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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectThe Bleeding has Stopped!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=55282
55282, The Bleeding has Stopped!
Posted by Progglesnort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, Progglesnort. It seems my characters are like the little engine that can't. I rolled Progglesnort with such a rediculous name because i had been taking this too seriously for a while. The character that i had the most fun with ever was Boca, and i was trying to recreate that fun. I must say that i surpased my intentions and ended up having a lot of fun with this character, though it just gets frustrating to be like the little kid in the back of the car yelling "are we there yet" when it comes to PK, annoying maybe, but if you smack him he shuts up. Believe it or not i have been playing CF for a number of years, but i read some of these post on this site, and i have no idea what most of you are talking about. I dont know what triggers are, i dont prep (except stone skin), i dont know what spam is, i have no idea what edges do, and while i know what they do, im cluless as to what legacies will be effective. Needless to say that probably puts me at a disadvantage, though since i dont know what they do, i dont know that for sure. But enough of that, i had a lot of love for a lot of characters that i certainly want to thank for making Progglesnort twoo hundred and some odd hours of fun.

Kholav - You used to be around all the time in the old days and they we started missing each other a lot. You made me a force, and i enjoyed having you around, keep it up.

Eoal - Longest living Theran. You have been around forever, and you just keep on going.

Derntas - I dont know if you just hated my character, or you are RPing one bad MFer, but if you are not sphere anger you should change and get Tatted and take it over.

Tahon - My only real friend in the realms. I remember some of the times we were running around together and just be laughing so hard like when we went to go kill that spider then i sacrificed the corpse right after. hah. Never seen someone so afraid of a full moon though.

Hunsobo - I think firegiantguy is maybe the hardest hitting warrior i have ever seen. Yuh. I had a lot of fun running around with you tearing it up.

Khargurln - Another great Empire Character. You were always up for going with me to do this or that, and that made whenever you were around fun as hell. You just destroy people too, i remember once we were going for the fetish and you saw someone run through hamsah, then you said you're going to kill them. You were back in two minutes barely hurt, glad i was on your side.

Halistanis - Well what is there to say. My arch nemesis. Let me recound the battles for those of you who missed them. I cranial, you entangle until i cant move, then i flee maybe once, cant move cause my feet are dead, then you thorn or fireseed me to death. There was a point where i tried EVERYTHING i could think of when battleing you, obviously nothing worked. You were one of my favorite characters though and always mixed it up.

Lanning - I liked that you actually defied the odds and tried to recover, or kill me when it seemed that there was no chance. Good fun.

Waserax - I dont think i ever saw you in a PK situation. You are very careful with everything you do, and i was a bit envious of that, because i am the exact opposite.

Kanaev - You always came through with a key slaying of a criminal. And every time i was with you i seriously though you were just going to turn around and kill me, thanks for not.

Nanorab - Sorry no more Nip I hope the last batch i gave you lasts a while. I loved all you nexuns because most of the time i was around chaos tipped the balance, so you helped me.

Vhloughvang - I always wanted to dual you becuase i thought i could learn something. I liked your character, and you never said no to a fight.

Eulinda - God did you have my number. I remember dualing you in the Inn for the first time, and you didnt mean to kill me but when you are using daggers and then switch to maces and do unspeakable things to me i dont really stand much of a chance. You took off about 500hp on that one hit. Enjoy being the Commander of Battle cause there aint no way i see anyone beating you.

I know i am missing a lot of people, because i had a lot of interactions, and if i didnt list you, its because i just couldnt think of something to say but ill reply if you say something.

Also even though it may be the shortest and least effective showing at vindicator ever, thanks Marmaanth for giving me a shot. Maybe ill try rolling another trib one day that can actually do the job. And thanks to all the other Imms who made it fun though i didnt interact with you that much, you make the game very interesting, especially with the Illithid Saga.

Thanks for the good times all!

- VeggieRibs

55426, Good old Progglesnort
Posted by Hunsobo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Hunsobo - I think firegiantguy is maybe the hardest hitting warrior i have ever seen. Yuh. I had a lot of fun running around with you tearing it up."

