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Topic subject(CON) Thyka the Captain
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=4866
4866, (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Feb 23 21:45:07 2002

9 o''clock AM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of the Winter Wolf on the Theran calendar Thyka perished, never to return.

Cabal:ENTROPY, the Barons of Chaos
PK Ratio:30% (closer to 100% is better)

4867, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by Harlian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I sought of get obsessed with the Ferret God! Whoever that was... I also sought of got clobbered a few times for my diligent praying to him. Hehe. Oh well. You know who I am now so maybe I'll see you in the fields.
4868, Yah.
Posted by Ivyial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad you enjoyed the character. I love thieves and I had never played a Sylvan, and wanted to see what it was all about. I lost interest in her after my twelve thousanth mob death, thanks Mayesha :Þ , and after I realized there is nothing for thieves at hero ranks. I rolled up Janjilm after, and interacted with you a bit then, mostly just trying to annoy you as much as you did me. :). Who would have thought I'd get uninducted for assassinating people. Ah well, Siesta la fi.

4869, RE: Yah.
Posted by AnImEfAhN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Annoy? Well you certainly did that... and I didn't set out to annoy you, heh. Well, except for when I did that thing where I'd doppel people then kiss them, but you weren't the only victim of that.

Well from all the stories I'd heard about you from Mayesha IC, it's nice to know I got to interact with Lhydia's player, as well as a few other people I'd heard about, but never thought I'd get the chance to meet.

I'm definitely rolling another chaotic in the future, (nothing is ever certain, I cannot say 'entropist')
4870, WOOP WOOP!
Posted by me on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well done
4871, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by AnImEfAhN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You know that feeling when a really great character whose RP you really enjoyed and you thought your character was well-loved, (and hated) dies?

I'm sure alot of you can sympathize, (including the scions that killed me one-round outside the cabal. I don't blame you... and that's only the second time I let someone do that. I was desperate and hid there because I suggested it to Zandrumial, he agreed, and I was banned from the Inn for a mystery reason. Good shot... though I'm sure you're accustomed to many easy kills. One round, no time to scream goodbyes like with Yirri...)

I'll start with the cabal I was in:

Mayesha, Heh, Hekestrum's player told me that some people thought I wanted Grumorum's tattoo, another portion thought I wanted Pico's, and the third portion thought Thyka wanted you to spank her. *snicker* probably some of the latter two... you were 90% of why I started the character and what made it fun to be in the Barons, because I'm sure all three of you Imms watched me and 50% of the times I died was when I didn't use the powers, after I got inducted. Remember the spittoon Thyrone told me to give to you, and how she asked if she could keep you? Heh... The thick dwarven accent had developed from her being around you, where I screwed that accent up, well she was only copying you to the best of her ability, and the (hopefully) cute werekitty traits had come from that bite on Mt. Kiadanah-Rah (sp?), Thyka had looked up to you as a rolemodel, mentor and with alot of affection, after a while she stopped trying to get you to say you loved her, which you've successfully still got me wondering about. :) I'd never tried a warrior for real before, so I went with something all-new, and you were most of what made it fun for me with this character. I guess it was something I wanted to do because of how badly Yirri treated you, and the interest you gave to Avin. Also, this would be only cabal I've been in other than Heralds, and the induction process makes it for very few members, making it a tightly-knit community of sorts, heh. Thanks for everything, mostly for coming down when you were bored, whether I was ranking, spamming choke, boneshatter and cranial on guards in Dol guldur, and being around to make the RP much better when Thyka reacted to her emotions, which happened much more often than most Barons do. (you damn well better have gotten Thyka's soul and not let Grummore marry her, with a lich's phylactery at least! Heh.)

Pico, I also had intended to go for your tattoo, but I quickly gave up the idea when I was chewed out for using the bank by Grumorum. But both of you guys said I was doing excellent as a Baron, did that hold true as I went? I like to think that Thyka did what you wanted to see more of, and that was choosing not to use reason rather than being incapable, and since she was constantly an adolescent, there was plenty of oppritunity for that, (earlier example was peer pressure scene in attacking Fortress, she wasn't quite sure which friends she wanted to help.) Tons of people said you were grumpy, but the few times we truly talked you seemed to have a soft spot for the little teenager with a twelve-year old psychological complex, I remember the pudding and strawberries all too well. Zombie chickens will rule the world if the vicious vampire bunnies don't take it over first. Or the modrons. Or Teddy bears.

