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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Eudrallia the Dweller of the Wilds, Betrayer of the Village, the Light, and Damn Near Everything
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=51242
51242, (DELETED) [None] Eudrallia the Dweller of the Wilds, Betrayer of the Village, the Light, and Damn Near Everything
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Sep 27 13:07:40 2006

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 35th of the Month of the Heat
on the Theran calendar Eudrallia perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
51281, Krilcov = Eudrallia ........And Eshval You said you would post.... that.
Posted by Krilcov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was great, I didnt like the idea of the 3 day war and that beard that I had for like 3 hours that Dhaezym full looted with everything else to just respond with a tell blame merrwyn kinda rubbed my the wrong way. I was becoming really bored, This cabal is sorta boring

I saw eshval vis on day. So the next day I got myself booted.
Took a paladin and elf ranger to whistlewood, slew them. rped
Talked to krynna, got wiz exp, talked to eshval, had batamon write that neat painting to everyone, wrote a poem to eshval THAT I WISH i had. And pretty much came to the conclusion I am eshval's ever returning bitch.

Besides what I asked what you thought about my characters Eshval, can you tell that my paintings and poems only take 15 minutes.
Any longer thinking about something for that long of a time just makes my brain hurt.
51291, Sorry man, but I was getting real sick of getting full-looted by ragers.
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The best was Yuv telling me the ragers were going to full loot me after I full-looted you, as if they already weren't. I mean, it's one thing to destroy my magic gear and such, but when I get ganked 5 v. 1 and full-looted, it tends to sour you on a particular cabal. Really funny, because my character before Dhaezym was a rager app.

And if you would know, they had a chance to loot back your beard, as I got bitch-slapped for being a idiot about 20 minutes later.

I wonder if one of my Oaths still has the beard...
51293, thats ok, Ok rolled up a trani to relieve the stress. nt
Posted by Eudrallia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
51295, RE: Krilcov = Eudrallia ........And Eshval You said you would post.... that.
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to admit, this post hurts my head a bit. :P

Good luck.
51302, You are a tease, Oh I want you so. nt
Posted by Eudrallia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
51309, I've interacted with other chars of yours before...
Posted by Uthenathien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And Krilcov the char was way better. RP and pkwise, this elf ranger just sucked. Sorry man...the high point was that we could tell you were trying, but thats it...good luck with something else.
51263, RE: (DELETED) [None] Eudrallia the Dweller of the Wilds, Betrayer of the Village, the Light, and Damn Near Everything
Posted by Rektath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What happened to you? After I moved and couldn't log on for a week, I found out that you got kicked out and titled and whatnot. I liked our banter...heck I like any banters I have with Rektath. I thought your rp was solid and that you were one of the more rpish characters (besides all those times exploring) in the Village.

So yea, if you can post what the circumstances behind your punishments were, I'd like to read them.

51254, Spiralled off again
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You always do fine to begin with and then just seem to implode.
Kudos for trying to play something not typically you, although there are always your obvious tells,
for the record I think our second interaction pretty much keyed me into who was behind Eudrallia.
Never-the-less hopefully you had fun and learned some things.
I'm still eagerly awaiting the stand-out character I think you have in you.
For your delectation I give you a log entitled "Eudrallia gets a Beard":

Eudrallia says 'II chaalleengee yoouu too aa ssquuaabblee.'

Eudrallia hiccups.

Eudrallia says 'IIf II wiin..'

You say 'A squabble?'

Eudrallia says 'Yoouu haavee too weeaar thiiss..'

Eudrallia gets a daisy from her flower basket.

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

Eudrallia stops using a lovely flower basket.

Eudrallia says 'IIF yoouu wiin, yoouu caan naamee yoouur priicee.'

Eudrallia says 'II doo noot sseeee aany dwaarfss too toossss aaroouund.'

Eudrallia pouts.

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

Eudrallia says 'AAnd gruundaa Waass thee laasst oonee oon thee piilee...'

You say 'Wit fargin squabble yer talkin about?'

Eudrallia says 'AAnd eeveen theey aaree goonee.'

Eudrallia says 'AAh weell.'

Eudrallia says 'AA fiight iin thee buussh..'

