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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Draktel Muouk the Hand of Imperial Vengeance
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54389, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Draktel Muouk the Hand of Imperial Vengeance
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jan 19 08:55:07 2007

At 5 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 33rd of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Draktel perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
54523, Sad to see you go. Was hoping we'd run into eachother. txt
Posted by Spymistress on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seemed like everytime I saw you, one of us was dead or extremely busy. Frankly, Draktel scared the hell out of Myrakie and I would just as soon stay on the other side of Thera while you were awake.

You managed to kill me one, possibly twice. Once that I remember, ahem. I had just turned corpreal, was wearing only a leather vest, and was extremely pissed off. Once I faught Draktel, I wasn't so angry, for some reason. So thanks for that.
54538, You made it into my role
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now, I think I'm a horrible role writer, but you offended and angered Draktel when you were very young. When I killed you that time and you were fairly naked...not just a vest, but still patheticly equipped it was because in his eyes, you deserved nothing. After that kill I never went after you again, because Draktel thought you were just pathetic. Now ,thats his ic thoughts, so you know, because it really went against what he wrote in his role just after meeting you. I never did put an addendum in there. Anyway, ooc wise I had no issues with Myrakie and I think you are doing a good job, but you did tick him off when you were little. You might not even remember the slight, but you basically looted me when I died to a hoarde and tried to trade gear back to me.

Anyway, keep truckin!
54508, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Draktel Muouk the Hand of Imperial Vengeance
Posted by Gerhaul-Nmahraj on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think we've had some good fights when I was playing Gerhaul. And later with Nmahraaj (lowbie giant axe blade) I could tell you were a great char even though we didn't interact much.

Good job! Enjoy the next!
54510, Yeah, we did have some
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of my worst fights of all time was against Gerhaul. I planned my timing horribly and my aura fell as we engaged and Iw as aritaeiaed or however you spell that. I also didn't bother to dispel you, which I should have...ah well, live and learn from that i did. or rather, die and learn!

54500, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Draktel Muouk the Hand of Imperial Vengeance
Posted by tolceh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow... I cannot believe you deleted. If anyone deserved becoming an imm i thought that you did.I had good times rping/defending/getting my ass handed to me by your char, and i hope to see you around!
54506, tolceh
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the compliment. I guess I did deserve it, but as I weighed out the future and what I want to accomplish in life and in other areas of things, immlife just wasn't going to work for me. I'm hoping to buy a new house in a few months, and if things continue as they are, I'm going to be dropping my cable/internet off completely until the bills area bit easier to cover. Right now, I'm in great shape, but if i find the right place, well...that will change everything. Thanks for all the good ones, you got me twice I think and returned my things, I was very thankful for that.

Good luck with your next.
54476, Much respect
Posted by Taelina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But seems to me you were a little pissed off by accident in orc village. But anyway you were interesting foe and one who never afraids to come and fight. Though you were rot happy(not always but in few moments) shaman at least from my perspective.. but from another side it is good way to fight village bard.

Good luck with your next.
54541, Bards vs Shaman
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, Draktel for the most part is going to be an angry SOB at times, especially when he is being attacked by multiple enemies guarding one place. Its ok, I'm sure I ticked of Phyrxal pretty badly at the same time as he was trying to get Tremblefist dead. I guess I get frustrated as a player about "rot happy" comments. I guess I could say you were "when we don't see you" happy as well. Not that I didn't like Taelina, but honestly to call me rot happy makes the blood boil. As for our fights, well, Shaman vs Bards are a very good matchup for the shaman. Even moreso if the shaman is an arial. Shaman don't get a lot of phsical attacks, and blurryness isn't good for supplications. I can't lag effectively either, so when my main ability is blocked from me, I'm going to do what I can to kill you (ie rot). However, rot is so highly ineffective against a bard, if they are smart. One of the best things with rot is the move regen affects, but a bard doesn't have to worry about that.

