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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectEmblazoned quill is now ash!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=53008
53008, Emblazoned quill is now ash!
Posted by Dwiyang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I rolled up a human bard to mostly rp and try and start a trend of more enthusiastic writing. I was sphere poetry and well half way through the character I was confused about being an Iunna follower and an Eshval follower.

All my works are up for the lyceum if any are found good enough.

My thanks to the Imms for the echoes and the constant support and immeteraction that always made me want to write more. I hope I managed to get a few chuckles and laughs and some serious poetic reactions from the player base. I might try this some day again (minus the herald) because Herald is just beyond me. I'm not yet ready to play a Herald well.

Iunna - thanks for the chat and all the faith. Sorry to disappoint you with the delete, but I had other reasons. I was really hoping to be the first evil high herald and aim for your tattoo, but guess it won't happen. I saw you a lot less lately and got a bit discouraged too after the event I planned got bombed with absence (mine and almost all the other people who promised to come to perform)

Eshval - Thank you for all the immteraction. I would like to know what you thought of the works.

Twist - I can't forget you can I? Heh, I'm not deviant, thanks for the name change.

Tiatan/Meora - Didn't do much together but you guys keep at making the Inn a good place to rest at.

Aeilram - Where did you disappear?

Yrlauth - We ranked up the ladder todgerther and you went vanish on me! Sad sad ! I thought you were one of them Cabdru types.

Any others I forget, give me a yell and I'll reply.

Keep the vine and verse flowing in my absence!

Dwiyang DarkRune - Nightblessed Poet!
53070, RE: Emblazoned quill is now ash!
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had your moments when you prose/poetry was well-crafted. As a note, if I didn't enjoy your works (in general), you would not have gotten the title. I do suggest that you have (like most authors) some pretty nice strengths in your work, and they are worth pursuing.
53102, The Muse!
Posted by Dwiyang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Yes, I'm very tempted to play an arty Eshval follower, but playing one anytime soon will just give away who I am. Especially because if I ever did play a bard I'd like him to be more rp and less pk oriented. For a bard who writes a lot, the kind of immteraction you gave me rocks, so thank you and I hope you keep at it, will give birth to a lot of good works.
53038, Alas.
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was hoping to see more of you around the shrine, but that never seemed to work out. I was a bit doubtful of you as a Herald, and in general I give evil Heralds a lot more scrutiny. It is just very, very hard to be a true Herald and truly evil at the same time. I did enjoy your writings though, as I'm sure many others did as well. If you have the chance, please send them along to lyceum@carrionfields.com.

53042, RE: Alas.
Posted by Dwiyang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Hey Iunna, you religion has some real cool points, IT SUCKS that our playing times don't match (i think) but I'll try someday playing a follower again. I must admit I'm too impatient to play just a inn-sitting herald (which I know is not the norm) but I took time out to explore/rp/write a lot and it kept me going, but a few other things demand I delete Dwiyang and so I did, I guess I'll run into those flames sometime again! Keep keeping the Heralds good.
53052, RE: Alas.
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish more people were "too impatient to play just an inn-sitting herald", because Heralds that camp at the Inn generally aren't very good Heralds, IMHO.

Anyway, good luck with your future endeavors.
53022, RE: Emblazoned quill is now ash!
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the mention, this is actually, out of three years playing with a four year break, my first Ranger/Felar/Herald. Kinda sucks that we're short another bard now too. There's only like three Heralds left now *Growl* Recruitment time... Hope to see what you've got next,

53031, Why Herald Ranger?
Posted by Dwiyang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I always wondered why would a player roll a ranger herald?
53034, RE: Why Herald Ranger?
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because just about every character I have had has had a reason to want to be a Herald, but either A) They didn't last long enough, my first felar assassin held true to this, B) I wasn't accepted, or C) I didn't see the character to be Herald material myself. This character is the first one I managed to get into a Cabal, out of a grand total of about five or 6 years playing, and the first time dealing with Imms in differend scenarios.

Meora, and myself IRL, actually, are thankful to two people for reviving the poetic ability I had, I haven't had anything published since my first one back in '02 and I am thinking about getting some of my CF poetry done up, First to thank is You, as Dwiyang, and Eshval (though Meora is reluctant to admit it) for putting out the poetry contest.

It saddens me that we're shy another Herald and bard now though.

