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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Gistle the Murderous Magister of the Second Dimension
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=50781
50781, (DELETED) [None] Gistle the Murderous Magister of the Second Dimension
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Sep 11 07:40:32 2006

At 6 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 13th of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Gistle perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
50810, Outstanding
Posted by Krynna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what can I say? Extremely well played.

Contrary to ideas of many you haven't turned into mindless killing machine (which is sooooo damn common among evil chars). And that's why I liked you OOC.

From IC standpoint we had a TON in common, so no wonder we find points of contact. I must admit your RP of chaotic evil is a way better then mine is (I am just too kind OOC :( ), so I learned a lot from you as well.

I never had a chance to fight you, and, let's be completely honest, not like I was too eager ;) But, nevertheless, I must say you was damn strong. Kinda made me want to try transmutter after I am no longer newb :)

See you on fields!
50801, Noooooooooo
Posted by Sneaky friend on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never did get the chance to properly raise trouble with you, but what can I say. Maybe next time, yes? The interactions we had were great, no matter how wonky the situations might have been. Not much else here to say, I think, I've never been one to articulate myself properly.
50787, Goodbyeeee!
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I rolled Gistle during a lull between first year of law school and starting a summer associate at NYCHA. Man was that a mistake...Gistle was so much fun he quickly jumped out of my control and took on a life of his own. At first I had intended him to be the mindless killbot Yhorian thought he was, but then slowly but surely the homicidal but weird maniac that was Gistle took over (people who knew Restraal probably aren't too surprised). Gistle and Restraal shared a fair bit of traits (namely my attempts at bombastic witticisms }(), but I tried to put the 'drow' in Gistle closer to the forefront. Arrogant, murderous, cowardly, mouthy (and oddly brave in certain situations)...but hopefully with enough humor where even my enemies were having fun. I also really wanted him to be a "rogue" element to the game. Nobody could really trust him, and despite your cabal, where you were, etc, you just never knew if I was around...Muahahaha!! I enjoyed duo'ing and following people around and hearing them talk about 'watching out for Gistle' and hearing second hand reports from my informants about how a groupmate was nervous because someone spotted me on 'who.' Gistle was just about the most 'evil' of a character I care to play. I hope other people had fun with it.

On to the goodbyes:

IMMS: I neither expected nor looked for immteraction. I tried to RP Gistle so that any mort who bothered to interact knew what I was about. However, you defied me and tossed me some bones anyway! Thanks for the game.

Lyristeon: I assume the title was your doing after I repeatedly referred to myself as a murdering bastard (aheheh). Thanks for it if it was you, and if not, thanks for the xp and the chuckles.

Muuloc: Man, when you vis'd I just wanted to give you a high five and say 'DooD it's me...Resty! What's up!?!' Sorry about deleting before we really had a chance to resolve our debate, but I really need to focus on work. I didn't really have an interest in going Scion again, so I thought I'd put the bar so high you wouldn't be likely to grant my request. I would have lobbied for it, just because I think it would have been neat to instantly come in as Chancellor (plus I'm pretty sure I coulda done the job ;-)), but being a murderous rogue element was central to Gistle, so I wouldn't have settled for less given the restrictions I would have had to put on the character.


I've pretty much sad goodbye to most of you I knew in your own threads. It was entertaining going from a lackey, to slowly killing a few of you on the side, to a full-fledged empire murderer. I had so many imperials offering to sell each other out to me. I had sell-outs selling out sell-outs. At the end of the day, it worked out great.

Dhaezym: Always wanted to interact with you a bit more, but I started seeing you less and less. You seemed very solid to me, and I wish you the best.

Mhruan: What happened to you?


Kryss: It was a great time switching from your enemy to your 'friend' of sorts. Your speech was great in that it was highly recognizable and I would just duo and talk like you to try to find out where people were }( ("Krysss iss goingss killsss you! Where little giantsss?"). You'd be surprised how often it worked. Great job, and keep on kicking ass.

Jhesar: Some good fights. Wish we could have fought more.

