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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectMeora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=53321
53321, Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, I deleted Meora for RP reasons and RL, because I kinda got bored, even if she was my first successful female character in four years. I rolled up a fela because I felt like my RP... Damnit I can't think of the word, but whatever it was needed to be tickled, so I played a female character for 388 hours EXCLUSIVELY. I got bored with her because her need to help people meant I had just about no enemies to speak of, and I missed getting attacked a lot. I rolled her up never imagining I'd get a chance at as much RP as I did, I never thought I'd become a Herald since she was a ranger. I have a bunch of people to thank for helping this character who was a bunch of firsts for me. The only two things I didn't get a chance to go through with was getting a last name, and getting the damn wedding over with (I might have lasted a bit longer out of RP interest being piqued) I have many thanks to give out and if I forget anyone just leave a message and I'll reply ASAP.

Thanks to-
First and foremost is the Heralds, and Arvam more specifically for inducting me, and Amariele for the help she gave during said induction.
Linerasas- Thank you for giving me some interesting RP, the relationships my characters get in usually don't last too long. I really hope you aren't freaking out or something because I rolled a female character.

Tiatan- Your frustrations are as I mentioned during my "death speech' much appreciated. I learned how to give out better help IRL to the friends I have who need it.

Rashiid- Always an interesting guy to play with, the help with the dragon slaying was much appreciated but I still haven't mapped the location of that tower.

Zaphoedine- Not sure if you're still around, but your RP towards my end was starting to get really interesting and I was half-tempted to play along with the insanity to see what happened. Thankfully I didn't break that much of my unwritten role.

Adovaryn- Oh my god I can't believe how funny your character is, I think my favorite thing about your char is how gullible he acts. "Ow, my squishy bits." Also thanks for really respecting me by yelling at my other character for being an ass to myself.

Heralds in general- Thank you all for accepting the inn sitting Herald that I was, but you gotta admit, I probably listened to what people said the most.

I think I'll thank everyone in the fortress, Yes even you Seonex considering how much you hated me during the Battlefields incidents, for being good friends, and very understandable people. Would have liked to see you guys around the bar more often though.

Holy Nine Hells I can't believe I'm thanking anyone in here, but a big thank you to Eshval for starting the poetry contest. I know I didn't realy submit anything for it, but I hadn't done any poetry for almost five years since I got the one poem I did published. Thank you for reviving the creative streak aside from my elaborate character descriptions I do. Thank you for giving Meora someone who terrifies her.

Chaisse is about the only one I know that any thanks go to, though we only ever traveled three times I considered you a friend and a thank you goes out from beyond the grave for sending out more of my poetry.

I swear to the gods that Meora hated every single one of you... Except for... Ysaloerie(sp?) She was cool.

Kiamae, I swear to god I love your character for saving my ass from the sewers of Galadon when I fell off the ledges.

I know how silly this is gonna sound but I'd like to thank Barhadruzil for giving me my first ever career PK. People stopped messing with me after I finally got you. You had some interesting RP considering your sole purpose sometimes seemed to be killing me.

Oh yea...
I'd like to thank Nanorab for giving me a few laughs with your singing episodes, I was about ready to cry because I could hear it in my head scratching at my eardrums trying to make my brain seep out of my skull.

If I missed anyone, just leave a message and I'll see if I remember you so I can give credit where credit is due.

Now... What Meora was for me-
First successful female character
First ever Hero
First character I ever spent more than 100 hours on
First Cabal
First Event for the Heralds
First character to have less than 20 Player Deaths
the list goes on and I'm getting tired.

My RP reason for deleting-
My RP reason for deleting Meora was a great deal because Linerasas either skipped out on the wedding or was simply unable to attend. Her reason which I forgot to mention during her death speech was that she was saving his life. The rest is because I had been intending to finish my purely RP "transformation" but just hadn't thought of how to go about doing it. The anger/sorrow/pain of being skipped out on built up more of a darkness that consumed her and ultimately fueled the transformation. So, in missing out on one RP opportunity I was given another.

Thanks again everyone and I'll see you on the fields.

