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Topic subject(DELETED) [HERALD] Adovaryn the Changeling
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=53546
53546, (DELETED) [HERALD] Adovaryn the Changeling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Dec 19 19:51:37 2006

At 7 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 24th of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Adovaryn perished, never to return.
Cabal:HERALD, the Heralds of the Eternal Star
53547, RE: (DELETED) [HERALD] Adovaryn the Changeling
Posted by Adovaryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, this was my first long term character after Sharwyn, and I hadn't really meant to get stuck back in the Inn sitting thing, but stuff happens.^.^;;;It WAS fun, though, since I got to around exploring a whole lot more as an air shifter, but in the end it really wasn't worth it, mainly because I'm still pretty bad at PK. Well, onto the short goobdyes!

Meora:Fun to talk to you in the Inn, and tell jokes. I guess with you I had really experimented alot on how I wanted Ado to act, and I settled down into semi-delusional alcoholic, with an unnatural worry about his squishy bits, and being strung up.

Tiatan:Another guineia pig!XDI guess from you I got the wild stories about bad relationships, and decided I wanted Ado to have a pretty messed up past, full of accidental kissing of "man elves", and the like. Really wished I could've explored with you more as a hero, and help in the demony stuff, but again, stuff happens.

Vaisahke:First person that I ever actually held a conversation with as Ado, and then you went and vanished when I could group with you again. Ah well.

Rist:You were SO much fun to level with! It was pretty great teasing you by calling you fuzzy, and the like.

Tsyda:Pretty much said my bit right before I deleted.^.^;;;

Rashiid:Seriously, you don't have to cease fights to toss someone. (And you normally aren't supposed to toss out the person being attacked, then the attacker after them.)But still, no hard feelings.^.^

Cahleel:Full looting jerk.
53551, RE: (DELETED) [HERALD] Adovaryn the Changeling
Posted by Vaisahke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I appreciate the honorable mention. There were a couple people I enjoyed interacting with, and then, as I did, they seemed to vanish. I think it's partly because of the change in playing times for me.

You were definitely interesting to talk to. You were the reason I stopped by the Inn every now and again to see how things were going. Hope you continue to pick up CF and run with it. Characters as yours are a dying breed.
53572, You were so much fun at the Inn ...
Posted by Tsyda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
..and the few times we grouped. You were always willing to keep rping during learning which is a good way to break up the monotony. That night on the mountain with Rist and Tolceh was funny if not aggravating. I really admired your responsiveness and willingness to feed off Tiatan and Meora and they to you. It made for really good times at the Inn and I will truly miss that. I'm just sorry we couldn't get you to hero before this.

53578, RE: (DELETED) [HERALD] Adovaryn the Changeling
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were great. You were the only person truly keeping Tiatan silly and also the main reason he mastered Ventriloquate. Now that you're gone, he's probably going to mellow some, the only thing keeping him from going bitter being Tsyda. I understand your lack of desire to Inn sit. I don't like to Inn sit at some times, though others I don't mind. I guess it won't matter too much longer, as if Tiatan doesn't get this whole age thing worked out, he'll have to retire soon, and that'll mean never leaving the Inn. I guess what I'm trying to say, then, is I'll miss Ado, a lot. At times, I wish Tiatan's life wasn't so hectic so he could help the people that truly mattered to him. Ado was one of those people, even if he was a little crazy and mean to Tsyda at times. Good luck with your next.
53591, Forgot me
Posted by Aradyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know that I went up and disappear for a while...though our times did not match at all, you seem to play during my afternoons(where I am not usually playing, since I play in the mornings for the most part) and that kind of destroyed the roleplay between us, since our relationship was one that should have been continued on often.

Aradyn would have never admitted to the whole thing though, stubborn as she was(and focused on doing good, or meditating on good, or praying to good, or preaching to good...or well anything that didnt benefit her directly). Though she did loosen up ever so little around you and Meora, which helped me remember that I can have some fun being a stuffy scribe :P

Anyway, sorry for disappearing on you, our times were just useless. You did improve since Sharwyn though(I interacted and ranked with her a while back), so thats a good thing. Sharwyn, no offense intended, got on my nerves, Adovaryn didn't :P And you did better in both the roleplay department and other departments(ranking, possibly pking, though I didn't see so much of that, and so forth), so keep up the good work. Good luck with your next.

-Aradyn T'lyyn
53596, RE: Forgot me
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Sorry, had to get my two bits in. I missed seeing you in the bar and preaching that alcohol was evil. And the fun we had with Ado regarding Fred...
53595, My name is not fuzzy!
Posted by Rist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved Adovaryn's RP. I seriously considered rolling up a herald to interact with you and Tiatan... and then you go and delete :( Man...

I admired the way you were always willing to charge into a fight, even if it meant your death. I could tell you were new to PK and such, but hey, I'm not exactly great myself. Wish I had been able to see you use those wands you got like for free in the Inn... would have been fun.

Great job. Roll up a Fortie this time! :P