Anyway, just my thoughts, and I'm a rager in my core, so I always like seeing a strong skjald of battle. Keep it up.
54553, No no, you got me in a wrong way
Posted by Taelina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not mean to say that you were only rot happy shaman. That is not true. And of course rotting village bard defender is one of the best thing you can do as shaman seens plague will not work.
54397, Third time was not the charm...or was it?
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been playing and mostly loving CF for about 12 years now. I've had some good and bad characters and I've tried to leave an impression or accomplish something with each. Sometimes that something is just a killing machine, sometimes my RP is more solid. I was brought up in the old school rager machine and will always carry that sense with me. back in the day, ragers were always balls to the wall and fighting no matter what. I think that has always been my mantra with characters. I know I haven't always been successful there, but thats my favorite style of play. I've also always preferred the underdog role. I found the perfect time to become Emperor this time around. I think my role and my religion added to that as i would hear comments about the typical Imperial #dangerroom group not liking me. I was more than happy to hear that.

Draktel was made because I saw an Empire with an opportunity for me in the divine sect. I've never played a healer and I've always loved playing shaman. I decided to go Grurk as my experience with him through Karrel was great. I would say that a Grurk shaman is a lot tougher than a Grurk Druid. Druids got the COW and Treant lovin goin on and I made good use of them with Karrel. However, with Draktel, I loved every minute of it. Sure there were times where I got frustrated with being outnumbered, but because of the stance I took from an early age with Draktel, I was shown respect in the eq area by most people. Heck, I had people return troll amulets to me, which shocked me completely. I felt there that I had achieved one of my goals with Draktel, which was to make Empire less ganky and less likely to full loot everyone they killed. In my opinion, when a group takes yo udown then takes everything you got, its a total slap in the face. Of course, thats just my opinion.

Draktel was my third attempt at immdom and most likely my last. I just couldn't get up for writing an area like I thought I would. I'm so very thankful to the Imm staff and their patience with me. I also thank them for this great place. As a heroimm you get to see some glimpses, but you don't get to see a ton, thsoe glimpses though gave me a bit more perspective. I hope I've never been one of those people to take what you do for granted, but let me just say now that you guys are great and worthy of our respect for all the crap you put up with. Even if I haven't always agreed with the direction of things, I do agree that it is always done with the best interests of CF as a whole in mind.

This is starting to get long, so let me get to goodbyes:

Grurk: What can I say man, you rock as an Imm. I will give you a little bit of a hard time for making me feel like a bastard child there toward the end with no lovin and forgetting my item, but thats nothing compared to how I feel about you overall. You rock, and you make thsi game better every minute you are here. You area the right thing for Empire because you keep them on their toes. I hope you get more time soon t odo what you do so well. Sorry to pad your stats in a negative direction concerning heroimms!

Eshval: The only imm I really interacted with much as a mortal was Grurk and some with Lyristeon, but you were there for me for the short time I was up in asgaard. Thanks for all that you do for this game and for how you look out for us. I might just have to make a follower of yours someday as I know you do such a great job with them.

Lyristeon: Troublemaker, thats all I can say. I had a few fun times with you popping and and saying stuff to rile Draktel as a mort, or for just complimenting me straight out. I realy appreciated that from you, and thanks for looking out for me.

Daelen/Dravon: Take it easy up there and make a huge impact, I hope you guys maintain that spark I just couldn't hold. Daelen, lots of fights, and even though I usually hurt you well, you always kept coming. That is a huge thing in this old players eyes. To try even though defeat is more likely than victory is awesome! It is that kind of dedication that inspires the younger players to be greater.

Lauraine: I gotta say as a mort you annoyed the heck out of me, especially that time I died to a group of you. You seem like a nice person though as I got to know you a bit ooc. I know you have a heart for making mortals lives more fun at CF, good luck with what you do there.

IMMS: There are so many great people up there and I enjoyed the laughter of thsoe conversations we had. I hope you guys do FFl next year so I can smoke you Zulg!

Kharghurln: My predecessor and my successor in many ways. You were the only one I ever worried about being able to take the throne from me, but I felt like we had such a great team that you wouldn't try to split that up. I could have of course been wrong. When you logged in there was almost no stopping us. Sure, we got beat back a bit, but that didn't stop us from coming again. I hope you do well and continue to truck on. The thing that makes you a better AP than most of those pepole point to is that you have lost some great weapons, and you keep going. You don't give up, and that puts you above Cabdru in my book. Great job.