Meora A'cherati, general entertainer and bartender of the Eternal Star.
53543, I'll miss you
Posted by Zaphoedine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey Meora,

You were my closest friend from the beginning. We had a lot of cool RP. Sorry I wasn't around as much as I would have liked, and especially to see you go. Can't get into what you were talking about too much, but yeah that was some crazy stuff we talked about the last time I saw you.
Will miss you.

53549, RE: I'll miss you
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh god, I missed Zap a lot. I was really impressed with how much progress she made with Tiatan, even if the whole thing blew up in my face.
53552, RE: I'll miss you
Posted by Zaphoedine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heheh, glad you answered. Your face? Did you see what happened to me? Fun times, though. Hope I run into you with others..stay cool.
53564, RE: I'll miss you
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will always be a smoothe character as long as I can keep creating interesting roles, and vivid descriptions, and I can almost guarantee that we'll be seeing eachother again.
53505, Good times
Posted by ethelle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed spending time with Meora. Some good RP in there, and a good herald...there's really been a shortage of those. Seems like that shortage really began with the death of the divine chef.

Thanks for all of the entertainment, and for tolerating the talking muffins and beavers from Tiatan and myself.
53506, RE: Good times (And a bag of chips)
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was wondering when you were gonna post, I liked Ethelle, and was appreciative of her ability to listen AND negotiate, which I was really slipping at when it was really important.
I'm wondering if my newbie is gonna be as good at getting along with folks as Meora was. I hope I was able to bring out the best in the folks she met.

And a note on the issue of "Good Heralds"

That's cause there still isn't a High Herald to make inducting folks easier.

Meora A'cherati, General Entertainer and Bartender of the Eternal Star
53507, RE: Good times (And a bag of chips)
Posted by ethelle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes indeed...a high herald would be nice. Not many heralds really old enough or mature enough for something like that, though. And linereasas is getting old....

Negotiating was fun. It was especially... entertaining(?) when Tiatan started to get pissed because I wouldn't say where I was talking to tsyda, and wasn't telling tsyda to talk to him....heh....
53458, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Delthyneo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
OMG!! I came into the inn to talk to you and Tiatan like Del always does when he isnt doing anything, and what is happening, the tail end of you goin out. Thats crap I say, lol, your like the only person who gave Del any real interaction besides Tiatan. Also only person, and I do mean only, who has ever inquired about the little details of his Desc like his sheaths. Also, Ilvaigen Btw lol, woulda never known =P, Its gonna be a lot less fun in the inn without meora though, and if your talking about teh Battlefields incident where he came in and chased our group all over the battlefield for some reason and I barely live cause he got pissed at me for staying in the fight long enough to dirt him (seonex) I personally though that was fun as hell lol. Gonna miss meora a lot though. Curious to see what the next char will be, guarantee del will see them grow up just like he did Meora
53460, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Assuming he lives that long.
53487, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Delthyneo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh heh, Don't doubt the staying power of Del
53489, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not doubting you, I'm doubting whether I can maintain my con that long. heh. Villagers love me.
53376, A couple things.
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Meora at first. I could tell you seemed sort of unsure of yourself, but I thought there was a lot of potential to grow. As time went on, it seemed like you became less and less inclined to put effort into anything, particularly leaving the Inn. It is SO important to leave the Inn as a Herald, because the Inn isn't what Herald is about. I can't say this enough: EXPLORE! EXPLORE! EXPLORE! It's one of the big things we like to push our Heralds to do - and if you're afraid of being lost, it definitely can help you find your way around.

Anyway, good job on your efforts and good luck with whatever your future endeavors may be.
53394, RE: A couple things.
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I probably won't play another Cabal until I learn my way around the lands better. It's hard being a 4 year noob, but I'm slowly learning my way around.

You did get my submissions this time right?
53366, Tee hee! You noticed!
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In fact, I should have killed you in the battlefields more than once, but twice (TWICE!) RL called me off about two seconds after I attacked you, which means run to present q teleport turn off client. And the other times your groupmates held me off long enough for you to get away =P

Seonex was really against anyone who wasn't a lightwalker, I'm sure you noticed. In any case, if he caught you killing lightwalkers, mobs or not, he was going to come down on you for it. Hard. Of course, if you apologized and meant it, he would let you off, but if I had caught you with an evil one more time after all those warnings I would have tacked up a great big MEORA = EVIL LOVER on my list and came after you cackling gleefully. In a goodie sort of way. Good for you I didn't, cause a ranger sitting in the inn is quite easy meat for a bash spec.

Sorry we couldn't interact more, though. You seemed like an interesting character, if a bit misguided (according to Seonex).
53367, RE: Tee hee! You noticed!
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good thing you werent around when I Heroed with the two Scions Kanaeve and... Rhyendris I think his name was.
53357, I finally found it.
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is the role I had typed up for Meora and it really puts a spin on why she was the way she was.

History Part I (Meora)

It seems that since I had written how I had changed, it is time to explain why. First off, my father was a former servant to a small family of elves outlying Darsylon, and my mother inherited an Inn in Blackclaw. I was born a twin, not identical in any way to my brother, we were both born in the presence of a dragon, though what kind, my mother had failed to mention and of the two of us I was the only one marked by it. I ended up being a mediator between my brother and sister, because they fought constantly, over the stupidest little things. Things began to change in the worst ways once the first of us were allowed to join a guild.

History Part II(Meora)

My brother had been allowed to join a guild before I was, and he had sent in a few requests to join the Paladin’s guild, despite the threats from the Blackclaw guild masters. When he was finally granted an audience, he was nearly beaten to death by the guild masters and left in the streets to die. I found him on my way home from mother’s Inn, brought him home, and mother cared for him. He had lost his hope for the world, but not his hopes to live as long as people like Mother were around. My sister however, looked up to me, and at one point told me that she wanted to join the ranks of the anti-paladins, but instead decided that she’d follow me through a guild. I wanted to join the thieves’ guild, so naturally, she followed me. We failed our first exams, because we were told that we had to fight each other. We accepted, though we were only wearing each other down not really getting anywhere until I used a cheap trick and threw something near her, because I knew she was easily distracted. I struck a blow with both paws clenched to her back and she fell instantly. What happened next, I didn’t see coming and the guild master walked up to me, and put a knife in my paws and told me to kill her. I refused, so he grabbed my arm, and drew my now clenched paw with the knife across her throat. I walked out and joined the rangers so I wouldn’t have to do something like that again. I was lost to my real family for the death of my sister.
53356, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn it. Now I know who your new character is. Bad kitty, bad. At least that means there's a chance there will still be input at the discussions, though. I really want to try a conjurer. What do you think of the class? Course, I'm not going to make any new characters until Tiatan's dead, but, you know, for the future. Meora was great. We had a lot of good times together. Many a night, she and Tiatan would be in the Inn, alone, and just talk or act silly. I'm sure we entertained many with our antics. Hmm, well, I want to say more, but as Tiatan's still alive, it'll have to wait. Good luck with your Elfie. It was a joy.
53359, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been meaning to as what the deal with is with the latin on your sig line means.

Conjies are great, elf conjies even more so because of the fact that being good means angels are less likely to be mean if you really crank out strong ones without circles. I thought I'd add the "marked by a morosa demon" bit to him as a bit of a twist showing that elves really aren't all they're cranked up to be. Teleport has been my friend of late because it gets me out of mazes when I'm hopelessly lost. Word on familiars, make sure that you protect them as much as you can, invis, armor, and whatever helpful wands you can find because it's half your health if it dies. My last conjie wasn't so great because she died way too much, and if I'm not mistaken the class has been revamped so it plays better now.
53360, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And yea, he will be making appearances at discussions provided a someone he's trying to help out isn't in.
53361, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Help out", heh, if that's who I think you're talking about. Anyways, the text at the bottom is French. Literally translated it means something along the lines of "We do not make music against someone", though I like Rayihn's translation of "Don't dance to music that isn't your own". Anyways, I'll say more on Meora later.
53362, Who do you think I'm talking about? NT
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
53364, RE: Who do you think I'm talking about? NT
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not going to give out names of people still in the game. It doesn't really matter anyways, just made me giggle is all, and I was probably way off base, so...
53368, Nice. nt
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No textey for you.
53347, You are welcome
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After spending so much time in grad and post grad writing and creative writing courses, I am often amazed with the abilities of the author/players/imms of CF. Their abilities in the creative processes exceed those of the normal 'gamer'. It pleases me when folks find a creative outlet and take and give more from and to CF than simple 'killing'. Good luck....and try leaving the Inn more...it's a scary world out there, but it is full of magic and wondor.
53349, RE: You are welcome
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea, I'm questioning whether or not I want my new char to be a Herald or not because of the whole Inn sitting thing, I was lazy I'll admit it, but I really didn't want to get lost.
53350, RE: You are welcome
Posted by Itholin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Getting lost is the fun part. Play a mage. Teleport is your friend. ;) ;) :P Well unless you teleport into a dragon at low levels...then it is not.
53353, RE: You are welcome
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
New char is an elf conjie. Teleport has saved my life three times so far by taking me straight to Darsylon. And a fourth time by taking me to the frigid wastes but I got out with the help of the all mighty owl familiar.
53351, RE: You are welcome
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Yea, I'm questioning whether or not I want my new char to be
>a Herald or not because of the whole Inn sitting thing, I was
>lazy I'll admit it, but I really didn't want to get lost.

