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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Artisle the Blooded Seeker, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=47393
47393, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Artisle the Blooded Seeker, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Apr 12 21:45:53 2006

At 7 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 33rd of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Artisle perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
47404, Tribunal: Interesting...but extremely boring.
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I say, another character that I blew out in under 150 hours because its just not holding enough fun for me. The only redeeming thing about this that kept me going longer was all the paladins I was fighting. The bad part about that is that I didn't really want to do that, I wanted to fight the Outlanders. For some reason I like to make chars that totally oppose my last char. Well, if that char didn't come out the way I wanted. So...I rolled Artisle to kill Outlanders, and I think I did a good job of that.

As for Tribunal vs Outlander raiding:
Tribs - Easy, I could do it solo with many a character, including warriors.

Outlanders - Its a darn hard place to raid. Insects, entangle, spike growth, thornheart, spores. I would often leave the place with no movement, but couldn't teleport or recall becasue of insects. I died once while raiding there because I got bearcharged five times in a row and was unable to flee. I lost a great set I had because of it, and this was after taking down Erisen without a lot of backup. I was rather annoyed. Sorry, game balance...not really there when it comes to inners.

Some goodbyes:

Khasotholas - It was fun, I just wish you had seen the four more priests I had killed after we talked. I think I still would have deleted though, so its probably good that you didn't bless me with a tat. I wish I had heard more from you, but you seem busier than you used to be.

Dalteric - You were great when we interacted, but Tribunal definately needs some more Imm loving. Thanks for the Vindi spot, I hope I make it into the case.

Caroolth: Have to start here with my horribly speaking buddy. Khas wanted me to take you down, and I think that kinda hurt me a bit ooc. IC I wanted to minimize you in some ways and maximize myself. You are a good leader for Tribunal and you don't give up. I admired that with Crugald and I liked it with Artisle as well. I knew when you came around we would have fun because you didn't worry about going to the tree without knowing who was about.

Thmauddhot: Liked you a lot because you kept my butt alive. It is always fun to have a heale rbacking you up, and to have one of the same faith is even better. I'm not sure why you aren't empowered further, but hopefully you are now. I really appreciated all those times you kept me going in those huge fights. That last time with four paladins, aeria and morasfenmire was definately a highlight of my time as Artisle, thanks to you.

Kagliostrum: Loved this guy a lot, could tell you are really new to the game, but man did you try your best. You also followed the laws well, imo, and did your best to get involved. I do suggest making time to explore more. I'm glad I could show you some things.

Furoll: Seemed to knwo the game alright, but seemed new to shifters. If you get yourself a reliable barrier source, you will be hard to stop.

Zhalindra: I enjoyed any time we spent together. You know the game, maybe a little too well. :)

Zerael: I really enjoy your rp and speaking, I think you have something good going there. Try and avoid the "perma" that people hint at, because take it from me, getting pulled to ROTD isn't a fun thing to keep a char going.

Any other tribs - please post and I'll get back to you. I know I'm forgetting some.


Morasfenmire: I think we ended up fairly even in the kill count category. I got you a few times, and you got me a few times. Shark is definately a nice form.

Aeria: I had hoped to show you a thing or two about getting beaten up. Nothing against your char, but I just wanted to beat you up with a character. You seemed almsot invincible.

Raen: You never gave up, thats about all I could say. Keep trucking.

Mhardat: Attack...flee...wither...flee. You weren't any fun to fight because thats all you seemed to do, you didn't stick around much for our fights. You were my first Vindi kill though, and I was darn proud about that. I also should have killed off that stupid svirf as well, but oh well. I can't even remember his name.

Nreisshe: Well...my thoughts about you with Crugald and now with Artisle really haven't changed much. We fought once...and only because I brought it to you. You kicked the crap out of me, but I was withered and without my bardiche. One of the "only" times I wish I had taken Fist of the Titans with this char. Seriously, Morasfenmire is right too...you are guarding your set a bit much. I will give you that you are an uber killer though...but dang, show some guts.

Alenysi: Grats on imming, i didn't see you as a strong opponent, but as a good rper.

Kipli: Damn those immolations...you got me once with it.

Keirnamoltix: You tried hard, great job. Same as my comments for Furoll. Find barrier...be mean!