Grumorum, Humorous as always, I'll miss your antics until the next time we talk. "All further inquiries will be directed at my crotch!"
Heh. *coughmasochistcough* And your followers were great too, which brings me to mention...

Grollaski, man that was funny though frustrating, how I didn't know Mayesha had told you I was her assassin, and you role-played being afraid of me, thinking when I needed one object from you, I needed something akin to a SPLEEN! Heh. You were also an asshole to her, in the funniest way.

Albaszn, geez, you know it was scary after Ruairc died thinking, "Oh crap, the pantsless avenger is going to go pedophile in protecting me." But, we grew on one another, and though you never could stay empowered for reasons I'll leave in your thread, you were always willing to help me anyway you could.

Zandrumial, Yeah, you slept your way to the top with Sakariarth and me, heh. Too bad you were too busy to return the favor... oh, and when you heard me leave, that was the last time you'll see it. I got a bit jealous personally when you got the tattoo, but I knew full-well you deserved it more than me, especially becuase I'd given up on the idea already by the time you got it. You tried all you could to save me when Drengal got a taste of my blood, but I knew somewhere that today would be the day... About that day in Shadar when I killed you, you pushed Thyka too far with the whole thing about whips, Loranessa's bellowing only held Thyka off so much from trying to beat the crap out of you and Iunna, and you did it by nudging her when the zombie chicken came. I wasn't about to chicken out of rp just because of ranking, but after a long talk with Mayesha, Thyka dealt a bit better with her fear of whips, (as she did with alot of things after long talks with her, and being held.)

Nadran, I also traveled with you a bit, and Enbuergo. You're a good guy, and a much better aggressor than me, keep it up!

Dawnies and Marans!

Ruairc! When Shinomori had stopped long ago due to IC reasons, you were truly Thyka's knight in shining armor. I still wonder how I outlived you, AND Albaszn, but none of the healers. I also didn't completely understand the great affection you had for Thyka since she was neutral... but you treated her like she was a goodie, probably better. Remember when you asked if I could doppel a paladin to sit with you in the guildhall? Also, for anyone that knows, what was up with that echo in Hamsah when he was by me and the healer about feeling like I couldn't trust him? I still wonder about that...

Calradian, I definitely could not have cemented a bond with a powerful and important figure quicker than full-looting and returning every piece of gear you wore, and refusing to take any of it. You treated me the same way Ruairc did, though near the end of Thyka's life, you got busier and not longer helped her, which was also the case with Ruairc...

Aliera, it's a shame we couldn't talk more because I really enjoyed your personality, but you were always busy... Thyka could and would have really looked up to you had to taken more of a liking to her, though you seemed perfectly understanding about the peer pressure Thyka went through when we went for the chalice and such that day for our super huge cake we never baked.


Boldereth, Boldy boldy boldy! You do good and lead the warders right, you deserve it! Heh, I remember you me and Harlian killing trolls, and the day that I thought you could heal me fast enough to tank 4 baby wyverns... I also remember the day Thyka practically sobbed her eyes out from fear when I got caught in your briar tangle. I'm sorry I couldn't help you more, quite frankly Chaotic Neutrals have so much in common they can ally quite nicely with Sylvans and Nexans at any time with an amiable personality, IMO. And I think this is especially proven about the Barons and Sylvans similarity in goals because you're a druid following Grumorum in position to become a Sylvan leader. Well done.

Ivyial, I missed you late-game. You just stopped showing up, which was a shame because I needed you to help me with Enbuergo! If it wasn't Mayesha, and it wasn't Shinomori and Cyrissa, then Thyka would have definitely turned to your for affection, I hope to find out what happened.

Loranessa, Ivy's big sister, I know you thought she was psycho, and even if I probably tried too hard to be a girl (like I've been accused of once or twice,) you gotta admit, that's pretty much what a twelve year old would do... with others and without self-esteem issues. :Þ Big and strong, Thyka loved being around you for those qualities of leadership and toughness.
She also got a real big kick out of picking on you over big strong and handsome Anillop and Ruairc, the fact that she was between them and not you. *snicker* And you sure grumbled alot when she did that. She tried to hook you and Ruairc up once or twice, to no avail, ah well.


