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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectMezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=50308
50308, Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had an indepth, kooky role with this character that had tons of hidden meanings...that I never wrote down:/. I do want to thank all the imms who took time to interact with me and talk with me and learn my role. In turn, I think I got to know a lot of imm's roles too. My only regret is not talking with kasty/qaledus. Both of which who I really really wanted to talk to.

Arvam: Even though we only talked once...that talk defined this character in every way. Every god damn way:P. I came to pray a lot at your shrine, but to no avail. It wasnt a big deal though, because I knew that I was a walk-on follower and I thank you for even taking the time to sit down the first time.

Ysaloerye: Teehee, I recognized that song, or what I think it was based off of:P You were solid as all hell and after fighting with you(yetesip), being half your ally(tarseti) and then this char respecting you and wanting to get to know you better(mezrar) I must say my opinion of you has only increased, and I wished I knew what other mortals you played. Thanks for ALWAYS responding to my quips, just talking to an imm, no matter how high or low in stature they may be gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. I liked your story a lot as well:).

Athansoros: A special thanks to you too. Being one of the first? to sit down and talk with you and learn your story was a really cool experience. I liked getting to know about the history of dwarves and you appear to be a different kind, yet still a very dwarfy dwarf. Thanks again.

I seemed to talk mainly with the battle imms, and in regards to such I tried to be more chill with battle. Though I still dont forgive Rektath for kicking my ass solo:P. I felt bad about ganking the ever living #### out of you though, so I decided to toss up a few duels your way.

Grurk: You were very, very cool with my little felar who had something to prove. I thank you for taking the time, and I expected the slay that was coming, but I tried to act like my character would have acted. Regardless, every immeraction left me feeling like an inferior little pathetic whelp. Which is the way I thought I should feel if I had dared to challenge a god. PS: Ferret is Bull####.

Tons of characters I got to know, I'll just do hero fortie goodbyes though. Feel free to respond and I'll do my best to get back to you

Merenwen - The rankage was great and I loved all the time I got to spend trucking around behind you when there was no one else on. I felt like I really got to know the role that drove the char too, which was a good feeling.

Lauraine - All the Gear. Good god, you saw how often I died, why all the gear? I'd lose it in ten minutes anyway:P. Regardless, thank you. If I could count how many times you saved my ass, I'd be way up in the thousands. From my lowbies days on up until hero you were always there saving me.

Dynstai - Echoing Lucan here, you're a hardass acolyte and I dig it a lot. I loved my last log on.

Mezrar: Mrrr. Mez wonder where Dynstai be.

Dynstai: At the Vanquisher

Mezrar: Mez'll be there soon.

In my minds eye, you shoulda been a squire:P. Something about that short talk just defined your character well in my eyes. You as well saved my ass a lot too.

Chokiare: I liked you, you were a good marshall and had some solid fighting abilities. One big, big grief though. Back when I was a squire it was myself and another squire in KoR, we were trying to retrieve against odds and were waiting for you in KoR, as we had specified that meeting place. Ten minutes later, we here you are slept by skiltore at the vanquisher and asking for help.

A few things went through my head there. WTF!!??. It forced a rushed attack, to try to save you. There was no preparation and as such we basically went into the meat grinder. I then woke you, and ate the fiend that you narrowly escaped, and I died. Then the other fortie died, but successfully broke down the cents blocking your way out. I was watching, you had about forty five seconds to get six rooms away and safe. What did you do? You threw blindness dust. That was a big BLECH thing, two of your squires just died trying to save you and you just jump right back in. To cap it all off, you never even mentioned a thank you our way.(I know I'm suicidal and retarded at times, but I like to think that when I go into a situation I doubt I have a chance to get out of alive, I dont call for help and get other people dead. I've probably done it before though, and am therefore a hypocrite)

Marigue: Thank you for the rankage, and when I was a lowbie, thank you for feeding me weapons as I got disarmed over and over again by the imperial horde:P. I dunno how many weaps I lost, but it was a lot.

Pulling blanks yet again:P Respond and so will I.
50365, Bye!
Posted by Krynna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, completely not my style of game (that's why I will never play Maran, I guess), but I give you credit for it. IC my char always considered you to be completely nuts and definately not a ranger :)

Nice fights.

On a side note, I should probably fight Nrei some times to see all this tricks!

50362, Mezrar
Posted by Merenwen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn you.

Now who do I go die with? Who else is going to say, "Oh, by the way, you may not want to step out with those five rangers out there."? There can be no Crack Suicide Brigade ™ of one, man! Anyhow, Merenwen will miss you. I certainly won't be laughing as much and I guess I'll have to give up the quest to find fire that hurts you. Good luck with the next. You're a class act.
50361, Aw dammit, you damn well know I liked you
Posted by Chokiare on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the kind words, I really enjyed all of the interactions I had with you, and it was a blast from my end as well.

