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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Khasotholas the Divine Voice of Order
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=50262
50262, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Khasotholas the Divine Voice of Order
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Aug 25 06:01:41 2006

At 7 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Khasotholas perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
50728, Remember Sinopa?
Posted by kas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You where the greatest influence in that characters life, and taught me plenty about the mud. Good luck with your children and thanks again for the great memories! And yet again your roleplay and guidance helped me leave cf with fond memories.
50733, Heck Yeah
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great character, great role. I saved a few choice role snippets and things from followers I really liked.

Subject: The Final Chapter of a Fox's Guide to Living
Added Wed May 19 00:51:42 2004 at level 51:
When one looks to the past what is viewed. A lifetime of battles and war?
A life of peace? A life of conquest? Or a life of meaning. With a sad
heart Sinopa pens the final chapter to a Fox's Guide to Living. Not because
the book has reached an end, but instead over the fact that many have
chosen meaningless pursuits over noble ones. Is it truly a waste of ones
life to work towards a better tomorrow? Sinopa thinks that no is the answer.
If one can die and change one persons life. To change their views upon the
world so that they may see that they are not the center of everyones
attention, than ones life was worth something. The goal of a Fox's Guide
to Living was not only to teach, but to enlighten. To broaden Self's view
upon the land and its inhabitants. It is not a self serving attempt to be
remembered forever as a great scribe, it is an attempt towards realization.
Cast aside the false notions of greed and self fullfillment. Work towards a
better tomorrow. Where all are equal, where all have acheived a meaning in
life. One must look within Self and face the demons of the past. Besting
the demons not only leads to peace within Self, but also realization. Know
that perfection and freedom begins with you.
The End.
50423, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Khasotholas the Divine Voice of Order
Posted by BryvacGery on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, I could have swore I heard you were Intro, and if that is in fact you, I'll just have to say you changed the way I looked and played this game for the better, just your little imm things and all that fun. Thanks for the good times, and I hope stuff works out for you.

50363, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Khasotholas the Divine Voice of Order
Posted by Solian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The cookies will always be on the house for you, my man. Thank you for all the years of fun and we hope we will get to see you again. Until that time enjoy those youngins'
50360, From Loborguz to Farnsworth to Jhishesh and others
Posted by Graatchman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My chars always seemed to find yours, mortal or immortal. You were always fun, right from the start.

Congratz on all your success and may it continue for you and your family.
50328, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Khasotholas the Divine Voice of Order
Posted by Thrakburzug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I am not overly surprised at this, but I am still saddened by it. Enjoyed meeting and working with and mentoring you. Good luck with life and the kids!

50313, Unh huh. I suppose my only reason to CF now is to piss off Derexal. txt
Posted by Inthulnizra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First Jullias, then Twist/Balgrimnr and now you. I remember Quinthen through my newbie stages. I remember seeing him simply standing at Market Square galadon with blade barrier up exuding his malice and challenging just about everyone to attack him. Expecting someone too with about 10 in range and hoping to see a good fight. No one did.
I didn't much know about Flontinot, only things that I heard. As for Khaso, I remember roleplaying with you through about 5 different characters, asking you to aid in empowerment through Zulghinlour and mostly with Inthulnizra. Your level of roleplay always inspired me, especially with Khasotholas. My fondest memory will always be

Khasotholas says "Bring another arcane into this Empire and your fate will be worse then those who betrayed us."

Khasotholas promotes you to Imperial Priestess.

I had to laugh at that. Because the stage before. Grurk gave me #### before promoting me to Acolyte. I got in so much #### with that character because I had 3 different IMM's telling me to do 3 different things. Eventually when you lastly told me what to do, I of course took it your way. Which was the right way.

Thanks for years of devotion. You will be missed. As for current role... Baleeted.
50307, What can one say
Posted by ordasen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one hell of an Immortal both from the admin side and the game interaction side. You had a passion for Battle that always reminded me why I had loved the cabal and so willing to jump in and help them out.

But what can you say, life often raises its head and will bite you in the ass. With a little one on the way myself, I can fully support your choice as they are the important things in life. Good luck in all your endevors from here on out.

And should you be in Tampa for the Bucs, and feel like having a drink feel free to contact me. I know we got along sometimes and others I probably drove you nuts, but eh, I'm willing to buy you a beer and a lapdance :P You were that much of a good man.

yarter@tampabay.rr.com if you do ever decide to make contact.
50315, RE: What can one say
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't think I forgot you owe me a lapdance at the Mons! I'm sure I'll hit Tampa sooner rather than later. Good luck with the wee one!
50306, One of the best imms ever.
Posted by Cenatar__ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You always felt like a players imm and your feeling for what is fun will be missed.
50316, Thanks
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
- You always felt like a players imm

It was always my intention to try and see things from the point of view of players, and try to be an advocate for you guys. Sometimes it worked, sometimes (justifiably so) it didn't. But I always had in my head to make this game fun, and more fun for the players above all.
50298, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Khasotholas the Divine Voice of Order
Posted by Kriack on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Khasotholas. You were the first Imm to give me attention, back when I was living in hard times and only had dial up MUD to relive the stress a bit. When you were new I believe I was your second tat'd character and you giving me immteraction/titles was the way I got hooked to this god forbidden game :)

Please don't leave for very long. I don't think anyone has anything bad to say about you and CF would surely sore if you left for good.

- Jaynus
50295, Adios.
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You really inhabited the role of Khasotholas and brought him to life
for so many people, me included. There were a lot of times as an Immortal that you would come hobbling from the shadows and, even though I was Immortal, you still scared the beejeezus out of me.

Thanks for taking an interest in a goofy magician you weren't supposed to even like and helping set me loose upstairs.

When the kids are grown and your feet lead you back to us, don't
worry, we'll keep your cane at hand.

But seriously, you should see someone about that cough. :P


50317, RE: Adios.
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sometimes I forget where you came from, you've been around so long now! Your progress has been pretty amazing, and you're great at what you do! Love that lizard.
50290, Kids, life =! CF
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well what can I say... we had our share of differences over the past
couple years, but you always had CF's best interests at heart.

You will be missed, I know by the players and certainly from the staff.

Good luck with the rugrats and all! :)

50318, CF=Life!
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
More than anything, you've been the glue holding Empire together recently. Good luck in the future!
50288, Dude!
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm at a loss for words, man. You were such a presence in the early morning hours back when I was still on the East Coast; it was cool chatting with you about mundane and inane stuff before I slogged off to work.

It was great getting to meet you in person as well, and I'll look you up next time I'm back that way. I still owe you lunch! Great DVD, by the way, man did I enjoy that.

Some of my fondest memories were reminiscing about fighting Flontinot with my Imperial Assassin. I'm not sure why, because it was so long ago and I've played so many characters since then, but they just stick in my mind for some reason. So now I'm hoping that you'll be able to find the time to roll up another mortal and give other players that kind of experience.

Your personality definitely filled a needed niche at the upper levels of the staff, and I found myself agreeing with a lot of your thoughts and insights, though I probably wasn't as vocal as I could have been in my support as I felt I was still pretty inexperienced at that rank. I'll try to step up and carry that torch for you, because I think it's important, but I doubt I'll pull it off as well as you.

Enjoy your time with your family; though kids aren't in our future, I have a great deal of respect for those that go through the whole child-rearing process, and I fully understand the tremendous commitment involved. Just one question: What annoying hobby are you going to come up with to piss your wife off like CF did? :P

Take care, and keep in touch.


Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends
50286, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Khasotholas the Divine Voice of Order
Posted by Sebeok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kinda figured this was coming, but it doesn't make it any less of a kick in the junk. Give my best to Diana and the rugrats, we'll get together for a beer or golf one of these days.
50284, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Khasotholas the Divine Voice of Order
Posted by vegalicous on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Life outside cf is obviously much more important than the hours we spend in this mindblowing game. With that in mind WTF, oh no you didn't! Well on the up side, I got a greater chance of staying on that top-five list of yours. You'll be sadly missed and one very big reason to join the Empire has just been taken away. If you ever find the time, do pop by #dangeroom and listen to us n00bs complaining about everything from overpowered combos to hangovers.
50283, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Khasotholas the Divine Voice of Order
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always felt comfortable speaking with you about in-game and out-of-game issues. Because of this and several other reasons, you brought a lot to the game and personal lives of everyone with whom you interacted. You presented a profound sense of wonder when speaking of your family and personal life, and I wish you the best in all things. If you are ever in the CF neighborhood, drop by and say hello or come back when and if it is a desire.

