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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Bleergiem the Grand Master of Artistry
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=5374
5374, (DEL) Bleergiem the Grand Master of Artistry
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Mar 27 16:03:31 2002

10 o''clock AM, Day of Freedom, 25th of the Month of the Dragon on the Theran calendar Bleergiem perished, never to return.

Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
PK Ratio:25% (closer to 100% is better)

5375, RE: (DEL) Bleergiem the Grand Master of Artistry
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay, well I deleted for a few reasons. First and foremost real life has reared its ugly head and I need a couple months off from CF. So when I died in Balator I decided it was time. Also, this character was fun, just not as fun as Theerkla. Instead of making a bunch of new friends, I just pretty much tried to hook up with the old ones. And lastly, without any villagers to fight there wasn't really much reason to raid/defend. Too many times I'd log in and have no idea what to do with myself.

What I really want to know is how many knew or suspected this was me? I told Fristapholin after I was convinced I was deleting around the thirtieth level. Any of you others figure it out?

Goodbyes to old and new friends.
Sphinf, Dakherizin, Fristapholin, Kazahando, Fepesunus, Thalongrim, Nydeikon, Lorak, Rinaldi, Abrawisinik, Brindelbik, Acallsho - keep on trucking. I'll be back again, just not right away. Special thanks to Crovax, for my first hell trip.

5381, RE: (DEL) Bleergiem the Grand Master of Artistry
Posted by Destrinax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eventhough we never fought each other, since you were so much older than me, I enjoyed how we would taunt/annoy each other...i.e me constantly waking you up while you rested before attacking the Destructor or you constantly pestering me as I tried to retrieve alone. It was fun interacting with you in those experiences.
5382, RE: (DEL) Bleergiem the Grand Master of Artistry
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
True dammit and that one time I was trying to see how far down I could get the destructor on my own was really annoying. I think I burned through all my shield, aura, and haste because I couldn't get any damn sleep!!

Luck (well limited, you being a villager and all), have fun, and honestly try to rank up to hero - stand peoples heads up so that the village earns back a lot of the respect it lost in my eyes waiting for all those masters of copper to come into range. Take it from an expert, dying's no big deal.
5380, RE: (DEL) Bleergiem the Grand Master of Artistry
Posted by Divox on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, from what I saw of you, you did well. You helped bring up a few more Seekers to the hero ranks. You also seemed to know what you were doing despite some mishaps I heard over cb (poke Lorak). Bad luck happens and hope you enjoyed your second trip in Nexus as much as you seemed to enjoy your first trip.

5378, RE: (DEL) Bleergiem the Grand Master of Artistry
Posted by Lorak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahh...*sigh* Well that sucks. That was really a bad thing for Nexus....I love havin bards on my side. A lot. It was fun havin you around and weither you believe me or not I was pretty sure it was you. You were around when we had no bards and you mentioned it a time or two how nice it would be and I mentioned it many times. I told a couple friends I thought Bleergiem and Theerkla were the same. Just by a hunch mostly. Char wise I would have no idea. Well nice job and I understand why you deleted somewhat. Real life does cause problems. Even more so when your in High School like some certain Elder Magus. But hey. Who said life was easy. CF is just a good way for me to get my mind on things I like. Any ways thanks for the fun and sorry bout the few mishaps...the once in Barovia I think from trying to quicken you is what did that and the once at the Rift...well....I still don't know what wrong with that. But any ways. Good luck in RL and when you come back.

5379, RE: (DEL) Bleergiem the Grand Master of Artistry
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I figured at least you would remember me saying that the rift needed a bard. And as far as I can tell I was right, bards make a lot of hard tasks easier. As for those mishaps, I think my pk ratio should be upped, seeing as how you killed me once and caused a second death as well :)
5377, RE: (DEL) Bleergiem the Grand Master of Artistry
Posted by Fristapholin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Believe it or not I knew who you were playing before
I spoke out. IT was easy to pick out cause of all
the time we spent together as Theerkla, and because
you were the only other seeker that would log on the
same times I usually were (8AM in the morning is hard
for to many people and you and me being the only people
there gave it away!). I hope you do well with RL as I
know what you mean. Hope to see you another time and
as another person. I really do think we made a great
combo together. :P
IE: IF you want to email me, its briansoethe@hotmail.com
5376, I had my suspicions...
Posted by Kazahando on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As it was the first time it was sad to see you go. I feel your pains. Just as I got reconnected and back into nexus I lost my cable modem. I should be back within the next week in full swing so don't forget about me guys!

5383, RE: (DEL) Bleergiem the Grand Master of Artistry
Posted by Nydeikon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*grumble* This is not what I wanted to see...this really sucks, I think Sphinf summed it up well. I'd just like to thank you for hanging in there through some really tough times (both for yourself through hard deaths and for Nexus as a cabal). Anyhow, definately not what I wanted to see while surfing the net from work :P Best of luck on whatever you do next and hope you had a good time.

That Whil guy.
5384, sunuva...
Posted by Sphinf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Secondly, this is a blow to Nexus, no doubt. I always enjoyed travelling with you, and I think we saw things similarly. I'll post more after I take my final breath.

Suffice it to say...you'll be missed.
5385, RE: sunuva...
Posted by Thalongrim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
WHY!?!?!?!? I thought things seemed to be going well. Hrm.... well... I hope that your next character is enjoyable.... I hope you had fun with Thally, you were a good friend.
5386, RE: sunuva...
Posted by Delenir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good guy and Del really liked you but I have to agree with Nydeikon, Thal and Sphinf in saying WHY? You had so many things going for you, but hey... we all need some time off. See ya in the fields some other time!!