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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectBe carefull when you look into the dark abyss.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=52753
52753, Be carefull when you look into the dark abyss.
Posted by Lightmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was a fun ride. I want to give thanks mostly to the imms for making a place where I can escape into some fun for hours a day. I have come along way from when I first started playing this game, (now I am like some hopelessly addicted heroin addict.) I even had a dream in reallife the other day, where I was raiding Empire and fighting Imperials with a lightsabre. That must really show that im a basket case, when I have CF dreams...sheesh.

This char was special to me and I was going to age die and keep it going. Its almost ironic because in the past I have simply become bored or had something crop up to give me the excuse to move on. I work as a PI in real life and do cover camera installs and surveillance. Lot of time I spend waiting for motion detectors to activate and voila taping. Can either read a book or do other things, so I chose CF. And Yes I actually got paid well to do this. Ha.

Got offered a new job which I start on December 5th. I struggled with the idea of logging in on weekends or the odd evening. I just know the temptation is there for me to play at night and I want to actually be rested and not have this zombie look to myself when I start my job. Ill be working in a damn office around humans. heh.

Goodbyes: Eshval. What can I say other than thanks. How can anyone ever play another follower after seeing you in action. The whole dynamic of your role, cabal, relign is just awesome. I wish you could play some mortals and have a clone of this persona to deal with. Nepenthe, Lyriesteon, Twist....Im not going to name all of you, but its all appreciated and I cant believe the time you put into this game.

Enemies: ####, I think everyone was my enemy. Hopefully you took some enjoyment from our interactions as well as the fights.

Nexus: I couldnt let the past ly when it came to you guys. My first encounter with Nexus was upon gaining my place in Scion. I was the only one logged on. Bunch of Imperials and Outlanders were about. And a ton of Nexuns. I guess evil was in overload. But instead of taking on Imperials, the entire roving bands came for me. I was pissed off defending, getting jumped trying to retrieve, ect. Couldnt get a single one of you to fight in smaller groups. Bonded pairs would have been nice but it was pretty lame. So I decided, im not going to let this #### slide. I tried to kill as many of you as I could. It was only at the end that I realized you guys arent really pricks and werent really holding the grudge that I thought was there. Nanorab, Eqithan, Dinkertot, Ebiwen, Dravon, Pilotra, Macagee, Quelthenon....keep rocking the village.

Battle: Man you guys were getting the beats there for a while. I think things are going to be changing. I see some good new blood coming up the ranks. Yuvralin, Trurkrag, Yean (awesome bard..just left me smiling.), Aramonk, Drakgrak, Tirvak) Probably missing lots, it will come back to me. Good fights, always tough.

Fortress: Chokiare, Itholin, Angrimn (eating that fillet right outside chasm was kinda funny.), Nilian, Soleric, Depoetsende, Tidge(I thought you were ballsy shifter), Asterix, Molchek, Llef. Had some good romps. (Rhaika/Zambirro), it was fun fighting you two as well. Im glad that 'bitch' Lauraine immorted cause with her around I wouldnt have been able to do much agaisnt you guys. *grin*

Outlanders: Didnt really interact with you guys. Few fights. Chaisse, Krynna, Mitisuh, Nefla (neat form, wish I had more time to do some one on one fights with you. You were pissing me off last night, I was trying to gather and had to keep running back to fight you every10 minutes. I would have regathered the scepter in 1 minute, so I couldnt see the point of pestering like that.), Dizrug(keep rocking. I like what you do.)

Heralds: Tiatan. It was good having a normal friend.

Empire: Man you guys are a good crop. Khargulan (sp?), tough as always. Nexlinatrzyn, doing a great job. Damn agressive for a healer. With those tabbies I bet you are wrecking. I was really impressed with the Kargthak kill. He was actually pretty tough, not sure who the player was behind it.) Qileor, didnt really fight much, or talk much. Draktel: One of the best Emperors ive come across. What other choice did I have but to come at you hard when you were hurt. Alone...I was going down. Just for own info. ( Icarry about 14 wands or more and I dont full loot. Maybe I can carry one thing if I happen to have a spot free. If anyone looted you, it was not me..) Nastarcio: That time with you and Draktel, I almost died because Forget was on me and my mana was so damn low. I was able to run out of there with Hyena and unshift finally with about 40 mana. One more tick and I would have melted. No shifter can fight off a necro and shaman. Thanks for the fights.

Scions: My favorite cabal. I am probably too nice but whatever. Seffar, I have played alot of Scions. You are probably my favorite Scion of all time. From our near coming to blows, to our hunts, to our planning, the way you talk, ect...Its awesome. Veressis: Good roleplay will bring up the roleplay of those around you. Another well done char and you bring alot to the chasm besides being a dangerous little bitch. Yanni, Haratzi: My invokers of doom. Man you guys have my respect for pumping out those spell practice to get that much ahead so fast. Criles, Rhyndrian: Good trannies. Baerlias/Kanaev: Damn your servitors kill you more than our enemies. I liked running around with you. Batamon/Edimus: Didnt get the chance to do much with you guys. Batamon played a mean bard though, and you knew your ####.

Might notice my general tone is rather 'cheerful'. I had fun every moment.

Take care,

52883, Aww nuts!
Posted by Delga on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess we won't get to those fights we wanted. I had a lot of fun interacting with you, and thought you did a stand up job the few times we saw eachother.

Thanks for the chuckles!
52875, RE: Be carefull when you look into the dark abyss.
Posted by Batamon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this was surprising, I expected you to be around for a long time.
I remember when you were coming up through the ranks you used to tell
me where our enemies were. You grew to make a good Chancellor, well done. Anyways, good luck. See you in the fields.
52866, RE: Be carefull when you look into the dark abyss.
Posted by Astinax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Too bad you're gone, really enjoyed fighting you. Whenever you were around, things got much more interesting. Can't tell you how many times I would get blackjacked by that thief, and sit there waiting for you to attack while I was bound, gagged, and blind. RNG must have loved me to allow me to escape each time.

Hope to see back soon.
52826, RE: Be carefull when you look into the dark abyss.
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While I am pleased you had a good run, I am disappointed as we do not get to see where you would take Scion. Scion folks are among my favorite folks. Enjoy the job and your good fortune...I had fun.
52823, Blech...
Posted by Nefla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Nefla (neat form, wish I had more time to do some one on one fights with you."

No thanks, that wasn't exactly a match up that was favoring me.

"You were pissing me off last night, I was trying to gather and had to keep running back to fight you every10 minutes."

The point was to run you out of wands. Getting rotted kind of ruined that plan. (Good tactics, and no less annoying than I was being, but not a skill I particularly enjoy... especially since it punishes longer lived characters.)

"I would have regathered the scepter in 1 minute,"

Nope, or at least not at any point that it was likely I would have taken the scepter, also...

"so I couldn't see the point of pestering like that.)"

you know... the title. It's what I do.

Didn't really get to interact with you, but seriously, play something other than a shifter, and Imms, please don't give lightmage any more quest forms, it's depressing for the rest of us.... even those of us with quest forms.