Good luck
50319, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Khasotholas the Divine Voice of Order
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
- You presented a profound sense of wonder when speaking of your family and personal life

Nicest compliment anyone could ever pay me!
50280, Well then!
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't say any more than anyone else. You will be sorely missed, both by the Imm's and the players. You were a class act, I loved to interact with you as both Imperial and Imperial enemy.
Good luck with life and the kinder, I for one will be first on the street with the "Welcome Back" banner when the time is right.
50278, Go raise dem babies!
Posted by Corrlaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

As a father I know the deal as well. It's very hard to balance and when you get right down to it..you have to focus attention where its more important.

Enjoy every minute you get to spend with them little ones.


50275, Not unexpected, but...
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been expecting this to some degree since your first was born, but that doesn't make it easier. I felt like we never quite got the same guy back after that, which, while obviously the right choice and completely understandable, was still a great loss for CF. I've always been a fan of your work and your interactions, and to see your time drop off then and now to nothing is sad for me.

I'll probably toss some additional thoughts at your CF e-mail later today if you're still reading it.

Come back when the kids are in day care! }(
50279, RE: Not unexpected, but...
Posted by Khasoatwork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had many quarrels with you, but almost without exception they were constructive quarrels. I could disagree with you without disliking you, and my respect for your opinion never wavered. All the best on your upcoming nuptials! I'm terribly sorry to leave Empire in the lurch, but in this case, I think the bandaid theory of the quick rip was the best.
50271, Class act.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for everything you did for the game and taught me along the way. Real life happens and it is completely understandable when the kids are involved. Mine are a little older than yours and have regular bed times. Maybe when that happens you will find the time and the spark again. Good luck in all that you do.
50272, RE: Class act.
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Same to you. You had my respect as a roleplay, and as an imm. But most of all, hearing you talking about your children and your family made me respect you the most. It was so genuine, and so good to hear for a newer father like myself. Good luck!
50266, Thank you all
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pretty much everyone I've interacted with has made my time here a very special part of my life. I'm sure I'll still pop around with a mort once in a while... I haven't played a really good mort in ages, and I'm about due.

My utmost respect to the other imms, they continue to do a magnificent job. And my respect to most of the morts... most of your are excellent players and make it a joy for the imms.

Two children makes things tough for an imm. My time just wasn't what it should have been, and I feel I've been more of a tease than a reality as a roleplayer lately.

Good luck to all of you!
50268, How do we contact you to send you beer/gifts to make you return? nt
Posted by Shamsguest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50269, RE: Thank you all
Posted by Mmumma on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, #### it. ;(

Not because I'm your follower, but because always liked you. I remember how you appeared and allready then been your priest - your first priest ;P

And, looks like, I'm your last priest too. What the hell...
50270, And one of the cowboys with the white hats gets shot!
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thats what it feels like to know you wont be on the Imm-staff. Another cowboy with a white hat gone. You were class as a mortal and an Immortal. All the best with everything you do but I hope, somewhere down the line, it is a rager so you can be welcomed home!

50321, RE: And one of the cowboys with the white hats gets shot!
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know if I can do a rager, my ragers are too easy to recognize. People just say to themselves... man, this guy really tries to roleplay, but he just can't pk anyone. It's Khaso!
50273, No, thank you.
Posted by Shadowmaster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will echo Lyristeon and say you were a class act, all around. Good luck with everything and hope the kids grow up to be Emperors/Empress'.

Thanks for everything you did for CF along the way.
50274, This really, really hurts.
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Allright, first off, let me say it takes a big man to walk away when he no longer feels he can put forth his best effort. I'm glad that if you felt it was your time, you didn't waffle on the decision and prolong it. That said, damn you! I would wake up two hours early for work just to get a chance to RP with you. Believe it or not this is my first empowered character, and I choose you for a reason.

You were awesome, and will be missed. Good luck with everything man, I was trying to be the first Healer Emp since Quinthen to make you proud. Thanks for empowering me, and thanks for just being awesome.
50277, Take care
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always enjoyed our interactions. From Anith to Thmauddhot and all the ones in between. I like your hands on approach and your religion was cool. You are going to be missed.
50324, RE: Take care
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anith was fantastic! Good player, good job! Thanks.
50281, RE: Thank you all
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm having a hard enough time with just one.

