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Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Caroolth Holdersson the Meticulous Drover, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
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48809, (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Caroolth Holdersson the Meticulous Drover, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Jun 20 15:50:50 2006

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 26th of the Month of the Great Evil
on the Theran calendar Caroolth perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
49075, Farewell, Brothost!
Posted by Kiamae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well...there goes my groundbreaking work as Thera's first mino
speech physician and translator. Anyway, great char, the bully
one turning up always lifted us, especially myself, as I can't
help chortling at mino speech =) Sorry for the teasing.
Great Brothost, great char and a dang fine job.
48890, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Caroolth Holdersson the Meticulous Drover, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by Grajekeck on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We interacted a bit near the end, and I was hoping for more talks in the future.

Good run, man. Good run.
48870, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Caroolth Holdersson the Meticulous Drover, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by Caroolth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, let's see...

Caroolth started because I lucked out and saw a minotaur spot. Wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I knew that I didn't want Empire, didn't want Scion, so I thought to try a Tribunal. Haven't done it in a long, long while, and I thought it could be kind of fun.

Many long, boring hours of watching cities later, and putting out fires :)

Alright, so they weren't that boring, really, I had the outlander horde to come and smack me down every so often, got a few really sweet kills too (Wakazula in the weald while there's four outlanders there comes to mind), and earned a third legacy by losing about eight points of con. If any of the dagger specs at the time (Illimya, Fielstithian) wondered why I stopped dying so much, I was given Riddle of Resilience, which changed those battles greatly.

Being given Provost helped a lot, too...those guards are a rather nice perk. Also rather painful when they get turned, but that's another story.

Caroolth started as a simple minotaur whose mother actually decided to keep him and love him. She survived by the miracle of healing, and well, tried to raise him well. He grew up in the mountains near Seantryn (let's pretend there's some few people living there, alright? :), and his early life was basically bandit raid after raid. So, that led him to seeking out order as a way of correcting what he saw as a huge issue.

By the time he became Provost, he realized that the outlanders had their own goals, and then that if there could be some resolution between the cities and the outlanders, then there could be some form of peace. The constant warring did nothing productive, nothing useful, and Caroolth was all for some sort of a peaceful reconciliation.

Of course that didn't go too far :)

Anyhow, eventually, I realized I didn't have the time to be a leader. The project I was on was picking up, and well, I'm getting married in ten days or so, so we're kind of busy. So, I told Dalteric that I didn't have the time for it, and stepped down. Just in case anyone was wondering why I wasn't leader any more.

Other than that, Caroolth was a good learning experience. I got killed in a lot of stupid ways, and got caught in a lot of traps. If I had to do it again, I probably would have taken the legacy that lets you eat pills in combat, just to survive more often. Nreisshe killed me so many times with a snare just outside the huntress, and of course, being bull-headed, I had to go try anyways :)

Also, I tried to build up a respect between outlanders and tribunals. Specifically, in the looting thing. One, it sucks having to get everything from scratch. Two, it takes time out from the fun parts of the game, and three, it could be justified in character as well. The way I figured is that if the cost to having productive, on-duty magistrates was a few trinkets being given back to the outlanders, then fine. Also, they came to fight (and often die) more often when they had gear.

On to farewells, I know I'll miss people, but hey, c'est la vie :)

Dalteric: Thanks for the chance at Provost, and for all the support. It was definitely fun :)

Alenysi: Again, you were the outlander I actually spoke with the most, and that I appreciate a lot. Better than a knife in the chest any day.

Gyhrean: First real friend in the cabal, and a good partner to work with. Mhardat with cranials was a good time :) Furoll however, was a disappointment...I would have tried to get you reinducted, but you kept doing it, so that didn't work...

Ferrsaan: Thanks for making me rich...you knew where you were going, what you were doing.

Nysrogh: Hard shoes to fill, eh? Well, you'll do well...you were kind of scary what with the army following you everywhere. Just keep at it, and keep things fairly organized, and life's good.

Okinawelok: Tips? Try not to die too often, or if you're going to die, die well...I think you'll do well, though you're taking your sweet time gaining ranks =)

Artisle: Was fun while it lasted. what Nysrogh said about me, how Caroolth would say "killed so and so", that's what I thought about you.

Emmot: You know your stuff, definitely. Thanks for all the shiny things there towards the end, I was feeling guilty about taking it, because I knew I wasn't going to be around long. If I hadn't died now, I would have deleted tomorrow anyways...

Friarr: Damn man, you're rough.

Lerimos: Not so tough a fight, but always up for one. Kudos.

Kragathian: Ballsy, good villager.

Outlanders: Too many to mention. For the most part, good enemies, and that damned camoing killed me so many times. Like Bolen said, that was an unexpected trap there :)

Nreisshe: Special mention, I think you got the most kills on Caroolth of anyone.

Alright, I'm at work, and this is taking a long while...so, if I missed you, sorry, etc., but write if you'd like to :)

Last character of real worth was Varthas, and well, I think I rather enjoy the all-out die-a-lot warriors.

48871, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Caroolth Holdersson the Meti...
Posted by Dalteric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While it sounds like you hadn't intended a lot of what the character became/did, I will say that I greatly liked Caroolth as Provost. In terms of leadership, you very much met what I like to see in a Provost. Even with little things you kept it clear what was going on and how you wanted the cabal run. In terms of killing/vindicator, I always thought you were that unlucky guy who almost got the sweet kill until you'd have the worst round ever or what have you.