Hunsobo: Man, I can't begin to tell you how good of a war master you were for me. You have the respect of your people and you were good at leading them. I didn't feel like I had to worry about you coming for my throne either, but if I did, you did a great job of not showing it.

Vezrith: My favorite drow. I think you are so skilled and a great drow and Imperial. I know you had setback recently but don't give up. You and Hunsobo were probably the closest things to friends that Draktel had and I valued your abilities and desire to fight with me.

Merlaan: I think you make a good shadow Lord, the only trouble I had was you not being around as much as I would have liked. Keep going at it.

Nezlinzytrn: Well, I refrained from saying much on your post, but let me just say that your desire to unseat me were not unknown to me. Pushing for a particular person as War master, one that you had always traveled with wasn't surprising. I knew yo uwanted him there to help get me out of there, but guess what, he never would have stayed there long. I liked him a lot, and honestly, the next Elite Divine would have replaced you had yo uremained around. You are skilled though, and I did have some concerns that you might have a chance at me, but i wasn't too worried. I think it would be hard to unseat the Emperor who follows the Father of Empire. :) Hope whatever you are playing is great for you.

Akechi: My little man, I have a feeling you are new to CF, but maybe just the Empire. I thought you were great and i would have loved to honor your request, but as a Avatar of the Father of anger, whose religion puts down other imms below him, I couldn't accept. Now that I'm gone, well thats your ball to run with. I think you did a great job and were trying very hard. Keep it up.

There are so many other Imperials that I liked and did a great job for me. If you want to post I will respond.

Draktel and the Empire have more enemies than I can remember. If you feel like writing something, I will respond. Feel free to post or say anything you want, I promise to only get offended by half of the comments and retort back with only a little bad attitude!

Thanks for everything, finaly made Emperor, its time to start on something I've never done.

Aaron aka Draktel
54399, Thanks for the great fights...
Posted by Elleinia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After our first couple of battles, I think I finally got the hang of fighting you, and I hope that you didn't think I was a complete pushover to fight with. I'm sure there were deaths on both sides throughout all our scuffles.

I give you tons of respect for fighting against crazy odds at times, and never took more than a choice piece or two of gear from you if I won... you never took more from me when I lost.

I will say, under your reign there was far less full-loots by the Empire. I'm sure that's partially because they can no longer donate items... but it's definitely a nice thing that you encouraged some fairness.

See you around.

54402, Respect
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess my own personal philosophy tends to bleed over here as well. I have always felt like that if you show your enemies respect, most of them will show it back. WE did have some great battles and you were one of those that I shied away from fighting if you had apaladin or healer to back you up. It isn't so much that I couldn't do it, as I never like throwing myself into a no escape situation. If I remember your legacies and specs right, even if I could flee, I wasn't alwaqys able to. This made you a dangerous opponent and one to respect and to enjoy fighting. Thanks for some epics battles!

54403, Fun enemy, very tough as emperor. n./t
Posted by Veressis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
54404, Veressis
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Draktel hated you and wanted to kill you so badly. However, for one Shaman to kill another is nigh impossible. I should have never even bothered to keep trying to get to the inner guardians the time I died to you, malic, and kanaev. I still to this day wonder what went down between you and batamon. Maybe you will reveal it when you are gone. I just heard he booted you and then you killed him, which made me laugh. anyway, you have a great RP and i hope thigns continue to go well for you.
54406, Hey
Posted by Edimus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rot is fine, there are ways to fight it, but it's just not fun for me. I'd rather not play at all than play against rot. I will never play against someone who immediately goes for rot every time. That's just my personal choice. Sorry for being such a bitch and I hope you weren't really bothered by being avoided.

I would've liked more rp interaction with you, since I got the impression you were a good character in general, but c'est la vie.
54412, Impressed
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Edimus alwasy impressed me as a fun role to play. I really really enjoyed the talks we had and especially the holiday "work" that you did. I hope that is all just roleplaying and not personal experience talking through your role! Great job and congrats for the recognition you hvae gotten.

