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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [SCION] Criles the High Sorceress of the Arcane, Scholar of the Night
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=54947
54947, (CON LOSS) [SCION] Criles the High Sorceress of the Arcane, Scholar of the Night
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Feb 7 23:41:10 2007

At 5 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 23rd of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Criles perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
55012, Who killed me when I was link dead?
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is like a game of Clue for me.

It was January 30th/31st. I was on Shepherd's Row just outside of Voralian City. I was in the middle of spelling up, and I got booted. I tried to get back on, and couldn't. The internet was working so I figured the game just crashed. But when I logged in the next day I was naked at my pit. So it wasn't a crash, and I came out of duo before I went idle, and somebody killed me.

Was it Vhloughvang? He was in Udgaard, and I had just accidentally sent him an insulting tell. Not that he needed an insulting tell to kill me, but I'm sure it didn't help.

Was it the Dread Lord, Nastagio? I was trying to goad him into retrieving, but I told him I was checking myself. He might have been on his way there and found me.

Was it a Fort member? There were a lot of you on, and even though Nastagio told me you were all in Seantryn Modan, he might have been lying.

Fess up, who was it?!

Joking aside, I'm honestly not mad about it, I'm just really curious. Stuff happens. My guess is probably somebody from the Fort since I was straight south from there. Its just too bad my duo only had 2 hours left, or I might have idled before it wore off and I was on a busy roadway.
54955, Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Six months is a long time, and its getting late, so if I forget anybody I apologize. I'll respond if you post something.


Scion mage powers are AWESOME. I think some of them are underused too. The rp is great and the general caliber of player seems high. Well until I was let in :P But I think I got a lot better as I went on, both RP and PK. At least at the end I wasn't constantly fearing I was going to get booted for being incompetent.

Eshval: You kick so much ass. Criles was afraid of immortals in general, and then of course the one he has to interact with was you. That first time I was getting sick from Batamon, and you started messing with me was really funny. I don't know how sick I really was, but I played it out, even though I knew our other groupmate was itching to get ranking again. And that time I came to your shrine was only because I told Kaneav I'd talk to you. He wouldn't have chosen to come without compelling reason.

Batamon: Thank you for getting me into Scion. It really helped me expand as a player. I just wish you were still around once I got more competent at PK. We could have done some cool stuff I think. You really helped me on the gold front too. All the money that we made (that you gambled away) just ran out this week. It was one less thing I had to worry about.

Malic: I wanted to interact with you more, but as you said this was your wand gathering time. I didn't mind, but you seemed cool.

Kaneav: You made me fear conjurers. I saw what your demons and devils could do, and was just amazed. You'd say you were going to raid Fortress, and I'd spell up and head there, only to see the outer dead, and the inner convulsing. It was always such a relief to see you log on, because I knew we were going to run around and beat up a bunch of stuff, instead of my normal running for my life.

Nysseroth: You were a great addition, because you knew what you were doing and were more cautious than I was. This meant that if I pulled you into something too dangerous you'd be able to get out, so I wouldn't have your death due to my stupidity on my hands. Your scouting skills were also a major boon. I'd normally just fail at Sight a dozen times and not know where anybody was, but you were constantly saying "So and so here, so and so raiding Empire, etc." It provided a major tactical advantage.

Rhyendris: I learned a lot from you, both wand and transmuter-wise. All those places you suggest I look for sleek wands came up empty. I also saw how different dark-elf and human transmuters play. And with the exception of having more hp, I'm not sure that humans aren't completely inferior.

Edimus: At first, before I was a Scion I didn't really like you. Then I started interacting with you, and you were so funny. The things you would come up with, you really deserve the title and position. The one time I had a -age piece of gear, and you lored, and said something like "Why would you ever want something like that?"

Lieonus: I had a couple of places I really wanted to explore with you, because I needed the extra strength your army would provide. But most of the time we were just trying to get the Scepter back or holding off some attacks, so I never got to ask.

