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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Lafashya Aie'veriza the Master Historian, Anathema to the Empire
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50669, (DELETED) [None] Lafashya Aie'veriza the Master Historian, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Sep 7 22:16:02 2006

At 4 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 5th of the Month of Futility
on the Theran calendar Lafashya perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
50670, RE: (DELETED) [None] Lafashya Aie'veriza the Master Historian, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I probably should have con died, gone out in style, but I lost the will to carry on with 6 con left.

I loved my first 40 ranks with this character, the rp I had was great. Then I just kind of got sick with the seductive female temptress roleplay and turned a lot harsher/braIsher/more commanding. Mainly because I was sick of having to follow the orders of dumbasses. Some of the things the upper imperials suggested/demoted me for was complete ####, and I spoke out about it and earned my way to an anathema. It was at that point I formed a somewhat shoddy role of 'Those bastards, if they want me back they'll have to make me Empress. Until then, DIE!!!!!!'

And thats what happened.

I can honestly say that the following goodbyes will probably be pretty vitriolic, mainly because I took more #### with this character then with all of my other ones combined, and my few IC allies can attest to that. I'll post the very short list of characters I respected first. From there, I'm warning you, its probably going to be pretty flamey.

Gistle: You're number one. I wasn't around to be part of the death squad that was you and brulgor, but I think you and I did a pretty damn good job too:P. I got tons of tells 'You're nothing without your dark-elf pet' etc etc etc, same old same old. But suffice to say, I did a lot worse without you. I still did decently, but with you, I became some semblance of a beast. The only thing I can really compare you with is Zargu and when he plays a healer. You were so on top of things, I never had to ask for ####. You are the best transmuter I've ever had the pleasure to play with, and that, is the highest thanks and appreciation I can show.

Bhoreahk: Damn are you cool. Be-yond belief awesome. You wouldn't bitch about getting ganked at all*sorry, I know I nailed you a few times like that* you are the only one out of any of my enemies who showed any respect at all towards me, and you were pretty much a beast to fight too. If I didn't sleep or echo you, I was dead, You're the only rager I had any respect for at all, and I hope you keep on doing what you do.

Heyral is here too, beause he was kosher. I didnt interact enough with you, but I liked what I saw, a lot. The first times we fought, I never was prepared and sometimes did it a capella, I hope I proved myself to be a match in the end.

Sadly, those are the only three people who I had respect for. I'm apologizing right now if I bitched and moaned to you after dying. I ate a lot of ####ty deaths, and it probably bubbled over one time or another, I made sure never to go OOC or whine too much though, so I hope you'll forgive me. Now come the bitchy goodbyes.

Yuvralin, you are quite possibly the worst Commander I have ever had the sorrow to interact with. Calling someone out because they wont fight alone, and then always having your cabal mates near to wake you up/save your ass if things even look bad is abso-####ing-lutely pathetic.

Uthenathien, I didn't like you. Mainly because you were always up for tag teaming me down. The good news is, I beat down enough villagers that I think I matched you all death for death.

Zweich, I have mixed feelings about you. At first, your mimicing my speech patterns seemed annoyingly OOC attempting to irk me. You slowly started to show that you werent a jackass, but you did tag team me a lot, you did wake up a good many villagers I had slept, and all you ever ####ing did was trip. Lots of the time I had flight potions, but if I used them, you were running way too fast for me to finish you. In that lsat fight, I honest to god lost my last three songs halfway through and failed to sing(didn't notice I lost them) 6 or so times. That was a bitch.

Khabrash, The only thing I saw you do was bash down a hurt, bleeding, poisoned bard after I had tooled up two villagers. Gistle was only there to slow/soften one before getting out of dodge. I'm not sure how you all justify it, but whatever.

Grunda, you bitched and whined, moaned and groaned, about losing anything off of your set. I'm sure I bitched and whined too, but I never, ever, EVER got jack#### back. I probably got something, anything back 1/5 times I died.