Eudrallia says 'OOr wheereeveer yeer hooldiin yoouur haammeer.'

Eudrallia looks at you.

Eudrallia whispers 'eeveen thoouugh II beet theey tiicklee.'

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

Eudrallia hiccups.

You say 'Taint be Damned! Careful wit yer ask lass ah might be old but aint lost none o' meh strength.'

Eudrallia says 'Heeck'

Eudrallia says 'IIF yoouu wiin.'

Eudrallia says 'II'll weeaar aan aaproon.'

Eudrallia says 'AAnd cooook yoouu diinneer.'

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

You hold up one finger.

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

Eudrallia says 'aa moomeent'

Eudrallia says 'gooiing too sshoow theem whaatss whaat aagaaiin.'

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning MUTILATES her!

BATTLE Eudrallia: Juusst Krynnaa naad Nriieesshee.

Eudrallia looks tougher.

BATTLE Zweich: Hells, the biddy got you drunk too?

Eudrallia says 'OOh yeeaa, whaat wheeree wee ssaayiin?'

Eudrallia says 'OOH yeeaa, daaiisseeyss aagaaiinsst uum, aaproonss.'

Eudrallia hiccups.

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

Eudrallia looks at you.

Clearly nervous, Eudrallia fidgets about.

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

You say waggling her eyebrows 'Hmm make yer would look good wid a beard.'

Ysaloerye sways slightly and tries to fix you in the gaze of her good eye.

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

Eudrallia says 'Mee?'

Eudrallia pouts.

Eudrallia says 'EElfss doon't doo beeaardss.'

You say 'Why tha farg not?'

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

Eudrallia says 'Juusst liikee II toold thiiss oorc.'

Eudrallia says 'EElfss doon't taasstee gooood.'

Eudrallia says 'Buut..'

You say gruffly 'Some o' tha best women in thera have had beards! Kiss a dragon's arse!'

Eudrallia scratches her smooth chin.

Eudrallia whispers 'II doo noot thiink II woouuld looook thaat preetty wiith aa beeaard.'

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

Eudrallia says 'II woouuld looook liikee aa ..'

Eudrallia says 'UUgly dwaarf.'

Eudrallia blushes.

Eudrallia says 'Diid II ssaay thaat?'

You say while she roots around in her ear with a stubby finger 'Bah yer would have to fight off Grunda wid a stick ah bet.'

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

Eudrallia says 'II'd tiicklee theem too thee groouund.'

Eudrallia holds up her nimble index finger.

Ysaloerye guffaws so loudly you feel your body resonate.

Eudrallia says 'II'd tiicklee eem too deeaath.'

Looking quite pleased, Eudrallia beams with pride at her recent success.

Eudrallia tickles you - hee hee.

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

Ysaloerye adjusts her "wares" as she unceremoniously stuffs her oozing bosom back into the confines of ornate dwarven platemail set with jagged spikes.

Eudrallia stops using the fiery mithril sabre named 'Phoenix Edge'.
Eudrallia wields a rich cedar longbow.

As Eudrallia pulls her next arrow, she dips the head in a flask of oil, then sets it ablaze!

Eudrallia says 'Beeaard Huuh?'

You say 'Well den lets have at it if yer intent on it.'

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning MUTILATES her!

Eudrallia says 'Whaatss thee priizee'

Eudrallia sits down and thinks deeply.

Eudrallia looks tougher.

You say while scratching her crotch in an unlady-like way 'Flowers verses beard.'

Eudrallia says 'beeaard?'

You say with spittle flying 'Beard.'

Eudrallia says 'Hoow coouuld II groow aa beeaard?'

You say 'Don't yer worry ah wull fix yer up.'

Eudrallia says 'OOh my.'

Eudrallia scratches her head with a confused look upon her face.

Eudrallia says 'Weell II woouuld doo aanythiing too heelp yoouu looook beeaauutiifuul.'

Ysaloerye winks at you with her good eye.

With nothing better to say, you grunt something vague.

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

You say with a gleam in her good eye 'Ah look just beautify how ah am.'

Eudrallia says 'SSoo leetss haavee aat iit.'

Eudrallia looks at you.

Ysaloerye roots around in her ear with a stubby finger.