See you on the fields.
53040, RE: Why Herald Ranger?
Posted by Meora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
SOmething that makes me angry right now because I can't remember what my registered profile is so I can't edit this, but Meora is also my first successful female character. Every element of Meora added an interesting RP perspective, and taught me a number of things, which was much appreciated by the people that helped her along, and Dwiyang was kind of an emotional motivation for her to keep living, something to do with a "Maybe I'll get lucky and outlive him" from my first impression, but I found out that he provided inspiration for her own works, (which are really my works from being bored in class but writing in-character)) Appreciated the laughs.

P.S. Is there an Imm I can contact about deleting the profile attached to my E-mail, or getting the one I have back since I can't remember back four years?
53019, RE: Emblazoned quill is now ash!
Posted by Aeliram on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah you got bored or something?Anyways great char we had some interesting interactions.I have been away for a bit doing 2 jobs is no fun....:(
53016, An Epitaph
Posted by Herald Scribe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll give a proper goodbye in a few hours, but for now, I'd like to post this Epitaph, which I'll probably find a Bard to send to everyone, as well, and put at the beginning of the next piece I send to the Lyceum as dedication, assuming you think it worthy, as it will be a short collection of poetry. Let me know what you think.


"The Greatest Poet of our Time
His Verse and Meter did no Crime
Often Bold and Often Rash
The Emblazoned Quill has become Ash"
53017, Thanks!
Posted by Dwiyang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

For all the support and encouragement in game. You keep at the verse. I'm sorry about the poem you sent me that I couldn't send out. I remembered about it after I deleted and threw a rl fit and a fist-smash! Keep the heralds clean and strong, you are the one solid presence along side Meora. The Epitaph is sweet. I hope to see it in the fields (in one form or another)
53018, RE: Thanks!
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, don't worry about the poem. He changed his mind last minute about wanting it to be sent out at the advice of Lin and Meora and was quite relieved you'd forgotten. He got to recite it for the intended person, anyways, and it will be included in the collection I'll be sending in. I'm terribly sorry that it caused you such grief. I sent a note, but you must not have received it.

Now then, a proper goodbye. I -really- liked this character. The poetry, the song, the perfomance flair, the personality, the writing, and the jokes. I would've preferred he not be dark, of course, because a dark bard, to me, seems like it would be more interested in power, than anything else. It brings up the question of whether or not wanting fame and money is evil. I definitely need to run a discussion on that (note to self, start running discussions like crazy). The dark themes were, of course, great, though I don't think one has to be evil to write dark poetry. So, all in all, I loved this character, but we didn't interact enough, so I don't know what to make of his supposed evil nature. I apologize for running away those few times if you really were trying to perform. You can understand why my character didn't trust you, since Yrlauth was usually with you. I'm glad we were able to rank, later, as that allowed my character to appreciate Dwiyang and not be so distrustful of him. Anyways, it was great. I'm sorry to see you go. Good luck with your next.

P.S. I'll find someone to post the epitaph after your death is confirmed, assuming I can find a bard to do so (damned game is running out of bards), and I'll include it in the poetry I submit. I'm glad you liked it. Also, I changed the last line of the Epitaph to "The Emblazoned Quill has turned to Ash" because I like how it sounds better. I hope you don't mind.
53011, I am around
Posted by Yrlauth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only am playing something else. I rolled that fire ap mainly to look into one area where I thought I needed a few things and didnt want to go empowerment class for it and I did it and that is where it ended. Wasnt looking for charges. Was fun ranking up, though fire aps are bitches to rank up. We ran around a bit eh. You were good, obviously.
53010, A pity
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know I didn't interact with you much at all, but I wanted to say I really enjoyed all your works. They were so enjoyable and impressive I actually saved them so I could read them again heh. And I was actually looking forward to whatever it was you wanted me to work with in repayment for saving my life.

Great job on a charismatic char..and I thought you were an Eshval follower as well. I'd like to view more of your works be it cf-related or not, and if you're willing to share, could I perhaps drop you a mail or something? Thanks and have fun with your next!
53013, Ofcourse, I'd love for that to happen.
Posted by Dwiyang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I'm very very happy to hear what you said. It is a great compliment. Leave me your email address? I'll respond and send you some non-cf writing of mine.
53014, RE: Ofcourse, I'd love for that to happen.
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmm..I guess you could send them to this email for now. cfs_yean@yahoo.com Thanks much!
53009, PBF request if anyone can, Thanks! nt
Posted by Dwiyang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM