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Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Dalteric the Ascetic Monk, Serene Lord of Reason
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=50372
50372, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Dalteric the Ascetic Monk, Serene Lord of Reason
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Aug 28 08:07:38 2006

At 8 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 25th of the Month of the Heat
on the Theran calendar Dalteric perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
50462, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Dalteric the Ascetic Monk, Ser...
Posted by Dalteric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good morning kids,

I felt I should say a little something as an aftermath to my time within immortaldom drawing to a close. I did very much enjoy my tenure over the last 15 or so months. Being one of those quasi-useless (in terms of area/coding) rp types, interacting with all of you through the monky religion and the tribunal cabal was a lot of fun. It was my hope that the religion would offer a different take on goodies that we didn’t quite have before. I had some really fine followers and interesting talks in my garden. I do think my favorite accomplishment, however, was the role contests. While I didn’t start them (go Cyradia), I very much enjoyed taking a hand in running them. In the course of my time here I did about 6 I think and I believe the quality of roles very much improved over that period and participation also seemed to go up some. Thank you all for working so hard on the roles.

Now to the part the bulk of you are skimming down for, reasons why I departed. Unfortunately for the dramatists, I have no plans to launch into a long rant lambasting x or y or anything of the sort. Simply, I found myself in a position where I felt it would be best for all involved that I part ways. I’m sure we’ve all been in that relationship situation; there are reasons to go, reasons to stay and ultimately you have to decide what will be best for all involved even if it is not at all easy. Beyond that, I am also a full-time employee, a student four nights a week and have the rest of “real life” as Shokai puts it.

I have played Carrionfields on and off for about a decade. Probably more on than off; it is the way of addictions. In that time I have tried other places, other games. None have ever compared. While my efforts in bettering the place are humble enough, I will always enjoy seeing that skill I suggested or title I wrote or item from an area I wrote/helped on. While I do not belong on the staff, I wish you and them all the best.

If anyone has a question or comment I will generally respond, unless I believe I shouldn’t (due to inappropriate nature, privacy issues, and other ethical concerns).

Best Regards,

The artist formerly known as Dalteric

Question already posed and now answered:
Dalteric began as a warrior (with the whole monk vibe) but switched to healer so that when I blessed followers (or whatever else I cast on them) it showed up as a commune instead of a casting.
50463, I think the contests really did help
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Certainly, it gave people a great sense of competition role wise. I swear everyone's rp went up a notch.

I'm sure we'll see you about in the ol' fields, in some form.

50465, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Dalteric the Ascetic Monk, Ser...
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and I go way back, and it's a shame that the change in my work schedule meant that we almost never have run into each other in the last six months. I think you did a great job with everything you took on, and while I understand you doing what you have to do, I'm not happy about it.

If your situation changes down the road and you want to give it another go, you know how to get a hold of me, right?

I encourage you to mention who else you've been in the past -- I think it'll blow a lot of people away in a good way.
50466, Hypocrite. :P n/t
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50468, Ok, you got me.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm now playing Drokalanatym, but in a previous imm life I was Nepenthe. ;)
50481, Heh...n/t
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50469, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Dalteric the Ascetic Monk, Ser...
Posted by Dalteric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since it is imp approved, I imagine you want the reveal not of the long list of mortals through the years but that technically I should have phrased my closing title: the artist formerly known as Dalteric formerly known as Astein?
50470, Holy #### #### ####er
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm hoping the filtering catches all those, because color me very very suprised.

Edited to remove those it didn't catch.
50471, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Dalteric the Ascetic Monk, Ser...
Posted by Graatchman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well well well, that's funny. I remember when you and I were heroimms together, you as Astein and me as Scaurus I think. I had heroimm'd about two weeks before you, and I remember the day you were heroimm'd you were sooooo nervous. Then a week or two later while we were sitting around in the gathering room you were telling me how you totally thought you wouldn't ever make it beyond 51, you were entirely afraid to go talk to Pico or any of the others about your area idea, etc.

Anyway, it's nice to see people around from those days, even if you're leaving. If you ever want to shoot the ####, feel free to drop me an email, mbeckman@msn.com works.

Good luck with, well, life. :)
50475, I SOOO knew this....
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well that's a lie,I had no clue. I do have a log somewhere with you smirking in it...

I'm almost possitive....
50476, ... formerly known as Ishmael? :p nt
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50478, No way, Ishie? nt
Posted by thinnie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't be.
50482, Holy....yeh that is a surprise. Awesome.
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for all the role contests you ran. It made me want to write up cool roles instead of the typical three liners.

Nice job.
50500, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Dalteric the Ascetic Monk, Ser...
Posted by Caecus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Since it is imp approved, I imagine you want the reveal not
>of the long list of mortals through the years but that
>technically I should have phrased my closing title: the artist
>formerly known as Dalteric formerly known as Astein?

