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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectThe day that laughter died!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=52904
52904, The day that laughter died!
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

This is gonna be titled 'the day that laughter died' because it pretty much sums up the entire life of this character. I won't go into specifics about why laughter is leaving i'll just skip to the good bit and hand out the thankyous and goodbyes.

First goodbye goes directly to the immortal staff... I'd just basically like to put it this way 'you guys bloody rock!' You all do an awesome job and i amongst everyone out there really appriciates all the time you put into the game.

{POLL} Who turned off Fortress CB when i logged on!?

As for characters:

I've a hell of a long list so i'll just write something small and i promise to respond to anyone who has a question or a goodbye:

Rayihn/Corrlaan/Eshval you guys dished out the funniest interactions ever!

Rayihn especially, i loved all the time spent at the bathhouse, funny times, random comments and stupid things we all did. You are one hell of an immortal and just entered my top three immortal list!

Eshval you are just creepy and brilliant, everything from the teeth marks to those zombies!

And Corrlaan, a big thankyou for giving me the chance to be the Elder Prophet even though i didn't feel my roleplay was suited for it.

As for the mortals of thera!

"Oh Gosh"

Lauraine, thanks for inducting me all those hours ago and good luck with the Imm life. I hope you do really well up there! Pity you didn't know what you were getting the Fortress into when you inducted me!!

Zambirro, Captain! Always a pleasure to run around with you although I did seem to get us into some interesting problems!

Speaking of interesting problems... Thanks to you Angrimn for all the fun and games we got up to while no one else in the Fortress was on. Man, sometimes i thought your reckoned Soleric was a lady. "Putting you to sleep now, mate, I'll be hovering over you"

Isvalen! Definately putting you up there on the list. You said a few funny moments in your goodbye thread.. I've got one special one for you!!

the Watcher: Hail Chokiare, strike swift and true, the battle still wages.

Soleric: Baaa! Baaaa!

Soleric: Baaa! Baaaa!

Soleric: Baaaa!

Chokiare: Tell your date to be quiet Soleric.

Soleric: Quiet Isvalen, Quiet Myala.

Soleric: Sorry Marshall.

Isvalen glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones.

I reckon the above one also sums up how i felt about Myala and Chokaire. You guys were always up for some fun and i thankyou for rolling with it and not getting offended. Good luck for your Imm life too, Chokaire, and thanks!

Speaking of Imm life! Daelen, remember that Eel? I still like to stir the pot with that one. You really wanna know how it went down? I pointed west and then grabbed my coffee to take a drink and then suddenly spilt it on myself and then tried to say stop but... 'You hear someones deathcry!' Thanks for being a good sport too!

Oh, there are soooo many goobyes the rest will be seriously brief:

Draktel! Dude, upmost respect! You truck on sooo well with the crazy numbers at times. You rock! As for the rotting jokes.. Its only because I always get them with altruism, nothing personally against you using them.

Mcgahee! I enjoyed all the times spent with you also, speaking of Nexuns...

Nanorab! You rock, I really enjoy your roleplay.. Its quirky and mine was quirky and.. Yep, that sums it up. Keep trucking you guys.

I've forgotten about 50 people, I am sure...

Please, feel free to respond and I will do the same.

Thankyou all for the great time.

See you in the fields in a month or so...


53126, RE: The day that laughter died!
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Had me on my toes and I was always locating eagle when you were about. Made retrieving and raiding much harder.

Take care.
53030, RE: The day that laughter died!
Posted by ethelle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I first met you when you were younger, I was a bit astounded. Didn't know what to make of you. Then, just when I thought I had a grip on things, you became the elder prophet. I was never quite sure what was going on.

And your tagging rules...claiming Lord Corrlaan had instituted this and that new rules...let's just say you always kept me on my toes, and kept things entertaining.

I never would have guessed it, but when I heart that you had died, I actually realized I'd kind-of miss you in the fort.

