 33 hours.
Skill: 'dark vision' for 29 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -13 for 26 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 7 for 26 hours.
Song: 'charismatic prelude' modifies charisma by 2 for 22 hours.
Song: 'anthem of resistance' for 16 hours.
Song: 'bagatelle of bravado' modifies morale by 17 for 12 hours.
Song: 'bagatelle of bravado' modifies hp by 146 for 12 hours.
Song: 'bagatelle of bravado' modifies save vs breath by -17 for 12 hours.
Song: 'bagatelle of bravado' modifies save vs paralysis by -17 for 12 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 11 hours.

<868hp 453m 824mv 10 AM civilized> e
Blood Square

A small steel key lies here unwanted.

<868hp 453m 824mv 10 AM civilized> e
Before the Pillar of Legends

A towering pillar of stone stands here, casting its shadow down upon you.

<868hp 453m 824mv 10 AM civilized> camo
A Trail Amidst the Trees

<868hp 453m 823mv 10 AM forest> i
You attempt to camouflage yourself.

<868hp 453m 823mv 10 AM forest> fashionstaff
You are carrying:
(Humming) a granite ring
a titanium foil
a white sword
a ranger's knapsack
a diamond studded whip
(Humming) a spider-hilted steel sword
(Glowing) a dragon dagger
a rich cedar longbow
a red dragonscale shield

<868hp 453m 823mv 10 AM forest> You attempt to make a staff, but end up with a useless twig instead.

<868hp 416m 823mv 10 AM forest> fashionstaff
You create a ranger's staff!

<868hp 341m 823mv 10 AM forest> eq

Taelina: Goolaanth, wheeree aaree yoouu?

<868hp 341m 823mv 10 AM forest>
Taelina: II haavee oonee mooree ssoong foor yoouu.

<880hp 355m 824mv 11 AM forest> cb Was making a staff
cb Be right there
You are using:
<worn on finger> a blackened ring
<worn on finger> (Humming) a coral ring
<worn around neck> (Humming) a coral amulet
<worn around neck> a topaz stone necklace
<worn on body> the hide of the Ancient Red Dragon
<worn on head> the dead star circlet
<worn on face> ---
<worn on legs> some worn studded leather leggings
<worn on feet> the boots of stealth
<worn on hands> a pair of spiked gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of silver-lined sleeves
<worn about body> a dirty blue surcoat, embroidered with the symbol of a phoenix
<worn about waist> an elaborate beaded onyx belt
<worn around wrist> an aquamarine bracelet
<worn around wrist> a brass dragonscale bracer
<mainhand wielded> an adamantite-tipped long spear

<880hp 355m 824mv 11 AM forest> Golanth: Was making a staff

<880hp 355m 824mv 11 AM forest> Golanth: Be right there

<880hp 355m 824mv 11 AM forest> st
You are already standing.

<880hp 355m 824mv 11 AM forest> You are carrying:
a ranger's staff
(Humming) a granite ring
a titanium foil
a white sword
a ranger's knapsack
a diamond studded whip
(Humming) a spider-hilted steel sword
(Glowing) a dragon dagger
a rich cedar longbow
a red dragonscale shield

<880hp 355m 824mv 11 AM forest> wield staff
You stop using an adamantite-tipped long spear.
You wield a ranger's staff.
A ranger's staff feels like a part of you!

<880hp 355m 824mv 11 AM forest> w
You step out from your cover.
Before the Pillar of Legends

A towering pillar of stone stands here, casting its shadow down upon you.

<880hp 355m 823mv 11 AM civilized> Blood Square

A small steel key lies here unwanted.

<880hp 355m 823mv 11 AM civilized> put ring pit
The Shrine of the BattleRagers

A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
A throne of thatched wood with a base of polished skulls, stands here.
(White Aura) A healer is here tending to the wounded.
The Destructor of magic is here, daring you to cast a spell.

<895hp 369m 824mv 12 PM civilized> You put a granite ring in A deep pit.

<895hp 369m 824mv 12 PM civilized> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<895hp 369m 824mv 12 PM civilized> where
People near you:
(PK) Golanth The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Tokonwa Before a Fortified Hillock
(PK) Vhloughvang Before a Fortified Hillock
(PK) Taelina A Blood-stained Path Through the Village

<895hp 369m 824mv 12 PM civilized>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<895hp 369m 824mv 12 PM civilized> e
Blood Square

A small steel key lies here unwanted.