Eudrallia scratches her head with a confused look upon her face.

Eudrallia looks around for herbs.

Eudrallia shivers and suffers.
Eudrallia's alcohol poisoning mauls her.

Eudrallia says 'Weell leetss haavee aat iit.'

You say with her beard bristling like an acusation 'Wull rust ma arse! Well yer can strike furst.'

Eudrallia says 'Alrigh.'

You crack your neck. Ahhhhhh, that feels good.

Eudrallia says 'Let me see.'

As Eudrallia pulls her next arrow, she dips the head in a flask of oil, then sets it ablaze!

Eudrallia wears a sandy-brown desert cloak around her neck.

Eudrallia says 'Are you ready?'

As Eudrallia pulls her next arrow, she dips the head in a flask of oil, then sets it ablaze!

You say 'Born ready.'

Eudrallia says 'Me too!'

Eudrallia pulls back an arrow and takes careful aim for your arm.
You yell 'Help! Eudrallia shot an arrow at me!'
Her aim is true as the arrow slams your arms!
Eudrallia's aimed shot decimates you!
Eudrallia has a few scratches.

You bring the Ancient Hammer of the Dwarven Captain around with bone-shattering force!
Your bone-shattering blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Eudrallia!
Eudrallia has some small but disgusting cuts.

Eudrallia keeps herself safely out of the range of your attack.
Your crush EVISCERATES Eudrallia!
Eudrallia keeps herself safely out of the range of your attack.
Eudrallia keeps herself safely out of the range of your attack.
Eudrallia's pierce mauls you.
Eudrallia is covered with bleeding wounds.

Eudrallia dodges your wrath.
Eudrallia keeps herself safely out of the range of your attack.
Your crush DISMEMBERS Eudrallia!
You dodge Eudrallia's pierce.
Eudrallia's pierce mauls you.
Eudrallia is covered with bleeding wounds.

Eudrallia is blinded by the dirt in her eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Eudrallia.
Eudrallia pulls back an arrow and takes careful aim for your arm.
However, her aim isn't true as the arrow strikes you in the torso instead!
Eudrallia's aimed shot maims you!
Eudrallia is covered with bleeding wounds.

You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Eudrallia keeps herself safely out of the range of your attack.
Eudrallia dodges your wrath.
Eudrallia's pierce mauls you.
Eudrallia is covered with bleeding wounds.

Your wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** Eudrallia!
Eudrallia dodges your crush.
Eudrallia dodges your crush.
Your wrath *** devastates *** Eudrallia!
Eudrallia's pierce wounds you.
Eudrallia's pierce mauls you.
Eudrallia is gushing blood.

You disarm Eudrallia!
Eudrallia is gushing blood.

You fail to get in one more shot as Eudrallia flees.
Eudrallia has fled!

Eudrallia yells 'Thats all they taught you dwarfs ta do?'

People near you:
(PK) Ysaloerye A Recently Constructed Hut
(PK) Eudrallia Within a Forest Vale

Eudrallia's kicked dirt misses you.
You yell 'Die, Eudrallia! You dirty fool!'
Eudrallia is covered with bleeding wounds.

Your wrath === OBLITERATES === Eudrallia!
Eudrallia dodges your crush.
You parry Eudrallia's drowning.
You parry Eudrallia's drowning.
Eudrallia is gushing blood.

Eudrallia is blinded by the dirt in her eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Eudrallia.
Eudrallia is gushing blood.

Eudrallia dodges your wrath.
Eudrallia dodges your wrath.
You parry Eudrallia's drowning.
You parry Eudrallia's drowning.
You dodge Eudrallia's drowning.
Eudrallia is gushing blood.

Eudrallia says 'Well here goes'
Eudrallia is gushing blood.

Your wrath *** devastates *** Eudrallia!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your crush << ERADICATES >> Eudrallia!
Eudrallia is DEAD!!
Eudrallia's leg is sliced from her dead body.

You tell Eudrallia 'bugger'

BATTLE Zweich: How did you fall, Eudrallia?

Eudrallia tells you 'You swing like you mean it.'

BATTLE Ysaloerye: She's fixin to grow a beard.

