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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectGone.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=49190
49190, Gone.
Posted by Blaghaad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well. Last days proved, that system administratorms truly ruinning our lives. =)
Stream of bad luck followed this char, but, at least, I recollected some of the game knowledge (didn't play since march).
One more lesson - do no play from the work. So I won't.
Next one gonna be more lucky and productive - I boughd ADSL and gonna rock the world now! =)
Thanks everybody, see you next month.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 13932tnl (-5.55%)>
You yell 'Die, Landren, you sorcerous dog!'
Landren narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You are blinded!
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone dodges your slash.
You wound someone.
Someone has a few scratches.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 13932tnl (-5.55%)> disarm

Someone parries your defilement.
Your slash wounds someone.
Someone parries your slash.
Someone's wrath MUTILATES you!
Someone has a few scratches.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 13932tnl (-5.55%)> Your opponent is not wielding a weapon.
Someone has a few scratches.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 13932tnl (-5.55%)> dirt
Someone is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches someone.
Someone has a few scratches.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 13932tnl (-5.55%)>
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in your direction.
You feel unclean.
Someone has a few scratches.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 13932tnl (-5.55%)> mutt

Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
Someone deflects your slash with its shield.
Your slash wounds someone.
You parry someone's wrath.
Someone has a few scratches.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 13932tnl (-5.55%)>
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in your direction.
You feel weaker.
Someone has a few scratches.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 13932tnl (-5.55%)>
Someone barely turns your defilement aside.
You dodge someone's wrath.
Someone has a few scratches.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 13932tnl (-5.55%)> You mutter quietly to yourself.
Someone has a few scratches.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 13932tnl (-5.55%)>
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in your direction.
You are hungry.
You are starving!
You can no longer find the strength to wield something.
Pain racks you as an insatiable hunger takes root!
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
You dodge someone's wrath.
Someone has a few scratches.

<92%hp 100%m 98%mv 13932tnl (-5.55%)> wave
Connected to host

-<!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$X!: The Carrion Fields
'<M! !!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMMX!X!
!M!--!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMM!X$! A Playerkilling/Roleplaying
-!8!:!!!MMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$RMMMX8RX- MUD
!!:-MRX!-!!MM$$$$8$$$$$$$$$MMMM$R!-! Original DikuMUD by
'!X:--?X!--!!!M$$$RMR$$$$RMMRMM$R!!!X! Hans Staerfeldt, Katya
-XX 'MX:!!!!!?RRMMMMM!!XMMMM$R-<!!!! Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael
!?!-X$P"````----!M!!---`#*R$$M !<!!- Seifert, and Sebastian
-!MXf -!-!!!X! "k!!!- Hammer
'!!!X !X!M?X '!!!-
-<!XM X!!R!! !M!-'
:!XMMX : ::s@---!!!Mbx:!!<::X8k ! Based on Merc 2.1 by
!!!$$$MTMM8$#!! ! MXX!R$W86SW$$!!! Hatchet, Furey, and
!!!M$$#TT!!!!!- ! X!!!!!!RR#M!!! Khan
`!MW$M- -!!M!! ! !!:!-- #$R?!!
-:.. -XM!k:!#hHMX!!- ::- carrionfields.org 9999
-M! <!!!$X?XMMMB$!!! !!
!X! !XR!$MM$$$$$$?MM! '!! Created from ROM 2.3 by
`MX 'XXX t!@!H!X8X '!> Yuval Oren, Matt Hamby,
!!X!!X!" MM$M$RR*?.!!:X! Barbara Hargrove
?&M<!X>!MR$M> M9M5M!!XMM
M!?XX!!RRt?M@NRX?!XMX!R Maintained by
`!!MHXX!!Mt!MMXWMM!!! BoltThrower, Drokalanatym, Jullias,
`!XM$$$R9M$RTMMX- Nordewin, Pico, Sebeok, Valguarnera,
#$WXXW$$MXW$" Yanoreth, and Zulghinlour
Greeting screen designed by
Zapata (bsinger1@netcom.com)

By what name do you wish to be mourned? Blaghaad
Log is on: Blaghaad\Blaghaad.txt
Password: Log is on: Blaghaad\Blaghaad.txt

That character is already playing.
Do you wish to connect anyway (Y/N)?y
Reconnecting within 15 seconds of losing link.
You will be able to move shortly.

<0%hp 0%m 40%mv 13932tnl (-5.55%)>
49292, Curses
Posted by Raughurst on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You'll certainly be missed by me, at least. You were fun to pass the time with, even if we didn't have many grand, sophisticated discussions. You were my ranking machine :p

Good luck, hope you make it back soon!
49318, RE: Curses
Posted by Blaggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure thing. I'll find some free time sooner or later and roll something nasty! Maybe another lich..? =)
Good luck!
49269, I really dug your RP, was hoping you would make it up there.
Posted by Tisiak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your speech kicked ass I love when people talk like that instead of "Greetings I am a very smart fire giant, your brain is inadequate to mine" =P Anyways, good luck in the fields, ####ty death too but it's just a part of cf everyone has to deal with if they want to play... good luck with your next.
49290, RE: I really dug your RP, was hoping you would make it up there.
Posted by Blaggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I enjoyed our talks. Speaking this way is pain in the ass, especially when only 10% of playerbase understand what are you talking about, and even this 10% sometime fails to understand you =)
I had fun, though, and will return as soon as RL allows me to do that.
And thanks for you know what, I've hold onto it till that frustrating death =)
49198, Well, at least you got to mutter at him
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In all seriousness though, I'll never understand why I see pk logs in which people waste commands on a social. If instead of muttering, you had typed flee;q teleport you would probably have teleported to someplace remote enough to survive.
49255, RE: Well, at least you got to mutter at him
Posted by Blaggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because Blaghaad had no single chance in this combat, and he know that. Yet he was brave giant! =) So he wanted to wave, mutter and retreat, until he could find a way to battle shamans (he had one bright idea). Alas, fortune turned against him and he decided not to bother anymore with such fate.
R.I.P., oh brave giant!
49197, I felt really bad about that after you sent me that tell
Posted by Landren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You lost your other weapon right after and you went down really fast. It wasn't until the end I was beginning to suspect you weren't there (your wimpy had you autofleeing everytime I chased since I was leading with fatigue). Before I could decide to leave off and see if I was right about you being LD, you died.
49254, RE: I felt really bad about that after you sent me that tell
Posted by Blaggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No worries, that happens. Yet I thought that 4mbs connection would save me from such problems =)
Ah well, I wasted only three days, anyhow.