Divox, you were always friendly when I tried to get you when you were mortal to get something from Grollaski since I helped the nexans get thier link back. After that, interaction with you seemed humorous and natural, especially when you'd pull on Thyka's braids was memorable, even when a heroimm.

Vlodimir, I was surprised you made it into Nexus because you acted like a newbie, and killed me cheaply when we were young. I forget where you went, but we were allies after that, unfortunately you disappeared.

Cyrissa, I was glad you'd found your niche with the nexans, and learned alot by sitting in on advice for your induction with Lorak in case I ever want to make one myself with the new wave. (when there was almost nobody in the cabal and I was a greener newbie I was scolded harshly for applying with little to no knowledge about the philosophies therein, by Tringles I recall.) You'd always treated Thyka like one of the girls and have always been interesting and entertaining to be around. I've also wondered what it would have been like if Yirri met you. :)

There were some nexan transies I ranked with that disappeared. I forget thier names... o.o


Enbuergo, you cost me alot of my con that the Scions either helped you or finished me off themselves. I didn't understand why you started to kill me, and at some point you figured out you were giving me hell and laid off. I had to kill you though when you and Nadran ganged up on Albaszn, and you had a rep to keep for never being killed, hence killing me once more then always joking you were going to blackjack, bind and slit my throat again. Unfortunately though, 90% of your kills were always gangs whether or not you intended it, Mastikon, Kuhekeeh and some warriors and necromancers come to mind. I STILL ranked you to hero though with Nadran, heh.

Shinomori, though the interaction with you was nice in the beginning, I intended other things for the character, and I had to let you off the hook IC, too bad it was so vague, but she didn't know what it was at the time... Though that time with Alilor was interesting when he was obsessed with Thyka and wanted to turn her evil, she was deathly afraid of him though entranced by how handsome he was. Glad you found someone else after Thyka. Truly her very first knight in shining armor.

Harlian, you and Boldereth and I were comedy relief for the world at our lowbie ranks, too bad you deleted...


Damnit you bastards, this is the second character I've con-lost to you. But this time you couldn't break in, no you had to summon me and not attack the cabal for real...

Though I probably deserved it, when I play a neutral it turns out a "dirty white" kind of goodie, cannot be fricking evil, but does too many dirty deeds to be a real good...

Illien, when I got into your range, I was pretty excited, (Dude! I get to attack a chancellor with a character finally! Sweet!) unfortunately I COULD NOT CHOKE YOU. Well I did *once* but Ruairc woke you up. All the other times you started making it painfully apparent to me that transmuters are primarily what rip people up at the higher ranks. Kudos for being really gloomy and cryptic though, always trying to make Ruairc feel guilty for his shortcomings in saving me.

Tilaen, I don't know why people bitch so much about how powerful you are, you became a chancellor and started a manhunt for me, which eventually succeeded obviously. But you're a pushover, and personally I'dve killed you had you not had others on the eastern road.

Dullameh, good job, you finally learned to equip for paralysis, my choking taught you that more than those thieves, so you could actually let your zombies slay me. Actually come to think of it, my enemies learned more about killing people from me than I did from killing and being killed by them... that's sad...

Viornsra, Tilaen hired you as his thug basically, guess that was a lesson you got lucky on, air/goat cannot fight flails, but maces they rip up. I wish I stayed with flails and lashed youm not that I ever used lash, period.


Konnal, try not to call high-ranked warriors whores when they loot your kill you were too slow to loot... If it was anyone but me, you'd have alot less con by now...

Thralkoz, You teamed up with Marlek to make my life a living hell for a while, I wanted to see if choke/strip would have beaten you because I could not out-damage you with maces even if you were boneshattered. I still think a uncaballed warrior with the right spec can beat a ragrer one on one, I just have to figure it out...
Somehow you were always decked doing demos and oblits around rank 30...

Omodonore, Yes I had a chance to beat you with maces if I was really lucky. Do I dare fight another decked arial sword spec? No. ^_^


Nadran/Hailfor, Well you applied, but you count, heh. You guys share a space because I'm lazy. Nadran why didn't you just admit you did some bad things and weren't evil? Hailfor, you were always comforting in several situations before I was inducted. Both valued friends, too bad you deleted and disappeared respectively.

