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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectFirsts! Fun.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=51720
51720, Firsts! Fun.
Posted by Tjijilaena on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed the character till near hero. Then it got tired in an amazingly quick fashion. CF has nothing easily gotten into to do but PK, perfect skills(for the love of GOD let hero level characters perfect skills/spells/supps/powers by spending excess practices!), and hoard/collect gear. Not something I can enjoy for prolonged peroids of time.

First villager. Fun!
First PK successes(not many but a few).
Explored some areas.(A lot has changed over the years)
Like defender but think non zerkers need some way to strip buffs from opponents otherwise it is a good idea to avoid enemy warriors altogether.
Loved the lack of full looting. That was cool. Very cool. Most enemies were very good that way. Most. :)

A few peeves but hey what is a game without a few peeves?

51770, Not to be rude, but. If you deleted, how come you are logged?
Posted by Shadowmaster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seems bad form to delete and post here then continue playing said char. To me at least.
51909, People doing this previously were made to delete.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I see nothing in this character that should make it exempt from this.
51911, No identification of player or previous characters?
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or just escaped notice, but I was thinking the exact same thing. Wasn't the most recent example a good bye on dio's though?
51912, I think so.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But thats even worse than if someone posts their "death" on the officials, and then reactivates and is allowed to go on.
51922, Yup.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is better for the character to be retired after such a farewell post.

It's admittedly a gray area given the lack of identification of prior characters, but not a direction we should be going in, and a specific issue we discussed during the creation of the dormancy option.

51923, I see nothing wrong with it.
Posted by Veteran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dio's is unofficial, anything which goes on there should have no impact whatsoever on the game itself. This goes doubly if no identification of any characters are mentioned.

The reactiviation code was put into effect for just this reason. What I can see happening is a player decides to delete out of disgust or rage and numerous people comment telling him that they enjoyed his character or whatever and that he should not have deleted. I see reactivation as a good thing so long as character identity is not compromised. Though anybody who posts on Dio's runs this risk anyway (a la Cabdru) so there is actually no reason for anybody not to reactivate within their alloted time if they so choose. It's no different than somebody saying they are going to delete in Dangeroom and some people decide to convince him not to and he doesn't do it afterall.

Besides, wouldn't you all rather have an extra player playing in this time of lower counts, rather than them rage deleting and then quitting this game for months, years or forever out of the thought of the tedium involved in making a new character? I certainly would like them to stay.
51941, I disagree
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think re-activation code was put in with it in mind that people could post farewells and then rejoin as that character.

I also feel that to claim that nothing posted on Dio's will have an effect in game is naive.
51944, You missed a key word there.
Posted by Veteran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I said "Dio's is unofficial, anything which goes on there SHOULD have no impact whatsoever on the game itself. "

You said "I also feel that to claim that nothing posted on Dio's WILL have an effect in game is naive."

If people cannot keep what goes on in an unofficial web page about CF from affecting their game play, that sounds like a personal problem to me. I personally don't let anything that gets posted on Dio's affect my game play at all. It's all about mind over matter in letting OOC affect IC.

And certainly a brief farewell post revealing nothing about your charcter is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things to me.
51947, It isn't a personal problem
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Say Geoff the elf is outed on Dio's for betraying his groupmates every time.

You telling me that you won't be more careful when you travel with Geoff?
51963, You shouldn't if you are hard core.
Posted by Veteran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though yeah, most people would behave differently. That's why those posts get moderated. But that example is way extreme compared to someone simply saying they deleted, Good Bye.

Personally I am all for taking that page down. All it has degenerated to is a complete flame fest, Character Assassination and reservoir for useless banter. I rarely even go there any more.

52004, I would keep it in the back of my mind, but no, I wouldn't let it affect me.
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I say in the back of my mind, I mean, if he did anything shady, I would be out of there quicker than two KKK members in East LA. AKA, pulling a Krilcov and leading you into the "bad" area of the Battlefields.

I've been saying for months now that we as players have to police ourselves. The immortals allow us a lot of freedom, which, in general, we then use to piss all over their game. You see something on Dio's, lock it in the Vault. Don't make me and Valg set ourselves on fire because we were so wrong about our players.
51766, Hah, Well done.
Posted by Soleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Congrats on your character, sounds like you enjoyed it. Anyhow, I hope I wasn't too annoying with our silly little conversations. As for that time on Corte! I'm guessing it was close! Ouch!

Good luck with your next.

