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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Droba the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=51871
51871, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Droba the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Oct 25 20:44:40 2006

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 32nd of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Droba perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
51873, Goodbyes etc.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this was a fun character but the magic was gone (no pun intended). This was the first hero warrior I'd had since legacies went in, so I wanted to try that out. I'd also never had a defender in battle, so I wanted to try that out. I'd ALSO never had a dwarf warrior since the first age (Kurse - Rager).

It was a good time, but I don't think defender is necessarily the way to go for me for playing a warrior. Ranger/bard/assassin? Sure. And other people can make a warrior defender kick ass. Me? Not so much.

Fun character though.

Outlander: Pains in the ass. None of you ever killed me as far as I recall. And I got one of you at least twice (not sure if he was Outlander or wannabe). Which actually didn't make me all that happy - Droba was meant to kill mages not rangers (though it turns out he was an animist so it's all good :P)

Tribs: Pains in the ass. I typically avoided towns though so in general no biggie. Eoal I'm wondering how close I was to killing you in Voralian that time? Taqutin that kill sucked but it was nicely pulled off on your end.

Scion: Batamon you seem pretty tough - neither of us got the other that I recall but you seemed to make me flee more than I made you flee. Dimoni that was just really, really nicely played when you killed me (and really poorly executed on my part). And I'm guessing I'm one of the ones you totally should have cleanly assassinated because I was in the Village for about an hour realtime healing the massive giant.

Empire: Draktel - props. You were always sticking it out with a bunch of enemies in range. Droba was always IC not really wanting to hunt you because you were just a "misguided priest" and he was after mages. That long drawn-out fight where we both sorta withdrew was really fun. Zhaltum you quite simply owned me and it sucked. Nice job.

Fortress: Meh. Barely interacted with any of you, and most of you were the sort of "stick my nose up at any rager" types. Or seemed like it. Fadderth was different and actually grouped with me once. Imagine my surprise/dismay/anger (IC) when he went to...

Nexus: I hardly know any of you IC...so many of the ones I fought were gnome shifters that it was hard to tell if I was fighting one of you or just someone who was with other Nexus-folk.

Battle: Most of you just plain kick ass, and I really enjoyed fighting alongside you. I'm sure I'll leave out a few of you. Sorry if I do!
Azilaph: You're a leader without being the leader. It was great to level up with you. You're semi-bossy but you're also usually right, and you weren't afraid to let someone else lead if you didn't feel comfortable. I'd only lead occasionally because a lot of times I have more fun if mortals are leading me around than vice-versa. Also because some of the newer areas I just haven't explored. I do have to say though - it was excruciating during the questy stuff when I knew damn good and well that the direction you were going was wrong, but only as an Imm. I can handle that part (been avoiding Imm-knowledge for years now). The hardest part was during stuff when I had reason to know IC (such as the fact that it was, in fact, a goddamn dragon that we had to find) and you still wanted to check other stuff like the High Lord. Ah well, you guys ended up finding the vial anyways. Good character, keep it up man!
Zunza: Another co-leveler dwarf, from pre-rager days. Started to see less and less of you toward the end though.
Grimbledorf: Yet another co-leveler dwarf. And another mace guy. Keep clobberin'!
Fualuch: Dude. The role? Annoying as hell. The roleplay? Consistent and good. Keep on truckin' and don't let the hatahs get you down.
Trurkrag, Yean, Takka, Bhoreahk: I only spent brief moments with you guys, but they were fun when we did. Trurkrag - "todger"...heh.
Yuvralin: Also didn't interact with you very often (playing times and all that). When I did, you seemed very solid and a good leader.
Finally, Rektath: Thanks for inducting me. Hope I didn't let you down. It kinda sucked being the "demonstration" when you decided you were going to crack down on gangbanging, especially since I honestly did think you had fled (Nefla attacked you, not vice versa). I know I should have realized you were just fleeing to bandage/hamstring/etc. but I actually thought I was doing my job as a defender, giving you time to get away. Anyways I hope I handled my end well, not bitching about it and just sucking up the pkloss etc. etc. In general it was always sorta love/hate to see you logon - you were a kickass fighter but I just knew I would be hearing you bitch someone out for something. I know it's your role and all but that doesn't make it easier to take. :P

Imms: Well, you all rock, of course ;). Actually since only one of you knew who Droba was (as far as I know), and that one didn't really interact with me, I can honestly say good job y'all. The various questiness (Cragstone defense, Village defense, search for the anvil and blood, etc.) was all awesome.

Oh and if you read this far - no, posting as Twist wasn't accidental. :)
51875, Whoo I beat up Twist!
Posted by Zhaltum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, I almost have to ask, WHY defender dwarf dagger/mace?!
Honestly now!
51876, Woo so did I!
Posted by Rektath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've lost count of people that inducted. In any case, sorry if I made your experience worse. Contrary to what you might think, I didn't try to make a 'demonstration' of you. I've actually been using the circle alot throughout Rektath's entire life for to fight people who I didn't think were up to standards according to what Rektath believes a Villager should be. In fact, that's precisely the reason why Lerimos made me drillmaster. But heck, this is why I made a villager for and I'm sticking to the role so far. Too bad Ordasen isn't around anymore.