Hekestrum, I know your ISP is out right now, and it's a shame you had to leave, your orderly clarity habits with Ilraeth made us quite annoyed with each other, but not to the point of combat... You were comforting to Thyka when she was depressed or worried because of your calmness, and you always seemed to feel sorry that she was incapable of developing beyond the mindset of a twelve year old...

Why do people think chaotics are so hard to play? Albaszn's player mentioned to me that people can't think on thier feet, and I agree here, that is probably why they want the powers, but can't get in. It also requires a "just do it philosophy" that doesn't necessarily require a deep understanding of chaos theory...

Well, if I missed anyone, feel free to reply... here's to the death of yet more creative high that we play MU*s for. Well, the good RPers anyway.
Well, that's all I can think of, which is exhausting my memory anyway...

4894, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by Shinomori on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never thought you would die, maybe untill you reach hero but not like this. It was fun interacting with you and I hope your next char will be better, take care.
4891, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is it possible that chaotic doesn't neccessarily mean cute?
Oh wait, I forgot. Tickle soc = mad crazy chaotic.
My fault.
4892, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by AnImEfAhN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
See, you were the type of person/response I had to ignore when considering this character type...

And she tickled much less often than the stereotype leads people to believe... Some people didn't think she was cute, for example Loranessa thinks she was a psyco...
4893, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know. I don't like Mayesha either, cause I find it hard to swallow that a god would be adorable in a powerpuff girls kind of way. Only really cute god I can think of in legend id bacchus. And he was a nasty mofo in lots of ways.

What ever though. Glad you enjoy the game.
4889, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by Grollaski on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The assassin thing was a stab in the dark.

You never gave her the fucking periapt did you?

Damn it. Another one bites the dust.

4890, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by AnImEfAhN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I gave her the periapt!

It just wasn't the *right* one, I had to find another off Kathma, a drow thief that offended me, so it just wasn't the bad periapt... But I gave A PERIAPT to her, I swear!

4888, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by Iillien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Illien, when I got into your range, I was pretty excited, (Dude! I get to attack a chancellor with a character finally! Sweet!) unfortunately I COULD NOT CHOKE YOU. Well I did *once* but Ruairc woke you up. All the other times you started making it painfully apparent to me that transmuters are primarily what rip people up at the higher ranks. Kudos for being really gloomy and cryptic though, always trying to make Ruairc feel guilty for his shortcomings in saving me.

Well I am glad you enjoyed our fights. The only one that sticks out is the time you dopeled someone then came onto the ocean and I got you qith the shark. Gloomy and cryptic not sure how to respond to that. It wasn't intentional. I always thought Ruairc was a horrible paladin. I took every chance I could get to rub it in his face as I do with all paladins. And yes shifters are cake.

4886, Damn, you'll be missed.
Posted by Boldereth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a long ride, straight from lowbie-dom to constant fighting. You'll certainly be missed, good luck on the next.
4887, RE: Damn, you'll be missed.
Posted by AnImEfAhN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just nail a few permanently for me, eh? ;)

I might just go and try to get inducted... then assassinate a chancellor and get kicked out with a nasty title. Well sometime in the future anyway. It'd be fun though. *snicker*
4884, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by Zandrumial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Zandrumial, Yeah, you slept your way to the top with
>Sakariarth and me, heh.

I slept my way to the top with lots of people. :) I'm a slut, what can I say?

> Too bad you were too busy to return
>the favor...

Ouch, that hurts. Half the times you asked me, I was in the middle of a hell trip, and the other half I was in RL heading out the door. In fact, Krogum's had really awful luck with me that way. I'll be sitting around all day, and just as I started travelling with one of you, something comes up that I can't get out of. Must be chaos working it's magic outside the game.

>oh, and when you heard me leave, that was the
>last time you'll see it.

So I gathered. I was really hoping you'd just decided to leave until I could help you.

> I got a bit jealous personally when
>you got the tattoo, but I knew full-well you deserved it
>more than me, especially becuase I'd given up on the idea
>already by the time you got it.

Hm, sorry. I knew you as another character, and thought you were a great baron then too. I guess I don't really know the full story on your character, or really even know what makes one deserving of Pico's tattoo, but as far as I could tell you were at least as deserving as me.

> You tried all you could to
>save me when Drengal got a taste of my blood, but I knew
>somewhere that today would be the day...

