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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectI really REALLY liked this character.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=50866
50866, I really REALLY liked this character.
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But my girlfriend didn't. And CF will lose that battle every time. Bhoreakh killing me as I argued with her was the final straw (ugh like the fourth or fifth time that's happened...Came back and failed concentration on the word too).

Sorry if I left anyone in the lurch with stuff. I had a ####ing blast playing this char, from the demotions to the Immortal interactions. I actually was thinking about asking to Immort with this character, but my roleplay suffered a bit at times, so who knows. I made a lot of friends/enemies, and I'm glad I got to play as long as I did. A year of fun, eh?

Maybe one day I'll return, like an old gunslinger. Until that time, I'll be dreaming in text.

Kruuank, Uurakhi, Ulzammon, Dhaezym.
51165, Didn't get to interact much but.....
Posted by Jhesar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The one fight we had around the Ruined keep was fun even though it was pretty much a draw as I couldn't kill you vice versa. And it was always strange to see you as a ghost, you seemed like a fairly skilled healer. Luck on the next
50976, Yes
Posted by Corilanth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I actually spent more time with you as Buhazan then Vexamoz, but yes, the deaths were similar now that I think about it. Happens though, ill get another fire ap truckin soon enough, worry not. Anyways, luck with the next, I liked your char and really wish we spent more time on it.

Oh, and for your info...I had planned that hell trip, Ive led just fine before, just not since hell has reopened. Lets just say I remembered what I had to do but was a bit fuzzy on how to do it. Woulda worked out fine Had we not lost Som...nomatter though.
50908, Since a day has passed, and I'm home from work, the goo...
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off, Khasotholas. Thank you so much for everything. While we didn't interact that much, having a little hornet talk to me was freaking cool. And your religion was so cool. I should have gone sphere Creation (I actually was thinking about going Muuloc with this character...wouldn't have worked, I die too much :)) but c'est la vie. My only regret is that by the time I can get around to playing another serious character, your mortal will probably have already been played. You sir, are awesome, and thanks again.

Secondly, Grurk. My god man, don't make me kiss your feet! Heh. Thank you for all the attention you gave me. Some on Dio's may have taken my one post for a slam on you, but I thought you were an awesome Bastard evil god. That global tell was hilarious, by the way. So was that whole day. Heh. Thanks again.

Mysterious Imm. You were pretty cool, but I was always cautious in our interactions. Especially after the first when you were pretty much pushing Lafashya on me, and trying to talk her up. I knew she would eventually grow tired of my character's inability to be effectual in melee combat and tactics and slip up, though I didn't want her to be Anathema. I wonder what you had planned for me.

Zulg. Your work is appreciated. Thanks for having my back too.

Qaledus - Thanks for interacting with someone who wasn't a follower. And sorry if it was a piss poor job on my part. After you left, I realized I hadn't added half of my role, so I'm sure you were like 'What the hell is he talking about?'. I'm curious, would anything have come of me trying to find Ivn?

Ssriel - That was way cool. Thanks again.

Other Imms. This game is amazing. Honestly, and I don't care if people think I'm kissing your ass, but the fact that you all do this for free is unbelievable. Were I able to take you all out to the Sizzler, I would.

MORTALS (sorry if I forget any, will probably be in Order how I remember them)


Landren - You, my friend, are the man. Seriously. Mad props to your character and your RP. I can't imagine how much a pain in the ass your roleplay is, and I hope you have fun even when you get beat on. I wanted to full-loot/sac your stuff everytime you died (IC) but OOC I just couldn't do it. That's why I was running around that time dropping your #### in random places. Good Luck, and I wish you the best.

Adhelard - You sir, are all class. #### all the haters. When you full-looted that lowbie blade when we raided, and I chastised you, I almost was expecting you to give the standard Maran Dogma recitation #23, but you ended up showing a lot of damn class and giving him most of it back. Good luck. Funny how I have fought you with two straight characters. You mentioned something about a wife in Ulzammon's deletion thread. Heh, we need to start a CF support group for players with significant others.