<895hp 369m 824mv 12 PM civilized> e
Before the Pillar of Legends

A towering pillar of stone stands here, casting its shadow down upon you.

<895hp 369m 823mv 12 PM civilized> e
A Blood-stained Path Through the Village

Taelina is here.

<895hp 369m 822mv 12 PM civilized> People near you:
(PK) Golanth A Blood-stained Path Through the Village
(PK) Tokonwa Before a Fortified Hillock
(PK) Vhloughvang Before a Fortified Hillock
(PK) Taelina A Blood-stained Path Through the Village

<895hp 369m 822mv 12 PM civilized> nod tae
You nod at Taelina.

<895hp 369m 822mv 12 PM civilized> scan e

Taelina sings 'March on, my love, to mountains high!
March through the canyons shady,
March high and low for the valiant cause!
So sayeth the Captain's Lady.'

<895hp 369m 822mv 12 PM civilized> eq
You scan east.
***** Range 2 *****
Vhloughvang is here.
Tokonwa is here.
A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.

<895hp 369m 822mv 12 PM civilized> You are using:
<worn on finger> a blackened ring
<worn on finger> (Humming) a coral ring
<worn around neck> (Humming) a coral amulet
<worn around neck> a topaz stone necklace
<worn on body> the hide of the Ancient Red Dragon
<worn on head> the dead star circlet
<worn on face> ---
<worn on legs> some worn studded leather leggings
<worn on feet> the boots of stealth
<worn on hands> a pair of spiked gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of silver-lined sleeves
<worn about body> a dirty blue surcoat, embroidered with the symbol of a phoenix
<worn about waist> an elaborate beaded onyx belt
<worn around wrist> an aquamarine bracelet
<worn around wrist> a brass dragonscale bracer
<mainhand wielded> a ranger's staff

<895hp 369m 822mv 12 PM civilized> aff
You are affected by:
Song: 'canticle of the gods' modifies save vs mental by -5 for 70 hours.
Song: 'canticle of the gods' modifies save vs spell by -20 for 70 hours.
Song: 'canticle of the gods' modifies damage roll by 6 for 70 hours.
Song: 'canticle of the gods' modifies hit roll by 13 for 70 hours.
Skill: 'bark skin' modifies armor class by -76 for 31 hours.
Skill: 'acute vision' for 31 hours.
Skill: 'dark vision' for 27 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -13 for 24 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 7 for 24 hours.
Song: 'charismatic prelude' modifies charisma by 2 for 20 hours.
Song: 'anthem of resistance' for 14 hours.
Song: 'bagatelle of bravado' modifies morale by 17 for 10 hours.
Song: 'bagatelle of bravado' modifies hp by 146 for 10 hours.
Song: 'bagatelle of bravado' modifies save vs breath by -17 for 10 hours.
Song: 'bagatelle of bravado' modifies save vs paralysis by -17 for 10 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 9 hours.

<895hp 369m 822mv 12 PM civilized> call resist
You feel tough!

<895hp 319m 822mv 12 PM civilized> call spell

Taelina nods.

<895hp 319m 822mv 12 PM civilized>
Taelina looks at you.

<895hp 319m 822mv 12 PM civilized> call true
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<903hp 286m 824mv 1 PM civilized> You look around sharply!

<903hp 276m 824mv 1 PM civilized> say Well, wish me luck

Taelina scans east.

<903hp 276m 824mv 1 PM civilized>
Taelina leaves east.

<903hp 276m 824mv 1 PM civilized> Your vision is already acute.

<903hp 276m 824mv 1 PM civilized> Your skin is already covered in bark.

<903hp 276m 824mv 1 PM civilized> scan e
You can already see in the darkness.

<903hp 276m 824mv 1 PM civilized> You are protected from the elements.

<903hp 261m 824mv 1 PM civilized> You say 'Well, wish me luck'

<903hp 261m 824mv 1 PM civilized> You scan east.
***** Range 2 *****
Taelina is here.
Tokonwa is here.
A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.

<903hp 261m 824mv 1 PM civilized> wield spear
You stop using a ranger's staff.
You wield an adamantite-tipped long spear.
An adamantite-tipped long spear feels like a part of you!

<903hp 261m 824mv 1 PM civilized> e
Among the Barbaric Huts

<903hp 261m 823mv 1 PM civilized> charge tok
They aren't here.

<903hp 261m 823mv 1 PM civilized> e
charge tok
Before a Fortified Hillock

Vhloughvang is here.
Taelina is here.
Tokonwa is here.
A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

<903hp 261m 822mv 1 PM civilized> You lower an adamantite-tipped long spear and charge Tokonwa!
Your charge MANGLES Tokonwa!
Tokonwa yells 'Help! Golanth is charging me!'
Tokonwa has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

<903hp 261m 822mv 1 PM civilized>
Tokonwa deflects your thrust with his defensive spin.
Tokonwa dodges your thrust.
You dodge Tokonwa's stab.
Your defensive spin deflects Tokonwa's stab.
Tokonwa's stab decimates you!
Tokonwa has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

<876hp 261m 822mv 1 PM civilized>
Tokonwa tries to drive a long spear through you but misses and steps too close.
Your thrust MASSACRES Tokonwa!
Tokonwa has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

<876hp 261m 822mv 1 PM civilized>
Tokonwa parries your thrust.
Your thrust DISMEMBERS Tokonwa!
You parry Tokonwa's stab.
You parry Tokonwa's stab.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

<876hp 261m 822mv 1 PM civilized> timed

Lightning flashes in the sky.

Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized>
Vhloughvang fills the air with his hatred of magic.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized> You pull back your attack to carefully watch Tokonwa's fighting style.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized>
You forgo your attack on Tokonwa to better focus upon his movements.
You parry Tokonwa's stab.
Your defensive spin deflects Tokonwa's stab.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized>
Vhloughvang looks at Tokonwa.
Taelina fills the air with her hatred of magic.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized>
Tokonwa grunts something incomprehensible, not amused by his circumstances.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized>
You get a better handle on Tokonwa's motions and begin to plan an attack.
You dodge Tokonwa's stab.
You dodge Tokonwa's stab.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized>
Tokonwa tries to drive a long spear through you but misses and steps too close.
Your thrust DISMEMBERS Tokonwa!
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized>
Vhloughvang looks at you.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized>
You knock Tokonwa's stab harmlessly to the side.
You parry Tokonwa's stab.
You dodge Tokonwa's stab.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized> wield staff

You cannot find an opening to perform a timed attack.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized>
Tokonwa parries your thrust.
You dodge Tokonwa's stab.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized>
Tokonwa tries to drive a long spear through you but misses and steps too close.
Your thrust MASSACRES Tokonwa!
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized> You stop using an adamantite-tipped long spear.
You wield a ranger's staff.
A ranger's staff feels like a part of you!
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized> You dart in quickly past Tokonwa's defenses with the speed of a snake!
Your serpent strike DISMEMBERS Tokonwa!
Your smash misses Tokonwa.
You dodge Tokonwa's stab.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

<882hp 270m 824mv 2 PM civilized> serp

Tokonwa deflects your smash with his defensive spin.
Your defensive spin deflects Tokonwa's stab.
Tokonwa is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

<891hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized> You dart in quickly past Tokonwa's defenses with the speed of a snake!
Your serpent strike DISMEMBERS Tokonwa!
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<891hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Taelina looks at Tokonwa.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<891hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Tokonwa grunts something incomprehensible, not amused by his circumstances.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<891hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Tokonwa stops using a long spear.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<891hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Tokonwa pummels you with his fists.
Tokonwa's pummeling blow mauls you.
Tokonwa's pummeling blow wounds you.
Tokonwa's pummeling blow wounds you.
Tokonwa's pummeling blow wounds you.
Tokonwa's pummeling blow mauls you.
You are dazed by all the blows.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<789hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized> timed

Your smash misses Tokonwa.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
Your defensive spin deflects Tokonwa's punch.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<789hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Taelina sniffs at the air curiously.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<789hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized> You pull back your attack to carefully watch Tokonwa's fighting style.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<789hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
You forgo your attack on Tokonwa to better focus upon his movements.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You parry Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
Your defensive spin deflects Tokonwa's punch.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<789hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Taelina says 'Noo chaancee.'
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<789hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
You get a better handle on Tokonwa's motions and begin to plan an attack.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<789hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Vhloughvang looks at you.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<789hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Vhloughvang looks at Tokonwa.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<789hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Tokonwa tries to hit a vital area but misses.
Tokonwa's blow to a vital area misses you.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<789hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized> pugil