> About that day in
> Shadar when I killed you ...

Heh, I was so impressed, and happy you did that. I thought "Now there's a baron"

>chicken came. I wasn't about to chicken out of rp just
>because of ranking,

And that right there is why I respected your baronacy. I've done some funky things during ranking, but only once have I ever managed to get thrown out of a ranking group.

4885, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by AnImEfAhN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>> I slept my way to the top with lots of people. :) I'm a slut, what can I say?

Pedophile... ;)

Think of it this way, now instead of us screwing with everyone's heads together, you get to screw with my head if you come across me. Actually, playing barons made me realize why I got doppeled so often with my characters that became barfly lowbies, it's dangerous to run around in your true form because if you piss off the scions, it's safe to assume they're everywhere no matter what, even if you think they're off ranking... Okay, so I've developed a personal grudge, what can I say? But they're very good at what they do, and I also have a healthy respect for near-hero scions. Well, except transmuters besides Illien now...

Actually I never intended to join the cabal in the first place, I just wanted a character that would interact closely with Mayesha, then I started bugging her about "eggplant magic" (a.k.a. Anacksumate doppelling me) then one day got offered the oppritunity to be her slave, I got gibbered, then inducted, then when it turned out Mayesha was going to act like a real slave driver when pushed, Thyka didn't like it and simply claimed she was free. (gotta love ruleless logic) Surprisingly I got to keep the powers, which still I didn't use half the time, and I don't sit in cabals or the Inn for the same reason I died to the Scions... if they really want to even Ragers will find a way to take you away from your item guardian.

Well, I got a reply from everyone I wanted most, (Pico and Grumorum won't notice, and as far as I know, Mayesha doesn't post) so I don't expect too many more, the thread can die happy. ^_^
4882, RE: It is the way the cookie bounces...
Posted by Mayesha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't usually post around here.
In fact, this is not me posting. This is an illusion, this is not the post you are looking for.

I'll just keep it short and say "Bye", as I lack anything more profound to say.
On a side note, I deny all blame on turning anyone into a hideous monster or "werekitty" as they might say. I do not carry lycantrophy. ;P

Mayesha, the Fuzzy Undercover Minion of Floofi
4883, RE: It is the way the cookie bounces...
Posted by AnImEfAhN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liar! She didn't just sprout that stuff herself you know. ;)

Nothing profound to say, well that's typical. Then again... Thyka never did either... :Þ
If you want something profound to say, start telling everyone stories about her eternal torture by Grummore for lying about you loving Shokai...

Besides, I thought chaotics were only profound on accident.

Looking forward to seeing you again, and it's nice to know you valued her company (If you didn't, I wouldn't be hallucinating.)
4881, hehe, bummer.
Posted by Marlek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted level sit at level 30 and play around with you more and more, but nothing really came of it... I got hooked up with the need to level into hero range.

You are right, there are many combo's that beat ragers. esp as a warrior. The key factor is to have all skills 100%. Ragers are next to useless if they cannot physically hit you. Its a ragers worst nightmare... not being able to tank/hit a opponent.

polearm/sword/hand specs are the nastiest for a rager to fight against.

As for your character, I think you were one of the few to really get under my skin. It wasnt untill later that I was spamming where's and saw you actually dopple someone that I discovered you were a entropic. Well done, I've had many a entropic and know that they are tonnes of fun to play. Hope to see you back in the fields again one day.
4878, In a rare forum appearance...
Posted by Grumorum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I must say, you were rather fun to have around. I never even
knew you were in con-trouble till one day I noticed Zandrumial asked
you on the CB if you had one or two deaths left. I guess that makes
me a bad Imm. If I had known I would've tried to cook up a con quest or something. Anyway, well played, I gotta say.

All fear the wrath of the zombie chickens from hell, eh? :)
Good luck with your next.
---Grummy Gath

4880, RE: In a rare forum appearance...
Posted by AnImEfAhN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the thoughts... I did have a vitality quest though, someone managed to find me in Pico's shrine as a mephit. I never managed to finish the quest, which I'll neglect mentioning here so whoever it was can use it again. ;) I just didn't have the guts or any idea what to pray to either Pico or Shokai, a neutral praying in a shrine that is pretty much hard-core goodie or redemption brings alot of thoughts about smiting, especially praying about something as minor as say, Mayesha's affection for him, which she still denies.

