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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Zambirro the Legend of the Third Age, Captain of the Brigade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=53371
53371, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Zambirro the Legend of the Third Age, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Dec 14 19:14:39 2006

At 7 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 22nd of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Zambirro perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
53421, Goodbyes.
Posted by Zambirro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At this point i am not very sure where to start. I rolled Zambirro witout any special intention, just to hang around a bit with something different from a uncaballed gnome shifter. It has been a very long time since i last joined a cabal and i can say now i regreat that time. Not even in my dreams i tought on becoming captain of the brigade, to tell the truth, i was very happy being a squire and bein able to activelly participate of all the cabal activities.

Unfortunatelly right now i do not have the time the fortress requires for a leader, i am traveling at the moment, unable to play and will continue like this for quiet a time now. I tought on step down, but when i entered the game with this purpose, i was unable to reach one of our immortals, so i just decided to delete and open the way for a new Captain.

I want to thank everyone who interacted with me and made this ride so fun. I am sure I will not remember all the names i should, so just post and i will reply as I find some time.

Well, here goes some people that come to mind real fast:


Crysseara: Thank you for the induct when the fortress had no leadership.

Shokai: I really look forward to interact with you a bit,I think you rock. Thank you for making me a Maran with that azurre moon echo and silver rain, little things that make this game unforgiven. I now kinda understand you when you say you have no time because you have to work 40 hours/week.

Corrlaan: Man, a special thank to you. Thank you for the oportunity with leadership and for the weapon (my first one).

Lauraine: You trully were the beacon of the fortress. Thank you for all the time and supporting. Your knowledge in the game and the speed you moved around always impressed me behind words.

Nepenthe, Lyristerion and all the others that runned the quest of the comming of the fourth age, my congratulations and thank you. Congratulations for the great job you guys did, and thank you for the oportunity for being a part of it.

Eshval: Ah, I hate you! Hehee, thank you for making things interesting when the fortress were so strong and not many enemies were around. Damned be you and your minions and that fear spell.


Itholin my Marshall: Curses you con died just a day after i deleted. Thank you for the company and the fun time, hoped you would stand longer and not make me feel guilty leaving the fortress once again without a leader, but such is life.

Nilian: Keep trucking man, tough guy.

Angrimn: Dwarfy pally, I cant say how much i liked you, you were always ready to try some crazy stuff with me. Could not believe you would go with me to the chasm to fight two or three at the inner even knowing our chances were few to none. Or role restricted or insane like me.

Astinax: Told you a lot in game already, so you know how I feel towards you. Good luck.

Rhaika: The only arcane maran in the fortress. Thank you for all the time and fights together, guess that when we were together we were far more dangerous and remembered than alone. Great job and keep trucking.

Soleric: just want to say a bye again.


Draktel, you are a beast. I tried to fight you alone, tried to fight you in pairs and in groups. The great thing is that you always showed and puted up a great fight. Unfortunatelly there were no way i could kill you or a well played shaman alone. Could not avoid a word and was all you needed to get out when things went bad your way.

Nreishe and Krynna: Both great hunters. Scared me to death and i always felt like meat when you were around.

Seffar: When you were ranking you told me a lot of how coward other were... That was fun because things changed when you got to my range. Of course, i was so confident because of my legacy. You were an interesting foe, well done.

Batamon: Did not interact much with you, but we had many fights. Was interesting to have you around.

Brulgor: I know you are dead for long, but you were the reason i choosed hand to hand as second specialization. Now I must to thank you for that.


Gringora and Cordango: Loved you guys, just have to say it.

Athelnon: Probably mispelled your name, but thank you for the time and a shame we had not much oportunities to run around.

Fezzo: You were a bastard. At young ages stole so much from me... well played thief.

Nexans: Hi, how are you. Hmm, the scales tip to the side of light, lets strike the fortress and kill some good guys. This resumes what Zambirro tought of you guys, yet he never striked one of you out of a raid situation.

Had many interesting fights with villagers, made always my heart pump because a deadly blow would change the fight. Yet, i had to fight you evil bastards.

I know i am forgetting many of you, as i said before, post and i will reply.

Merry Christmas you all.

53432, Later foe
Posted by Draktel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you would always fight, and that isn't something I can say for all of my enemies. Draktel is a very fun character and I'm glad I could get your heart racing on occassions. My bane is a warrior with a tranny though, and you guys certainly did a number to me on occassion. Sometimes getting away with only very little health left. That time I died down in kuo toa and you got my stuff, was just annoying, but you kinda got what you deserved. Anyway, you tought me something about that place, so for that I'm thankful.

Great job, and come back with an Imperial!
53398, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Zambirro the Legend of the Third Age, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted to interact with you more, but you were just never around at the right times. I loved trying to defend myself from the accusations you made. Luckily, Itholin picked up the slack a bit, because I told him how much you disliked Tiatan, but still... Sorry about the cube, and good luck with your next.
53381, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Zambirro the Legend of the Thi...
Posted by Criles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We only skirmished a couple of times during the mage plague quests.
I wanted to say that when we fought, and the times I saw you while in duo, you were never with the person you supposedly had a perma with. So in other words I highly doubt it was a perma. If it was, it wasn't a very good one since the one time I saw you, you didn't even ocular enhancement cast on you (you ate a flower).
53379, What, no goodbyes?
Posted by V on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only fought you.. Once I think? And that was when you were raiding the chasm and I somehow took down Rhaika.. sucks cause I didn't even get a chance to Look in the corpse let alone pick out anything cause the moment the death happened I got choked out. And then you guys attacked me after killing the archmage and I retreated of course.

But aside from that it seemed as if every time you were awake people would say we need to be prepared in case you came.

And I am curious to (not sure if this is taboo or not) But did anything ever happen from all the talk about you being a perma or...?

All in all though, hella tough dude that people were utterly scared of, someone needs to pick up this pbf.