Grunlath: "We are not friends Artisle, I am the Emperor" I thought that was funny, of course, I said to all the tribunals that you were Emperor over what...a few square miles, and I had control over four cities. :)

As for other Imperials, not much else to say. We had some good times, and we had a few fights because of some random person I was ranking with. I kinda wished Grunlath had started something against us, as there were some of you who needed a good beatdown.


Kragathian?: I think you had a good rp..sorta..but you talked trash and challenged a warrior a bit too much. I realize things might have been slow for you, but honestly, try picking fights with mages.

Ysal: Grats on Imming...you have a good roleplay. I was really disappointed though with how buddy buddy you guys were with the fort. Especially when you attacked me four to one in their cabal. Hey...you can write it off as being a groupmate...or being at war (not sure how there) but I don't see it the same way. I saw major lack of courage, and coddling a damn Paladin.

Oh well, make comments as you will and write back to me. I'd appreciate anything people want to say and I'll try and respond.

Aaron aka Minyar
47405, RE: Tribunal: Interesting...but extremely boring.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, game balance...not really there when
>it comes to inners.

Balance is determined by the affects of not having your item, not the actions of your inner. In this case, it is very well balanced.
47407, Maybe
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No offense Lyristeon, but I've played a lot of Outlanders, and one Trib...and I can say as an Outlander, if you knew what you were doing, the dangers of the city are minimal compared to that of the wilds. Granted, it can be hard being wanted and not having the fetish, but my point was about the Inner guardians. I'm not saying that the Spirit is too tough, but that the Executioner isn't tough enough. The spirit can do many things, all the executioner does is call guards. maybe he should put shackles on people hitting him? See what I'm saying?
47411, RE: Maybe
Posted by Mhardat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a current outlander, I can't resist it. Try to raid it alone or with another outy. When you are wanted. And see what will happen. 10-15 special guards - not funny. Trust me. And as DEAR Nepenthe did a change...They are strong enough. Plus, think about healing under Inner. It's a bid advantage in a raid situation.
47414, Yes...and no
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, it can be hard to raid Tribunal if there are people to oppose you. As for raiding though, my comments were more directed at times when there were plenty of you..and i wanted a good fight, and didn't get it.

As for you, come on man, Shamans have huge advantages raiding against practically anyone. Summon/Blind. Hell, there might be 15 guards, but you sure can blind them and flee and come back. I did it with Crugald plenty of times.
47412, RE: Maybe
Posted by Mhardat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a current outlander, I can't resist it. Try to raid it alone or with another outy. When you are wanted. And see what will happen. 10-15 special guards - not funny. Trust me. And as DEAR Nepenthe did a change...They are strong enough. Plus, think about healing under Inner. It's a bid advantage in a raid situation.
47419, Basically:
Posted by Balrahd. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ignoring class skills:

Outlander is tougher to raid when:
1. There are no opposing cabal members on, in or out of range.

Tribunal is tougher to raid when:
1. There is an out-of-range opposing cabal member on.
2. Both sides have a decent sized group.

Otherwise, I can see them being fairly even. What I'm getting at is that the combination of manacles + the "T" setup make raiding Tribunal very dangerous, particularly when there are out-of-range enemies. In fact, I see group v. group fighting at the Executioner turning into bloodbaths for the raiders - so they rarely happen, if at all. However, manacles + the "T" set up can only be fully exploited when there is an out-of-range Tribunal logged on (or multiple enemies). When there are no Tribunals logged in, at all, then yes, I can see Outlander being tougher to raid.

If the Executioner were tougher, then IMHO the "T" set up would have to be removed to make fleeing more effective.

Would you agree with that?
47422, I agree
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i agree about the T. It did get me once or twice with some outlander I played. It depends on which outlander is out of range. that empathy can be really harmful as a youngster, especially trying to get the scales or whatever back. Trepidation doesn't do much, but bioempathy sure can. I still think though, if I can't raid alone without opposition, thats pretty rough. The insects are probably the worse part. You can't rest, can't recall, can't teleport...thats pretty rough, I can see why they took it away as a power. :)
47436, Trepidation doesn't do much?
Posted by Kenshin_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are definitely smoking crack. Couple trepidation with entangle or hamstring, or something that can further prevent you from running, and you are completely screwed. It saps movements by about three or four times the normal amount, if not more. It can be a very dangerous skill, quite deathful if used properly.

Consider that the inner also uses trepidation with multiple entangles, insects, spores, thorns, etc. You can almost be certain you aren't walking out of those woods very easily, if at all. And you'd better damn hope there isn't a ranger waiting nearby with a snare or waylay.