Eudrallia, you need to learn how to not be such an annoying prick. Spam waking and spam tsk-fingering someone just screams OOC ####tard. I bet you're krilcov.

Thats it for the ragers, moving on.

Altin, uneasy alliance, but we definitely got #### done together.

Outlanders. Aside from Heyral, there was Nefla. You were both always down for a fight and I enjoyed fighting you all a lot. Both were good, rough tumblers.

Fortress, grow some balls. If you traveled alone some more, I wouldnt have to bring allies(Gistle/Altin) to beat down groups of four of you. I also found it rather funny how*I credit Gistle with pointing this out* you all would loot the hell out of your groupmate, drop it some place, run back, and get the rest of your gear to dump some place safe. Just to make sure we didnt loot. Even though we never ever made a move towards anything...ever. If one of us would have died, we wouldn't have gotten jack#### back, so I guess thats why time would have been a factor if we were the dead ones.

Itholin, don't whine. We fought one v one once..and I didnt have the ability to sing three of my songs during that fight..yet..you taunted. You are the king of "You never fight alone, do you?" Or maybe thats Yuvralin, I'm really not sure.

Side note: I'm not sure if anyone noticed..but uh..I was a ####ing anathema, I was always alone against absolutely INSANE ranges. I had _no_ allies. At all. And I was more then willing to mix it up with anyone.

Ending note: I took a lot of #### with this character, and towards the end it stopped being fun to play and more stressful. I deserved to get turned chaotic, and I regret missing that echo about me losing my songs. So no qualms there. Post and I'll reply.
50671, RE: (DELETED) [None] Lafashya Aie'veriza the Master Historian, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Zweich on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mimicked your speach patterns?

As for the tripping, well, what else should I be doing? Letting you sing a few songs? I'm a thief, dammit, not an invoker =)

Don't really know about the tag-teaming thing, I stepped aside several times I had a chance to, because someone else was fighting you. I know I woke up several people, most noteably Yuvralin, but thems the breaks.

Kudos to you for sticking it out so long, you were annoying as hell when ready, and not too bad when not, and damned, but I hate fighting fiends.

Lucky me that last fight... :)

Luck on the next!
50673, Woah, I feel bad
Posted by Lucury on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry if I came off as an ass in-game, because that's what I was trying to come off as in those situations, especially that last encounter. (Did my tigerclaw even hit? That's the first time I actually tried to get something out of that from a PK) Probably not such a good idea to do that when I'm a newb, or people will think I'm an ass OOC anyway. But other than that, don't have much else to say here, only met you 2 days ago.
50675, RE: (DELETED) [None] Lafashya Aie'veriza the Master Historian, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Side note: I'm not sure if anyone noticed..but uh..I was a
>####ing anathema, I was always alone against absolutely INSANE
>ranges. I had _no_ allies. At all.

Your gank-o-meter, if it is seen, will not so much bear that out. :P

Specifically, it's a fair bit higher than those of most of the people you're trying to call out for ganging.

Yay Zulgstats!
50685, RE: I can believe that:P. txt
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I really dont think I was often in a group of more then one other person.(of course there were times when I was with two) I did, however, usually get with that one ally in range in lay waste(or attempt to:P)
50693, RE: I can believe that:P. txt
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>But I really dont think I was often in a group of more then
>one other person.(of course there were times when I was with

Lots of! :) And a handful of 3 and 4+. (Also more than a handful of solo kills too, to be fair.)

All of which is totally cool... just, a little silly when you're sassing on at least a few people much, much more skewed towards solo combat.
50708, Question on this..
Posted by Martoonie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you are say in Arboria, grouped, but your group is on Kiadana killing evil murderous nasty people, would that still count as bringing a group of three or solo? Can the code even determine between? Just curious.

OH YEAH.. and as for balls.. Merewen hiltsmashed you (You and Krynna were in hot running together for that one.) alone second only to Mmumma so don't smack everyone under one big label, lady, man, whatever.
50710, RE: Question on this..
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That'd go in the solo fighting pile. The code's not super smart but it's smart enough for that.
50690, Alright, I'm going to pick up the PBF to check this out.
Posted by Gistle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you agree to hit the button within the month.

