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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAnother minotaur slot is now open.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=49691
49691, Another minotaur slot is now open.
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Finally, I have deleted.
There were three reasons:
1. My annual leave is at the end and, most likely, I won't be able to play so much as I would like to;
2. I completely suck with warriors;
3. I felt myself unwelcome.

Blughurn was my first warrior-hero. I ddin't know any preps and I've been dying a LOT. I've made a ####ing lots of mistakes, learning on them, but not so much as I would like to. I've chosen legacies that seems never worked and greately regret that I didn't go for something else (as I wanted at the beginning). Greeting the Avalanche really, really sucks. Or so I think. =)
But still, I had tonns of fun. After playing Niazuruzain, I've learned not to full loot and always tried to give back what I do not need. Saddly, I've been full looted constantly, but decided not to return the 'favour'. And many times I've had returned my trinkets. This is good and I see progress in that direction.
One more thing, why did I die that much - I tried to play a fearless minotaur, and, I hope, did it well. Cost - about ten con points. =)

What I didn't like a ####ing lot - it is that CF became a game of preppers. If you don't know preps - youre a corpse. So, people that are playing for a long while can eat new players or comeback players without any problems.

Now, some farewells.

Empire lords:
Hope I did a good job. When I begun, I had about 10-12 foes daily, no matter of time. I've been ranking up, helping other imperials, and finally, on Dio's forum I've read whines about "imperial hordes". Gratned, one of my goals was completed. =)
At the end I felt that my character disappoints you both, so fun begun to wane. Thanks for little immteractions, though, kept my char inspired.

We've been accaused in permagrouping. That were funny, since I didn't play for a half year and know no one OOC but two guys that have quit CF two-three years ago. Despite that we are still interracting, but they resist my attempt to pull them back to CF. It was lucky that our playtime nearly matches, and we did a good job. You've been extremly patient and because of you Empire is gaining strength now. Sorry that I'm leaving you, but I'm tired of being a punching bag and anchor on your neck. Hope you enjoyed this mino!

I had tonns of fun running with you. Very unusual Dread Lady (pity that I didn't see you as Empress, I'm sure that were even more funny).

Mhruan, Remeirnac (sp?), Dhaezym:
You all have lot to learn, as well as I am, but you are striving, and this is why I have respect for you all. We surely had good times! Good luck, I'm sure you can stick it out.

Terezza, Craglorth:
New generation of cool imperials. You gonna kick ass if stick it out ;) Good luck to both of you!

Other imperial heroes:
Of no use. Loggin in once per week is surely not enough.

Man, you really shouldn't blame imperials. OOC I completely agreed with your points, but IC I couldn't agree and listen. This is why our alliance ended up. I've been expecting you gonna revenge for the insult, but alas, now you can't. Cool character, I've enjoyed our adventures and battles!

Skilled, calm and deadly. Very very nice one and reliable ally. Pity that in arbies and not in Empire, though I know why :P

We had cool duels and nasty battles. I felt sorry OOC that you are dying that much, but you kept coming for your head when we all been near. What could we do? Our final battle was extremely cool. If I wouldn't miss that drum I'd have you! Tonns of respect.

Other villagers:
No head - be dead. No offense, guys, but you are so addictive to your cabal powers!

Not much I can say. Pity, too little interraction - probably because of mino speech.

In all of you I respect only Chokiare and Afetra. True marans, with honor and self-respectness. I felt your respect toward me as a player and hatring - toward my character. Good luck, guys, you are making fortress not so sick as it would be without you.
Rest - pa-the-tic.

Hyzin, zero respect; actually, as a player, I despise you. Killing a naked foe by the pit after he dies in exploration area - is sick. No matter, maran you or not, it is sick. Destroying his equipement - even more sick. Why are you rewarded with quest form and tittle is a mystery to me.

Gerandiel - are you sure you are playing a paladin, man? Would paladin attack a sleeping foe? Would paladin full loot him, even if he hates him that much? I don't think so. Yes, it's hard to kill a paladin for a warrior that have only basical protections. Is it give you right to boast or blame those warriors? Read help about paladins and code of honor, or something. Your actions made me sick.

Don't really know any of you. Had some scrimishes, but you barely come out of the woods, even when we had fetish. Usually you were waiting by the fortress with snares and bards, waiting inside. Deadly combo.

Enough farewells. I am sure I forgot someone - if I did, let me know!

Now, two minor things:
1. Mino can't get into organia? I think it's a bug - cat must understand not text trigger, but meaning of the phrase, isn't it?
2. Thar-Acacia: same as above.

And lastly, despite all ####e that I ate, I had tonns of fun and still love CF. Perhaps I'll roll up now something else, or, most likely, will return next spring - time will show. I'd post some logs on Dio's, but I'm banned there for 'character assassination of Hyzin', so that not gonna happen. If you have any funny logs with my horned guy, go on and post it!
49809, Good Run.
Posted by Remerinac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A healer needs a pet warrior, and you were one of my easiest picks because often times when we got together we could take alot of stuff. I really enjoyed traveling with you except for Mino speech, which at times had me ripping my hair out(metaphorically)... Anyways it was fun and sorry for the few times I had let you die.

Now only if I can convince a mino warrior to enter empire that is mute, I think I could communicate better...

See you around Horned.
49779, RE: Another minotaur slot is now open.
Posted by BLUGHURN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enough flame, I'm bad and I embrace my darkness ;)
Pity thing - my credit card does not work outside my country.
This sucks, I'll change it someday.
49775, I only have a few things to say
Posted by Zhaltum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off, please for the sake of all warriors learn how to pk alone, you made me sick from time to time,
Blug I want to kill so and so
Follow Zhaltum
I mean I gang, but ask most folks I'm not afraid to come try and beat some ass solo even if I do get pwned in the process and likely full-looted.

Second Your class choices were so painfully similar, didn't you see me struggling with stuff and think huh.. maybe I could pick X and solve that problem? Or hell atleast given them SOME amount of thought? IE Your lack of prep knowledge so you picked Enigma?!
*F'n Brillant*

Third, Don't expect people to just dump their secrets in your lap because your in the same cabal. You want something earn it, I'm not going to just spoon you my preps and area knowledge.
Do something for me, give me something, trade me something, kill someone for me etc, don't just demand to know how to get in some area or where I get my haste from.

Finally, MY GOD you complained alot, to the point that I started ignoring you whenever you spoke to me. Please refrain I wanted to bash you a few times after listening to you bitch about something that I could have caredless about IC.

