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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Weswin the Jagged Claw of the Forest
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=5102
5102, (DEL) Weswin the Jagged Claw of the Forest
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Mar 7 12:16:47 2002

5 o''clock AM, Day of the Moon, 21st of the Month of Futility on the Theran calendar Weswin perished, never to return.

Cabal:SYLVAN, the Sylvan Warders
PK Ratio:58% (closer to 100% is better)

5103, The time has come
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I made Weswin just to have fun with a warrior because they could actually get into sylvan easier, and I was tired of Scions. I also just wanted to have fun and get in a lot of fights. Well, I did that, and I was somewhat successful, since I killed more than I died. When Weswin was in the 30's, 40's I killed a lot of people, and died to my own stupidity. The world remade after falling in a death trap, and I lost the best set of gear I ever had with him. I had a lot of fun, fighting and protecting the forests. The one drawback being patrols. I think they are stupid, and that something should be put in place that allows creatures of the forest to alert us to fire troubles or something of that nature. Oh well. I deleted because I was tired of playing CF and I don't have a lot of time. I need to get back on track with my schedule and priorities, and CF is the first to go in that situation. I have loved it for a long time, and I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, but It will be for a few weeks if not months. I'll probably play this summer when my job slows down a bit more, but for now, I'm going to take a break.

Immortals: You guys are great, thanks for all you do.

Uller: We had a few interactions, and I felt like I really got shafted there toward the end. Like you just forgot about me, or didn't care enough to even whisper to me with the wind anymore.

Priolith - You were the best and I'm sorry you got in trouble. You had Sylvan running great, and I think your punishment was too extreme, but that is my opinion. I think you were the sacrificial lamb, sorry pal. SO many people use AOL, IRC, ICQ, its not even funny, and by hurting him, it was supposed to be a lesson. It was, one that everyone in class slept through. Sorry imms, but I thought this was a bit much.

Yodinfrid - My giant friend who was always there for me. Find that niche of yours with your weapons, and you will be awesome. Maybe try using flail to start by entwining people? *shrug* never played a whip guy, nor a giant for that matter.

Boldereth - I wasn't sure if you were a great leader. Weswin thought you were a weak character, and ooc I just thought your roleplay was odd. Weswin though, being an overly aggresive wolf, found you to be a weaker wolf, and was upset with your leadership...at first. That all changed.

Loranessa - You left, we had fun together though.

Orophin - Miss you man, we had many good times, sorry about killing you with rescue that one time.

Young Sylvan's - Alysrith, Ademusian and the like. Keep up hte good work, bring the spring back to the grove. I'm sorry I left you so ubruptly, but such is life sometimes. This past month has been hard in my life, and well, I need a break from a lot of things.

Other Friends:
Fristapholin - Weswin really liked you and wanted to see you as part of the Grove

Viornsra - You bastard, you were an awesome killer, and you freaked me out that one time, when I didn't know about hte gnome with hte same combo as you. That was such an odd fight. I'm glad I oculd fight you, and know at least how to get away.

Tilaen - You were the only opponent I truly didn't want to fight. You jsut tooled me with that lightning shield alone. You were a fun fight htough, no matter what outcome

Dullameh - Grats on the Lich thing, though you didn't scare me all that badly, but I'm sure you will start to scare a lot mroe people with all the phylacteries you are making

Vazanir - Your owl being able to see me in the forest was crap I thought, no safehaven at all when you were around, and that made the times interesting. I didn't stay holed up though, and you know that.

Zodrimauk - I thought you were a good fight, but you hardly ever came at me alone, let alone when the times were even. Oh well, you want a strong weapon, take advantage of situations, great RP for an AP, so I don't blame you.

Khalven - You were always a respectful enenmy, that I enjoyed.

Daurwyn - Solid Character, sorry we had to be at odds.

I don't usually mention a lot of people, thanks to all who interacted me on either side of my swords!

Weswin dances about in the rain puddles as the water streak down his smiling face!