Easily one of the hardest hitting chars I've ever had, yeah. Man, looking through this list of people calling you suicidal and stuff, I'm feeling pretty lucky that I didn't die a lot with you, since you were always suggesting raids and such.

Anyways I always felt like you were a pretty useful ally and someone I could generally count on. Considering the lack of Imperials at hero range right now, having someone to count on, even if not all the time, was nice.

Oh and I had some interaction with Boca, and holy cow, HUGE improvement! Nice work.
55388, Now I have to know, who is the other PC you played? n/t
Posted by Myrakie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
55543, RE: Now I have to know, who is the other PC you played? n/t
Posted by Progglesnort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jaconi, we power ranked in Organia quite a bit if i remember correctly.
55330, Well well!
Posted by Pro-Kyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was just wondering if you were still around and Progglsnort crossed my mind as a possible candidate.

You played a svirf Tribunal just before Boca and he interacted with Kyn.

What's more... You do your interview where I do. So when I went to visit you with Ulvrick in Hamsah, I thought it might b you by where you were standing.
55331, Whoops!
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like to see that some of my RP rubbed off on you though you may not recall. =)

You have improved a lot.
55334, RE: Whoops!
Posted by Progglesnort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is exactly where i got that place from. But it was a Dwarf Trib before Boca by the name of Throrn that your thinking of i think. Ill try to change it up if i ever roll another Trib just to throw you off. Thanks
55327, Damnit
Posted by Ilesin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I finally get in your range, get one good fight with you, and you delete.


Good luck on the next.
55335, RE: Damnit
Posted by Progglesnort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had no idea you were around, you must just sit in that tree hugging trees all day. I would have liked another fight with you too, but i have a feeling it would have been more like me against, you, Naaria, Halistanis, Lanning etc. not that its your fault but its too bad we missed each other. Good luck with the char.
55319, Huh. VeggieRibs.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Huh. I never would have guessed this was you. Much improved.

Big props for constantly trying to get in there and mess your enemies up in situations that ranged among "outnumbered", "badly outnumbered" and "grossly outnumbered beyond insanity."

I saw some iffy wanted calls when dealing with specifically Outlanders, but honestly... dealing with those odds and needing to make snap judgements under that kind of pressure, I can't say that I would do any better.

Good luck with your next. Keep mixing it up and getting in there (in a non-completely-suicidal way... I'm looking at you, ShamanMan) and you'll keep getting better.
55336, Wow: Neppy.
Posted by PointProver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seriously think Shamanman will change his playstyle? I think that would be like asking you to never, ever, ever play another AP. (Noted all the testing and toying you did/do in the general forum response about APs and of course your last abomination)

Some people say you are delusional... I think expecting Shamanman to change his playstyle may have just given them some foundation for their claim. :P

Agree with you about the Snort. Rock on Progglesnort!
55338, RE: Wow: Neppy.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ironically, I referred to myself as delusional in a post just now on the Dae/Ray forum... then read this. :P
55313, RE: The Bleeding has Stopped!
Posted by Kharghurln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, sorry to see you go. I always loved joining forces against the Outlanders - I hate raiding that place by myself. I thought you were pretty damn tough from what I saw, definitely had some serious guts and you were never afraid to make an attempt at retrieval no matter the odds. Glad you had fun, and thanks for the nice words!
55310, Good luck with your next
Posted by Tahon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am glad you've had some good times.
I saw you were learning. So I kind of run in parallel. Not bothering you with my evil schemas.

I felt you were Jrhurg's twin brother.
Happy when killing people, no concerned about dying, burning through con. But always cheerful and outgoing.

One advice - Use cranial to lag when you feel you are winning. Drum is overrated.

