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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectI deleted and am headed into RETIREMENT txt
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=53074
53074, I deleted and am headed into RETIREMENT txt
Posted by Nezlintryzn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seeming as I deleted Inthulnizra after losing a super good set. Ill leave you the set I had when I deleted time this through.

You are using:
<worn on finger> a ring embossed with lightning bolts
<worn on finger> a ring embossed with lightning bolts
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a mantle of water
<worn around neck> a spherical scarlet and blue Ioun stone
<worn on body> the Chessmaster's mantle
<worn on head> (Invis) (Glowing) the Fiery Crown of Baphomet
<worn on face> the Mask of Sekhtan-Rah
<worn on legs> some spider-skin leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of spike-toed boots
<worn on hands> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of fulminator gauntlets
<worn on arms> a phylactery of fortitude
<worn about body> a large saddle bag
<worn about waist> the silk-skirted Belt of Baphomet
<worn around wrist> the Bracelet of Longevity
<worn around wrist> the Bracelet of Longevity
<mainhand (weapon)> (Glowing) (Humming) a flail of Pestilence
<offhand (held)> (Glowing) (Humming) the staff of wonders

Heres to CF that has been my life within my life for the past 10 years. Ill take with my best character and use this chance to retire. below is a list of characters I've played. Ill try to name as many as possible.

Sladin - Arial Assassin Dawn
Talno - Gnome Shifter, Lion/Dillo, Nexus
Sorehk - Gnome Healer, Nexus, Illraeth
Slathigern - Svirf Warrior Axe/Whip/Whispers/Autumn, Defender, General
Delromsin - Gnome Shifter Lizard/Porc/Goose, Outlander
Gabrit - Gnome Shifter Diamondback/Panther, Outlander
Kardekor - Duergar Warrior, Sword, Empire
Ghaeldrine - Gnome Healer, Outlander, Sebeok
Suarvina - Gnome Shifter, Orang/Dolphin
Korasiva - Gnome Shifter, Ram/Manta
Inthulnizra - Drow Healer, Khasotholas, Imperial High Priest
Gonderand - Storm Paladin, Custom (Corrlaan), Fortress
Talisfam - Gnome Shifter Cobra/Walrus
Nezlintryzn - Drow Healer, Custom (unknown), Imperial High Priest

Like them or dislike them. They were the characters I played and enjoyed CF with. Special thanks goes out to Vladimir (Doug), Romzman13 (Ben), VoiceOfReason (Ben), Kalystr (Steven), GeorgeDeLaRocha (George), Rogue, Jane (Love ya dollface) and several others. If I missed you either leave a message here or on the Officials and I'll get back to you. Sorry if I missed you but I'm writing this out quickly at a bus terminal.

In addition to the names listed above. Special Immortal Thanks to... Khasotholas, Dalteric, Corrlaan, Sebeok, Zulghinlour and Jullias for all your support.

53285, Liked your characters
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed your characters, and enjoyed your followers of mine. I knew you as a competent player, and a fine roleplayer. Great job all around, hope you come back someday!
53320, Awwww, we all love you, Khaso! txt
Posted by Nezlintryzn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was hoping to IMM and take control of your Shrine. LOL.
53088, Eheh.
Posted by InilandVos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always thought you reminded me of a warrior with sanctuary. Great char, a pity you quit. You would be sick if you knew some of the things I was going to show you.
53081, Assembled Goodbies. Nezlintryzn DELETED txt
Posted by Nezlintryzn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've decided to take the extreme hardship I just came upon and move to British Columbia with my Uncle and work to support my family. People who I talk to on either AIM or MSN know my situation so I need not discuss it here. But I will say this. Do not trust in Chrystler/Dodge because they WILL #### you over if they can. And now onto the character.

I created Nezlintryzn as a backup to Inthulnizra that I played pre-leaving for the Military. Well I was injured and forced into Voluntary Release and came home. I played Gonderand and had a blast but we are talking about Nezlintryzn. I created Nezlintryzn to be Emperor. I used the Imperial background in the Lyceum to create a custom Immortal who Nez called Master. He was basically an entity formed of all the souls who swore themselves to the Imperial Codex. I fled the city of Teth Azeleth and defied Lloth and the dark-elf race basically became my enemy. If you joined the Empire I saw you as above being defined by the flesh and in a state of evolution. My character was based on Evolution through Order. And Order through Control. I wanted the seat of Emperor and as I am deleted now. Draktel... I was going to take it. By Council Vote or by Force. I liked you but I didn't see you driving the Empire anywhere.


Master: I have no idea who you were. But your roleplay was top notch. I enjoyed our 3 interactions. Thank you for taking my role and going with it.

Kirslamix: I ALMOST got you just before you Immorted. Stupid centurions for not quiet menacing you.

Scarabaeus: I really needed to talk to you. But you kept blowing me off. I wish we could have roleplayed more since I was trying to Immort and needed a few IMM's to back me up.


Draktel: You confuse the hell out of me. Sometimes you seem like a coward, and others you're completely suicidal. I was going to wait for you to die off to take the Throne. But after that utterly stupid demotion in the Dragon Tower I decided to set things into motion to usurp you. By the by, that demotion cost my coffers 700 gold.

Kharg: I roleplayed with you as Inthulnizra and you seemed more in control of yourself then. Now you just act like a dumb giant should. I hope you understood our conversation. Oh and, DON'T DELETE. Age die this bitch man. You have my uttermost respect for holding out this long. Hopefully when things get better for me, ill pay for your PBF.

Qileor: Well... What can I say. You deleted right after I did. Or before. I heard tons of stupid #### about you, but when we were together we were pretty deathly. Keep trucking and good luck with the upcoming baby.

Merlaan: Show up more. To me, Valryn was the better Shadow Lord due to the fact that binders can be nasty beyond repair. But you were doing a solid job.

Khargthak: I can't believe I sealed the kill. Even if you were AFK it only took the 1 Vengeance to finish you off. By the by, I almost anathemad you myself.

Inil: Knowledgable beyond repair. Just like Khargthak. It was thanks to you two that I had the highest donations in the Empire.

Nastagio: Thanks for showing me that prep. It ####ed me up every single time rather then showing the benefitable side. But good luck with the character.


Soleric: Asshole. You got me twice of twice completely with Neurological Disruption. You were the only one who could effectively Neuro me and you killed me with times you started.

Itholin: Keep trucking man. You need constitution armor. I wish we could have fought 1 to 1. But then I was rather immune to invokers with my extremely high saves to spells and high saves to elemental.

Ethelle: Very nice job. Nothing much to say other then that.

Nilian: That stupid virtue almost got me killed more then a bunch of times. Stupid virtue.

Chokiare: You have IMMed now. From our interactions I don't see why. Taunting me when I kicked your ass back and forth. Then you just hid at the Watcher and taunted me. Oh, and I took the orb while you were defending. I did it solo. When you killed me. I WAS link dead. How you might suggest otherwise and beyond my comprehension considering I made you flee about 10 times.


Trurkrag: Lucky lucky lucky! I had no idea that drum had the potential to lag like trip. I had you convulsing then you 3 rounded me. It sucked. Good job with such a powerhouse.

Yean: Like all bards, very hard to chase off or defend against. Especially with the extra resist and spellbane (Considering all but one of my progged items were spell oriented)


Malic: Sorry you didn't IMM man. And if you did with a different name, all the better for you. I enjoyed our conversations and attentive persuasions to get eachother to join the others cabal. Like I told a bunch of people on AIM, I needed a 'protection from dumb animals' preperation for you, Tidge and Nefla.

Batamon: Coward straight up. I almost had you once, well in my mind I almost had you. Cursed and stuck between centurions. Stupid teleport.

Seffar: Thanks for all the gold in the beginning. Your quest for Emperor totally backfired from the very beginning.


Nefla: That cheetah is sick man. Keep up with the good work. I just wish one of my shapeshifters could have gotten a quest form to play with.

Dizrug: You were a huge pain in my ass in the lower ranks. Then you pretty much advoided me when I almost killed you a few times.


Paskat: I still can't figure you out. You would do so much better as an Imperial. Your status in the Tribunal totally takes away your whole skill set.

Taqutin: Travelling with you was decent. You were a cool giant. Dumb AND Justiciar!


Athellnon/Vos: Thanks for the Hell trip. I hadn't been that deep in over 5 years. Travelling with you has inspired me to learn more about the game. Too bad I've decided to retire.


To comment on this character, the only problems I had was with Neurological Disruption. But that only coming from 1 character. Sorry about all the prayers because I can't use browers at my Dad's house and bugs needed to be displayed to the IMM's to look at. My whole intention with this character was to be offensive rather then merely defensive and I believe I did a good job at that. I found Bulwark of Faith absolutely useless as it did VERY minimal damage and I saw no lag reduction from it like the helpfile explains. Thank you for all the good times, I just wish I had the Time and Money to continue with it. If someone could hit up my PBF my accounts overflow is currently at -500 because of bills and payments to help out my Dad.

BattleCharmed Out!
53086, RE: Assembled Goodbies. Nezlintryzn DELETED txt
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good sport all-around and I did enjoy the fights I had with you, no matter how fruitless they were most of the time. It is just damn tough raiding the Empire alone when you were around. And I thought the random tells 'Not now, I am busy' whenever you'd wake was funny heh.

Do wish you all the best in your rl situation, and hope you get some time to just sit back and relax soon. Take care!
53087, I was waiting for our next fight.
Posted by Nezlintryzn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had something special from a certain explore area waiting for you.
53089, A Dying Shame!
Posted by Trurkrrag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate to see a fun foe to fight disappear, a new generation of enemies lacks the respect/past that a character shares. All the best with life, hope to see you return some day. Great job with your character. Like Trurk would say - KEEP YOUR TODGER SWINGIN' THROUGH THE TOUGH TIMES!