My advice in the future is, play something mute *this goes for you too Krilcov* and look at the skills your class gets above level 15.
49778, RE: I only have a few things to say
Posted by Blug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been fighting alone a lot. I didn't pick enegma. Actually, I had no idea that Tukrun have bash legacy. I didn't know ####ing anything bout Empire characters since I didn't play from march. Lastly, I've spoken to Zhaltum only once, and complained? That's was my minotaur. About any of my otyher characters no one would say that; so I believe I RPyed nervous minotaur rather well. And lastly, I've been following you to learn how to fight. Alas, you didn't show me any, probably because you've been avoiding battles that I'd enter.
49780, I would grace this with a answer
Posted by Zhaltum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I could barely understand any of it.
49781, Ok, I reread it
Posted by Zhaltum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been fighting alone a lot. I didn't pick enegma, *huh coulda swore I saw you quaff in direct combat, guess you weren't tanking*

I've spoken to Zhaltum only once, and complained?
You were around on several occassions maybe not actually in hero range but you sure did bitch alot on CB.

Alas, you didn't show me any, probably because you've been avoiding battles that I'd enter.
Battles in which you would have gotten me killed because you flee at 60% and spam bash?

This really isn't a slight its a critisim, I liked what little I saw of Naiz, I didn't like a damn bit about Blug from either side of the battles. Just trying to point you back down the road of cool chars rather than annoying characters, everyone remembers but doesn't have anything good to say about.
49773, Blughurn
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Blughurn, for your first warrior hero, you did a fine job. You played a fine Blade, and fought against tough odds a good bit of the time I saw you. You seemed to log on regardless of anything. That's what everyone should do.

From your post as Niazuruzain and now this, I think your views on full looting are fairly known. I often have the same view myself, I rarely see the point in it. But I don't let it affect me to any great degree, and you really shouldn't either. Certain things that other players do, or you think they do, seem to consume you. That shouldn't happen. There are things that strike everyone the wrong way at times, but dwelling on it isn't always the best course of action.

Try not to judge others so harshly based on incidents. It's what we as imms try to do. It's patterns of behavior, more that incidents which can be misinterpreted that really matter.
49777, RE: Blughurn
Posted by Blug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Allright. Thanks for idea, I'll keep in mind.
Perhaps I'm really been too harsh. Anyways, I had fun and glad you enjoyed this kamizadze-blade =)
49754, I for one enjoyed you being around...
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From the beginning with that bit of shadiness with Stewart, to the end killing Battle, it was an interesting ride. Some of those logs I read made me wonder about you the player, but I'd say you were always solid around me. Sorry I couldn't be on more, but life has a way of beating you down.

You were a beast once you got geared up if you just had either me or Skiltore with you (or Remerinac). Good luck on the next, and know as long as you don't cheat, you're always welcome back.
49739, RE: Another minotaur slot is now open.
Posted by Aiyedn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed fighting Blughurn, and I always find mino speech comical. So to interact with you when I did it was funny. That standoff in Barovia was good times, and I was hoping to catch you in the mists making it harder for you to flee. Alas, you got away though. We fought alone a few times, and a few times we faced off in groups. Anyway, I would have never pinned you for Niaz. Good luck with your next and hope to see you in the fields.
49723, RE: Another minotaur slot is now open.
Posted by Gibniblik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dont feel sorry for me, I'm a battle berserker ;P

Had lots of fun fighting you, apart from the last fight I cant remember ever actually beating you (apart from low levels, but noone is interested in them).

Never saw you as a perma either, I know if Skiltore was around you would be likely be around him, but who wouldn't want to go raid/explore/tear #### up with a bard? I saw you around plenty without him.

Anyway, sorry to see you go and hope you roll a mage for me to chew up/get owned by!

PS, About that entwine at the inner palace guardians....how exactly did you get out of it? Was it just because I was fiddling about too much trying to dual wield another flail?
49726, RE: Another minotaur slot is now open.
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure. Perhaps four rounds allreay passed? I'll post log right here:

<1071/1148hp 443/448m 823mv 26550tnl 4 AM>
Lerimos has arrived.
Lerimos yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Blademaster!'
the Imperial Blademaster: Intruder! Intruder! Lerimos is raiding the Cabal!
Lerimos yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Warlock!'
Lerimos yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Assassin!'
Lerimos yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Prelate!'

<1071/1148hp 443/448m 823mv 26550tnl 4 AM>
Gibniblik has arrived.
Gibniblik yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Blademaster!'
the Imperial Blademaster: Intruder! Intruder! Gibniblik is raiding the Cabal!
Gibniblik yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Warlock!'
Gibniblik yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Assassin!'
Gibniblik yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Prelate!'

<1071/1148hp 443/448m 823mv 26550tnl 4 AM>
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
You yell 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Someone has a few scratches.

<1069/1148hp 443/448m 823mv 26550tnl 4 AM>
Lerimos rescues Gibniblik from you!
Someone starts aiming at you!
Someone parries your crush.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1069/1148hp 443/448m 823mv 26550tnl 4 AM>
You dodge someone's charge.
Your shield blocks someone's charge.
You dodge someone's charge.
You dodge someone's charge.
Someone deflects your crush with its defensive spin.
Someone deflects your crush with its defensive spin.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1069/1148hp 443/448m 823mv 26550tnl 4 AM> flee
Someone gets in one more shot as you flee.
Someone's parting blow devastates you!
You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!

<1037/1148hp 443/448m 822mv 26550tnl 4 AM> up
You aren't fighting anyone.

<1037/1148hp 443/448m 822mv 26550tnl 4 AM> You can't see a thing!

<1037/1148hp 443/448m 821mv 26550tnl 4 AM>
someone: Intruder! Intruder! Lerimos is raiding the Cabal!

<1037/1148hp 443/448m 821mv 26550tnl 4 AM>
Someone snaps something at you but you manage to deflect it.
You yell 'Help! Someone is trying to drag me away!'
Someone dodges your crush.
Someone parries your crush.
Someone deftly ducks under your crush.
Someone has a few scratches.

<1037/1148hp 443/448m 821mv 26550tnl 4 AM>
Someone's charge MASSACRES someone!
Someone dodges your crush.
Someone parries your crush.
Someone screams in agony as a black sigil forms on its chest.
Someone seals someone's wounds with a crimson fire.
Someone seals someone's wounds with a crimson fire.
Someone seals someone's wounds with a crimson fire.
Someone seals its wounds with a crimson fire.
You parry someone's wrath.
Someone has a few scratches.

<1037/1148hp 443/448m 821mv 26550tnl 4 AM> cranial
Your cranial hit misses someone.
Someone has a few scratches.

<1037/1148hp 443/448m 821mv 26550tnl 4 AM>
Someone's charge MANGLES someone!
Someone's charge MANGLES someone!
Someone parries your crush.
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in someone's direction.
You parry someone's wrath.
Someone's wrath devastates you!
You parry someone's wrath.
Someone has a few scratches.

<1006/1148hp 443/448m 821mv 26550tnl 4 AM>
Someone lashes out with something and entwines you tightly!
Someone is in perfect health.

