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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectIt sucks when you are the only one lagging.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=53727
53727, It sucks when you are the only one lagging.
Posted by Dravon Windgust on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dioxide's Log Formatter


<915hp 495m 857mv 9 AM>
Maldovar's wrath scratches an armadillo.
Maldovar's poisonous bite scratches an armadillo.
Maldovar's poisonous bite scratches an armadillo.
Nuekar's slice grazes an armadillo.
An armadillo is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
Nuekar's slice grazes an armadillo.
An armadillo is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Nuekar's slice grazes an armadillo.
An armadillo is DEAD!!
You hear an armadillo's death cry.
Tsyda's bones creak and snap as she shapeshifts.

<915hp 495m 857mv 9 AM> get notes corpse
get axe corpse
You step out of the shadows.
You get the Notes of the Master from the corpse of an armadillo.

<915hp 495m 857mv 9 AM> You get a large battleaxe named 'Frostreaver' from the corpse of an armadillo.

<915hp 495m 857mv 9 AM>
Killian steps out of the shadows.
Killian tries to grab something from the corpse, but Nuekar smacks him upside the head and sends him stumbling forward. (Defender Polearm/Hand)

<915hp 495m 857mv 9 AM> east

Killian tries to grab something from the corpse, but Nuekar smacks him upside the head and sends him stumbling forward. (Defender Polearm/Hand)
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]

<915hp 495m 856mv 9 AM> east

Tsyda tells the group 'I fell' (Armadillo/Walrus)

<915hp 495m 856mv 9 AM> east

You come to with a pounding headache.

<927hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Balim has arrived.

<927hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Balim leaves.

<927hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Balim has arrived.
**Right here I lagged for no reason.***

<927hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Balim leaves.

<927hp 514m 912mv 10 AM> quaff 'platinum flask'

Nuekar has arrived.
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Nuekar!'
Nuekar's slice MASSACRES you!
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<860hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Maldovar has arrived.
*** Be wary your prey has arrived! ***
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<860hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Maldovar drives his dagger into your side!
Maldovar's knifing DISMEMBERS you!
You yell 'Help! Maldovar knifed me!'
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<798hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
You stop walking gently.
You trample around loudly again.
Nuekar parries your defilement.
Nuekar keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Maldovar's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Maldovar's poisonous bite.
You parry Maldovar's wrath.
Nuekar's slice MASSACRES you!
You dodge Nuekar's slice.
You dodge Nuekar's slice.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<682hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Nuekar makes a furious drive and pushes you both into Approaching a Large Crossroads!
Approaching a Large Crossroads

[Exits: east west]
The corpse of an armadillo is here, badly sliced and hacked.
( 3) Dust from passing travelers settles softly over a small pool of fresh blood.
Nuekar is here, fighting YOU!
(Hide) Leobault is here.
(Ghost) Balim is here.
Xelerop is here.
Aurenna is here.
Jargurakht is here.
(Ghost) Killian is here.
With a second furious rush, he sends you sprawling!
Nuekar's furious drive devastates you!
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<650hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Nuekar parries your defilement.
Nuekar keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Nuekar dodges your defilement.
Nuekar's slice DISMEMBERS you!
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<594hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Maldovar has arrived.
*** Be wary your prey has arrived! ***
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<594hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Maldovar drives his dagger into your side!
Maldovar's knifing DISMEMBERS you!
You yell 'Help! Maldovar knifed me!'
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<536hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Jargurakht butchers the corpse of an armadillo and creates 2 steaks.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<536hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Nuekar parries your defilement.
Nuekar parries your defilement.
You dodge Maldovar's wrath.
You parry Maldovar's wrath.
Maldovar's poisonous bite MUTILATES you!
Nuekar's slice DISMEMBERS you!
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<437hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
[NEXUS] Balim: II haavee moosst oof yoouur thiingss
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<437hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Using an acrobatic flip, you avoid Maldovar's trip.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<437hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Nuekar's leg sweep misses you.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<437hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Your defilement MANGLES Nuekar!
Nuekar keeps you at bay with his polearm.
You parry Maldovar's wrath.
You parry Maldovar's poisonous bite.
Maldovar's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You desperately dodge around Nuekar's slice.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<393hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Astinax has arrived.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<393hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Tsyda has arrived.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<393hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Astinax leaves east.
Nuekar makes a furious drive and pushes you both into Along the Eastern Road! (Defender Polearm/Hand)
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
Nuekar is here, fighting YOU!
(White Aura) Astinax is here.
With a second furious rush, he sends you sprawling!
Nuekar's furious drive injures you.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<378hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Tsyda has arrived.
Balim has arrived.
Nuekar dodges your defilement.
Nuekar parries your poisonous bite.
Nuekar's slice MASSACRES you!
You dodge Nuekar's slice.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<311hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Tsyda leaves east.
Balim leaves.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<311hp 514m 912mv 10 AM>
Astinax leaves east.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<316hp 526m 968mv 11 AM>
Tsyda has arrived.
Balim has arrived.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<316hp 526m 968mv 11 AM>
Tsyda leaves west.
Balim leaves.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<316hp 526m 968mv 11 AM>
Nuekar dodges your defilement.
Nuekar keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Nuekar dodges your defilement.
Nuekar's slice MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Nuekar's slice DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<185hp 526m 968mv 11 AM>
Maldovar has arrived.
*** Be wary your prey has arrived! ***
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<185hp 526m 968mv 11 AM>
Maldovar drives his dagger into your side!
Maldovar's knifing DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Poison creeps into your body from a sharp, yellowed fang.
You feel very sick.
You yell 'Help! Maldovar knifed me!'
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<132hp 526m 968mv 11 AM> No way! You are still fighting!
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<132hp 526m 968mv 11 AM> Nuekar makes a furious drive and pushes you both into Along the Eastern Road! (Defender Polearm/Hand)
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
Nuekar is here, fighting YOU!
(White Aura) Astinax is here.
With a second furious rush, he sends you sprawling!
Nuekar's furious drive hits you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You draw back from your attack when Nuekar sets his polearm to meet you.
Nuekar keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Nuekar keeps you at bay with his polearm.
You dodge Nuekar's slice.
You parry Nuekar's slice.
You dodge Nuekar's slice.
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<121hp 526m 968mv 11 AM>
[NEXUS] Balim: II waassn't aablee too graab eeveerythiing
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<121hp 526m 968mv 11 AM>
Maldovar has arrived.
*** Be wary your prey has arrived! ***
Nuekar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<121hp 526m 968mv 11 AM>
Maldovar drives his dagger into your side!
Maldovar's knifing MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You yell 'Help! Maldovar knifed me!'
Nuekar parries your defilement.
Nuekar parries your poisonous bite.
Nuekar parries your defilement.
You parry Maldovar's wrath.
You parry Maldovar's poisonous bite.
Maldovar's poisonous bite MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry Maldovar's wrath.
You parry Nuekar's slice.
Nuekar's slice DISMEMBERS you!
You have been KILLED!!

You feel the spirit of the Wolf leave you.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!

<1hp 1m 252mv 11 AM> Better stand first.

<1hp 1m 252mv 11 AM> Better stand first.

<1hp 1m 252mv 11 AM> Better stand first.

<1hp 1m 252mv 11 AM> You do not have that potion.

**This isn't a knock on either guy. Neither had no way of knowing that I was lagged**

**It is just a crappy way to die.**


53728, RE: It sucks when you are the only one lagging.
Posted by Dravon Windgust on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, and I was only lagging here, not before and not after. It was heat breaking. :(