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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) Altin/Som
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=51185
51185, (DELETED) Altin/Som
Posted by Som on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I hadn't played CF in a couple years, and I thought I would make a couple characters just to see how it was again. I really liked it for a while, but the declining playerbase often leaves not much to do. I like logging on and seeing 10 enemies from 3 different cabals, not 2 enemies if I'm lucky. Anyways, I'm done for now. I may be back in another year or so.

I really liked Som as far as powerful invokers go. If I ever lost fights it was because I decided not to wand up fully because it would be boring otherwise. Having a good set of locations for an invoker made life really easy.

I have to say, the Outlander/Tribunal dynamic should be looked at. It's much too dangerous(not difficult) to raid Outlander so Tribunals only get the item if there are a lot of Tribunals on. I can only think of once or twice where I raided and there was an actual close fight at the Spirit. On the other hand, Tribs are really strong in town and nobody wants to come raid, because even if you get the Scales they don't lose much at all. I think the only time Outlanders ever raided for the Scales when I was on was when Aeria existed, and that only happened twice maximum. I think a lot more would happen if the cabals were in closer proximity.

Altin was a different beast entirely. I just wanted to fight people solo and see what a properly prepped warrior could do. In the early ranks I got really lucky and got a bunch of good PKs and slowly built a set. The only thing that didn't come from someone I killed was an eagle-marked sword (Thanks Thamuz). Once I got to hero it was too easy with haste, Humansunder, a gold source that could net about 2000 gold an hour, and huge damage resistance for every fight. I didn't prep anywhere near as much as I could have, but a certain area explore really helped out a lot. Scion was alright, but how can there be only one mage in a cabal about mages?

Certain area explore: This place is really unfair in my opinon. It's very difficult to learn the area, if you try to experiment in the area it is possible for very bad things to happen to you, and even the easier stuff that you can get in there can be a really big boost. It's really newbie unfriendly and if one of the things that is in place now had been around when I was exploring it, I would have never gone back. Anyways, I've spent a ton of time in there and think it's a good area. There are still a couple things about it I guess I'll never be able to figure out.

Anyways, it's a good game, but I wish more people would play. See you maybe in a year or so. If you have any comments, post and I'll reply back. Also feel free to pick up a PBF or two.
51264, RE: (DELETED) Altin/Som
Posted by Rektath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Slimy devil. That's all I have to say for Som. Usually it was me on top, but I could NEVER get that last blow. You and your high wimpy (well that's me also) always made me frustrated.

For Altin, I didn't really interact much. I would've loved to fight you and your buff eq seeing how it would be much more of a challenge. Too bad this was about the time my times started to die down. In any case, I heard good things about you.

51251, Bastard.
Posted by Morior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You attack me. Flurry. I die. Kay.

Not much else a spear spec can do against a sword spec.

Later on I wanted to fight you when we were both equally stacked, and I could actually use daggers, rather than just when you had a crazy hero set and I had basic regear and only spears =(
51247, I want my two con back!
Posted by merrwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You, sir, kicked my ass there and back.
Even after you died at the chasm me being entwined as long as I
was and from the damage you did and archmage I died round after.
Only our first few fights noone died, but afterwards, it was then
you died in the chasm during teh raid *which I know you would have
been able to wield your weapons if it wasnt for the arteries by
Rektath too* you killed my like seven or eight times.
I couldnt deal with the quest gear, perm haste, insane high damage
through resist and martial trance, you just plowed right over me.
Now is only left two other people who do that to me :P
You were a beast, but I didnt play more than one char so didnt get to
have you on an ally side and maybe learn of that area from you. Would have liked to show you one things that you would have crapped yourself for you never had, and that now I will have to be silent about :P
Anyway man nicely done, and good luck when you come back.
51249, RE: I want my two con back!
Posted by Som on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, we had some good fights, but humansunder made it tough for you to win. Once I got like +15 str worth of gear I don't think you had much of a chance, but before that you beat me so many times it was very frustrating. That time in the Chasm was just terrible tactics on my part. I had resist wrath and stone skin and decided not to renew both just because I really didn't think there would be much of a problem, I let my wrist get snapped outside the archmage, I had a weight 1 sword because I anticipated what happened happening, but I kept it in my girdle. The last three commands where I lost 800 HP to 3 RPK's? Wield humansunder, oops, no strength, get blade girdle, oops, no dex, flee, oops, failed. Should have just quaffed in combat. I'll chalk it up to my inexperience with warriors, having been only my second hero one ever.

I felt really bad for you that time in the Chasm when I logged on to find you solo raiding. I thought about looting you hard just because you were such a pain, but felt too bad OOC.

That was one of two pk deaths I had total, the other being equally as newbish.
51250, RE: I want my two con back!
Posted by merrwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
the hecks an rpk?
and yeah that was one of five deaths due to someone logging on when I am solo raiding, or one of seven when raiding and drained.
And having slow/etc from archmage isnt fun when having a beast log on and getting assaulted like that :P
51239, Dropping link when you're leading a hell trip because you're having a temper tantrum isn't cool.
Posted by Spenner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was pretty irritated by that, because it's not taking responsibility for yourself IC. If you have an issue with something going on IC, you deal with it IC. You don't drop link in a huff like that.

