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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purposeful Protector, Provost Magistrate
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=51029
51029, (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purposeful Protector, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Sep 20 04:07:58 2006

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 11th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Kiamae perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
51238, This really bums me out.
Posted by Spenner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We always had such a funny relationship and personality dynamic. I was very much your opposite in a lot of things, but not enough so or in the right ways to make us enemies. Where you advocated talking, I advised biting peoples faces off. You'd suggest moderation, I'd be raving for blood. You'd ask for peace, I'd demand open warfare.

It was probably one of the cooler mismatches I've been part of. I just wish you had gotten to take care of that little matter we discussed first. I'm still having to deal with that particular situation now. Bleh.

Did you pay for your PBF yet? If not, I've got it.
51231, Man, I thought you were a dumb***
Posted by Erigeron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly, the only time I exchanged words with you I was raiding for the fetish and not wanted. You asked if I was an Outlander and I answered you 3 times in a row that I was. Note, this was while I was trying to fight the Captain and a little lagged from doing so with the melee commands. Nevertheless, after the 3rd time of me saying to you I was in the refuge, you flagged me (in violation of the Laws) and had your guards attack me. When I fled, you let the guards follow though you did finally lift the flag, I still had guards chasing, which meant retrieving was that much harder.

You came across as dense bordering on the imbecilic. After that, I didn't bother talking to you again. Though when I later raided another time for the fetish you let a Scion Anti-paladin fight and loot me at the Captain (you fought me at the same time though the guards got the kill) and didn't punish him or attack him at all. I think this was even when the Scions were essentially at war with the Spire as well.

Now I fully recognize there are a variety of roles, and all of this may have fit tightly into yours, but as a player (not the character) I simply thought you were too much of a dumbass to know better and was frankly baffled by your promotions. Just goes to show the kinds of pictures limited interactions can paint.
51232, RE: Man, I thought you were a dumb***
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember your raid, and your answers *grin*
The last was "I serve freedom". Now call me dense
...oh wait, you did, but thats not a yes or no like
I asked for, and sounded like flat out stalling to me.
As soon as I did get a straight answer, the warrant was
lifted, right? Incidently "I serve freedom" was an
example I used from then on in interviews as the kind
of answer a non outlander might give to stall being
warranted when helping them retrieve. Its all good
though, keep having fun. Too many people forgets its
just a game.

51230, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purposeful Protector, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Linolaques on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was expecting you to write goodbyes to everyone and was waiting for that, but I've waited long enough and need to write while I still have internet access.

For your part, I think you handled my character about as well as could be expected for someone in your position. I hope you didn't take anything I said personally. I have a lot of experience dealing with twats like Linolaques in game and out and that's a trap I've gotten into myself from time to time.

Unfortunately, I didn't really get to see anything but one side of your character. I'm curious though, how many hours did you have before being Provost? ~700, assuming you were having fun for most of it, is certainly something to be very proud of.

Best of luck on your thesis, and I hope your next character is even more successful.

LM, your replacement *evil cackle*
51233, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purposeful Protector, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh heh, Lino was a pain in the bum. Someone
you just want to choke IC while thinking..ohh
thats interesting ooc. As for hours, I wouldn't
have a clue, but I'm guessing it was a little bit
less as Provost, was playing her a good long time.
Anyways, will post more when, Lino joins me here.
Good luck with being, Provost, and keep having fun =)

51220, Oh Pooh!
Posted by Lauraine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And so who is going to abuse high heralds with me now?
Yet again, peachy. Tsk...
51164, Had a of interaction with you....
Posted by Jhesar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I played Arwin, Trib thief a good while ago. Trib just wasn't for me and I can't stand to just sit around and do nothing for hours on end. Might have been more interesting had I got moved to Galadon with all the chaos abound there. Anyways, I never understood how you could just guild sit for hours on end, almost amazing to me, but I am sure there were times when I wasn't around when you did more. None the less you seemed like a strong character, and I would love to hear your input on that one incident in that raid with me, krynna and another trib. If you can remember what I'm talking about.
Later and come back soon.
51208, RE: Had a of interaction with you....
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember, Arwin =)
As for sitting around doing nothing...I did a lot of
that, letting Kia idle while I was researching for my
thesis. It doesn't take much to glance up and enter where
every five minutes. Should I have logged off? Maybe.
Once I was Provost though, I felt more or less a duty
to stay on as much as I can. We all know how frustrating
it can be seeking a place in a cabal whose leader has
caught a case of the vanishings.
Heh heh, besides it not hard to find someone to rp with
in the cities, which I find a lot more interesting then
running in circles to pk, which isn't my cup of tea
Anyway, its all good =) Keep having fun.