51743, Nooooo!
Posted by female ranger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go. Kinda zipped past me and then that was it! Nice interacting with you, wish there could have been more. Just when I was catching up! *brandishes a gem of seeing*
51733, I disagree!
Posted by Morior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
NO villager needs to avoid enemy warriors altogether. If anything, villagers are far more suited to killing melee classes than mages. Mages can generally avoid villagers with greater ease than warriors, and warriors usually can't quaff while entwined.

However, your spec choices (sword and flail) would be more ideally suited to the path of the berserker. Maledicts will make you drop weapons (Especially with crappy elf strength). Once you are maledicted, you call bloodthirst and wield them again for an increased chance of deathblow, which (in my opinion) is somewhat gay because this particular combination can destroy any maledict-based warrior (basically every non-villager dagger spec) and several other types as well. I've hurled, arteried, impaled, and stab/twisted a thirsting villager and I still got owned (preps: Umm... stoneskin).

Defenders, as Yhorian said before, are much better with long, drawn out battles with spec choices that allow for bleeding and/or malediction. They also work lovingly with knock-out abilities such as choke or stun which gives them time to bandage and/or prolong the battle even further!
51734, You say do not do X and then do X.
Posted by Tj on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>NO villager needs to avoid enemy warriors altogether. If
>anything, villagers are far more suited to killing melee
>classes than mages. Mages can generally avoid villagers with
>greater ease than warriors, and warriors usually can't quaff
>while entwined.
Hmmm, I will think about this but bash is really a boring way to die and without being a berserker that is what gets you in the end.

>Defenders, as Yhorian said before, are much better with long,
>drawn out battles with spec choices that allow for bleeding
>and/or malediction. They also work lovingly with knock-out
>abilities such as choke or stun which gives them time to
>bandage and/or prolong the battle even further!

Okay you tell me not to take whip/flail yet they maledict well. And then you tell me I need to choke/stun, I agree. ;)
Also with sword I get swiftstrike and riposte to work with flourintine. I took Incarndine Wave for maledicting because that is what I thought would help. Then took Flow of Shadows to avoid the bash monkeys. Also because they were BOTH Elven legacies which I liked for RP reasons.

If I would have been more engaged with the character and got the tattoo I wanted it would have helped a lot with the strength loss.
My biggest issue was that flurry is strength based. Wielding two swords effectively should have some dex component, in my tiny mind of course, and I thought it did. Nuh uh. :P When you get out riposted by a Cloud giant that is just wrong on so many levels. Riposte especially should be an Elves trump card since it parallels their natural ability: swiftstrike. Nuh uh.(PS the cloud giant's player helped me out with the character a lot, and I really respected that!)

Finally I want more than PK. Really I do. PK is fun but alone it sucks all the fun out of playing for me. Your advice makes sense to a point but much of it was taken into account.

Things that I had hoped would help, did not but that is the way things work at times. Got to roll with them punches.
51737, Trust me,
Posted by Zhaltum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Berserker won't save you from bash, just makes me need to prep that much more, Dwog will say the same I imagine
51742, RE: You say do not do X and then do X.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Hmmm, I will think about this but bash is really a boring way
>to die and without being a berserker that is what gets you in
>the end.

IMHO, a well-played defender warrior with legacy/spec choices to complement their defenderness is the hardest Battlerager for a melee character to beat. I personally find berserkers much easier to waste as an A-P or non-Battle warrior.

>Okay you tell me not to take whip/flail yet they maledict

Eh, not really. Eyejab is good, sure... but there's very little stat-loss in the whip/flail toolbox. Even axe with their meagre whirl may outpace you.

>My biggest issue was that flurry is strength based. Wielding
>two swords effectively should have some dex component, in my
>tiny mind of course, and I thought it did. Nuh uh. :P

You're incorrect.

>When you
>get out riposted by a Cloud giant that is just wrong on so
>many levels. Riposte especially should be an Elves trump card
>since it parallels their natural ability: swiftstrike. Nuh
>uh.(PS the cloud giant's player helped me out with the
>character a lot, and I really respected that!)

Again, incorrect.

If a cloud giant is out-riposting you as an elf, that isn't because flourintine and riposte aren't heavily dex-based... you're getting severely outclassed in some other way.

>Finally I want more than PK. Really I do. PK is fun but alone
>it sucks all the fun out of playing for me. Your advice makes
>sense to a point but much of it was taken into account.