Nreisshe: You're a pimp, but you need to fight outside the woods a bit more. Just because you aren't the strongest outside of wilderness doesn't mean you aren't stronger than the people you're hunting. Gistle was strongest when people were writhing in agony and sleeping...but I still fought at other times as well.


Som: You're a player. I love evil tribs. What more can I say?

Jeir: Man, believe it or not, I started to feel bad about killing you. I invented excuse after excuse when people would ask me to come get you. Later, I'd usually attempt to kill the other tribs first when it came to fighting. A couple of times you forced my hand and I had to lay the smack down, and a couple other times were just because...I really admire your tenacity and good attitude about the whole thing. "Never, fiend!"

Jhelredke: I'm glad we became enemies, at least for a bit. Made it a bit more interesting. Thanks for the adventures the rest of the time.


Landren: I have to put you here first and foremost. You have balls like I can't believe. At first I thought "Oh boy, another cheap honor char who gangs and runs at bleeding wounds." Then you made me eat my words. I went out of my way to find excuses to not fight you, but you were so dead set on dueling I capitulated a few times. Thanks for all the talks...maybe we'll get that tea in another life.

Chokiare: I don't think we ever had a conclusive fight. Thanks for the interaction. You're a strong character.

Marigue: God damn I hate that serpent strike thing. You had the abilities to really rain on my parade. Great job.

Kiph: I lost some respect for you after you full-looted Ogbuk, or allowed him to be full-looted, after I left you 92% of your things. Then moreso by participating in a 5 man gang of him when he literally had 2 items. Aside from that sour taste, I liked your character, and you never really let me put you in a logical trap. Good job.


Kruldah: You're a manimal. What more can I say? I'd recommend you do something appropriately evil in regard to your little problem we discussed (aheheh).

And finally:


Boy, I really didn't have many of you. But the ones I had, I appreciated.

Brulgor: Again, you made my playing time way too much fun. Our roles as a murdering but introspective and orderly duergar and a self-centered, chaotic drow mixed perfectly. Thanks for that, and best of luck.

Lafaysha: See above. Running around with a homicidal bard is a kick.

Ogbuk: CHIEF! I really wanted to get you to introduce me to Thrak. That would have been a blast. But it was enough of a blast just to have a dark-elf running around with a consummate elf-hater. Man we had some good times. Great character and best of luck.

Lavaiya: What the heck happened to you? It was fun.

Thanks again, and if I'm back next summer, I'll see you around.
50788, Pity.
Posted by Ishdor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In the long run, Gistle and Ishdor could have had a lot of fun together I think. It's a pity that we never got out of the probing-each-other phase due to my infrequent playing times over the last few weeks.

Here's to hoping that in the future you'll continue to contribute to CF in Gistle's style and spirit, Enbuergo.

- Ishdor's player.
50789, Scary
Posted by Kharia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You always seemed to know exactly where I was. I'm glad you never got me (you were sooo damn close sometimes). Knowing you were on definitely had me jumpy. I had some plans for incorporating you into something that I'm up to (if you continue reading the message boards you'll find out what) but you deleting sorta puts the monkeywrench into that.

I did like our little conversation when you got all puffed up at me (after nearly smoking me). Paraphrased below:

You tell Gistle "Are you simply murderous, Male, or do you have something against me personally?"

Gistle tells you "Did you just refer to me without using my name, or even more appropriately, some form of honoriffic?"

You tell Gistle "Yes. Does this offend you? I often forget that those of you who have been too long on the Surface are different. You should be honored to have met a Female and have her speak to you at all."

Gistle tells you "Most people who have the honor to meet me end up cooling to room temperature. Consider yourself lucky to have escaped."

Good luck with law school!
50790, RE: Scary
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aheh...yes you always seemed to just barely escape. I had it out for drow transmuters, as Gistle perceived them as trying to steal his thunder. Which reminds me, I have a log of a not-so-lucky transmuter I'm going to post.