52824, Run out of wands...
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh...You would shake your head if you saw what I was carrying in terms of wands. I had to drop wands to get get food out of my robe.

Whats the point of playing a shapeshifter if you dont strive to get a quest form? Its the one perk to an otherwise mediocre class. I like trying reach for high standards in roleplay. If there was no such thing as quest forms I would have quit playing them years ago.
52860, The depressing part follows:
Posted by Nefla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In my lifetime you've had:

A shadowy displacer beast dodges your slice.
You try to attack some empty air near a shadowy displacer beast.
A shadowy displacer beast dodges your attack.
A shadowy displacer beast dodges your attack.
Your ring flares with a small lightning bolt!
You try to cast a spell at a shadowy displacer beast but he is no longer there.

An earth elemental's pound DISMEMBERS the Watcher!
The Nightwalker's claw DISMEMBERS the Watcher!
A shadowy displacer beast's claw MANGLES the Watcher!
A shadowy displacer beast's claw MASSACRES the Watcher!
A shadowy displacer beast's claw MANGLES the Watcher!
The Watcher's searing light EVISCERATES the Nightwalker!
An earth elemental is unaffected by the Watcher's searing light!
The Watcher's holy light wounds a shadowy displacer beast.


Thats mongoose direct combat dodge + when you don't see me for between round things. Hitting for Massacres/Mangles (through prot vs align?).

2-5 attacks per round as far as I can tell.


Ruseig parries your suction.
Ruseig parries your suction.
Ruseig deflects your suction with his shield.
Ruseig dodges your suction.
Your suction maims Ruseig!
Ruseig dodges your suction.
Ruseig deflects your suction with his shield.
Ruseig deflects your suction with his shield.
Ruseig parries your suction.
Your suction devastates Ruseig!
Ruseig delivers a blow of deadly force!
Ruseig's wrath MASSACRES you!
Ruseig's wrath hits you.
Ruseig has a few scratches.


Octopus 8-10 attacks per round, couldn't get an accurate unprotected gage on damage, but looks decent. Entangle (entwine) and ink (blind). Swimto. Some inherent dam redux.


You dodge Veressis's infernal power.
An ice drake's claw DISMEMBERS Dizrug!
An ice drake's claw MASSACRES Dizrug!
Dizrug's shocking bite decimates an ice drake!
Dizrug's shocking bite decimates an ice drake!
The Huntress's slash hits an ice drake.
The Huntress's slash injures an ice drake.
Veressis deflects your claw with her shield.
Your claw misses Veressis.
Your claw EVISCERATES Veressis!
Veressis has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1028(96%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (1 AM - waning)>
An ice drake opens its mouth and engulfs Dizrug in a frosty stream of ice!
An ice drake's blast of frost === OBLITERATES === Dizrug!


Best I could find. 2-3 attacks, probably demo-deva unprotected, blast of frost for big damage. Air form.


I've had:

Your claw DISMEMBERS the Captain of the Special Guards!
Your claw MANGLES the Captain of the Special Guards!
You dodge the Captain of the Special Guards's slash.
The Captain of the Special Guards is covered with bleeding wounds.

<600h 410m 427v 24350tnl 8 PM full outdoor civilized fighting>
Your claw MANGLES the Captain of the Special Guards!
Your claw DISMEMBERS the Captain of the Special Guards!
Your claw MASSACRES the Captain of the Special Guards!
Your claw *** DEMOLISHES *** the Captain of the Special Guards!
The Captain of the Special Guards's slash misses you.
You dodge the Captain of the Special Guards's slash.
The Captain of the Special Guards is covered with bleeding wounds.

<600h 410m 427v 24350tnl 8 PM full outdoor civilized fighting> where lieu
Linolaques's lieutenant The Altar of the Blood Tribunal
The Captain of the Special Guards is covered with bleeding wounds.

<600h 410m 427v 24350tnl 8 PM full outdoor civilized fighting> where

Your claw MANGLES the Captain of the Special Guards!
Your claw MASSACRES the Captain of the Special Guards!
Your claw MANGLES the Captain of the Special Guards!
Your claw MASSACRES the Captain of the Special Guards!
Your claw MASSACRES the Captain of the Special Guards!
You dodge the Captain of the Special Guards's slash.
You dodge the Captain of the Special Guards's slash.
The Captain of the Special Guards gets a wild look in its eyes.
The Captain of the Special Guards is covered with bleeding wounds.


2-5 attacks, dismember - demo, avg massacre mangle dodges like cobra, run.


I'll not comment further as I'm probably already hurting myself, but that is depressing for me.

52861, RE: The depressing part follows:
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It shouldnt be depressing for you. The cheetah seems pretty damn tough and it fits your role. You were going to toe to toe with me pretty good with the drake. Keep in mind I was using ABS and had 1900 hp, plus nightwalker and druktrar. I would have beaten you back with the hyena form when prepared like that. I bet if you had two naked shifters fighting each other with just the abilities of the forms they would be pretty close to even. I might even put my money on the cheetah. With your hit and run tactics I think the Cheetah really suits you.

You cant really compare quest forms across the board. Each one has something diferent. The quest forms I have had are Massive Raven, Black Kraken, Octopus, Displacer Beast, and Ice Drake. Displacer beast was a bit freakish but keep in mind I only killed 2 people with it and it wasnt in my role to be out mass killing. That form could have really been abused in the wrong hands. The imms lowered the dodging on it cause it was too freakish. The toughest one straight out was still Kraken. I dont think I could have lost to anyone underwater. Maybe some pimped AP, but that would even be a close one. Octupus was not really overpowering, except that with entwine, and ABS, it was a deathtrap for any warrior to fight. Pure villager killing machine. But you still had to ABS to be effective. The toughest quest form I had faced was Hummingbird. I fought one in the air and it dodges like mongoose, hits and scratches a whole bunch. The player had chaotic blasts from Entropy power and you couldnt flee it. I had zero chance fighting it.

You gotta appreciate that you are playing one of a handfull of people that get one of these more powerful forms. Dranolian once moaned and complained about his Nightmare form. ####, I would have loved to have that kind of form to add to the roleplay angle. Imagine having your enemies afraid to even sleep. The possibilities he wasted when he should have been focusing on becoming some night demon.

Please dont respond to this post. Nefla is a an awesome char. Dont bring yourself down.
52828, RE: Blech...
Posted by V on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry about the rot.. I try not to particularly use it to much, unless its someone who is a complete ass or its in a raid situation.. but you just kept coming!
52832, And you say Im too nice...you ####. :P n/t
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
52859, No reason to be sorry....
Posted by Nefla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was the right tactic, and quite frankly, I'm suprised you didn't use it earlier when it became obvious I wasn't going away.
52816, RE: Be carefull when you look into the dark abyss.
Posted by Yasmeia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm torn between being glad Malic's gone and sad Malic's gone. You have a disarming charisma that draws a woman like a moth to a flame. After realizing who you were (by the stellar quality of your rp and shifter-ificness), I decided that it couldn't end well to pursue interactions with you and reluctantly backed off. It would be nice if just once I could bring myself to play a neutral or evil, so I could learn from the best. Thanks for the offer, I kicked myself for turning it down, but knew it would only lead to the ruination of my character. Good luck with your new job. Hope to have the opportunity again in the near future. PS - when you get your quest form (when, not if), stick around and enjoy it. You deserve the rewards.
52809, RE: Be carefull when you look into the dark abyss.
Posted by Cadaen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well played, but from what I read on the forums nothing less can be expected from your chars. Well done! I really hoped I could get you to show me some wand locations ;P Shame our times rarely matched after you heroed and destroyed me that one time. Hope to see you back with another char soon.