Go explore. RP. Figure out some quests, whatever. I'm not sure what you want to be doing at hero that you think you can't do.
51752, You are correct, as always.
Posted by Tj on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Hmmm, I will think about this but bash is really a boring
>>to die and without being a berserker that is what gets you
>>the end.
>IMHO, a well-played defender warrior with legacy/spec choices
>to complement their defenderness is the hardest Battlerager
>for a melee character to beat. I personally find berserkers
>much easier to waste as an A-P or non-Battle warrior.

I do not focus heavily on PK which seems to be a huge failure in the CF paradigm. Which is definately a failing on my part.

>>Okay you tell me not to take whip/flail yet they maledict
>Eh, not really. Eyejab is good, sure... but there's very
>little stat-loss in the whip/flail toolbox. Even axe with
>their meagre whirl may outpace you.

I thought sting/bludgeon coupled with incarndine wave and swapping out to swords would allow control of a fight hopefully prolonging it so I could whittle down an opponent? I guess I was wrong. Could you please tell me what you would chose for legacies?

>>My biggest issue was that flurry is strength based. Wielding
>>two swords effectively should have some dex component, in my
>>tiny mind of course, and I thought it did. Nuh uh. :P
>You're incorrect.

Thank you. To me it simply does not seem to correlate with me being incorrect but then again I could tank like mad against any mobs. Also I had hoped that Flow of Shadows would aid with some of the defense issues I was encountering. Again could you please tell me what legacies you would have chosen?

>>When you
>>get out riposted by a Cloud giant that is just wrong on so
>>many levels. Riposte especially should be an Elves trump
>>since it parallels their natural ability: swiftstrike. Nuh
>>uh.(PS the cloud giant's player helped me out with the
>>character a lot, and I really respected that!)
>Again, incorrect.
>If a cloud giant is out-riposting you as an elf, that isn't
>because flourintine and riposte aren't heavily dex-based...
>you're getting severely outclassed in some other way.

The cloud giant with haste, resist metal, sanctuary, and a ton of other nice preps did not own me as bad as where he and I were on par.
He got 7 ripostes in 4 rounds of combat with NO prep advantage. Maybe something is goofed with my "Luck" stat? (I am pretty sure there is not one and people use this as an excuse :P ) What was more frustrating was that the cloud was mastering skills quicker than I.

>>Finally I want more than PK. Really I do. PK is fun but
>>it sucks all the fun out of playing for me. Your advice
>>sense to a point but much of it was taken into account.
>Go explore. RP. Figure out some quests, whatever. I'm not
>sure what you want to be doing at hero that you think you
>can't do.

I found that being caballed meant people would constantly ring the outer doorbell. It is an annoying tactic that means wherever you are you have to come a running to deal with it. People are lazy and do not want to try to track you down to fight. This detracted enormously from doing anything like quest hunting, roleplaying, or exploring.

But you are absolutely right and this reminds of what Corrlaan said to my last Fortress warrior acolyte. Step outside your comfort zone and stick to it. You may find yourself rewarded in the long wrong.
Damn you for being right Nep. :D Again could you please give some pointers? Damn you I am tempted to try to continue with this char now.

You are evil, you know that Nep?
51741, RE: I disagree!
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>again for an increased chance of deathblow, which (in my

Increased as compared to what?
51756, Compared to not thirsting
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bloodthirst seems to up the odds of getting hit by a deathblow. It could merely up the number of attacks or the number of attacks that land and not actually increase the odds of any given attack being a deathblow.
51758, bloodthirst haste makes it seem that way
Posted by pintose on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
your sudenly landing more attacks so those db's are not gettng parried/dodged and your hitting harder (thirst being like 15 dam at hero and add that to a db multiplier and it soon becomes like an extra 60-90 dam)
51728, Congrats!
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sounds like you have the attitude to make a top-notch CF player in no time. Some tips!

Defenders: Best at drawn out fights. Specs that can knock-out or bleed are ideal. That field dressing is a big heal boost and if you can get a few on an enemy warrior you're ahead.

Perfecting skills: Just do them while ranking. But yes, on occasion you will have to go skill spam 'off-hand disarm' or drive, or dash. Being an elf, with max int, this shouldn't have taken you long to get your char up to a handy 92-94%. I'd let it go naturally from then on.

Ragers: The rp is great, atmosphere is great, awesome for learning how to be a gritty warrior. There's so much to learn you'll have to do one a few times however ;)

Well played from what I say of your younger life. How long did you spend at hero anyway? See you in the fields with your next stunna!