<1006/1148hp 443/448m 821mv 26550tnl 4 AM>
Your crush DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone seals someone's wounds with a crimson fire.
Someone seals someone's wounds with a crimson fire.
Someone seals someone's wounds with a crimson fire.
Someone seals its wounds with a crimson fire.
Your shield blocks someone's punch.
Someone has a few scratches.

<1006/1148hp 443/448m 821mv 26550tnl 4 AM> drive d

You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
Your skin feels soft again.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding decimates you!
Gibniblik has a few scratches.

<982/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM> They have Blughurn too tightly entwined for you to drive them!
Gibniblik has a few scratches.

<982/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
Lerimos's charge MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
Lerimos's charge misses the Imperial Blademaster.
Lerimos's charge MANGLES the Imperial Blademaster!
Gibniblik deflects your crush with his shield.
Your crush MASSACRES Gibniblik!
The Imperial Prelate's slash MASSACRES Lerimos!
Gibniblik's punch devastates you!
Gibniblik's punch mauls you.
Your shield blocks Gibniblik's punch.
Gibniblik has some small but disgusting cuts.

<930/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM> cranial

The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Gibniblik has some small but disgusting cuts.

<930/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
Lerimos looks tougher.
Gibniblik has some small but disgusting cuts.

<930/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM> You bring mace of despair around to hit Gibniblik's head!
Your cranial hit DISMEMBERS Gibniblik!
Gibniblik has some small but disgusting cuts.

<930/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
Lerimos's charge MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
Lerimos's charge MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
Gibniblik deflects your crush with his shield.
Gibniblik dodges your crush.
Gibniblik's punch mauls you.
Gibniblik has some small but disgusting cuts.

<908/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM> cranial

The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at the Imperial Blademaster.
Gibniblik has some small but disgusting cuts.

<908/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
Lerimos looks at Gibniblik.
Gibniblik has some small but disgusting cuts.

<908/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
Lerimos's charge misses the Imperial Blademaster.
Lerimos's charge MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
Gibniblik deflects your crush with his shield.
Your crush DISMEMBERS Gibniblik!
The Imperial Assassin's axe kick connects with empty air as Lerimos slips out of range.
The Imperial Assassin's axe kick misses Lerimos.
You parry Gibniblik's punch.
Gibniblik's punch MUTILATES you!
Your shield blocks Gibniblik's punch.
Gibniblik has some small but disgusting cuts.

<867/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM> Your cranial hit misses Gibniblik.
Rektath has arrived.
Rektath yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Blademaster!'
the Imperial Blademaster: Intruder! Intruder! Rektath is raiding the Cabal!
Rektath yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Warlock!'
Rektath yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Assassin!'
Rektath yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Prelate!'
Rektath thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
You can no longer find the strength to wield mace of despair.
Rektath's deep gash maims you!
Gibniblik has some small but disgusting cuts.

<831/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM> cranial

Lerimos's charge MANGLES the Imperial Blademaster!
The Imperial Blademaster is DEAD!!
the Imperial Blademaster: Alas, my life has come to an end...
As the Imperial Blademaster falls, the Imperial Assassin presses the attack on towards Rektath.
As the Imperial Blademaster falls, the Imperial Prelate presses the attack on towards Rektath.
You hear the Imperial Blademaster's death cry.
Lerimos sacrifices the corpse of the Imperial Blademaster to the gods.
Your punch EVISCERATES Gibniblik!
Gibniblik deflects your punch with his shield.
the Imperial Warlock: Intruder! Intruder! Lerimos is raiding the Cabal!
Lerimos is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
The Imperial Assassin's kicked dirt scratches Lerimos.
Your shield blocks Gibniblik's punch.
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<831/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
A pool of blood crumbles into dust.
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<831/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Rektath!'
Your shield blocks Rektath's poisonous bite.
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<831/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
Lerimos's charge MASSACRES the Imperial Warlock!
Lerimos's charge MASSACRES the Imperial Warlock!
Gibniblik dodges your punch.
Your shield blocks Rektath's poisonous bite.
Rektath's poisonous bite MUTILATES you!
Poison creeps into your body from an envenomed dagger.
You feel very sick.
Rektath's poisonous bite MUTILATES you!
Gibniblik's punch mauls you.
Gibniblik's punch decimates you!
Gibniblik's punch devastates you!
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<674/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
Gibniblik wields a silver chain flail.
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<674/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
You must wield a mace in your primary hand to do a cranial blow.
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<674/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<674/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<674/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
Rektath lunges at you and stabs you with his dagger!
Rektath's stab EVISCERATES you!
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<624/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
Lerimos's charge MANGLES the Imperial Warlock!
Gibniblik deflects your punch with his shield.
Rektath's poisonous bite maims you!
Your shield blocks Rektath's poisonous bite.
Rektath's poisonous bite MUTILATES you!
The Imperial Assassin's slash DISMEMBERS Lerimos!
Gibniblik's flaming bite SEARS you!
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<507/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel less sick.
A warm feeling runs through your body.
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<507/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM> dirt
Your kicked dirt misses Gibniblik.
Lerimos's charge MASSACRES the Imperial Warlock!
Gibniblik parries your punch.
Rektath's poisonous bite maims you!
Your shield blocks Rektath's poisonous bite.
The Imperial Assassin's slash MASSACRES Lerimos!
Gibniblik's flaming bite SEARS you!
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<427/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM>
Gibniblik swings a silver chain flail around in a great circle, smashing it into you!
Gibniblik's bludgeoning CHARS you!
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<373/1148hp 445/448m 834mv 26550tnl 5 AM> heal heal

Lerimos wipes the dirt from his eyes.
You are able to move freely again.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding decimates you!
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<349/1148hp 447/448m 847mv 26550tnl 6 AM> wear hooked

Rektath stops using a shield of mirror-white dragonscales.
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at the Imperial Warlock.
Lerimos's charge MANGLES the Imperial Warlock!
Lerimos's charge MASSACRES the Imperial Warlock!
Gibniblik dodges your punch.
Gibniblik parries your punch.
Rektath's poisonous bite MUTILATES you!
Your shield blocks Rektath's poisonous bite.
Rektath's poisonous bite MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
The Imperial Warlock utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Lerimos looks very uncomfortable.
The Imperial Assassin's slash DISMEMBERS Lerimos!
The Imperial Assassin's caltraps decimates Lerimos!
Gibniblik's flaming bite SEARS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your shield blocks Gibniblik's flaming bite.
You have become better at shield block!
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<219/1148hp 447/448m 847mv 26550tnl 6 AM>
Rektath stops using an envenomed dagger.
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<219/1148hp 447/448m 847mv 26550tnl 6 AM>
Rektath puts a plain key in a large saddle bag.
Rektath puts an envenomed dagger in a large saddle bag.
Rektath puts a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt in a large saddle bag.
Rektath puts a dragon boat in a large saddle bag.
Rektath puts a side of deer venison in a large saddle bag.
Rektath puts a side of deer venison in a large saddle bag.