53090, oh boy
Posted by Zheeser on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As far as #### talking goes, it was fun to sit in mirc and hear about it. The fact was that I was the solid blade that helped you and the rest of the empire in some damn rough times, my potency suffered a great deal lately and thats why I deleted; I just don't have the time right now. We never really got the numbers I wanted but when we were all together there wasn't much to stop us...you and I alone was a hell of a force and its good because we were often all there was.

As far as you go, your cf skills have me in awe often; I learned a great deal from you about the imperial roleplay, armor/prep gathering, ranking and pking....didn't think I had as much to learn as I did but I enjoy a character that I learn with, even when I get beat on alot. Good luck with everything, I know damn well you'll eventually come back so look me up when you do, i'm just not going anywhere.

53092, RE: Assembled Goodbies. Nezlintryzn DELETED txt
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a shame we didn't get to interact very much. Your RP always seemed interesting, and I wanted to know more of your background. I suppose Tiatan just didn't do enough, for that, though. I enjoyed raiding the Village that couple of times with you and wish I'd been able to take you up on some of those other offers. It may have seemed like you were using me, but boy was I learning a lot from it. I hope your situation works out. I know precisely what it feels like to be in it.
53095, Cool char...
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Heck we never fought much but I had to make my obligatory 'bite the healer a bit' routine. Not much of a point other than for my amazing role. Heh.

Enjoyed our talks and controlled banter. I always like interacting with your chars.

I am also not going to be returning to CF. We had some fun over the years. Keep in touch over the boards or whatever.

PS Screw British Columbia. Come to Calgary. We gots us some jobs here man. We gots us some jobs.
53115, Email me at Adkins.Bradley@gmail.com man. nt
Posted by Nezlintryzn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
53173, Your entitled to your opinion of course
Posted by Chokiare on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Chokiare: You have IMMed now. From our interactions I don't see why. Taunting me when I kicked your ass back and forth. Then you just hid at the Watcher and taunted me. Oh, and I took the orb while you were defending. I did it solo. When you killed me. I WAS link dead. How you might suggest otherwise and beyond my comprehension considering I made you flee about 10 times.

-- I'm really not sure how to respond to you on this, because we saw it 2 different ways. You were attacking the maran and I came to defend, we fought on and off for like 45 minutes. You didn't "kick my ass back and forth" as you suggested however. Did I need to run around to get around your staff of wonders/staff of striking/healing curse ..... yes. Did I goad you into fighting on my terms ... yes, and when your pride got the better of you, you died. In that span of fighting you fled at writhing and convulsing a number of times, it's what healers do, no worries there, but it got you cocky and that is what killed you. Were you link dead when you finally fell? You say you were of course, but you sent me a tell immediately after falling, and made it back to the Fortress awful quick. All in all, other than the whining after this incident I found your character quite enjoyable, good luck on the next.
53177, The Battle was more one sided then you lead to believe. txt
Posted by Nezlintryzn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I hadn't had a bad RNG with the staff of wonders you would have been dead. As for you killing me. What happened was I was standing south of the Tara'bal, prepped and as soon as I typed north I went Link Dead and right there I thought. "Oh crap, I'm dead and pretty much full looted". Either way and it fun chasing you around. I take back the whole IMM thing because I really liked you when I was playing Inthulnizra. Like me you had the balls to raid solo. I guess in the older years things change and you are forced to become more conservative. I'm still curious on what you thought when this happened.

Chokiares double spin kick scratches you
Chokiares double spin kick scratches you

I thought it was hilarious.

Either way, good fights and well done on your IMMORT. Hit me up with an email sometime. Its on the thread.
53176, RE: Assembled Goodbies. Nezlintryzn DELETED txt
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Master: I have no idea who you were. But your roleplay was top notch. I enjoyed our 3 interactions. Thank you for taking my role and going with it.

Just wish I could have done more with you, but our times didn't overlap all that much. I liked your role, liked your RP, figured I'd at least help you along the road you had picked for yourself, and hoped that would be enough for you to get some enjoyment out of the character. Looks like it was; you seemed very competent from the very few times I did watch over you.

Sorry RL takes its toll; good luck in overcoming the barriers in front of you, whatever they may be!

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends
53178, I'm not surprised by this. txt
Posted by Nezlintryzn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad you enjoyed interacting with the character as much as I enjoyed interacting with you. You seemed to actually read my custom religion and go with it, rather then just going with whatever. That's happened in the past. We had 3 solid interactions. And I loved every one. You were dark, evil yet willing to expand my role which is what my 'Master' was all about. Sorry I broke role a few times by travelling with drow characters, especially with drow females. Happily I never travelled with a drow priestess. Your interactions is the level of roleplay and experience I look forward too in Carrion Fields. My two guesses were it was either Twist or you. Thanks for the interactions and thanks for the waited empowerment. First healer where I wasn't fully empowered first shot. It was annoying yet appreciated.
53080, Good luck on your next char.~
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
53077, Solid chars, all.
Posted by Graatchman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Game will be lesser for your loss.