52807, Someday you will make something else then shifter
Posted by Krynna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And then I will be scared :)

Some interesting fights, though I wanted to see more balls. I mean come on. I don't have entangle, almost safe fights for you.
52817, Why bother
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had little chance to kill you in wilderness. I dont duel and pointless make-play fights dont excite me. I would then have to go sit somewhere and let bleeding wear off from backrack and waste gold or pills healing after one of us decides to move off. And yes I realize you could not kill me either.

I know exactly what fights I can win agaisnt every class. Shifters dont have the ability to lag, so I have learnt how and where to press for kills or when to just pass it by.

(I wanted to see more balls) Another stupid comment. Grow some balls and come fight me in town. Sitting outside the fortress for hours, camoed and waiting for someone to raid does equate to balls in my book. (Yes I can locate felar gear quite easily)

If you can manage a kill (or come close to killing) any of my 'weak shifters' out of your safety net...THEN...I will be scared :)

But I dont think that will ever happen....

52818, Correction to this...
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sitting outside the fortress for hours, camoed and waiting for someone to raid DOES NOT equate to balls in my book.
52846, *snort*
Posted by Krynna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, sure. We only fight when we can get a kill, don't we? The beauty of PK (for me personally, not for you obviously) is that you never know what can happen. Wonders of RNG and such, you know. May be I will teleport to some deadly place, for example, after you make me flee? Or may be someone will show up, unexpectedly? And stuff. If you never take any risks, you are boring in my book. Sorry. Note - it is not an insult. It is just my personal opinion. Nothing else.

As for fighting in towns. Honestly, you don't expect healer to fight you without sanctuary? Or if he is using it, he 'lacks balls'? Or warrior fighting you without his weapon legacies?
And honestly, it is a bit confusing to hear something like that from the one who clearly overuses wands...
I do fight in cities pretty often FYI. When I am bored. But fighting such (quoting from other players posts, not mine) 'preparation whore' in city is a bit stupid IMHO. By definition. I could as well remove all armor, eat some poisonous herbs, and give you a fight at Archmage to make it entertaining for you, or what?

I am not really suited to seal kills on flying shifters, you know. But in the last log I posted on QHCF, you recalled while being fully prepared and not even half hurt WHILE it was enough for you to stay for two more rounds to finish the Huntress (which Kanaev did). The point is that you was safe with 95% probability (contrary to him) but you decided to leave. Which is lack of balls in my book.

But anyways, I don't want to start flaming wars. Everything I said is IMHO.
52857, RE: *snort*
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My goodbyes were totally constructive and in good form. Hey you made the comment about grow some balls and come fight you.

I assumed you meant, come fight you in your cavern/snare...cause I never saw you otherwise. (Out of the wilderness I mean.) So my response is simply....yeh well come fight me where I have the advantage. As I responded...I see no point in fighting a fight where someone is preped, unable to be lagged, and will only result in one of us walking away and healing up. Its not balls on my behalf...its boredom and game knowledge and being able to realize this before it occurs.

Sitting camoed and then bitching when someone doesnt come fight you....is lack of balls in my book.

Actually I only saw you four times in the 220 hours I played. Once you were raiding the spire. I drove you off and you ran into some cavern/wilderness area and starting mouthing off that I should come fight you. Second time was I was going to raid Fortress (Ill lump a few occurences in this. You and andother were camped out waiting. I knew you were waiting but figured I could walk past and still raid. I couldnt.) Third time I raided you with two others/which you didnt show up. Then I was bored out of my mind when it took you and an out of range ranger literally 1.5 hours to retrieve. Where simply hit and run tactics could have finished the outer in 10 minutes flat. Fourth time I woke to find scepter gone. You and Dizrug guarding. I waited till I had some backup then whittled it down and retrieved. Think you logged it. It wasnt exactly an easy retrieval and I doubt anyone could have pulled it off solo without whittling it down.

And if you dont want flaming wars, then keep the grow some balls comments to yourself.
52858, Only log I have
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess these are the balls you have.

Setup: I have scepter. Fortress has orb. I do some locates and notice Krynna is in lands. I make joke about her probably being camoed at fortress since no one is awake except for fortress enemies. Do some gathering. Still camoed. Decide to go raid otherwise.

1341hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM
A Maran Tara'bal's searing light grazes you.
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Your bite MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your bite MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your bite MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
A Maran Tara'bal has a few scratches.

1336hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM where
People near you:
(PK) a striped hyena Standing Before the Fortress of Light
A Maran Tara'bal has a few scratches.

1336hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM who pk
People near you:
(PK) a striped hyena Standing Before the Fortress of Light
The Nightwalker's claw maims a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker's claw maims a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker's claw maims a Maran Tara'bal!
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt misses you.
Your bite MASSACRES someone!
Your bite DISMEMBERS someone!
Your bite MASSACRES someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

1336hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM *51 Human Shf* (PK) [SCION] Malic Cole the Chancellor of the Night

Players found: 1
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

1336hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM bite
You bury your teeth in someone's body.
Your bite DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

1336hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM
Someone's claw EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's claw EVISCERATES someone!
You dodge someone's searing light.
Your bite MASSACRES someone!
Your bite MASSACRES someone!
Your bite MASSACRES someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

1336hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM bite
You bury your teeth in someone's body.
Your bite DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone's claw MUTILATES someone!
Someone's claw MUTILATES someone!
You dodge someone's searing light.
You dodge someone's searing light.
Your bite MASSACRES someone!
Your bite MASSACRES someone!
Your bite DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

1336hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM bite

Someone's claw MUTILATES someone!
You dodge someone's searing light.
Your bite DISMEMBERS someone!
Your bite MASSACRES someone!
Your bite DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

1336hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM You bury your teeth in someone's body.
Your bite DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

1336hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM bite

Someone's claw MUTILATES someone!
Someone's claw EVISCERATES someone!
You nimbly sidestep someone's searing light.
Someone's searing light hits you.
Your bite MASSACRES someone!
Your bite MASSACRES someone!
Someone dodges your bite.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

1327hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM
Someone has arrived.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

1327hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM You bury your teeth in someone's body.
Your bite EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

1327hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM
You make some noise as you are attacked.
You dodge someone's smash.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

1327hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM
Someone has arrived.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

1327hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM
You make some noise as you are attacked.
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in your direction.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

1327hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM
Someone's claw devastates someone!
Someone's claw maims someone!
Someone's searing light grazes you.
Your bite MASSACRES someone!
Your bite DISMEMBERS someone!
Your bite DISMEMBERS someone!
Your bite DISMEMBERS someone!
Your bite MASSACRES someone!
You dodge someone's smash.
You dodge someone's claw.
You dodge someone's claw.
Something glows a soft green in someone's hands.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

1321hp 805m 557mv 21600tnl 5 AM
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds.

