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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Nefla Bloodclaw the Persistent Predator, Charnel Cat
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53974, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Nefla Bloodclaw the Persistent Predator, Charnel Cat
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Jan 6 07:59:21 2007

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of the Great Evil
on the Theran calendar Nefla perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
54038, You were so tough
Posted by Secret on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
53984, Thanks!
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
to everyone. This character was a ton of fun. I was going to do a Good, Bad, Ugly so I could bitch (as is my thing) but I just don't feel like it now. If you have anything to say, feel free and I'll respond.
53995, Good Fights!
Posted by Taqutin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope there is no bad feelings. You were certainly persistant, and got me that one time when I was.. the stupid!, damned tiger, good job and good luck with next!
54007, Yea, that was a proud moment for me...
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Especially since you beat me down link dead not too long prior to that. Shapeshifters are teh suck. I'll stand by that statement, no matter what Nep says.
53998, The energizer ...
Posted by Daelen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You just kept going and going and ...
It's been a while, but I had some good times.
I rather enjoyed our limited talks between
the chaotic mish-mash outside the fort.
54026, Chaotic mish-mash
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was my favorite hunting opportunities. Even though I wasn't a Lyr follower, I definitely looked for opportunities where I could jump into some chaos and score a cheap/lucky/opportunistic kill. Call that what you will, but I'd say I was doing my chaos thing rather well :) Opportunistic Hunter title was quite fitting, even if it was meant as a sort of jab at my activities in Hamsah during the snake invasion.
54023, Lots of really good fights.
Posted by Draktel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is the best way I can describe our relationship. We went back and forth a lot. I got you once and I think you got me once. Anyway, we had some good times and I appreciated the challenge of the fights.

Great job, look forward to your next!
54025, You were my "favorite" opponent...
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's in quotes because you were just so difficult/impossible for me to kill. I think the only time I got you was when you were raiding the village and I sneak-attacked with tiger and got you on the pounce(*). You definitely got me more than once, but I probably teleported away or somesuch so you didn't know for sure.

Couple specific things not to detract from the overall:

It annoyed the #### out of me when you would not assist (physical combat) but assist with plagues/poisons/etc. Especially since I was counting on the Grurkite stuff you keep you out. That said, I'd have done the same thing in your position, especially as an evil.

It seemed like you got more rot happy at the end, which was also when I got low on con/stopped gearing for con/stopped gearing completely, so it was almost like you were just trying to get me to go away. While I understand that sentiment, I still find rot to be one of the most annoying things in the game, especially for outlander types since it's more difficult to pay for healing. Though again, in your position, I probably would have done the same, especially given my if at first you don't succeed try over and over and over inclination.

(*) If there was ever a more frustrating skill than pounce I haven't encountered it. Note to future tigers: It will ALWAYS fail when you want it to work, and it will ALWAYS succeed when you don't need it to, or don't want it to.
54028, Some specific good-byes and whatnot
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm bored at work, so I'll do some specific stuff in case anyone cares.


Master of Mayhem: You did more to keep this character going than perhaps anything else. Just little bits of immteraction is enough to keep up the interest and morale even when you're badly outnumbered and outgunned. I can't thank you enough for everything.

Jhesar/Krynna/Nreisshe: You guys/gals were a ton of fun the rare times when our times matched up, and I only wish I could have played Russian times to fight a bit more with you. Jhesar you are a punk for deleting as you played in my time slot, but not for nearly long enough!

Chaisse: Love/Hate with you was fun, and it's always a treat to have a competent bard onboard for my more suicidal missions.

Bulanu: Best of luck, if anything I'm dissapointed most that Nefla and you couldn't have hunted together more, especially since you were the only one left that I really had long term connections with.

Imms in General:

I *think* I won the role contest not so much for what was in my role as the style in which it was written. Nothing fancy, but consistent and frequently updated. I almost feel that mine was chosen as winner specifically to encourage those types of roles (for those without writing skill). I don't have a problem with that, just saying what I think.


Taqutin: Please abuse the #### out of detect camo + entwine + sequester so that Outlander leaders can get some equally pimp powers. Honestly once you got Justiticiar I basically had to avoid you completely. On a side note related to you: Does entwine really need to hose dodging as much as it does? Isn't no flee enough?