BATTLE Eudrallia: Um... oh that thing?

BATTLE Zweich: Don't be listening to the biddy, she'll give you a near bottomless tankard of ale and bid you drink.

You say 'Wurn't meanin tae whack yer that hard.'

Krynna yells 'Dwarf elf killed issss?'

Eudrallia says 'Nimble fingers.'

Making a "tsk" noise, Eudrallia wags her finger at you.

Eudrallia yells 'They are alright, bit smelly though.'

Eudrallia pinches her nose.

Eudrallia looks around for herbs.

You hold up one finger.

BATTLE Eudrallia: I wonder If she was serious about me growing a beard.

BATTLE Zweich: Likely so.

BATTLE Eudrallia: Next time I rather beat Grunda off with a stick.

BATTLE Zweich: What do you mean?

BATTLE Eudrallia: For a dwarf, the Biddy packs a wallop.

BATTLE Eudrallia: So what do you expect me to do? wear a mop over my chin?

BATTLE Eudrallia: Soak it in ale and blood and waggle it around Thera?

Eudrallia tells you 'Just waiting your responce before I sleep dear.'

You tell Eudrallia 'Don't sleep yet and gatherin some hair fer yer boney chin.'

BATTLE Eudrallia: I hope its not some hair from...those aprts.

*** Back to the village

You yell 'C'mere yer.'

Eudrallia yells 'Over there?'

Eudrallia looks at you.

Eudrallia says 'Oh look here.'

Eudrallia says 'Umm well.'

You say 'Let meh measure yer little chin up.'

Ysaloerye takes some measurements with her stubby fingers.

Eudrallia tears come to Eudrallias eyes.

You say to herself '6 inches breadth.'

Eudrallia whispers 'Hmm'

You say to Zweich 'what yer think down to her navel eh?'

Eudrallia gets out a daisey from her basket and slips it ysaloeryes beard semi-inconspicously.

Zweich looks at Eudrallia.
Eudrallia looks down at her stomach.

Zweich says to you 'I'd say that's a decent length, don't forget to account for the breasts.'

You say 'Pox ridden whores! Yar down to tha navel.'

Before a Strangely Illuminated Pillar
Chill winds cease as you approach the large pillar planted here at the
heart of the village. The ground here is solid rock, yet it seems to absorb
your footsteps as you approach the obelisk that reaches up, up, almost
endlessly up into the dark night sky. To the north, the faint outline of
trees can be seen through the gloom, while to the south a small path leads
toward a lighted hut. Dark patches of earth stretch west, leading toward a
darkened clearing, and a thin path winds through the darkened huts to the
east. It is difficult not to feel a presence emanating from this marker as
you look upwards at the names of those who died in the war against magic.

Exits: north east south west
Strangely, a long dwarven beard lies here.
A towering pillar of stone is erected here, illuminated by the moon.
(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Eudrallia the elf is here.
(Red Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Zweich the human is here.

You say 'Wull rust ma arse! Thur yer go lass.'

You say 'Try that on fer size.'

Eudrallia says 'Well.'

Eudrallia pouts.

You say 'A bets a bet! Kiss a dragon's arse!'

Zweich looks at Eudrallia.

Zweich snickers with Eudrallia about their shared secret.

<4010hp 4000m 4010mv 19600 waning outdoor civilized standing 10 PM> l eud
You manage to catch sight of an Elven female. Her amberish, green hair
flows to her waist and smells of flowers and honey. This beauty's
hazel eyes quickly look you over with a flirtful dance. Eudrallia's
slender nose is pierced with a small blue stone that sparkles and
flickers as it catches the suns rays. Red lucious lips partake in a
beckoning smile. The clothes she wears are loose fitting and sparsely
covered with moss and petals. Around this ones left ankle is a bracelet
of wooden links that are etched with faint runes of an ancient design.
Eudrallia, a female elf, is in perfect health.