Regarding the fight you mentioned, I remember it well. Why? Because I forgot one HUGE point. This was the day Skiltore became Emperor .... what does that mean .. it means Chokiare is standing there keeping tabs on him and Mmumma when wham, he sleeps me (not at Vanquisher) and just at that moment I remember, Skiltore is now Emperor, Skiltore can see me. Hehe. When I did finally get woken, I was blind, plagued, (every bard song in the book here) including the one that used to be called Xanadu and deaf, I didnt have a freaking clue where I was, or that the Cents had died. Was hoping to blind them to gain a few seconds for illuminate to wear off and hide, but the whole time during and after I was slamming my keyboard against my head for being an idiot. I should have said sorry because it was my fault, so belatedly, I'm sorry.

Hurry back, your fun to interact with, hehe
50358, RE: Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by Marigue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you and me got together, either we both died, or alot of enemies got their asses handed to them.

That 1-2 hour imperial onslaught with me following you around, picking up disarmed weapons and the like was probably my most memorable session with you.

Your balls-to-the-wall fighting style was both your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness. It got you so many more kills, even in the most ridiculously suicidal situations.

Someone get this guy's PBF. He deserves it.
50352, RE: Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by Nreisshe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, sorry. Before you, no ranger ever insisted on fighting me and I had 700 hours worth of thinking up tricks to use against one behind me... so I had to put them into use. I secretly hoped I could corrupt you into accepting my offer of peace, but you silly goodies always let ideals come in the way!

Good job anyway, and thanks for showing me what hunters have in their bag of tricks. ;)
50353, RE: Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seemed like after every fight, I was getting a teeny bit better, I had hoped to finally drive you to a standstill:P. But you were very strong, and just kept on pullin out the tricks:P. Hunters were neat, and I had a few more ideas I didnt get to try:(
50351, Bye Pinkie Fortresscat
Posted by Lauraine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have a huge thing for felar race. Anyway, I do like the character Mezrar quite alot. See you again?

Mezrar the Pinkie Fortresscat
50348, MEZ!
Posted by Morior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I enjoyed your character a lot. Damn, but don't fight outside of the freaking wilds, or at least make sure you have flying, you idiot.

Was hoping to duel you after I finished mastering my dagger specs, but alas to no avail, I suppose.

Gods you died a lot, sometimes I'm like "wtf I wish I had crack that strong." Care to comment on some of your sillier deaths?

I felt bad for taking a fair-sized chunk of CON off of you, but you got a nice bit of revenge later on. Surprised the hell out of me. I hate call lightning.

P.S. Don't g all corpse when you have fiery rings. Man... how many times did you die to that?
50354, RE: MEZ!
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God Damn Fiery Rings. You dont want to know how many times I died to that, I seriously lost about 2-3 con JUST from them.

Hummm. My silliest death? Uhh.

I'd say my silliest death was one of two times. Either the time I fled from the watcher, and jumped you/mumma/craglork because I thought I had sanc..and sanc had jsut worn off or one of the times I tried to retrieve against odds solo:P.
50345, RE: Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's always amusing when pc's think they can battle gods. I think you called me out, what, 3 times? I let you live the first two
times, but buy the last time I was like, ok enough of this.. let's
just show him not to do this again. :P

All in all, a very well RP'd character. Fun to watch.

50355, RE: Fighting Gods
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is it technically possible for immortals to die? Or are they literally hard-coded "can't die"?
50338, RE: Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by Kiph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good times with a ranger that wasn't afraid to fight anytime, any place. Your courage was inspiring, and it'll definately be a sad thing to lose your presence and your much needed sense of humor around the Fort. Have fun with whatever it is you're planning next.
50344, RE: Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kiph was a ball, this silly bard where you and I conspired and goofed off, and then in the blink of an eye we had corpses laying around us..an it was time to goof off again:P. I loved that we could be as silly as heralds and still get #### done. Keep on trucking man, you're a force.
50333, Har! Fuzzy Arsed Git!
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well played!
Glad you enjoyed the fun. Man oh man I can't believe I actually had a RP session with you AND Krilcov at the same time!? Who'd have thunk it!
Anyway it was all fun, glad you liked the song ;-)
Needless to say our characters have been allies/enemies/and otherwise as far back as Youtserp. Always fun. Keep em coming.
50334, RE: Har! Fuzzy Arsed Git!
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh. Irony much? :P And if we date back to youtserp, thats really really far. I'm GUESSING you were a certain friendly thief to my newbie ass;). Wow..Thats way back there man:P
50331, RE: Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well RP'd, I had planned in giving you the scoop on Kastellyn, but alas...you are no more.

Definitely not afraid to take it to the enemy! Good luck with your next.