54407, Nothing but respect. As always a great job. nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
54417, Thanks nt
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
54408, RE: Third time was not the charm...or was it?
Posted by Nilian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved to fight you, then out of now where it was always a rot fight...BOOO
54416, Well...rot...
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alright, I have to break down a few things about rot and its uses beyond just the instant kill on people who don't prepare. Rot is a great asset to a shaman because your opponent doesn't heal moves. If I can lad a good rot and a few energy drains, maybe a plague, man is that going to sting a bit on someone. I also got to the point a few times where I was like "Screw it, its me against 5, I'm going to rot who I can and get them out of the picture so I can get the codex back!"

We did have many great fights, but I really can't apologize for using a suppliation that I had. If it was too powerful, or too much the imms would nuke it. They already have toned it down quite a bit from the early days.

54409, Nice work
Posted by Radia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You kicked some real ass, and I appreciate your changes to
the Empire, despite how its not real evil-like so from an
RP (as opposed to playability) standpoint it feels weird.

- Radia/Runaktla/Kazadan et al.
54415, RE: Nice work
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i liked a post I saw recently about how everyone thinks evil should sac gear and what not, but how misconceived that is. Why can't an evil person be all smiles up front and backstab you when you aren't looking. (Not saying you feel these ways) I personaly love mob movies, but honestly, I find the mob to be very evil, however, they do good in their own ways and live by a strict moral code in others. I guess I saw Draktel in more of a godfather light than a Darth Vader way. That was disjointed, but I think you understand. I liked Radia in that you would try and you almost destroyed me a few times with those darn neuro's!
54442, Yea I agree it can be done
Posted by Radia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The whole evil that doesn't full loot, of course. Hell,
with Runaktla I never looted much, though you wouldn't
have seen me lifting a finger to force allies to stop.

If there is a way to go about doing it, and I did this
often with Runaktla, I'd be like "I left most everything
of yours, just to drive in how worthless you are and how
hopeless your fight is against the Chasm."

On the other hand, when it comes to full looting I never
really have characters who ever get decked out in cool
equipment very often. Its very rare, I usually am
playing with easily gotten gear even w/ my more known
and powerful characters. I personally think gear is
overrated in many folks' minds. So, if someone kills me
I'm usually like "Hey nice enjoy the circlets of braided
whatever-the-hell..." that you get from Araile.

That's that, again nice character,
- Radia
54410, Troublemaker? Who? Me?
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember running around with Minyar with my rager from 12 years ago. That's how I got started as well.

Immdom isn't for everyone. There is absolutely nothing wrong with just playing as long as the characters keep turning out like Draktel.

As for being a troublemaker, be careful with that. The next thing you know, the players will start blaming me for sending out the global tells from the heroimms. ;)
54414, Yeah...
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We all know its Valg though just stirring up the pot! I don't know why Minyar has stuck as my handle because he really wasn't my best claims to fame here, but its just been one I've held onto for so long. Minyar was a failed scarab follower just after his religion came to bear, pre-cult days. I deleted right before Redik did his inquistion, which was really too bad. Anyway, thanks for the advice you gave me whiel together, about rp with you and about Disney. My wife and I can't wait to get down there...I look out the window at the snow falling down on the cars and I just dream.

54411, Thanks for the battles, Elf,slowcamo,Scout,Hunter was not the best combo.
Posted by Eudrallia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked fighting you, and I HATE the divine healer who stole my beard!
54413, Hey
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got to hear a little more of that story and laughed qutie a bit. We had some good fights and I respected you more than many villagers for being willing to take it to me one on one. I appreciated our many many fights and I'm sure we will fight more in the future!

54418, Great Char.
Posted by Hunsobo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Hunsobo: Man, I can't begin to tell you how good of a war master you were for me. You have the respect of your people and you were good at leading them. I didn't feel like I had to worry about you coming for my throne either, but if I did, you did a great job of not showing it."

Thanks for the praise. You didn't really need to worry about me, no, but I'll get into more of that when I'm gone.