Eudrallia is using:
<worn on finger> a silver ring set with a single malachite
<worn on finger> a silver ring set with a single malachite
<worn around neck> a sandy-brown desert cloak
<worn around neck> a sandy-brown desert cloak
<worn on head> a long dwarven beard
<worn on legs> some worn studded leather leggings
<worn on feet> the boots of stealth
<worn on hands> a pair of clawed war gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of knife-like arm bands
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a studded leather girth
<worn around wrist> a thick leather bracer
<worn around wrist> a thick leather bracer
<wielded> (Gold Aura) (Glowing) the fiery mithril sabre named 'Phoenix Edge'
<held> a lovely flower basket

Eudrallia says 'Oh my oh my.'

Eudrallia says 'I...can't show my face outside of this place.'

Eudrallia pouts.

Eudrallia says 'Ah curses'

You say 'My my wit a fargin pretty dwarf yer make! Thon fargin Imp wull fart jasmine if dat's a lie!'

Zweich snickers softly.

Ysaloerye searches around her person.

Eudrallia looks more enlightened.

Zweich says 'Still too tall, and I bet she can't hold her ale.'

You say 'Farg! Now where did ah leave meh ale.'

Eudrallia says 'I...'

You drop a large wooden barrel.

You say with a growl 'Well lets see how she drinks then.'

Eudrallia says 'OH hell.'

Ysaloerye grins and wipes the remnants of the ale that spilled down her beard.

Eudrallia says 'give me some of that.'

You drink ale from a large wooden barrel.

You rub your belly. Mmm... tasty.

You drink ale from a large wooden barrel.

Eudrallia drinks ale from a large wooden barrel.

Eudrallia drinks ale from a large wooden barrel.

Eudrallia drinks ale from a large wooden barrel.

Eudrallia drinks ale from a large wooden barrel.

Eudrallia smells the new beard.

Eudrallia says 'It smells like a goats behind.'

Zweich says to Eudrallia 'Careful of your food, the remnants will get stuck in there.'

Zweich laughs heartily.

Eudrallia says 'Well,'

Eudrallia drinks ale from a large wooden barrel.

Eudrallia drinks ale from a large wooden barrel.

Eudrallia drinks ale from a large wooden barrel.

You say to Zweich 'fargin thats tha best part!'

Zweich grunts something incomprehensible, not amused by his circumstances.

Zweich says to you 'If you're trying to make me vomit, that's a good start.'

Eudrallia says 'II wiill haavee too looook iin aa miirroor ssoooon.'

Zweich strokes his smooth, clean-shaven face.

You ponder the question.

You say to Zweich 'we can always fix yer up wid one'

Eudrallia says 'II hoopee noo oonee heeaarss aaboouut thiiss.'

Ysaloerye grins revealing broken and chipped teeth, but her damaged face makes it look more like a snarl.

Zweich snorts.

Eudrallia says 'Thiiss iiss ssoo eembaarraassiing.'

Zweich says 'I didn't lose any bets, now did I?'

Zweich looks tougher.

Eudrallia looks tougher.

You say 'Not yet at least.'

Eudrallia says 'II aam noot beettiing wiith aa dwaarf foor aa whiilee.'

Zweich snickers with Eudrallia about their shared secret.

Zweich says 'And not ever, since I do now know the results.'

You say to Eudrallia 'wear it proud lass!'

Eudrallia tugs at her beard.

You say with spittle flying 'Holtzendorff's Hammers! Who'd got meh ale?'

Zweich points excitedly at Eudrallia!

Eudrallia says 'II doo.'

You cackle gleefully.

You say with a whistling snort 'Yer keep that barrel den ah get meh another.'

Eudrallia gives you a large wooden barrel.

Eudrallia says 'IItss eempty aanywaayss.'

It is already empty.

Eudrallia says 'OOh yeeaa..'

You grumble distractedly to yourself.

You drop a large wooden barrel.

Eudrallia whispers to you 'Pleeaassee doo noot teell aanyoonee hoow UUgly II aam.'

Eudrallia says to Zweich 'yoouu too.'

Making a "tsk" noise, Eudrallia wags her finger at Zweich.

Zweich raises an eyebrow.

You whisper to Eudrallia 'yer aint ugly at all!'

You nudge her.

Eudrallia pouts.

BATTLE Ysaloerye: Fargin! Now yer have somewhere to put yer flowers lass.

51244, So what happened to you??
Posted by Valarael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was surprised to see you kicked out of battle, less surprised you became evil but still curious what happened?