1323hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM where

Krynna leaps and grabs you by the shoulders, raking your belly with her hindpaws!
Blood gushes out of your wounded belly!
Krynna's backrake maims you!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds.

1290hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM People near you:
(PK) a striped hyena Standing Before the Fortress of Light
(PK) Mitiszuh Standing Before the Fortress of Light
(PK) Krynna Standing Before the Fortress of Light
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds.

1290hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM hit kr
You start aiming at Krynna.
You make some noise as you are attacked.
Mitiszuh narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Mitiszuh brings the fear of Hell down upon you!
Mitiszuh's torments injures you.
Krynna is in perfect health.

1275hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker's claw devastates a Maran Tara'bal!
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Krynna dodges your bite.
Krynna dodges your bite.
You dodge Mitiszuh's slice.
Mitiszuh's slice injures you.
You dodge Krynna's smash.
Krynna's claw misses you.
You dodge Krynna's smash.
You dodge Krynna's claw.
Krynna is in perfect health.

1259hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM where
People near you:
(PK) a striped hyena Standing Before the Fortress of Light
(PK) Mitiszuh Standing Before the Fortress of Light
(PK) Krynna Standing Before the Fortress of Light
Krynna is in perfect health.

1259hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM bite
You miss your bite.
Krynna dodges your bite.
Krynna is in perfect health.

1259hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM
Mitiszuh narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Mitiszuh brings the fear of Hell down upon you!
Mitiszuh's torments injures you.
Krynna is in perfect health.

1246hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM
The Nightwalker's claw maims a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Krynna dodges your bite.
Krynna dodges your bite.
Krynna parries your bite.
You dodge Mitiszuh's slice.
You dodge Mitiszuh's slice.
Krynna's smash decimates you!
You dodge Krynna's claw.
You dodge Krynna's claw.
Krynna is in perfect health.

1219hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM bite

Krynna utters the words, 'qhije ay xagsg'.
Krynna is in perfect health.

1219hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM You bury your teeth in Krynna's body.
Your bite MASSACRES Krynna!
Krynna has a few scratches.

1219hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM
Mitiszuh narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You scream in agony as plague sores erupt from your skin.
Krynna has a few scratches.

1219hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM
The Nightwalker's claw devastates a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker tears at a Maran Tara'bal with its claws!
The Nightwalker's tearing claws mauls a Maran Tara'bal.
The Nightwalker's tearing claws EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker's claws tear deeply into a Maran Tara'bal's arms!
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Krynna parries your bite.
Krynna deflects your bite with her defensive spin.
Krynna parries your bite.
Krynna dodges your bite.
You dodge Mitiszuh's slice.
You dodge Krynna's smash.
Krynna's claw misses you.
Krynna's smash devastates you!
A ranger's staff glows a soft green in Krynna's paws.
Krynna has a few scratches.

1189hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM snort
You snort in general at the room.
Krynna has a few scratches.

1189hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM
Mitiszuh narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Krynna has a few scratches.

1189hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM
The Nightwalker's claw devastates a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker's claw EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Krynna dodges your bite.
Krynna dodges your bite.
Krynna parries your bite.
You dodge Mitiszuh's slice.
You barely manage to avoid Mitiszuh's slice.
You dodge Krynna's smash.
You dodge Krynna's claw.
Krynna's smash devastates you!
Krynna has a few scratches.

1160hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM
Krynna utters the words, 'qhije ay xagsg'.
Krynna has a few scratches.

1160hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM look outer
This massive figure is shrouded entirely by thick gray metal armor, a cloak
of thick gray wool clasped beneath the visor of its helm. As a strong gust
of wind swirls about this immobile figure its cloak flares and whips through
the air, the small embroidered silver-winged phoenix appearing to take to
wing. One gray gauntlet clasps an enormous mace of searing white light. Two
points of silvery-white flame glow beneath its visor.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds.
Krynna has a few scratches.

1160hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM
Mitiszuh narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
The Nightwalker's claw EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker's claw devastates a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker's claw misses a Maran Tara'bal.
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal's searing light grazes you.
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Your bite DISMEMBERS Krynna!
Krynna dodges your bite.
Krynna parries your bite.
You dodge Mitiszuh's slice.
You dodge Mitiszuh's slice.
You dodge Krynna's smash.
You dodge Krynna's claw.
Moving quickly, you avoid Krynna's smash.
Krynna has a few scratches.

1154hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Your bite MASSACRES Krynna!
Krynna dodges your bite.
Krynna deflects your bite with her defensive spin.
You dodge Mitiszuh's slice.
You dodge Mitiszuh's slice.
You barely manage to avoid Krynna's smash.
A ranger's staff glows a soft green in Krynna's paws.
Krynna has a few scratches.

1154hp 787m 584mv 21600tnl 6 AM
Mitiszuh narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Arcs of energy connect you to Mitiszuh, dissipating with a feeling of loss.
Mitiszuh's energy drain scratches you.
Krynna has a few scratches.

1150hp 393m 292mv 21600tnl 6 AM bite
You bury your teeth in Krynna's body.
Your bite DISMEMBERS Krynna!
Krynna has some small but disgusting cuts.

1150hp 393m 292mv 21600tnl 6 AM
You feel you may want to be wary.
Krynna has some small but disgusting cuts.

1150hp 393m 292mv 21600tnl 6 AM
Krynna utters the words, 'qhije ay xagsg'.
Krynna has some small but disgusting cuts.

1150hp 393m 292mv 21600tnl 6 AM shape golden eagle

The Nightwalker's claw maims a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker tears at a Maran Tara'bal with its claws!
The Nightwalker's tearing claws misses a Maran Tara'bal.
The Nightwalker's tearing claws DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal gets a wild look in its eyes.
Krynna parries your bite.
Krynna dodges your bite.
You dodge Mitiszuh's slice.
Krynna's smash decimates you!
You dodge Krynna's claw.
You dodge Krynna's claw.
Krynna has some small but disgusting cuts.

1123hp 393m 292mv 21600tnl 6 AM
Mitiszuh narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You feel a momentary chill.
Krynna has some small but disgusting cuts.

1123hp 393m 292mv 21600tnl 6 AM You prepare your body for the trauma of shifting under these affects.
Krynna has some small but disgusting cuts.

1123hp 383m 292mv 21600tnl 6 AM
The Nightwalker's claw maims a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker's claw misses a Maran Tara'bal.
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal's kicked dirt misses you.
Krynna deflects your bite with her defensive spin.
Krynna dodges your bite.
Krynna deflects your bite with her defensive spin.
Krynna dodges your bite.
You dodge Mitiszuh's slice.
You throw yourself away from Mitiszuh's slice.
You dodge Krynna's smash.
Krynna's claw mauls you.
You dodge Krynna's smash.
Krynna's claw devastates you!
Krynna has some small but disgusting cuts.

