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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectVens is deleted.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=49186
49186, Vens is deleted.
Posted by Vens. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For future assassins: After my 500 hours i still had assassinate at 99% and i was trying to assassinate all the time.

I understand only like 1 of 5 words i see on the screen. I understand words like: let's kill, let's travel but not ready for some serious rp at all. I know it sux. I was trying to be really evil to cover my weak rp. But i don't agree about ####ing up 500-hours character.

If i wouldn't smoke marihuanna all the time i wouldn't take all of mine more then 50 deaths that easy. Sometime i had a feeling of being owned again and again and again and again, it was hard feeling. But i think i killed few people too.

I was interacting with a lot of people so i don't remember you all. I'm sorry. So i just post very very few farewells, excuse me everybody whom i forgot.

Cabdru/Nep: All the time i'm reading logs and PBF. I was always wondering who is this prick who hates russians. But i after i saw Cabdru you got my respect and love :) Really!

Eshval: I loved you till you uninducted my 500-hours chatacter. That sux! I can say a lot of how i was looking at that transmuter for some time. And you only saw me inducting him after i got feeling he's online enough time and he's pretty solid. Seems you didn't like my style but i don't know english enough to rp well and i'm sure we all play cf to have fun, not to #### each other's brains.

Muuloc: Whenever i saw Dread Sculptor emoting i was happy.

Lerimos: Almost the only one who doesn't gank.

Aelisoc/Draixen: Seems you are newbies but you got my respect more than most veterans. And you don't gank as well.

Thiefs: I hate thiefs and i was trying to make your lives hard.

A lot of berserkers: I would uninduct most of you, because your gank-o-meter should be higher than mine.

Kavan: Heh. What can i say ... Annoying but pretty solid. Every of our meetings was very strange :)

Crulvane: If i knew you better i wouldn't demand money for your induction. I really liked you. But damn it's amazingly annoying to be defense/air shifter, i'd suicide on your place.

Hanzu - Same as Aelisoc/Draixen but i simply couldn't not uninduct you after you died 3 times in 5 min right in front of me.

Empress: #### it. You was close few times but i never killed you and you killed me 2-3 times.

Giants: Actually i think it's not worth it to assassinate giant. Most of my deaths were to you.

Whip,axe specs: I find strip/disarm/weapon break/shield break most annoying skills in cf.

Rangers: Bane of assassins. If i wear hp eq i don't hit at all. If i wear dr eq i die to ambush before i can even run. And you never know where and when you'll be ambushed. You know, it's stupid to prep before you go to open plains (west from north road) for example, but if you don't prep you can die there without chances to escape.

Greddath: If i wouldn't trade glass eye bracelet for some knowledge i'd still suck. Thank you much!

P.S. I wanted to get more pk-s than Dulmisa but my uninduction destroyed this plan. I don't think i'll play cf again.

P.P.S. I'm from Russia .... no paypal ... please ... pbf :)
49297, Luck
Posted by Kharghurln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have no idea how much I respected fighting you, or how tough you were. I got you three times - the first I think I caught you off guard and bashed you down, the second I jumped in while you were fighting my Empire Healer and bashed you down, the third was at some Centurions where I got a bit lucky. You were worth about ten charges every time I killed you - yeah, that's right, ten - and it always took some luck on my part to get you.

The flip side is you almost killed me a half dozen times at least. I will never forget that time you charged into our ranking group on the Volcano and just waded through us - and we knew you were coming. You were never afraid to take risks, and I really respected that.

The other dozen or so fights we had were a good time as well, because I honestly felt that they could have easily gone either way.

As for RP, I got "Evil, sneaky, bastard assassin." If that's what you were shooting for, you hit it.
49296, I'm glad Vens is dead.
Posted by Jeril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not fear assassination from Vens to the degree maybe I should have, but you apparently didn't read the help file that says about H2H specialists will defeat assassins in regular melee. You owned me like no one else I've fought. Good work.
49285, Question about PBF statistics.
Posted by Vens. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Total PK Wins 289 (187 at level 51)
# of Assassinations 88

What does it mean?

1. It means i killed 289(pk) + 88(assassinates) = 377 people.

2. It means i killed (289-88)201 (pk) + 88 (assassinates) = 289 people.

49286, It means this
Posted by Just some dude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
2. It means i killed (289-88)201 (pk) + 88 (assassinates) = 289 people.

49287, This is correct., + some additional Vens commentary.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Once upon a time, assassinates sometimes registered as group-of-0 kills as far as the gank-o-meter is concerned. Zulg's since fixed that bug.

I'm pretty sure Vens' would still be damn low, though.

Stealth class or not, you have to respect a guy who is on and trying to beat ass pretty irregardless of the odds. You also have to respect a guy who is willing to throw people out of his cabal even though he's constantly outnumbered.

I'm not going to tell you Vens was a RP saint or did everything right; but he did do a lot with this character that I think is worth admiring and/or trying to learn from.
49280, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by Bolen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You tried to get me 3 or 4 times and almost every time it was either while I was raiding the Spire or just coming out with the Scales. I kept hoping I was going to sing a good nightmare on you but you wouldn't hold still long enough :P I think I came close a couple of times like when I set you on fire that once but you were certainly nimble.