Great RP. Thanks for the entertainment.
53032, Oops!
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I forgot to tell Lord Corrlaan about the taggings rules I said that he empowered me to enforce! I hope he is not angry. But if I was hoping people weren't angry... I'd be hoping that for a lot of people. Anyhow, keep on trucking in the Fortress and goodluck! As for missing me... I know your lying ;).

53035, RE: Oops!
Posted by ethelle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, as long as he doesn't appoint another young prophet or cardinal who tries to impose new tagging rules to their benefit...if he does, and they do, I think I'll just ignore them. Prerogative of age, you know...
52960, RE: The day that laughter died!
Posted by Galadhven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Amazing character. Wish I arrived on the scene earlier because I think we would have had some fun. Kudos to a fun and unique role. I will probably say more in my own farewell, whenever that will be..
52967, RE: The day that laughter died!
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Definately looking forwards to hearing from you again. You were awesome to run around with... And you could pack a massive punch! All those time when you were fighting against me then we would suddenly end up running around together. Best of luck and thanks again for your words.

52968, That was meant for Mcgahee! I feel stupid. n.t
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
52957, RE: The day that laughter died!
Posted by McGahee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well Damn. I remember with my last I had a fortie when you
were growing up, and us heroes were cracking all the time about
how much you liked to hear yourself talk. Who knew that was all apart of the plan. I liked your char and McGahee liked you too despite having to pincer you a few times. I mean, you gotta hit the muter first. I think you were about the only fortie who tolerated me and was kind of glad you played mediator. Still wish you got me the answer to that thing we looked at. But when I figure out how to fix it you'll know who to stay away from ;)
Good Luck with your Next
52949, Farewell to you, Jester.
Posted by Itholin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had quite a lot of fun, Jester. "Heck!" I am sorry to see you go.
I liked how you could be so serious one moment then competely off the walls the second after. If everyone was like the Marshall it would be boring after all. *winks*
I was glad to have you fighting by my side.
You needed to stop getting zombied by Eshval though.
You were pretty good at getting her angry.
Farewell, My friend. I hope you have a nice break from the fields.
Return soon though, we will miss you.
52950, RE: Farewell to you, Jester.
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Hey, Itholin!

"I liked how you could be so serious one moment then competely off the walls the second after. If everyone was like the Marshall it would be boring after all. *winks*"

I don't reckon you were that boring! I've got logs of you bringing out the jokes as hard as I was. And.. I've got that time logged when you said you were gonna drown me.. And you tried, remember? Damm that was funny stuff! Thanks for all the fun and congrats on a good character so far.

52951, RE: Farewell to you, Jester.
Posted by Itholin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, well you cought me. Your character tended to bring the random jokes out of Itholin.
There are very few who can do that but sometimes he does it on his own...
Are you going to post those logs, Soleric?
I wouldnt mind seeing them again.
We had quite a lot of fun. ^_^

~Itholin, Destroyer of the Wicked, Marshall of the Fortress
52952, RE: Farewell to you, Jester.
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I'm thinking of posting a 'memorable moments' log.. But i have alot of hours to sort through. I'll whip some things in parts that i'll hopefully post soon!


p.s If anyone was offended by something and doesn't want me to post it.. please let me know.
52945, Hardly even got mentioned!
Posted by Myala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That just hurts! After all the time I spent around Soleric, putting up with all his crap! Hehe, I'm just playing. Really liked you. Good luck with your next.
52946, RE: Hardly even got mentioned!
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I never gave Myala any crap!!!

Raphru is resting here.
Myala is resting here.

892/892h 463/866m 474/474v 5 AM civilized full 621tnl> sa Be good eh?
You say 'Be good eh?'

892/892h 531/866m 474/474v 6 AM civilized full 621tnl>
Raphru nods.

892/892h 531/866m 472/474v 6 AM civilized full 621tnl> sa I don't want little Raphru's running around..
You say 'I don't want little Raphru's running around..'

892/892h 531/866m 472/474v 6 AM civilized full 621tnl>
Myala says to Raphru 'He was telling you that, not me!'

892/892h 531/866m 472/474v 6 AM civilized full 621tnl>
Myala blinks a few times.