God that's always fun, poking at her about that. ^_^ But thanks for the comment and I look forward to working with you directly in the future.
4879, Just so you don't feel left out
Posted by Falstaff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We'll get the "Oooh an Imm posted" questions out of the way:

1) When are you logged on?
2) Why didn't you empower my last druid/paladin/shaman/healer? What did I do wrong?
3) Could you really explain your religeon? I don't have time to read helpfiles or in the Lyceum.
4) What does it take to get your tattoo?
5) Why don't you have a cutsie nicname like Floofi? ;-)

-Falstaff, tryin to make ya feel at home.
4877, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by Krogum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So long. Somewhere between the cranials and constant attention demanding, Krogum didn't bother spending much time with Thyka. Damn head-sitting humans. I'll leave the rest for my goodbyes.
4876, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by NOOO!!! on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thyka was played by the same as Yirri....??! How Do i keep missing these things!! Geez, all me friends from me first character die and become friends of me second character without me myself knowing it...

Tussock looks up eagerly at Thyka.
"Ken you teach me to suck brains to?"
4874, A bit belated, but better late than never...
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Enbuergo, you cost me alot of my con that the Scions either helped you or finished me off themselves. I didn't understand why you started to kill me, and at some point you figured out you were giving me hell and laid off. I had to kill you though when you and Nadran ganged up on Albaszn, and you had a rep to keep for never being killed, hence killing me once more then always joking you were going to blackjack, bind and slit my throat again. Unfortunately though, 90% of your kills were always gangs whether or not you intended it, Mastikon, Kuhekeeh and some warriors and necromancers come to mind. I STILL ranked you to hero though with Nadran, heh.

There are several reasons I started killing you. I'll save my rationale until I finally get bored and delete, but I will say I saved your ass way more times than you think (on particular time with Kuhekeeh comes to mind). As far as ending up gangs, I can only think of one time where I used Kuhekeeh to kill you. The other times I can remember are: 1) Popping your head off in the underdark with a knifing (which was hilarious I thought), jacking you in galadon then catching up with you in tir-talath while you were yelling "Man, Enbuergo is really getting on my ass" to your Entropy pals (another amusing moment I thought...I hope you've learned to unbind yourself by now), and a couple other times where you talked some ##### (or as close to ##### as Thyka could talk), so I beat you down for it. And yes, I did use an AP to get to you after you killed me while I was fighting Albasn. I was in an extremely bad mood because "I don't die. Other people die" AND I had been purposefully avoiding killing you =p. BUT, give me my due credit. I knew you were doppled, and scoured all of galadon, kobolds, eastern road, tar valon, and the inn, cross checking to see if anyone appeared twice. When I finally found the same person in the inn that I just saw in galadon, I knew I had you. Overall, I enjoyed interacting with Thyka, and while I generally have no respect for rp-oriented characters, I admired your ability to take a lickin and keep on tickin.


Anyway, I enjoyed Thyka

4875, RE: A bit belated, but better late than never...
Posted by AnImEfAhN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
She wasn't RP oriented!

I just sucked!

Hehe... you can tell by looking at the pk ratio. ;)
4872, RE: (CON) Thyka the Captain
Posted by Steelbiter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Hekestrum, I know your ISP is out right now, and it's a
>shame you had to leave, your orderly clarity habits with
>Ilraeth made us quite annoyed with each other, but not to
>the point of combat... You were comforting to Thyka when she
>was depressed or worried because of your calmness, and you
>always seemed to feel sorry that she was incapable of
>developing beyond the mindset of a twelve year old...

I wish I could've interacted more with you than I did. As Hekestrum, I always enjoyed trying to help you out of your 12-year old frame of mind. And at one time, I thought that I may have actually made some progress. I just wish my Isp would've held up. I had some large plans with your 'age-progression therapy' in store. If I had only remembered my password for Hekestrum he'd might've been able to keep you healthy a little longer. Ahh well. Our characters always seem to converge for one reason or another, so I'm certain we'll come in contact again.

-Temp, Hekestrum...take your pick.>;)
4873, tough decisey...
Posted by agh... on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nevah known Heke-whatsis, but if he/she's anything like Temp, then i can make a reasonable assumption here... but hell. Whas the point of choosing?