That aside, we always got along well. You seemed to know vokers pretty well and I had a suspicion it was you, from having known your previous voker. I was pretty surprised when you pulled that little stunt, I had a pretty good opinion of you before that.
51243, RE: Dropping link when you're leading a hell trip because you're having a temper tantrum isn't cool.
Posted by Som on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wasn't leading, Vexamoz was. Like I said, I was doing homework the entire time. I could have ran and gotten the (insert item that gets you out of hell), then left, but that means it would take all of you slightly longer to get out. Not sure if you think that trip was going anywhere, but I saved you an hour or two of your life.

It was kind of dissapointing that I went on vacation for a few days and came back and saw you Vindicator because I really wanted the position. I'm pretty sure I would have rolled everything in sight, as my quicksand whoring ways would have become that much more effective. I'm sure with your forms you will do well. Sequester+pathfinding is pretty deadly on its own.
51227, RE: (DELETED) Altin/Som
Posted by Blorg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No offence to you but it makes me so frustrated to see people with kickass characters like yours say how easy it was. I guess "its" just not in me. Good characters though and fun fights against altin with my char Junim.
51201, RE: (DELETED) Altin/Som
Posted by Gistle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah, I really liked Som. Self-absorbed tribs are usually fun to hang with, and you were no exception. Thanks for hooking me up with those amber rods...hope you enjoyed the siennas. Overall Som was a cool cat from what I saw. You should have been promoted waaaay faster.

51199, I hope you enjoyed those bracers... nt
Posted by Nightshade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
51197, Totally owned me that time at the Spirit...
Posted by Jhesar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got you to gushing but when I died i was so sad.... you make me sad.. as altin, as som i hated you too, with the stoneshatter... goood characters from both sides good luck on your next.
51190, RE: (DELETED) Altin/Som
Posted by Crulvane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice one.

I liked traveling with Som. Tribunal sucks. We could have had some fun if you left and came to the chasm. The few times we would group was like shooting fish in a barrel. Anything we wanted dead, died.

When Kiamae's stupidly led her weak attempt at a war, I felt bad when you died with Spenner. (You and SPenner I considered my only friends in the game up to those times. Spenner especially had the Tribunal boredom blues) Spenner and Rogue had been going back and forth from what I had heard and Rogue's shifter was near naked. When you fell it was pretty much absorbed by him. From an evil role it was hard to justify ordering your #### back, but I think made sure your prep girdle was at least. Would have been more interesting had you and Spenner sided with ME! Least I would have actually done some #### to help you two instead of sitting in my guild like a lump 24-7 like Kiamae. Heh

Awesome job man. Hope we meet again in some form.

51192, RE: (DELETED) Altin/Som
Posted by Som on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, we were pretty strong together. I would have joined Scion if you had asked during that period where you were lawful. When that war started, IC I would have sided with you, but OOC Tribunal was just too damn boring and I just wanted to PK something besides half naked ragers. I didn't really mind dying, as it gave me a little something to do. It was also my only PK death post full shields that I can remember, except for a certain time when a groupmate bashed me down in a nomagic locked room.

It was really a pity you quit after getting that form. I was waiting for you to get unwanted so we could try killing some certain area explore mobs, and maybe shown you a neat thing or two.
51189, RE: (DELETED) Altin/Som
Posted by Narguth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought Altin was very strong. Thanks for that gift. Have an email address where I could contact you?
51193, RE: (DELETED) Altin/Som
Posted by Som on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
51186, Wow. Would have never guessed you played both characters...
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, actually, I did think at seperate times that both Altin and Som were played by a certain someone.

Som was real cool, though what was up with that Hell trip? And Altin rocked. I knew you were a Scion at like rank 36, but I wanted to still use you if I could (as I'm sure you did too). That time you came and smoked Brulgor for me was great. And yes, knowing that area explore can make you a beast, plain and simple.

Come back again. Towards the end of Dhaezym's life, I had PK ranges of about 16 people, 10-12 of which were enemies. Course, I also had times where it was me, two villagers, and like eight hidden Outlanders, but c'est la vie.
51187, RE: Wow. Would have never guessed you played both characters...
Posted by Som on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That hell trip was a joke. I was sitting at home doing Excel homework, I finally start paying real attention 45 minutes later and it turns out we haven't gathered anything to go down to the second circle. And oh, our group puts out almost no damage either. I would have liked to have gone again, but it's hard to get a good Hell trip going with the playerbase like it is.

Also, I wasn't a Scion for a loong time. I didn't get in until I was hero. It was like two days before I got that title or something.
51188, That Yzekon trip was fun though :)
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have no idea how we made it once those *snip* repopped while we were hurt and resting.

Hope to see you in the fields again some day. Though I really only have the time to play throwaway characters at the moment.
51223, Yes..that hell trip...
Posted by Corilanth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, between trying to organize a last minute, in game, cluster#### of a hell trip with whoever getting on go with, and trying to read the logs of my last trip to write down a couple routes and things of intrest I meant to do. (I know, I know...when intrest was expressed in a trip I shoulda took some time to plan it)...I was not too impressed with it either. By time time I had the route and was ready, you had gone and Dhaezym had to leave soon too. People just dont have the time and energy for a good deep trip nowadays, not to mention lack of evil healers at the time. You said something about this being the worst group in history and left, and that was it. Oh well, Som was pretty useful to Vexamoz shield and armorwise, all in all a good trib.