You're almost never truly lost with a potion of teleportation or recall in your pack.
53355, RE: You are welcome
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never did get a chance to ask you IC what you thought of the works I had sent out through helpful bards, but I did send in everything I wrote under her persona to the Lyceum. I remain ever hopeful that at lesat one thing will be considered.
53419, Oh yea...
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was one of the reasons you had a tendancy to watch me was because I didn't play by your rules (defiant to the end)?
53422, RE: Oh yea...
Posted by Innis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You should have come to see me. I can beat her up.
53425, Well I can't exactly stop a vampire from drinking me dry now can I... nt
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
53423, RE: Oh yea...
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No. I didn't get the defiant vibe from you...not saying it wasn't there. I poked at you because it amused me, and you reacted. Since it is bad form to slay folks, I poke.
53345, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Amariele on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would have sworn you were a girl irl :) We seemed to at least sometimes think alike. Had fun with you, kiddo. Hope you enjoy your next as much as you seemed to enjoy Meora.
53348, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm a scary guy sometimes. I tend to think like most folks won't so RP is convincing.
53420, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*sigh* just caught the kiddo remark... I turned 18 a few months ago and I'm still getting called that. *growl* Well, I was hoping to see you around but yuo deleted and that made me kinda mad because I liked Amariele a lot.
53426, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Amariele on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'm about twice your age and I still get called "kiddo". Girl's gotta suck it up. :P I felt a motherly sort of affection for Meora, I guess it was natural.
53427, Heh-
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As opposed to the fact that Meora gave advice to everyone that would listen.
53343, CRAP!
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I forgot to thank Lauraine for demanding a grand total of three Heroes games which I immensly enjoyed even though I had to have her help doing it. For her help when I got snared at the Fortress when Ethelle used the orb thingy and teleported me there. And a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember but am absolutely sure you helped me with. (I'm still sorry about the storm giant steak fiasco)
53338, Nooooooooooo
Posted by Lucury on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now I have no one to randomly walk up to and vis hide at the inn. I'm more of a listener than anything, so I didn't really do a lot other than standing around (which you kept on bugging me about, heh). A great char, though, shame you had to go.
53341, RE: Nooooooooooo
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I still would like to see a drunk Lucury... Mostly because I've never seen one before.
53363, As I said
Posted by Lucury on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I fare better poisoned than drunk, and that actually isn't that much of an exaggeration. Linerasas got me to drink once and I chugged a bunch of bottles. Should really try that again sometime.
53365, RE: Nooooooooooo
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can still bug Tiatan. He won't mind.
53372, RE: Nooooooooooo
Posted by Lucury on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Still trying to learn how to get under his skin. Not successful so far.
53330, BAH!
Posted by Barhadruzl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


You were so damn close too. I was way overzealous there. I failed to realize you had two other rangers with you herb'n you. I failed a commune to finish you and then BAM dead! BAH. heh

the odd tidbit I found out later was that Nishin(felar ranger) with your.. indeed was a cyradia follower. Not in ranger.. but was aiding you. psh.

oh well. later!
53332, RE: BAH!
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That had to be my favorite fight, and something you probably didn't realize is that they didn't give me any herbs because they were trying to save their own skins. The fact that every time I herbed I managed to heal the plague you gave me. If you'd have stuck with poison I'd have been genuinely screwed.
53336, hmm. I wish I had the log
Posted by Barhadruzl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

All I know is I made a really poor choice and failed some important things thinking I already had your death in the basket. Was there another person assisting you? I cannot even remember if I was attacking several people or not. hah. Group fights were what I thrived for with Barhadruzl and Niceryih. All I remember is I died and that Nishin was there with you and finding out with Arrherah from Artias that he was a Cyradia follower. BAH.