Trepidation can also be used out-of-range. It can be very effective against lower level retriever's, possibly coupled with bioempathy. Just my two cents towards disagreeing that trepidation doesn't do much.
47449, In my experiences
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Trepidation has never scared me, I'm not sure it does as much as you say. Now, I agree, entangle and everything else is scary. As for being a lowbie, bioempathy is worse imo, as there aren't generally too many low outlanders. (generally)
47473, Watching this post for responses and...
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...all of the above posts show the pros and cons to the inners of both cabals. Nobody is really agreeing or disagreeing with each others points. That means there is a good balance.
47474, RE: Watching this post for responses and...
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not disagreeing about the balance, I'd actually say it's pretty good, but this part:

That means there is a good balance.

I do. A lack of agreement and disagreement really doesn't mean everything is all good, just that no one is arguing.
47431, Cabals are all to easy
Posted by Someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Taking a cabal item should be more of an epic task. I think cabal HQ's shoud be about 10 times bigger with a lot more to do in order to take them. There should be more of a ward for taking it, but also more of a risk. Also, it should be easy to retake. I think that would solve a lot of the swings we have.
47432, Quite the opposite.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Taking a cabal item should be more of an epic task. I think cabal HQ's shoud be about 10 times bigger with a lot more to do in order to take them. There should be more of a ward for taking it, but also more of a risk. Also, it should be easy to retake. I think that would solve a lot of the swings we have.

If we did that, the only time you'd see a raid is when overwhelming force was available.

47406, RE: Tribunal: Interesting...but extremely boring.
Posted by Ugh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, damn...I had rather hoped you would be about more, not less. Been rather busy here what with a project wrapping up, but I'll be back into the fray soon enough...

It was always fun having you there, you were competent, not afraid of taking risks. All in all, very sad to see you go :P
47409, Who is...Ugh?
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sure who is writing this, so I'm not sure how to respond.
47416, RE: Who is...Ugh?
Posted by Caroolth is Ugh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dumb me for putting that in the name.
47423, Part of the reason I went tribunal
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw you on a lot, and I liked you, which is part of why i started to make a trib. Then, after I get in, you kinda start disappearing. I really appreciated the trust you had in me, and how quickly you helped me elevate within the spire. I tried to help you bring Tribunal back into some kind of power. You have done a great job, imo. Not the deadliest Provost, but one of the best all around.

Except for that speech!

47424, RE: Part of the reason I went tribunal
Posted by Caroolth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe...like I said, it was just bad timing...went from a very quiet time to a very busy time in the project, so my playing times took a nose-dive...it's calming down a bit, so hopefully have more time to be on, torturing poor applicants with mino-speech ;)
47408, My dear Minyar
Posted by Mhardat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will try to be calm as much as I can. But why I should to repeat it again and again?

1. Every time I summoned you out of your guards, you just fled .

2. There was one time you fought on odds (2vs1), and it was your last time (That I saw) - in silverwood. Think about it. And yes, Alensi killed us :) We were waiting a healing from her, but she decided to sleep a bit. :P I decided to push my chances as well in that fight. Just to keep you longer in it. And it worked. :)

3. Wither flee..You are not fair my little friend. We had many battles. And I fled only when I was hurt enough. But you also were trying to save your set. And fleeing in gushing from a single newbie rot/wither happy shaman - smells bad. Especialy for Vindicator.

4. I am sure that Nightreaver will say his word, but again, try to play a ranger then blame everyone for not fighting vindicator pole spec.

All in all, not a bad char. Cya.

47413, all in all
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We all bring our own misconceptions. I will agree that we had many fights, and different things happened. Hell yes I'm going to flee and bring my guards with me. Are you going to not "call a beast" on me when in the wilds? Or should I not use my cabal skills against you? I never fled because of rot/wither, unless it was more than just you. The reason I chose hands was becasue I didn't want to have the need for Fist of the Titans. Felar str is low, as we all know, so I expected withers and bleeding and what not to drop the pole. The truth is, neither of us was going to easily land the kill on one another. We both tried our own "underhanded" things to try and mix it up and get the edge. Did I not come after you outside of town?

As for Nreisshe, yes, let her say her piece, I'm just not impressed. I've played rangers who fought in cities when they wanted to, and I've seen others do it and do a damn good job with it. Yes, I agree, you stayed around to fight until you were hurt, of course...you are a shaman with aura and healing power, why wouldn't you?