51118, Good Long Lived Char
Posted by Corrlaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

In truth, I was about to tattoo you but I went out of town for a week for a family funeral and for the life of me I couldnt ever catch you in the shrine. Which meant either you werent there much, or you didnt pray much, or both. Anyways..I was always trying to think of ways to lure you up there, and thusly give you a chance to earn that tatt, sorry it didnt work out.

Hope you had a great time and good luck with the next one.

51209, RE: Good Long Lived Char
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah, I spent around twnenty minutes each log on
ranting at Corrlaan's poor shrine guardian. Its all
good though...and your right about not sending up
prayers, I've never been much of one for it unless it
something important. I figure you poor folks up there
have enough of your plates, and if you want to say
something you will =)
Xilla still like strange voice from air.

51221, You know
Posted by Corrlaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Must have been missing you then..Im sorry.

But you know..I was just having a conversation in immland the other day about me doing the same thing when I was a mortal. I rarely prayed..and you know what. I rarely got any attention.

To be honest..YES..do not pray for stupid reasons. But a couple prayers for religious purposes do not SPAM us I can assure you of that. And of course I can check that log even after a reboot.

I think despite any lack of interaction from me you got a LOT out of the character and I'm sure you had fun.

51098, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purposeful Protector, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Shangar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interacted with you with 4 chars of mine - one being an outlander warrior, then the dude whom you bitchranked with from 1st to 40th rank(Mr. Fancypants as you called him), then a failed attempt to become outlander named Isten, and finally Shangar.
Liked what I saw - not only would you always come up with various interesting micro RP tidbits, but I could clearly see the general direction your char was heading in in the long-term perspective, which equals to 'RP, fleshed out character'. Kudos for that.
Our times did overlap very much and I hope I did smooth over the boredom of being a trib at times a little bit. You obviously did for me :)

In the end a small snippet from what 3-4days ago, so that people would know that there's more to trib cabal than is seen on the first glance (discussing hoes, dough, the industry *wink Kiamae*):

Kiamae: The village is the new empire.

Shangar: Trampling hoes with hordes?

Kiamae: They wake on mass, sleep on mass and have no presence otherwise.

Shangar: Err...

Shangar: Foes, foes.

Good luck with the next. Dont change your playtimes and we shall see each other in the fields a lot more! :-P

51210, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purposeful Protector, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good old, Sir Fancypants =) Remember them well and
even considered having Kia develop a crush on him
*grin* Never guessed you were the same person, though
like with half the pbase you seemed familiar for some
reason. Shangar was one of those folks that made my
life a rp challenge, I genuinely liked him ic, even
though he was a black hearted wretch! Keep up the
heart, you play a great trib.

51030, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purpose...
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well! Kia was my first real character after, Xilla (with a false start
for Artageia) and quite an interesting ride. As anyone who fought me could probably tell, I'm still hopeless at pk, though I am getting a
little better. For most of Kia's life she was charity paladin, wich
was good for me, since it was like a healer with some aggressive moves. Hrm, Kia started of all wrath and light, but soon came to the
realisation she would never achieve anything that way, so decied to
tackle the wicked folk for another angle - thus I had her join the then thoroughly wicked Spire. Heh, heh, unfortunately that meant keeping her head down and being patient..a wallflower like, Crulvane mentioned, since I was at the time the Spire's only goody.
To be honest, I don't my style of play ( All my characters are pretty much the same I think...happy to help but vaguely confused )..urm what
was I saying? Oh, I don't think my style really suited a Spire Provost, and I tried to refuse, but I couldn't really justify it from
an IC position, as Kia would have jumped at it. I suspect she was my
"strongest" char so far, but thats probably just because my slow learning curve was finally kicking in. I still had no chance against the Spirit though! Ye Gawds I tried everything I could think of there and it just wasn't happening. I know I made a lot of mistakes, and felt worse about them ooc then Kia probably did IC...Hehe, she really was a grouchy old biddy by the end. A tribunal paladin is a hard role,
you are damned if you do, and damned if you don't, but all in all, its a very good rp challenge, which I'm generally looking for, and allows for plenty of time standing around talking to young folks and such, which is what I enjoy. Its all good.
I'll make up a list and post some goodbyes...I promise...I know I didn't as Xilla, after I said I would...but I'm really pretty lazy.


Kiamae, Xilla, Xalli, Ylyssia, Amtheia, Rilliana, Lulae,
Artageia, Calae...urm and others I forget.
51031, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purpose...
Posted by Tinymage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked that you were a different sort of paladin, and you didn't mind speaking with evil right in front of you. No #10 com wrath right away. She was loveable I think.
51211, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purpose...
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, thankyou, Tinymage =) All my chars are much more
the acolyte, then maran. I tried to play Kia like a
female Carrot from diskworld, always seeing a good side
to people. Though, heh heh, later on she did become a
right grouchy old biddy.

