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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectFadderth's almost brief farewell
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=54604
54604, Fadderth's almost brief farewell
Posted by fadderth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sadly life has the occasional habit of intruding on our fun like a drunken roommate coming home while you are with a hot date. I won't bore you with the drama, but I hope to be back in force soon as a mortal, and maybe one day again, as an immortal. Carrion Fields has quality people on staff, and I thank each of you for all you do.

This is a goodbye thread, so let me cut to the chase. Fadderth was a lot of fun to play, as he was a lying, manipulative "fargin bastage" whose primary goal was to make life better for dwarvenkind by creating a home that didn't have duergar and demons in its basement and one hundred miles of Outlander-hiding wilderness before you got back to civilization. He started off praying to Aarn, but in the end he became something of a disciple of Daevryn, if not exactly a worshipper, because Daevryn and he both had uses for each other.

Fadderth initially hoped to earn Maran status & Aarn's tattoo, and even after Aarn sought other climes I clung to that hope due to interaction with Shokai. I got to rp briefly with Shokai twice with this character, which was more than I'd been able to manage in the past with two Shokai followers. I was stunned and pleased. However, when the Divine Forge melted shut I realized that was someone had moved the wall in centerfield from 450 feet to 450 yards, so I began to look for a different bat.

Nordiach's snores were louder than all mountain echoes Fadderth created calling to him, so I tried a new angle and prayed to
almost every god for help in finding Nordiach.

Lyristeon, you were the first immortal who answered the prayers of this dwarf, and maybe it was your character's brief touch that corrupted Fadderth. Your insults were inspiring, and even though Fadderth understood that lies and truth dripped off your character's tongue in equal measure, they confirmed that somewhere there was a grain of truth about the myths of the dwarven origins. Fadderth no longer wanted to worship Nordiach because it was the dwarven thing to do, but also because he wanted to #$%&# Lyr over. Athanosoros was dug up a week later, as if in answer to Fadderth's prayers, but that old delver didn't have much information to share or much inclination to share it.

Around this time Fadderth became a squire, and I had a blast fighting large numbers of young imperials who would counterraid the Fortress. Fadderth was only a hand spec at this time, and he used stun against a young Draktel simply to demoralize him, since I knew I wouldn't actually be able to land a kill on him. Thank you Draktel for keeping things interesting and leaving me with my shoddy gear. I truly enjoyed your character. Not all the fights went against this warrior, though, and it was during this time that Fadderth earned an extra legacy.

Things became somewhat stagnant on the rp side until the Nexus quest started to emerge. As much as possible I tried to get involved, and when Fadderth learned from various NPCs that the person who blew the Horn would place his stamp upon the Fourth Age, Fadderth realized that here was his opportunity to make life difficult for the Outlander Ancient who claimed to have buried Nordiach for all time. A dwarf was going to blow that horn.

So Fadderth created a little lie, which he passed along through various Heralds, Acolytes, and Maran that the Horn should be blown by a dwarf of the Light else the world would come apart at the seams. At this time there were several dwarves in the Fortress, and Fadderth was trying to designate one of the others as the ordained--if he was seen as personally ambitious, he might not be able to achieve his goal. Fadderth tried to motivate people to work together as a team through positive reinforcement and peer pressure, and although things were frustrating at times, things went well for the most part.

Just as my life hasn't gone as planned, Fadderth's life took one weird turn after another. A sizeable chunk of Fadderth's ranking was done with Villagers, but Fadderth ended up learning two spells. When the Horn was ready to be blown, the dwarven healer that I thought would blow it wasn't available, and Fadderth volunteered...only to learn that he would be made true neutral and thus be kicked out of the Fortress. His attitude was to grin and bear it, and for his sacrifice the Fortress present commented that he was a Maran in their eyes. Fadderth was then immediately promoted from squire to Maran! Awesome! Daevryn was lying or wrong, and Fadderth did the happy dance.

Two minutes later the dwarf was made neutral and kicked out of the Fortress, and we couldn't blow the Horn yet because we had to protect ourselves from the magic at the Rift. What a kick in the nuts.