I was looking forward to some arcane v. arcane wars, but it wasn't to be. Thanks for the words and post and good luck (not that you need it...you always seemed to have a horseshoe up your...:))
50793, You were horribly well played.
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As other IMMs have said, the trait of someone truly gifted at RP is you seemed to raise everyone else's when you were around. You made me roleplay better at least. It was fun helping you with Mmumma. I wish I had been able to truly set him up for you, but alas, it was not in the cards. Those times you ambushed people raiding were always classic. It was also interesting trying to keep a healthy relationship between us (you were by far the most competant eeeeevil transmuter I've seen since Ahtathurn), as I knew you were chaotic, you liked to run with Anathema's, and you were of course, murderous.

I freaking knew you had to be Enbuergo.
50796, RE: Goodbyeeee!
Posted by Marigue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Marigue: God damn I hate that serpent strike thing. You had the abilities to really rain on my parade. Great job.

Damn. I had a whole sendoff written up, but then I accidentally refreshed the page. >.<

I tried to be the biggest thorn in your side I could possibly be, whether it be by snaring your people, warning people that you were in the area, or just plain deafening you, it usually disrupted your plans for mischief enough to keep a few people from dying.

You killed me. Once. But that was the first time we ever met, and I can proudly say that the only time I died to Gistle, was when I was already getting beaten down by the mobs I was fighting. =D

I'd love to see some Marigue vs. Gistle logs if you have any still, but I'd like to wait till after Marigue is gone.
50800, Someone without greeting that I actually was wary of!
Posted by Kiph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was stupid of me to decide to stay and fight you when I wasn't ready for it, but I wasn't expecting three paralyzing nueros in a row with decent saves when you'd never landed one before :P. Anyhow, your character did have a fun impact in his crazy way. I didn't much like how you'd do *cackles* in your tells, but I could get used to it, and since I couldn't sit down and let you emote it to me without trying to kill you, it helped convay the insanity nicely.

Nobody full looted ogbuk while I was there, the two rangers that killed him (after I'd been ganked by him, the other orc, and a random imperial that you later killed) Butchered his corpse and left his things (aside from the stuff you took from me and gave to him) I took nothing else. As for the 5 man gank, he kinda walked up to the fortress gates, and as much as me the player respects other players, me the Maran kills evil. Suffice it to say I wasn't out in a 5 man group looking for him, and I don't take pride in the kill, as I'm sure you took less pride in your ganks. Such is the way the game works.

Anyhow, good luck with your next, I've always liked and respected your characters, though I'm usually on the other side of the fence.
50805, RE: Goodbyeeee!
Posted by Landren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really am sad to see this character go. Superbly well played evil bastard with enough style and class to make it fun for your enemies (even when you consistently bitch slapped them around like an out of line toddler). Admittedly, I didn't like you at first. That was mainly due to the already painstaking task of leveling being complicated by someone actually finding me. By the way, that fight in the underdark, at the time I didn't realize I had stepped out of the immediate area. It was interesting to see the banter from your side go from contempt to a sense of you not really wanting to have to kill me. Thanks for giving me the fights you did, I kept hoping if I could get the gear right I might stand at least a 10% chance of winning.

An interesting thing I noticed when dealing with Gistle, I could tell that when you said you would fight alone, I didn't have to prepare for an ambush, I knew I could take you at your word which was slightly odd but at the same time one of the things I think that allowed for many people to enjoy having a boogeyman like you running around.

Definately looking forward to your return.
50809, RE: Goodbyeeee!
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very well roleplayed dark-elf, excellently played transmuter. Hard combo to pull off, you did it extremely well. Glad you enjoyed the character, good luck with the next!