49278, You were my toughest enemy.
Posted by Xoregh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed all our fights. You kicked my ass repeatedly except for the one time in Udgaard. I wonder how many hp you had at the end there. Good luck with the next. See you in the fields.
49252, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by Llivpgha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I respected you. An assassin doing his job the way it should be done, good stuff to learn from you. You got uninducted, then deleted too soon, you know.

Have fun.
49249, Well, I guess you win 1-0
Posted by Yrbitan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We fought a good few times and one of us would beat on the other and the loser generally got away as the telling blow was never quite gotten. Then ofcourse after days and weeks of being careful I got slack and you assassinated me in the weald after I fought the traveler and now you go and delete so I can never pull it back to a draw.

Liked Vens as a challenge to face.

49218, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I absolutely hated your char up until I choose to become a savage
I had no way of defeating you although as long as you didn't break
bones I could win. but in truth you knew your ####. great assassin
and well played though I admit I was hoping to get in another fight
or two before you deleted. I think after that initial fight
where you jumped me killing the troll and I killed the troll and still
was winning, I dont think I ever won another round. Very well played

If the urge ever strikes you to pick up this addiction again feel
free to play a villager where you dont have to speak english worth
two ####s to still be a great char... *wink* Even though this one
was one of the better assassins I think I seen in a long time well
atleast in my eight or so years here. Sorry I seem like so much
of a noob just dont play rangers all that much and first felar ranger
villager ever.

Luck with you whatever you do.
49215, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by Tashera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After we meet sometime and talked i was know that you are from Russia asi do. So privet. I liked to fight you. But hate when you assassine me and always get my damn dagger. Few you times you got me made right inside my char. As i remember i killed you only once when i die and you dead to a bleeding and like maybe 10-15 times. But anyway was very very annoying char for me. Really hate you when i was playing my char and liked when i was hearing or seeing a logs where you kick asses like crazy. And as to Dulmisa. You much more respect from my side then Dulmisa you rarely fight not alone and Dulmisa almost always was bringing someone to defend her ass.
49213, Couple things.
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I for one had no idea you were a Russian.

And I think you had the coolest room description when people arrived to see you, ever.
49187, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never dealt with the character at all. So I don't have an opinion one way or the other. One thing that confuses me, you had to have at least tried to roleplay right? You got a leader spot and a quest skill. If you didn't roleplay, why would they have given you those?
49191, Quest skill ? :p
Posted by Vens. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. I was trying to rp greedy evil bastard as good as i can.

2. Now i see how legends born. I didn't have any quest skill. It's affect of martial trance used after a lot of stalks and it happened only once in 500 hours.
49193, RE: Quest skill ? :p
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, that's what I get accepting second hand info.
49207, We had some great fights.
Posted by Kavan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Either you completely beat my ass, or I completely beat your ass.

I'm curious though, for the longest time I couldn't even get you to engage me. I'd trip you and you'd just flee/quaff. What was that all about?

Also, I can semi echo what terwin said. I never got any RP out of you, just seemed like OOC whine when it didn't go your way. I even tried to bring you in on some questy stuff, but you didn't respond quite like I had thought you would or should(though I guess I'm in no position to judge your RP). You were definitely a presence though. I'd get 20 tells when I was visible asking me if you were around. I'd warn people you were near, and they'd *still* get assassinated :P. I tried to make your life a living hell by messing up your stalking, and just generally being a pain in the ass. One thing I've learned from playing this assassin is that assassin vs assassin fights are really no fun. There should never be a winner unless one guy just completely brain farts, and I'm pretty sure that neither of us would have done it. It always came down to who had the second guy.

I know you've been around a bit, and this is like assassin number 3 or 4. I can only wonder what future surprises you might have for us and I look forward to encountering them. Good luck on whatever you choose to do next.

49206, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by Terwin05 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My experience with you was this:

When you were winning, your "RP" consisted of general silence and some smug pseudo-evil commentary. Fair enough.

When you were losing, you were pretty much straight up OOC. Whether it was on the cabal channel or with your enemies, you weren't afraid to bitch in a way that came across as 100% OOC. Granted, the language barrier is there, but I have a hard time understanding how Immortals can justify handing out the types of rewards you received when you go clearly OOC whenever something doesn't go your way.

Good job killing, though. I wanted to roll a ranger so badly to make your life miserable in that place you always went to for the preps.

49205, Always enjoyed our fights
Posted by Chokiare on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If it matters to you, almost everything I learned about playing as assassin at high ranks I learned from fighting you. I tried everything I could think of against you, and then reviewed my logs afterwards to see what you did, learned many important lessons. Great assassin and hope to see you around.

49212, RE: Always enjoyed our fights
Posted by Vens. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad it is so :)
49204, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by Nysrogh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn I hated you, coming up the levels I thought this guy is the one that im gonna need to watch out for. Then I hit hero range and you started beating me down all over the place, this continued for a while and then all of a sudden you got all buddy buddy with me. Ofcourse both of us getting kicked from leader roles at the same time was pretty funny. Good char all around.