Fadderth hung out at the Inn and got to know Eacer and Mav and Rashiid while drinking lots and lots of alcohol, biding his time and masquerading as a Herald applicant. Eventually he got his chance to mend the Veil, but everyone knows that story.

For those of you who have stuck with it and waded through my novel, here are a trifling number of goodbyes.

Trying to nail you down long enough to interview was annoying as hell. My respect to you for sticking with your rp and dying to Gistle like that. Interesting insight into your character during my induction interview. I got the impression that you were lonely, although wanting to be a loner.

One of those fun characters to have seen from your earliest days to when you were all grown up and a serious threat to our enemies. Thanks for leading the Fortress to me after I survived that 4 on 1 Imperial squad. I was saddened when your ranger deleted.

I really enjoy your banter in the Fortress or that occasional moment at the Inn. I was really bummed though, that you drained my dwarven ale. You made Fortress fun for me.

You have been a consistent friend and companion. I loved fighting alongside you against the imperial hordes when we were young.

My stun buddy! Thank you, thank you for the practice. It was painful, but I learned much. You seemed to disappear from my life for a while, so you can't imagine how happy I was to see you reappear when we were both heroes.

Angrelm and Grahgrim, we spent a lot of time risking our necks together. I wish you had stuck around longer, as you both showed promise.

A competent healer whose banter with Mezrar I really enjoyed. Your character seemed to act fairly chaotic, which is great fun though frustrating. I appreciated your organizational ability during our quests for the Vaults.
Who are we kidding? Just your ability! You have been fantastic, in each and every quest we worked together on. Fadderth didn't like lying to you, and your sorrow after he was made Nexite demonstrated a depth to your character I hadn't appreciated.
Good luck in your immortalship.


You were my first death to a ranger with this character, and one I was really angry with myself over. I should have stunned you or your lion! And I was unaware of what wasps did, which allowed you time to get to my recall too damn quickly. And rather than running I should have used the preps I was carrying...too many mistakes, and you were good enough to capitalize on them.
Outlanders in general and you specifically are why I went polearm as my second specialization.

A good Outlander who apparently got a bit bored. I really enjoyed our first fight, and although it would have been smart for me to have left the area after I stunned you. Good rp after your bugs killed me. Where happened to you?

I think what I hate most about Outlanders is that there is no easy way to determine if someone is an Outlander candidate, particularly when the new crop of Outlanders is seldom wanted. Good fight, and I hope I can repay the pain someday.

By the time I started fighting you, I had so many enemies I struggled to keep myself even in basic preps. That isn't an excuse, however, for you'd have torn me to shreds even if I had been prepped. Goodly vicious.

I felt bad when we you attacked one of my Nexites, I retaliated, and you ended up getting ganked. You immediately hunted me and fell, resulting in your rage deletion.
Learning who played you though, I must say I felt a rather perverse enjoyment to be able to say I was able to solo one of your characters. It was through the cheap practice of bashing pole-spec, but you are good enough I'll take what I can get.

When we were in the middle ranks we fought seemingly all the time. I couldn't close the kill on you, and the fact I was a handspec seemed to be a pain for you. Whenever possible, I targeted you with the hope of a lucky stun to disrupt the flow of the fight and to demoralize you. Great fights.

Our first combat, I got lucky in that I hit a few good bashes and Dellian appeared out of nowhere to create permalag. I wish I could have saved more of your things before the Village sacced them.

Imperial felar thief. In our first encounter, you invited me to fight and made a snide comment about me being unwilling to die for my faith. You cleared your tells before I had a chance to respond: My lord would prefer that YOU die for my faith. Darn good fights.

Seeing you and Roabe and Criles and Baradisceth grouped, I made it a point to be enlarged and flying all the time to give me the opportunity to get a way. Boy you could eat the damage I dealt out! Thank god for anti-gank code and stun.

My first impression of you is that you are a class act.

Damn, but you hit hard. And often. And bashed me silly. Few people respect well-prepped bash specs, but you had a great character here.

You were a great enemy and stuck with it when the odds were against you. Fadderth hated duergars for personal reasons and being in the Fortress gave him the opportunity to act on that directed rage, but to say that being in Nexus and occasionally defending your
interests was uncomfortable would be an understatement.