As for full moon - Orcs and the hunt don’t mix.
After I died to n00b Vargraye, I decided I was going to avoid this cheap shiit altogether.
A week latter Halistanis got insect swarm. :-(
I just plain hate current crop of outlanders. Campers and gangers.
Halistanis excluded.
55307, aww I am guna miss yah poggy
Posted by VhloughVang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
poor fella I had so much love for yah occ I found it hard to kill yah some times ic :( I felt like you were always willing to mix it up reguardless of knowing that you were at a huge disadvantage. I saw you made vindy on "that other place" and was really happy for you cus you were the only tribunal with a set of balls in a long time. You did very well for seemingly being very new(if I am wrong I apologize it might of just been the rp). I am glad you picked of some things from me (if you did at all) and I hope that you had fun :)

p.s. Eluinda's gotta get past me ;) haha
55298, I enjoyed the interactions even if...
Posted by Lanning on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never caught you on the Seas and I really wanted to at least once. I knew coming into the town to fight gave you a huge advantage but what fun is it if you only fight when you have the upper hand?

I never did find out if I had managed to kill you that last time when you and Kanaev came to the tree. I had chased you all the way into Arkham when you must've lost your connection because I suddenly couldn't find you on where or who. You had to be near dead by then. If only my insects or lightning or netcasting or smearmud or deadfall would actually work when I needed it to :P I'd almost swear that the Lucky edge is working backwards on me. Of course I think that about most edges I have; I'm paranoid that way. I didn't press the issue because I'd seen you lose your link other times when you weren't fighting so I just assumed you had a crappy connection and were not dropping link to avoid the finale.

You were learning to pk though and I do admire folks who'll at least come and make a fight of it. The only way to get better is to go and do it. And then go and do it again. And again.....
55299, RE: I enjoyed the interactions even if...
Posted by Progglesnort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea, Progglesnort had a mutual respect for your courage when you came to retrieve that one time when i was decked and killed you two of three times. But i seriously dont think that Lucky Edge works, because i was a master of Boneshatter and Drum and i missed them more times then they hit when i was PvP. But like i said i dont know anything about edges. I was getting a bit better, but i good looted a few times and since i dont prep or anything it was hard to be effected unless i am decked, which was never at the end. I liked your char though, Good times.
55297, Oh Proggy!
Posted by Eulinda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry it had to end that way dearie! :P

Knew you were newbieish or something like that, nice to hear you had fun, make another and have more! I'll say more about our interactions when I'm gone, but for now it was fun and I hope you aren't mad at me!
55301, RE: Oh Proggy!
Posted by Progglesnort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have no idea how bad i wanted to tell Nuloh to give your things back, but Progglesnort never would have wanted to give a criminal anything so i grit my teeth and RPed it even though i know you were going to sit your ass right down in market square and wait to reform.
55295, Hey!
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn it, and I hoped to fight with you as with Vindicator so much...

I kinda liked the char. With all the bad times and good times we had. Quarrels and misunderstandings.

I will keep my word and will make a separate post on HOW you should fight me to make it less one-sided fun. Just like I promised you IC if you remember. Just please, make sure to remind it to me after I am dead. For obvious reasons I don't want to post PK tips for all the other active Spire and Empire warriors ;)

Anyways, as I said it was a lot of fun.
I hope you don't hate me though.
And well done. You certainly deserved this Vindicator.
55300, RE: Hey!
Posted by Progglesnort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didnt hate you IC or OOC. IC progglesnort had a lot of respect for you and was always torn between duty and his feelings. OOC as you know i just wanted to be better at PK so thanks for posting that when you die.
55292, RE: The Bleeding has Stopped!
Posted by Waserax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Waserax - I dont think i ever saw you in a PK situation. You
>are very careful with everything you do, and i was a bit
>envious of that, because i am the exact opposite.

Heh. Before I read your full goodbye post, I was thinking what I'd say about Progglesnort, and the word that came to mind was "suicidal". Not that that's a bad thing, necessarily. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you'd say the exact opposite about me.

I liked Progglesnort. You seemed to die alot, but never really made a big deal about it or got bitter. I think dying so often might have removed the "disincentive" aspect of death, though, and consequently you were always willing to go attempt raids or retrievals that were way too risky. (For my tastes, at least). Mostly involving the Refuge, insects and/or The Hunt.