892/892h 531/866m 472/474v 6 AM civilized full 621tnl> sa Too muich trouble to look after.
You say 'Too muich trouble to look after.'

892/892h 531/866m 472/474v 6 AM civilized full 621tnl> where
You cannot sense the world around you while in two dimensions.

892/892h 531/866m 472/474v 6 AM civilized full 621tnl> snort
You snort.

892/892h 531/866m 472/474v 6 AM civilized full 621tnl> wave
You wave.

Actually. On second thoughts. I did give you heaps! Thats what happens when you rank with Soleric for a long time. I was really upset when you deleted. Even though Raphru already stole you! Anyhow, it was a pleasure and good luck with whatever your doing now!

52947, RE: Hardly even got mentioned!
Posted by Myala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Raphru didn't steal me! Didn't you know that he and I were just destined to be together? I still couldn't beileve you said that when were sitting outside the Fortress ready to defend. Hehe, you were a lot of fun. Hope to interact with you again soon.
52933, I'm angry and can't take it out on you. :(
Posted by Daelen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You bastard. :) j/k

I don't even know where to start with Sol.
I remember you first as someone willing to be funny
and then pushing it a bit and I thought you were
going to end up annoying. I gave in and just rolled
with it and lo and behold I had a great time over
the course of it. :) I laugh and everything, and
enjoy any attempt at funny, so I'm biased.

There was a pile of things I wanted to razz you about
including the eel. :) but I'll just let it go.

Best of luck with your next.

52934, RE: I'm angry and can't take it out on you. :(
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Thanks man, I really appriciate it!

You know, i was young in the Fortress with all you older Maran types and didn't know how any of you would react as many of you were the 'solem' type of character. Anyhow, I was glad you guys all rolled with it and let the fun side out when I was around. Awesome job on everything and good luck once again!

52930, Awwww
Posted by Radia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were great, always there to give me or someone a little bit
of s-h-i-t. My first impression of you was some goofy Entropy,
chaotic stupid mentality, but I quickly changed my mind. Not
only were you funny and witty, rather than stupid, but wow, could
you hold your own. Very slick!

- Radia
52942, RE: Awwww
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Hah, thanks very much for your words. I loved Radia by the way and I'd have loved to see you logged in more when I was. Perhaps we just have different times? Sometimes I reckoned I pushed the boundaries a little too far, but once they had stretched a bit it was all fine. I liked to keep things a little random and unpredictable. Good luck with Radia and all the best with anything else you chose to persue.

Thanks again.

52929, That Sucks
Posted by Astinax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't believe you went off and deleted. What a bummer. I so enjoyed having the prophetshipness around and the game will not be as fun without you around. Thanks for all the help when I got the boot and I know you were instrumental in getting me back in.

Can't wait to see your next.

52941, RE: That Sucks
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You got yourself back in mate, all I did was prod at a few people about it. I'd pretty much log on and go 'Oh, I vouch for Astinax'. Good luck second time round, I am sure that you'll do fine.

52927, Noooo...
Posted by Zambirro. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn Soleric, you will be missed. When you were around I was always expecting you to take something interesting out of your jester cap.

I cannot thank you enough by the number of times you saved my ass, by the way, i was getting quiet good into finding problems myself...

This two weaks i am living now, are leaving me no free time left, i am glad one of them is gone already, just a few more days and things will be normal once more. But when I return I know some of the joy of the Fortress will be gone. Hope you set things up and return soon.
Just want you to know that, your company was a guarantee of a great time.

Well played and good luck on the next.
52940, RE: Noooo...
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Thanks for the very kind words.

I must say it took me a while to get to know Zambirro. The first time I actually met him he was made Captain with that nifty title. I thought 'this guy will be a gaunt hardass'. I was rather pleased to find that you were not and were always up for something fun. It was guys like you that made me want to keep logging in and spending a few hours running around like a complete crazy man. If your wondering about joy in the Fortress... There are still a few out there that will be willing to give me a run for my money!

Good luck with Zambirro and an awesome job thus far.