53337, On another note!
Posted by Barhadruzl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played Omnecia whom I deleted due to lack of desire to progress that char... and yes.. I was still upset I died to a ####ing herald that I used the attitude of omnecia to really have fun with their background :-D. hah! so there. You may have tortured me in RL.. but at least I had a chance to torture that little felar.
53339, RE: On another note!
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh my god you have no idea how much I despised Omnecia... Wanna know the funny thing? Turned out that the way I worked my death that she was right about me. YOU MISSED OUT! Meora 1 Omnecia- well let's not get into that right now.
54578, RE: On another note!
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ok, Running backwards through time to find this sucker, and I notice the one post I missed... How did I torture you IRL? PK by noob really isn't as bad as it's cracked up to be. At least you didn't fight the bard I just deleted. You might actually have liked him.
53340, RE: hmm. I wish I had the log
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, I didn't get any help except for one round of herbs from... the only other ranger there, and yes. screwing up your supplication did kill you... I'm glad you realized the error of your ways dark-walker... Oh man... I sound like someone from the fortress.
53327, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Alarith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed trying to push you into darkness and despair. Misery loves company, after all. A pity you didn't actually give in when I was around.

Good luck with your future characters.
53331, RE: Meora A'cherati finally kicks it.
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh... I think what would have been interesting is if I did it while Eshval was right there. Kinda wish I saw more of you though.
53326, Interesting character
Posted by Algonas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I truly do hate to see this. With Eacer, I thought that stuff with the dreams and dragons was great. I had a blast with your character and if it wasn't for the age death, I would have enjoyed seeing that develope more. Oh well, good luck on your next!
53333, RE: Interesting character
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
OH MY GOD I MISS CHASING EACER! It was so funny when I'd pop in and start a game of tag! Kinda stopped playing tag after you died though, but I did use you for a couple of Heroes games so that was my tribute to you.
53335, RE: Interesting character
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh yea... SOmething I forgot. I was originally planning to write a book that had a character with a similar problem that Meora did, (dragon marked and all that) but I never got around to it because I couldn't get very far. I figured I could use my idea and with a bit of late-game influence work out who I really play.
53501, RE: Interesting character
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I went out pretty extravagantly. And she was way more popular than I thought she was. Heh... There were times I was gunning for your job though, it's hard to get new people when they have to go straight to Iunna. I'm gonna miss being in Herald though, and much to my dismay, I think my newbie IS gonna gun for the cabal again. Maybe I won't be an inn sitter this time.
53323, Damn, I really hate to see this...
Posted by Tsyda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I reallllly liked Meora. You took care of me, acted as intermediary between me and Tiatan and all around great friend. I enjoyed your RP immensely and you never failed to respond to RP in kind. A really well done character and look forward to your next.

53325, You were cool, Good luck on your next. NT
Posted by Someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
53334, RE: Damn, I really hate to see this...
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you like meora then you pretty much understand how I actually am. Meora was the easiest char I ever RP'd because she's me, but fela... and female. That made things a little closer to home with the RP and therefore much easier. Meora was really pissed when you went incommunicado for four days. Tiatan was driving me and Linerasas insane and I'm glad you two worked things out. Just remember... Work in indirection and you leave people with their own choices. That was my biggest thing when I played Meora. Only actual difference from the obvious from me IRL is that I usually try to push people in the right direction, but Meora was indirect and pretty damn subtle which was an accomplishment. I hope you outlive my new elf. I'm gonna be amazed and pretty pissed if I have to outlive so many friends again.
53342, RE: Damn, I really hate to see this...
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On a side note, I kind of enjoyed playing a female character because I was privy to information I wouldn't normally have access to were I playing a male. I kind of enjoyed that aspect but I don't think I'll be rolling any more female characters for quite a while. I'm sticking to familiar territory.