Sure seemed like you had fun, though, so kudos on that. If you get to the end of a character and can say you had fun, that's about all you can ask for.
55290, RE: The Bleeding has Stopped!
Posted by Marmaanth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'm all for giving people the chance!

Glad to hear you had some fun. Look forward to seeing your next Trib.

55288, I can't believe you forgot me...*sniff*
Posted by Tsyda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I power ranked you, saved you from chessmasters, and I don't even warrant a goodbye. Break an old lady's heart why don't you ;-)

I liked Proggle, you were a likeable and endearing personality. I saw you get some great kills and suffer some horrible deaths but you kept on trucking and you deserved Vindicator. GLWTN.

55289, RE: I can't believe you forgot me...*sniff*
Posted by Progglesnort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea, you deffinetely saved me from a few deaths along the way. And i almost forgot about all the learning on Mount Calandryl. I really liked your character, it was very multi dimentional, with husband, then his death, then becoming Meter of Mind, Then you getting the Giant Clam, lol. I had never heard of that form before, i know my minds in the gutter but i almost fell out of my chair.
55294, RE: I can't believe you forgot me...*sniff*
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You weren't the only one with a gutter mind, and it's pink and heart shaped, too... yeah, so, hmm, I'll be quiet now.
55287, Here you go and get Vindi
Posted by The Shooloo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I can't even run up to you and say chaos sways let's go do something about it. Feh. I will give you a big thumbs up for going out there and doing something about whatever was going on. If the scales were gone, you'd at least try. I have a lot of respect for any character that at least tries when they're in a cabal no matter the odds. I have even more when they usually get the job done.
55286, oh no!
Posted by Zel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You just became vindie! Anyway, I liked you and enjoyed having you around. Too bad you couldn't have stuck it out, I think you would have made a really great vindicator. Despite a few rather embarrassing deaths, you had the right attitude and were able to rise above the pettiness of the never-ending cabal wars and keep a good sense of humor about you.

Good luck with your next, and make sure it's another tribunal
55285, RE: The Bleeding has Stopped!
Posted by Lucury on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, never got to see you as Vindicator. Good luck with the next.
55284, You get vindi and you leave?!
Posted by Nuloh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Argh is all I can say. I liked you mr. Nip, even if I thought you were kind of noobie, you stuck to your hard core tribunal beliefs through everything and thats way kickass. My only suggestion to you is to carry some fly potions and a return potion. Well done sir.
55302, RE: You get vindi and you leave?!
Posted by Progglesnort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i was gritting my teeth when i told you not to give the ring back to Eulinda, but i had to RP it. I think you are a very good magistrate, and keep it up and you should find yourself right where you want to be.
55283, Help!
Posted by Progglesnort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Also anything that you can think of that would help me in future characters i would appreciate you posting. Thanks again.
55293, RE: Help!
Posted by Waserax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you logged Progglesnort's life, post logs of some of the fights where you died. Here, or on Dio's. People might be able to provide some constructive criticism. If you didn't log anything, then consider logging w/ your next character.
55322, Depends on what you want to do.
Posted by Helpful guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you want another trib, go svirf flail/mace with balance of the sisters and autumn harvest. Just be sure to get the Five Scale Mail.

That's if you want to absolutely own rangers. Between the entwine which completely screws up wilderness familiarity and dodge, and the boneshatter, which only makes it even worse, you'll be very, very mean. The only thing you'd have to guard against are the ranger staff (strip or blunt protection) and snare.

The balance of the sisters will let you use both weapons and the Autumn harvest will make you dodge like a ferret on speed. Keep some reduce potions around for bashers and enlarges for bearchargers.

Then strip weapon, entwine, rewield flail, boneshatter, eyejab and bludgeon/backhand. Examine corpse.

At least, if I could stand to make a Trib, that's what I'd do. Minimal preps and even against non-rangers, you'd do pretty well.

I think you'd own assassins, a lot of other warriors and a lot of mages as well.

Just my 2 cents.