As for fleeign at gushing...you don't know all the circumstances of every fight, just as I don't know yours.

As for odds, I fought them plenty...you just aren't around as much at my playing times.

Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Mhardat... I just was always frustrated fighting you, as all shamans frustrate people. :) Thats what they do best.
47415, One other quick thing.
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess in my comments about you I didn't make what I meant clear. Oftne I would attack you...you would flee, wither me, then I'd flee to reprep, change things up...

That is actually what I meant, it wasn't meant to say all you did was flee.
47418, Your city rangers
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>As for Nreisshe, yes, let her say her piece, I'm just not
>impressed. I've played rangers who fought in cities when they
>wanted to, and I've seen others do it and do a damn good job
>with it. Yes, I agree, you stayed around to fight until you
>were hurt, of course...you are a shaman with aura and healing
>power, why wouldn't you?

Can you name these city-going rangers of yours, especially those with their PBF's published? I'd like to see how well you did with them.
47421, Not so much me
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought recently there was a felar ranger who did very well even in the cities...I think it was one of Krilcov's chars. As for mine, its been a long time since I've played one, I think pre-pbf. I can't even remeber names, but I thought ranger changes for the most part were also in pre-pbf, and I have played some since then. I think Rangers need tweaking, don't get me wrong. I don't think they should only be "truly" effective in the woods.
47429, My homey Yetesip. Deleted. Was Tarseti as well.
Posted by Ulzammon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You really suck for deleting Yetesip. You know Scar was on the other day, right?

47434, That was me...txt
Posted by Shamanman lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rangers can do well in the cities/on the road. They just have to choose their fights...once I got into hero range I didnt show this..but befor I was in hero range I beat down many a foe who thought that the cities were safe.
47442, Tjok did it too.
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd stand next to him as he hasted and shielded and we went in. The things he got were fairly common. Just staves.

47466, Hello? Anybody home?
Posted by LazyDrekten on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As for Nreisshe, yes, let her say her piece, I'm just not impressed. I've played rangers who fought in cities when they wanted to, and I've seen others do it and do a damn good job with it.

I've seen Nreisshe fight in cities and whip just as much as she she does everywhere else. Its not cities that stopped her from beating you around like she does everyone else, its thats you were a VINDICATOR POLESPEC. HELLO? Could there be any WORSE Of matchup for a wanted ranger? I don't think so.

Again. VINDICATOR POLESPEC, thank you.

47467, We've been over it..thanks. nt
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47417, RE: Tribunal: Interesting...but extremely boring.
Posted by Nreisshe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, not everyone enjoys playing the same way: I don't enjoy charging people at a serious disadvantage and hoping I can still just overpower them. Rangers aren't too much about finesse and controlling your opponent, especially in cities; yes, there are rangers who have gone into cities and kicked ass, even I have fought a few people in a city and come out on top, but those people haven't been polespec vindicators. What could I do, dirt/disarm/serpentstrike you to death? I don't think I, as a stealth class, should be expected to go and give a fair fight just because my opponent doesn't come to my turf. And the one other time you did come when I was around (at least I think you were there) you came with 3 or 4 others, so I picked off the weakest link who wasn't you, not that it helped any and you still got away with the fetish.

And I don't really know what's with this infatuation with "my set" suddenly, all it is is a few numbers. Yes, I like those numbers, no, I played just the same way before I got any of it - and after losing a good part of it the first time. I don't play to kill people for the gear or to get a "fair fight" or for bragging rights how I killed Elite Mr. X using only a wet noodle, I play for the satisfaction of a plan (or lack thereof) coming together. I'm sorry my way is not entertaining for you because I really try not to be a jerk, but we can't all think alike.

Yes, call me a p...y if you want, I *was* slightly scared of you. :P
47420, Honestly...
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never saw you as a pansy, I just think you could be so much more. I tried to come in the woods a lot more than you would have seen. Its probably more of a case of not seeing you at the same times as I play. There were a few times where we held the fetish, you didn't have a warrant, and I still didn't see you even try...and I'm not sure how many of us were on, or how many of you were on. I just know, at the time, I was kinda surprised.

