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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectJhein
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=49615
49615, Jhein
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I delayed my hiatis just to see what a beastmaster could do, so I rolled one up to put it through the paces. Frankly, I did jack #### with him. Every other ranger I've played I've fought wherever, my berserker I play safe with. Oh well. Only real comments on the ranger this time is good thing predators stance was toned down, a berserker with it would have ate through just about anything. Only one specific goodbye, to Kasty. Dude, wtf. Hiding it underwater? With a village of felar and arials? You're a sadistic bastard. Then I have to hold onto the thing for like two weeks, sheesh. I have to thank you for the questiness though, kept me around a little longer, I was actually going to delete right around when that demon came busting in. On the other hand, it ended up in me deleting for a different reason. Ever since I spent all that time under water something has been screwy with my wilderness time. I would literally spend two hours non stop in wilderness rooms, then I would spend five minutes out and lose fast camo, then need to spend an hour in wilderness rooms to get it back, couple more for good measure to keep it, then lose it again if I spent five minutes out. And it just kept happening, add that to the boredom and it was just screw it. Handed over what I wanted to and see ya. This time I really am taking my break, and unless a mage cabal pops up, going to be gone awhile. Good times.
49657, Fargin Soggy Moggy!
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The village will stink of wet cat for a month! Sorry you were saddled with babysitting the hammer for so long, but I guess noone expected you lot to get it so fast! You came up with some pretty clever ways of keeping it safe.
I don't get to see you guys fighting, but I get the occassional highlight reel, from what I heard you did pretty well. Glad you were always up for some cabal banter too.
Don't be gone too long, always good to have Karel char around, even if you always delete too goddamn early!
49663, RE: Fargin Soggy Moggy!
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Early is just a matter of perspective =P
49656, Bugger
Posted by Lauraine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sh*t you! You're like my only allie in the whole damn village! After dying for you at you know where and you delete on me! That totally sucks! More clues were found! Wanted to give them to you but you deleted on me. I even fought with fellow Fortress because of the aid given to you at the you know where. Heck! BUMMBER! Though, I knew I could count on you to cover for me when I'm in trouble with raiders. Oh well..time to find another house cat...
49644, I liked Jhein and had a lot of time for him
Posted by Gerandiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I do remember thinking you were pretty tough when you started bearcharging the ranger I was with. You seemed to play a good villager to me.

Glad to have "helped" you with gathering that thing for the village, even though my contribution was only dying unnecessarily and repeatedly. I think I've found a couple of other things the village needs as well. Quite whether to share that with the village whilst they consider the maran fair game is another matter.

Was good to have someone to talk to when times were quiet.
49648, RE: I liked Jhein and had a lot of time for him
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I regret ever practicing bearcharge. I remember sneaking up on a gnome, bearcharging and seeing him flee before the first round even started. About five minutes later I practiced lash, the first time in I don't know how many years barring healers or whip specs. Didn't get to know you that well really, I think about 90% of our conversation was along the lines of who had the codex and scepter. But then as a character Jhein wasn't really interested in much that wasn't village business or something to kill.
49643, RE: Jhein
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only one specific goodbye, to Kasty. Dude, wtf. Hiding it underwater? With a village of felar and arials? You're a sadistic bastard.

I am, though I let Nep pretty much talk me out of making you go through Trothan for one of the notes. You still got the hammer, and pretty damn quickly, so I didn't end up feeling all that bad about it. :P

Jhein was solid all around, both from a mortal and Immortal perspective, so I'm glad I got you to stick around for a bit longer, though I'm sorry to see you bail right after the opening of what should be a pretty interesting series of quests!

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends
49647, RE: Jhein
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I knew there was more coming, some of which I may even be guessing right, and I would really have loved to have seen it through. I just couldn't stand the inbetween time though, and that's really what makes the character. Trothon? We had like ummm.... one person that could actually get to the top. And I doubt he could solo kill any of the mages there for various reasons. You should still feel bad though, I died like 10+ times to get that damn thing and if I had lost it I think I seriously would have said screw trying to get it again. At least the big D isn't a little bitch any more.
49641, I can finally stop asking if Jhein is around.
Posted by Klemle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think we fougth maybe once or twice, you definately seemed tough. I did get really pissed when you tamed my beast. I don't think that should be able to happen. Maybe it was because you are a beastmaster, but if not well. I think beast call should work a bit differently anyway.