You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
Tokonwa's punch devastates you!
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<760hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
You cannot find an opening to perform a timed attack.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<760hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Tokonwa parries your smash.
Tokonwa's punch wounds you.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<740hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Tokonwa tries to hit a vital area but misses.
Tokonwa's blow to a vital area misses you.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<740hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Taelina looks at you.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<740hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized> Tokonwa avoids your pugil strike.
Your pugil strike misses Tokonwa.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<740hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Tokonwa parries your smash.
Tokonwa dodges your smash.
You parry Tokonwa's punch.
You parry Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<740hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Tokonwa weakens you with a blow to a vital area.
Tokonwa's blow to a vital area wounds you.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<722hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized> timed

Taelina looks at Tokonwa.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

<722hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Tokonwa parries your smash.
Your smash MANGLES Tokonwa!
Tokonwa's punch EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You move out of the range of Tokonwa's punch.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<678hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Vhloughvang looks at you.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<678hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Vhloughvang looks at Tokonwa.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<678hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Tokonwa pummels you with his fists.
Tokonwa's pummeling blow wounds you.
Tokonwa's pummeling blow decimates you!
Tokonwa's pummeling blow wounds you.
Tokonwa's pummeling blow decimates you!
You are dazed by all the blows.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<588hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Taelina scratches her head with a confused look upon her face.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<588hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Tokonwa parries your smash.
Tokonwa parries your smash.
Tokonwa dodges your smash.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<588hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Taelina looks at you.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<588hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized> You pull back your attack to carefully watch Tokonwa's fighting style.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<588hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Taelina looks at Tokonwa.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<588hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
You forgo your attack on Tokonwa to better focus upon his movements.
At the last moment you avoid Tokonwa's punch.
Your defensive spin deflects Tokonwa's punch.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<588hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
You get a better handle on Tokonwa's motions and begin to plan an attack.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You drive Tokonwa's punch back with your connecting blow.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<588hp 280m 824mv 3 PM civilized>
Tokonwa pummels you with his fists.
Tokonwa's pummeling blow mauls you.
Tokonwa's pummeling blow wounds you.
Tokonwa's pummeling blow decimates you!
Tokonwa's pummeling blow mauls you.
Tokonwa's pummeling blow mauls you.
You are dazed by all the blows.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<485hp 292m 824mv 4 PM civilized>
Your defensive spin deflects Tokonwa's punch.
You parry Tokonwa's punch.
You parry Tokonwa's punch.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<485hp 292m 824mv 4 PM civilized>
Vhloughvang looks at you.
Tokonwa is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

<485hp 292m 824mv 4 PM civilized>
Finding the opportune moment, you circle Tokonwa and bring your a ranger's staff in a wide arc, landing a vicious strike against the back of his head!
Tokonwa stumbles, looking slightly woozy after the blow.
Your arcing smash === OBLITERATES === Tokonwa!
Tokonwa is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

<485hp 292m 824mv 4 PM civilized>
Vhloughvang looks at Tokonwa.
Tokonwa is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

<485hp 292m 824mv 4 PM civilized>
Tokonwa parries your smash.
Tokonwa parries your smash.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
You dodge Tokonwa's punch.
Your defensive spin deflects Tokonwa's punch.
Tokonwa is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

<485hp 292m 824mv 4 PM civilized> pugil
Tokonwa avoids your pugil strike.
Your pugil strike misses Tokonwa.
Tokonwa is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

<485hp 292m 824mv 4 PM civilized>
Your smash MANGLES Tokonwa!
Tokonwa is DEAD!!
Tokonwa's feet are sliced from his dead body.