Yanni: You provided a lot of strength with your spells. Things always went a lot easier when you were on, both from protection and the raw damage you dealt.

Tremblay: It was probably good you deleted when you did, because I found some devilish potions and pills for you. While likely nothing is worse than insta-death, I think these would have been a close second.


My number one enemy, and my largest source of frustration. Spellbane sucks for a transmuter, especially when you don't have full dam reduction most of the time.

Trurkrag and Bhoreahk: The tanks. You introduced me to the bulldozing power of giant berserkers. There was little I could do because I was usually dead in three or four rounds against you. You taught me to keep a high wimpy.

Drakgrak: I always enjoyed fighting you. You definitely won more than you lost, but I always had a chance that things would go my way. You had spellbane, but not total immunity. Plus you were really a standup player. I couldn't think of any real reason Criles would want to talk to you, but I tried from time to time because I didn't want you to think I was getting OOC mad at you for beating me down. You fought in groups, but you also weren't afraid to fight against groups or solo. If I were ever to play a Villager, characters like you would be the reason.

Yean: I had a hard time with bards in general, but you were just insane. You didn't inflict a lot of damage, but you were virtually impossible to wound. I remember one retrieval I was sitting there trying to disrupt flesh you and I had to start laughing. It failed so many times. The only times I saw you fell it was to a gang. It was like we were fighting Neo in the Matrix. Three people just pounding on you, and you continually shrugging it off.


Criles had no real hatred for the Empire, so any time he was aggressive against them it was usually driven by another Scion wanting to raid. He tried to use you, but I could tell he was always being used back. It was humorous, like the time I was trying to get the Dread Lord to retrieve from the Fortress (so he could fight the Fortressites and I could try to jump in and steal the kill to get the Scepter), and he was trying to convince me that I should.

Kharghurln: You were a beast. I fought you three times, and each time I learned very valuable lessons about fighting APs. Each time I was routed also.

Hunsobo: I really liked you, and didn't want to fight you most of the time. You were funny, and when it was just you and me running around with a bunch of Fortress and Battle, we were pseudo-allies. Every time Kaneav would say "We gaunt Hunsobo" I'd think "Aww, no not Hunsobo!" But you never appeared, so it was ok.


I fought you on and off, but you were never really my primary concern. Usually the only time I encountered Outlanders was when somebody wanted to raid.


Criles viewed you as a highly useful tool. Villagers were wanted so often, and could pretty much be made wanted on demand, so Criles did his best to get Tribunal to fight his battles for him. He would offer any spells, or other help he could, because in his eyes this was an opportunity to have his enemies killed for him.

Paskat: I owe you two apologies. The first was when some elf Outlander had gloves that were formerly Batamon's. He was only in my range, so Batamon was chasing him. I was trying to spell up on the way, and spammed a bunch of spells to get ready. As I'm watching my spells go, Batamon says "He's here, get ready!" In an act of utter brilliance, I decided that these spells would probably finish while I was in combat, so I'd better just throw a neuro in there. Because it would obviously be the right choice for some unknown battle to come.

To my horror we show up and you've got him knocked out and are in the process of binding him. I'm thinking "hurry up, attack him, attack him" watching my spells tick off. I could only watch as they all went through, followed by the neuro. The elf got away. Sorry about that. That was a newb mistake.

The second apology is more serious, for when you warranted me. At the time I didn't really think I was in Galadon. I thought for some reason it was a bogus warrant. The thing is, Criles wouldn't have cared if it were. But OOC I did. It was the first time I was warranted in CF ever, and I think since I wasn't expecting it I had a kneejerk reaction to all the authority figures from real life who had pissed me off. When I saw it was real, and I calmed down, I felt very badly. I tried to give an IC apology, and I hope it came through. I didn't go OOC really, but I'm sure you could sense it was OOC anger. Sorry for that. I did much better the second time I got warranted :)

Kholav: I tried to help you out when I could. I didn't care when you got me in Imperial lands when I was warranted. I actually wanted to die, and could have gotten away. But I was just so tired of not being able to buy things. Yes, I could spend 20 minutes and get a free teleport potion, but I'd rather take a minute to buy 5 at a time.