Great character, was a lot of fun running with you.
54444, Always up for a battle.
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were always up for a battle and that makes a huge difference to me. I think you also sacrificed your life at one point after I had basically said "I don't die first, you die first." I think that was you and you held to your belief, which brought you way up in my eyes.

Thanks for the fun
54419, RE: Third time was not the charm...or was it?
Posted by Marigue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tough as nails, and a few good fights.
54445, Tough
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You didn't give up, and that is a great quality in my opinion. Rangers could definately give Draktel a hard time, but not all of the time. If I had the codex it made it a lot easier for me to negate one of the biggest ranger skills, but definately not all of them.

Keep on truckin!
54422, Great stuff
Posted by Rektath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed our interaction immensely. I came from a mud with the old school rager honor so I think we related in many fields.

I think I ran with you with Mordlaii. Or maybe it was Iloriia...forgot.
54446, Mordlaii
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm pretty sure Mordlaii and I were friends and ranked together when younger. We parted ways as we got into the upper reaches of our ranks as it's hard for an Imperial to be friends with an evil person outside of the Empire. The rules against relationships with scions always kept me from really interacting with any unknown/rogue evil person because I couldn't be sure they weren't a Scion. The others were either outlanders or ragers and they made ita point of coming after me! Rektath did feel like old school, and I appreciated that in our fights. Dagger specs rock shaman all the time.
54424, RE: Third time was not the charm...or was it?
Posted by Zhaltum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and I didn't see eye to eye as warmaster and Emperor,
Then of course you darkhorsed your way onto the throne and Zhal didn't like that either but eh, from what I saw as a player you rocked the house and stirred things up with everyone good and solid.
Sad to hear you didn't make it as a Imm I think you would have been very cool to RP with as a IMM. Oh well, see you around me thinks.
Peace out man
54447, Skills
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You've got game and prep knowledge that far outweighs mine in this game. I guess I've never really cared much about prepping with anything but a mage, and so I just tend to get ready and go. OF course, having sanctuary helps that quite a bit. I really had no issues with Zhaltum the character except that you really stopped showing up, and I needed an active War Master. Thanks for the compliments, I just kinda decided that I could still influence people, but that I'd rather do it as a mort. Kudos to all the Imms for their work and how much they put up with.

54425, I thought you did an amazing job. txt
Posted by Nezlintryzn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As soon as I saw that first defense where you killed almost all four Marans who came to raid. I knew I had something to push toward. Someone worthy of Unseating. At first I was content with my position as High Priest, and then you pulled that stupid stunt in the Dragon Tower. (Nice tactical manuever as it cost me 750 gold in donations) But it was then that I decided that you needed to be removed. Previous to this, I was content to let you do your thing. Nezlintryzn was all about evolution and being a 'perfect' being in the Empire, which I saw you as one. When I saw you had Avatar'd, I wasn't surprised one bit. Your roleplay was always strong, your fighting force and PK ability unmatched in the Empire. And yes. I am enjoying my current until it is time for me to actually move. :) I hope you enjoy yours. I bet you're pissed that you ascend and Shamans get Edges. :P I myself am waiting for Healer Edges.
54448, Don't get me wrong.
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were a good High Priest and definately a good healer. I don't know if I would have the patience to be a healer. Healers don't land a lot of kills, but definately make landing them easier. I tell you what, i was cursing Grurk that one time I got tripped and bashed to death at centurions and I had told you that you couldn't commune on me. Boy oh boy wold that have changed that whole scenario. Some of those defenses went my way pretty well, and at other times, I couldn't even get into the inner to set a proper defense. The only thing I would say is that Nez's intentions weren't very secret. Khaso deleting probably hurt your chances of unseating me more than anything else. Alas, we will never know, but thanks for the compliments. The Dragon Tower thing was meant to send a message, didn't know it would drain 750 gold from you, the sad part of that being that I wish thsoe coins had gone into my coffers!

Great job though!
54469, I was hoping to call the Council to Vote. It didn't happen. Oh well. nt
Posted by Nezlintryzn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
54426, What can I say?
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were awesome. Tough, but much respect. I only wish every enemy had as much class as you, but preferably considerably less skill :P I'd like to win some fights, ya know.

54449, Shaman and Shifters
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
These two classes are really two of my favorites to play, but two of the worst for really landing and sealing the deal. yeah, rot can sometimes, but if a person cares enough, they can negate that pretty easily. We had a lot of good battles, you made me run quite often. Grats on getting the form loving you got. I still have yet to accomplish a special form, maybe some day.
54427, Was a good run and always had fun with you around.
Posted by Taqutin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for mixing it up, and mixing each other up. We had our times where we hated each other, other times with bad blood, other times with good blood causing everyone else around us to die. Great stuff, good luck with next!@
54450, Yeah....
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a beast and you know your stuff. I was a very happy camper the few times you came with me to the fort and helped me dispatch a few enemies. You saved my butt a few times, and I was thankful for that. The one time you warranted me for saving your gear definately soured Draktel's opinion of you, but I admired it. Of course, I also thought an evil Justiciar could "overlook" something like that for a friend! great job though.
54428, RE: Third time was not the charm...or was it?
Posted by Nastagio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn... you played like a sportsman and that's pretty admirable. Good luck with everything.
54451, Rooting for you
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been rooting for you since you were young. I'm sorry I left you out of the goodbyes, I was a bit distracted when i wrote them. Anyway, I hope you accomplish your goal, and get yourself moving toward that pinnacle. You were a good companion, I think you are learning more and more as you go with Nastagio, because you didn't come off to me as the typical necromancer. That aside I think you try very hard and have done really well for yourself.
54430, Say anything I want?!
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


If I wasn't in a rush I would fill up the screen with useless comments about random stuff. But I'm gonna have to keep this short, sharp, shiny? Who knows. I had so much respect for Draktel, it was uncanny! You'd always put up a fight and I loved that. Anyhow, thanks for all the fun and it was a pleasure to interact with such a neat character.

54452, super neuro
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude, I have never been neuroed as badily as you got me those many many times. You would just explode my head, even more so than Rhaika. I couldn't believe a few of the times I got away with like 100 hps or something. I never got to finish you off in the end there, you were just too good at living! Great job.
54436, *sniffle*
Posted by Daelen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was so not expecting this.
Draktel was just awesome to face. :(
Hehe. By the time it came around to
where I found you in the wilds, you
could see me there. :(

Hurt me alot? Are you kidding, you
bludgeoned me into the ground OFTEN.
*rofl* I just never minded facing
defeat is all. The little bits of
banter between were a nice addition
to it all as well. :)

I don't know what to say about your
deciding to leave off. I can understand
but I'm saddened by it.
Well at least we'll see more cool
characters from you ... soon yes?
Best of luck man.
54453, Cool stuff
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope that my next will be cool, but its a new horizon so who knows. Gotta beat that learning curve or something. There are so many things though within the game I have yet to really play, that I'm excited about different scenarios. Good luck with your writing and I'm sure you will do a great job with the interaction. Who knows, when you get to 54, I'll be your first shaman! :)
54438, Class act~
Posted by Gotavega on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Solid strong pressence.
54454, Thanks
Posted by Draktel1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thannks, I think I said a good bit of what I needed or wanted to say in your goodbye thread. Great character, we had some good travels and fights!
54457, Well played.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I watched you quite a bit via snoop and always liked what I saw. I was actually reticent to Imm you - not because I thought you'd get bored and bahlete (though I can't say it SURPRISED me...heroimming is boring) but because, quite plainly, Draktel was such a good char for CF.

Like many others, I think your skills may be best suited to adding to CF as a mortal rather than an Imm.

My one request is that you try to make most of your future chars as good for CF in their own way as Draktel was.
54471, Always try
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think every character I make, I try to make with the idea that something great will come of it. Of course, that doesn't always happen, but thats always a goal. Someday I'll get my rp skills up to your level and then I'll have come a long way! Thanks for everything Twist.