Kiph - You have big brass ones. Bards are insanely useful these days. Were I to get Emperor, my first goal was to Oath as many bards as I could.

Meyshral - Elf bards are even more insane. I had a pretty nice set, and you damn near solo raided with no problem against me. I HATE THAT AWARENESS SONG!!!!!!! Insanely overpowered :)

Lauraine - Annoying. Perfect goodie healer roleplay. Damn you! Very well done.

Dynstai - More of the same.

Eruruu - Re: Dynstai

Itholin - Heh. I always targetted you first in big raids. I have no idea why.

Mezrar - Damn you for being a pain in the ass when I tried to retrieve all those times. Hard watching you pimp my allies. Sorry Lafashya and Dhaezym had such a sour relationship, you know I still love you.

Marigue - Didn't see you or Kotnem that much in the last month I played, but before that, you were a pain.

Rhaika - Terrible PWNage. Jesus, I had divine saves and still got frozen. I was deathly afraid of you. We had some good talks too.

Zambirro - Another I had a lot of good talks with. You were dangerous when combined with any other member of the Fortress. Keep trucking.

Gerandiel - Sorry I sacc'd your Defiance. Never really interacted with you other than that.

Aiyedn - Man, did that setup I planned with Gistle work perfectly. Sorry I looted some of your goodie only items, but if I gave them back, you would just raid again :( I'll have you know I sac'd them later that night due to Remerinac.

Lladoleus - Class. I liked a Java character! It was funny how all your groupmates would manage to die, and you would live and keep beating on people.

Corth - I can't say anything nice, so I won't say anything at all.

Fortress is always in power, unless their players are rolling something else :) But seriously, except for Skiltore's short reign, I have been outnumbered by goodies with every single character I have played on CF. On some levels, it is frustrating, on others, it makes me better.


Nefla - You were a pain in the ass. Cobra is a great form. Good luck beating on all your enemies, Charnel Predator (Muuloc is just the man, what a cool title).

Krynna - I was not trying to insinuate anything untowards about you the other day. Just trying to raise your haunches and make you do something stupid, so to speak. Well played, played like a ranger should be.

If I can find the time to ever play another character, I am going to play an Outlander. This cabal just makes no sense to me. Really, none whatsoever.


Som - Heh, I hated you at first for killing Tukrun in Balator when he fought like nine other people (I know you probably weren't trying to hit him, but area spells hit all :)) but you ended up being one of my best allies. That Hell trip was poorly planned and executed, and it would have sucked when I had to leave in about an hour (you probably would have been soooo pissed). Thanks for the trip to Yzekon, that flail is supa-pimp.

Linolaques - You were super solid. I wish I could have seen more of you.

Vexamoz - Funny, you being Tweedster. You deaths with two characters near the Fortress were eerily similar. Me having no mana and vainly trying to run like a scared twelve year old girl while you get beat on from nine different people. Fun times.

Spenner - I could tell we were on the same wavelength about a lot of things. Well done, and good luck.

Sluge - Never once trusted you. Yes, me and the other oath were planning on killing you and looting you. Knowing you were Jhyrbian, I think I made a wise move, unless I could have found a way to be your lackey, heh (which could have never happened). By the way, what was up with Stewart?

Jeir - Well played paladin. And a general pain in the ass :)


Rektath - You are all man and have tons of cajones. Played like a villager should be. An inspiration to any who saw you (IMHO), I hope you keep beating ass.

Tirvak - Another with tons of class. Heh, hiding your gear was a smart move, though I wouldn't have looted much. Kudos for trying to fight me completely solo, when you could have brought others. A shame more don't learn from you.

Merrwyn - I will hold off most of my vitrol until I see your role and see what the Imms have to say about you, but attacking me with four other maran then full looting me when I attacked Itholin and Dynstai first (and didn't even aid the golem in any way, or Som, other than giving Som an aura) is just about the oddest thing I have ever seen. You constantly jumped me when I was fighting Maran, or Outlanders. I do not know why an Imperial Priest is your number one target. Boredom?