Paskat: Didn't like you. I understand that your not equiped to fight an abs'd tiger/cheetah/etc, but you really were just such a complete pansy who was willing to call in as many people as possible to fight me that it just wasn't fun. Perhaps I should thank you though? After the 4 tribs plus 8 guard gang with you cheapshotting, I got the shield spell, so I guess it wasn't all bad.

Eoal: Didn't get too many fights, but you were frustrating because I knew I could kill you, but it was just such a gamble to bring the archon into the fight.

Jeir: My favorite opponent, and for the record the ballsiest Trib I faced in my tenure.

Vlad's Shifter: Fun fights, but orangutan facebite nuking shifting really hurt me bad.


Wasn't many of you I fought much besides Draktel, but the drow warrior whose name I can't remember right now was always a fun battle, if a bit unevenly matched in my favor.


My favorite cabal, run by a bunch of half-wits (mortals) and gangers. Couple that with the fact that a decrease in your power actually hurts my character really sucks. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't thing, and the balance is always against you.


Graatch's dwarf was tough as ####, but the no talking and saccing all magic thing is #### of the kind that made me want to gank you down with 5 people.

Svirf ex-commander: Also tough, but you lose poorly. It's always an excuse when you lost, but your own badassness when you win.


Cobra/Tiger was my dream combo, and it was extremely nice even post healing changes (though considerably less so). I was hoping for 2 of 3 things in my lower level utility forms: forage, run, and detect hidden. Sadly I got zero. Forage because harvest sucks, run for fast movement when I didn't have windwalk, and detect hidden for thief/assassin nasties. Still, cobra tiger is a very potent combo, though you lack a bit in raw offense IMHO.

Cheetah was a good form, very very useful. It was perfect for my rp angle, but I was really hoping for something Firey, but alas, that side of my rp was oft ignored. I wanted more in the pure offense category, which was mildly true, but it's no wolverinecat :) I would say that it was more like Ginga/Yhorian's third 4th tier (mix of two fci) form than a "true" quest form, but I'm greedy and the grass is always greener. That said, it was a very balanced mix of offense/utility, but lacked the signature of either.

I'll explain briefly: Offensive forms possess "kill sealing" abilities, i.e. lag/bleeding/movement sapping. Utility forms have lots of strengths and few weaknesses. Cheetah lacked kill sealing, but had the offense damage. It wasn't strong in a lot of areas, so it lacked some utility. I'm not saying it should have been better, but then if I had gotten the most overpowered form ever I probably would have found something to complain about, or considered it "about right" even as I steamrolled groups of five.

It is important to remember that I am a complainer by nature so that any offense you might take at me complaining about your hard work is mitigated by that fact.


I don't know if you are still around or what, but I'd like to hear your thoughts. I tried to do the charnel thing, but after a while (and then you went dormant) it just seemed like it wasn't worth the effort anymore. What gives?

Can't think of anything else right now.

Tac/Laearrist out.

P.S. Evil Outlander Mage has everyone as an enemy and ####ty powers. It should come with a For Extreme Difficulty Seekers Only warning label.

P.P.S. Can't believe I had a positive pk ratio... Must have suprised a lot of newbies.

P.P.P.S I still say no one who isn't a complete noob or already severely injured should die to a shifter. EVA!
54031, I think we only scuffled a few times
Posted by Zhaltum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That time you had me trapped in the wood-elf city wasn't fun, I knew I couldn't outrun you and didn't have any teleport and I think I was bleeding to boot.
But goddamn if that wasn't a FIGHT it got really close for both of us a few times, damn flurry.
54032, Heh smart enough to retreat...
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were the only warrior to use that... and it was highly effective.
54039, Hah
Posted by Zhal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whats hilarous is, I used the most tactics Evar in our fights of zhals life, which is hilarous considering all you had is bite..
And all I ever used was bash most of Zhals life
54052, Master of Mayhem
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did an excellent job. You were around a lot when there were nightreavers and then the moment there wasn't one, you didn't show as much. Otherwise, you would have been it. I enjoyed watching you and made sure you knew you were being watched by offering up some goodies now and then. Keep it up.
54055, I was ducking the job :)
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't want it, and didn't want to say no. I really need to play a follower of yours soon. You were awesome. Thanks for everything.
54060, RE: Some specific good-byes and whatnot
Posted by . on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No offense, but I didn't really get into your role at all. It was well written enough to show the history and reasoning behind your character but I don't think it was a role winner. That said, you were freaking awsome!
54062, I explained why I think I won...
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I might tend to agree, but I think the point was that role writing is not a creative writing contest, but rather to show the history and reasoning behind your character (as you said it did).