1072hp 383m 292mv 21600tnl 6 AM
Mitiszuh narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
An unseen force from Mitiszuh steals away a piece of your essence!
Mitiszuh's energy drain grazes you.
Krynna has some small but disgusting cuts.

1067hp 191m 146mv 21600tnl 6 AM
You flicker and blur into the shape of a golden eagle.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
Your bones creak and snap under the strain of your trauma as you shapeshift.
Your shapeshifting wounds you.
Krynna has some small but disgusting cuts.

1047hp 166m 146mv 21600tnl 6 AM
Krynna utters the words, 'qhije ay xagsg'.
A violent maelstrom of wasps descends towards you, only to fly harmlessly past.
Krynna has some small but disgusting cuts.

1047hp 166m 146mv 21600tnl 6 AM
The Nightwalker's claw EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You dodge a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Krynna parries your claw.
You dodge Mitiszuh's slice.
You dodge Krynna's smash.
You dodge Krynna's smash.
You dodge Krynna's smash.
Krynna has some small but disgusting cuts.

1047hp 166m 146mv 21600tnl 6 AM
Mitiszuh narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You feel a momentary chill.
Krynna has some small but disgusting cuts.

1047hp 166m 146mv 21600tnl 6 AM You flap your wings and soar up above.
Far Above the Redhorn Mountains
The air rushing under your wings is somewhat colder than usual,
up above the mountains. You slow the flapping of your wings
and glide for a moment, to marvel once again at the view. No
matter how many times you see it, the view from above the clouds
still invokes a childlike reverence in you. It is as if the
clouds themselves form a whole new tier of land high above Thera,
of rolling white hills with a few dark thunderheads scattered
among them. The cloud cover is very thick here, broken more often
by mountaintops than by openings to the world below. When you do
pass by those, you catch a few glimpses of majestic mountainsides
and majestic valleys, many covered in recent snowfall.

[Exits: north east south west down]

1047hp 166m 26mv 21600tnl 6 AM n

52863, Honestly, man.
Posted by Krynna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You take it all A WAY too seriously.
What I did is I told you my PERSONAL opinion of some of your char's fits. I understand it would be more pleasant to enjoy only positive comments and stuff. But may be listen to some little criticism, just to make it a bit more objective?
Can you understand it? I saw many good fits in your char! But this one was stupidly annoying and boring, that's about it.

I am, if I can read Imm comments correctly, not the only one who thought you are a way TOO conservative in PK. No taking any risks and stuff. Read your PBF, please, please, please.

I attach the part of the log I am referring to here.
Please, have a look at it and tell me that it was very bravely played on your part (you can find the whole log on QHCF).

As for other flaming comments.
I was gushing when you found me at Spire. Yes, I did expect you to fight me, you know. The best chance you could ever get *shrug* You refused to, as soon as I got to wilderness. What should I think? That you are ballsy?

Next one, do I really here someone blaming rangers for staying camod most of the time. Cause honestly, it is damn funny. 'Hey mage! How dare you to use your spells! You are coward!' :)

As for last retrieval. One little thing you forgot to mention there were 3 of Scions in my pk range AND (which is the most important part) Paskat sitting hidden at Nightwalker with blackjack in his hand and burning desire of vengeance in his heart (I can't blame him :)) It was a wonder actually he failed two blackjacks in a row, which saved my hide, basically. He directly told me I am his top priority FYI. If not Paskat, I would get Fetish back in 10 minutes, sure. But with binder, quest form shifter, invoker, and evil conjurer waiting for you in the civilised spot re-raiding becomes a bit difficult for ranger, dont you think?

Still, contrary to some, I came and tried to re-raid. At the same time giving advices to other pack members as, probably, leader should behave. Anyways. End of long conversation, I hope.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
People near you:
Marlehrn A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) Veressis A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) a striped hyena A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) Dizrug A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) Krynna A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
Veressis is convulsing on the ground.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
You dart in quickly past Veressis's defenses with the speed of a snake!
Your serpent strike MUTILATES Veressis!
Veressis is DEAD!!
Horrid black mist spirals out of the mouth of Veressis as she falls.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
Marlehrn gathers some herbs.
Marlehrn gives the herbs to the Huntress.
The Huntress looks better.
A striped hyena bites the Huntress.
A striped hyena's bite DISMEMBERS the Huntress!

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)> murder hy

A striped hyena's bite MASSACRES the Huntress!
A striped hyena's bite DISMEMBERS the Huntress!
The Huntress's slash hits a striped hyena.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
Dizrug leaves down.
***Hey, come back, yo!***

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
People near you:
Marlehrn A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) a striped hyena A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) Krynna A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
The high pitched laugh of an amused hyena sounds in the distance.
Your thrust maims a striped hyena!
A striped hyena has some small but disgusting cuts.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)> Dizrug has arrived.
The Huntress says 'Blessings of the Ancients upon you, Outlander.'
A striped hyena has some small but disgusting cuts.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
Dizrug entangles a striped hyena and sends him to the ground!
Dizrug's lash scratches a striped hyena.
The high pitched laugh of an amused hyena sounds in the distance.
A striped hyena has some small but disgusting cuts.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
A striped hyena's bite MASSACRES the Huntress!
A striped hyena's bite misses the Huntress.
Dizrug spits a glob of slime aimed at a striped hyena's face!
A striped hyena narrowly avoids being spat upon by Dizrug!
A striped hyena dodges your thrust.
The razor sharp blades attached to your gloves slice at a striped hyena!
A striped hyena dodges your claw.
A striped hyena dodges your claw.
A striped hyena has some small but disgusting cuts.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)> cb Hyena
Krynna: Hyena
A striped hyena has some small but disgusting cuts.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
You leap and grab a striped hyena, raking his belly with your hindpaws!
A striped hyena's belly begins gushing out bright red bursts of blood!
Your backrake DISMEMBERS a striped hyena!
A striped hyena has some small but disgusting cuts.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
A striped hyena's bite DISMEMBERS the Huntress!
A striped hyena's bite DISMEMBERS the Huntress!
A striped hyena's bite misses the Huntress.
A striped hyena is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
The Huntress's kicked dirt scratches a striped hyena.
A striped hyena dodges your thrust.
A striped hyena dodges your claw.
A striped hyena has some small but disgusting cuts.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
***Edited out for some reasons, nothing of importance***

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
Dizrug lashes out with a silver chain flail and entwines a striped hyena tightly!
A striped hyena has some small but disgusting cuts.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
A striped hyena's bite MASSACRES the Huntress!
A striped hyena's bite DISMEMBERS the Huntress!
Dizrug's shocking bite maims a striped hyena!
The Huntress's slash injures a striped hyena.
A striped hyena dodges your thrust.
A striped hyena dodges your thrust.
A striped hyena dodges your thrust.
A striped hyena has some small but disgusting cuts.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
Krynna: Entwine
A striped hyena has some small but disgusting cuts.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
The edges of a striped hyena's being stretch and twist and he becomes a golden eagle.
A golden eagle's bones creak and snap as he shapeshifts.
A golden eagle's shapeshifting decimates him!
A golden eagle's claw MANGLES the Huntress!
The Huntress's slash mauls a golden eagle.
Your thrust MUTILATES a golden eagle!
A golden eagle dodges your claw.
A golden eagle is covered with bleeding wounds.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)> invoke joojoo
You may only invoke the power of joojoo once per day.
A golden eagle is covered with bleeding wounds.

