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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectTheannian is gone
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=50657
50657, Theannian is gone
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are other things I should be doing instead of playing CF, hence the delete. Well.. I wanted to try a healer and had an idea of playing an Outlander one, as I generally like nature and the Outlander cabal. As with my Outlanders in general, the storyline turned somewhat dull and monotonous with Theannian in the end. With the more important things like doing what I need to graduate from the University knocking in the back of my head, I couldn't put my full effort into making Theannian a great character. I hope someone liked him, though. Theannian was a serious character and I decided not to have other characters on the field at the same time.

The wait for empowerment lasted for about 9 hours(which is a bit more than Innis/Eshval average judging from a few PBFs, but about average in general Imm standards), or approximately a week or so after first pray. Theannian was a priest of Innis, and I'll recommend Innis's religion for those people with naturey(and Sun-worshipping) non-evil role who go to the Imm for empowerment but generally don't need anything else from him. The religion has a free will element that is well suitable for independents.

This was my first empowerment character. Healers are pretty fun class overall, and practically unkillable in most scenarios(unless they make a mistake) and great for preventing lowbies to retrieve. Chamo sure helped with the unkillability too. The offense output for healers is meager and I primarily geared Theannian for strength(though some +str items were replaced with other items). Healers aren't for offense and should often opt to stand aside instead of actually hitting the opponent.

Well.. It was fun for a while, but

My some of my other characters for those interested: Fungor, Agantas, Atohner, Muug, Frearrir, Endalion and some lesser characters.

Some goodbyes:

Innis - Thanks for the empowerment! I understand why it is needed, as I learned much from the empowement interview and realised how Sun-centered the religion was. It did help me in making the priest concept plausible. You gave me the two interviews that were necessary for my role concept so thanks for those. It would have been nice to hear from you after that too, but I guess you can't have everything.

My original idea was a priest with close ties to his god, so I came to your shrine to pray on regular basis, but I got the impression that you didn't enjoy this approach(you kind of freaked me out with that why have you been seeking me constantly-type of response that started the second impression, as half of it was about Theannian wanting to say "Hi!" and basking in the Light of Innis. So I took it as a masked request from the player to stop buggering him due to the combination of the reference), so I decided to drop it and try not to stretch you away from your comfortable hours or whatever you were more comfortable doing than interacting with me(I got the impression that you were somewhat irked or overly worried by me pestering you for mostly nothing(the wanting to be Outlander part was present in few of the last times I tried to reach you before the second interaction)), since I didn't want to be a chore(as my principle is that the interaction should be fun for both parties and given when the Imm feels like it, unless it's something the player actually needs, like empowerment).

So, Theannian never saw or heard Innis again, so I pretended that Theannian was spending time in the Glade talking to Innis(conveniently when he was offline). What I didn't like was you referring to the note(by expecting Theannian to be older) in the first interaction for empowerment(as it was OOC and Theannian knew nothing about it). I hope that the OOC note didn't bother you too much(the impatience was only about the empowerment, rest of the immteraction I consider as a gift that can't be demanded. My only actual improvement suggestion is not to relay the comments referring to OOC discussion or note away from the media(such as no says about the OOC note since the interview was via says) you use to interact and RP with characters to avoid the confusion. I was feeling a bit insecure about ever finding you and thus sent the note). The nightmare thing in Organia was fun, btw. Was that you in one of your incarnations? I hope that this all didn't come off overly critical or whiny, I did have fun overall.

From that overly long and meticulous analysis to other goodbyes:

Lyristeon - Almost getting eaten by you, after pointing out that the maw thing is getting old to the evil Outlander shamanman who kept saying maw this maw that, was fun.

Bolen - It was good to have you around, Sunwarden. Too bad that you deleted so soon(from my point of view). Having you around was such a fun.

Nreisshe - Dark hunter always on the prowl, mobile and seemingly omnipresent, always peeking in and leaving only the scent lingering behind. I liked your evil RP, though you were too evil for Theannian to run around with(exept in extreme situations like retrieval where Nrei could get some aid).

Krynna - Not as evil as Nreisshe, so Theannian wasn't quite as reserved with Krynna about as with Nreisshe. Nice felar ranger, though. The occasional alignment clashes, such as that incident with Mezrar, were fun too.

Jhesar - Mrawr! Keep up the good work.

Applicants I interviewed - Thanks for the interviews, it was fun to get to know you.

Kharlgurn - Emperor stronger than the brown bunny. My main Imperial midbie adversary. Our best fights were dynamic rumble between three people(I forgot the third).

Mhruan - My main Imperial adversary in hero range. Good fights.

Kiamae - The misguided and blinded elf that caused Theannian grief, the poor thing. Nice work as provost. The tensions between goodies were interesting.

Anyone left out, I'll just respond if you care enough to post.

50811, PBF
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to use my lowbie skill contest PBF to get Theannian's PBF published. Is this possible?
50812, *poof* (n/t)
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

50813, RE: *poof* (n/t)
Posted by Cruk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you get the payment from Cruk's? Been a few days and many others have appeared but not his.

