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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectSeonex is dead.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=52285
52285, Seonex is dead.
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't feel like playing him out to con-death - got most of my stuff looted and whatnot and I thought to myself 'What would be the point of spending another ten hours getting a good set and a crapload of preps?' Didn't see anywhere for this character to go, really. Thought about trying for a leader position, but there was no way I would have survived long enough to get one with my playing style, with only nine or so deaths left =P

I've noticed that playing a goodie will automatically net you a lower pk ratio than playing an evil. Even though I thought that Seonex was a lot tougher than Morior, I'm pretty sure I had a better PK ratio as Morior. RP restrictions are tough. Blech.

I enjoyed this character a great deal. Seonex was a pale imitation of a bash spec - The original idea behind him was to make a character who could kill the crap out of bards, seeing as my previous character, Morior, got his ass kicked up and down most of the game by them. I think I was pretty successful in this respect.

Arial dagger specs were surprisingly strong, but I hate the way zerker powers completely negate any maledict-based warrior without haste. Hell, even with haste they can often kill you anyway. I got tired of being owned not because of skill, but because of call bloodthirst/(insert random damage spec here) taking away six hundred of my eight hundred hp, through hurl, artery, and hamstring. The enhancement bloodthirst gives more than made up for any maledicts.

Polearms suck hard in melee, I think they need a bit of an upgrade here - if I was bashing a ranger of equal rank in the wilds, his ranger spear would heal him faster than I could hurt him, and this is including the progs given by the lightforge weapons. Of course, the primary utility of polearms is not their melee abilities, but charge set and cutoff. Still, rangers out of the wilds could regularly out-melee me unless I had a really good progging polearm or switched to daggers.

My two main problems with this combo:

1. Thieves getting through charge set and stealing all my crap, which happened with surprising frequency (out of around the fifteen attempts by thieves, charge set prevented this three times. 3/15) (this was annoying as hell. I didn't mind it when Artias or Seffar did it, because they fought me regularly and I would have a chance to get my stuff back, but when other thieves who just stole my stuff and walked away without even bothering to fight, I really hated it. One skill going off meant you could steal hours of prepwork and force me to start all over again. Ugh.)

2. Villagers. Bastards. Dagger/polearm arials aren't too hot against other warriors anyway, and bloodthirst completely negated most of my strategy. I could have used a polearm and spammed chop on you guys, I guess. Whatever =P

General goodbyes

Fortress: Much love. I enjoy my experience here every time, which is probably why I keep coming back. Too many of you to remember right now, and I'm really tired. Reply and I'll write out my goodbyes individually.

Empire: Good fights. <3 for Draktel, Khar, Nastagio, and Qzeg. Didn't see anyone else around much, except for maybe Qileor, but I never really got a chance to fight Qileor.

Scion: <3 for Batamon, hate for Seffar. I hate binders.

Village: Bah. Even Empire was better about returning things than you guys were. I suppose most of my simmering resentment towards you guys comes from my belief that someone should need to do more than call resist call bloodthirst to win. =(

Anyways, because I can't possibly think of everyone I interacted with over the course of this character, I'll just say that if you reply, I will too!
52404, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Eily on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The best way that I know how to explain is that I was simply trying to stay in line with my character. My Eily's heart is free, but my heart is not. I want to be true to myself, however, even in character. I found that hard to do if I am too flirtatious with other characters. I apologize gravely for misleading you. I hope that we can still be friends and enjoy playing our characters together.
52413, Umm... what?
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have no idea what you are talking about...
52373, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Graatchman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't really know you with Azilaph, but I think you need to re-think your complaint about bloodthirst in regard to your personal character: polearm is the best thing in the world when fighting a thirsting warrior. You jokingly said you could only chop, but come on, if a rager thirsts, flee. Flee over and over. Every time he comes to you he will auto attack and eat a charge set. I don't think you realize how good a dagger/polearm is against a berserker. Use the daggers to reduce their strength so they drop weapons, and the instant he thirsts to compensate, wield the polearm and flee and then go back to him. His continuous autoattacks will kill him. It's really one of the best combos out there for a warrior against a berserker, other than the bash spec giant sword prepmonkey warriors. And now that getting haste is harder, your combo is even better.

Anyway, just some advice. Take it or leave it.
52374, I appreciate the advice.
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
However, a few things...

1) Charge set only works once per hour against mobs. I am unsure of whether or not this has the same restrictions on PCs, as I really didn't try and charge set over and over on any PC chars.