My theory is that if the gank-o-meter is high compared to the others, it's because they had "cb" and didn't need to be in a group to work as a group.

You're welcome Lafaysha ;)
50691, PBF paid! nt
Posted by Gistle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50676, RE: (DELETED) [None] Lafashya Aie'veriza the Master Historian, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Landren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't really interact with you. Though, felt bad about you getting whacked near the fort after our botched fight and then semi-looted. You were definately willing to fight.
50684, RE: (DELETED) [None] Lafashya Aie'veriza the Master Historian, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Kroglux on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
####, I thought I would be considered your ally, as we travelled a #### load together. Had fun runnin' with you. Enjoyed pretty much everything. I was hoping to get to run a lot more wiht you out of the Empire, but never got to see you again. I'm sure I will see you again in the fields.

50688, And then there was one!
Posted by Gistle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alright, I've had three allies in my life. One I was forced to kill (with your help), and two have deleted. Woot is I!

To sum up, I loved/hated Lafaysha. Loved having a scrappy bard that made it *really* easy to land kills. Hated her because, as I said in character, having you around made me lazy *because* it was so easy and fun to land kills with you (aheheheh).

I personally find it hard to believe you have a high gank-o-meter. I never saw you with anyone aside from me and we didn't really start grouping until recently, and you scrapped with anyone who was around. Even if you do, it's probably a remnant from earlier. Overall, I thought you were a real kool kat who didn't get the respect you deserved, certainly not from your enemies. I agree with you that villagers "discounting" your ability to sleep is cheese. It would be like Zweich not using jack, or Yuvralin not using whips. Solo combat going out the window whenever you used one of your most powerful songs is a bit weak in my opinion.

In any case, thanks for taking the time to be the (sole) ally of such a murderous git as myself }(


ps Did you play Mezrar? I was thinking Lafaysha and Mezrar's all-out, I-don't-care-if-I-die-screw-it!, styles were very similar.
50720, RE: Yes to your question:
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I played Mezrar and I guess I'm easy to spot:/. And as a murderous git, you were numero uno. Thanks for the PBF as well. I hope you aren't too rusty, as you said, "Then there was one;)" And man, that one has a lot of work to doXD.
50696, Hey, good job
Posted by Draktel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean that in a very good way. IC Draktel hated you from early on because you tried to order him around. Then the day before you got Anathema you and I had that serious IC falling out, though I can't remember what it was over. Oh...you trying to tell me you would be able to kill that healer and other person and you were getting stomped. Then, I go and get them off your back and away from the vanquisher and you called me stupid. At that point, you had no chance of ever getting aide.

Once you were Anathema I did enjoy our fights. I'm sure your opinion might be different, but I wonder how things would have been if I had gained some levels. That level difference for prayers working is quite annoying at times. I was looking forward to being able to give you a better fight. I did get you on the run a few times. However, anytime anyone else jumped in I had to just flee from the battle. I think you only got me that once with Brulgor, but you got me really close a few times. That song that fades awareness just sucks and I wouldn't fight long after that.

good job though,
50698, You had no shortage of balls...
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But, alas, Dhaezym is a giant prick.

Seducing Mmumma was the first strike against you. Calling me dear constantly was another. And then, asking to be made Anathema after I threatened to demote you...well, you were definitely getting the demote then. And then you sleep all of us raiding the Fort (completely not listening to my note :)), well, heh.

I really liked your character OOC, hated her IC. Mostly, you got screwed by me ( I freely OOC admit this ) because of certain shadowy things...