Ha, cool. Great to see you again. Roll up another mort. :D
50502, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Dalteric the Ascetic Monk, Ser...
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dalteric and I pretty much came up through the ranks together in imm land. He gave me hints as to when he played and I was given three chances to guess who he was. Like most of you, I was completely wrong. He is such a *nice* guy and Astein had such a *not nice* guy persona that I was totally blown away when he finally told me a few days ago. Yes, for 18 months I had no idea who is last immortal was and he and I spoke all the time. I like to think that we got along great. I didn't envy his job. Don't get me wrong. I love the concept of the Tribunal cabal and think it is one of the most important out there. But, it is mentally draining. I want to thank you for picking that burden up after I killed off Bria, Niryaza and Lorhan. :P I forget what we did with Velkurah, but I am sure I set his tail on fire a few times as well. I would definitely be on the Astein/Dalteric bandwagon with a yes vote if you felt like coming back some time down the road.
50512, Too many years, and too many beers...
Posted by Gnarugk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I vaguely recall deleting my HeroImm because of some (imagined?)argument with Astein. Having put a few years, and perhaps a bit of maturity, between now and then...I'd just like to say thank you for what you contributed to CF. I really hope that you'll come back someday. I remember seeing you at hero, decked out, in Galadon when I was a relatively wet-behind-the-ears newbie and knowing from how you spoke and presented yourself that you were destined to be a significant part of the game. I never really imagined it would be like it was. Well done, and you'll be missed. So will countless hours of plagues and smiting(when I thought I was getting wise). Thanks.

50477, Rats! I liked those role contests!
Posted by Saroiya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

CF has definetly lost some of its luster with your deletion. I am thankful for having had the opportunity to interact with and follow you. I will always look back fondly upon my times in the Garden and I doubt that I shall ever again have an empowerment character that will match or exceed my Saroiya experience. I miss your presence already and hope that one day you take Nepenthe up on his offer.

All the best,
the Player behind Saroiya.
50503, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Dalteric the Ascetic Monk, Ser...
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The affect the role contest alone had on the playerbase in such a positive way was HUGE. Regardless of who started it, you really ran with it. I didn't deal with Dalteric or Astein (though I've been around for both), but in my opinion this is a big hit to the staff. Good luck with the other stuff.
50506, Colour my Hairy Arse both sad and Impressed
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like most others I'm sad to see you go, but understand and respect your decision to do so.
First up thanks for all the help/laughs ect in the Gathering room.

Second. ASTEIN! Sonofa! Great job! Most people hated your char, personally I loved him. You gave me more than my fair share of plagues, cabal reamings and cabal tossings. Everytime I played a trib and you would vis in the spire I would get that cold knot in my stomach thinking "f**k I didn't do anything wrong did I?" A couple of times I had =0p

Anyway good luck with everything!
50422, Bah!
Posted by Grysh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were so awesome it's sick. Made me want to go buy you a beer. If you're ever in Montreal, look me up dude.

Good luck with everything.
50416, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Dalteric the Ascetic Monk, Serene Lord of Reason
Posted by Jeir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ouch man, ouch. Well this flat out sucks. My only succesful-ish empowerment character in almost nine years and my god up and leaves. Well, I'm sure you have your reasons, but this sucks in any case. Thanks for the interaction, I was never sure how to read you. If you end up replying, I'd like to know if you thought I was doing a good job. I got a good idea for some transition, so we'll see how that turns out. Anyways, good luck in whatever, and from what I've heard and experienced the playerbase is losing a good interaction imm, and I'm sure you did plenty behind the scenes. Have a good one man.
50419, One thing about Dalteric...
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I couldn't tell if he was AFK half the time. =P
50415, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Dalteric the Ascetic Monk, Serene Lord of Reason
Posted by ordasen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hasta chief, I knew you sort of fell out of place this go around and once Cyradia left you seem to be even more to your self. Keep in touch man, I always did enjoy talking to you and pulling a knife on you during dinner!

50408, So is anyone going to talk about this elephant?~
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50379, Healer?
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always pictured you as a mountain top martial artist.

I had a few paladins dedicated to you.

Kyn being my favorite. Try as I might I never understood your religion at all.

Our interactions were always okay. Except when you sorta busted my chops with Kyn and I deleted.

Anyway. Next to Aarn, I've had more Paladins with you. (You beat Coorlaan out BTW.)

Well crap that leaves me with Well..pretty much Coorlaan.

Ah well.
50373, You have got to be joking...
Posted by Inthulnizra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope you are Re-Immorting. You are one of the better roleplaying IMM's ive seen going. I really liked our interaction with a certain paladin on that hill. It was really well done.
50377, if it shows as a deletion here, there won't be a remort. nt
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM