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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectI loved Nilan, life ended short so tried it again
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=53598
53598, I loved Nilan, life ended short so tried it again
Posted by Tremblay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I was disapointed before I left for basic training that Nilan got screwed on wielding a +age axe and age dieing so I wanted to try it again. When I played Nilan I seen how powerful those silver flasks were and how damn easy they were to get so I thought I'd exploit that. I apologize to all future poison thieves for ruining this for you, they got taken out the game and now poisons have a lag on them which sucks. Sorry. When I first started this character you could apply knock out poison back to back, bam bam bam. I could have a group of three slept in 2 seconds. I probably wasn't the best thing for poison thieves but I seen an exploit and I exploited it to the fullest. Does that make me a bad person? Maybe but someone would of done it eventually. My last couple characters have been poison thieves and I just got tired of them. If you know what you are doing they are extremely powerful, but people don't take into the account the amount of prep work required to make them a viable class. I spent most of my time gathering preps and only part of the time actually hunting. My role was kind of a betrayed child that was abandoned at birth and had to survive on his own, learning life on the streets. And my goal was to make sure everyone had as terrible a life as I had. I think I did a pretty good job being a chaotic thief Lyristeon follower, but I didn't get tat'd this time I think because I wasn't leveling. When I did try to level about my last week nobody'd group with me affraid I'd betray them or whatever and I had not a single ally to speak of. And the only reason I wanted to level some really was to kill you Barzak heh, my only ally. =P. I enjoy poisoners, they are fun but the time required to gather all that I need is just rediculous. People might say I'm a one trick pony but really I just use what works. You find me something else in the game besides Silver flasks, vials of death, and blowfish that allow me to kill anyone I want and I'd of used that also. It isn't my fault that as soon as someone seen me near them a quaff teleport was in order or straight up dash to the farthest place off the streets they could think of. People complained about me only using a few tricks, and to tell you the truth, When I didn't use those tricks it was bye bye prey. The funny thing is a couple weeks after I reached 36 and was just murdering everyone in sight I had like 5 different lowbie poison thieves asking me what the tricks of the trade were. Good luck to you guys, it isn't as easy as it looks. The fact that I can type 140 words per minute is why I was so good. You can't use triggers as a poisoner, and allies don't come in very handy. You have to be extremely quick with this class to make it viable. So anyone wanting to imitate me go ahead, it isn't as easy as it looks, expect hours and hours of gathering preps to kill with. Every kill I had probably took me 30 min to an hour of gathering the #### to finish the kill, though the fight ended quick it wasn't a simple Pincer Pincer And the fight was over. But I guess it isn't much different from mages and wands.

Some goodbyes.

Edimus. Thanks for the grapes, the newbs I came across with no equip I wanted managed to eat them. It was quite humorous. The ####ty part was the only ones I really wanted to turn female were the villagers that were a pain in the ass and I couldn't do it with any kind of magical food.

The rest of the scions that left things in the pit to play with, thank you, sorry I didn't play it out. I tried though, honestly I did the problem was I'd be sitting around for like 3 weeks waiting for new chars to lvl into my range to befriend before I could do any kind of leveling.

Batamon, I didn't see you around much, but thanks for the opportunity in scion. I wanted to do more for the cabal but I was finding it so damn hard to lvl that I gave up. Since I am leaving for AIT January 4th I figured I'd delete and spend the holidays with the family instead of on the mud ignoring everyone who hasn't seen me in like 5 months because of basic training.

Kesoi, heh sorry bro you got anathema'd. I don't know what you did to get anathema'd but that sucks. That is why I refuse to go empire anymore, Every character I've had in empire i've gotten anathema'd, i guess i am just to chaotic and wanting to pk everyone to be in empire. The city laws always get me.

Well I've got to go out, its hip hop night at the club, peace out people
53679, We had good times Tremblay.
Posted by Kesoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really loved getting gear off you. You were always willing to sell me stuff. I had alot of gold, you had the equipment. You're like a black market dealer heh. Whenever we were together you either sold me stuff or tried to kill me. Always made me be on my toes when conducting a deal with you. Lowbie ranks were pretty boring but you made it exciting. Good luck when you play your next character pal.
53681, You were the only one willing to attempt to buy anything off me n/t
Posted by Tremblay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
53688, Well, you were a poisoner. NT
Posted by Kruuank on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
53653, Nice
Posted by Edimus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anyway, at first I wasn't sure about you, but I ended up liking your RP. We didn't have a whole lot of serious discussion or anyhing, but it was fun to interact with you. Probably your victims missed that or mistook your rp for just general asshattery, which is too bad. You should've ranked into hero though, I would've helped.

>Edimus. Thanks for the grapes, the newbs I came across with
>no equip I wanted managed to eat them. It was quite humorous.
> The ####ty part was the only ones I really wanted to turn
>female were the villagers that were a pain in the ass and I
>couldn't do it with any kind of magical food.

Heh, that's something I thought of when I turned female. Before you came along I was planning for my palate-cleansing character (you know the goofy one you play after a more serious one) to be a female poisoner raised on the sirine island who wants the whole world to be female. But since you showed up I figured it would just look like copycat character. But it fit Edimus's role to ask you to go around graping people up, so that's at least a little satisfying.

53619, Lamest character in a long time...
Posted by Astillian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You level sat at rank 36 for a month. You killed almost all noobs. You did it without any consequences for distention. If you notice an exploit, a person with good character standing would report it and get it fixed, instead of abusing it.

Characters like these is why we can't keep new players. I would comment on some good quality but I saw none.
53629, RE: Lamest character in a long time...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He killed me and I'm not a newbie. Not that I'm "all that", but I'm at least not a newbie. Then again, I could have run away if I'd wanted, but foolishly chose to stay and fight. He only looted one item + my gold.
53630, RE: Lamest character in a long time...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Incidentally, I thought up some nasty tricks that, to my knowledge, Tremblay never used. Makes me want to do a poison thief just to try them out.
53664, He got me too.
Posted by Uthral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only part I was kind of mad about was A) I was on Eastern and B) I had literally logged on 45 seconds earlier.

Good work Tremblay.
53669, He didn't kill me...
Posted by Astillian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everytime he engaged he failed badly. He ran every time, I guess it's because I gear appropriately for all circumstances.

Either way, I'm quite pleased that he's gone. Had he made it to hero and was still punking, I'd have tossed the props, but he level sat.
53670, RE: He didn't kill me...
Posted by Someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suppose you're entitled to your opinion.
Good job beating a thief in combat!
53631, RE: Lamest character in a long time...
Posted by Someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never saw him full loot.
Most of his victims were over level 30 (usually not complete newbs).
I saw some decent RP from him, though interactions were somewhat limited.

On the other hand, he could have reported it and saved the players and imms alot of frustration.

I have to ask, did the Immortals remove the flask because of alot of complaints or did they really see something wrong with what he did?
53650, He did sorta report it.
Posted by DC_Lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its not like what he's doing is cheating. He used common items out in the open and even posted logs about it. If the Imms felt it was cheating or wrong, they would've just fixed it. If distention didn't hit him, he probably didn't kill enough people. The only problem I even see is if he repeatedly targetted newbies, which he wouldn't be the only one guilty of. Yet you don't see people complaining about Marcus' characters, but I'm sure those 150 pks aren't coming from slaying veterans by the dozen but rather the same newbies three times a week.

53651, Distention doesn't affect mind control pwks
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Frankly, that's the only thing I thought that needed to change, but unless you make the blanket assumption that any death while under mind control counts as a PK for the poisoner, I can understand the difficulty in deciding all the various ways someone can die due to mind control.
53611, RE: I loved Nilan, life ended short so tried it again
Posted by Graatchman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here's what I don't get. I've read the logs on the board, and everyone complaining about it (which I disagree with mind you), and what I keep wanting to shout, is what the hell is wrong with these people for not just turning on nogive? I mean what the ####? People watched you kill someone, you threatened them, visibly, and they stood there, and let you give them the fillet or flask or whatever. What kind of idiots are they? What am I missing?

I found it ridiculous for people to complain about something that has a complete and total defense.

Anyway, I can't post on dios so I thought I'd post here and ask if you had some idea why people didn't use nogive, especially when they knew you were around.
53612, Uhm, duh...
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're missing "plant."
53617, RE: Uhm, duh...
Posted by Graatchman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, yes it seems I was.

Shows how often I play neo-thieves! :P

Guess the next question is how fast you can drop it before he can suggest it.