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends
50814, Great job.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you had been a follower of mine, that little thing you did with that assassin when you could have killed him would have earned you my tattoo. Very nice job. I didn't give you the title you had, but I had one for you. I just needed Implementor approval for it and none were around at the time. Then you left. Can't wait for the next character.
50819, RE: Great job.
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was actually kicking myself later on for not choosing Chaos as my sphere. I chose Greed at lvl 10 just because I didn't have a clear vision for the character at that point. Later, I realized what a great "fit" Gistle would have been for Chaos and for your religion (or at least what I remembered of it from playing Kungkruk). I was considering trying to get you to switch me to Chaos and trying to get your tat, but I've never heard of that being done and didn't want to be the first to find out what kind of penalties would be incurred. }( . Also, Gistle wasn't really the "religious" type, and I'm not sure subjecting himself to the will of another being, even if that being was a god with interests similar to his own, was something he would voluntarily have done...

Out of curiousity, what was the title that I didn't get?
50823, RE: Great job.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You never really know how things play out. You could have added it to your role that greed is only truly manifested when coupled with chaos or something like that and that would have been enough. My religion is the true anti-religion. I smack people for bowing to me, so your attitude would have been fine. I was going to make you the Leader of Entropy if it were allowed.
50815, Hah!
Posted by ex-ranger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't even recall the name of the wood-elf ranger I deleted a month or so ago, but I recall that he only died 3 times to a PK and 2 of those times were to you; once while ranking on owlbears and once when I caught Brulgor and the orc chieftain in a snare and almost killed the orc before you nailed me.

Ah, Erigeron, that was his name.

You were the one PC that I constantly tried to keep a look out for because I knew I could survive almost anything they way I was geared, but neuro.

To give you a comparison, the third death was to an anti-paladin, paladin Provost, both his lieutenants and the Spire outer (hence I was out of the wilds).

You just made it look all too easy. And then 2 hours later I'd discover you'd taken my leggings. *mutter*

Excellent job.
50821, RE: Goodbyeeee!
Posted by Muuloc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad my ability to suspend disbelief is still strong enough that I don't guess who's playing who. I think I remarked to myself that you reminded me of Restraal, but I didn't then wonder if you _were_ Restraal.

I had fun watching you and interacting at the end.

From a certain perspective I could see the possibility of granting your request, but I doubt it would have happened even if you had stuck around. But maybe.

I too know how addictive successful mortals can be, so I understand the need for the cold-turkey delete. Good luck with real life.

50872, RE: Goodbyeeee!
Posted by Luvaiya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Lavaiya: What the heck happened to you? It was fun.

I got busy for a few weeks, and when I returned I set about looking for you first (you were too much fun!) but it seems like my timings were a bit off! Damn..I really enjoyed your character and all that bit of exploring we did..it's fun to have uncaballed allies! :) And Restraal? No wonder the acidity. I loved it in any case. Hope to catch your next then!
50930, RE: Goodbyeeee!
Posted by Jeir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jeir: Man, believe it or not, I started to feel bad about killing you. I invented excuse after excuse when people would ask me to come get you. Later, I'd usually attempt to kill the other tribs first when it came to fighting. A couple of times you forced my hand and I had to lay the smack down, and a couple other times were just because...I really admire your tenacity and good attitude about the whole thing. "Never, fiend!"

Yeah, I could tell you were sick of kicking my ass. I just never figured how I got out-meleed by you. Left me scratching my head. You were one scary dude, I remember one time, we were ranking, I felt you come around and we all ran like little girls. About five minutes later I said to myself, "You ####ing ####, its ONE guy. ONE ####ing guy made you run away." Once I die off you'll figure out why that just isn't my style, I'm way more into suicidal charges against horrible odds. I am, as usual with your characters, impressed, I was just reading over an old char of mine that was an "ally" of Enbuergo's. You might remember him as the assassin you failed to steamroll.... In any case, great job, EXCELLENT roleplay. Hope to see another character from you sooner rather than later.
50783, Thank you.
Posted by Krilcov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As Crukra I thank you alot. For making up hasting me while I was bleeding and saving my spear and other ####. And making me lol with other characters, listening to them talk about how you are so *cheap* for waiting for them to get hurt, and them tooling them. Heh. I thought you where a drow, Not an honorbound shaman from the fort.

Peace out Restrall. I hope you get more wagons of platnium.