<846(79%) 684(100%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)> c 'cloud of wasp'
The wasps fail to heed your call.
A golden eagle is covered with bleeding wounds.

<846(79%) 639(93%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
Dizrug dual wields a mace of water.
A golden eagle's claw MANGLES the Huntress!
Dizrug's shocking bite MUTILATES a golden eagle!
Dizrug's shocking bite misses a golden eagle.
The Huntress's slash wounds a golden eagle.
A golden eagle dodges your thrust.
Your claw devastates a golden eagle!
Your thrust misses a golden eagle.
A golden eagle is covered with bleeding wounds.

<846(79%) 639(93%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
The edges of a golden eagle's being stretch and twist and he returns to normal.
Malic's bones creak and snap as he shapeshifts.
Malic's shapeshifting mauls him.
Malic is covered with bleeding wounds.

<846(79%) 639(93%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
Malic utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
Malic disappears.

<846(79%) 639(93%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)> l
A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
You are walking on a thick organic ramp that has grown from the
trunk of the enormous, ancient tree that looms to high above to the
north. The ramp zigzags and spirals in an organic, chaotic fashion
that makes it difficult to navigate. A thick and dangerous bramble
of thorns grows profusely at the edge of the path, making ascent
impossible save for a singular path that meanders its way across the
wood. A round knot in the wood forms a ledge here, forming the only
flat area on the ramp. To the north, the ramp continues to ascend while
a steep descent downwards the ramp meets the forest floor below.

The corpse of Veressis is here, badly sliced and hacked.
Fresh blood pools at the base of a nearby tree.
(WANTED) Dizrug is here.
A cunning female centaur with a mighty longbow stands guard here.

<846(79%) 639(93%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)> look in corpse
The corpse of Veressis contains:
a plain phylactery
(Glowing) the orb of travel
(Humming) the spider axe
(Glowing) a spider ring
( 2) a pitted iron bracer
an Eagle Embroidered Silk Robe
(Humming) the helm of black magic
a pair of black steel gauntlets
firewalker boots
a suit of silver-gray platemail
(Humming) the Sword of Darkness
plate leggings decorated with red enamel

<846(79%) 639(93%) 859(100%) (4 PM - waning)>
The bleeding stops.

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
Dizrug: Return some of her things

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
put 'green potion' 'bracelet charms'
put 'green potion' 'bracelet charms'
put 'potion flask oil sight' 'bracelet charms'
put 'potion flask oil sight' 'bracelet charms'
You put a green potion in the Bracelet of Charms.

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
You put a green potion in the Bracelet of Charms.

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
You do not have that item.

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
You do not have that item.

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)> inv
You are carrying:
(Glowing) a ranger's staff
an emerald periapt
( 2) a flawless blue glass vial
( 2) (Glowing) a clear glass flask containing some light red liquid
( 2) a sleek silver staff
a model ship
a ragged cloak
a staff of return
the hide of the Ancient Red Dragon
(Humming) Mael'nek, the Skullcleaver
(Glowing) (Humming) Golrhun, the Great Axe
(Glowing) (Humming) a multi-faceted glass rod
a bandit's robe

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
Kanaev has arrived.

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
Marlehrn has arrived.
The Huntress says 'Blessings of the Ancients upon you, Outlander.'

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)> look in corpse

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
The corpse of Veressis contains:
(Glowing) the orb of travel
(Humming) the spider axe
(Glowing) a spider ring
( 2) a pitted iron bracer
an Eagle Embroidered Silk Robe
(Humming) the helm of black magic
a pair of black steel gauntlets
firewalker boots
a suit of silver-gray platemail
(Humming) the Sword of Darkness
plate leggings decorated with red enamel

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
the Huntress: Intruder! Intruder! Kanaev is raiding the Cabal!
Kanaev's slash maims the Huntress!

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)> murder ka
Kanaev yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Krynna!'
Your thrust MUTILATES Kanaev!
Kanaev is covered with bleeding wounds.

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
An air elemental has arrived.
An air elemental's blast MANGLES the Huntress!
A black abishai devil has arrived.
A black abishai devil gestures at the Huntress, uttering blasphemies.
The Huntress appears to be blinded.
The gods protect Marlehrn from a black abishai devil.
With a supernatural flash, the power of a black abishai devil's blindness arcs to you!
An air elemental's blast MANGLES the Huntress!
Kanaev's slash MUTILATES the Huntress!
Kanaev deflects your thrust with his shield.
Your claw EVISCERATES Kanaev!
Your claw EVISCERATES Kanaev!
Kanaev is covered with bleeding wounds.

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)> serp
Kanaev is covered with bleeding wounds.

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
You dart in quickly past Kanaev's defenses with the speed of a snake!
Your serpent strike MUTILATES Kanaev!
Kanaev is gushing blood.

<850(79%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
An air elemental's blast MANGLES the Huntress!
An air elemental gathers the wind into a wall of air.
The gods protect Marlehrn from an air elemental.
An air elemental's wall of wind DISMEMBERS Dizrug!
Some debris flies into your eyes!
Someone's wall of wind *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Someone's wall of wind *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone's slash MUTILATES someone!
Someone's slash maims someone!
Someone's shocking bite MANGLES someone!
Someone's slash wounds someone.
Someone is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches someone.
Your thrust EVISCERATES someone!
Someone parries your claw.
Your thrust EVISCERATES someone!
A tattoo of a Gaping Maw purses its lips.
A glob of slime is ejected from your lips aimed at the eyes of someone!
Someone narrowly avoids your spit!
Someone is gushing blood.

<730(68%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
Someone brings something around to hit someone's head!
Someone's cranial hit MUTILATES someone!
***I love when there is someone to stun for me***
Someone is writhing in agony.

<730(68%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)> serp

Someone gestures at someone, uttering blasphemies.
A ball of fire streaks from someone's hands towards someone.
The gods protect someone from someone.
Someone's fireball MASSACRES someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

<730(68%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
You can't see a thing!
Someone is writhing in agony.