Bhoreakh - Good kills. That time outside that Giant I wanted to throw my keyboard through the window ( I knew I was getting teh full-lootzors) mostly because I ####ING TOLD THE BLADES NOT TO ATTACK YOU GUYS! Arrggghhh!

Dresare - Another who was classy at times, but other times confusing. I'm glad I left most of your #### that time you died at the Inners, and I told all the lower imperials not to touch your corpse.

Zweich - Ouch. Sorry I looted, but damn did you have a lot of things my Divines could have used.

I wanted to play a villager when I played Ghimvhall, but the village was immense, so....


Brulgor - You know, that was only a false front. I would have made you War Master just to Anathema you in the Palace and gank the #### out of you. You were faboulously well played. Good luck on whatever you have planned next.

Gistle - The man. Said what needed to be said. If I had been named Emperor ever, I would have made you the only person never to be asked to take the Oath, and I would have anathema'd anyone who harmed you. Enbuergo, you are the man.

Eacer - Sorry I sent you on a wild goose chase. Qaledus made me do it!

THIEVES - Lumping you all together. Re: Eacer, and I was trying to cultivate a relationship with you in order to strengthen my chance at Emperor.

And finally, EMPIRE

Garrook - Thanks for the Oath.

Xoregh - Heh. Thanks for taking all my good gear, bro. You shouldn't have deleted one day after I took the oath. We could have been contenders!

Tukrun - Man, you got ganked up and down all over the place. Sorry it sucked that bad.

Buhazan - Ugh. Good ally. Thanks for showing me the Hamsah Docks.

Merlaan - Where the #### have you been. I really liked this character, but I saw him like once in the last month and a half.

Remerinac - I was working to supplant you the whole time. You stuck to your guns, and I was shocked you didn't Anathema me that time I was digging at you on the cabal channel. Shame you lost the time to play.

Baradisceth - Never really liked you (IC). I would have anathema'd you if you had been around when I was High Priest. I would have found a reason. I just didn't understand why you would ever take a Blades side over a fellow Divine.

Mmumma - Heh. I knew who your player was about a day after you hit hero. You were a beast when you had the set, but I was plotting on you from day one. Shame I had to get the spot the way I did. I still don't understand why you loathed me so much. I wasn't THAT big of a cockhole.

Draktel - Oh, my Priest. What evil plans I had for you. I knew you would try to supplant me, but you earned that damn promotion. If I had been made Emperor before you were able to supplant me, I would have made you High Priest...if you kissed my feet! C'mon man, you had to know the good will I showed you was all an act. I HATED Grurk with a passion. I would have made your life hell.

Skiltore - My Emperor. You were an utter badass. When I was made High Priest, I was told to make sure my sect had an Emperor, but you were so awesome and so good for Empire that I would have but my plotting on hold for a couple weeks. Thanks for being the dude.

Valryn - Good luck. You were ####ing awesome. Not much really to say other than I wished I could have been logged on more to interact with you.

Zlen - I really don't know what to say. But, Lafashya, you and I raid for the Orb. You sit in the shadows and stalk Adhelard, who is the only defender. I don't have a problem with that, but when you miss the assassinate, then don't even show to help kill the watcher, and me and Lafashya both die, and then you have the nerve to call me an idiot when I told you you better end up with the Orb or Adhelard's head, I just don't know what to say. Going OOC afterwards to try and make me feel bad was a #### ass move as well.

Ibcade - Damn you! The only Blade I liked (IC). Good luck with your connection, keep beating ass. Great legacy combo, BTW, something I always thought would be a mighty asskicker.

Zhaltum - Damn I wished I played your times. You seemed hella compentant. Did you get Skiltore the flute, or did he, or did someone else? I am puzzled about that conundrum.

Morior - Bliggy!!!!!!!! Sorry you fizzled out. I liked that char, nice spec/legacy choices, non static RP. Good luck with your next.

Craglork - I hate minotaur speech, that is all.

Qzeg - The only thing I have to say, because other than this, you seemed well played, is that you have tiny little balls and seemed to be a bit new to the warrior class.

Kharghurln - I can see why you were named Emperor at rank 33. Awesomely well done. I look forward to your PBF. How DID you become a woman?

Mhruan - Damnit! Another whose playtimes I wish I had. You were cool as ####, and knew your stuff. Keep trucking, build up that weapon. And for Christ's sake, stop fireballing the Marans! Jeez...heh.

Nastagio - You seemed to disappear for a bit, but resurfaced recently. You were well played, but I wish we could have interacted a bit more. Good luck.

All my Oaths: If you do anything worthwhile in Empire, I will take all the credit. Carreau, you cracked me up. Sorry you had to see me get beasted there at the end. Zanthin, I expect big things. All my other Oaths I never really saw after I oathed them.

All in all, and damn fine last character. I had hoped I WOULDN'T get Emperor, as I probably would have pissed off a vast majority of the playerbase, but I solved that, didn't I? One thing, I was told by Grurk I had the power to Anathema those who warranted it, but I could only Anathema within my sect. Was that an oversight, or as intended? Imperial powers, BTW, are the best cabal powers in the game, but for a reason. Everyone really really hates you.

'Psychopaths do not distintegrate in sunlight. They were ####ING vampires!'


'I remember when a dimebag used to cost a dime...you know how much condoms used to cost?'

PS Bring back a damn mage cabal. As it is, Ragers enemies are the only evil-only cabals, so it's a real pain trying to retrieve from the Fortress and having to fight three different cabals to do it. Especially as a healer. Just my two last cents.

50909, RE: Since a day has passed, and I'm home from work, the goo...
Posted by Meyrshal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In general, I'd say bards are very well rounded, and *can* be exceptional at raids. It takes a bit of know-how though, so I wouldn't expect every bard to be great at raids. I know I fell under the okay category. What really helped was dirge of solitidue (that 'AWARENESS' song). I'd get that song off on raiders, retrievers and defenders, or really, anyone, and they were quick to scurry off. It's more of a defensive tactic than an offensive one, if you ask me.

You were a solid presence for the Empire after the whole mass-deletion. I figured you'd be in for the long haul and try for Emperor. Guess that's a no now. Empire is dwindling, and this doesn't help their situation.

Good luck with your next. (if there is one. which hopefully there will be)
50910, Good old Kruuank.
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We gotta do some OOC shifty business and get our characters rolled up so they can interact at least a BIT...sheesh. My last few chars have seemed to be ones that would have no interaction with yours due to role and cabal restrictions.

Your comments are bang on. Village ones in particular. Hah.

A mage cabal with all alignments would be just plain nasty...nasty I tells ya. Village might need some new powers just to compensate. ABS for everyone!
50911, Right back atcha
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dhaezym was diesel...what else can I say? I really had to fight the urge to neuro a few times when you were running around with some blades I wanted dead...but I'm glad I did. I liked having a sneaky contact in empire who was willing to use me as a rogue element to get himself ahead. I loved it when you'd tell me X was raiding, and I'd run in and repel them for you. Good for you, good for me...and lots of fun either way Anyway, thanks for the laughs and I hope I encounter your next iteration whenever I get back on the 'fields.

50912, RE: Since a day has passed, and I'm home from work, the goo...
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one of my favorite enemies, even though I don't think we ever actually got to fight each other.

For the record, I was never actually part of the Fort. They would just ALWAYS ask me to help retrieve within about 2 minutes of logging in, then somehow I ended up taking over the group and leading them to their certain death. Oops. I always felt bad about that, but not that bad.

Anyway, you seemed like a really competent healer, and caused a lot of headaches for me and my little buddies. Made things interesting.