I didn't really interact with you much. I had rp reasons to like you, but I also had rp reasons to dislike you. So I just stayed out of your way.


There were so many of you sometimes it wasn't funny. The thing that saved me often was your general lack of organization. A lot of times you'd raid with a couple people, then a couple more would show up later, etc. It was obvious when a strong leader was on, because there would be six Marans at the Chasm, and I knew the best I could do was try to harrass you a little before running.

Enarn: I'm glad you came at the end of my life. You're much more competent at PK than I am. The other night when you hit the outer, I ran quickly back and in the desert and I see a Scion corpse. Then I encounter another. I'm thinking, wtf is with this guy? You made Fort scary to fight.

Miko: I generally did really well against assassins. You found the trick to making our encounters a stalemate. I preferred you weren't around when I fought because I hated having to resort to pugils. It was funny the one time you complained via tell about being bio'd, while I'm sitting in some random and unknown location because I'm blind for 8 hours.

Zephon: You get the reward for best RP comment. I'm going to post a log of it, so I won't say it here.

Zernhop: You generally beat me down. I wasn't used to the dispel magic tact, and I was never sure what to do. Since I don't think I ever had barrier and shield up when I fought you, it made it hard. Should I run, and re-spell-up just to have it all taken down again? Or stay and hope for a lucky disrupt organ? I suppose I could have just dispelled you too.


A lot of you I wanted to spend more time with, but being caballed just puts a lot of demands on you that I didn't realize. If I was doing something else I couldn't just say "Sorry Kanaev, I'm with an orc and a svirfneblin and we're exploring. I'll help you raid later." I tried to interact with you as much as possible.

Fycul: That time we went into Yzekon was the first time I was there. I never got past the entrance with other characters. I'm really sorry I took that wrong turn that ended up with me dead and our trip finished. I was totally willing to help you get to Chieftain, but I guess it didn't work out. Hopefully you'll get it eventually (no offense Hizznr :) ).

Rashiid: I know you're Herald now, but I'm putting you in the none category because that's when I knew you. I wanted to explore more with you, but things never worked out. Oh, I also prevented you from getting gaunted one night :)

Kroglux: I already said goodbye on your deletion, but you helped teach me a lot of how a transmuter should act while ranking. Like the time you died in a pk and ask "Why didn't you word me?" I slapped my forehead and went D'oh! Stuff like that, that is obvious isn't really obvious for a new player.

Imam: I liked you, but didn't completely trust you. I didn't think you'd jack me, but on the other hand I figured you were a greedy sort of thief who might let things slide if he could get paid.

Gistle: I'm glad you deleted shortly after I got into hero range. Even at the end of my character, when I had much improved, I would still have been no match for you in PK. When you deleted I was relieved, because you were the only person who could have reliably disrupted my exploration. I'd like to see you and Enarn fight :)

Kharia (Twist): When you "accidentally" ran into me in K'teng's it really was the first time I was there. I figured you had been there before, but you did a good job of acting like you never had been. And that place you showed me with the prep...was never there for me. I liked your char a lot, even if it was just a springboard for your godly return.
54960, I am sad to see you are no longer around
Posted by Drakgrak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I pretty much summed it up in the few tells I sent you when you con died. Criles must have been the ballsiest scion I have fought. No matter what the odds you would come down and you know, it wasnt funny at my end. I remember atleast three instances where the fight would have gone your way with a bit of luck, with me being sub 100 hp and three of us pounding on you. That last fight we had in the chasm was a case in point.
You lost the pks maybe, but I think you gained a whole lot of perspective. If you were to play an arcane again I can see how you will be scary.
And both of us know, our final scorecards will not reflect the closeness of our fights.
You are one of those pivotal players I assosciate with Drakgrak. You know the guys who really keep your char going.
Excellent work there, return as quick as you can.
55010, RE: I am sad to see you are no longer around
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, I really appreciate it.

I was looking through my logs, and doing searches on "You yell 'Help!" to find pks. Its really funny because "Help! Drakgrak is lashing me!" comes up so many times. I probably fought you more than anybody now that I think about it.

Oh, and the one time you said you thought I was having connection problems, I wasn't. I was just having a moment of complete stupidity, which is why I was standing there not doing anything as you punched my face in.
55030, Thanks for clearing that incident up
Posted by Drakgrak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was blaming myself for having killed someone who was possibly link dead. Not a pleasant feeling.
54966, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Veressis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked you especially after I attacked batamon at the giant and you attacked me and basically said after "I have to show such infront of him at the least" Hehehe
55009, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He specifically said for me not to get involved with his feud with you. I'm guessing it was an honor thing, or he didn't want me to get my ass kicked, or some of both.

But when you attacked him right in front of me I was thinking "Ok, I can't let this slide." I could just see:

Nightborn: Criles, is there a reason you stood idly by and let the Chancellor get killed?
55011, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by V on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe, yeah, that would have been bad. But on a positive note, with you there and generally I could not take down batamon on my own, he would either get his songs off and I would have to back off, or I would own him and he had an abundance of potions of teleportation. It was usually futile, with you standing there though I had to be rather careful.
54967, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by nilian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How I hated fighting two trany's with tabby's and walkers eww. Fun char and I hope I see you again
54968, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by nilian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How I hated fighting two trany's with tabby's and walkers eww. Fun char and I hope I see you again
55008, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were the most dangerous paladin I fought. I'd forget, and think it was like normal where I'd have a fair number of rounds before I had to start to worry. Then all of a sudden I'm thinking "How is he hitting me so hard?"
54970, BAHAHA!
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn that's funny. I wondered if you'd bring up Kteng's where we rather suddenly formed an alliance.

It was completely 100% accidental. I teleported near there.

I had never been to that area before. I had no idea wtf all that stuff was. I was trying to look at every single thing because I figured *somewhere* there'd be a barrier wand or something (I never found barrier wands with Kharia - at least not ones I could get myself).

My only thought was that you might decide to backstab me and neuro me while we were getting smacked by something there. You didn't, thankfully, so we both got to explore something new, at least until that Trib Hero Invoker with Improved Invis came and basically said "leave or I'll destroy you" and I left.

Oh, and I would never have approached you at all (Kharia didn't make "friends" in that way) but you were sphere magic and seemed to be exploring, so it worked.

All in all, I think Criles ended up being a pretty solid char.
54972, What, no mention of me?
Posted by Azilaph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did indeed vastly improve with age. We had some good fights I think. I've had some minor interactions with you with my new character since Azilaph, and watching you now has shown me how much you've become comfortable with the class and role.

Well done.
55007, RE: What, no mention of me?
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well you were gone by the time I became a Scion. So before that, you were just the entwining and pincering dwarf to run from. I was under no mental obligation to fight you, and when I did it was under protest. :) You straight up kicked my ass.
54974, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Miko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>Miko: I generally did really well against assassins. You found the trick to making our encounters a stalemate. I preferred you weren't around when I fought because I hated having to resort to pugils. It was funny the one time you complained via tell about being bio'd, while I'm sitting in some random and unknown location because I'm blind for 8 hours<<<

Well as far as one on one fights, you got me once and I never got you straight up. Course I was 43rd and missed every tiger claw at that time. hehe. And bio/faerie fire is the most annoying thing for a shadow claw =). Enjoyed the fights, especially liked the comment of "So you just go around jabing your finger in old ladies' throats?" Good luck on your next!
55006, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't remember if I ever killed you. My memory was always just "Damnit, another 2 ticks of pugil" and "Aw crap now I'm blind too".

Here was the comment, after you did exactly those:

You tell someone 'So that's how you spend your time in the Fortress? Punching old ladies in the throat and rubbing dirt into their eyes.'
54975, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh..yea I think of all mages to have problems with Villagers, it'd be transmuters. I enjoyed every single of my fight with you in any case, and although you felt a bit new, I thought you were a really good sport with great attitude as an enemy. Well done on con-dying her and all the best with your next!
54992, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Hizznr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>get to Chieftain, but I guess it didn't work out. Hopefully
>you'll get it eventually (no offense Hizznr :) ).

None taken. The Chief spot was looking pretty intersting recently, up until a few deletions/autodels took out a handfull of good competetors for the position. However it still may be a good fight yet.
Anyway, I almost forgot about the Mine incident until you mentioned it recently. That was a good forshadowing of what was to happen.
good luck with your next
55002, I like you
Posted by Fycul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was around much last couple weeks since my works keep me busy. I sense you were new so I try take you to many place as I can. I like having you around though make me take less time gathering stuff. As far as chieftain goes, I don't like be one. I'll explain more when I die. Good luck with your next char.

55023, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Haratzi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I don't think we met even once. Which is really funny cause I think I have 100 hours or so atleast in Scion.

A pity.

Good luck with your next one.
55039, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually saw you once, for 10 seconds. I was just about to log off, and you logged on. That was it :)

I was hoping to get to meet you, but stupid time schedules and all.
55025, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Edimus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Edimus: At first, before I was a Scion I didn't really like
>you. Then I started interacting with you, and you were so
>funny. The things you would come up with, you really deserve
>the title and position. The one time I had a -age piece of
>gear, and you lored, and said something like "Why would you
>ever want something like that?"

Anyway, I liked having you around. Even though you did have a bit of a tendency to get killed during raids (me too) you still made a big difference in whether I'd be constantly trying to retrieve or going on the offensive. I enjoyed it when you were around though, and I knew I could rely on you.

Good luck with whatever comes next.

When did we interact before you were a scion and what was it you didn't like?
55040, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I probably shouldn't have even said anything about not liking you at first, but in my mind the change was so amazing that it was worth mentioning it. I went from "Oh, Edimus." to "Yay Edimus logged on!"

It was before I was in Scion, and I was grouped with Batamon but you and another Scion were in the group also. There were a lot of Battle on, and people were dying left and right. You made some suggestion that I go see who's in the Village, or something like that. I had duo, but I think a bard was on (so able to bring me out).

At any rate, it seemed like a suicide mission, and you didn't even ask me, you said something like "Perhaps the transmuter should go ...". In reality, it was normal roleplay for an evil cabal member making use of a pledge of said cabal. But since I wasn't pledging, I didn't like the suggestion.

So the end of this long explanation is: You didn't do anything wrong, and likely did something right. I just took offense at it because I was a #### at the time. When I finally interacted with you I liked you very much and wondered why I ever didn't.
55046, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Batamon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Criles what can I say.....Awesome character, I remember on the road to hero I saw your potential. And once we were at the top, you were still there to bust some heads with me. If you weren't a Scion I dont know who is. Good Job ole friend.
55080, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yay! I was mentioned! ^_^
I would have liked fighting you one on one. There were a few times where I was trying to get you or Kanaev alone, (mostly you)...and it ended in me getting badly beaten and dying to poison...eventhough I was saved by a tribunal. (sorry, I did not log it or I would post it.)
That one time you were duo'ed and I had you marked sucked...
I couldn't figure out how to get you out of flat.
I was typing every starting attack imaginable... (some of which happened just after you left and were sadly still not likely to start combat).
Atleast I learned a few things from our encounters. Even if they were not about my class.
55082, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>That one time you were duo'ed and I had you marked sucked...
>I couldn't figure out how to get you out of flat.

When I saw you had me marked, I actually thought you could bring me out. So at first I was going to see how it went (I still had decent hp and good mana). Then as you kept trying things, I though Acek or Mendecirith might be waiting to summon me again, so I left. But I was surprised that nothing worked.

I also noticed that you learn a lot about the classes you fight. I know a lot about assassin strengths and weaknesses just from fighting you and Miko a lot.
55109, Ill taste left In my mouth.
Posted by Soelanzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You would not even talk to me for over 2 minutes. My rp was intense and It fit well with my role. I wish I had a way to buy it, but Im a broke ass. I had 20 pages written and formatted into 3-4 pages of a role so far at lvl 30. Maybe I did suck however. I dont know. I was just trying to get into scion. And not krilcov it, but use an intelligent and witty, Chaos/Fate/Insane/Picospawned rp. I am an ass for deleting over it however. nt
55432, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Hunsobo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Hunsobo: I really liked you, and didn't want to fight you most of the time. You were funny, and when it was just you and me running around with a bunch of Fortress and Battle, we were pseudo-allies. Every time Kaneav would say "We gaunt Hunsobo" I'd think "Aww, no not Hunsobo!" But you never appeared, so it was ok."

Yeah, I think I attacked you once or twice and only killed you the one time. That was when you were raiding - Kanaev told me (after he worded out) that you seemed to have maybe been linkdead/afk/whatever (he said something IC about your senses) - it happened pretty quick though - shed some light on that one?

As for "pseudo-allies" I think that about covers it - when you've got 4 enemies from one cabal all hunting you, 3 from another cabal all hunting you, and 1 lone guy who is also running for his life, you tend to not actively hunt that guy. That said, whenever I did see you vis, if I wasn't in the middle of some other PK-situation, I'd come for you.

And yeah, nightgaunts so far haven't been much use against me (thank goodness). Kanaev got me with one once after I'd already fled from him, an elemental, a demon, and a nightwalker with about 35% hp. But he hadn't had time to get anywhere hard to run away from, so I got away. (I've got a funny log of that whole thing that I'll post when I die. Kanaev knows what I'm talking about. Doh.)
55459, RE: Specific Goodbyes
Posted by Crilesguy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Yeah, I think I attacked you once or twice and only killed you
>the one time. That was when you were raiding - Kanaev told me
>(after he worded out) that you seemed to have maybe been
>linkdead/afk/whatever (he said something IC about your senses)
>- it happened pretty quick though - shed some light on that

Heh, that was a spur of the moment decision on my part. I was sick of being wanted, and I knew Kholav was with you. I should have just had Kaneav kill me to lose the flag, but I thought "I'll see what I can do" instead. Of course, fighting you with Kholav's help, while being blinded from one of the Imperial inners was really stupid. Kaneav probably thought something was wrong with me ooc because I had PLENTY of time to get out of there. I hadn't even thought about my eq until after I was dead. I did appreciate getting it back.

>As for "pseudo-allies" I think that about covers it

I didn't mean to imply we ever actually helped each other--I never spelled you up, or grouped with you or anything. It was just like you said, us and 5 or 10 of the same enemies, let's not fight each other.
That and things like this:

Hunsobo tells you 'yuh. Best tank Hunsobo.'
Hunsobo tells you 'took Orb, Scepter went back.'

Stuff like that was a boon :)
54954, General goodbye
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was a lot of firsts: First hero, first caballed char, first con death. I've been playing Criles for six months, and I'm pretty verbose, but I'll try to keep it down in length. I've been playing CF for 3-4 years. I'm an explorer type player, and usually I'd get somebody to mid 20s/30s, get bored and delete. However, I eventually explored as far as I could without getting higher in level. I needed something that would be easy to hero, something that I wouldn't have to sit around and beg to get a group with. Criles was born.

This was during the Gistle hysteria, but my goal wasn't to become the next frightening transmuter pk god. It was simply to hero and then enjoy myself exploring everywhere I could. I created what I considered a generic role, a guy who wanted as much magical power as he could get. This allowed me icly to not worry about pk or rp and focus on exploring (looking for ancient or lost magical lore!).