Edimus (?)
I fell to your fiend on Calandryl, but I had a chance to repay you the favor near the Fortress. Our second meeting was a good fight, at least, and it was everything I could do to keep you pinned down while Angrelm ran off to heal.

*growls* My first of several deaths to an Anti-paladin--and then many more to you. Oh well, win some, bleed a lot, such is the life of a warrior. I appreciate your magnamity as a player, for I couldn't do #### against you once you got a *few* charges.

When we first fought, two of us hunted down your slippery character until we bashed you down. As long as it took, I wasn't sure why you didn't leave the area. The second time we fought, it was solo, and you played hit and run until you slept me. I pummeled you and you fled, and then you slept me a second time. When I woke I stunned you and I retreated, and I don't think I fought you again afterward without Krynna or the chieftain (I forget the name) interfering.
It can't be good being a drow AP.

Seeing a transmuter among the opposing group is frightening. Do me a favor and get eaten by a giant squid or something? (damn, Deeag deleted).

I have typically viewed the conflict between the Villagers and the Fortress as an opportunity for Villagers to fight someone other than the Scion asskicking crowd. Some of you were good, some of you annoying.

We fought once when Fadderth showed up outside the Giant after evading several Scions. You destroyed Fadderth, but he got most of his things back. Nice roleplay before and after.

Great dwarf, accomplished warrior, and always in character. I am really glad that you quaffed that blood too early at the Rift.

Ouch. Go away, and I don't want to play anymore.

The Horde
For a while there it seemed like two out of every three Villagers was a dwarven whip spec.

Mavinero & Rashiid-- Great traveling companions and fun to be around. Mavinero I had traveled with with a past character, and I wish I could be a fraction as entertaining as you. You could make dying in Hell more pleasant than Thanksgiving dinner. If I'm lucky
I'll get a chance to travel with your future characters.

I was truly saddened when you died. Yours was a great personality that imparted hope and more than a bit of wisdom my character's way.


I really enjoyed our Nordiach rp, but more importantly I saw your impish grin and snide commentary as the Welcome Wagon of immortalship. Keep on, for I think you are great.

You've intrigued me quite a bit with your character's personality. What I think is funny is I saw you more with this character than I have with characters who were your followers.

You have been an outstanding asset to roleplay, from what I've seen. I loved your squabbling roleplay with Daevryn every moment I saw you two together.

Holy fargin shyte! The majority of this character's life you've had him on a roller coaster, and it was one helluva fun ride. I can't begin to mention all the great interactions, my frustrations and angsts, my tribulations and the countless number of surprises you threw my way. Though I don't feel I'm a shadow of what I should have been as the First, I thank you for the opportunity. I enjoyed our time immensely.

I interacted with many, many characters and invariably I've left out people that were important to Fadderth's life. If you have a desire, jog my memory with a comment or two and I'll try to respond in a semi-intelligent fashion.

"Dwarven ale: ensuring the continuation of the dwarven race with every barrel. Have you seen dwarven women?!"

54612, Harumpf.
Posted by Daelen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It just hurts not to be remembered *fake tears* *false sniffles*
How could you?!?! :)
On to a more serious subject, you never got me that drink
you "fargin bastage".
Anyway Fadderth was great fun, good luck with your next.

**edited 'cuz ah kint spell nun two gud.**
54614, RE: Harumpf.
Posted by fadderth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't so much forget you as passed out before I talked about you, Linolaques, and "Lou" Farigno; the latter two keeping me and others in conversation as heroimms, and you with comic relief and companionship when Fadderth was a 'mere character.' We had several fun adventures together, and I hope to have more interactions with your characters in teh future.
54617, Heh.
Posted by Daelen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure thing buddy, but by the time I get around to playing again
I'll be all but forgotten as a player. I can say my next will be
a nearly mindless pk focused one, because after this I'll need a
taste of blood. So what if most of it is my own right?
54610, RE: Fadderth's almost brief farewell
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had fun running around with you and doing the Horn stuff at the veil.