2) Arials can't hold any polearms. A single boneshatter or whirl would prevent me from holding anything but a practice (9 pound) polearm, the lightest one available, unless I had an obscene amount of +str gear.

3) Every time you flee from a thirsting villager, you get hit with partingblows, which cannot be parried/dodge/whatever and are sometimes deathblows. Which means repeatedly fleeing from any zerker is usually a prayer to RNG.

4) It wasn't the melee rounds which killed me. Trurkrag called bloodthirst, and typed in drum, and six hundred hp of my hp was gone in one spec. I will add that hurl, artery, and hamstring didn't stop drum from hitting all five times, and this happened more than once. I will surmise from that the haste effect of bloodthirst counteracts maledicts quite effectively.

5) Now that haste is much more difficult to find, any warrior type is at even MORE of a disadvantage against hasted villagers, you mean? I don't see how less haste makes my combo better against villagers. In fact, I think it makes villagers more effective, because now warriors can't haste against them and the classes with innate haste (including zerkers) have an advantage that cannot be countered with prepwork.
52376, Chargeset can fire over and over and over against PCs.
Posted by Uthral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Search some logs of Bliztenturt. He ####ing mashed some village berserkers using the tactics Graatch described, except he was even smarter, in that he would flee and come back into the room to have the thirsting warrior auto-attack him. Death came quick in those days.

On a side note, you were the only non-village warrior to really paste me. I'm sorry I looted your Thunderlance after Kharghurln mashed you on Eastern (I was trying to get the Amulet of Clarity and your other cloak) but after our first fight, I lost all my stuff to the Sultan, so I was a bit upset.
52379, RE: I appreciate the advice.
Posted by Graatchman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, like that other fellow mentioned, you can chargeset every time against pcs, the restriction is only against mobs.

Also, like he said, you don't have to wait for the rager to come to you once he's thirsted, you can go to him. And you can retreat to avoid the db, no?

And lastly, from what I've read, bloodthirst got somewhat nerfed when they took out most haste, so you in theory shouldn't need it so much. Plus, he lost some of his dam reduction because they dimished resist.

Really lastly: I can think of two, maybe three polearms that are light. And of course you can gear for str and hp. You don't really need a lot of dam when you've either made them drop their weapons from the dagger maledicts, or if they thirst your charge set will be big dam regardless.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll be fine.
52382, Non giant polearms suck.
Posted by PolearmPerson on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are many light polearms but the skill damage ratio for polearms is specced towards strength.

CF is annoying in that it pigeon holes weapons into race specfic skills. So much for diversity, you want a polearm spec, play a giant race, sword spec.... giant.... mace or axe.... giant again. Daggers & spears are for the rest of the races with a sprinkling of whip/flailage. Yes this is a generalization but based on fact.

The finesse of a naginata wielding Arial diving down at people and using his weapon to herd them is never going to happen on CF.

52385, The age of Arial Sword Specs ended in ca 2001 when flurry got nerfed. nt
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
52389, Nerfed how?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd be pretty willing to bet that whatever you think makes flurry bad for arial sword was in place when flurry first entered the game. :P
52390, RE: Nerfed how?
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sure it was, but it's mostly a curious fact. Old flurry ranged 4-8 attacks for arials, while giants were almost guaranteed 8 hits. Sure, giant flurries were better but arials were still really really good - better than the flurries from today's giants.

After the flurry got nerfed, it was too bad and too unreliable to be of much use for arial sword specs... For giants it's still good though.
52391, Warrior = over racially specced. n/t
Posted by PolearmPerson on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And some do not make sense.. such as a giant guaranteed 8 swing flurries.. flurry should have to have some speed and dexterity component making Arials equivalent. But hey... this is CF. Nothing makes sense here, just move along. ;)
52398, RE: Nerfed how?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think we actually changed it. :P
52399, RE: Non giant polearms suck.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Yes this is a
>generalization but based on fact.

You'll excuse me if I don't take random anonymous dude as the undisputed expert on this, since I don't agree.
52381, Parting blow + deathblow
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
= that plan doesn't work so well.
52387, deathblow has been nerfed huge
Posted by laxerific on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Personally i never feared db parting blow since sttistically it was so rare before. Now not only is it rarer but db does a lot less damage so I am double not worried about it.
52405, I'll bow to your knowledge
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Having no experience with the post-fourth age deathblow at all. I'd posit that deathblow on a parting blow wasn't that rare before (maybe it was changed).
52407, RE: I'll bow to your knowledge
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'd posit that deathblow on a parting blow wasn't that
>rare before (maybe it was changed).