You are a fun person to talk with, and I enjoy it. Keep us updated with other fun stuff your company does!
54458, RE: Third time was not the charm...or was it?
Posted by Kharghurln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the sentiments, man, I apprecite it. I remember talking to the rest of the council before the vote and thinking, there's no way anyone but me will vote for you, they all hated you! So I figured it would be a dead vote, and I'd be back on the throne. Much to my surprise, that's not how it worked out. Then you went on to be a total bad ass Emperor, and I was pretty happy how it worked out. I tried hard to be the best dread lady I could, figured I'd have a chance to outlast you. Then you went and Imm'd (congrats, sorry it didn't work out), and bam, here i am today.

I've interacted with you over the years, and you're a class act. I guess being an Imm isn't for everyone, but that doesn't meen you don't contribute by playing great mortals. Keep it up and good luck with the next!
54472, Class Acts
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are a big part of the reason that I'll give AP's a try again in the future. Not first, but eventually I will play another one. I actually did play one right alongside of you just before ou got Emperor the first time. I played kragilin I think his name was...

Anyway, you are doing great, keep it up and age die that mother!
54459, You seemed cool.
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though I obviously didn't interact with you all that much. Tiatan saw you as a source of power, and he loved reveling in his immunity and lack of cost in principles. He never did lie to Draktel, but he often kept things from him, basically trying to do the minimum he needed to retain his strength. Before he met Tsyda, he was pondering a coupe of some sort, just to see if he could get away with it. He had even started the initial planning, but then his life changed completely, and he stopped caring. I couldn't really draw on past experiences with the Empire, as Tiatan was my first, but from other people's comments, it sounds like you were a really good Emperor. It's always good to see that. I think I'll have to agree with you on the whole IMM thing; it isn't for everyone, and I doubt it'd be for me, so I certainly can't blame you for giving it up. What are your and Draktel's thoughts on Tiatan, by the way? Good luck with your next.
54473, Tiatan!
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude, you played me well, thats all I can really say. I thought you were seriously trying to be my spy up until the moment I saw your tattoo. When I saw that, Draktel put you out of his mind and realized you were probably trying to cause chaos with me. So, huge kudos in pulling that off. As Emperor and really as a duergar imperial you have to be suspicious of everyones motives, but I didn't mind "using" people when I needed them. You did the right amount of things to warrant an arrangement, and so I agreed to things with you, like security.

You deleted though before I could turn it on its ear after getting that little blue guys tattoo! I knew you were trouble for me then!

54542, RE: Tiatan!
Posted by HeraldScribe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, you Immed before I age died, and I wish we could have talked about the whole tattoo thing, because Tiatan had the perfect explanation for that (which, frighteningly enough, was the truth), but I was really hoping more people would be suspicious. He always thought to himself that people were way too easy if they would accept such a story at face value. I suppose being married helped some, though.
54463, RE: Third time was not the charm...or was it?
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are welcome.

Thanks for all that you do for this game and for how you look out for us...

It comes to the point if I didn't have you folks, there would be no point. Thanks for the visit up in Imm-land.
54470, RE: Third time was not the charm...or was it?
Posted by Rhaika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Excellent job and a fine opponent. At the end my connection got messed up to appear as much as I would like. Luck with your next riding through the fields.

"Multi sunt vocati, pauci vero electi."
"Many are called, few are chosen."
54496, Bah, will miss the fun we had with the marans n/t
Posted by Derasori on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
54503, RE: Third time was not the charm...or was it?
Posted by Astinax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your character immensley. We had some epic battles at the fortress and at the palace and I always thought you were a class act. Thought you would make a good imm as well, sorry to see that it didn't work out. Good luck with your next.

54505, Great Battles
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think much of this characters life was highlight by large battles with heroes on both sides. It was fun to scrap with almost anyone, even if they typically blew me away, or I typically beat them up. Its always fun to lock up in battle, and try different tactics to see what will work best. I think there were many fights taht if I had ignored maledictions, I could have outdamaged them fast enough, but I liked to cause the pain!

