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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectCriliek
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=49210
49210, Criliek
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was actually taking a break from CF to get some things done when I saw the new ranger thing. So, figured what the hell, give them a spin. It was good and bad. I rolled before I got to see what was lost and not just what was gained. So I turned out as a damage machine that had no snare, bearcharge or entangle. Having no lag I think stung the most. Someone will say but you could have lashed... and I will ignore them. Best skill by far was predators stance. It was sick. Even if I was out of the wilderness I could generally outdamage whoever. Not always though. Therein lies my problem with rangers. I can't just stay in the wilderness I have some kind of urge to go rushing in like I do pretty much with everything. And tend to bite it because of it. The fact that ranger weapons are so damn heavy didn't help. A single point loss and I couldn't hold it, that really sucked, because I didn't always want to go with claws, like when I was getting my ass handed to me. So why did I delete. Eh. The twentieth stupid death was the largest factor, and my own inability to avoid charging into them. Not to mention I wasn't really in the mood to play anything to begin with, and I have no idea why I did still. I think it might be time for me to take another extended break, like a year or two. Just have not been able to really get into this for awhile. Anyways, been grand.
49294, Darn!
Posted by Rektath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was hoping to fight you once I got to hero again. We had good battles. That predator's stance is mean, even for a hand specialist.
49295, RE: Darn!
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You gave me some definite problems. I had issues with dagger specs to start with, the resist and bandages certainly did not help. Good fights, keep truckin.
49277, Enjoyed our fights.
Posted by Xoregh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very close every time. I was very satisfied to get the kill on you the one time in High Tower. Good luck with the next. See you in the fields.
49281, RE: Enjoyed our fights.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was a bit unsatisfied. Just one of many things that should have told me to get my ass back into the trees.
49253, Sorry how things went down
Posted by Kithatha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry how things went down after that retrieval when I killed you. I hate the full loots too, and returned items/replacements that I grabbed, even though it was only 3 things. I also did make an attempt to tell the guy that did keep the things to return some of your things, but between mino speech and me being demoted during the fight (unrelated to the fight, but it did make me feel like logging off asap) and me not having any real authority over him, well, it didn't work out.

Scions turned it up a notch after that, which I don't mind since it keeps things interesting. But I can't help but think that was a major contributor in you getting overeager to kill me again which got you killed a couple of more times at Tashera's hands.

Predator's stance is huge. However, since I was rarely prepped when I fought you, it's hard for me to judge exactly how huge it is. I have a feeling a lot of the time you had haste up when fighting me, at least I hope that's the case since it was sick how badly you outdamaged me. I didn't realize at first how quickly you could do damage, and managed to lag myself into a death, which I tried to avoid in the future. Once again, tearing through around 400hp in one melee round through physical resist with claws is just insane. Thank god you didn't have deathblow.

I can already hear the cries of "overpowered" for when that beastmaster felar berserker does get rolled.
49256, RE: Sorry how things went down
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Predator's stance is sweet, no question. For felars. I saw a couple people using it, non-felars, and in their case I think it was just alright. Felar get a bonus for hth to begin with, then add in the stance, maybe brawling too, unsure. Only noticed a difference in elbow/knee/kick for that, so it might not be a factor. I think I was rather rarely hasted. It was only for a few raids and otherwise eq hunting (not PK eq hunting, mob eq hunting). Truthfully, I think I was hasted once when I fought you. It was at the cents against you and Kunitsin. Can't think of any other times. Don't worry too much about the other stuff. I don't mind the dying, or even losing some eq (although full looting is just gay). If I was that concerned I wouldn't have just stood there on the ocean that one time we fought =P
49248, The little drow got really afraid of the Hamsah desert. ~
Posted by Llivpgha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
49251, RE: The little drow got really afraid of the Hamsah desert. ~
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think a few people did, that made me happy =P
49229, Ironic...
Posted by Crulvane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We both know what I am talking about. Or Maybe you do.

Anyhow, it was fun. I knew it was going to be a short ride. Even if you hadnt fallen, so it was good you went out with some fighting. The new rangers are sick. Id take you at my side fighting over a sword or axe spec warrior anyday. Cept for those city fights, you were unstoppable.

I had some cool plans in the work. I was doing all I could to try to keep you enticed to stick around. I really was.

Take care.
49238, RE: Ironic...
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or maybe you do. I don't =P

It was fun for the little time I was there. This was my first scion in a long time, and with only a few active members it should have been pretty enticing to begin with. Not so much though. You're doing a good job though, so keep it up. And not to take anything away from you, but I swear running around with you made me think back to when I was running around with Anith (pretty sure that was his name), except I was an invoker then I think. Good times.