I think I liked Droba initially...later, I just got the feeling that you weren't into the character much. That's one of the reason why I took you to the circle...I was just waiting for you to give a good reason/rp excuse or try to somehow squirm your way out of it. Didn't really sense the effort and well...it ended up badly for you.

To be fair, there are times when I feel really bad for screwing up another character. However, I told myself that I'd go out with a bang, and I'm sticking to that. Sometimes I can hear the collective groans of most of the other villagers when I log on. But heck, a drillmaster's gotta be what a drillmaster's gotta be.

I'm glad I killed an imm btw :)
51882, Nah, man, it's all good.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did exactly as I'd have expected you to do, by the way you play your role. What I meant by being a "demonstration" was you had just posted either that day or a day prior on one of the forums about how "You had been gone a while and now that you were back you were going to clean up some of that crap." Then that very night you lay the smack down on me. :P

I actually was very much into the character and always looked forward to logging on, especially during the questiness. After the quest was over the thrill did sorta go away. I had thought about keeping Droba around as a explore-type char (learned a lot about new areas/changes to existing areas with him) but I didn't think that'd be very fair - I kinda don't like chars who only show up once a month or just often enough to keep their shinies. I thought about just giving away all my limited eq (Dern armor, esp.) but once you do that you're sorta...meh. At least to me. Other folks have great experiences with letting a char be semi-idle and then picking them back up. I just can't do that. Or couldn't with Droba, anyhow.

In any case, I definitely didn't feel like you "screwed" my character or anything. Droba wasn't the sort to make excuses for screwing up - he just plain screwed up and faced the music (sphere Fate, and his role had a couple cases of bad judgement in it too, where he faced the consequences). Even his warcry "Aye then, so be it!" was based on that whole "I've made my bed so now I gotta lie in it." mentality.

Keep up the good work!
51879, That fight
Posted by Draktel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was that the one in the past that you and I just kept going and going? If its that one yes, that was a good fight. It was annoying because I wasn't landing what I wanted to, and I'm not sure if I had the codex or not. If the Emperor won't stand up to the hoardes, then how can he expect hsi people to? :) It does suck though being alone most of the time. Oh well, I'm learning more and more. Also, I think that fight was when I was on my way to get preps for bigger fights coming my way. Roll up an Imperial, I got a lot of spots open on the council, and nobody to fill them yet. Anyway, I left you alone as well because honestly, I could care less about ragers and fighting them. However, most of them would rather come at me then go try and find mages. I always find it funny when they raid me before taking the scepter. :)

Ah well, can't with them all. Good job of course.

PS I think and honestly hope other Imms will be like you and post their chars. For me, it is just nice to know. Nep says he plays chars that get beat all the time, but the only ones we ever find out about are the great ones.
51888, RE: That fight
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's the one I'm talking about, yeah. I'm pretty sure you didn't have the Codex. I attacked you because it looked like you were "chasing" me (was funny when we figured out later that neither of us was really after the other). Then we fight for probably 10 minutes real-time, with me trying to get you to bleed down and be able to bandage/poultice a few times etc. etc.

As for ragers attacking you et al I think there are valid roles for both thought patterns - Droba was pretty laid back about Empire - if they didn't bother him he didn't bother them (other than imperial magi). Other rager roles are very anti-enslavement and can very accurately see the empire as more of a threat than scion.
51881, RE: Goodbyes etc.
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed Droba's character actually and would have liked to meet him more. Got a real laid-back, easy-going vibe from him that was enjoyable and Defenders are always great to have about ;) Anyway, hope you have more fun with your next!
51883, What the hell are you doing.....
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Playing a VILLAGER? Now get back in there and roll up that Scion invoker. Quite messing around. You are supposed to be powershousing some mage chars.

51884, hahahahahah
Posted by Rico on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That really made me laugh out there. I saw "Welcome, warrior!" or whatever the giant says and I'm like whelp, here goes 80%... your assassination attempt MISSES Droba. O_o aw man... But yea that was a good fight. When I saw the damage increase and I hit the owaza I was just praying you didn't get a chance to flee.
51885, Good on you for posting with your real handle. nt
Posted by Nightwiggler on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
51886, Yay for this
Posted by Valkenarr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's nice to see an imm posting a goodbye for his mortal. Nothing fancy, just a simple "here was my experience with this character" kind of post. We all know and appreciate the fact that you guys are playing mortals and gathering impressions. But, to me anyway, this sort of insight into what sort of experiences you're having with characters is very interesting to see.

I understand why most of you don't post goodbyes like this, but here's hoping that the conspiracy bs is on its way out and we can look forward to more goodbye posts from imm-played mortals.
51921, No Beard for You!
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe that was pretty funny.
Glad you got to see the sunny side of Ysal.
51925, Heh.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny when you wanted someone to make a beard for you to force Eudrallia to wear. Then the next day I logon as Droba and see it and was able to act accordingly. Especially when she (elf) says the gods gave it to her, and I (unhappily beardless dwarf) just LOSE it and get uber-pissed at how lucky she is. Meanwhile she's all upset at having to wear a beard.

54173, That was the highlighted day of cf 2006 nt
Posted by EudraliaKrilcov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
51933, RE: Goodbyes etc.
Posted by Batamon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good rager, I always hated when I seen you on. I was like hell droba will raid sooner or later, or damn I gotta go get the scepter, an droba defends, either way close an fun fights.