I love shamanman characters. Shame we had to butt heads with this one.
50703, Man, that sucks
Posted by Morior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I laughed a lot interacting with you, was nice having a spy keeping me updated on Empire politics, and I could just imagine Mmumma making an idiot of himself over you. Didn't know you after you became Anathema, but before that I enjoyed our interactions.
50709, RE: (DELETED) [None] Lafashya Aie'veriza the Master Historian, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Yuvralin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry you feel that way. I liked your character at the beginning, when you were still in Empire..but after that you kind of turned into the random-killing suicidal type. I tell other ragers to wake me if they see other enemies coming, since you're known to sleep/gang..so they do. Even though I seemed to rub you the wrong way, I enjoyed your character(the first half anyway..) Good luck on your next.
50713, Bards that died!
Posted by Kiph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After a couple encounters with the unkillable cautious bard emperor, I was pleased to see a bard that died!

You have much more commitment to a fight than I do, and I would venture to say our fights were pretty much determined by level difference, which is why I usually didn't resort to sleep/fiend against you unless you tried it first. (There was one time in Hamsah, having to do with innocents). You were like...one of three people who didn't flee/quaff immediately(ragers excluded), and while courageous, I would probably place that action under the stupid category on my end and would try to change it :P. We all play our characters different ways, and it's a shame our conversations never lasted too long after encounters. Good luck with whatever you do next.

50734, Pfft.
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked you, but at the end been annoyed by your reasonless arrogance.
Well, I'm not respected by you, and I think I know why. ;P
But at the beginning, enjoyed you and first part was nicely done.
50736, Missed this
Posted by Trurkrag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hrmm havent fought you too much to get a mention but hey I did give you back everything you had even though I usually had #### gear on me. Ofcourse you gave me back everything too.
That bash in hamsah where you nailed the village thief was a mistake like I said. Otherwise it was all good. Good char once again I dug
Yeah it got ####ty I know.
50738, RE: (DELETED) [None] Lafashya Aie'veriza the Master Historian, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Jeir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good fights. I think 2-1 in your favor. The first time, well, I've only once made Gistle run off in lord knows how many fights, and I'm pretty sure that was by his choice, so that one when you and he doubled up on me, I was ####ed any way you look at it. The second fight where one of us died, I beat you, you would have gotten away if Spenner hadn't slowed you down, so I owe him some credit for that. The third I was so mad at myself because I was sure I could have beat you, and then I realized after I scrolled through the fight that I started that fight with 180 mana. ####. I had been cleansing gear, stupid large mana for 'remove taint'. *fistshake* But hey, thems the breaks, so, good fights, and good luck on your next. Oh yeah, what was your reason for being so chaotic? Jeir expects that kind of actions from Anethamas, because of how he views the Empire, but I know a whole bunch of people were really scratching their heads at your actions. Again, good job and good luck on your next.
50749, Until next time
Posted by Bhoreahk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had fun fighting against you all the time, you always were looking to dive back into the fray, made me reminiscent of playing a bard. Glad you have fun interacting with me too. I'm a little rusty(few months off) as I'm sure it shows, but starting to get back into the swing of CF a little bit, and going the path I did makes it even harder on me :) Anyways I'm sure I'll see you in the fields, I always did try to keep in mind it was a game I was playing, and besides your attitude helped win Bhor's respect. You definately woulda had me that one time in Hamsah, heh but Gistle ended up finishing it up for you anyways I guess(if you were wondering of your songs hitting so hard that time, I won't get into it, but I had been in a fight just before and my int and wisdom were shot to hell from an effect)! And I did nail you that one time when you damn near dead, heh sorry bout that again, didn't know you had just been in a fight or anything. See you around.
50782, You will ...
Posted by Krilcov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*snip* Moderator note: Knock off the half-assed accusations.

When I was playing fuerchaer I enjoyed your character. And I was slaying as many enemies of the empire as I could, and gather donations to try to get promoted, So I would not be your bitch.
I hope you enjoyed pumping up other sects and non empires cause they held a few more ranks than me to hurry your power ranking. I was beefy as hell and tossed aside so you could rank 1.2times faster.
Yea blade sect.

I am really getting sick of how people are more interested in power mudding than following other standards.

But all in all

Your rp Stood out immensly and I almost thought you where a Girl Rl.