That wasn't. Well, except that deathblow in general is slightly rarer now in most cases. I do really mean slightly. :P
52442, it was never that common on PB anyways
Posted by laxerific on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
honestly you can flee dozens of times without ever getting hit by it.
52529, RE: it was never that common on PB anyways
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's as common on PB as any other attack. Always has been, FYI.
52384, Flee / Charge set.
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried this tactics with a recent pole spec I had, but charge set or my memory of it has been changed. I was doing DISMEMBERS - MASSACRES (through just rager resist) on my charge sets with a 60ish damroll and high average polearm. In turn I ate slightly higher damage (massacres-mangles) on parting blows through shield and stone skin. Add on the risk of deathblow... It just didn't work for me (of course there are scenarios where it works, too - like less stacked berzerkers)
52372, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Kharghurln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go, man, you were a lot of fun to fight. I think we ganked each other down a few times, fought a few times solo, won some and lost some. All in all, a good mix, and you were a classy enemy.

Man was I surprised that one time to learn you were a polearm spec! I only ever saw you fight me with daggers up until that point. Great time to switch it up.

Good luck with your next.
52355, Awwww
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Too many to remember? Not even a mention for me!? I enjoyed alot of the interactions we had and most of them were hilarious. Anyhow, I hope I made your experiance a little funner because I certainly had fun ruffling up Seonex. Lots of people have small quirks in their characters that Soleric likes to bring out and make fun off. As for your feathers... Pretty boy! Well, it was a pleasure and I hope to see you in the fields soon!

52361, Sol!
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Much love, I enjoyed your character way too much. Thanks for helping me grab stuff and gather gold and 10 bajillion other things that saved time and kept my ass alive.

Pity we couldn't PK together more, but I kinda tried for the whole honorable one on one thing, and during raids all our enemies kept running away for some reason! =)

Anyways, we had a lot of fun. You really brought out the silly part of Seonex (The helpfile says two major parts to arial culture - the duty (Shokai) part and the mischief/chaotic (Pico) part). So I figured, hey, even a philosopher-zealot like Seonex might have a bit of fun with this.

Whatever you do, do NOT touch the FEATHERS!
52354, Some other notes
Posted by Krynna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He was an interesting opponent.
Polearm specs annoy me a lot, and polearm specs with bash and learning legacy are major pain in the arse.

I believe I had Seonex convulsing a lot of times, but never managed to seal the kill (damn healing pills).

I would never said this combo sucks though. Never.

And yeah, you owe me fight in the caverns! :)

Anyways, good luck.
52362, Yeah, um... I agree
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You sealed the kill on me once, I think. Though I could be wrong about it.

I was SOOO lucky so much of the time against you and other rangers. Wish I got more charge set love against thieves =(

I was going to fight you in the caverns. Really. But then I lost my thunderlance and all my preps. Damn. How the hell am I going to beat you in a FAIR fight?

Besides, we both know you would have kicked the #### out of me there.
52353, One log for Seonex
Posted by Krynna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Quoting Seonex.

Polearms suck hard in melee, I think they need a bit of an upgrade here - if I was bashing a ranger of equal rank in the wilds, his ranger spear would heal him faster than I could hurt him, and this is including the progs given by the lightforge weapons. Of course, the primary utility of polearms is not their melee abilities, but charge set and cutoff. Still, rangers out of the wilds could regularly out-melee me unless I had a really good progging polearm or switched to daggers.

Let's see how it was for real :)

***He was not online when I started***

<1055(98%) 589(92%) 850(100%) [civilized - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
Your smash *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Your claw MANGLES someone!
Your claw *** DEVASTATES *** someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear someone's death cry.

<1055(98%) 589(92%) 850(100%) [civilized - outdoor] (6 AM - new)> s
You can't see a thing!