You do what you do well, I agree with that. I don't have any idea what your "set" looks like, I don't think I even ever looked at you as Crugald. I do know you hit me for ***demos in the woods on normal hits and I think I had stone skin up or something. I thought you kicked the crap out of me. :)

Keep up your way, I have a history of playing chars who charge in sometimes foolishly. So, who am I to talk about what a ranger should do.
47425, RE: Honestly...
Posted by Nreisshe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I suppose it was a playing time thing then, I can remember... seeing you about 4 times outside city, 2 of which were raids where I was alone against 4-5 people, and twice in the Grove, both of which I suppose you remember.

As for not retrieving, enh... 1 on 1, I just might have a chance in city, but the guards are always an issue when fighting at the Captain and they mess me up bad when I have no wilderness familiarity to rely on; add in people who can mess my str/dex or just plain outtank me and suddenly I'm little more than a punching bag. I remember once losing ~400 hp on the initial round to a pair of guards alone, this around level 48 so it's not like I was some wimpy lowbie either.

And to be fair, that time I got you... I cheated, it was the only time I've ever had a reliable haste prep at hand which I've not seen since (yay, I suck! And my prep spots suck too! And I'm lazy!) and my damage... well, it's not something I should discuss but let's just say it's not *gear* where the scariest part of it comes from.

And I promise, I'll try one of those suicidial types one of these days just so that I can say I did... it's just not gonna be this character! Maybe a dwarf...
47426, Well Done
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ysal: Grats on Imming...you have a good roleplay. I was really disappointed though with how buddy buddy you guys were with the fort. Especially when you attacked me four to one in their cabal. Hey...you can write it off as being a groupmate...or being at war (not sure how there) but I don't see it the same way. I saw major lack of courage, and coddling a damn Paladin.


Good character from what I interacted, definitely quickly got a sense of your character quickly, which is always a testiment to well played RP.
Really on the whole Battle/Fort were not all that buddy buddy. Now Ysal and some of the dwarves and boneyarsed elfs in the fort were on good terms. But believe me there were plenty times when battle would be smackin fort mages in the middle of raids. Causing several of the fort to be rather put out (oh I cried! How I cried....not)
That time you were smacked down in the fort, battle were fighting Imperials (and had chased the fort mage behind the watcher) when you came in and attacked the wanted villager. It was all over quickly at that point. I didn't even notice the paladin had jumped on till later. Anyway as you said sometime in raids....

Anyway...I feel your pain with the boredem that can come with tribunal. I think you did a good job as a Vindi, and as always look forward to what you bring us next.
47430, Was nice to see you on the times I was.
Posted by Ulzammon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It always helped to have another target for the masses.

47433, Thanks
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad I could be a target for you. I wish that one time I had been able to help you out more, but just as you got hit, I got hit.

keep going at it though.
47448, Artisle, the butt-kicking vindi
Posted by Raen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We fought a few times, it's all usually ended the same way - I'd camo after you bloodyshackle me. Got me a couple of times (I'd always forget about the nasty polearm and chargeset and would rush in with hamstring or artery... hurted a lot hehe). Never could go toe-to-toe with you. Impressive char pk-wise.
Goodluck with your next!

47450, My one complaint about your char...or maybe you.
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It has been a longstanding tradition of Arbiters and now Tribunals to take the weapons of fallen criminals. I would return to you whole sets of gear minus weapons and you would start whining about it. You gotta be ready for that if you come at me. I liked Raen, I like people who try even when it looks bleak. I tried to always reward that with gear back, but no weapons. I just wanted you to get that as constructive criticism, and also say that daggers and spears are for the most part, easy to come by. Now, light polearms...thats a harder one! :)
47455, RE: Tribunal: Interesting...but extremely boring.
Posted by Zhalindra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see you go, was nice to have you around since you didnt back down for a fight. OOC i liked you alot, IC you will know when i delete, good luck with next.
47458, RE: Tribunal: Interesting...but extremely boring.
Posted by Zerael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe, well I enjoyed Artisle. I could sense that you were a bit bored though. As far as the perma thing goes, well whatever. The imms can see it's not so and what the others say I frankly don't care about.
47463, Good...I think you have a good thing going.
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad to hear that, you seem to have a good thing going and you know whats going on with your RP.

47395, RIP
Posted by Thmauddhot on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gave me some excitment during some dull times. I especially enjoyed the Artisle vs the world fights, (with me tagging along to bless the corpses for Khasotholas)

It was fun. I regret not getting up there faster. More when I am gone. Take care.