Minyar aka Weswin

5113, *Grins*
Posted by Viornsra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had a bunch of rather fun fights, and I did like that you would go about even though you knew you would be attacked heh. I knew our fights would often end up with neither dying, you hiding or me flying, but I always enjoyed em heh. And especially that one with the gnome with the same forms *grins* Sorry I had to roll with it, I was laughing too hard at the confusion he often did cause when we were both about, and figured it wouldn't hurt if you thought I could heal in a few seconds *winks*
Good luck getting everything back together and in order and well done with the char from what I saw. See you in the future and good luck with your future chars, I gotta admit I've been tempted to do one of the classes that now get in sylvan easy.
5111, RE: The time has come
Posted by Fristapholin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had to go and do this I see, but I can understand,
I had to do the same thing a while ago and get my
life under control. I must say your leaving will
be a heavy blow to the warders, and I for one will
miss you. Competant players to work with are seldom
and hard to come by. I just wish we could have worked
more often together and went scion hunting together
in the grove! Oh well, good luck to you and hope
to see you back at some other time. I've had fun
fighting against you and now working with you.

5112, Someday
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Someday you will have to let me know who you were that i fought against, but I know you can't while Fristapholin is about.

If anyone wants to get in touch, email me aborton@attbi.com

5109, RE: The time has come
Posted by Saldradien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good job on the character. For what its worth keep in mind that putting in a note for leadership then not showing up is not the way to get what you want. When Prio went we discussed possible leadership and you're name came up, but then I guess your times didnt line up in the end, coupled with the fact that you were rarely around. Ah well, best of luck in whatever you do next. I liked Weswin FWIW
5110, Thanks
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the compliment. Well, I don't know if it was so much I didn't show up at all, my playing times just became late at night, because my free time in the day was going between work and the hospital. When I wrote the note my life was less complicated, oh well, things change and I'm glad Boldereth is leader since I lost time and interest for playing right now.

5108, RE: The time has come
Posted by Uller on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will just echo what Saldradien said. I liked the character and enjoyed watching you. I was seriously considering you for a leadership post, but you stopped showing up. Good luck with the next.
5107, RE: The time has come
Posted by Yodinfrid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done man, I just like to say, you beat me to sylvan when the changes went thought. when I heared that warriors could get in, I rolled up my char and the ideas for him flew at me right away. But I will always wonder about my second choice in specializations. aww well, good fighting on the same side. hope your next char is as fun.

5105, RE: The time has come
Posted by Boldereth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Boldereth - I wasn't sure if you were a great leader. Weswin thought you were a weak character, and ooc I just thought your roleplay was odd. Weswin though, being an overly aggresive wolf, found you to be a weaker wolf, and was upset with your leadership...at first. That all changed.

-I had no idea behind the screen was Minyar. I'm glad I proved you wrong on that, I still remember when we were younger all those times you'd be like, Boldereth, there's two fire anti-paladins and a conjurer here or there, come kill them with me? Heh. You were a crazy bastard, a lot crazier then I could bring myself to get with Boldy. I'll tell you what though, you certainly had some guts when it came to fighting, and thinking back, I should've thought it typical that you'd be a rager-player. I miss ya already buddy, but you did seem to start coming undone a bit at the end. Entirely understandable, I just hope I'll get to fight along side with ya in another chars life or something of the sort. It was a long ride. I'm kinda disappointed you thought me weak, but that's probably because we lost range when you outranked me and I generally hunt solo 99% of the time. I believe last week each day I was bringing home a few defiler corpses to outfit our rag tag band, but its all fun for me and hopefully for the up and coming future of the pack.
5106, RE: The time has come
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I noticed how you were killing people, and thats what I meant by, it all changed. I started noticing things I didn't see before and saw you really step into the leadership role. Thanks for the compliments. I love fighting on CF, thats one thing that brings me back. I'm not a huge explorer, but I do like it somewhat. To me though, the fun is in the cabal wars. I have ideas about how to make them all more even, but they are truly not easily done. Oh well, pendulum swing away.

5104, Forgot someone important...
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I forgot my good friend, and Weswin's best friend in game I wouls say...Vortalscon. I miss running with you and getting tells from you going. who the heck was that. Heh. Thanks for the good times, and never being too mad at me for getting you killed.