<1055(98%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
Someone lowers something and charges you!
Someone's charge *** DEVASTATES *** you!
You yell 'Help! I've been charged by someone!'
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<906(84%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)> camo
No way! You are still fighting!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<906(84%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
You parry someone's charge.
You parry someone's charge.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's charge.
Brilliant silvery flames swirl up the shaft of something!
Someone's flaming bite *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Your smash MANGLES someone!
Someone keeps you at bay with its polearm.
Someone keeps you at bay with its polearm.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<778(72%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
Someone cuts off your route of escape with its polearm!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<778(72%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
qua green

You dodge someone's charge.
You parry someone's charge.
You dodge someone's charge.
You dodge someone's charge.
Someone parries your smash.
Someone keeps you at bay with its polearm.
Someone keeps you at bay with its polearm.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<778(72%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in your direction.
Pinpoints of light envelop you, revealing your presence to all!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<778(72%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
Someone has arrived.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<778(72%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
Someone cuts off your route of escape with its polearm!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<778(72%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
***Here I should probably try to use staff of return***
***But it would not help anyways***

You dodge someone's charge.
Brilliant silvery flames swirl up the shaft of something!
Someone's flaming bite *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Someone parries your smash.
Someone parries your claw.
Someone keeps you at bay with its polearm.
Something glows a soft green in your paws.
You feel better!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<671(62%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
Someone is surrounded by a white aura.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<671(62%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
Someone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Someone's bash MUTILATES you!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<633(59%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
Your defensive spin deflects someone's charge.
Your smash EVISCERATES someone!
Someone keeps you at bay with its polearm.
Someone parries your smash.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<633(59%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
A golden pillar of light erupts under someone as its wounds are healed!
Someone has a few scratches.

<633(59%) 589(92%) 849(99%) [wilderness - outdoor] (6 AM - new)>
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<642(59%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM - new)>
Seonex's charge MASSACRES you!
Seonex dodges your smash.
Seonex parries your smash.
Seonex parries your smash.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<562(52%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM - new)> aff

Seonex sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Seonex's bash devastates you!
Seonex has a few scratches.

<532(49%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM - new)>
Seonex's charge MASSACRES you!
Brilliant silvery flames swirl up the shaft of a runed silver halberd!
Seonex's flaming bite *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex parries your smash.
A ranger's staff glows a soft green in your paws.
You feel better!
Seonex has a few scratches.

<346(32%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM
Lauraine winces in agony.
Tidge looks at you.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<346(32%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM
You parry Seonex's charge.
You parry Seonex's charge.
Brilliant silvery flames swirl up the shaft of a runed silver halberd!
Seonex's flaming bite *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex parries your smash.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<216(20%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM flee

Seonex sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Seonex's bash MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Seonex has a few scratches.

<177(16%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM - flee

You dodge Seonex's charge.
You parry Seonex's charge.
Seonex parries your smash.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
A ranger's staff glows a soft green in your paws.
You feel better!
Seonex has a few scratches.

<240(22%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM
Lauraine sighs.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<240(22%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM
Lauraine closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<240(22%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM
You dodge Seonex's charge.
Brilliant silvery flames swirl up the shaft of a runed silver halberd!
Seonex's flaming bite *** DEVASTATES *** you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Seonex parries your smash.
The razor sharp blades attached to your gloves slice at Seonex!
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<106(9%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM - new
Tidge looks at you.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<106(9%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM - new
Seonex's bash misses you.
You evade Seonex's bash.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<106(9%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM - new
Lauraine closes her eyes and prays silently for a moment.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<106(9%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM - new
You parry Seonex's charge.
Seonex dodges your smash.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex parries your smash.
A ranger's staff glows a soft green in your paws.
You feel better!
Seonex has a few scratches.

<160(14%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM -
Lauraine shivers in the freezing temperatures.
The extreme cold hits Lauraine.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<160(14%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM -
Seonex's charge DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Seonex cuts off your route of escape with his polearm!
You parry Seonex's charge.
You parry Seonex's charge.
You dodge Seonex's charge.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
The razor sharp blades attached to your gloves slice at Seonex!
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<96(8%) 601(94%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (7 AM - new
Lauraine closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Lauraine gets a wild look in her eyes!
The sky is getting cloudy.
The glowing purple dust rubs off.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<105(9%) 617(97%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (8 AM - new
You nimbly sidestep Seonex's charge.
You dodge Seonex's charge.
Seonex knocks your smash harmlessly to the side.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<105(9%) 617(97%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (8 AM - new
Seonex sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Seonex's bash maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Seonex has a few scratches.

<69(6%) 617(97%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (8 AM - new
You parry Seonex's charge.
Seonex dodges your smash.
Seonex parries your claw.
Seonex keeps you at a distance by swinging his polearm in wide arcs.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<69(6%) 617(97%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (8 AM - new
Lauraine closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
A faint corona of light surrounds Lauraine.
Seonex has a few scratches.