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends
50335, RE: Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now I'm mad about deleting :/. I really wanted to learn your story/history/entire scoop. I think that sometimes players forget that imm chars have roles too. So with this char, I went out of my way to learn their role, since I dont have that trusty read role chapter 1:P. I had planned on con dying this char, but things did not work out, and time runs out:/
50330, Aww, man..
Posted by Lladoleus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now why'd you have to go and do that?

Anyway, you were cool. We started hanging out I don't know when, but I could always count on you to drag me into a bunch of fights. I think life is gonna be a lot more boring for Lladoleus now..

You were probably one of my favorite guys to fight with, even though as a team I think we brought out the worst in each other. Even so though, you were a fun guy to interact with, and I always tried to make it when you asked me to come jump the Imperials with ya. Good luck with the next man.
50336, RE: Aww, man..
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, I'm trying to imagine the irony since in Denneks goodbye I told YOU not to delete, and then two days later I realize how short on time I am, and I kick the bucket:P Regardless, I think you'll do well the farther up you get...and yes..we did suck together<3
50329, Oh damn man
Posted by Trurkrag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was cool fighting you. Literally. :P

We had some good fights and you were one of my favourite enemies to fight against.

50337, RE: Oh damn man
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, you were the first enemy I fought, and we kept on fighting most of our lives until I broke into a power ranking spree. Boom boom boom, maces suck. Oh wait, haste kicks your ass, what do you mean boneshatter owns me. No! Freezing bow ftw!:P Just a short recap.
50322, Cool ranger
Posted by Gistle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I think it says something that your enemies are all giving you respect on this board. I enjoyed the interactions and a furball that didn't shy from a fight. Good one.
50339, RE: Cool ranger
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had nothing but respect for you and brulgor and I like to think I came close to beating your deadly duo solo, or at the least, driving you all off:P. I also am curious as to why you took an interset to me at such a young age, when I got that tell at rank 29 or something, I was very very curious.
50370, RE: Cool ranger
Posted by Gistle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I also am curious as to why you took an interset to me at such a young age, when I got that tell at rank 29 or something, I was very very curious.

When you're uncaballed evil and spend 90% of your time duo, nobody generally talks to you unless you talk to them first. I was bored and my "murder all" button was broken, so I thought let's see what this guy has to say.}(
50371, RE: Cool ranger
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
HEh, you confused the #### outta me:/
50375, It's the Pico in me =P
Posted by Gistle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sometimes I just love being inscrutible. You took it better than a lot of others.*

*Typical responses: "Huh?," "Why are you talking to me?," "what are you?," and "DIE EVUL DIEEE!"
50314, RE: Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good ranger!
Quite suicidal, but still good. Always tried to give you your things back.
That fight in plains, where you was following me (same as tiger form) caught me unprepaired and I almost paniced when aura fell and I got down to agony ;)

Well done.
50340, RE: Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, thanks for that. I really like Mmumma too, though it seemed at times you were a juggernaut who just wouldn't die. I got majorly excited when I had you writhing with no aura:/.
50311, You were a pain in my ass.
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously. For all the rangers lurking around the fort, you were the only one I knew was coming all the time, just to make my life miserable. Knowing who your player is, it is no surprise. You really do excell at the balls to the wall style of playing, and that's awesome, it makes for a fun time.

I wish I had a no-disarm weapon for all the weapons you took from me. Remember that time one of our shadows got you after you took 3 weapons from me and Morior? We were pissed.

Good luck on your next.
50341, RE: You were a pain in my ass.
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<3 I stole so many of your weapons I felt bad. And that one time with morior, I thought I was done for a lot earlier then I was, and so, I just stole everything Icould:)
50310, RE: Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by Dynstai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*In my minds eye, you shoulda been a squire . Something about that short talk just defined your character well in my eyes. You as well saved my ass a lot too.

I loved Mezrar, made me laugh a couple of times. Yes, she tends to go the hardass path with the Acolytes, but doesn't mean she didn't have a lighter side to her. Remember Pink :). Anyways have fun with the next, I am keeping track!
50342, RE: Mezrar, Uber Sweet Ranger Experiment, dead.
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pinkie was the weirdest nick name ever. Here I am trying to be the couragous lion-hearted ranger, and I end up turning into this nuzzle happy laughbag:P. I blame acolytes. It was really great to tear through the baddies with you, you and I were quite the force. Best of luck, and keep fort kickin'
50309, You should not be gone.
Posted by Fadderth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mezrar was a good to have ranger in Fortress. You moved like cold wind off mountain and you many seemed to fear. Mezrar logs did inspire me.
50343, RE: You should not be gone.
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, thanks for the logs. And as for how fast I moved, sometimes I was very slow because I was away from the comp. a lot(thanks to all those who bore with me while I slugged through my afk stages) and other times I was very focussed, and hence, flew all over the place looking for fights. You do very well, much better then I first expected and I expect a maranation in no time;)