51032, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purpose...
Posted by Jaconi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe not so great at PK, but i still think when you were defending a raid agaisnt 4 villagers it was maybe the most impressive showing ive ever seen. It was pretty hysterical how nervous you were. If nothing else, Kiamae was a fun character.
51212, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purpose...
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And that wasn't all ic! My hands were shaking so
much I could barely type. I liked Jaconi =)
keep having fun with them.

51033, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purpose...
Posted by Nysrogh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had an odd kind of a relationship. Our characters hated each other but for the most part found a way to somewhat work together. You truly were an odd little paladin. My only regret is I never got to kill you for that one incident near the fortress oh so long ago. Either way I enjoyed having Kiamae around during my characters life time. It was a fun ride, good luck with your next character.

51213, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purpose...
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked our interactions =) Hehe, they interesting in
an odd way. IC and OOC I was terrified of you, but
considered it her duty, to tease and deflate you as
much as possible..someone has to, not that I think she
ever really succeeded there. Anyways, anyone who pulls
of lichiness deserves a big smiley stamp =)

51036, Uhm, Pooh!
Posted by Gotakanal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this sucks, I liked you even though our playing styles aren't very similar. I'll write more when age-death/con-death/boredom-delete gets me.
51214, RE: Uhm, Pooh!
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved, Gotakanal, and not just for your
patience enduring, Kia's angst ridden rants =)
Keep up and the good work. Waiting on what you
have to say eagerly!

51040, Bah, already?
Posted by Lucury on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't even suck up to you enough:P Nice work anyway.
51215, RE: Bah, already?
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lucury is a good egg. Keep up the great attitude =)

51049, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purpose...
Posted by merrwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you defended against me so well I had thought you not near the noob you were calling yourself. You did a damn good job. Keep it up man, and sorry for my responses in char, my char does not like you at all because of what the tribunal people were doing etc, et al, it was not an rl thing so you know man :P
anyway keep up the good work and keep truckin
btw, potions mean a hell of alot to a sword spec paladin against melees
51216, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purpose...
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Merrwyn was scarytastic! Thanks for the nice comments,
but I was pretty much agreeing with the ic remarks, you
had me out classed in a big way.
Hehe, incidently, it always cracks me up when people mock
any of my chars pk skills, I usually agree with them.
Oddly this seems to just make them madder most of the

51097, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purpose...
Posted by Jeir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jeir was never really sure how to take you, you seemed kind of distant most of the time. Not sure about your role, but he thought you were WAY too nice and buddy-buddy with the bad guys. I know there was friction, but you seemed to do a good job of keeping the general balance, and I thought all of your Tribunal-wide notes were solid. Good job and good luck on the next.
51217, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Kiamae Ostmirdil the Purpose...
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was pretty much deliberatly as distant from, Jeir
as I could be for IC reasons. Can touch on them when
Jeir reaches here, but it was for his benefit =)
Keep having fun.

51106, Law interpretations
Posted by Thiefyboywonder on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The whole binding someone in town arguemnent I tried to RP with you but got nothing back from. You quoted me breaking law 1 but no where in law one does it say it is illeagal to tie someone up. I did not knock him out so did not strike him and his being bound did not endanger him anymore than a healer or mage faerie fogging out a thief and they dont get flagged for faerie fogging. I think it was a little poor on your behalf not to look at it from that point of view because I know there are Tribs who are letter of the law types and those who use it as guidelines for intertpretation but there was debate there in this case for either type.

51218, RE: Law interpretations
Posted by Ducktrainer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could have been wrong, I'm the first to admit my
share of mistakes. I hate placing false warrants,
so please to those I did a big sorry. I know how that
kind of thing can really peeve you off.
Hehe, Falun warranted Xilla around three times for just
being in town at the wrong time..
On the binding, if someone was tieing me up against my
will, I'd bloomen consider it a harmfull ability! I'd
be interested to hear arguments on it though...and sorry
if wasn't answering. I know people think its generally
just the trib ignoring them, but things are usually dead
quiet...(Bleh, back to the study) or absolutely frantic.

51240, I'm really sorry I missed your last days.
Posted by Gmuer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gmuer has some somewhat personal issues that make him WANT to look at paladins a certain way.

On the one hand, you were the stereotype of that kind of paladin, the kind that gmuer mostly pities as a waste of effort. On the other hand, you were actually civil to Gmuer, and agreed with some of the things Gmuer said that he was sure you would NEVER agree with, being a paladin.

All in all, Gmuer had a hard time of chategorizing you into something easily definable.

I'm sorry I wasn't around the last few weeks, I did enjoy our conversations and had some idea that I would start trying to convert you, but alas, it was not to happen.