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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Cahleel the Master of Dismemberment
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=53430
53430, (DELETED) [None] Cahleel the Master of Dismemberment
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Dec 15 19:33:59 2006

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 32nd of the Month of the Grand Struggle
on the Theran calendar Cahleel perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
53478, RE: (DELETED) [None] Cahleel the Master of Dismemberment
Posted by Okrob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Orcs seem pretty hard to play, I haven't played one very far, but something needs to be different, or we just don't know what we are doing...

Maybe just once... and Imm should play an orc, just to see how it works out (and prove orcs have pk power at high levels).
53481, RE: (DELETED) [None] Cahleel the Master of Dismemberment
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Orcs seem pretty hard to play, I haven't played one very far,
>but something needs to be different, or we just don't know
>what we are doing...

Orc seems to be the true bash spec of CF. Maybe I wasn't playing mine to it's fullest potential. Somehow I'm left thinking that Murgh rocked and Ghak and Ugash sucked, even though Ghak and Ugash were post-changes. And orcfest orcs, while I had some real interest in playing Murgh. Ugash was too bloodthirsty and didn't have the good sence to follow the orcish 'get the hell out of there'-sense when it tingled.

Anyway, thanks to you and Cahleel for helping Ugash. Keep holding the Grinning Skulls up!

>Maybe just once... and Imm should play an orc, just to see how
>it works out (and prove orcs have pk power at high levels).

That's right. We should see Nep hero one and stick to it so he can see how balanced the class actually is.
53488, RE: (DELETED) [None] Cahleel the Master of Dismemberment
Posted by Delthyneo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Reference Thrakburzug on that one okrob, he started out as a player, and he didnt have the advantages of adaptations either, they are are hard to play but not impossible. And cahleel, I could see from first glance why people were scared of you. but couldnt figure out for the life of me why you never attacked me, I felt like a freakin neon blinking target whenever you were nearby.
53495, I wanted to
Posted by Cahleel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Everytime you were near so was Arga and Barzak trying to sleep me.

I kept thinking.. damn.. WOOD-ELF BANNER!!! but had to say #### it and go for them/escape.
53451, Ok ok
Posted by Cahleel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Thanks for the comments.

I pk'd insanely well solo at the lower ranks(11-28) really solo. Minus that damn duergar that NbM played. Well in fact.. no orc can really kill any warrior unless its a gank or you catch them super hurt. Like sometimes writhing isnt even enough :(.

My beef is no healer in orc town.. I really think orcs should have a beaten path that extends further to the road. I mean.. for how long now have they trampled through?

uhm.. after a certain rank. I cannot recall which.. I had good gear but could not kill anyone. Ok.. i killed adovaryn in the inn because he was unshifted shapeshifter.

I had 100% in savage feeding
I had 100% in bash
I had 100% in various other skills and I still sucked

I would try and grapple weapons and take loads of damage for failing..
So when I came across that spear spec I would be OH! BASH BASH BASH

and either fail bash and each time fail savage feeding at 100%.

orcs don't deal a whole lot of hurt. Savage feeeding is a prime skill and when you cant land that.. your ####ed.

I was talking with some other people once and we though that orcs need to be human size but the benefit of the giant size. I can never bash a gnome druid if the gnome is smart. I couldnt kill alot of mages because they have that perp to me immune to it.

If I cant bash.. the idea is to run. People though I logged off when the times got rough.. Actually I sat in my god damn village for hours on end waiting for a possible ally or wait for said person that wanted to own my ass to be occupied and/or leave.

I had some horrible deaths due to poor link and a bad client which upset me. I am also curious why Lexicus feels nightgaunting me is cooler than nightgaunting a scion?

my last death was to a healer. I had no flight potions.. #### gear minus my wields.. and couldnt bash. I savaged feeding.. got hit in caps.. so n so.. while he got herbs(i was really doing jack ####) and his helm kept owning me with oblits. I'd flee but he'd be attacking more i unlagged I guess from flee'ing... i never got my "improved flees" in this fight :(. this continued a couple times until a lion showed up to own my ass alongside.

Orcs are more frustrating than fun. The killer of orcs at the lower ranks is that damn nerfed bash. orcs about the bash. And the bash at the higher ranks is so limited. Someone can get the hunt on 5 times before you'll find that bash opportunity. And 9/10 times that bash opportunity will not do #### cuz you wont savage feeding.

this is from my expierience.. Obviously there is no truth to my words because its from my highly limited experience.

SPECIAL NOTE: Valg said orcs are not suppose to be a fire giant warrior. Well i feel like the shadow of a fire gaint warrior. BASH.. if I can't Bash then... unlike the fire warrior.. run..
whereas he has a chance to still own the ppl he's fighting.

53452, Forgive all the errors. i do not proofread and get ahead of myself in writing n/t
Posted by Cahleel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
53497, Will miss my one solid alliance in the carrionfields
Posted by Hrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have left me hanging out there. Hope I can rank sometime this year but you were a beast to have in a ranking group and hunting group though those times were limited.

All the best for future plans.
53498, RE: Ok ok
Posted by Tahon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you were pretty good but got too much of Bash mentality.
It is just does not work on high ranks.
I would even say orcs do not work on high ranks.

>My beef is no healer in orc town..

Orc healer would be uber.
But we got bloodletting instead.
Take more damage instead of healing. What a deal!
Insert sarcasm.

>I really think orcs should have a beaten path that extends further to the road. I mean..
>for how long now have they trampled through?

I guess this is in reference of certain wood-elf ranger who liked to camp our entrance.
Agreed wholeheartedly.

>I would try and grapple weapons and take loads of damage for failing..

Most of orc skills have high failure rates.
It is something you constantly have to take in account.

>So when I came across that spear spec I would be OH! BASH BASH BASH

Smart spear spec would be wielding staff.

>I am also curious why Lexicus feels nightgaunting me is cooler than nightgaunting a scion?

Cause said Scion could call some allies and would make his life miserable.
Orcs cant. And they can not defeat nightgaunt once it is bound.
+1 point to Lexicus pk score.

>my last death was to a healer.

Your death was to healer+lion. The fight you should not have fought.
As for constantly gating healers...
I found 'shield cleave + grapple' is quite a discouragement.

>Orcs are more frustrating than fun.

>Orcs are ALL about the bash.
53445, RE: (DELETED) [None] Cahleel the Master of Dismemberment
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked this character too. Probably one of the best orcs I've seen. I really wanted to help you out, but it feels like everyone's asking Tiatan for stuff these days (not that he's complaining) and then there's the whole Demon thing going on..., and let's not forget his wife, not to mention that Cahleel got attacked so much, which, although it really upset Tiatan, he realized how unwise it would be to have to deal with that constantly. Anyways, I hope your next goes better. Props on making it so far so quickly.
53444, Too much hurt at hero?
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've noticed that most orcs get into real trouble at about 38+, when everyone is getting the nastiness while perfecting their lower skills and you're still trying to perfect spinebreaker or savage feeding.

Which things was it that really hurt you the most?

Would orcs benefit from some kind of inherent damage reduction? (not unlike giant resist, minotaurs get it orcs could earn it near hero)

How about overall utility? Orcs get a lot out of making their own food, hide, bloodletting, etc. But what do you feel they lack to play the 'cowardly' but insanely destructive monster?

Thanks for the answers! Sorry you didn't stick it out longer but I can understand the frustration of playing a losing battle. Hopefully, someone'll figure out how to play these orcs best and teach the rest of us :P

53446, Orcs should get...
Posted by Forsaken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
something like gates of the forge. All of that heavy armor they wear should go to some use. But in wearing all of that heavy crap, certain skills like grapple, savage feeding, and a few others that rely on dexterity in combat should be hindered. But at least then they could not eat upper tier damage all the time.
53450, You mean 15 int isn't hinderance enough?
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My 'most successful' orc got grapple to 86%. I trained hard to get it there. Really hard.

My latest orc hasn't even got it that high. *sigh*

Whatever they get, if it makes skills less successful, its not worth it.

53500, My last orc has crazy luck
Posted by daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He perfected all that stuff without having to spam. Just went up whilst ranking. Even cheapshot perfected quickly (unlike my felar thug who never got close to perfecting it and spammed it loads).

I agree that orcs struggle at high level though. Last time I fought an orc I could have been afk and still won.
53438, Awww, I liked Cahleel
Posted by Tsyda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know we couldn't group as often as you wanted, which was like every five minutes, but we got some levels together. That's really too bad. You are one of the more fun Orcs ive played with. I hope you come back with another good character.