55504, I can't say that this doesn't upset me as a player
Posted by The Shooloo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and character. Zesam has a lovely to replace and you being someone I ran around with a great deal means that's an aweful big void to fill. As a player, when I interviewed you I thought well look at him so spirited and ready to go and seems to have a role forming. Then, after a while the whole war rp sort of went out the window. I sorta thought I'd hear you over cb yelling WAR! for me to come, yet that just stopped happening. At least you kept good spirits through everyting we went through. On a side note, please remember the next time you're sitting a healer and a tick away from deaht so sell whatever you need to, so you can live. Bartering is a good perk to the game, use it. Who needs gold? Right? Oh and the no charge thing.. that was awesome. I wished you would have continued that as well. It always gave me a good laugh. Well overall I enjoyed you so this PBF is on me, which reminds me I have another to pay for. Good luck on your next. Come back to Nexus with a warrior, we need them.
55506, Dearie, you are SO silly!
Posted by Eulinda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Eulinda - I fought you twice. Once I was semi-AFK in Galadon.
>You ran in and busted ass to get me dead. You knew damn well I
>wasn't there and you kept at it. For that, I have a severe
>dislike for you. The second time I sat in Galadon awaiting you
>to come to lure you into a trap, but you pansied out and ran.
>Not much good I can say about you.

Semi afk in galadon? What does that even mean? You fought. You didn't just stand there and do nothing. The only person who might have known you weren't there (if you really weren't) was you. So pardon my french but you can blow me.

As for you trying to lure me into a trap, the log shows I attack you, using hamstring, in the guild. You get to like gushing in a round and a half. You run back to your cabal, where several others are. So I think the pansy was you. Nothing personal though, you just weren't good enough, especially for someone who in the beginning of his farewell note said he wanted to fight solo and not gank, and then a dozen paragraphs later says he set a trap gank. Guess role or plans don't count when you want to set a trap gank, huh. :P
55507, RE: Dearie, you are SO silly!
Posted by Verakh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well now I know Eulinda is a guy player, and not some girl :P Some reason I can see a girl being really crazy as a player *rolls eyes* I've dated some crazier than Eulinda.
55512, Uhm, no?
Posted by Tokonwa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The trap was a nice little walrus waiting for you. Alone.
55518, Except not.
Posted by Eulinda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not worth getting into a long discussion here but even if that were true (and I'm not, but whatever floats your boat) it would still be two against one, which is what you said you were trying to avoid with your character. If you wanted the one on one fights you said, you had it right there. You decided you'd rather run and fight me with a walrus, too.

Like I said before, guess your role and plans don't matter when you want to plan a bit of gankage.

Do you have the fight where I killed you logged? I'd like to see it from your perspective. Thanks dearie! :P
55519, RE: Except not.
Posted by Verakh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually I said over CB that I wanted to fight you alone when he said you were in the area :( Walrus gets no <3 in that tiny sea :p
55520, Well, not that I really care, but I guess I do.
Posted by Tokonwa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I said exactly what was planned and exactly what happened. You attacked me in Galadon just as someone said you were near on CB. I let you get me to 50% hp or so and led you to the sea so that the walrus(Verakh) could (try to?) kill you.

I never once jumped in on another fight where the odds were in my favor, ever. That was the biggest point and you try to discredit me with some bull #### saying that my role didn't matter. I was going to let the Verakh have you because any villager that came near the Island was always mine and anyone who jumped in got an earful. So, why not let them have some action?

*** As requested, our first "fight"
<788(100%)hp 97%m 100%mv 2682tnl (84.04%) 4 AM>
Eulinda has arrived.

<788(100%)hp 100%m 100%mv 2682tnl (84.04%) 5 AM>
Eulinda swings a bejeweled sacrificial dagger in a sweeping blow to your hamstring!
Eulinda's hamstring slice MASSACRES you!
Eulinda is in perfect health.

<712(90%)hp 100%m 50%mv 2682tnl (84.04%) 5 AM>
Eulinda dodges your stab.
Eulinda turns your stab aside with a quick blow.
Eulinda parries your stab.
You parry Eulinda's defilement.
Eulinda's crush *** DEVASTATES *** you!
You dodge Eulinda's defilement.
You parry Eulinda's crush.
Eulinda is in perfect health.

<572(72%)hp 100%m 50%mv 2682tnl (84.04%) 5 AM>
Your stab EVISCERATES Eulinda!
Eulinda dodges your stab and closes in for a concealed attack!
Eulinda's defilement MANGLES you!
Eulinda's defilement MASSACRES you!
Eulinda's crush *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You parry Eulinda's defilement.
Eulinda has a few scratches.