** Prepairing to loot, huh? So happy be? =) **

Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<219/1148hp 447/448m 847mv 26550tnl 6 AM> flee

Rektath laces his fingers together to jab at you but misses.
Lerimos's charge MASSACRES the Imperial Warlock!
Gibniblik parries your punch.
Rektath's punch EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your shield blocks Rektath's punch.
Rektath's punch EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
The Imperial Warlock utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
The Imperial Warlock thrusts his hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches towards Lerimos.
The Imperial Warlock's lightning bolt MUTILATES Lerimos!
Your shield blocks Gibniblik's flaming bite.
Your shield blocks Gibniblik's flaming bite.
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<126/1148hp 447/448m 847mv 26550tnl 6 AM> The Imperial Inquisitor says 'You do not have enough copper for my services.'
Valryn steps out of the shadows.
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<126/1148hp 447/448m 847mv 26550tnl 6 AM> It is too heavy for you to wield.
Gibniblik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<126/1148hp 447/448m 847mv 26550tnl 6 AM> The Chamber of the Council of Four

A dully shining black breastplate lies here, without an owner.
You flee from combat!
49722, Nice job
Posted by Skiltore on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you, and your presence was generally a boon. Even if I insulted you to your face sometimes, I only half meant it.

The good: You were very reliable, you'd be in any fight and it's sometimes nice to have a bashbot at my side. It was fun running with you.

The bad: You got yourself killed several times by being a bashbot. It makes me think that with past characters you've been bashed to death too many times, and so you thought that giant size and bash legacy meant you could kill anyone. But then you'd often go and bash people who aren't being lagged or are outdamaging you. That made me sad. OOC, I also didn't like some of the trash talking, especially when a fight wasn't over yet. But I let it slide. I also thought that a lot of the colloquialisms you used you only got away with because of mino speech and 90% of the people couldn't understand you.

Overall though, I think you did a good job and you were a definite help in bringing some power back to the Empire. I'm not sure what you mean when you say "you felt yourself unwelcome." But I hope you don't mean in the Empire, because you were definitely welcome.

Good luck with everything.

Oh, and I know what you mean about us looking like a perma sometimes. We had very similar schedules and long playing times. It's hard to fault people for thinking that, even if we don't know each other OOC.
49725, RE: Nice job
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, man. My first warrior hero, I really suck with them, but at the end I learned many things. Not all that I wanted, though, but constant reequiping is just boothinng (boring), no matter that we did it quite well - 50-60 dam without any problems. Anyways, I played whinning mino and sometimes didn't like it myself, but that was too late. I won't ever RP character like that, enough.

Mail me someday, novum_phueton@hotmail.com, if want.
49721, The reality of it.
Posted by Hyzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Stripping away the layers of your little fantasy world, we discover (da da da!) the truth!

I saw you standing at the Altar with another imperial. I went to strike you, and you fled. You then started yelling in really hard to understand mino language that I was padedic (pathetic?). I had no idea why, you just seemed to be running circles yelling at me. So I killed you. Note that this took more than 2 game hours to do.

I didn't look at your equipment, until I looked in your corpse.

You then decide to keep yelling, instead of coming to loot your belongings. First, you were stupid enough to stand around naked with just a weapon (yes, you were armed) and a few bits. Not my problem if thats your idea of genius tactics.

Second, instead of fleeing or running for buggery, you run circles and yell abuse. Then you expect me to just stop killing? Or did you think you were vindicated by getting your complaint in before the act itself? In the end, I think you got so used to blaming everyone else you didn't stop to look at yourself.

This led to my next action. Which was simply to sacrifice your bracelet of charms. No 'full looting' (which I have never done against you, the only time that could be considered a 'full looting' you died past the Watcher). Just sacrificed something that I knew would hurt. I can't even carry more than 4 extra items most of the time. The only full sac I've done, I warned the guy twice and he didn't seem to mind. Ragers are like that however, very cool. I've never done it again. I didn't sit about to loot what I assume you had been waiting for. I could have done a million other things, but believe it or not, I don't like pissing people off. We're all playing a game.

In the end, any pain you caused was actually brought on by your own actions. Perhaps, if you didn't yell like an idiot and generally invoke hate in even the most even tempered foes, they wouldn't feel a need to do retributive acts.

You whine about things, instead of accepting your position. Learn to relax and enjoy the game (even when you're losing) or you'll simply find you're stuck in the same sad cycle. Whatever character you play.

If I'd seen any roleplay, I'd comment. Nice fights - I didn't expect you to win easily because I have a serious anti-warrior combo. But you made a good effort. See you in the fields.
49724, Yes-yes
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Grurk: "Slightly edited content. Let's not speculate on the players of active characters please."

I knew you would say this. Now let's see.

Step 1: you see your foes is a ghost (don't tell me you did not).
Step 2: you locate his corpse (yes, you did) and see where it is (again, don't try to lie).
Step 3: you fly to balator-hamsah-arkham-modan, until you see your unghosted foe.
Step 4: you, using your quest form, kills him while he can do nothing.

Don't tell me I'm wrong. I'm gone for a while. If you want be be a piece of #### - that's your problem, but I feel sorry for you.

49763, Some advice I hope you will actually like
Posted by Gerandiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you die in an explore area, there is no point to waiting by your pit. Your gear will come back to you as long as you stay logged on, and as long as it is still on your corpse.

Not only that, but it tends to happen faster than stuff returning to the pit.

So for future reference, if you die in an explore area, don't wait by your pit.

In general, I'd say don't wait by your pit anyway, because you don't want other characters to realise that you are waiting for gear to appear or you'll end up in competition with lowbies to get stuff out of the pit.
49767, RE: Some advice I hope you will actually like
Posted by Blug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is an exception. And, saddly, that time we've been lucky eenough to hit this exception ;)
49768, You enjoy fantasy.
Posted by Hyzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good job. We all do here.

However, you're way into fiction. Better if you learn what is real, and what you are making up inside your head. I don't enjoy being an ass to anyone, but you make it hard not to want to be. I think you're going to have to learn that dying and getting looted is just part of the game before it kills you with a brain aneurism.

Points 1-3 pretty much didn't happen. Mainly, because the world doesn't revolve around you. I was busy doing other things and didn't even think about tracking you down until someone told me you were in Seantryn. Is it my fault you stood about naked? Don't think so. You had ample opportunity to run and you chose option C. Run around in circles, scream abuse that was aimed at pissing me off. Yeah. Smart.