We didnt really line up in terms of hours (play times). I was always looking to log off when you logged in.

Deeag..the sea hag.

Cya later
54611, I'll happily heap praise upon Deaag and her player
Posted by fadderth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your roleplay was excellent, your knowledge of the game superb, and your ability to get me into and out of trouble non pareil. I hated seeing you delete, but your goodbye thread explained it fully and I understand completely. I hope you can stave off burnout with your next crop of characters, for you bring a lot of good things to the mud.
54609, RE: Heyral.
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He was an experiment with rangers, and I hadn't ever had a goodie outlander. So I was giving a few things a new try, and I admit to putting only minimum effort in.

I had this thing about burying corpses though, because it was 'the right thing to do'. Got some interesting RP quirks built up and realised how flexible you can be when you write your role as you play. It was fun, but not to last. Once I'd heroed and tried out everything I was thirsting for a different kind of character. Raphru was a role I'd been kicking about for a while, originally intended as a sort of goodie-outlander shaman I switched him to an Acolyte and re-wrote it because I'd never been an rp-intensive acolyte before.

To this day, I am still experimenting, no doubt we'll see a big character come out of it someday. Glad you enjoyed Heyral all the same :) I think it is a bit crap the way most outlanders treat dwarves/paladins and I wanted to be different. Giving them a way/chance to get out of me slaughtering was much more light-walker like than flying out of the blue and pwning/full looting. Though I did tend towards 'strike first, ask questions later' during the development of my dwarf strategum.

54608, RE: Fadderth's almost brief farewell
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heroimmdom is boring. There I have said it. For those of you who want to imm and think it is going to be exciting, let me set you straight. The excitement wears off really quick. 1000 hours of work put in before my religion became active. Some do it quicker, some take longer. That means nearly 1000 hours of NOT PLAYING. Don't get me wrong, once the religion went active, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as an immortal.

Because I remember what it was like, I really do try to make the heroimms lives a bit less tedious. I rarely ever make myself unseen to them. I try to let them in on what I am doing with the mortals so they can have a laugh every now and then. I try to chime in on all of the subjects that are being asked about so they can learn.

The man behind the green curtain is so appropriate in regards to mudding. If you look upon the staff in some sort of awe, good or bad, keep playing. If you have a true desire to help the players, then becoming a part of the staff MIGHT be for you.

I am glad you enjoyed your time around me. That's why I became an immortal.
54613, Heroimming doesn't have to be seen as boring.
Posted by fadderth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What makes it tolerable are the people you get to know and the connections you make to them.

I will give this bit of advice to future hero imms, though: if you are told not to make a novoid trigger, at least create an alert so you can work on your area in another window. Lyr's 1000 hours is a very, very long time even if you have unlimited playing time.
54607, Hah
Posted by Zhaltum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wondered if you'd ever post anything
I liked this Character both as Rinalias and as Zhaltum
You were alot more fun to be around even if you were a bit useless in alot of pks heh, you'll beable to cruise in and retrieve against 4 Marans one day too!
I'm just sad you could never seem to quite make out what Zhaltum had to say 90% of the time =/ Oh well I'm sure you'll bump into me again.
54606, The fight in question
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't want to say too much until I'm gone. I'll just say that I felt OOC bad about this gang that was about to steamroll you. This was a sure thing, right?

*** The participants. This is just to show who was involved.
*** The group command was from earlier.

<33 Dwarf War> (PK) Fadderth the Warrior of the Gauntlet

Kroglux's group:
<33 Asn> Raube 100% hp 100% mana 100% mv 305989 xp
<33 Sha> Baradisceth 100% hp 2% mana 98% mv 232357 xp
<28 War> Kroglux 93% hp 100% mana 100% mv 200406 xp
<34 Tra> Criles 100% hp 73% mana 100% mv 212040 xp

*** The actual log now.

396/100%h 608/88%m 495/93% 8782 2 PM>
Kroglux tells the group 'Who?'

396/100%h 608/88%m 495/93% 8782 2 PM> where

Fadderth arrives suddenly.