<287(36%)hp 100%m 50%mv 2682tnl (84.04%) 5 AM>
Eulinda thrusts her dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Eulinda's deep gash MASSACRES you!
Eulinda has a few scratches.

<207(26%)hp 100%m 50%mv 2682tnl (84.04%) 5 AM>
*** HOLY ####! My one command inputted in the entire fight. But I was sure fighting back, right?
Eulinda gets in one more shot as you flee.
Eulinda's parting blow MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A Sewer Passageway

You flee from combat!

<118(14%)hp 100%m 49%mv 2682tnl (84.04%) 5 AM>
A Broad Sewer Junction

<118(14%)hp 100%m 49%mv 2682tnl (84.04%) 5 AM>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<118(14%)hp 100%m 49%mv 2682tnl (84.04%) 5 AM>
Eulinda has arrived.

<118(14%)hp 100%m 49%mv 2682tnl (84.04%) 5 AM>
Eulinda thrusts her dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Blood gushes out of your severed artery!
A spray of blood erupts from your wound!
Eulinda's deep gash MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Eulinda gets in one more shot as you flee.
Eulinda's parting blow MANGLES you!
You have been KILLED!!

I was sitting in Galadon where I shouldn't have been, understood. Any villager that ever saw me attack me, understood. You just leave a bad taste in my mouth IC and now OOC.
55550, I never interacted with your character but..
Posted by Kuhlceros on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Despite how annoying I find Eulinda, she is not the one to blame in this log. You were not paying attention and lost two rounds of combat. That's your fault not Eulinda's. In actual fact it would have been unlikely that you would have got a command in between the hamstring and the first round of combat anyway, so really you only lost one round of combat for potential commands (that would have still led to you death anyway). As for Eulinda being a coward for not chasing? Eh. I'd be cautious as a rager if I were about to step on an ocean with a water major and two others to back it up.

Seriously though, I appreciate that fact that you hate Eulinda, but hate her for the right reasons, not the wrong ones. Because your argument here couldn't PK itself out of a wet paper bag.
55551, Perhaps.
Posted by Tokonwa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I respect your opinion (And I couldn't PK my way out of a paper bag, so we're even, eh?)
55554, RE: I never interacted with your character but..
Posted by Eulinda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

55522, The fight in question.
Posted by Tokonwa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<877(100%)hp 75%m 100%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 1 PM>
cb Eulinda is in Galadon
Tokonwa: Eulinda is in Galadon

<877(100%)hp 75%m 100%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 1 PM>
People near you:
(PK) Eulinda The Warriors' Bar
Thos Anti-paladin's Bar
(PK) Tokonwa The Training Grounds and Battlefield

<877(100%)hp 75%m 100%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 1 PM>
Eulinda has arrived.

<877(100%)hp 75%m 100%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 1 PM>
Eulinda swings a bejeweled sacrificial dagger in a sweeping blow to your hamstring!
Eulinda's hamstring slice EVISCERATES you!
Eulinda is in perfect health.

<825(94%)hp 75%m 49%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 1 PM>
You parry Eulinda's defilement.
Eulinda delivers a blow of deadly force!
You dodge Eulinda's crush.
You parry Eulinda's defilement.
Eulinda parries your punch.
Eulinda parries your punch.
Eulinda flows to one side as your punch passes.
Eulinda is in perfect health.

<825(94%)hp 75%m 49%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 1 PM>
You weaken Eulinda with a blow to a vital area.
Your blow to a vital area decimates Eulinda!
Eulinda has a few scratches.

<825(94%)hp 75%m 49%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 1 PM>
You parry Eulinda's defilement.
Eulinda's crush MASSACRES you!
You dodge Eulinda's defilement.
Eulinda dodges your punch and closes in for a concealed attack!
Eulinda's defilement DISMEMBERS you!
Eulinda dodges your punch.
Eulinda dodges your punch and closes in for a concealed attack!
Eulinda's defilement DISMEMBERS you!
Eulinda has a few scratches.

<644(73%)hp 75%m 49%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 1 PM>
Eulinda swings the mace of balance powerfully but fails to connect.
Eulinda's bone-shattering blow misses you.
Eulinda has a few scratches.

<644(73%)hp 75%m 49%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 1 PM>
Vettal: do we think that she will come....
Eulinda has a few scratches.