Oh well, great job from what I heard and the little i saw.
49642, RE: I can finally stop asking if Jhein is around.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Be glad you weren't the one who did a beast call and had it hit them instead. No idea how that one happened, but funny.
49630, One less person hunting me (txt)
Posted by Shallea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know too much about Battle idealogy, having never played a rager (and I don't plan on it, either, since I dislike playing non-mage/cleric classes), so I can't remark too much on your RP in that sense. I can, however, say that from what interaction I had with you your RP seemed pretty solid and consistent.

As was said IC, Shallea didn't have much respect for you since all her encounters with you were fleeing with <100 hp and then being ambushed by you, but what was certainly never said is that I was always scared as #### anytime I was in the wilderness because I never knew when you might be lurking around the corner from me.

See ya in the fields.
49640, RE: One less person hunting me (txt)
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmmm... I think you were only wounded that last time, the rest you were just unprepared, but that's why they call it an ambush =P I could be mistaken of course, but I know you weren't in Calandryl, Sitran or Aran'gird, which are the only three times I hit you that I can think of. My suggestion to you is this: even if someone else is taking the hits when your archon goes stop and get another one.
49650, RE: One less person hunting me (txt)
Posted by Shallea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh! That's right. I had gotten Aran'gird confused. >.< You ambushed me, and then I fled and got killed by an aggro mob. For some time now, I've been thinking it was the other way around. Me fighting the mob and then you hit me. Oh well, it doesn't really matter.

And yeah, I'm still a newbie in CF terms (been playing on and off for a couple of years now), and I have a lot to learn, yet, and I can't seem to get a handle on these mythical conjuration "sweet spots" on top of it. My point being its not too hard to catch me unprepared, though I have come to learn that air elementals are my friend.
49651, RE: One less person hunting me (txt)
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmmm. Well here's a few pointers for you. The attack on Calandryl you had no archon and fled after an ambush at writhing. You then used your elemental to boost you up which was a waste of time, or maybe too much confidence in people with you. If I had noticed the hour change another ambush would have killed you, or even if I had just straight out attacked you. So here's my pointers, for any charcter you have for awhile. If you didn't start the fight, get the hell out of there. And don't back yourself into a corner, norecall areas are a no no if you're fairly new, at least for ranking where you'll be in it for awhile all exposed. Someone is going to check them and probably know it better than you. Now a few characters down the line you might be ready to make snap decisions on whether to stick around for that surprise fight or not, but for now, c word. And don't flee outside the cabal and wait there for healing. Run your ass back inside quickly, or teleport, something. Eyes open, keep moving.
49654, This is awesome advice. nt
Posted by Nightwiggler on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
49655, Thanks alot for the advice. I'll keep it in mind. (nt)
Posted by Shallea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
49623, You are a bastard...
Posted by Crulvane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dont know what the attitude was about. I threw everything I had at you. Surely you are above the 'I am strong, you are weak comments...' Heck my first meeting of you was me attacking three of you out ranking...killing one of you, and having you move off after making some comment about my weakness or something. After that I think we fought a few times, one where you died to the archmage and me while raiding solo. Then came all the taunts. I assume most was you, as I recieve alot from camoed foes.

You are right though, a felar beastmaster berserker is almost unstoppable.

The effects on backrack seem to have toned down as well. If one landed, I lost mana recovery, and had about as many hours of bleeding as an impale. I noticed it seemed less dramatic after a bit of time went by.

Screw the mage cabal....bring a Scion invoker to the table.

Take care, old bastard.
49627, RE: You are a bastard...
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know what they say about assumptions.

Actually, there was only two taunts I made. One was after the first meeting where you killed... I have no idea who it was, Lacraia I think, and said you had tasted of me and it would be that much easier to kill me now. My response was along the lines of come get some. The next time was pretty much a rebuttal taunt as well, although I don't recall what exactly it was in response to, but I basically said you are calling me weak when you always flee before even half hp, which is true. If I made more than that, I don't recall and would probably say you got the wrong ranger, I don't generally feel the need to talk ####, actions really do speak louder than words. At some point I figured it was just pointless to fight you. You were never going to fight me as an eagle, and #### the goose. Do I think you could have beat me? Yep. You might have been afraid of catching a bad deathblow, but I'm sure you have 1200+ hp and always came protected, so likely I would have had to run before you hit instant deathblow death range. Most of the time actually I was worse off on hp then you. Now to me, that isn't really throwing everything at me, but I as a player am okay with that, play it safe if you want. For the record, that death at the archmage was the archmage. Soften in round 1, pebble in round 2, disruption round 3, nova round 4. Yay. I don't ever remember getting tooled by the archmage before, but damn if raiding with this character blow.

My last invoker was going to be a scion, but I've done enough of them. A mage cabal however might be something new at least though. Hopefully anyways, if it popped up as Masters II I think that might well break my desire to play again.

And I'm not that old relatively speaking.
49652, RE: You are a bastard...
Posted by Crulvane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Throwing everything at you....I just meant I was using every bit of protection I could, cabal powers, ect...and it was still going no where. You could always walk away, camo, herb, call beasts, ect. I wouldnt even risk unshifting to try to faerie fire you, Id be down before I could even revert back. (Spellbane, plus backrake lag, dead me.) I usually would go off to rest if I have less than 600 hp, knowing that two rounds of lucky deathblows and the shift damage, plus bleeding, I would need to be ready for some long healing.

Wasnt a knock anyhow, probably just evaluating conversations the wrong way. (On my part)
49653, RE: You are a bastard...
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All those fights I think I only landed more than one deathblow in a complete series of fights, that was the time I was thirsted on eastern. I was pretty happy your portal blinded me too, that wasn't going well. In that instance, yes, I would say fleeing was the way to go after I got some herbs. You pursued up til then though which I liked. Seriously though, if you had just directed at me you could have whittled my ass down all those times we fought at the giant. Would you have killed me? I would hope not, not when the goose does little damage, but I would have had to retreat a little while. By the way, all those preps... and no frenzy scrolls? Shame on you. I would go so far as to say aristaeia as well, make the goose put out some decent damage, but don't think that would suit you.

Problem with communications is it isn't so much what you say as how you say it, and a lot of that is perception. Why I try to be as plain as possible, but to be clear, I do like your character, I wasn't ever pissed at you (well, a little when you took my extensions you little bastard =P), or hold any ill will. Really I hope for the best for you, scion is always going in cycles of getting their asses handed to them since empire came back and took their numbers, which weren't exactly high to begin with.So good luck and all that.
49622, Damn, I really liked you
Posted by Rektath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I especially liked how you knew so much about places. Jhein was a mean berserker. I wouldn't have been surprised if you became veteran of battle soon. In any case, I really enjoyed fighting with and against you. Although it became more of the fighting against. Blasted thirst is annoying ####e.

In any case, make another villager. I would love to have you around against.

49625, RE: Damn, I really liked you
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, but our fights against started to suck. Make me bleed, then keep stunning me. If you missed I could get you running, but then my non-lagging ass got to chase you around. Really sucked either way. It kept amazing me how you would get killed, at least later on when it seemed you hit your stride, because you were a mean little ####. Next character might be a rager, might not, either way won't be in your characters lifetime. Keep on truckin' and don't let the (imperial) man get you down.
49621, You were neat and intriguing
Posted by Tarinaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good rangers always seem super mysterious to me, you had me ranking just so we could hang out, and I enjoyed the ambiance you gave off. Sad to see you go, the village delete toll now reaches like 7 lol. Take care dude.

49628, RE: You were neat and intriguing
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not to be mean, but ever character I have I end up bitch ranking people just for something to do, not for the particular person. I knew next to nothing about you, generally I don't take much notice of someone til they're about 40+, better chance people that far along will be around during my short character life.
49617, What a shame
Posted by Lerimos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Jhein, you were smart, extremely powerful and well fun to be around in your own sorta way. It was unreal how many people refused to raid, or come near the woods when you were about. Good luck on the break and I look forward to seeing you in the fields.
49618, RE: What a shame
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, you obviously weren't around with me enough =P Any bash legacy warrior with an arsenal of preps or a bard/healer in tow was happy to come knocking. Although they did still tend to stay out of the woods. I don't remember who, but my last rager ran with you a bit way back when, think I prefered fighting with you rather than against. I tried to get you to change your gearing policy too, because as the scions beat down proved, just because you don't have anything good doesn't mean they won't take it. Hope you're still around a bit longer, maybe a little less berserker and a little more defender huh? =P