396/100%h 608/88%m 495/93% 8782 2 PM>
Fadderth leaves east.
People near you:
(PK) Baradisceth North Sutherspring Road
(PK) Fadderth North Sutherspring Road
(PK) Kroglux North Sutherspring Road
Kiph An Old Trail
(PK) Criles North Sutherspring Road

396/100%h 608/88%m 495/93% 8782 2 PM>
Kroglux nods.

396/100%h 608/88%m 495/93% 8782 2 PM>
Baradisceth leaves east.
Kroglux leaves east.
You follow Kroglux east.
North Sutherspring Road

(Invis) Kroglux is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) Baradisceth is here.

396/100%h 608/88%m 494/92% 8782 2 PM>
You feel yourself expand back to your normal size.

396/100%h 661/96%m 532/100% 8782 3 PM> cast 'reduce' self
You lost your concentration.

396/100%h 641/93%m 532/100% 8782 3 PM> Fadderth arrives suddenly.

396/100%h 641/93%m 532/100% 8782 3 PM>
Charging forward, Kroglux hits Fadderth with enough force to send him sailing through the air.
Kroglux fades into existence.
Kroglux's bash hits Fadderth.
Fadderth yells 'Help! Kroglux is bashing me!'

396/100%h 641/93%m 532/100% 8782 3 PM>
Raube steps out of the shadows.

396/100%h 641/93%m 532/100% 8782 3 PM>
You fade into existence.
Fadderth parries your pound.
Fadderth has a few scratches.

396/100%h 641/93%m 532/123% 8782 3 PM>
Fadderth yells 'Die, Baradisceth, you sorcerous dog!'
Baradisceth narrows his eyes and glares in Fadderth's direction.
Fadderth has a few scratches.

396/100%h 641/93%m 532/123% 8782 3 PM> cast 'metabolic slowing'
You magically slow Fadderth's metabolism.
Fadderth has a few scratches.

396/100%h 621/90%m 532/123% 8782 3 PM>
Kroglux's slash devastates Fadderth!
Kroglux's pierce decimates Fadderth!
Kroglux's pierce devastates Fadderth!
Your pound hits Fadderth.
Fadderth has some small but disgusting cuts.

396/100%h 621/90%m 532/123% 8782 3 PM>
Fadderth swings his fists wildly at Kroglux but no blows land.
Fadderth has some small but disgusting cuts.

396/100%h 621/90%m 532/123% 8782 3 PM>
Fadderth yells 'Die, Baradisceth, you sorcerous dog!'
Baradisceth narrows his eyes and glares in Fadderth's direction.
Fadderth appears to be blinded.
Fadderth has some small but disgusting cuts.

396/100%h 621/90%m 532/123% 8782 3 PM>
Kroglux suddenly springs forward and sends Fadderth sprawling with a solid body blow.
Kroglux's bash hits Fadderth.
Fadderth has some small but disgusting cuts.

396/100%h 621/90%m 532/123% 8782 3 PM> c men
Kroglux's slash decimates Fadderth!
Your pound hits Fadderth.
Fadderth has some small but disgusting cuts.

396/100%h 621/90%m 532/123% 8782 3 PM> Fadderth looks disoriented, but only momentarily.
Your mental jolt startles Fadderth.
You have become better at mental jolt!
Fadderth has some small but disgusting cuts.

396/100%h 591/85%m 532/123% 8780 3 PM>
Raube's caltraps injures Fadderth.
Fadderth has some small but disgusting cuts.

396/100%h 591/85%m 532/123% 8780 3 PM>
Someone nods.
Fadderth has some small but disgusting cuts.

396/100%h 591/85%m 532/123% 8780 3 PM>
Fadderth yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Baradisceth narrows his eyes and glares in Fadderth's direction.
Fadderth's movement becomes labored, a sheen of sweat appearing over his body.
Baradisceth fades into existence.
Baradisceth's fatigue stupefies Fadderth!
Fadderth has some small but disgusting cuts.

396/100%h 591/85%m 532/123% 8780 3 PM>
Raube's punch wounds Fadderth.
Fadderth sags slightly under the force of Baradisceth's attack!
Baradisceth's infernal power mauls Fadderth.
Baradisceth's infernal power decimates Fadderth!
Kroglux's slash mauls Fadderth.
Your pound hits Fadderth.
Fadderth is covered with bleeding wounds.

396/100%h 591/85%m 532/123% 8780 3 PM> cast 'corporeal softening'
You fail to soften Fadderth's skin.
Fadderth is covered with bleeding wounds.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8780 3 PM>
Baradisceth narrows his eyes and glares in Fadderth's direction.
Fadderth is covered with bleeding wounds.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8780 3 PM>
Leading with his shoulder, Kroglux slams into Fadderth and sends him flying.
Kroglux's bash grazes Fadderth.
Fadderth is covered with bleeding wounds.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8780 3 PM>
Raube's punch wounds Fadderth.
Baradisceth's infernal power decimates Fadderth!
Fadderth's punch decimates Kroglux!
Kroglux's slash mauls Fadderth.
Fadderth parries your pound.
Fadderth is covered with bleeding wounds.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8780 3 PM>
Raube tries to hit Fadderth in the throat but misses.
Raube's tiger claw misses Fadderth.
Fadderth is covered with bleeding wounds.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8780 3 PM>
Baradisceth narrows his eyes and glares in Fadderth's direction.
Fadderth lands a stunning blow on Kroglux!
Fadderth is covered with bleeding wounds.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8780 3 PM>
Raube's punch hits Fadderth.
Fadderth sags slightly under the force of Baradisceth's attack!
Baradisceth's infernal power wounds Fadderth.
You have become better at staff!
Your pound hits Fadderth.
Fadderth is covered with bleeding wounds.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM> smdi
Fadderth is covered with bleeding wounds.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM>
Baradisceth narrows his eyes and glares in Fadderth's direction.
Raube's punch wounds Fadderth.
Baradisceth's infernal power wounds Fadderth.
Fadderth parries your pound.
Fadderth is gushing blood.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM> smdi
Fadderth is gushing blood.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM>
Kroglux tells the group 'Make fast'
Fadderth is gushing blood.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM>
Raube tries to hit Fadderth in the throat but misses.
Raube's tiger claw misses Fadderth.
Fadderth is gushing blood.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM>
Raube's punch misses Fadderth.
Raube's punch wounds Fadderth.
Fadderth sags slightly under the force of Baradisceth's attack!
Baradisceth's infernal power mauls Fadderth.
Baradisceth's infernal power mauls Fadderth.
Fadderth parries your pound.
Fadderth is gushing blood.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM>
Baradisceth narrows his eyes and glares in Fadderth's direction.
Baradisceth's fatigue stupefies Fadderth!
Fadderth has fled!
Fadderth leaves west.

396/100%h 551/80%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM> cast 'metabolic quickening' kro
You magically quicken Kroglux's metabolism.

396/100%h 531/77%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM>
Baradisceth leaves west.

396/100%h 531/77%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM>
Fadderth has arrived.

396/100%h 531/77%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM>
Baradisceth has arrived.

396/100%h 531/77%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM>
Fadderth yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Baradisceth narrows his eyes and glares in Fadderth's direction.
Baradisceth's fatigue DISTRESSES Fadderth!
Fadderth has fled!
Fadderth leaves west.

396/100%h 531/77%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM>
Fadderth has arrived.

396/100%h 531/77%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM>
Fadderth leaves north.

396/100%h 531/77%m 532/123% 8760 3 PM>
Baradisceth leaves west.

396/100%h 575/83%m 432/100% 8760 4 PM>
Baradisceth has arrived.

396/100%h 575/83%m 432/100% 8760 4 PM>
Baradisceth leaves north.

396/100%h 575/83%m 432/100% 8760 4 PM> where

Baradisceth has arrived.
People near you:
Raube North Sutherspring Road
(PK) Baradisceth North Sutherspring Road
(PK) Fadderth North Sutherspring Road
(PK) Kroglux North Sutherspring Road
Kiph North Sutherspring Road
(PK) Criles North Sutherspring Road

396/100%h 575/83%m 432/100% 8760 4 PM>
Kroglux tells the group 'Knocked out. awake on hour'

*** And you got away!