<644(73%)hp 75%m 49%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 1 PM>
You dodge Eulinda's defilement.
You parry Eulinda's crush.
Eulinda delivers a blow of deadly force!
Eulinda's defilement *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Eulinda parries your punch.
Eulinda dodges your punch.
Eulinda has a few scratches.

<469(53%)hp 75%m 49%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 1 PM>
The Warriors' Bar

An important looking merchant is riding through here in a shiny carriage.
The bartender is here breaking up fights.
You flee from combat!

*Snip running back to the island.

<454(51%)hp 76%m 18%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 2 PM> People near you:
(PK) Eulinda Ashes of NoWhere
(PK) Tokonwa Ashes of NoWhere

*Snip useless stuff

cb She comes.
Near the Prismatic Veil

<454(51%)hp 76%m 4%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 2 PM> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<454(51%)hp 76%m 4%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 2 PM> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<454(51%)hp 76%m 4%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 2 PM> Tokonwa: She comes.

*Snip running back to the island.

<415(47%)hp 80%m 0%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 5 PM>
Verakh: Allow her to the sea

*Snip buying food and talking to Marastron and waiting to hear the outcome of the Walrus vs Eulinda.

<492(56%)hp 100%m 14%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 10 PM>
Verakh: *sighs*

<529(60%)hp 100%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM>
Verakh: Does she come?

<529(60%)hp 100%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM>
cb What?
Tokonwa: What?

<529(60%)hp 100%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM>
cb She was following me.
Tokonwa: She was following me.

<529(60%)hp 100%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM>
Verakh: Eulinda

<529(60%)hp 100%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM>
cb Struck me in Galadon and I was bringing her to you.
Tokonwa: Struck me in Galadon and I was bringing her to you.
Verakh: Inform me if she comes to the water, I wish to rest now that I have waited this long

<529(60%)hp 100%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM>
Verakh: Aye

<529(60%)hp 100%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM>
Tokonwa's group:
<46 War> Tokonwa 60% hp 100% mana 23% mv 436319 xp

<529(60%)hp 100%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM> You are affected by:
Skill: 'eye of equilibrium' for 31 hours.
Skill: 'eye of equilibrium' for 31 hours.
Skill: 'eye of equilibrium' for 31 hours.
Skill: 'eye of equilibrium' for 31 hours.
Skill: 'eye of equilibrium' for 31 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -10 for 9 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 5 for 9 hours.
Power: 'vanguard of balance' for 5 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -60 for 0 hours.

<529(60%)hp 100%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM>
You wake and stand up.

<529(60%)hp 100%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM>
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
Tsyda: would someone go up and check the Balance, we cannot risk another rift as wide as that last one was.

<621(70%)hp 93%m 17%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM>

The Benefactor of Balance closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Jenno.

<621(70%)hp 93%m 17%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM> People near you:
(PK) Tokonwa The Eye of the Storm
(PK) Jenno The Eye of the Storm

<621(70%)hp 93%m 17%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM>
'Where does the Balance lie?
You say 'Where does the Balance lie?'
The Benefactor of Balance says 'Neither Light nor Dark have a strong influence in the land. In this, the Balance is maintained.'
The Benefactor of Balance says 'Neither Order nor Chaos have a strong influence in the land. In this, the Balance is maintained.'
The Benefactor of Balance says 'Motes of pure mana seem almost visible in the air as Magic is at its proper level in the land.'

<621(70%)hp 93%m 17%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 11 PM>
Your skin feels soft again.

<675(76%)hp 95%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 12 AM>
You go to sleep.

<675(76%)hp 95%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 12 AM>
cb Aye. Leave her be.
Tokonwa: Aye. Leave her be.

<675(76%)hp 95%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 12 AM>
Jenno: Perfect balance still

<675(76%)hp 95%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 12 AM>
cb She will yield a drastic change.
Tokonwa: She will yield a drastic change.
Tsyda: excellent

<675(76%)hp 95%m 23%mv 8181tnl (53.25%) 12 AM>
Tsyda: Do not hunt eulinda, keep a distance for now.
55563, RE: (DELETED) [NEXUS] Tokonwa the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Brinkmun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The giant slides under the radar I guess. Ballsy char from what I saw, with a serious death wish. Good job on sticking it through as long as you did, and good luck with your next.