I think you're genuinely frustrated, so I pity you. Just learn to take the falls light and live the victories. And if you want stuff from the pit, don't stand next to it. Wait until you unghost and start starving, its around that point that your corpse decays (from experience) and its then you rush back to the pit.
49770, And you - yours.
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First time I met Hyzin was when he ganged Blughurn together with Meyershal and someone else (I forgot whom). I never did talk to Hyzin before, I think I never fight him before. When I returned to corpse, it was long gone and stuff sacrificed by... right. By Hyzin. So don't give a ####e - that was not a retribution for something. You are as you are, and I pity for you - not you for me. And I'll tell you why. I'm not best player, not best roleplayer, not best explorer, not best PKller, that's true and I agree to it. But I know that I'm a man and I never tried to piss of players behind the characters, while you... what are you? Bye, no more talks to you.
I feel myself getting dirty when I speak with one such as you are =)
49771, Prove it.
Posted by Hyzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Go ahead, post a log.

I have done 1 full sacrifice, as stated. Now you're just making up slander to make yourself sound like less of an asshole. If I ganged you, it was likely in a raid. By all means, provide a log that proves otherwise.

Until then, I would really stop making up stories. You do yourself no favours at all.
49787, Post deleted: Blughurn final warning within:
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do not speculate as to the identity of the players behind the characters. Last warning.

49788, RE: Post deleted: Blughurn final warning within:
Posted by Blug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

But he asked himself and calling me (player) a liar. This is not a very nice to tolerate. I've posted one of examples (I have more), but oh well, I won't continue that ####.

49793, RE: Post deleted: Blughurn final warning within:
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Post all the examples you want. That's 100% different from deliberately trying to out a character's player. If you don't understand the difference, email me.


49712, I liked Blughurn
Posted by Galikahn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think if your enemies like you, you're not doing something right ;-). Anyways, you seemed to be real cool to us lower imperials, and I think you set a pretty good example for us- and I felt pretty confident when you were on that we'd have the codex.

Oh and that was good stuff the small dialogue where we were making fun of that certain enemy of yours- I was laughing my butt off when I finally translated that mino speech.
49716, RE: I liked Blughurn
Posted by Blughhurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, man. Which dialogue was that? I had many of them =)
49720, Okay, okay..
Posted by Galikahn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Without being too specific I was telling you of a certain elf who I thought ("she" ;-)) had a crush on you. You said something about your horns which made me laugh. That bit...good stuff. trash talking your enemies with someone speaking mino talk is just priceless.
49718, Addendum!
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess you are right. I've been playing evil selfish bastard minotaur, and hope did it well. I've been insultung foes and, perhaps you have noticed, even other citizens - those who are lower in imperial ranks or from other sects and who would, of course, not demote him. I've been so surprised when Gerandiel brought IC rants to OOC, this is somethnig that still amuses me =)
Anyways, good luck and someday I'll play another imperial (since I have no interest in playing other cabals at all).
49766, Next time don't bring it to the forums then
Posted by Gerandiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I posted some logs to show that what you were saying on Dio's was not accurate. Had you not been posting stuff about how the fort wouldn't fight you alone, and calling other imperials wimps for not doing as you did, then I would not have bothered posting any logs to show that it wasn't the whole story.

You also seem to say that fort had these kind of numbers around the clock and were therfore also wimps. Whilst I wouldn't say that I had to face 5 Imperials on my own, there were times when my own range was full of enemies with no allies, so I'd have 3 hostile outlanders, 3 hostile imperials, and either one scion or two scions. When I rolled up this character it was because I expected a surge of evil rangers and Cabdru copy-attempts, and having been playing an evil dude the fortress seemed to be starting to decline to me.

(Once again I do respect the fact that you stayed logged on, just not the other stuff you said off the back of it.)

I do sort of regret it though and I probably wouldn't do it again, but when someone is smearing characters publically on a forum I like to make sure people see the other side.

It seems a bit hypocritical for you to complain that I posted logs when you were posting semi-anonymously as "horned" and criticising us, in my view, often unfairly and inaccurately.
49769, RE: Next time don't bring it to the forums then
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I say. I have no way to prove my point since I'm banned from there. So you are playing one-gate soccer. I trashed only once OOC, about Hyzin. That does not mean I've been bringing OOC ####e and such, been blaming whole fortress and blah-blah-blah. Yes, I admit, bringing that were not the best idea, but that looked so ####ing sad - I couldn't resist. I just can't understand how player can do such ####, expecially if he is playing lightwalker. Should I lead marans, he would be kicked out with the speed of lightning. But again, that's just my point of view - I know I'm wrong all around, not l33t or whatever. So let's finish this dispute - you won't change your mind as I won't change mine.
49708, Later Bull!
Posted by Gistle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked running guns with you, harbor absolutely no ill-feeling towards you as a player. You did what your char would do, and I did what mine would do. You weren't going to tolerate a bad attitude towards imperials, and I wasn't going to pretend I liked dealing with idiot(s) and let you insult me. And yes, you were going to catch a cherrypick neuro/disrupt while convulsing the first opportunity I could get.}(

Despite what other people say, I saw both sides of you and thought you were solid. Everyone makes -some- mistakes, and just because they get posted on forums doesn't mean the same people bemoaning them haven't made the same ones themselves. Good luck and thanks for the fun.
49719, RE: Later Bull!
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gistle, you so many times turned dull days into a bloody funny ones! Sorry that I've deleted and didn't give you chance to catch me up - I'm pretty sure you would manage that. Good luck there, revenge for poor dead mino! =)
49701, I want a minotaur tongue necklace...
Posted by Crulvane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate the speach.

I did like your char and I really made effort to try to talk to you. But I really couldnt understand much unless you spoke in two word sentences. Tough SOB. Hope it was fun.
49697, You live in a fantasy world, Blughurn
Posted by Gerandiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Gerandiel - are you sure you are playing a paladin, man? Would
>paladin attack a sleeping foe?

I didn't. See my log on Dio's. I walked in whilst you slept. You woke up, ate, and then I attacked. Get your facts straight.

That said, I would quite happily attack you whilst you slept. Otherwise you'd just run away. My guild doesn't send us out into the world with instructions to kill evil unless it happens to be sleeping. "Go thee into the lair of the vampire but make sure he's awake before you think about sticking that stake in him!"?!

>Would paladin full loot him,
>even if he hates him that much?

A paladin could, but I have never full looted anyone that I recall, and I'm certain I never full looted you. Get your facts straight. I'm sure plenty (if you can say that I've killed plenty, because it isn't all that many really) of other people I've killed could vouch for that. I normally took a couple of items and left the rest. In your case, I sacced the evil aura stuff.

What you probably don't realise is that I lost gear too after killing you in that place, which is why I was stuck there and you had a chance to attack me again. Not everything is me full looting. So far I've been accused of it by three people. In one case, his own cabal looted him. I took three items (one not limited), and return one of those three. He then promised to full loot me and return only my sword. I died at the imperial inners and he full looted everything. In another, my groupmates looted him. In the third, most of your stuff was lost to something beyond my control that I didn't know about, hence I also lost my stuff.

> I don't think so. Yes, it's
>hard to kill a paladin for a warrior that have only basical

One on one, yes, it is hard. But your main problem was that you were too predicatable one on one (or even when with a group). For example, you tended to bash bash bash, and throw in a disarm every so often, or spam cranial for ages before trying a boneshatter. Because I always came with no-disarm weapons you eventually stopped trying to disarm. Had you looked at me, you'd have found that when I fought you singly I was using a disarmable weapon. But you never did. You just tried to lag me.

If you don't think I'm going to die, you might as well through in the maladictions nearer the start so I haven't beaten on you for quite as long.

Also, you can do a lot better against classes like paladins if you gear for saves rather than just max your damage. Two wide copper bracelets do not a paladin-killer make.

When grouped, you had everything you needed to kill me. When you died on Kiadana, in a group of four against two of us, you had metabolic quickening and invoker shields for starters. And Gistle trying to recall you out of trouble.

When I've fought against you, Skiltore and out-of-pk Gistle you had metabolic quickening and bard songs. That was the perfect group to kill me, but you didn't do what you needed to. If you still don't believe that is the perfect group for killing me, try asking Nep if it is.

> Is it give you right to boast or blame those

I have never boasted to you. However, I did view it as weak that you would let a lowbie try to retrieve for real life hours without coming if there was an opponent (exception being if you knew from talking to me that I was not able to hear the cabal guard). I viewed it as weak that you always came at me in numbers pre legacy, and ran early in the fight. I gave a lot of respect to many of my enemies. Skiltore, Getlar, Crulvane, Krynna, Aeria, Melisa, Zahknil whatever the arcane is, the list goes on.

You accused me of boasting to you when I said "You teleported?" and you called me a coward for moving to get sanc, then put on deaf mode, then said I was insulting you when I said you were ignorant if you thought your inability to bash me was because I was in a champion's stand.

As far as blame goes, here's where the blame comes in in my eyes.

Retrieving. You can safely retrieve against me. You don't need to actually kill me. Do things like use dirt kick and flee or just beat on the outer as long as you safely can before fleeing. As it was, you just gave up because you didn't think you could kill me, and left it to lowbies. You poured out massive damage against the Maran and could have whittled it down faster than I could heal.

The fight where I kept blinding you and backing off, I had no mana, because I'd used it all healing the maran against the lowbies. Had you not kept fleeing, I wouldn't have been able to use this tactic to buy time, regain my mana, and chase you off. You could have done serious damage to the Maran in the interim.

> Read help about paladins and code of honor, or

Yet again, get your facts straight. Find me the "honor" bit in the helpfile. That said, I came against you when you heavily outnumbered me. How often did I come against you where I heavily outnumbered you (or outnumbered you at all)? I bet it is less than you would need two hands to count.

The only thing is, in each group v group fight, I targeted you first because of all the ganging you did and the borderline ooc crap you talked.

> Your actions made me sick.

Provide some evidence then, Blughurn. I did use numbers if I had them, but more than 50% of our fights were you outnumbering me, and about 30% were you running away without making an effort in many cases. Less than 10% were me having numbers and I can back that up with logs if needed.

Then when you lost you started blaming powers that I hadn't even used. I was using stuff like reduce potions and you were blaming your inability to bash me on champion's stand.

>Don't really know any of you. Had some scrimishes, but you
>barely come out of the woods, even when we had fetish. Usually
>you were waiting by the fortress with snares and bards,
>waiting inside. Deadly combo.

You might not realise that they wait there for us too.

>1. Mino can't get into organia? I think it's a bug - cat must
>understand not text trigger, but meaning of the phrase, isn't

This is factually incorrect. I played a minotaur and you can get into Organia. You need to think outside the box though, because the most obvious way doesn't work.

>2. Thar-Acacia: same as above.

Might be correct. I couldn't get my mino into Thar-Acacia. Not sure it is a bug though. There is one way that used to work for getting a minotaur in, but I don't know if it still does, and it is totally reliant on what other characters are around.

>And lastly, despite all ####e that I ate, I had tonns of fun
>and still love CF. Perhaps I'll roll up now something else,
>or, most likely, will return next spring - time will show. I'd
>post some logs on Dio's, but I'm banned there for 'character
>assassination of Hyzin', so that not gonna happen. If you have
>any funny logs with my horned guy, go on and post it!

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed cf and I'm sorry I left a bitter taste in your mouth. One thing that did impress me was that you didn't log off when badly outnumbered.

If you just focused on what you can achieve against characters like mine, instead of what you can't, I think you'd have been a very solid player. I'd also suggest you stopped talking #### ic where there's no evidence to back you up ic. Calling someone a coward just before you run away against that person solo is pointless. Calling someone a coward for attacking you two on one the first time after he's repeatedly faced you 1 v 2+ is also pointless.
49702, Someone taking my name in vain again? ;)
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>> I don't think so. Yes, it's
>>hard to kill a paladin for a warrior that have only basical
>One on one, yes, it is hard.

I generally agree. For the most part, evil warrior vs. a virtued paladin is in favor of the paladin.

But, you know, that being said, having been on both sides of that matchup numerous times, I think I've lost it more times as the paladin. There are a lot of spec skills that are deadly or very frustrating to a paladin, and bash in many, but not all cases is terrifying as a paladin.

Haste or the lack thereof on the warrior isn't as big a deal as it could be in this matchup due to enhanced reactions.

>Also, you can do a lot better against classes like paladins if
>you gear for saves rather than just max your damage. Two wide
>copper bracelets do not a paladin-killer make.

I generally agree with this, though it depends to some degree on the warrior build.

>When I've fought against you, Skiltore and out-of-pk Gistle
>you had metabolic quickening and bard songs. That was the
>perfect group to kill me, but you didn't do what you needed
>to. If you still don't believe that is the perfect group for
>killing me, try asking Nep if it is.

I don't think I'd say perfect, but I can agree with sufficient. It definitely can handle a pretty wide variety of paladin tactical choices, and while it won't always produce a kill, it should "win" pretty much every time.
49703, Nepenthe is carrion's burning bush. n/t
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
49704, Thanks for clearing that up, Nep
Posted by Skiltore on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since the fight that Gerandiel keeps bringing up was an easy win, we just weren't able to seal the kill. In my opinion, the only way we could have sealed the kill is if Gerandiel made a mistake, or if I had something to damn or curse him with.
49705, RE: Thanks for clearing that up, Nep
Posted by Gerandiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Last post here as I don't want to hi-jack the thread, but you didn't need to curse or damn to kill me.

Remind me to spell it out for you when we're all deleted. If you don't agree with me then, I'll concede the point to you, but I think you will probably agree once I've shown you. Just don't want to do it and die horribly as a result. :)
49706, The thing I don't get about it is:
Posted by Balrahd. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got that his fear is nightmare --> bash/trip if he somehow forgets to use word of recall. He must have died from permalag to that at some point.

The thing I don't get is.. what the heck the out-of-range transmuter has to do with this being the "perfect" group. I mean, that oor transmuter is better than an oor healer?
49709, RE: Thanks for clearing that up, Nep
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The couple strategies I'm thinking of don't require a mistake per se... I mean, they require Gerandiel to not play ultra-conservative, but if he does he has zero chance to kill either of you and shouldn't be fighting that fight in the first place.

They do, however, require you to get a little lucky in one of a few different ways. For example, you realistically could set up a situation in one of a few ways (even with Champion's Stand in play) in which Blughurn could lag Gerandiel out indefinitely, but whether or not that would happen for long enough or what you could do with that situation require a little luck to go your way.
49715, RE: Thanks for clearing that up, Nep
Posted by BLughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Could lag? With mace/sword spec? Don't think so. Only if I would outdamage him, so he would heal himself and thus would lag himself.
49727, Bash dude.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No can defense.*

*Well, he can reduce himself. So can you (but you need to think ahead on weapon choices if you're going that route). He can champion's stand, but there's an answer to that too.

49729, RE: Bash dude.
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, I did. I even learned not to use two-handed weapon while going to reduce self =)

But without champions stand, despite bash legacy and enhanced reactions, 'he was moving too quickly' for me to do anything. No matter what - bash, disarm, boneshatter. And I'm quite positive he have not been hastened - but even if he would, I came across hastening prep about five times in life of the character (four of those five times prep is taken from corpses, so I've no idea where it comes from). So, UGH! as would say Bluggy. Enhanced reaction worth nothing when you battle paladin =)

Anyways, you could give a hint. Could my character with bash legacy and chilling embrace, sword/spec somehow lag paladin that he can't even boneshatter, because he is moving too quick, without eating/quaffing haste prep?
49731, RE: Bash dude.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Anyways, you could give a hint. Could my character with bash
>legacy and chilling embrace, sword/spec somehow lag paladin
>that he can't even boneshatter, because he is moving too
>quick, without eating/quaffing haste prep?

Yup! I'm not 100% sure without seeing a log, but what you're describing is probably divine insight, which is only a chance to avoid physical attacks, and not a very good one. Haste or not doesn't play into DI's success or lack at all.

It does definitely reduce your chances of stringing let's say 5-6 bashes together in a row, but having played a paladin or nine with that supp, I still definitely died that way to one guy more than once.
49735, RE: Bash dude.
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been most unfortunate, than. Log is on dio, with stand and without. I did some mistakes there, but even when I didn't, my bashes didn't lag him at all (for one round, maybe?). And he had no stand that time. Anyways, thanks for explaination. I'm not going to play warrior like I've made since I've made a walking complete mistake and a parody on warrior class ;)

But hey! Don't try - don't learn, so I'm happy enough despite all #### in his short, bloody life! ;P
49765, Your bashes always lagged me when I was not in a stand
Posted by Gerandiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Normally though I took steps to try to avoid you being able to bash me, so you were using cranial to lag me instead. Cranial is a different kind of lagging skill to bash in the way it works. It can do things that bash cannot but equally if it is a one v one fight you won't permalag someone with it as far as I know.

However, every time you bashed me when I was not in a stand you did lag me. In fact, before you got your bash legacy you had the most effective bashes of all my enemies. In many of those fights I was outdamaging you though so bashing wasn't the greatest idea. It makes sense when you have the necro to weaken etc but not so much when you don't.

One thing I'd have considered doing though, if you hated me that much, was trying to set up a suicide attack on me. Something along the lines of driving us both into a deathtrap.

Also, try drawing out fights with some of your enemies (like me) so that their protections start to have dangerously low durations or they start to run short on mana. For example, against a shaman you might find his protective shield drops during a fight and then you can bash him down. Sometimes this isn't possible but often it is. Some investment in gear to help your saving throws would help a lot with this.
49711, I can vouch for ger here
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As Getlar, Gerandiel went out of his way to attempt to get my things returned numerous times, not to mention he was always very 'paladin-like'. Personally, I'd like to hear Blughurns reasons for taunting nonstop and being a whiny bastard IC.
49717, RE: I can vouch for ger here
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No. I won't post anything of that #### here, and can't on Dio's. All that I can say - he didn't left me even girdle with food when last time I died in some explore area. there were other examples, even looting when I died to four marans and not him directly. So no, it's a skilled player, but not a paladin as I see them. Adios.
49728, Paladins!
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>but not a
>paladin as I see them.

I haven't seen a lot of either your character or G-paladin-dude, mostly because of my recent playtimes or lack thereof, so I'm pretty much neutral here.

That being said, I would encourage you to start a paladin and play them the way you think a paladin should be played. If your expectations are unreasonable, that's the best way to find out. If not, you may well establish the standard for other paladins to follow.
49730, RE: Paladins!
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nep, I really want to play a paladin. It's uber class and can be RP'yed greately. I have lots of ideas and RP lines for making unusual paladin.


I will not have interest since light/darkness are so disbalanced. I'd better make another inept warrior and will be dying horrible deaths than play among those permanent-lightwalking players. I will just have no challenge to play, and playing for simple interraction/exploration is not interesting for me. Most of fun for me - is PvP (or PSvPS).

One more reason - in CF paladin that I would like to play, very likely, would be quick unempowered, since he surely WOULD kill characters like Hyzin - no matter if he is maran or not. CF have it's standarts and limits, and no matter of which reason would have my paladin, for 99% I'm sure he would be stripped of his powers and turned dark. *sigh*
49732, RE: Paladins!
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I will not have interest since light/darkness are so

Fort's doing pretty well right now, but that won't last forever.

>One more reason - in CF paladin that I would like to play,
>very likely, would be quick unempowered, since he surely WOULD
>kill characters like Hyzin - no matter if he is maran or not.

I'd suggest that for a paladin, killing shouldn't necessarily be the solution to all conflicts.
49734, RE: Paladins!
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nep. Nep, Nep, Nep!

During couple of last years 'fort is doing rather well', and not once I've readed post like 'maran+sylvan+battle SUXX!!!' =))))

Of course, someday things will change, but I allready lost hope on that. And I really don't mind playing an underdog, I don't cry about massive outlander-maran gangs that I've experienced. =)

But in such circumstances I'm not going to play a paladin. Sorry. It would be too ####ing easy, and I don't need to satisfy my ego this way =)

About 'there are others way except for killing' - agreed. For some character there would be another way; for a paladin, that truly destruct evil, every evil act would require punishment. So he would attack so-called lightwalkers A LOT and would not stay empowered for long. Why would he do that? Just becuae there are no ####ing difference now between 'light' and 'dark'. Or wait, there is - red and gold auras! Doh.

(now nep is going to eat me alive for my blasphemies =)
49736, RE: Paladins!
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>During couple of last years 'fort is doing rather well'

Ah, no. Fort was doing ass-tacular even as recently as just before the last batch of leaders got named.