Edit: Also, while short stories might be fun to write/read when they are good, I'd guess that for every role that is essentially a good short story (like Lightmage's) there are 10 that are difficult/horrible to read and actually detract from the role rather than enhance it.
54071, I agree.
Posted by Uthral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I also finished second because while I wrote a 'short story', I would like to think that I tried to make it as Theran Realistic(TM) as I could. I tried to make my character's motivations and history seem REAL, and gave detailed examples of these things.

The only thing I regret was the fact that I DIDNT add to the role a couple important things. One, that I wasn't a fire giant per say (the reason he talked very well), but more the Spirit of Vengeance. Two, unlike what everyone thought, I could group with people, and, if I hadn't turned quiet on (because in my character's eyes, any intrusion upon his mind...like say a random sentence coming from nowhere (tell Uthral Hey!) or one coming from someone he was traveling with would have caused him to kill them, and I don't like being the group betrayer type; that's why I cried when Valinag deleted) could hear them.

C'est la vie. I for one thought that was a badass role, and enjoyed Nefla from fighting her with a past character.
54088, Yep
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"C'est la vie. I for one thought that was a badass role"

As did I, and (although my opinion means almost nothing) I think if you would have updated it you probably would have won. But, if you consider that you story was well written, then take a look around and some of the horribly written descriptions, you'll get (I think) an accurate picture of what most of the short story format roles read like.

Thanks for the kind comments.
54092, I meant your role was badass, pard. Heh.
Posted by Uthral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Of course mine was. Like, yeah man.
54105, RE: Some specific good-byes and whatnot
Posted by Bulanu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'll say you will be missed. Its funny, cause you did this with Tac and my last outlander too, right before I took a long break. :) Meet you, get to like you, you rank me some, then boom, deleted on me! Another excellent character by you, and as I said before, I do hope to see you again some time before I die/delete! We would have made one hell of a team for ripping those empirials/tribunals apart!

54029, Fighting you makes me cry
Posted by Lucury on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know if it's because of you or because I have ####ty eq, but anytime you come rolling around I know I'll have to flee after two or three rounds from engaging, because you'd totally butcher me and I'd do almost no damage. Great char.

(I remember there was that one time I was about to regear after you full loot'd me, because I recall you previously talking about how all the Tribs do the same to you, but hey, you actually gave me my stuff back. The best part is, I got lost trying to find you. Appreciate the notion still, though)
54030, I meant to include you...
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But blanked on the name and didn't want to put "Trib Assassin". You always provided some fun fights, but I'm not sure what you were doing that I seemed to steam roll you so much. Did you use martial trance? Shield + Sword for tanking? Honestly I've never had a ton of trouble with shapeshifters with my assassins, but I can't nail down any specific things you were doing wrong, just that you seemed to get hit alot and hard.

BTW Tribs full loot. It's what they do. It's one of the few things they are good at. It sucks, and it's one of the many reasons no one likes Tribs. That is all.

Sorry you got lost trying to find yourself, but there is only so much I can do when there is little to no reason to help at all and strong reasons for just leaving you naked...
54033, RE: I meant to include you...
Posted by Lucury on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My own fault for getting lost, not holding it on you or anything. I martial trance'd and everything, it's probably just because of my lack of CF knowledge (read, newbieness) that makes me get shafted in eq terms.
54037, Thanks for all the experiences.
Posted by Zherkalt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whenever you were around the fun doubled. You rocked and rp'd way better than most. Hope to see you around again some day. Fire and Ice baby!~!