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Topic subjectGreddarh has been deleted. Sorry I just gave up.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=47740
47740, Greddarh has been deleted. Sorry I just gave up.
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Last death was more than I could handle. I decided to play couple of hours at my work,after I did all the work though, but my boss selected wrong time to come up to my comp and tell me that playing during working day is bad. So when I switched back to my mud client three marans were already killing me and I was not lucky to get away from tiger.

So few goodbyes.
To Imms:
Sorry but seems I ####ed up all quests you were trying to take me in. So I think you were too kind with me .. giving all these titles and other nice staff. That was my first try to role play and I hope it was partly succesful.

I will write more later or you can just write and I will answer.
47790, Sheesh!
Posted by Gorrnar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You were dam strong man.
No matter where i was in thera you managed to find me.
That was just plain insane. I was out of ideas as to what to do to you. Everytime i would try something different for starts and just end up thirsting in hopes. You were were welll played. A good fire ap with barrier is def'n the rager bane. DAMN YOU for killing me three times in that one session. THANK YOU for not being a cheap B***** and full looting. I was surprised that you would rarely touch any of my stuff. RESPECTS for your Greddarh tells you 'come, i wait over your things'

Gorrnar Porrnar Hacken
47788, Damn fine job
Posted by Reir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember my first encounter with you (Artageia and me defending vs you) and was highly impressed by how easily you took both of us out..then said to myself I had to beat you solo one day. :P

You were a Beast and many feared when you were about that's for sure. Even with two or more of us, we had to be cautious raiding against you. Damn well played I must say..lots of guts and equal intelligence to match. Definitely a huge loss for Chasm with your deletion. Luck with your next!
47787, Damn Fine Job
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Savvy player behind a Fire AP is a tough thing to beat. Despoil, decent axe and wands Uuurggh! Trying to wittle through 1500+ hp with no reliable way to lag was just monstrous.
Didn't catch too much of your RP, but all round I think an AP that will be remembered for a while.
47782, hummph, I wish you stuck around.
Posted by Kragathian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you were a good fight. but I wish i had more shots at you alone.
31 hp that time you slut hahaha good fun man you had balls but were careful and that is what made you deadly. good luck in the fields ;)
47784, You are tough rager
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And really smart one.. that made you more dangerous. I think you are the first one who realised what spec skill you should always throw agains AP but shhhhhhhhh!! Do not tell it to anyone :). I wish you good luck and I hope we will meet again as enemy. See you on fields.
47769, PBF's taken care of. - NT
Posted by Nobody special on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47770, Thanks a lot. n/t
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47765, Phew
Posted by Lerimos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh man how I hated Greddarh (in the good way). An extremely powerful competent AP is always a dangerous thing and well. Iceball is just a great spell when fighting groups of people. Anyway you presense will be missed. Good luck with the the next
47771, I liked you too
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember time when you and one more rager almost got me. And of course I hate your stun thing :) You are solid rager but your race/spec does not have much chances agains AP. Good luck.
47763, RE: Greddarh has been deleted. Sorry I just gave up.
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While you didn't address me in your brevit departure, I think I will toss a couple of thoughts your way. Greddarh was a monster, in a good Scion way. You mostly fought alone and against odds, I respect that. Your rp was a good part of your entire package, and overall, I could not wish for a better Scion and follower. You were not demanding, but let the immteraction come to you (from my part) and reacted well and IC everytime we met. Good job and luck with the future characters.
47764, I was trying to write something to you during all that day
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but I do not have words to describe how much I liked you. You were first and only love of Greddarh :). I was going to kill Cabdru (I do not have much chances though) to improve your influence in the Fold. But seems scroll with aeristaele was removed or changed its location.

Anyway from the first interaction with you till the last breath Greddarh felt your laught somewhere near. :) I had strong feeling that you were trying to help me in rp things when I was not sure what to tell :) Thanks a lot, I've learned more than I could dream about rp.

One more thing. Our last conversation(you told me to bring terror) forced me to think how I should change my role.. and damn I wrote it in my notepad couple days ago but did not add it :(

About your tattoo. It is not for powergamers but seems to be perfect for creating atmosphere for your follower.. follower of mad(kind of) Mistress. Especialy thing that sets movements = 0 :)

Do you like any of my poems? :) I am not poet even if I try to write it in my native language.
47766, I can confirm this.
Posted by Eclipse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"But seems scroll with aeristaele was removed"

Changed, it looks like, some time ago. At least my poisoner thief couldn't get it because I tried right after Yanacek's reign.

Great char by the way.
47768, RE: I was trying to write something to you during all that day
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your works were much better than many English native-speakers. To give you an idea, though I have a number of languages at my disposal, I appreciate your use of English. You have every reason to express pride in your ability.
47774, RE: I was trying to write something to you during all that day
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>To give you an idea, though I have a number
>of languages at my disposal, I appreciate your use of English.