50816, *re-poof*
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
However you paid for it resulted in a different form letter than I'm used to receiving, and it took a bit for me to verify that the money had transferred and wasn't something like an uncleared e-check.

50818, RE: *re-poof*
Posted by Cruk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks Valg.

Was hoping to overflow the commerce exp but I guess I was way off.
50820, Thanks. nt
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50692, Interesting char
Posted by Krynna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Could never trust you, but never expected to.
Made my pk sessions near Fort miserable :(

Too bad you are gone, I always hoped you will be Sunwarden.
50694, RE: Interesting char
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was usually some redeeming factor involved when I granted you aid, such as large number of Imperials moving around and the PK range consisting of defilers. In Fort, the catalyst for sancing you was usually a group of Imperials that posed serious threat for Fortress defenders or other evils(or non-goodie defilers that you would strike first) that you were more likely to attack than the Fortressites. But whenever I felt that you were there to get the Fortressites, you didn't get any aid. You did manage to guilt-trip me to be on both sides instead of siding with Mezrar against you once, though, as an exeption to the rule. I thought that you both survive the best if I just send you home. You weren't as deadly as Nreisshe and wasn't always posing such a great threat to Fort, so I didn't warn them of your presence as often as I warned them of Nreisshe's.

As for the Sunwarden spot, I could have been deserving to have it if I had put a tad bit more work to the character and would play more. I did think about asking Innis for temporary Sunwarden spot(meaning that I'm replaced with just note to let me know that there is better Sunwarden there) to make it easier for the applicants to get in, but didn't put quite enough effort and hours to the character to be worth having it.
50672, RE: Theannian is gone
Posted by Innis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah...pretty descent character. Our relationship was perhaps more unusual than I have with outher mortals. Yes, you were a bit too needy in the begining, but mellowed out very nicely. What I hoped was that you would develop your own style and grace that I sometimes saw in you...a nice potential, wating to grow. Perhaps it was my ineptness that did not allow you to blossom into the fullness that I kept expecting. You played a 'fun' characater, and I wanted you to enjoy that aspect. That being said, I also hoped you would expand and perhaps assume the Sunwarden aspect...while you spoke to some applicants, the drive wasn't there. Again, this may be because you didn't have an active foil (aka, me). With the natural world on fire around me and taking on some heavy government contractual stuff, I have a bit less time/ability to be ever-present, and for that, I feel cheated.

Anyway, I ramble. Good luck.
50682, RE: Theannian is gone
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Hah...pretty descent character. Our relationship was perhaps
>more unusual than I have with outher mortals. Yes, you were a
>bit too needy in the begining, but mellowed out very nicely.
>What I hoped was that you would develop your own style and
>grace that I sometimes saw in you...a nice potential, wating
>to grow. Perhaps it was my ineptness that did not allow you to
>blossom into the fullness that I kept expecting. You played a
>'fun' characater, and I wanted you to enjoy that aspect. That
>being said, I also hoped you would expand and perhaps assume
>the Sunwarden aspect...while you spoke to some applicants, the
>drive wasn't there. Again, this may be because you didn't have
>an active foil (aka, me).

Or maybe it is because I really should be writing those laudatur works and thinking up how to start my master thesis instead of thinking about my character. Maybe you could have helped in making Theannian bloom, but I can't think of one thing unless you saw something specific that was just plain wrong about his actions that he should correct and would need guidance for(Theannian trusted Innis to provide this kind of guidance and was rather confused how to deal with the Reavers, whom he regarded as both blessing and a curse). I'll try to take a hiatus from CF until I get some things done.
50702, Subtle interaction
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you are watching people, you could throw around little room echoes that make the enviroment around them more alive. This would tell priests that someone is watching them(they will likely assume that it is their god) and possibly give them a chance to react to the little event around them(though reaction is not required). The event could be something trivial like dragonflies mating(this could be longer event that is only continued if the player chooses to sit down and observe the dragonflies. Theannian, for example, would probably do that kind of thing, as he enjoyed the life around him), rabbit hopping across the road or a wasp landing on a leaf(all this stuff is dependent on what kind of a terrain the stuff takes place, though). It would help people feeling not alone when you are actually watching them, but wouldn't be interfering with their role or compel them to do anything. I've heard that Amaranthe does this kind of stuff(and that's where I took the thought from). This kind of subtle cool would work nicely with chars like Theannian. Just a thought, as my deletion had nothing to do with ability or inability of Innis. So, chalk it up with real life, you didn't #### up and I might return to the religion one day.
50658, Good char.
Posted by Shadowmaster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had some good fights with you when I was Xoregh. We had a lot of other little skirmishes that usually ended in one of us teleporting/gating/wording. Good work and see you in the fields.
50662, RE: Good char.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Had some good fights with you when I was Xoregh. We had a lot
>of other little skirmishes that usually ended in one of us

Our fights were mostly light to medium skirmish. If we forget the aftertalk after I killed you with Hyzin, Xoregh was pretty solid and well-RP:ed character, though I was somewhat sour after that talk and decided that Xoregh will never kill Theannian. :P

Good work and see you in the fields.

I have some little things like graduating from University to do. But after some of part of it is done, maybe we'll see in the fields again. Good luck.