52923, RE: The day that laughter died!
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well there goes another person willing to put up with Tiatan's complete silliness. You were great to interact with, even if you usually were very busy. Well, I'm not sure what else to say, so good luck with your next.
52939, RE: The day that laughter died!
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

How could I not put up with silliness? I was almost the definition of it in Thera. You were always fun to be around when I had the chance. Soleric was always out there running around doing something interesting type of character. I didn't spent much time in the Inn..

One question..

"On ne fait pas de musique contre quelqu'un"

What does that mean?

52944, Basically...
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't dance to music that isn't your own.
52953, RE: Basically...
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I take it to mean a lot of different things,but I like this definition. The most literal translation is "One does not make music against someone". Like I said, open for interpretation, but then, I like phrases like that.
52922, RE: The day that laughter died!
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Allow me to say, thanks for bringing some levity into the game, and thanks for being a good foil to my off-center sense of dark humor.

Good luck.
52938, RE: The day that laughter died!
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Your welcome, of course.

As for you off-centre humor... I loved it. It was creepy and amusing at the same time and i certainly didn't want to piss you off! Thanks for the great interactions, I really enjoyed killing myself and making other people kill me too... (Zombies!)

Thanks again..

52921, Well that sucks
Posted by Chokiare on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a hell of a lot of fun to be around Soleric. Whenever you were around I knew you were going to "push the envelope" so to speak, and you made the game more interesting for everyone around you.

Can't wait to see the next.
52937, RE: Well that sucks
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Hah, I am guessing you saw the sheep snippet aswell?

That was rather hilarious...

"Marshall, err... Loves sheep!"

You'd always insist they were so soft and cuddly or something.

As I said before, it was a pleasure to run around with someone so fun and full of life. Congrats on becoming an Immortal and all the best, I am sure you'll do great things.

52920, My Nemsis?
Posted by Draktel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously, You were one of the people that scared me but I wanted to fight sooo bad!!! I swear you had the best Neuro disrupt of anyone. Nobody froze me for as long as you did, ever. I can't believe some of the times I got out of those, and some of the times I just got really unlucky. I wanted to beat you to a bloody pulp really bad, but you were always very well prepared. Thanks for all the good fights.

52936, RE: My Nemsis?
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

" Nobody froze me for as long as you did, ever. "

Surprisingly i got that comment from alot of people! Draktel is awesome man and I really appriciated all the fights. I'd have like to have fought you alone more often but even if there was anyone else on in the Fortress they'd always jump in, even if i didn't even say i was fighting.

Anyhow, as i said before your doing an awesome job against the numbers and congrats on an awesome character thus far. Keep on trucking and i'll see you in the fields soon.

52919, Well done
Posted by Baerlias on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, we had just a few interrations, but I liked your style much. If all the CF players would have such a view on the game, I would never make any pauses in playing CF.

Hope to see you in the fields.

52935, Thanks for your kind words...
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

From what I saw from your character, you were always willing to mix it up. Words or Pk.. Its a great style also. Keep on trucking and goodluck!

52915, The snippet..
Posted by Martoonie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Couldn't just forget that, could you. Damn you and Chok for that one, but it was well timed and I nearly shot coffee out of my nose on that one. You guys could toss the one liners like mad. Fun stuff. You shouldn't have deleted, and you know why, but I'll save the beating for when Rayihn is done with you so you cannot fight back as hard.

Well done and luck in your next.

52917, RE: The snippet..
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


If you think thats bad...

Wait until you see the 'Soleric's Memorable Moments' Log I am gonna post... I think you'll feature quite well in there... We have such topics from 'Llef's Wing-Wang' to 'Covering the Nudity'! Its gonna be grand! Anyhow, if you've got requests or anything.. I've got a bunch of logs!

52931, D'oh! You logged that?
Posted by Llef on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I (obviously) haven't gotten much of a chance to play lately... here you go deleting on me without saying bye. Great char, hilarious RP. I'll miss you :(
52943, RE: D'oh! You logged that?
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I wasn't there when it happened. I was there when Dep and I were giving you heaps about it! If you don't want me to include it, just let me know, yep?