P.S. My only real complaint on the choice was without a weapon my options were pretty much... backrake. It was almost like being a shifter with the options of... bite.
49228, RE: Criliek
Posted by Nysrogh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe what can I say, we had a pretty funny relationship. First time I saw you i thought oh great an outlander ranger. Ofcourse then you in your own way helped me kill a couple outlanders and I thought better of you. Kinda felt bad about doing the #### I did to you, but ranger phylacs were pretty high demand for me. Next day I saw you with some #### I didnt expect to see on a ranger and I knew that you were a badass. Nice effort shoulda stuck around

49235, RE: Criliek
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, that's alright, figure I took one for the team. Or two. Damn if I was taking three though =P Besides, evens out after you took a whooping by a little frail elf.
49227, RE: Criliek
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I was actually taking a break from CF to get some things done
>when I saw the new ranger thing.

Man, if we got you with the ranger thing, wait until the next thing!
49230, Can we get a little sneak peak?
Posted by Catastrophic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>I was actually taking a break from CF to get some things
>>when I saw the new ranger thing.
>Man, if we got you with the ranger thing, wait until the next

I almost rolled a ranger, but instead the new rangers got me to roll a hunter on WoW. Don't ask.

I haven't CF'd in quite a bit, and would love to see what's on the horizon.
49234, RE: Criliek
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude, do you wave around syringes down at the methadone clinic too? =P
49289, RE: Criliek
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Dude, do you wave around syringes down at the methadone
>clinic too? =P

No, but I'll add that to The List.
49247, You are such a cock tease Nep n/t
Posted by Data on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
49225, See you later man. Fun fights. nt
Posted by Tyrelyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
49226, RE: See you later man. Fun fights. nt
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ayup, good fighting. Just remember, you did tool me once.
49221, RE: Criliek
Posted by Tashera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As for me you pretty great char and very strong player. I even not understand how i killed you twice today. If you have logs post them please. And also sorry that i can not save your things... belive me i was doing everything to do so but you know oath is always oath and they loot everything they see. I never loot from corposes that i did not killed and almost never from corposes of my foes. I think that is fair. As a player i like your character as a char i hate you and fear some you ambush but as i remember you never ambushed me. Good luck.
49224, RE: Criliek
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't ever actually log anything. Not sure why I don't. Never had a chance to ambush you, always fought you on a road, city or cabal, really wasn't the best place for me. As for how you killed me, it was a mixture of your skill and my stupidity. The eq, eh. It sucks, I'll never say it doesn't, but #### happens. The situation itself, man you're at the top of the pecking order, aside from the leaders. If a bloodoath doesn't do what you tell them, anathema their ass. Don't ask, tell. Can tell you're too nice for it though. There are people who won't full loot, but not too many will actually try and get cabalmates to return stuff. They just figure they didn't do it so oh well. Which truthfully I think I usually fall into that category, except for some people that I had a lot of respect for. Remember telling a bunch of scions to return this elf paladin's things to him once, way back when. Had a lot of respect for him, whatever his name was. They did too, because I didn't ask. Anyways.
49220, Phooey
Posted by Lerimos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked fighting you alot, it was interesting to fight the new rangers class and notice the subtle differences. The most amusing thing was impaling or vitaling you only to actually get hit more. Towards the end you had a good feel for the combo of spells and abilities to perform well. Hope you come back with the next.
49223, RE: Phooey
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was actually a bit shocked fighting you towards the end. The first few it was like cool, he's no problem. But I think it was the last two times we fought I was getting worked over somehow. Think it might have been you avoiding my attacks, that never helps =P
49219, Heh, I knew it was someone like you =P
Posted by Tisiak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't get to interact all that much but we were short-lived friends. I knew it was someone that was decent when you came "down" and was to me and Eacer instantly. We were like oh #### it's Criliek. But everything turned out ok and we were cool afterwards. I wish you would of stuck around I was looking forward to our interactions, but anyways, nice solid character.. Hope to interact with you if you have another, peace dude.
49222, RE: Heh, I knew it was someone like you =P
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you two were there actually and had come to kill you both, but I took a peek at you and figured there wasn't anything I wanted. Not to mention I always feel dirty after killing heralds, like kicking puppies or something. Sure, it's fun while you do it, but afterwards you feel bad. I wouldn't say we were friends though. Few times when there was no one else around to kill I thought about going after you. Oh well.
49216, RE: Criliek
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well Hell Yeah I aint gotta worrie about you any more... lol
your fighting tore me up every damn time though I did learn a few
things from you that I thought were interesting and I thank you for
that. Anyway you played this ranger rather well and evil to role
pretty darn good too, sneaky and dangerous. Props there.

Well maybe I will see you in a year or two I tend to do the same thing
sometimes myself...

49217, RE: Criliek
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really did feel bad about fighting you after the first couple times, even tried to kind of avoid you so I didn't have to. I'm not sure if it's possible for your expertise to match up against a beastmaster or not, might have had to just try things differently. Good luck with it though.