I'll have to dig up some of the logs where me and like 4 people are trying to figure out how to take you out of the picture while we killed Centurions and retrieved. Some of the scenarios we tried out were kind of crazy. Should make you feel special.
50913, heh
Posted by Baradisceth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Baradisceth never liked Dhaezym. The instance where we got in an arguement was were your words--to baradisceth's idea--we merely un-needed and were showing weakeness in the divine and humiliating us. He did not side with the Blades, he simply asked you to keep quiet so that humiliation might not have continued to remain.

Baradisceth knew you were a threat to him--therefor he did what he could with Remeranic to get you demoted. I was working for anathema but remeranic never was around :(

some things work, some dont. later
50926, Heh. I thought you were well played...
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I hated the Blades. I swung so much with them; because of Grurk and my initial Blade interactions I hated them at first, then when Skiltore got Emperor I started liking them again, and then at my death I hated them again. I said a lot of crazy #### on cabal channel, and I'm surprised I didn't bristle more feathers. I was a arrogant prickhole with this character and I don't regret any of it. Larcat once accused me of playing NICE evil characters, and I wanted to change that with this character.

But yeah, I probably would have taken their side too. But to Dhaezym, that was an unacceptable act of treason by a Divine.

Good Luck with the next.
50915, Heh yeah
Posted by Bhoreahk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I scanned west and saw the blades in sanctuary and you weren't, I already felt bad because I knew you were about to die pretty horribly. That second time was just blind luck, I had just been in some different fights, most recently with Mordlaii and was looking for him or one of the others and found you right there. Well see you in the fields when you have the spare time and all, glad you had fun with the char.
That was Bhor's first UNSPEAK in a pk :)
50917, I knew it!
Posted by Eacer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great character, I had a lot of fun interacting with you. After slinking around the underdark I figured it was a wild goose chase. And I also thought you were trying to solitify an out of cabal backer for Emperor. Oh well, see you in the fields!
50918, RE: Since a day has passed, and I'm home from work, the goo...
Posted by Daelen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I didn't get to know you much with this incarnation except as the guy who made it about impossible for the wee ones to help retrieve. hehe. but good old kruuank.. I probably would have enjoyed the interaction. :) Best of luck with everything, role one up when things get to where you have that itch again.

P.S. as a side note, girlfriends are always more important than a text game. Now if carrion fields became a first person shooter... no wait.. (j/k) Really though think about the guy who lets the game override real life.. he's alone at a comp with text scrolling by. the girl left already. the electric is about to be cut off but he doesn't know it because he hasn't checked the mail in days. hehe. it's captain pathetic!! (insert theme music) or what was the name of that guy who played like 20 hours a day? yikes.
50927, Oh man. I'm so sorry.
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everytime you would come try and retrieve I felt so OOC bad for you. I mean, we had Black Shrouded Cents with Battaglia, Frenzy, Bless and resistance (usually LVL51 too, if they are equal to the Imperials rank who calls them) and me/bards to heal them, and you guys would just keep coming. I can't imagine what it would have been like before they tweaked fleeing from centurions. I remember a couple times (Java will remember this) when they were hitting for 3 MANGLES a round on you lowbies.

Good times...
50928, RE: Since a day has passed, and I'm home from work, the goo...
Posted by Jeir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jeir - Well played paladin. And a general pain in the ass

Thanks. I got you that once, but only because we all kind of piled on top of you. Go wrath!! You seemed to be a good and competent healer, wish we would have interacted more. Oh well, good job and good luck if you roll up another.
50932, Why?
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, from Mmumma's point of view you was person that do not fit to empire, and ESPECIALLY into the divine sect. Mmumma thought that you are caricature on the true citizen and is nothing but a clown to please Skiltore. Skiltore once said that he considering you as a high priest, and then laughed. I laughed too - that was a good joke, I thought. ;)

I should anathema you, but you gave me no reason. And I knew - if I'll anathema you without a reason, I would ruin your character and piss of you (as a player). So I didn't. ;P
50978, Oh man, it's all good.
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You could have anathema'd me and it wouldn't have pissed me off.