52948, Hey, go ahead. It'll be funny :P (n/t)
Posted by Llef on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
52912, RE: Top Three???!!
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only the top three?? What! Just kidding. Thank you for the compliment, it means a lot. I loved Soleric and all our silly interactions. You deserved the tattoo, and all that good stuff. I was really looking forward to seeing you do that thing we'd talked about (sorry I'm vague) and I was shocked to see you delete in the middle of it. Wish you would have talked to me about it first. (Feel free to email me with the reason, I'm nosy) But maybe with your next one, right? It'll obviously be a worshipper of Rayihn. ;)

Good luck on your next!
52914, Rayhin!
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Rayihn! By top three.. I do mean number one! I was just trying to be loyal to my other favourite imms. Please don't tell them! You were awesome! Totally awesome! The only regret I had with Soleric for sometime was that I didn't make him a Rayihn follower!

Anyhow, I have a few interesting ideas that I will play with over the next few days, I might even find myself somewhere in the vacinity of your shrine. It was an absolute pleasure to interact with you. As for the e-mail... I might actually send you that.. Rayihn@carrionfields.com?

52916, Yup! nt
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
52918, Ok, cool. I hope your not too dissapointed. n.t
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
52910, Too much fun...
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the most entertaining characters I've seen in a long while, even if it didn't fit into conventional elf RP.

Sometimes just seeing you around made me perk up. Being the lone fortie can be awfully boring sometimes, and whatever the hell else you were, you were definitely not boring! To me, that is the essence of fun and interesting roleplay.

Enjoyed this character a lot, hope to see a lot more coming from you.

P.S. Did you ever die after reaching 51? Ever?
52911, RE: Too much fun...
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Ah, my old buddy Seonex!!

You were awesome! Part of me died when you deleted. (I always wanted to say that) You were definately one of the most interesting characters that I got to run around with! Being such a reliable warrior and a fun person to poke fun at... If only we got to fight more together rather than just mucking around, I reckon we'd have done well.

As for dying when I hit 51? I did earlier tonight when I logged in to delete... Right into a bunch of Scions! That an a few interesting mob deaths like everyone else in the Australian nightimes when you are the only one in pk range.

Anyhow, good luck with your current character and it was a pleasure. Feel free to drop a line if you wish, I have msn, thats about it.

52908, We haven't interacted all that much
Posted by Krynna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And didn't fight all that much as well (I am not too agressive to acolytes in general , and especially to acolytes with duo). But what I've seen and heard led my to believe that was a good char. Too bad Fort's numbers are decreasing so rapidly. I will blame you for incoming invasion of Empire, note it!

Good luck.
52909, RE: We haven't interacted all that much
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Thankyou for the kind words. As for our interacting.. It was amusing. You always seemed to be near when I was on the water, so I kept accusing you of trying to watch me bathe. Anyhow, good luck with Krynna you were definately one character I wished I had interacted with more... Except that time when you stole my orc!

52905, RE: The day that laughter died!
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sol was a good egg, and always brought me a laugh
as Nimloth. Heh heh, I kind of knew you would have the
leadership hammer dropped on you when I deleted
since you were the only good one left *grin*

I still remember logging one day planning to be serious
and acolytish and spending an entire interview laughing
at your actions with the poor seeker =) On a side note
my recent attempt at a serious char flopped superbly, so
back to froofyness for me.

Incidently you mentioned we had crossed paths before. Who
was that with? Its been bugging ever since I read it.
Good show anyway, Solsol.

52906, RE: The day that laughter died!
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't believe i forgot Nimloth. The ones i mostly named were the ones that i had interacted with most recently. I really enjoyed mucking around with Nimloth. I've got some funny logs with you in it, thats for sure. Remember when we were going to go to the vaults but couldn't be bothered? We acted the whole thing out in the Fortress. That was ridiculously funny! "Help! Sleeping bubbles!" As for who did we cross paths with? You'll have to wait and see! Anyhow, all the best with your more recent characters... Chances are we will cross paths again soon!