Empire was certainly winning most of the time during the Niazuruzain era from any objective perspective.

>About 'there are others way except for killing' - agreed. For
>some character there would be another way; for a paladin, that
>truly destruct evil, every evil act would require punishment.

Sure! But if that punishment is killing in all cases, you're not so much playing a paladin -- you're playing a neutral warrior who thinks he's a paladin. (That's also a cool role, FYI.)

>So he would attack so-called lightwalkers A LOT and would not
>stay empowered for long. Why would he do that? Just becuae
>there are no ####ing difference now between 'light' and
>'dark'. Or wait, there is - red and gold auras! Doh.

Let's admit you play only one alignment/cabal for the most part and that's left you with a certain set of biases not so much reflected in reality. It's okay, the serial Fort players get it almost as bad the opposite way. :)
49737, RE: Paladins!
Posted by Blug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Empire was certainly winning most of the time during
>the Niazuruzain era from any objective perspective.

Geez, nep, if you only would know how much effort did I put to bring empire to strong position during Niazuruzain's life! When I begun playing him, situation were same ####ty as when I begun playing this mino =))))))

>Sure! But if that punishment is killing in all cases, you're
>not so much playing a paladin -- you're playing a neutral
>warrior who thinks he's a paladin. (That's also a cool role,

Maran fights against any evil he sees, isn't it? Marans fighting evil, eliminating evil. Well. I don't see nothing wrong with paladin whth sphere honor that charges another maran with warcry 'HOW DARE YOU DISHONOR ME!!!' for him assisting in a fight =)
Well, at least that would be fun. But not gonna work here, alas =)
49803, I had the same disease as you for a while
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From playing non-stop fort chars.

Where all you see is your side because you constantly play the same side. Mix it up. Play a fotressite. Play an outlander. Play a villager. You will see, despite what it looks like from the outside, there is no coordination going on between the two. There is friction between all three of the cabals for obvious reasons. When I played my outlander druid, Empire was *very* strong with Grunlath at the helm. We did not work with fortress because of all the dwarves/paladins. There was no outright brink of war with village, but they have seemed standoffish with every cabaled non-rager I've played. After that, I played an empire healer and suddenly the perspective changed. Nine times out of ten, whatever you assume the situation is between two cabals, if you are an enemy of both, you are assuming wrong.
49764, I didn't take your girdle
Posted by Gerandiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't take your girdle. I didn't sacrifice your girdle. I didn't do anything to your girdle besides take it out of your corpse and see what was in it. I left everything without exception in your girdle and left your girdle for you to find. The fact that it was not there when you got back was not my intention.

I'm happy for you to think I did take it (ic) and hate me for it ic, but now that you are deleted, I am telling you ooc that I never took the thing.

I'm curious about you dying to four marans and not me directly. If I remember correctly, the only times we had those kind of numbers was raiding, and if I remember correctly you weren't alone. And if I remember correctly, I had been fighting you but you fled and I followed, but you died to Hyzin as I did. I probably did take a few things, but not a lot. I don't blame Dhaezym for looting me when he didn't kill me directly, do I?
49696, RE: Another minotaur slot is now open.
Posted by Luvaiya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You forgot Luvaiya? :o Gee and her only real 'friend' was Blughurn. Perhaps uncaballed chars aren't worth nothing too much :) Anyway, I really enjoyed the character, and following him about. Learnt a lot of new stuff just following, and you were patient with me. Had an imperial that followed Niazuruzain about too, but I prefer Blughurn. :) Fun char, hope your next will be just as much, or more so.
49733, Doh!
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know where is the previous post on for you, but DOH!
You made many of my days, really. It was fun traveling with you and I enjoyed your company. Neutral conjies are funny, and you have been like a little sister to horned, which he never had. =) He had plans for you, though, but since mudsex is not allwed, that remained in his horned head =)))))))))))))))

Write me something, if you want, I'd like to interract with you in RL.
49694, Oh so you were the emperor
Posted by Rektath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had an imperial at your time and found you above par. This time I really only have contempt for you. I know you didn't perma with Skiltore but out of all our battles, you only fought me solo twice. The second time was when we didn't have the head and you were sitting next to the centurions. Seriously, I had zero respect for you. Especially with all that #### talking.

Accusing the villagers of having no head and being dead? Jeezus you still talk #### after you delete. That's pretty sad.
49695, RE: Oh so you were the emperor
Posted by Bhulghurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Realy, I felt bad for all your deaths. But do you truly expect me come raid village, where five of you, alone? Or coming to defend against four of you alone? But wait - I did, got about -20str, lost weapons, got entwined and hit by all of you. Somehow survived - quite lucky.
Man, you've been coming to raid for your head while there were imperials. Should I not come to defend? I don't think so. When you've been slept in underdark, I didn't assist Skilltore, and you managed to escape. I've been ganged LOT of time and when I had chance - I've used it. Trust me, as imperial, you would the same. And about gangs... In empire there are only Skilltore, I and Mhruan been usually on. With others I didn't even travelled (except for ONE day with Krag). Is it a "gang"? Use your common sense. Three characters in cabal does not mean gangs. So you are frustrated for your deaths, but don't blame me. I only tried to survive and bring empire back from it's knees.
It's all.
49698, RE: Oh so you were the emperor
Posted by Rektath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Raiding situations are COMPLETELY understandable. I died quite a lot trying to retrieve the head and you acted accordingly. I don't really have a beef against that.

What I do have a beef against is when you told me that you wouldn't fight me one on one because, in paraphrase, 'I can beat you even if I'm idle.' Completed with the many many many times you came after me with Mhruan and Brulgor...oh you remember that time when right after I got the head you cranialed me and proceeded to attack me with those two with a freaking transmuter on tow? Cuz I sure do. Maybe 70% of our battles were raiding situations. The other 29% were you and one, usually two, others trying to and sometimes succeeding in ganking me.

As I said on dioxide, players gotta realize when they start acting like a immature ####head. Obviously you still don't understand.

But hey, I'm through with posting on this thread. It's a game after all. I'm pretty sure you're like that in real life. And for that, I almost feel pity for you.

49699, Our fights
Posted by Gerandiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
During our fights you'd grouped with Zaria, Gistle, Skiltore, Som, Hizznr, the other Imperial Minotaur, Tukrun, Dhaezym (I think). That's just off the top of my head.

Only Skiltore?
49700, RE: Our fights
Posted by Blughurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was no more than 5-10% of playtime. I've seen another minotaur two, probably three times in whole life of Blughurn; Tukrun? I've travelled with him probalby three times, for 30-60 minutes. Stop talking trash. Hizznr? With orc I've ranked how many times? One? Zaria - I've been ranking up with her twice. It makes character a 'gangbanger'? Perhaps he shall not ever group with anyone?
Man, you really make me laugh. Enough of this ####, I end flame right here, because arguing with you is rather pointless.