Anyway, a good, memorable character, and in 3-4 weeks when you get all that wedding nonsense resolved, head on back to Trib
48872, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Caroolth Holdersson the Meti...
Posted by Nreisshe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I certainly had respect for Caroolth, even if from Nreisshe's POV you weren't only a hideous mutant but also completely suicidial at times. I sort of admire people who can pull that off because I know I can't, dying makes me far too annoyed with how I could let it happen. :P

I don't think we talked a whole lot, with me being sneaky most of the time and so, and it probably wouldn't have been very fruitful with the combination of mino speech + broken English and me not being an amazing conversationalist, but since you were always respectful and not an annoying loudmouth the few short exchanges were positive ones.

Good job, and good luck with life.
48874, I should have! Put a knife in your chest, that is
Posted by Alenysi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anyway, I enjoyed your character immensely(and even spurred me to make a tribunal the next chance I get, look at that :P). I also enjoyed most, if not all, of our talks. I am always more of the roleplaying side(ie blabbing someone's ears off) then bashing people to the ground and so I talked any chance I got. You were one of the few spirelings that were willing to do so, so thank you there. Ironically enough, though, when you were a ghost that last bit right before you took your final rest...I had no idea what to say, so sorry if I was a tad boring. But at least you learned something even after death.

You were very competant and seemingly a great provost(I couldn't be for sure since I was only the enemy and not part of the inside), but of all the spirelings I have ever known with any character you have to be my favorite by far(and thats a lot of tribbies).

Anyway good luck with all the marriage thing and come back to Carrion fields. Don't listen to Dalteric, make an outlander :P
48878, My horrible speaking friend
Posted by Artisle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Artisle was supposed to be a mean bastard, and was supposed to try and usurp you. Well, I didn't really want the second and I had a hard time being the first with you. I thought you were a great Provost, and honestly, I liked the Vindi powers quite a bit. I just didn't like how bored it had gotten with few criminals around (hence all the fights I had with Paladins outside of town.) Anyway, you did a great job, good luck with whatever is next.

48879, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Caroolth Holdersson the Meticulous Drover, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by Fielstithian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved you Man-cow! I mean sure, you were an abomination and didn't really deserve to even have your blood fertilize the roots of the Tree, but I really enjoyed those opportunities where, in the course of our conversation, I got a chance to utter, "I don't have the foggiest notion what you are trying to say."

I hadn't noticed that you were harder to kill, but some of that may have been that toward the end of Fiel's life I took greater risks and greater lumps. That said, when fighting you it was a pleasant challenge with no predetermined outcome. Those are fights I love.

Good luck and all that rot!
48886, Tough Tough man
Posted by Lerimos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, somehow I didnt match up against you well, sometimes I got you, sometimes I didnt it. The last fight was a bit painful but thats war I suppose. I liked Caroolth for his unique roleplay for a tribunal and for his respect. I respected him IC OOC and every way in between. Good luck with the wedding and come back soon!
48911, Another great enemy..
Posted by Erisen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seems enemies of your caliber are getting rather thin these days. But I don't mean to flatter, I hated you. ;p You were around for a good long while and I was impressed with your longevity. Well done.

You kicked my ass more than a few times. Life was all the more interesting when you were around, because I really had to watch myself just to stay alive. Shame I never did get to bring you down, but, I quit trying after my umteen millionth escape/death.

Good luck with the next.
49058, Nice job.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After I heard that you were getting married and had to stop playing soon, I decided to play the executioner to get you the Vindi spot. Let you have some fun for the last few days of the characters life. Getting ready to get married is a stressful time. Nothing like putting the bloody shackles on somebody else since you are going to be wearing them from here on out. :P
49060, *laugh*
Posted by Caroolth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, thank you for that =) Man, what a thing to say, only seven days out =)
49083, Bye
Posted by Chyrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were unique, I like that. In my eyes the trib cabal is now empty, and I'll work to see that its physical actuality mirrors my mental image of this eventuality. In whatever cabal you join next, you will likely shine. But, of course, I'm always one to urge the uncaballed rogue *wink* Good luck on your next.
48847, Great char
Posted by Mhardat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You learned tricks and you have a heart.

Very well done.

48841, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Caroolth Holdersson the Meticulous Drover, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Solid Tribunal, solid Provost. 'nuff said.
48835, The Bull has gone to the slaughterhouse!
Posted by Bolen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tough stringy meat I'm guessing. I liked Caroolth, which is why you got your very own limerick once. I loved that one trap I got you and Stokesia in, I hoped you'd be too overconfident and I could goad you back in against one lone little elf when you had a healer and once I got you lullabied, that was all she wrote...especially with Nreissche and Gakalak both hiding under cover...:P

Anyway, well done, enjoyed the battles.
48825, Rock Solid!
Posted by Nysrogh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is all I have to say, Caroolth was one solid son of a bitch. You inducted me when I was a whee little whelp and I looked up to your char all through the ranks. Then ofcourse came the hardest part of this chars life, filling your shoes. Big damn shoes to fill I tell ya. All in all I give mad props for being quite a fearsome char. I cant remember how many times I ran from a fight only to have you say over cb a few minutes later that person x y or z were dead. It made me hate and love you at the same time. You rule man!

48821, Good character
Posted by Okinawelok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fill me in on some tips if you wish. I would really like to know what drove this character. Great Provost. Made my time on carrion interesting and actually rewarding. Well done Sir!!


48817, Seichii Gray? (Sp?)
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
48816, Nice Job
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your farewell:

In the cities of Galadon, Hamsah Mu'tazz, Seantryn Modan and Voralian, thick black cloth is taken atop the tallest towers.

From these heights, each a Spire in its own right, a deep shroud is wrapped around each peak, a sign of mourning at the passing of a great leader.

A torch is lit in the center of Galadon, and slowly begins to travel to each city accompanying the final funeral bed of Caroolth Holdersson, Provost and Vindicator, true representative of the Blood Tribunal.

Great solid character from what I saw. The Leader time boost certainly gave you a great run.

Well done ya smelly heifer-heid.