49201, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by Friarr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad you're gone, perhaps the only assassin I ever had to worry about. We had some good fights and beside the ####ty full loots/sacs you were alright.
49200, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My take on Vens may seem odd. You were a great assassin...I enjoyed watching you. Your pks exceeded Cabdru's, though your deaths were more. As the Advisor to Scion...no complaints, you did your job well and maintained a great presence online. You were a good Advisor, I should have kept you there.

When I moved you to Chancellor, I am not sure what happened. You became...different, and your focus changed on inductions and interactions with other Scions. We spoke on this. You made some errors but I stuck with you, hoping you would not add to them. It was not the case, and it became time for you to go.

I wish to make clear, that Scions are not a nice group of people, neither are the Immortals of Scion...we are all evil, and seek to rp in that fashion. If you were in the Fortress, you would get more understanding and compassion. In Scion, that will not happen. As Chancellor, it is your obligation to lead and induct those folks who will make Scion strong and feared...that was not happening. Scion was becoming weaker and its members were not logging on. I am willing to accept part of the blame for that, but if there are little to no Scions online, there is normally a mortal leadership issue.

Regarding your language issue: In my eyes, your did and still do very well, never be concerned that you do not get your rp across. If I did half as well on my other languages, I would be pleased.

Overall Vens, you are a darned good killer and pretty fair on the rp. Do not let being removed from Scion sour your outlook. Remember, it is all rp, and being evil and in a cabal full of evil, comes with some drawbacks.

Well Done & Good Luck

49211, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by Vens. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good words from you is like some fresh air. Thank you for them :)
49315, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by DC on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My only beef with Scion is that, ever since it became "3l33t" now they'll choose being evil over being logical.

I guess its neither here nor there, but a lot of stuff in that cabal just struck me as being evil for the sake of being evil, which, considering being evil is about reward rather than morality, would strike me as unintuitive. Its still a fun cabal, but I got the whole "punish someone just because its about time someone got punished" vibe a couple times with my last one. Luckily, it was never directed at me.

Sorry to thread-steal.
49199, Rest in peace
Posted by Crulvane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were frustrating at times.

An excellent assassin. A terrible cabal leader.

There are certain things shifters excel at and others they need tred cautiously, and you seemed to get frustrated at times when we hunted. Bound by maladictions, no mana, movement, all make for hard times. I personally never rest out in the open nor revert in plain view of my enemies to remove afflictions. Out of form, I am a corpse. I had hoped to impress on you this.

My tactics given my forms were always to whittle one down then chase them as they fled. I also prepare alot, which can result in alot of down time.

Hope you come back again, for you do play a mean assassin.
49196, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>For future assassins: After my 500 hours i still had
>assassinate at 99% and i was trying to assassinate all the

I spoke in another BF thread about the unluckiest assassin of recent memory with respect to that skill; that would be you. I've never seen someone the RNG hated so much. :P

Props for beating as much ass as you did despite that.
49195, You escaped most of the time.
Posted by Klemle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I got you three times, and I really enjoyed those times. I will say you are very skilled and you tooled other characters of mine. I hope you will come back, as you seem to be a good player.

The time we trapped you in Azreth was priceless though, and I hope you realize that.

That last death, we only really took about five items, and would have returned the rest, but a rager came along and started saccing crap. I was sorry to see that. I tried to grab a bunch of the better stuff, but you said don't worry about it, so I just either left it or took it home with me.

Great job imo,
49194, Hurumph
Posted by Lerimos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You do understand you are the only assassin that I feared. I havent been assassinated that bad for along time till you came. While your mastery of the language may be lacking and you did some things I did not approve of (go figure Scion and Villagers right?). You did very well were fearsome. Hopefully you can master the language more and apply that with your good skills to make a super fantastic assassins. See you in the fields.
49189, PBF purchased. n/t.
Posted by SomeDude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
49188, RE: Vens is deleted.
Posted by SomeDude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you really have trouble understaning English as much as you say, then, props on taking this character so far. I can't do what you did and I speak the language.

That explains a bit. I had a character who HATED you. Because you'd attack me on several occasions for no reason at all; my character being obviously evil aligned, and who had a tendancy to help scions out more often then not and I thought this was known- it didn't make sense to the character or me the player why you would attack and then not give any reason whatsoever. I then made it a point to search for you whenever I could, too bad I couldn't come close to killing you. I tried to ask you why, but got very cryptic, unsatisfying responses. But now it makes sense. But well done in general man.

So, my quesion is, did you just attack everything that moves because its fun, or because you had some reason for it?

Oh, and I'll get your PBF. Both as a catharsis for me because of the hate I have for you character ;-), and because, well, I feel I owe CF at least five bucks for the good times.
49192, Thank you much for PBF!
Posted by Vens. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think evil greedy guy can have friend. I think evil greedy guys should betray and kill each other as much as possible. That's why they are greedy evils. You don't agree?