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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRienis
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=48480
48480, Rienis
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I did this time what I had intended with that last elf warrior of mine, whoever he was, daggers/maces with balance/striking. Worked damn good. Love striking. In a straight up fight there were only two people who really kicked my teeth in, post 44 anyways, Delakan and Cadbru. I'd like to think I would have done at least marginally better against Cadbru if I hadn't been misspelling his name as Cabdru and then smacked the wrong macro when I wasn't doing anything. Oh well. I unfortunately don't ever know what's going on in the game until I'm actually playing, so it kind of sucked having a pretty strong fort with only a few regular enemies. Occurred to me at some point that in the last year or two I've played more goodies than in the entire decade before that. Maybe I'm getting nicer in my old age. Probably not. Anywho, at 93 hours I think that's a record even for me, but after an assassination I didn't really have enough desire to play the character to rearm. I think that's my fun meter, if regearing is more work than you feel like putting into a character, time to move on. Time to move on to things that I actually should be doing at that.
48573, Why the hell didn't you fight me for your sword of Tcar?
Posted by Klahach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Would have been a straight up fight, no help called in by me, but you chose not to come without lifeshield/sanc, despite tearing me apart in our previous fight.
48574, RE: Why the hell didn't you fight me for your sword of Tcar?
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Truthfully, I don't recall. I remember seeing you over at like the altar or something and was going to run at you, but I went and did something else, and what that was who knows. Wish I could say there was a good reason, but I don't know what it was so couldn't say if it was good or not. I can say it wasn't lack of lifeshield/sanc as you so nicely presume though. I really hate when people act like they know why people do things, or don't do them.
48507, 2-days war.
Posted by Vens. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First day: 
- you killed me alone - impressive :)
- you killed me with kavan and full looted me.

Next day:
- i assassinate and full loot you - you complain about full
looting :)
- i kill you.
- you delete.
48509, RE: 2-days war.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not particularly accurate. One, it was more than two days, and
there were a whole lot more fights than that. Two, it wasn't
that impressive, barring assassination I expect to beat an
assassin with the combination I had. Three, I never full
looted you, I generally reserve that for people who deserve to
be (in my mind). Not to mention I was an elf, I can't carry
much. Although if what I heard was true, then yes, I think you
did deserve to be. Lastly, my comment to you was pretty much
saying that, not to say oh you suck gimme my loot back. Don't
slap yourself on the back over this, it really isn't about

Oh, but thanks for the reply. Really.
48500, You crack me up. It IS Cabdru. Not Cadbru. HAH! NT
Posted by Ulzammon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
48502, RE: You crack me up. It IS Cabdru. Not Cadbru. HAH! NT
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, well you get the idea.
48496, Bastard Karel...
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really thought you were Cabdru. Hes a nice evil...

There goes my bet with myself.

48499, RE: Bastard Karel...
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nope, not me. So how much did you lose? And who do you pay if it's with yourself? I'm thinking me.
48491, Good to know you, if even for a short time
Posted by Chokiare on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed our sparring and our little visit to hell. Wish you all the luck in the future.
48498, RE: Good to know you, if even for a short time
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My pleasure, although that had to be about the shortest trip I've ever had, even counting solo ones =P
48489, You were tough
Posted by Kharghurln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, elf dagger spec, I'm thinking easy kill.

Wrong. Good thing is I learned something new from that death!

If you want to not be bored, join the Empire.
48497, RE: You were tough
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I bet a lot of people were thinking that, but elves can be nasty little bastards if you play them right. Sorry about you getting stripped after that, was standing there for awhile waiting for you to get back and waiting for that thief to show up at the same time. I'm sure you'll bounce right back though, you seem pretty solid. I remember I came to Kiadana when you were there with that healer and warrior and afterwards you told me it was an interesting fight to watch and looked forward to fighting me yourself. So wanted to ask if you still enjoyed it after our fights, but that would have been a bit prickish even of me =P

You know, pre- all these goodies I've been playing, there was a decades worth of pretty much only shadow/empire/scion characters with a handful of oddballs thrown in. If I had known how things stood before rolling I might have went evil instead, and now who knows. You always have the up and coming, but some of them delete before they hit hero, and the people at hero start to delete or die off. It's just hard to predict which side is going to stay on the bottom for awhile.
48488, I knew it had to be you:
Posted by Adhelard1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because no one else can rank that fast. Too bad you got bored, good luck with the next.
48495, RE: I knew it had to be you:
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
People do it quite often I think, and this one was slow for me too. Think I heroed somewhere around 60 hours. Usually much closer to 40. Except for those invokers.
48486, Die in a fire, dammmit
Posted by Enniallien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
or stay with your heroes for more than 10 hours! ARRRGH!

Isn't re-arming for five hours a lot less boring than ranking for 50 hours? I know it is for me. Jeez...

Yeah, I will admit it is kind of boring in the hero range, but just under the hero range last I checked there were fifteen bazillion evils at around 36. Hopefully at least some of them will hit hero. Heh. I don't mind having a sparse range, it gives me time to explore and RP. I hate it much more when I'm the only fortie on and there's no one to talk with.

Thanks for showing me around those some more obscure areas and the various hints for random stuff. I don't think I did too badly in PK, but you probably noticed I wasn't the most experienced with transmuters or mage characters in general. Most of my previous characters were melee-based and very much prepless.

And by the way, I checked. You are *not* the meaning of life. Sorry.
48494, RE: Die in a fire, dammmit
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is so inaccurate. I was at hero at least like 30 hours. Actually, re-arming for 5 minutes is more boring to me than ranking for 50 hours. I don't know why, just is. It's why I pretty much only delete at hero, when I've run out of things to do. You're welcome for the help, I try not to just give #### away, but not be a complete #### either. I think you'll do fine eventually, you just need to get your teeth kicked in a few times to figure out what works and what doesn't. Like what I was telling you about your choice of protection, you would have found that out eventually, I hope. Keep at it.

P.S. Check again.
48485, Well, this is definitely unfortunate.
Posted by Kavan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were such a young character man. I enjoyed having you around even if you did steal all my kills :P. Sorry it took longer than usual to induct. We're sorta trying to get some quality instead of quantity going on in the fortress(which seems to be the norm). Is it the right way to go about things? I dunno, but it seems to be working out alright. You were a hoss from what I could see, and it was nice having someone around that could handle pretty much anything thown at them. I dunno if you knew this, but you already had notes from other full maran suggesting that we petition to have you full fledged. You shoulda stuck it out, you'd have been nasty with lightforge weapons.

Shame you deleted.
Good luck with the next.

48493, RE: Well, this is definitely unfortunate.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It didn't take all that long really. I'm off two minds on the quality vs quantity thing, both pretty much have to do with newbs. On one hand, without the quality you just have people getting slaughtered left and right, which sucks. On the other, it does kind of stop most newbs from having the opportunity to experience cabal life which is a shame.

Cranial was an unfortunate result of my unwillingness to go out and just spam practice. The only way things go up for me are through ranking, PK and level gains. My trip skill was pretty abyssmal too. I did spam practice dash while I was waiting for a retrieval, but that's about it.

Anywho, I liked your character and all that jazz, keep it up.