Come back with some morts. As much as it sucks to lose Khasatholas the Immortal, gaining some Khasatholas-played mortals is almost as good (or possibly better).
50326, RE: Thank you all
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks man... haven't put enough effort into a mort in a loooooong time. I'm due!
50282, RE: Thank you all
Posted by Mort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just have 5 words for you: see you around... Gathen/Flonty.
50292, Thank you.
Posted by Nivek1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed interacting with every single one of your characters, though the ones I will remember most are Quinthen, Flontinot and Intronan. Probably the best roleplayer this game has ever seen.

*Nivek hands Quinthen a jar of liquified yellow cheese.*

Yes, I did end up converting to Pat's King of Steaks, though it will always and evermore be "american-mushroom-wit" every time I step up to its hallowed window.

Best wishes.

50296, It's all about the whiz!
Posted by Sebeok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unless you hit Mama's...man that place is a heartattack waiting to happen, but damn its good.
50320, RE: It's all about the whiz!
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mama's is good, but you can only go there once a year, or it's certain death. Nivek, you've seen the light!
50325, Hard Choices
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I understand the lure of american cheese, I really do. My stance has always been, if you're going to go processed... go all the way. Thus, the Whiz. Take care man
50294, RE: Thank you all
Posted by Lazy Drekten on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been around almost all your characters until the time you immorted, and I loved them all. I always meant to make a khas follower but I never did get around to it, heh. Anyway one of my earliest CF memories is raiding the goblin village and the manor with Flontinot, arming ourselves with frying pans of justice and loin cloths of bestial might. I swear I was thinking of rolling a new character (haven't had one in two years) and making it a khas follower. I swear I was about to do the same thing when Shaz deleted too, I have no luck, no luck at all...you'll be missed, and I gotta say this really dampens my spirits in the way of making a new character at all.

50366, RE: Thank you all
Posted by Insilathos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From Intronan to Khasotholas i have had the pleasure of being empowered, titled, tattoed, plagued and killed by you. It was a bliss every time, and i thank you for that. You did really make a difference, and it is shame that there will be no more porn festivals in Cannes for you.

Best wishes for the future from some of your priests

Legissal, Tambar, Njaal

"Dont play word games with me Grunlath!"
50369, Nooooo........
Posted by Zargu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn you Khas!

Even its been six month or so since i have been around, you where the imm i liked the most when it came down to immteraction and such.

I had countless of followers, and all of mention got your tattoo as well. You have all of my respect man, but i as well knows how much two children takes of your time, so i respect your call...

Best of luck to you man.

Zargu, Zhenzar, Zharaluzar, Zilopza and bah.. I cant even remember who i played no more but you know me!

50418, Poooop!
Posted by Wuntarro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hands down you were top 3 on my very long all time list of imms. You were awesome to interact with as a mort, and cool to me as an immortal when I played Heas. Really a kick in the nuts for CF to lose you. I'm bummed.

I always wanted to play a Khaso villager - now I'll never get the chance.

Even though I don't play right now (time) I'm sad to see you go.
50655, RE: Thank you all
Posted by Gvann on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really many thanks for you for all the time you spend for watching and roleplaying with all my priests of you :) Damn, I just rolled up another one after a half year of not playing CF, came to your church and found... that you're Dead :(. Hope to meet you as a mortal... in case I'll continue playing myself.

And good luck in RL...

Gvan and others..
50265, Thankyou.
Posted by Auzzie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A friend and I were talking about you just the other day, saying how you were such an awesome character and a great roleplayer and how good of a job you were doing for this game. I'd just like to say thankyou for all the effort you put in, tried a few followers of yours and you were awesome. Anyhow, I hope this is not the end of cf for you, but if it is I wish you all the best for whatever it is you plan on doing next!

50267, Gah! Not thankyou for deleting, but thanks for what you have done n.t
Posted by Auzzie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50264, .....No......no....NOOOO.
Posted by Shamanmanguest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously..how could you? What possessed you to do this? Are you psychotic? Half the playerbase would turn gay just to meet you :-(. I'm speechless, between you and Aarn there is a great gaping hole in my heart....</3. Come back.
50263, Woah, woah, WOAH.
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't do this! Go back, you're loved and we want to love you more.

As official president of the Khaso fan club, I urge you not to ruin my lively hood. I was getting pins made and everything. You had freakin' groupees! How many immortals can claim that?

Do excuse me while I go cry in a corner.

50323, RE: Woah, woah, WOAH.
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks man. You're an excellent player, keep it up!