<69(6%) 617(97%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (8 AM - new
You dodge Seonex's charge.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Seonex parries your smash.
Seonex dodges your smash.
A tattoo of a Gaping Maw purses its lips.
A glob of slime is ejected from your lips aimed at the eyes of Seonex!
Seonex narrowly avoids your spit!
Seonex has a few scratches.

<69(6%) 617(97%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (8 AM - new
Seonex gets in one more shot as you flee.
Seonex's parting blow MASSACRES you!
You have been KILLED!!

You feel the spirit of the Bear leave you.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!

***Boo to greetings the avalanche, polearm spec and mantle of phoenix combo***

<1(0%) 1(0%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (8 AM
You do not have that potion.

<1(0%) 1(0%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (8 AM
Better stand first.

<1(0%) 1(0%) 850(100%) [wilderness - outdoor] (8 AM
Better stand first.

52352, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Derasori on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was looking foward to fight you again after that fight we
had some days ago. A shame you gave up.
See you back in the fields.
52347, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Itholin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry to see this. I thought you would have made a great captain. Oh well. It was nice fighting by your side. Good luck with your next.
52364, Itholin
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Marshall! Sorry about leading you into your death that one time in kuo-toa, I felt really bad about it.

Your character made me feel a lot stronger than I actually was. I <3 invoker shields. I enjoyed fighting by your side.
52377, RE: Itholin
Posted by Itholin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ha ha ha. Well, perhaps I need to pay more attention to my saroundings. That first death in that lair sucked...the death after that was a stupid one on my part though... Thank you much for that trip. Every death makes you learn something new. Ok ok, perhaps it is most deaths make you learn something new and others are reminders of things you should have remembered.

I love invoker shields too! Wouldn't you know it? ;)
52342, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Zambirro. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess our playing times were not the same, but in the few chances I had to see you around, I liked a lot. You seemed very agressive to people outside the Fortress and competent enough to hold your own even in bad times.

I can say you were getting famous since i have heard many times your name around. Good luck on your next.
52363, I know...
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We saw each other like once in a blue moon!

My earliest memories were of you tooling Morior when he was level 43 and me running and hiding behind the inners.

Glad to see you still going.
52317, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by seffar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
five min before I have to leave for work so making this fast.
I got honorable mention woot woot!
yeah I was willing to tango, but I considered myself sooo lucky for not getting charge setted on when I saw you wielding polearms.
after that I tried to follow you, which I could rarely do, and see your weapon wielded before I did anything, which was almost always a fn polearm.
because of that I mostly watched.
and yeah you got alot less opportunities from it, sorry.
Unlike alot of other people though, you were open only because you travelled alone, and against thieves you cant really prepare ahead of time.
Unless you kept yourself always prepared and burned through everything eheh.
anyway man you are a quality player, come back to the fields.
52318, It wasn't really an honorable mention ish thing
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just that binder thieves r scary and I couldn't do #### once the blackjack lands. =(

If you were following me, you did a damn good job of it. Whenever I noticed a thief or assassin around, I would constantly spam wingsweep in areas with a lot of traffic (like eastern) to see if they were around. Pity.
52367, RE: It wasn't really an honorable mention ish thing
Posted by seffar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
not by follow seonex
but chasing you around i try to be careful and not lazy about it.
against polearm specs, charge set doesnt go off when they are fighting, and a greater chance to blackjack a polearm spec while fighting than not, so I tend to trail and watch for better opportunity.
is why I was saying that, and they can be scary yeah, but since I am playing one, I can say I would prefer a trapper in a great many situations.
certain my next thief will be.
you also crossed ocean quite a bit. grrrrrr.
which made me unable to continue cause often I couldnt find you.
52315, Hah!
Posted by Rinalias on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Who'd have thought thats who you were!
Well anyway I'll mention that when I pop off, and all that good stuff.

Liked your style :very gung-ho, didn't really roll very well with Rin, but thats what you get for relying on a lazy drunk elf...
Hope I showed you a few more neat tricks for you bag =D *Yes a few more =D* You did alot better this time!
I can't think of anything at the moment I'd really like to mention to you having just got off work, but I will say man I'll miss seeing you around you kept the fort alive!
52322, RE: Hah!
Posted by Rinalias on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed your character. Even though you thought I was gung-ho, you were actually mostly seeing Seonex's lighter side - you, Soleric, and Nimloth in particular brought that out. Most of the time, especially to non-lightwalkers he was a pretty stern guy.

A lot better this time? Makes me curious who is playing Rin. Ah well. You'll probably age die, I know you haven't gotten an actual PK death in a bajillion years. Must be kinda boring, actually.
52325, Shoot. Typo. Above post is me, n/t
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
52313, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Batamon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cant believe you deleted, was a well play'd maran from my stand point. you being a bard killer was correct it was always tough to fight you with that damn bash spec. Anyways thanks for the fun fights eh, see you in the fields.
52319, Fun fights!!!!
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A little one sided once I got my beloved thunderlance up, though.

I liked how you almost always came to defend, even though you knew that I was constantly prepared for you. Quality character.
52310, We had some good ones
Posted by Draktel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I liked to see Seonex because I knew he would be up for a fight everytime, no matter who or what. I can't say that for everyone that I fight. You were a powerhouse against me with the right preparation, and I always worried about fighting you if I was cursed. That last fight you got me in was great on your part, and stupid on mine. I was winning that one basically my way, and I used Aristaeia to finish it, but my aura fell in the next tick. That sucked, you did great tho and really gave it your all. We had a good time, so thanks for all the good fights. Sorry about using rot more on you in the end, but man when it was me against four of you, I would pick you guys off any way I could.

Great job, and good luck
52320, I thought you were way too tough...
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our fights went something like this:

1) you and I, one on one. You bend me over the stump and rape me. You had so many str loss options that I couldn't even hold onto daggers against you.

2) I am raiding with others. You fight until your fly falls, and then become very sad as I spam trip.

I remember two separate occasions where I was spamming trip on you and Nezlintryn, your out of range healer just sitting there not giving you fly. Considering I had allies there, even with role restrictions I don't think Grurk would give you #### for having an out of range healer help you against two or three people.

3) you bring help. I become a total coward and absolutely refuse to run into the Fortress until you guys hit the watcher. I hate summon strats =P

Few more things:

I didn't mind getting rotted. Thats the way the game goes, and its my fault for being too damn lazy to memorize a rapid rot regear path.

Sorry about the troll amulet, but you had that damned thing for way too long. Let other players (like me) use it once in awhile! Pity I couldn't hold onto it for more than... two days.
52308, My sewer buddy
Posted by Nihkorzhebus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seonex, all I'll say is you're a fricken class act all the way. I wish every enemy was as cool as you... you know why.

I Look forward to the next, man.

See ya in the fields!

52299, That's too bad
Posted by Edimus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our last fight and it changed my mind about fighting you, even though you were going to win.

As for being a bardkiller, why not just go storm giant with avalanche? You're a little more vulnerable if you don't get the first bash off, but once you do your chances of winning are high. I've been command-denied to death while enlarged against a normal-size dwarf with that legacy.
52302, well...
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Reasons why I didn't giant bash spec.

1) giant bash specs are so boring.

2) giant bash specs don't fit with my definition of skill. As a dagger arial, I often had to use dagger finesse instead of just bash bash flurry. And it was a lot more fun.

3) I hate giant bash specs (could you tell?)

4) I wanted striking the shadows. I wanted it really badly. And I loved it. I once blocked Draktel from fleeing around a dozen times with striking the shadows blocking him whenever cutoff missed. But that was a fluke of RNG and never happened again =(

Still, you see my point.

5) I had never played a high-int warrior before.

6) Dagger specs are fun! Except against village berserkers.

7) Yeah, I probably missed a quite a few kills because I only carried around 200/350 pounds (I wanted *some* dodge) and wasn't a giant, BUT high arial int/wis helps so much against bards. I *never* was afraid of fiend or lullaby. I think I was only slept by a bard two or three times, despite all my fights against you, Batamon, and Dwiyang, and most Fiends would hit me once every four or five rounds.

8) I hate giant bash specs.
52358, RE: well...
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1) giant bash specs are so boring.
>3) I hate giant bash specs (could you tell?)
>8) I hate giant bash specs.

I agree (even when I'm not playing a bard). A giant bash spec is extremely effective and equally uninteresting.
52298, Nemisis! Nemisis! Nemisis!
Posted by Taqutin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We always had lopsided fights, either you were killing me pretty quickly or I was killing you pretty quickly. I remember the first time you attacked me, we didn't hit each other, but you basically lagged me out with your bash spec (did you have that?) and your thunderlance did almost all the damage to me. This was before I had any legacies, I was an unhappy camper, and developed a hatred for that polearm :)

Everything aside, you were a great enemy and a good player and always a good sport. Thanks for being that and know that as a player I appreciate it. Good luck!
52303, Ouch
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fighting you was no fun at later levels.

Damn, hour past midnight and balance.

Especially with that high-damage electric exotic you used.

I saw no way I could really kill you one on one, and a dozen ways you could tool me.

P.S. Thunderlance progs are the only reason I could ever kill anyone with polearms =P
52296, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Nilian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
booo, you will be missed. Many times it was just you and I and we would kick some ass. hurry up and get back.
52323, Ah, Nilian
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I <3 pallies. Summoners are the best complement for a warrior, specially a semi-bash spec. We did kick some ass, didn't we?

Good times, good times.
52295, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Astinax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What a bummer, I so enjoyed raiding, exploring and just hanging out with you in the fortress. Thought you were a class act and a well played character. Going to be bummed out not seeing you in the fortress anymore.

Good luck with your next.

52324, The Dwarf!
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was how I thought of you and Llef. Angrimn doesn't sound like a dwarf to me! I played Bliggy and developed his personality and accent with dwarfy dwarves like Aarn, Alriac, Hrugald, and Barduin. So I've got this really set thing in my mind about dwarves.

Pity Seonex only drank tea. He wasn't much of a party-goer guy.
52294, Here is a voice of a wisdom.
Posted by Arrazn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am not a good warrior player, but your post forced me to reply.

--'What would be the point of spending another ten hours getting a good set and a crapload of preps?'--

Ugh - this just silly, they already removed most of the preps ;) You dont need them much to fight others.

--I got tired of being owned not because of skill, but because of call bloodthirst/(insert random damage spec here) --

Ugh again, that was said so many times.

1. Play one with 100% pk ratio berserker to prove it. (They are weak vs a bit skilled player. I have a tip for you. They have a timer on bloodthrist, and they have a limited regen, moves..Use your brains my young padavan.

---Polearms suck hard in melee,--

Wrong, make a search on dios.

- if I was bashing a ranger of equal rank in the wilds--

Mmmm, yes, I am Arrazn, and I can say it, you are an idiot. Don't bash rangers in the wilds. You missed something.

--Thieves getting through charge set and stealing all my crap..

There are so many ways to avoid this. I am also suggest you to read a help on a charge set and polearm spec.--

PS: If your idea was to PWN everyone with dagger skills - sorry, it works only on middle levels on newbies.

Calm down and come back.
52301, I'm pretty calm.
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) I've had fights where I was wielding a polearm and got one attack per round three or four times in a row, with enhanced reactions and striking the shadows going off too. A warrior with enhanced reactions might not WIN against a ranger in the wilds, but to have a ranger spear healing faster than I can HURT him is pretty bad, especially wielding a progging weapon that he can't parry well, don't you think?

Besides, we all know bash solves everything.

2) I deleted because I didn't feel like re-gathering stuff, because of aforementioned reasons. I wasn't complaining, more giving a reason why I didn't con-death Seonex like I did with Dinian, Bliggy, Silvellien, etc.

3) I wasn't pissed off because I thought villagers all took no skill. I was pissed off because IF you were a dagger spec and I was a villager berserker, I could type in call resist call bloodthirst and kick your ass up and down the eastern road. Yeah, there are a lot of drawbacks. But my point remains - dagger specs with very little dam redux are ineffective against bloodthirst's particular bonuses.

4) Okay. I think polearms need more hits in combat because it as it is it was pretty useless (unless you are going to outmelee them severely and you need to block their fleeing, daggers were almost always the better option). Big effing deal. Its not like I'm telling the Imms that their game sucks and they need to tear down six cabals and restructure the entire looting system. At most it would be a minor tweak, IF they decided I was right. *shrug*
52304, Please
Posted by Arrazn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I will post in my common way I will be banned. So, please try to READ. I know, posting something in CAPS is not a good way. BUT, READ.

--I've had fights where I was wielding a polearm and got one attack per round three or four times in a row, with enhanced reactions and striking the shadows going off too. A warrior with enhanced reactions might not WIN against a ranger in the wilds, but to have a ranger spear healing faster than I can HURT him is pretty bad, especially wielding a progging weapon that he can't parry well, don't you think?--

Good thing that I dont play CF anymore when I am drunk, listen here, you are missing this point again and again. A RANGER, is a WILD WARRIOR. I suggest you to type 'help wildness fam'. Or do you think that a warrior (especialy a def warr type) should nail a ranger in the wilds? Who will play rangers? My dear...