Oh well. Moving right along...
53620, You can take out all your food from container to give you extra time
Posted by Tehbigc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If your slots are filled up you cant be planted. So thief needs to steal food and plant. And you can keep getting all.pie from sack while you are running with nofol on.
53613, Plant
Posted by A warrior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had nogive up all the time so he used plant. He tried to make me eat/quaff around 5 times total, but I managed to evade each attempt by keeping an eye on my inventory and dropping things. When he had me slept, I just spammed drop all.

The logs you see probably aren't vets getting killed with his tricks. It's mostly newer players.
53649, Here's my thing.
Posted by DC_Lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would have done all the same nasty tricks if I were Tremblay. Why? Because they're there and they work. I see it as no different then summoning into a locked room, blackjack/gang, etc. Its all the same stuff. I heard a lot about him full looting and repeatedly targetting the same newbies over and over, and if that's true then I could see an issue, but if thats not true what'd he do wrong?

That being said, if I'd died to a cheap tactic like that and managed to kill Tremblay afterwards, I'd probably be pretty unforgiving in game in regards to gear return, but I don't think necessarily that should extend OOC to rants and raves about him. I'm more the type to be like, 'Hey, how should I kill this guy?' than 'Tremblay is a jerk who kicks puppies down staircases!'.

Honestly, if you're a poisoner thief and those things exist why wouldn't you use them? Either its unbalanced in which case they should get fixed or its fair game.
53603, Ever hear Murder by numbers?
Posted by Someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The way your character killed people reminded me of the song.
53602, RE: I loved Nilan, life ended short so tried it again
Posted by Someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always thought your trick was cool, you were one of the scariest thieves I ever saw. Good job, and good luck on your next. And of course someone else would have done it, besides you probably encouraged alot of people to try out poisoners.
53616, thanks
Posted by Tremblay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope I made it so more people try poisoners, truely they are the funnest class in the game in my opinion, the versatility of the class is just insane. Your options to killing someone are as endless as the potions and foods which do harm to people. The thing people need to understand about poisoner thieves is that they are a prep whore class. To be honest, if you don't know a few tricks of the trade poisoners are an extremely anoying class to play. People don't take into account that every kill I had probably cost me 15+ gold plus time taken to gather everything etc. Dwarves, duergars and others with high resists hell I'd go through 40 gold in poisons and still fail to kill them. Don't get the assumption that mind control is the #### everyone up kill all solution because it isn't. The way poisons are set up a quick alias isn't going to work. It requires long command lines to be typed out, and do to plant failures, apply failures etc you can't just auto do things. The only way to be good with a poisoner is to be able to type 120+ words per minute and be extremely quick to react because the slightest hesitation and your kill is gone. From my experience, as soon as I showed face and was spotted my target was gone as quick as possible. You've got to be able to plant, suggest and do whatever other dirty work is needed to get the kill before someone types drop 1. and you have to type plant blowfish target, suggest target eat blowfish. It is a lot more difficult than it seems.

Also, one thing that pissed me off to no end. What the hell happened to the oozing gray mushroom? Not once in my characters existence was it in game and not once did I spot it on any character.

Alright here is some advice for some future poison thieves. I got called a one trick pony. People said I used the same trick over and over again but there is a reason for this. Everytime I tried something different I lost the kill. As soon as someone is affected by mind control you had better have all of there transportation potions and be able to track a son of a b..ch like no other because they are running for dear life. I carried quite a few different things to use other than blowfish and silver flasks to murder people but everytime I attempted to use them they just got away because a poison thief requires a target to stick around, considering you can only suggest once an hour. And hey, if the blowfish work, use them eh.

Well it is time for me to hit up the club and sport some of my game since I am not waisting a good portion of my life on the mud. I'll miss it but the females are calling. Later all and sorry if I caused anyone to quit the game or make them think I'm a complete jerk. Really I'm not, I killed to test my skills that is all. I didn't full loot and struck at everyone in my pk range no matter what even though I knew I was doomed from the start (ronauk damned flail specs are hell) =P. So if anyone is thinking about rolling a poisoner thief, go at it, it is a blast have fun with the class. Be creative, shock people with the #### you come up with because there is a million and one ways to kill a som bia.ch =p peace folks