<730(68%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
Your serpent strike is blocked by someone's defenses!
Your serpent strike misses someone.
Someone's blast MANGLES someone!
Someone's blast MANGLES someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
As the Huntress falls, the Ebony Scepter returns to the Scion Cabal!
someone: We have lost control of the Ebony Scepter
someone: Alas, my life has come to an end...
Someone's hands are sliced from its dead body.
Someone's shocking bite MANGLES someone!
Someone's drowning MANGLES someone!
Someone's shocking bite *** DEVASTATES *** someone!
Someone's shocking bite MANGLES someone!
Your thrust EVISCERATES someone!
The razor sharp blades attached to your gloves slice at someone!
Your claw DISMEMBERS someone!
Your claw EVISCERATES someone!
Someone parries your claw.
A tattoo of a Gaping Maw purses its lips.
A glob of slime is ejected from your lips aimed at the eyes of someone!
Someone narrowly avoids your spit!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<730(68%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)> serp

Someone gestures at you, uttering blasphemies.
You feel struck down.
The gods protect someone from someone.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<730(68%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
You parry someone's slash.
Someone's shocking bite *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone's shocking bite *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone deflects your thrust with its shield.
The razor sharp blades attached to your gloves slice at someone!
Someone parries your claw.
Your claw DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<730(68%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)> You can't see a thing!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<730(68%) 643(94%) 859(100%) (5 PM - waning)>
You dart in quickly past someone's defenses with the speed of a snake!
Your serpent strike EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
A clump of someone's hair is ripped from its head.
Someone vanishes, its binding broken.
Someone vanishes, its binding broken.
52868, Like I said...
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know the class. I know who I can kill. I know who might be able to kill me. I can pick my fights. I dont need to waste my time with nonsense stuff.

Your log shows exactly what I mean. Sure someone else can sit around for a few extra rounds. They might get the item, they might die. Id would rather go heal up put my preps back up and come back to get the item...and not die. Which I did. The conjurer obviously doesnt like that tactic. Guess he is more ballsy. But in the end of the day...who is further ahead? Me? Yeh.

Reply again, I can respond all day. And my comments are not going to change.

52869, Argh!
Posted by V on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am still so pissed about that death! My com word went in a tenth of a second after your serpent strike finished me.
52877, I don't know why you're being so adamant
Posted by Rektath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've fought you plenty of time with Rektath. In the end, it usually amounted to you fleeing, often times at half health or more to the wilderness. Sure you did fight me plenty of times outside the forest, all of which eventually led to either other outlanders/characters coming to attack me or you fleeing, once again, back into the wilderness. I can argue for you to grow some balls and hope that RNG will act favorably toward you in our fights, but I won't because there really is no point. You play your way, I play my way, lightmage plays his way.

Look at Malic's PBF. He had no pkdeaths and 40 some pks. I for one and pretty damned impressed with that. There are reasons why he chooses air forms for his shifters. There are also reasons why he constantly gets special qforms (aside from RP) and has huge HUGE successes with his shifters. Sure he's a prepwhore. Heck, if I knew all those preps that he knows, I would be a prepwhore also. It's called knowing the game mechanics, and people who bitch (not saying you do) that his shifters are really powerful because of the preps nailed it on the dot. Except they shouldn't be bitching since he's obviously spent time finding these preps.

All in all you don't have any grounds in telling him to grow some balls considering my experiences with our fights. You play as cautiously as he does, especially since you are a ranger. I would guess that you have the same equipment and died maybe...twice or so since I deleted. Does that show that you need to grow some balls?

Finally, notice that Kanaev died and Malic didn't.
52878, Ok man... this is the lamest ever
Posted by Wind on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You thought highly of Nrieshee and I bet she was way more conservative than Malic. I think lightmage does an excellent job. No one wants to waste time and risk. The reason people prep.. the reason you camo.. the reason anyone really does anything is to better their chance of survival. I would have done just the same thing as lightmage.
52879, God damn
Posted by Krynna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not post my comment to start long and pointless discussions about style of PK. I did not expect to get any replies at all. I just wanted to say what I did not like about this char, that's about it.

If he likes to PKill only when there is no chance of dying, fine with me. Does it make him boring in my book? Yes. Does it make him less respected? No.

I just personally prefer when person takes a bit of chance sometimes to make game fun for other players as well. And, as many of you can confirm, I often give fights in circumstances that are far from perfect for me. Does it make me cool and ballsy? No. Does it make me stupid? I don't think so, as it is just a game, and death means nothing to me if the fight was worth it. Does it make the game more fun? Yes, I think so.

Ok, end of discussion on this topic. Sheesh.
52871, You need to fight those loosing fights dude!
Posted by elmeri_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As per what I read off my imm comments, you have to keep fighting, even after the fight turns around. Just keep at it man! Death and glory!

For Krynna: Honestly, as a ranger your fights are based on oportune kills. You are playing a class that circles around being a #### (not that air shifter isn't the same), and you want them to come fight you? You claim a ranger out of woods is handicapped? Yeah, they are. So people should just walk into your traps and die in them, or else they are pussies?
52874, Heh
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As per what I read off my imm comments, you have to keep fighting, even after the fight turns around. Just keep at it man! Death and glory!

And if those bards have you distorted and maladicted and unaable to hit them even once. Keep at it, you ####! Hell dying and losing all your #### will only give you something to do after your enemies congratulate you for not being a ####!!! MUhaahaha

52786, Too bad, too damned bad
Posted by Drakgrak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have ranked a looot with Malic all the way from 40 to near hero with an explore char. Organia, elites and all. I knew it was you the moment I saw that first shivers and iceneedles form or something emote. And I knew you were going to get some kinda ice dragon form.

The few times we skirmished I was already weakened or distracted from other enemies (and there are a truckload of them!) so I did not want to fight you much. It was just stun and run or chase other $target and even then it tended to get pretty close. That one time in the Loch I got a bit cocky and you tore through me. Bleh :P

I had a little plan formed to take you down when I was heroed but I couldnt rank up fast enough and now I will never know if it would have worked. Maybe some other shifter will tell me :P

Keep playing. It is painful when veteran players announce they are leaving. Your characters bring a lot to cf.
52787, I admit. I am happy the ice drake is gone :P NT
Posted by Drakgrak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
52782, Damn you!
Posted by Baerlias on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn I can't believe you're gone. I'll really miss you. I uderstood that you're expirienced with scion cabal, really. I hope you'll be back to the fields soon, we really need such players as you're.

good luck, when I'll die I'll say more.
52781, Ah, so it was you.
Posted by Itholin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you did well. That last death by you kindof sucked. Oh well.
I did not fight you much but our battles were always challenging.
I hope you do roll another one sometime.
Farewell Malic.
52780, RE: Be carefull when you look into the dark abyss.
Posted by Molchek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn you! Damn you I say! LOL. You ripped through my char like a razor through butter, paid me for the trouble, and still made me want to come back and try again! Ha! Wow. well let me say thanks for really showing me what a badass shapeshifty can do along with a badass chancellor. I was really happy to have been able to interact with you, even if it was for a short time as an annoying dwarf who bascially just served as connon fodder for your Ice Drake, hehehehehe!. Hopefully you get the chance to reroll once those, what were they called....humans? Whatever those are ( :P) ....give you a chance to relax a bit during this new job. :) Wish you the best and good luck.
52779, RE: Be carefull when you look into the dark abyss.
Posted by Dravon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was no doubt in my mind that Malic was you. Especially after the time you got me when I was defending from the village. I should have had a potion out and ready, DOOM on me. To bad we didn't get to interact more. Quit my ass. We'll just have to wait a bit to see your next shifter.
52769, I'm torn between sadness and happiness that I deleted before encountering that ice drake =)
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Style, ability, and always willing to RP. Wish I could have interacted with you more. Another time.
52765, Mad Props and thank you.
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was a well played character. And I have never ever hidden from another character before.

You stopped me cold in my tracks.

I say thank you because I can breath easier now and start to rank again.
52764, Farg'n runtling whore!
Posted by Trurkrag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Ah got der fargin white dragon hide ter lay der whooomp on yeh! Now yeh go take flight beyond hill? Yeh runtling, gutless bastid! Yeh be mighty opponent ter be mist, yeh ice drake now jus' frozen in time! Har har!

P.S. - Did yeh really 'ave deh blunt icicle shaped todger?

*licks his lips and grins*
52773, You made me laugh
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the better roleplayed giants I have seen.

Also, freakishly strong. I cant wait to see the PK record you are pumping out, it should be hands above other warriors.

Thanks for the fights.
52777, Har har!
Posted by Trurkrag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I won't argue to taht, but my pkrecord? I've con-died (lietrary, then got a con-quest and finished up most of my new con too) :P

Ah well, play another mage, get back in the fray! job-schmob!
Posted by Dizrug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know....An ice drake and a fire giant... :)

Thanks for fights and raids/defends. Lots of fun. We will wait for your next char..Errrmm..For your next shifter :) Keep trucking.

See you in the fields.
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I watched you quite a bit from the skies. Sometimes if I was bored I would strike a bit. You play the underdog alot.

I think if we ever went toe to toe, (with drake) I would have creamed you though. That frost breath was just plain nasty on fire giants.

Otherwise you were a brute.
52759, RE: Be carefull when you look into the dark abyss.
Posted by V on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was impressed, though yeah.. you are too nice ;). Thanks for being a chancellor though but.. (and don't take this the wrong way or as a personal attack) how do you keep getting made chancellor and other leader positions and given quest forms when you just burn through them and delete a week later? It boggles my mind! Anyway, good roleplay, tough ass pk, and thanks for all the interactions

52760, Well, he is just about the best shifter player in the history of....ever.
Posted by Someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done again Anith.
52761, RE: Well, he is just about the best shifter player in the history of....ever.
Posted by V on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Which I don't disagree with, lightmage is a total pimp. But when the fourth quest form gets deleted after having it four five days it just kinda seems like its be squandered to me.
52762, Meh, ignore my posts
Posted by V on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm just bitter that the only person I actually liked running with in the chasm deleted
52772, I know....
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Trust me. I felt bad. I really hope the Imms were not put out by this. In fairness though I cant be accused of ever just having a dead char that hoards gear and logs in once and a while to look at his shinies. If I just started to not log in, Scion would suffer for it. Now there can be a new leader and no pressure for me to tryto fit time in to help out.

When I play a char, I go all out in terms of my personal effort. It is sometimes hard to plan something when this game cane literally take up 3-6 months of your life. After getting the form, I was going to continue right up to when I started my new job. But Im playing kinda sick hours...like 8-10 a day. I needed a bit of a rest before I actually do something again.

Hopefully, you will remember the good interactions and all that and not the fact that I dump pretty good chars when in a bind.

Again, sorry Imms...hope its not personal when I roll my next.
52778, RE: I know....
Posted by V on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No no no, don't think of this as a personal attack on you in any way shape or form, I have nothing but good things to say about you as a player and as a character. The interactions were Awsome and spooky (though you ARE too nice hehe) and your just insanely tough no matter what combo of forms you get. I am just disappointed that you burn yourself out and that I WON'T get to interact with you anymore, or energy drain the hell out of raiders so that you can chase them down. Nothing but respect and your not even remotely comparable to those turds that have a whole bunch of people run around with them to get ubber sets and then DON'T ever log on so they can keep their ubber sets and not freaking use them, that just drives me completely insane!
And amazingly well done job on not dieing once (prep hoe!). But really, Malice Cole was the only character that V really related too and now she has no friends, only enemies and some tools to use.

52784, RE: I know....
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Again, sorry Imms...hope its not personal when I roll my

I'll get you for that.
52785, Give him the comedy quest form.
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's the cow of the se-e-ea...

52789, RE: I know....
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I watched you for awhile and saw how you really gave scion a big boost. I read your role and said to myself, "Ice Drake!" So, I shifted into one and threw out an echo or two. I knew you couldn't resist and I just wanted to show you what the form could do without any preps.

As for dumping good characters and taking it out on you...too bad. You're mine next time! Actually, I never pay any attention to who is playing who. Usually, someone who is memorable will say who they are anyway.

Anyway, if you get the time, you are always welcome to play a character until you get bored.
52790, Thanks man
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was just thinking you or others involved would be put out after giving me the time and having me delete three days later. My main point was I wanted you to know it was all appreciated and enjoyed.

52758, Wow...
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So you're the famed Lightmage I've heard so much about. You were great, and were definately one of the larger influences on my character. I think you taught me more about being a shifter than everyone else combined. I loved our interactions, all of them, and I was kind of sad when you started having to take on so many responsibilities to the point where I never really saw you anymore. Your character was just awesome, spot on, I've seen few roleplay evil that well, and I loved the background for the character, what little I learned. It's a real shame both he and you will be gone. Anyways, if you care, you can send me a private message, and I can tell you a little bit about how my character viewed you. I don't really want to talk about it here, because I don't want people taking the OOC in game. Anyways, I know I won't be the only one that will miss you, but I'll certainly miss you. I hope your job goes well for you.

52756, RE: Be carefull when you look into the dark abyss.
Posted by Nlian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
boooo, now who is going to bite my ass for my blood!!! nice char well rp'ed, hope you are back asap. You make a great enemy
52755, Damn!
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man you were one of my favourite enemies! Pure style, class act. I'm sad you're gone heh. Although our one-on-one fights never went nowhere ;) It was always beating each other up til enough, then a wave and untangle. But it sure was fun. Your eagle also taught me how best to get away/get back at relentless air forms. And you only just got the ice drake form too..I was looking forward to messing with that one more it was awful grand.

Thought you made a great Chancellor, and I enjoyed the interactions from every aspect. Had a useless, now-dead char that ranked up with you for a bit, and I enjoyed Malic as much as I did as an enemy with Yean.

Anyway, real pity you're gone. You were a good one. Thanks for leaving all my gear whenever I'd die to the Chasm too. All the best with the new job!
52775, RE: Damn!
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeh...like what the hell is a shifter supposed to do agaisnt a skilled village bard. The only time you got caught is if you got too confident and tried to raid or something. Otherwise, it was like David and Goliath. Damn bards are tough.

The only other class for just plain toe to toe power is probably a ranger in his domain. Who the hell can kill a prep using, skilled ranger in a single fight. Not many.

ANyhow...Yean was awesome