--I wasn't complaining, more giving a reason why I didn't con-death Seonex like I did with Dinian, Bliggy, Silvellien, etc.-

If I were a psychologist I would say that you are care about current problems, such as you named in your post. And more that I will left behind. But polearms more then ok. Its SIZE based my dear. If you sucked , it doesn't mean that everybody will suck with them.

And again, play a giant pole/hands spec. ;)

Sorry, my dear, you are complain. Should I say why?

---But my point remains - dagger specs with very little dam redux are ineffective against bloodthirst's particular bonuses--

Yes, They are, if you use them dumb, like an 10 little years boy. HEY! I got a gun! C'mon! I will fire all my bullets..No ####, We will fight after that you will spend them.

52306, Useless to argue with this guy Seonex, just let it go.
Posted by Random Player on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even if he is wrong, he will argue and argue and insult you and most of the time you won't even understand him. So lets just drop it and not pollute this goodbye thread with this. Seonex's goodbye thread doesn't deserve this and I hope Azzarn you recognize that and not continue.
52435, Even though nearly illegible, his points are correct. nt
Posted by elmeri_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
52312, Bliggy!!
Posted by Daelen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really had fun running around with Seo. A great pal to have, and
you'll defnitely be missed in the Fort.

Best of luck with your next. :)
52293, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seo was a good egg, always fun to have about.
Idiot chars like mine don't work without good
solid ones to bounce off. Good stuff =)Heh heh
we seem to log the same times, so maybe I will see
you again...

*Nimloth points at you*

52321, I liked Nimloth a lot
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I was very sad when you deleted.

You should have stayed, dammit! I was going to try and get a confrontation between Lauraine's policy and my beliefs about Nexus, and you would have been great help.

She was a lot of fun to be around. Damned happy-go-lucky Acolytes.
52289, Sorry to see you go.
Posted by Elleinia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always wondered how an arial (or similar low str/high dex char) would do with polearm... seems you weren't too thrilled - though I nearly took it myself (chose spear instead - blech)

Hope to see you around
52290, RE: Sorry to see you go.
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Polearms were a pain in the ass.

The single best polearm I could use was a thirty pound one. With 19 strength, this meant a loss of one strength point would cause me to drop it. Even with a few strength preps and gear, I dropped it all the time.

HOWEVER charge set saved my ass a dozen times against ranger snares (I still got snared, but they'd get oblited when they tried to ambush =P), cutoff netted me some kills (though it was pretty unreliable even at 100%, and distance is a pretty good defense. So it was a tradeoff - polearms were more effective when at the beginning and end of a fight, and daggers were for the middle.

Anyone with under 19 strength probably shouldn't attempt it unless you have a specific polearm in mind that you can hold come hell or high water.

And polearms suck in melee. Don't bother with it.
52288, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Tiatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm going to miss this character. I really enjoyed our interactions, even if they were few.
52287, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Gabe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1. Thieves getting through charge set and stealing all my
>crap, which happened with surprising frequency (out of around
>the fifteen attempts by thieves, charge set prevented this
>three times. 3/15) (this was annoying as hell. I didn't mind
>it when Artias or Seffar did it, because they fought me
>regularly and I would have a chance to get my stuff back, but
>when other thieves who just stole my stuff and walked away
>without even bothering to fight, I really hated it. One skill
>going off meant you could steal hours of prepwork and force me
>to start all over again. Ugh.)

Wear a girdle of endless space so they can't rob your preps?

52292, That is way too damn sensible for me. I think I'll take the hard way out n/t
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
52286, RE: Seonex is dead.
Posted by Malic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Seonex. When I was ranking up and out of your range I watched some pretty good fights with you. We mixed it up a few times, though never had a real good fight with both of us prepped.

Good job man.
52291, Yeah!
Posted by Seonex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I envied your ability to take on thirsting ragers.

You seemed very competent and willing to interact. I enjoyed both our fights and our little talks. Sadly enough, I didn't have very much to say to you, other than some variation of "Redemption! Salvation! Or else I'll kill you!"

Seonex was a zealot-philosopher, with a really narrow worldview. As a result, he had issues dealing with people who weren't lightwalkers. =P