I got to hero range with Kroglux. Then Kroglux deleted, and I didn't really know anybody else. Up to that time Empire had been in power, so things weren't too bad. But then hero Empire range disappeared, and there I was facing a lot of now bored Battle and Fortress people. Luckily for me, I had grouped with Batamon a couple times with Kroglux. Batamon was also facing the same foes and difficulties getting to hero that I was, so we were a good match.

Batamon was Scion, which I had no interest in joining. I really just wanted to explore, and being in a cabal seemed like it would restrict exploration. However, I also liked having an ally, so I helped Batamon whenever he needed it. At this point, I wasn't interested in PK, so I would follow around and just provide spells or help gang whoever he wanted/needed to fight. If the odds were in our favor I'd also help him raid or retrieve, but if they weren't I had no problem wimping out and telling him no.

I got a lot of exploring done. I also realized that there are a lot of places you can't realistically go solo. Just about every zone I looked into also opened up more questions, more "Is there something more to this zone?" Places like Kteng's the answer is obvious, but other places are less obvious. Much more exploration needed! While its exciting on one hand, on the other its frustrating because I'll need to get another hero before I can investigate further. :)

Eventually Batamon approached me about joining Scion. I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't really think I was Scion material. On the rp front, Criles had been to this point an explorer first and foremost. I really wasn't into him except as that. His role was something I could work with, but just hadn't. My rp had stepped up due to minor involvement in the Consortium quests and being around mostly rping Scions. I just needed to get inside his head and I'd do ok with rp. But the pk part...

I joined and made a decision to do cabal duties reguardless of the odds. So no more telling Batamon I wouldn't help retrieve because there were too many defenders. I was always ready when somebody decided it was time to attack, but I didn't go much farther than the ganging sidekick. This was still a big step for me. I was comfortable there, until one night I got a local echo saying what I took to mean: "Quit being a ####."

So after that I really worked on being a solo pk'er. I sucked at it. I got my ass kicked left and right. However, I eventually started getting better. I got to the point where I was making people run on occasion, instead of always running. I considered this a "win," even though nobody died. Constantly fighting Villagers actually helped, because when I managed to face somebody that my spells worked on, things went really well. I tried to never be suicidal. I definitely entered situations which were suicidal, but I always had a plan and intention to escape. It just failed miserably a lot of times. I'm now comfortable in PK, and don't normally panic, and don't feel the need to log out after I get killed. I can see the allure to PK now, though I still prefer exploring more.

I never found my sleek black or sleek sienna wands. This made things pretty rough, because I only had one source of shield and barrier each, both of which were often out. My sleek amber was extremely convenient, which helped, but aura alone wasn't enough much of the time. I did find a crapload of other preps which will be very useful as other classes.

Overall this character was a lot of fun. There were hard times when I didn't really want to log in, and especially at the end it got tough to not just delete. I got to explore new places, but I also expanded my other skills. I'll try to make my next character exemplary on all levels.
54958, RE: General goodbye
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What a terrible pker you were! :P No matter, your other qualities made up for it. Often times, I want to say something nice in a character's pbf, but nothing comes to mind. I have no idea what I wrote in yours, but let me say this: Thanks for the effort (more at the last, but you know that), you put a lot into Criles' rp and it was evident as you aged and matured with the character.

I give you permission to fail, this one time.

Good luck.
55005, RE: General goodbye
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The funny thing is, I always did worse when you were on. Not that I was ever good, but every time I took a really bad death I'd look and "Oh cool, Eshval's here!" Then when I'd do something moderately impressive, nobody was on at all. It was probably better that way, because your expectations were set lower then :P
55013, Nope
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw the good stuff too...and there was more of that than the bad. Just because you do not see me, does not mean I wasn't watching.
54993, "Frightening transmuter PK god"
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you're my new favorite player. }(
54948, Dammmnit
Posted by Nyserroth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were cool man, real cool sad to see you go!
54956, You were cool too, but I needed you a month ago
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe I could have age died instead of con dying :)