And I thought I was perfect for Empire. Guess we have different ideas on what Imperials should. As you have played quite a few more than me, I'll bow to your wisdom at this time. Thanks for the advice.

The stuff Gistle said about you used to crack me up, though.
51002, No no no.
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I do not claim and never did that my view on the Empire is RIGHT and yours is WRONG. It was just opinion of Mmumma. I, as player, can understand your point and perhaps if I'd play another imperial character, I'd play it differently. It's just another point of view.

I'm unaware of what so special Gistle said and what cracked you up, though. Gistle said pretty much different things, good and bad, and mostly he is right (though not completely). ;)
51004, He's talking about stuff I said IC, not on your death thread.~
Posted by Gistle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
51003, And some advice, also.
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you became High Priest, you still looked at me from below, asked what to do and what will we raid next. It looked like this:
Dhaezym: Scion now?
Mmumma: No, I'm not in mood. We go raid village first!
Dhaezym: oh, ok. Where next? Maran?
Mmumma: Maran? Of course not! It will be outlanders.
Dhaezym: Ah, right, of course!

That is why Mmumma lost any respect to you. Next time show strength of your position! Tell this ####ing Mmumma: "WHAT?! Come to the chasm NOW! And when I say NOW, I mean faster than I blink!" ;)
or something like that. Mmumma would mutter and curse you, but he would come. With 90% of chance (10% are still depended on my mood). ;)
51006, Fair enough...
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But you have to understand, I never expected High Priest. ####, I thought I would have been Anathema before I even got made Imperial Priest. So mostly, I still kind of thought of you as an equal (and I was getting better at treating my subordinates like dirt) and plus, you were a freaking mack truck with that set, whereas I can't even solo the Giant without fleeing to reup on all my sups.

As I said, I thought you played a fairly interesting character.
50962, RE: Since a day has passed, and I'm home from work, the goo...
Posted by Kharghurln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well played character, man, I enjoyed hanging out with you (as much as I enjoy hanging out with any kill-stealers!). Very solid RP, and I thought you were a cool addition to the Empire. Only two Sect Leaders left now, we'll see how things go. Good luck with the GF and good luck with your next character if you succeed with her.
50987, Good character
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You showed a tremendous amount of backbone, with all you had to deal with. The promotions, the demotions, but you really rolled with it. Pretty impressive. Liked your roleplay, liked this character a lot. Good luck!
51007, Thanks for giving me the chance.
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really really wanted to get Emperor to make you proud, but in truth, I really didn't want the burden of leading the cabal when I'm still a super-noob. I mean, crap, I still get lost going to the Refuge to raid.

But I found myself playing hours I normally wouldn't, taking half-days at work to play, etc, etc, until my girlfriend snapped me back to reality. Hopefully, as I said, I will get to interact with one of your mortals, but my new tenous agreement with my girl means no more caballed characters for me (she set the limit at about 4 hours a week...I can live with that).
51261, Don't worry about Defiance
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd have sacced it if we'd been playing the other way around. heh. Always blamed Tukrun for it (he pretty much told me he did it) but I kind of like how these misunderstandings make for a more interesting game.

Good character.
50893, RE: I really REALLY liked this character.
Posted by Landren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always enjoyed our banter and the difficult times we gave each other.
50892, RE: I really REALLY liked this character.
Posted by Linolaques on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good luck in the real world, and congratulations on recognizing that you were slacking in it.

You were by far my favorite Imperial, it's too bad I didn't get a chance to interact with you that much.
50882, I KNEW IT!
Posted by Morior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you were Kruu. I played Bliggy, among others =)

Nice playing on the same side with you, for once. Very useful healer, was fun running around with you, and sorry to see you going.

Careful with the girl, best of luck in whatever you do. <3
50873, You'll be missed in some ways
Posted by Draktel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could tell your times had been waning recently, and I wasn't sure if it was because of the lack of friends, or what. Let's just say I'd have rather taken the spot from you, and had a good backup, but I understand the reason. (Always word before you start a fight with your special other!)

I'll say more when I see some real goodbyes!