I thought that is it so after I found one thing at your forum:
>Long have I slept, waiting for a time when I would rise from my >cr*****รจ*******che.
47772, RE: I was trying to write something to you during all that day
Posted by Cabdru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>but I do not have words to describe how much I liked you. You
>were first and only love of Greddarh :). I was going to kill
>Cabdru (I do not have much chances though) to improve your
>influence in the Fold. But seems scroll with aeristaele was
>removed or changed its location.

I had a feeling you were going to make a move at some point. What was the rest of the plan?

We didn't keep the same hours but it was obvious that Greddarh was a force to be reckoned with.
47773, Well
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not like the idea of ganging you. So I had plan that could work. I was going to come to you under all preps and recite scroll with aeristaele, blind and deafen you after that. Most likely your trustcabal is on :) and there was chance that you will not understand fast enough what is going on. You would have just 2 battle rounds to understand that you under aeristaele and teleport before I attack you.
47761, hmmm, irreparable loss
Posted by Arkaon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have mixed up with greddarh a bit and tried to track you a lot :) even before you were a hero, if i remember correctly, with other characters from the other side of the fence. You gave me quite a shock cause fire giants tended to give me no trouble and hence i had underestimated you hehe.
I saw a definite difference in the greddarh back then and when i was with you, you were... scary. wish we could have done more. Excellent work.
47751, Bah
Posted by Muuloc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its like players don't like being made the focus of a lot of immteractions and quests.

Everytime I get someone on a path towards some serious questiness and the potential rewards that entail(I don't if I could have gotten my idea coded for you, but you would have loved it if I did), they delete. Try writing a story where right before every climax, the protagonist commits suicide.

It sucks.

Otherwise good show. I'm glad you stuck it out past the first axe destruction. What I saw of your roleplay was solid. You started a new flood of fire a-ps.

47753, Hey now that ain't true
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We do like the whole immteraction, at least I do. As far as
the questy stuff I'm kinda partial to it because every single
one I've ever got involved in turns out to be a Carrionfield-ized
easter egg hunt style item search and I'm not a big explorer
and I don't know anybody else that plays to give me hints as to
things. I always found it funny that my character, the dark,
hunky Chancellor of the dreaded Eternal Night gets shown up about
item knowledge in area explores from a new inductee with a title
like "the Necromancer" or "the Complete Bastard."

Ya'll won't catch me bitching about the rewards my character got
because I liked it/them, but the questy stuff always chapped my

- Runaktla
47754, I'm with you there brother.
Posted by Aiekooso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll add that a lot of times you complete part one. At least you think you completed part one. Then nothing will happen for weeks. That was always frustrating to me, since when I play characters I average 4-5 hours almost every day.
47755, Hehe
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> Its like players don't like being made the focus of a lot of immteractions and quests.

That's because scion quests are like a never ending soap opera and nothing comes out of it. }(

Also, it is funny how many times immortals tell players that they are deleted just before their big reward was ready.
It is not aimed at you personally it is more just a yell from the crowd to all imms. If you have something in a pocket get it done already ! :)
47760, I am really sorry
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have no excuses but #### happens.

I really big thanks for taking me in all these Scions quests. I did not expect it with my knowledge in English. And you as Scion Imm are really cool and Greddarh always shivers when he saw you around :)

I would like to try follower of you if I find your shrine. Though not as AP but something else so I will not delete
47750, RE: Greddarh has been deleted. Sorry I just gave up.
Posted by Farign on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what can I say, in every interaction I had with you, you were very well played. I like to say that a good movie is one where you don't stop to think that you are watching a movie, the same can be true of a character in Carrion. You were a character where I didn't even have to stop and think, jeez this guy is playing a good AP, you just came off as a fire AP. You were a bad motha, and often I didn't know what I could do against you as a shield paladin, especially with that new skill that AP's appearently have that overrides angels wing and flank attack, but you were still a bad dude.

Oh, it was very hard to tell from what I saw that your mind was not there when we killed you, because you kept wimpying and the tiger pounced you like 6 times.
47748, Playing from the work is bad, my young padavan. n/t
Posted by Obi Van Kanobi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47759, Yep that was bad idea :) n/t
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47744, Sorry I deleted like a punk on you man.
Posted by Ulzammon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I knew your playtimes we very different from my usual times.

I hope you didn't delete over a lack of fruition of the questy stuff we had.

You were a beast, and I look forward to your next. If it's as buff as Faltarn or this one, I'll be happy to be on your side again.
47758, Anyway I liked you
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you remember that time when we fought with marans at imperial lands? You did great. I will try to find that log. It was always nice to see you around and hear how you call me Lord ;). And I was really upset when I saw some unnecessary deaths of you.

See you. I hope we will be on one side again :)