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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Klarvhn the Master of Copper
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=5366
5366, (DEL) Klarvhn the Master of Copper
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Mar 26 15:02:29 2002

9 o''clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 5th of the Month of the Spring on the Theran calendar Klarvhn perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

5367, RE: (DEL) Klarvhn the Master of Copper
Posted by Racli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Suprised to see you go, but I can understand why. Had a few interactions with you, though mostly ranking, or trying to find that ever elusive third. I never did get a chance to break that polearm in half after you charged me so many times while sparring, maybe in another life. Well, see you in the fields. Maybe you can thin out the mages yourself as a rager.

-the felar with the unretractable right claw


5368, DEAD Klarvhn the Master of Copper
Posted by Klarvhn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Decided to see if a giant polearm spec was fun. I can safely say no. Too much time spent on practicing, too much effort to survive in a world dominated by mages. The only thing I did right this time was to make peace with most of the cabals. It's easy to do. Just tell them whatever they want to hear. I have a soft spot for the ragers and I started him out to be one. As usual, it only lasted for a few ranks before I got hooked on return potions and haste. I met a few people along the way that were interesting, but most were easily forgotten. I did enjoy the few times I met some of the villagers. I also enjoyed the scion invoker and transmuter I talked with. I think the biggest complaint I had while playing this character was that the upper ranks are dominated by mages. I hope the village can gain strength enough to at least thin them out a bit. The last hours of Klarvhn's life were spent at the bar and meandering around aimlessly. I thought about just making him permament fixture at the bar, but figured it didn't really fit to have a fire giant doing that. Besides, it's not safe to sit around drinking beer and talking at an Inn because you might get killed just for being a fire giant. Yeah there's some bitterness, but that's all part of the game. One final thing... Kaelth.... I cannot believe the amount of crap you took from me without a single peep. I had a blast taunting, belittling and generally walking all over you since you wouldn't talk back. Thanks for being the target of my venting.
5369, RE: DEAD Klarvhn the Master of Copper
Posted by Kaelth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah well,
As a follower of Eryndorial and a paladin, I try to take what a paladin is to heart. To rise above the taunting and such and just not fall into that dark abyss of a flame war. Killing evil is a duty that must be done, and to learn from each battle one must fight.
Plus, you wouldn't belive all the crap I get via tell or say from people I've never even met. I guess they see a maran, or a paladin, or an eryn follower and feel it is their duty to talk #####. Ah well.
5370, RE: (DEL) Klarvhn the Master of Copper
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well i was hoping to get ta know you better... you seemed okay. My onyl interactions with ya was wooping your ass in the brawling room with my bard... without even using any damage songs! I foudn that very amusing, so did the other members of battle, you seemed more like a drunken dwarf then a fire giant though to me... way to underplay the role of combat in a warrior i liked that.
5371, RE: (DEL) Klarvhn the Master of Copper
Posted by Klarvhn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I found it very funny that I got destroyed by a bard who wasn't even using songs. I decided to drink away my remaining time in thera instead of fighting and dying. I had more fun just chatting and being rowdy at the Inn than any time out fighting or ranking. I thought about hanging on just to see how the village progesses since I think there's a solid core there now. I think in the end I just got tired of all the agression associated with being a fire giant warrior. People see you and immediately think you're going to attack. Either that or they see you as an easy target if they are a paladin or invoker. Either way I laughed the whole time I got my butt kicked by you.