Great job yourself, thanks for the fun ones.
54509, You were spiffy (nt)
Posted by Hendo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
54540, one time with Vezrith
Posted by Draktel1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I do remember there was one time you crossed Draktel by taking something from one of his kills. He told you to give the item and you ignored it, so he sicked Vezrith on you. Vezrith is a very deadly opponent and I'm pretty sure you apologized right after. Other than that, Draktel could always count on you for some tidbits of information if it served Hendo as well as Draktel. It was a descent relationship and a nice little side gig. Thanks for adding some outside interactions to my life.
54518, Great job!
Posted by Merlaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Draktel in many ways, mostly OOC. One of them is being perhaps too nice for an evil char you returned gear to the enemies and were easy to your subordinates. Characters like yours make the game better.

As for the time I put into the character, it's most I can afford. I've started showing up more since I became Shadow Lord. I hope I am doing enough to keep the Sect trucking - the new generation of quality Shadows can confirm that :-)

Best of luck with your next!
54527, Skilled
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always thought Merlaan was agood fit for the position, which is of course part of why you got it. Like I think I said, the only drawback being that i didn't see you much. My only concern is that if you get bored with him, step down...don't be the deadbeat sect leader that people often turn into. Thanks for the compliments. I agree I could be nice to subordinates, but I have a hard time being a jerk, especially with newbs who need some lovin from people who have been around the block a few times. Patience was one of Draktel's virtues when it came to his citizens, but sometimes to his detriment (kesoi).
54627, RE: Third time was not the charm...or was it?
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of my better followers, and pretty much my only Imperial one.

Good note to go out with.

54396, Great stuff
Posted by Treebeard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought Draktel a lot as a mort, and thought you were both skilled and fun to rp with...which is basically all I could ask for from an enemy. Plus you were honerable, which was good.

Having been down the hero-imm road, I know how tough it can be. Its definitly not for everyone, but unfortunatly I cant think of a good was to express that to people without them trying it. No morts is tough tough tough, but I think its supposed to be like that weed-out class you have to take for your major and college.

All in all, good job. Can't wait to fight against you again.

54401, uthenathien!
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was a pain in my butt! If I couldn't make you drop a dagger quick enough you just tore through me. Thats the thing I've found about shaman and warriors, is that if you have one that uses weapons you aren't familiar with you will get torn up...unless you can hamper their speed and strength. We had a lot of good fights. You got me at least once, and I know I got you a few times, but we fought a lot. I always had to be careful not to get myself too far in that I couldn't get out safely enough to heal before dieing of bleeding out!

Great job, and I'm sure we will fight more in the future!
54393, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Draktel Muouk the Hand of Imperial Vengeance
Posted by Waserax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll admit that my interactions with you were pretty limited, but you seemed cool enough. My one complaint, if I had to give one, is that your manner of speaking really reminded me of a dwarf instead of a duergar. You'd say stuff and I'd swear it could have come straight from the mouth of a dwarf rager.

Sorry the imm thing didn't work out. Hope to see you back with another mort!
54400, On dwarves and duergar
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I've always thought that since dwarves and duergar are cousins they would have similar speech patterns. The problem being that duergar tend to be more vulgar. Well, you have to know me well enough to know that I'm not good at the vulgarities. I tried my best to sound more duergarish without compromising my personal OOC philosophy of language and what is acceptable and ok. I used fargin and other things a lot.

Anyway, about Waserax. I think you have potential and there is certainly room for you to make your impression felt. I hope you find your imperial niche and drive it to greatness. The divine need good people!

Have fun, take care of my sect!
54392, big props
Posted by Mallias on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Draktel was a good enemy to have. Someone to be reckoned with ic, but not an ass ooc.

Strangely I found that I was more effective against you than against characters that on paper should be a lot weaker. As in, I was only 90% ineffective :)

At least I could run away from your summon trap in the grove, as a mariner.

Thanks for not rotting me by the way. I did carry plus con gear but I never had it when we fought, so you'd have got me every time.
54398, Thanks
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You honestly made me stop and think a lot more than other rangers. You were a strong presence and a good fighter I thought. Those wasps and such are really a pain in the butt for me, and you used them and primordial vengeance well. If nothing else, it kept me out of the wilds for awhile until it wore off. Great job, good luck with whatever you have next.
54390, Meh? Imming not doing it for you? nt
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM